Hello Everyone!

It's been a VERY long time since I've updated and for that I'm sorry. I had planned on updating at least once a week or at the most every two weeks but writers block interfered along with a computer crash, my mild clinical depression diagnosis, and the two jobs that I am currently busy with.

I will not, however, quit this story! I will be editing it since the last few chapters are the reason for my writers block and to meet the new "guidelines" that fanfiction has posted. I'll probably be posting it somewhere else as well with the lemony goodness included at a later date.

Now, I do have lots of other stories that have been floating around in my brain that I had to absolutely write down because they would just not leave me alone! One such story, I will be posting the first chapter in about an hour to gain a bit of perspective from the readers. I'm pretty confident in the first chapter but I want confirmation. It's a Twi/HP crossover, that will be somewhat AU because of the switch in time-lines. It will be a "What if" sort of story but I am trying to keep it believable and as close to the original cannon at least in the beginning which means a lot of background reading and research.

Updates will be slow going though as, like I said, have two jobs that for the most part are relatively boring but generally don't allow me to write peacefully or with access to my computer.

Thank you for those who favorited, reviewed, etc DDR and rest assured that it will be back and continue on!
