Reviews for Battle of Light
Im Just Adam chapter 49 . 11/10/2019
Glad to hear you're doing well, still, Shadow. I've been a tad bit worried about you, and it's been a long while since we've been able to talk.

Improper dosages definitely can cause issues, I've been there and I'm sure a lot of others have. Sometimes they just aren't for everyone. It's all about finding the balance, the solution that's for you, specifically.

I look forward to seeing more from you. It'd be nice to talk and catch up after the years, too, should you wish to
Guest chapter 48 . 4/21/2019
Me: oh I haven’t read from this person in a really long time. Dang we used to be friends I think? God, I loved this story too . . . .

*goes to bottom A/N*

*sees the word “epilogue”*

g. Well I am a senior in high school now so that makes sense . . . .

(And I’m not logged in so you won’t know who I am :3 not that you’d remember me lol)

(I’ll reread this in the future and give you a proper last review XD)
Im Just Adam chapter 48 . 4/21/2019
I've been waiting a mighty long time for this epilogue, and I can safely say it left me satisfied. Bittersweet is the word I'd use for it, for sure. At least, through it all, he got a happy ending. Or at least, one he can be satisfied with.

Take your time on the next one. It'll come to you, and it'll be great, just like this one. I'll be waiting for it.

Good luck on your exams, and happy twentieth to you, too. It is good to see you again.
Vanitas50 chapter 48 . 4/20/2019
Happy Birthday _
Guest chapter 47 . 1/18/2019
I just read the entire thing in one night and I have to say I loved every minute of it, I just wish there was more. The only thing I want know is for Scarf Link to get punished somehow (I’m not saying I want him dead but I am saying I wanted Cia alive).

Anyway, fantastic story, especially when the Diety Mask was involved!
Jedi2020 chapter 47 . 11/18/2018
I just finished binge reading the story, and it has been a fun ride. I know I haven't been here for anywhere near as long as a lot of your readers, but I just wanted to say thank you for making a great story, and I hope things works out okay in your life. Take the time you need to feel happy about what you write, that's the best way to make sure we enjoy the story as well!
Dragoneon chapter 47 . 10/24/2018

I've been following your story for a very long time. Every once in a while I would check to see if there was an update, eager for more. I understand life gets in the way of many things we wish to accomplish and that's okay. Take your time. Do what you feel you must. Those who have followed you this far will continue to do so.
I can say with certainty this is the best fan fiction I've read to date and I applaud you for continuing it all the way through, seeing it to the end; no matter how long that takes.
And, when you come back to finish this ending in whatever manner you decide... I will be here... waiting for such a marvelous story to have a marvelous and rememberable end.
Thank you for the time you have devoted to this story. And thank you for not giving up on it.
I wish you the best!
Im Just Adam chapter 47 . 10/8/2018
Don't feel so bad about it. Don't rush yourself, or force yourself, into doing anything. You've done amazingly to come this far, and life hasn't always been easy for you, Julia.

It's a shame we've lost contact, but I sincerely hope things go well for you. Best of luck to you in your next ventures! Who knows, maybe I'll come check your next work, too, haha.

If you ever wanna chat, you know where to find me! (Right here, that is, I'm easily accessible).
ActuallyNonsense chapter 46 . 1/23/2018
This is amazing. (*Put this on a broken record soundtrack!) _
ActuallyNonsense chapter 33 . 1/23/2018
Uh, this is an AMAZING STORY. Do I get my prize now?
ultragreenyellow56 chapter 16 . 1/19/2018
My least favourite warrior to play as is Midna so I know how you feel...
ultragreenyellow56 chapter 13 . 1/19/2018
YAY Darunia has shown Up!
ultragreenyellow56 chapter 12 . 1/19/2018
This is very good, not sure if your still working on it but I will favourite it anyways
Twilight Tulip chapter 46 . 10/22/2017
Well, here we are, at the end, I guess... I cant believe you actually finished it. Im really happy for ya, Shadow. Im glad I stuck around long enough to see how much you and your story has grown. We haven't really been in contact for quite a while, but that's okay. Even if we never talk again, I understand, because I know you have problems to deal with. Ol' Twi understands ya, sis. Until next time.
Im Just Adam chapter 46 . 10/19/2017
Wow, you actually managed to finish it. I'm proud of you for sticking with it until the end. Or, the almost end, I guess...

Amazing what you've done. Seeing it grow, and flourish. Getting to know all sorts of cool people along the way, and improving as an author. I envy it, somewhat, but I suppose it shows you have a greater strength than I, for being able to finish (something that, with the new story I have started, I hope to amend).

The epilogues should be good. I do look forward to them. This was an interesting read, and I'm almost sad to see it go.

I hope I can follow you along in your next writing adventure. If you'll have me.
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