Reviews for Squib
Jostanos chapter 34 . 2/5
Thank you for answering some of the questions that I had, my friend, I appreciate it. :)
You even covered some questions that I didn't even think about! :D

If there is going to be a sequel I wonder who may write it. Not me!
I'm mainly a reader, reviewer, and omake writer who may also be a helpful sounding board for writers should they require one. :)
salamander1328 chapter 34 . 2/5
Okay, I'm going to go re-read this whole story now and track Minerva, but could you answer this question? What exactly is a fwooper? Like I keep thinking about the bird, but clearly you're talking about in a different manner. Are you using it as a metaphor? If you could explain it to me, I'd be very grateful.

Thank you so much for this story! I really love it
MrsFH chapter 33 . 2/4
Loved the story right up until it ended with so many plot lines still hanging. Thanks for sharing your story.
Luiz4200 chapter 33 . 2/2
Will Severus and Lily marry? If so, which children will they have?

What became of the Marauders?
Marauderhater chapter 33 . 2/2
I noticed three science errors, and wasn't going to mention them until you challenged me.

1. While the Dalkon shield crisis did happen in the 1970s, you had Eileen being implanted while recovering from Sev's birth over a decade before they were released.

2. Miriam says hgh is extracted from blood. Before recombiant hgh was invented it had to be harvested from pituitary glands extracted from corpses. This failed to meet demand, and spread CJD.

3. Frank references Cellphones before they were available to consumers.
Thespianpoet chapter 33 . 2/2
I adore it! I'm sorry to say goodbye. But what a joyful road this was!
LambdaOfTheDead chapter 33 . 2/2
I have too many questions about the story (plus those you listed), especially how Lily and Sev became Flamel's apprentice.
But the story is beautiful as it is and I don't really care, so I favored it.

Thanks for writing.
Baghdaelf chapter 1 . 2/2
Really enjoyed this. Checked every morning for the update. Sad to see it is over! Would love to see some follow up stories!
JannaKalderash chapter 33 . 2/2
Well, I know that I didn’t spot it, whatever it is.

I hope you do a sequel soon, just so we can find out what happened to Albus, his partner, the Dark Lord, etc.
t42n24t2 chapter 33 . 2/2
I have throughly enjoyed your story. Thank you so much! I hope you write another one soon.
Jostanos chapter 33 . 2/2
Anything that I know about some of the topics that you've listed in your AN, Ninchih, I'll keep to myself and leave for the rest to wonder what it may be that I do know!

Did I spot any glitches in this chapter? No.
*rubs the back of his head sheepishly* Even if I had I probably had also forgotten about them because they were either minor enough to be forgettable, or the music that I am/was listening to at the time of this review was too catchy to really give a fig.
t42n24t2 chapter 32 . 2/1
Wow! It has hit the fan, and I love it! Squibs, come on back!
Guest chapter 32 . 2/1
You wrote that the DMLE is dealing with the dark lord and his followers. Just what have they (the followers) done at this point that isn't talk? Since Voldy has made horcruxes at this point, maybe they can arrest him for that. What about Dumbledore's cronies on the 'light' side which we know was not light at all?

No, the match Minvera tried to arrange between Lily and James was not a good match no matter how you try to look at it.
Jostanos chapter 32 . 2/1
Oh-ho-ho-ho I like what you did with this chapter, Nanchih, and the reveals were well worth the wait and aggravation.

"Aggravation? What aggravation?"
The aggravation of attempting to find all of the fwoopers and figuring out who were the pranksters!
Jostanos chapter 31 . 1/31

"The Sheikh don't like it when you rock the Casbah! Rock the Casbah!" a mysterious person sang as they left the area, and he vanished without a trace before the authorities could catch them.
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