HI I just wanna say thank you for everything! You know, just in case you don't read the note at the end~ Anyways, beta'd by KappasRule
I own neither DGM nor Harry Potter
Soon, Allen finally made it back to headquarters. He admitted that after a whole year at Hogwarts, he missed his first home.
He unpacked his belongings, and went to report to Komui once more.
When he entered Komui's office, he saw that he was, in fact, sleeping. Allen sighed, but nevertheless approached Komui and whispered in his ear, "Lenalee's going to get married."
That did it. Komui jumped ten feet into the air. "NO! MY DEAREST LENALEE! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Allen sweat-dropped at this reaction.
Komui saw Allen, and calmed down. "Oh. Well, welcome home, Allen."
Allen smiled. "It's good to be back."
"How was the wizarding world?" Komui asked, regaining composure and glinting his glasses.
"Amazing." Allen said. "I might want to go back…. if I could."
Komui hummed. "Any news about innocence…?"
Allen hesitated. "Well, there's this…" He fumbled for the orb in his pocket and tossed it to Komui. Komui caught it, and raised an eyebrow at it.
"What is it?"
"It is a prophecy." Allen explained. "It had both my name and the Millenium Earl's name…"
Komui narrowed his eyes. "Oh."
"But I don't think just anyone can activate it. I think it has to be either me or him." Allen shrugged.
"Well then, activate it! Let's see what it does." Komui said, tossing the orb back to Allen.
Allen did, and it repeated the same prophecy from earlier on the train. "Well… that's interesting." Komui said. "I'll dwell on it."
"So, is there anything else?"
"Well then! Wonderful performance as always, Allen." Komui said. "Now, I believe you've got somewhere else to be."
"I do?"
"Allen! There you are."
Lenalee busted into the room, and dragged Allen right out. "Everyone's waiting for you! Boy, it's been so long." She rambled. "You're going to have to tell us all about the wizarding world. Lavi told us a lot, but you've experienced more."
Allen grinned. "Ok."
The next few hours were filled with him telling stories about things from the wizarding world after he ate mounds of Jerry's cooking.
Sure, he loved the food from Hogwarts, which was infinite. However, he missed Jerry's cooking.
Allen told them about the double-decker bus, he told them about the telephone-booth elevator which led to the Ministry. He told them about court, and of course he told them about Umbridge.
So many people were intrigued, they seemed to lean in to be able to listen to him better. All except for Kanda, of course, who decided to leave the kitchen earlier.
After all of that, Allen was able to finally retire. He wasn't aware of how exhausted he was once he hit the bed.
He truly missed the Black Order during his mission.
~Time skip…. Few months later~
Dear Allen,
You haven't been writing to us lately. Have my letters been reaching you? I understand your work might be keeping you busy. It's just that you stopped writing altogether. Did something happen? I hope everything is ok. Please respond if you are alive.
You're Friend,
Harry Potter
Dumbledore and Harry wandered the streets of London looking for hints of Horcruxes.
They were interrupted by a Japanese man, which Dumbledore immediately recognized. "Have you seen him?" He roughly asked, shoving a picture of a familiar white-haired boy with a pentacle-shaped scar.
Harry leaned over to see the picture and his eyes widened. "That's…Allen!"
"Yes, I know who he is." He snapped. "Have you seen him or not?"
"It's been a while, but, no Kanda. We haven't seen him." Dumbledore shook his head. "Has he gone missing?"
"Che." With that, he left.
"So sorry about his behavior…" His companion with strange looking glasses apologized. "W-wait! Kanda!" Soon, they were gone in the crowds.
Harry blinked. "What was that all about? Allen's missing?"
Dumbledore hummed. "It would seem that's the case. Unfortunately-"
"There's a clown." Harry said suddenly.
Dumbledore turned to where he was looking, and indeed, there was a clown juggling and balancing on a ball. "Indeed there is."
They continued to watch from a distance. They didn't know why, they just seemed…. Familiarized with him.
"Um…. Anyways…."
"Right. Let's go." Dumbledore held out his arm, and Harry grabbed it. Within a second, they disappeared from the crowd.
The End
A/N That took FOREVER but I planned that ending since the beginning. I know... it's a little shorter than other chapters I've written. Think of it as an extension of the last chapter :) But nevertheless... I hope you enjoyed this story and I hope you review!
A few facts: I started this story after watching the first season of D. Gray-Man. I hardly knew anything when I started this, and by the end of the story I am now caught up with all the manga. This story is also in two communities! Forsaken Destiny, Forsaken Fate and Long reads... ! Thanks for adding my story to those communities~
This will not be a series! Sorry!
However, I hope you look into my other stories! If you like this one then you should look into Saviors of Humanity (SNKxDGM)
Ending strong with a total of 84 favorites, 141 followers, and 108 reviews. I LOVE YOU GUYS! :D