Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha returned to the group just before dusk, the softness in the daiyoukai's face and the lack of bruises on Inuyasha's dumbfounding the travelers for a moment before they decided to keep their curiosity to themselves. If two of the most powerful demons on the planet wanted to get along who were they to question it? Inuyasha searched for Kagome's floral soap scent on the wind and saw her speaking with the tanuki matron. He slowly walked closer as she turned from the furred creature back to the group. "Kagome…"

"Aika-san has said we may stay in her den tonight," Kagome ignored her white-haired partner while she picked up her bow and collected Shippo in her arms. "It's just beyond the hills. She said her clan would be most honored to host the moon Kami and two sons of the West." Inuyasha startled at being included with his older brother. "Speaking of Serenity-sama…" he realized, searching for her scent.

Sesshoumaru had also noticed the absence of the small kami and tensed, his hand right hand curled into a claw as he searched the air.

"She said she wanted to stretch her legs," Miroku explained. "She went off into the woods about an hour ago."

"Alone?" Sesshoumaru demanded. They let his m-, a moon goddess wander off by herself? After she had just awoken?

"Did you see the way she purified Naruku's horde?" Sango asked incredulously. "I'm more worried about the forest than her."

"Hnn." Sesshoumaru began walking towards the forest, following Serenity's intangible scent. It vexed him still that he was unable to categorize her fragrance. He would have to investigate thoroughly in order to memorize all its nuances…

The band of travelers did not see the flash of red in the daiyoukai's eyes as he went to search for their new companion but Shippo could smell his intent on the wind. "I think Sesshoumaru-sama likes Serenity-sama." Kagome laughed and stroked her son's soft fur. "Leave them alone Shippo."

"He's got his work cut out for him," Sango added, slinging her hiraikotsu and following the line of tanuki's exiting the dumpling stand. Good lord, there were that many of them in that little shack?

"Lord Sesshoumaru is a Prince!" Cried Jaken indignantly. "A great and powerful youkai!"

"Yeah but she's…," Shippo paused, trying to describe the awe and power that rolled off the kami in waves. There was silence among the rest of the group as they too tried to come up with suitable terms for the woman, queen, goddess.

"Yeah," Inuyasha nodded, glancing at Kagome who walked a little ahead of him. He hoped she would let him talk to her tonight, apologize, explain.

"Serenity-sama won't be attracted to power," Kagome said firmly. "She has plenty of power."

Shippo turned that statement over in his mind. A mate had to offer something his intended didn't have the ability to obtain on her own. The Moon goddess had power, wealth, respect. She had her own den and could provide for herself. "What else can Sesshoumaru-sama offer then?" Asked Shippo. What else was needed?

Kagome looked down at her kit and smiled sadly. She glanced back over her shoulder at a certain hanyou before resolutely facing forward again. "Love."