Reviews for United we Stand
exaelalan chapter 71 . 7/28
Espero que las cosas mejoren para Cole
Guest chapter 71 . 7/27
I hope it doesn't devolve into a full blown civil war as that will shatter humanity completely even far more than the Covenant, Oni needs to get taken down. Perhaps they should find evidence of parangoski authorising Onis assassination of the UEG president
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27
Jinero chapter 2 . 7/27
First Chi Rho, the Covenant usurpation, and now the revelation of the Reapers?
Guest chapter 71 . 7/27
More pls
Jinero chapter 71 . 7/27
So the Reapers attacked humanity first before the Covenant?
thetyrant67 chapter 71 . 7/27
Shit, now I have very confused feelings about ONI.

On one hand, they're manipulative bastards.

On the other, they're manipulative bastards because they need a unified humanity that will fight the Reapers.
AyeJimmy123 chapter 71 . 7/27
RandoFox chapter 15 . 7/27
I hope humanity still ends up using forerunner technology instead of mass effect tech
Guest chapter 71 . 7/26
Nice chapter can’t wait for more.
cheese8077616 chapter 71 . 7/26
Nice to see Cole is still alive. Would’ve been depressed if he died.
D608 chapter 71 . 7/26
Nice to see the fallout of the battle like this, the ending scene of the chapter almost made me cry you brilliant buggar. A movie about admiral Cole, that would be sooo cool to see!

Awesome work!
The Prime Cronos chapter 71 . 7/26
I so very much hope Cole will survive Parangovsky,
If you continue the Oni feud /civilwar next chapter, could you maybe make a summary in a discussion to Show where tue lines are drawn in and against Support for Admiral Parangovsky, please.
That would help the coherence of the conflict a lot!
Guest chapter 71 . 7/25
Is it Reaper Tech!?
KyliaQuilor chapter 71 . 7/26
YAY! Cole is alive.

And I can't say I'm surprised that there's an ONI-Cerberus, or that Ackerson is involved. Makes perfect sense that UNSC would have found reaper tech, the damn litterbugs.

Fingers crossed that the war reaches some sort of permanent ceasefire as the bigger problem is faced.
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