Oh, whaat? Demanding me to update shockingly doesn't make me want to update! Funny how that works.
Anyway, this is a short chapter. I needed a bit of a filler. Once I get over this hurdle, the other chapters should run a bit more smoothly. I definitely know where I'm going to take this story now and I'm excited about it.
Space Address: E3 - Cookies
Challenges: Short Jog; Gryffindor MC; Hufflepuff MC; Phoenix and Basilisk (Y); The Real MC; Ethnic & Present; Creature People (Y); Old Shoes; Interesting Times; Themes & Things A (Learning);
Word Count: 1025
With all this new information, Harry was looking at the world with new eyes. Er… new new eyes. When Professor Binns talked about famous witches, Harry wondered if they were also demi-gods. He wondered if some kid was going to come in, think Harry was a monster, and try to kill him. Luckily, nobody except for Hermione seemed to notice his new features. Or if they did, they didn't say anything.
A few days after term began, parents sent in care packages. Forgotten items, baked goods, things like that. Last year, Harry made sure to have Hedwig bring him a magazine or newspaper so that he, too, could feel like someone cared enough to send him a gift.
Same as always, Errol crash landed into the eggs bearing packages for the Weasleys. This time, however, it was paired with several curses that made Harry spit out his pumpkin juice.
"You alright, mate?" Ron asked.
"Fine," he wheezed. If Mrs. Weasley knew what her owl was saying she would wash its beak out with soap.
Hedwig gracefully glided down and set a package in front of Harry.
"The barn sends their regards," she said. "I like the chewy bacon."
Harry gave her a piece and plucked the letter off the package.
Enclosed are some treats and a few items you left behind that I thought you would need. Do not hesitate to write me if you're having any problems or if it looks like someone is trying to test you for heroism. You are a boy, you should have time to be a boy. I have taken it upon myself to do research on Sirius Black for you as something doesn't quite add up. If you'd like, I can share my research with you over the holiday.
Eat your vegetables. Do your homework. If you have peer trouble, Cedric will look out for you.
Harry opened up the package and found a batch of treacle cookies. He plucked one out and took a bite. It was soft and melted in his mouth. Nestled in the bottom was a scarf, a few school supplies he was missing, and some socks. He felt emotion overwhelm him and on its own accord, a tear slid down his cheek and hit the table. Luckily, everyone was too absorbed in breakfast or care-packages to notice. He offered Ron and Hermione each a cookie.
"These are good," said Ron. "Where'd you get them?"
"Mrs. Diggory sent them to me," he said and glanced over at Cedric at the Hufflepuff table. He appeared to be listening to a story his friend was telling while he munched on what looked like little white lumps.
"Good morning, Harry," said Luna.
Her school robes were decorated with embroidered flowers, her stockings were mismatched, and she had two large radishes dangling from her ears.
"Morning, Luna," he said. "Nice socks."
"Thank you, I have another pair just like them." She sat down and snapped off a tree branch that grew out of the table. "English Oak."
"Did I do that?" he whispered.
"Perhaps. I'll write it down and we can test it another time. Wouldn't it be interesting if you could heal ruined land just by shedding a tear?"
"Sure, Luna. Interesting."
That actually was interesting, he just wasn't in the mood to explore his powers at the moment. He had potions class today as well as DADA. He had a feeling that Professor Lupin was going to be a good teacher, but he wasn't looking forward to dealing with Professor Snape. He was pretty sure if he found out about Harry's new abilities he'd try to dissect him or something.
That sounded like something he'd do.
"Drachma for your thoughts," said Luna.
"Just worried someone's going to notice this," he said, tapping his blue tinted glasses.
"The mist is doing its work," she assured him and patted his arm. "Besides, Auntie Bel will help you if anyone gives you a problem."
"In my experience, adults want to ignore troubled kids. Or flat out lie."
"Yes, but Auntie Bel isn't like that. I promise."
The clocktower bell tolled, signaling the end of breakfast and for everyone to get to class. Harry packed away his care package and stood up with Ron and Hermione.
"See you at lunch, Luna."
"See you at lunch, Harry."
Cedric passed by Harry and patted his arm.
"Hey, don't let Hermione participate in Defense today."
"Er… okay."
He nodded and hurried to catch up with his friends.
Potions was awful as usual. When Snape threatened to poison Neville's toad, Harry had considered looking over his glasses, but knew that would bring more trouble than the instant gratification was worth.
Then there was Defense Against the Dark Arts. There was no doubt that Professor Lupin knew what he was talking about, especially with how he handled the dementors. He even told them the spell and showed them the wandwork before introducing the creature, which was nice for a change.
Harry wished he had a camera when Neville put the Snape boggart in his grandmother's clothes. It was really fun seeing people turn their worst fears into something funny, though he noticed some people lingering to the back. He didn't blame them. Having your worst fear bared in front of everyone was a big risk.
Ron was still shuddering and scratching his arms after facing the massive spider and Hermione looked more apprehensive. Normally, Harry would have thought her worst fear would be receiving a failing grade, but he knew more about her now. It could be something much worse. One of the monsters that's haunted her for years.
The bouncing eyeball landed in front of her, but Harry quickly stepped in the way before it could read her.
The boggart froze and seemed to pulse with nervous energy before retreating back into the wardrobe without taking shape. Harry blinked and pushed his glasses up his nose. That was odd… He looked at Hermione who tapped her temple.
Ah… perhaps it knew what he was.
What other creatures would flee from him like this? And how long before someone else would notice?