![]() Author has written 2 stories for Code Geass, Metal Gear, and Mass Effect. A little bit about myself: Gender: Male Personality: I’ve been described as a nice person to talk to. Logical whenever possible, though I get very emotional if I get overwhelmed. I’ve been told that I can get along with others well, and I’ll always try to give others respect. Favourite Colours: Blue and Red. Blue most of the time, but red can also be pretty good. Favourite Season: Fall time. Just wonderful to see the colours, and it has that nice temperature range without the snow/ice mush that comes along with spring. A few of my Likes: Daydreaming, video games, music, books of many different types, many forms of visual entertainment, writing, watching Youtube (especially MATN), spending time with family, bowling, and sketching, amongst other things. Some of my Favourite Songs: Piano Man by Billy Joel, Colors by FLOW, Cha-La-Head-Cha-La (Original or FLOW versions), Hikaru Nara by Goose House, Tank!, The Real Folk Blues and Gotta Knock a Little Harder by The Seatbelts, Twenty Years Ago, The Long Arm of the Law, Coward of the County, and The Gambler by Kenny Rogers, The Sound of Silence (both Simon and Garfunkle and Disturbed versions), We All Lift Together by Keith Power, every song from The Greatest Showman, the entirety of Persona 5’s Soundtrack, Human by Rag’n’Bone Man, Space Oddity by David Bowie, My Way by Frank Sinatra, This Will be the Day by Jeff Williams, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by the crew of Monty Python, many of the songs made by Miracle of Sound, Rainbow Connection by The Muppets, Don’t Stop Me Now and Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, Snoopy vs The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen, Clattanoia by OxT, The Hero! by JAM Project, the Stellaris Soundtrack, Dr. McCoy by S.P.O.C.K, A Cruel Angel’s Thesis by Yoko Takahashi, many of Skillet’s songs, Jump Up Superstar! by Nintendo, Blood Gultch Blues by Trocadero, Friend Like Me by Ne-Yo, Ordinary World (Hit House version), many Crush 40 songs, I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts, Halo 2 Mjolnir Mix by Steve Vai and the Halo 3 Warthog Run, Question by 3-E Utatan, and many other songs. Favourite TV Shows: Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Babylon 5, Original Scooby-Doo, Peanuts, Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda, Star Trek from TOS to Voyager, Battlestar Galactica 1978, Quincy M.E, Perry Mason, Hogan’s Heroes, Jake and the Fatman, M.A.S.H, Justice League Animated Series, Batman: The Animated Series, Yogi Bear and Friends, The Flintstones, Garfield, The Odd Couple, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Transformers Animated Series (Original Series), The Muppet Show, Winnie the Pooh, Ducktales, Looney Tunes, the Six-Million Dollar Man, Sherlock Holmes (Granada Series), Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Forensic Files, X-Files (original), Ghostbusters Animated Series, Rockford Files, and many others. Favourite Movies: The Hunt For Red October, Justice League Dark, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Apollo 13, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Terminator, Terminator 2, Aladdin, Into The Spiderverse, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Christopher Robin, James Bond, Beverly Hill Cop, Alien, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Back to the Future, The Last Starfighter, A Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Jurassic Park, X-Men, The Lego Movie, and many others. Favourite Anime I’ve Watched/Am Watching: Code Geass, JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure Dragon Ball Z, Hellsing Ultimate, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh, Soul Eater, One Punch Man, Death Note, Overlord, Pokemon (original series), Assassination Classroom, The Devil is a Part-Timer, Black Butler. Anime I Want to get to: Akira, Angel Beats, Baccano, Hellsing (original), Black Lagoon, Aldonah Zero, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Macross, Blue Exorcist, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, Gurren Lagann, The Seven Deadly Sins, Gintama, Hetalia, Space Dandy, Fate/Stay Night, Stein’s Gate, Arpeggio of Blue Steel, No Game No Life, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Ghost in the Shell, Psycho-Pass. Favourite Books: The Hunt For Red October, Sherlock Holmes, Ciaphas Cain Series (and many other 40k novels), Halo: The Fall of Reach, Halo: The Flood, Bioshock: Rapture, Atticus, Journey to the Center of the Earth, old Doctor Who books, Farenheit 451, Darksiders: The Abomination Vault, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and many others. Books I Plan to Read Soon: Patriot Games, Cardinal of the Kremlin, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears, Crime and Punishment, Mass Effect novels, 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in 80 Days, Murder on the Orient Express, Guant’s Ghosts series, Horus Rising, Dark Imperium, other Warhammer 40k books and Horus Heresy Books, Dresden Files, The Court of Last Resort. Favourite Video Games: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Metal Gear Solid 1-5, Mass Effect 1-3, Resident Evil Franchise, Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi’s Mansion, Dark Souls, The Elder Scolls V: Skyrim, Dead Space, Nier Automata, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2, Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate, L.A. Noir, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Dragon Ball Fighter Z, Persona 4: The Golden, Persona 5, Halo Franchise, Halo Wars, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Uncharted Franchise, Splinter Cell Franchise, Hitman Franchise, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Megaman Games, Megaman Zero 1-4, Metroid Prime Games, Legend of Zelda Franchise, Xenoblade Chronicles, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney, Fallout Franchise, XCOM: Enemy Within, XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, Metal Gear Rising: Revengence, Alien Isolation, F.E.A.R Games, S.T.A.L.K.E.R Games, Stellaris, Warframe, SCP: Secret Labratory, Subnautica, Darksiders, FTL: Faster Than Light, Dishonored, Doom, Borderlands 2, Shadowrun Returns, Prototype, Halo Reach, Super Mario Odyssey, Pikmin, Paper Mario, Metroid Franchise, and many others. Favourite Parodies/Abridged Series: Spaceballs, If The Emperor Had A Text To Speech Device and its spin-offs, Dragon Ball Z Abridged, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Overlord Abridged, The Seven Deadly Schmucks. A Few of My Favourite Quotes: ”Happiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible. But if you change your angle of viewing a little, it will reflect light more beatifully than any other object around you.” - Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) “I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us and part of us remains. Go anywhere in the station when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while, you will hear the echoes of all our conversations, every thought and word we’ve exchanged. Long after we are gone, our voices will linger in these walls for as long as this place remains. But I will admit that the part of me that is going will very much miss the part of you that is staying.” - G’Kar (Babylon 5) “I am go.” - Rogal Dorn (If The Emperor Had a Text To Speech Device) “Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? ’No!’ says the man in Washington, ‘It belongs to the poor.’ ’No!’ says the man in the Vatican, ’It belongs to God.’ ’No!’ says the man in Moscow, ’It belongs to everyone.’ I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.” - Andrew Ryan (Bioshock) “When in mortal danger, when beset by doubt, run in little circles, wave your arms and shout.” - Quote Popular amongst Commissarial Cadets (Ciaphas Cain: For the Emperor)\ ”Father, are you familiar with the phrase ”you are what you eat”? Seeing how you act like an ever growing pile of screaming psychic children.” - Rogal Dorn (If The Emperor Had a Text To Speech Device) (You know what? Pretty much anything from If The Emperor Had a Text To Speech Device can be counted amongst my favourites) ”When will then be now?” - Dark Helmet (Spaceballs) “I know nothing! Nothing!” - Sgt. Schultz (Hogan’s Heroes) “Do you know why snow is white? Snow is white because it has forgotten what colour it was supposed to be.” - C.C. (Code Geass) “You want other’s to know your true self, yet you only show them a false face. How can anyone know you if you don’t reveal yourself? If you hide behind masks, you are afraid they’ll find out who you really are.” - Charles zi Britannia (Code Geass) A few Favourite Video Game Characters: Jack Harper: Yes, he’s technically a bad guy. Yes, his means can be horrible. But I’ve always liked him. The way he talks, the respect he is still willing to show for those who earned it, even if they are his enemies, his desire to protect what he believes in. I could give other reasons, but do I really have to explain? Revolver Ocelot: One word: incredible. Great supporting character for most of the series (or even main character, if you want), so much underlying plot to him, a ”cool” factor that, to me, threatens to break the scales. What isn’t there to like? Gray Fox: Cyborg Ninja. Enough said, moving on. Tali’Zorah: Good, developing character. I liked the Quarians and the Geth in Mass Effect, and she offered a look into them from the beginning. She became a strong, independant individual as the games went on. That, and you can’t help but admit how adorable she could be! Wrex: The good old insane, epic uncle figure. Goes against the norm for his species all the time, has some crazy ideas, one of the few people who can say they took down a Thresher Maw, how can you not like him? Jeff ”Joker” Moreau: Snarky, wise-cracking, yet still the best pilot you can find. You can’t find a better person to take you around the Galaxy. Joker (Persona 5): May be just a school kid, but being leader of the Phantom Theives makes him pretty epic. From having noble goals of changing the world for the better, to freaking Arsene’s awakening, he’s just a great character for you to play as. Snake: Clone of the greatest soldier the world had ever seen, able to pull off missions no one else can, yet shown to never be fully invincible like a lot of characters were at the time. But even then, he’s still a great character to play as. It also helps that he’s my favourite character to play as in Smash Bros. Avery Junior Johnson: It’s Averey ”Freaking” Johnson. How can you NOT love the guy for the epic character he is? Cortana: Great, quirky character to have along with you throughout the games. Both in novel’s and games, she is always an interesting character to follow, and also one of the best AI’s portrayed in my opinion. The back and forth between Cortana and Master Chief is great, and I love the way roles are reversed with Cortana acting more human and the Chief acting more like a machine. Mr. X: Absolutely terrifying when the guy decides to approach you. Especially in the remake. There’s an air of mystery to the guy from the get go, even when you know who he is. Never says a word yet he feels like such a major character in the game. That, and I can’t help but love the scare he can give when he simply walks through a wall like it wasn’t there. A few Favourite Movie Characters: Jack Ryan: A CIA analyst forced into a situation he’s only vaguely familiar with. The way he goes about, not trying to save the day but just trying to get the job done, while clearly unsure of how things are going to turn out is just enjoyable to watch. He’s a character living a life that, while different from our own, is extremely relatable with. Marko Ramius: A man who feels betrayed by his own country, he’s willing to risk everything to escape and be free. Calm and collected, and a smart man to boot, there’s just something about Ramius that makes him enjoyable to follow. Tony Stark: A genius, smart mouthing and snarky individual, you can’t help but like the guy. While the development of the character and the fact that he’s Iron Man is good to make him a good character, his attitudes is what really makes me enjoy him. Starlord: A kid from the country gets taken to space and grows up as a merc/treasure hunter/individual-for-hire/whatever. His attitude has a sort of childish adulthood, and is easily enjoyable. Genie: Funny, charming, and good natured, I just love the way the character acts. That, and the fact that he’s voice by the late Robin Williams makes him so enjoyable. Willy Wonka: Enigmatic and mysterious, I was never able to stop liking him from when I first watched the movie. There’s just a feeling that every time you watch the movie that more of Willy Wonka’s character is revealed as you notice more about him. I’ve always liked characters who give me that feeling of complexity. A few Favourite TV Characters: Seamus Zelazny Harper: If you haven’t seen this guy, watch a few clips of him. He’s a great character. Funny, a brilliant engineer, yet self-centered enough that it creates conflicts with others and even himself. He’s an interesting character and I never could keep a smile off my face when the guy was on the screen. That, and we must follow what he says: Trust in the Harper. The Harper is good. William Riker: The guy just has a presence that makes you enjoy the character. That, and Jonathan Frakes is a good actor in my books. Funny, yet still authorative in his own way, he’s a good character to have around. Delenn: A wise woman and very likable, she appears very mysterious in the beginning. When she becomes half human, her attempts to better understand humanity is interesting to watch as it reveals things people don’t normally consider. More about her is slowly revealed, and I just started liking her character more and more. Vir Cotto: Originally a ”yes” man when the series started, his dialogue with others is usually quite entertaining. As the series goes on, he becomes more of his own individual and willing to fight, and I can’t help but root for the guy. Susan Ivanova: How someone might not like the character, I’ll never understand. Strong willed, serious, yet shown to be as vulnerable as anyone else, you start gaining insight to her character and can’t help but feel for her. That, and the way she reacts to situations can be pretty funny, especially when Garibaldi is involved. Michael Garibaldi: A good natured man with a past he’d prefer to leave behind, he’s a character stuck in the middle of trouble due to being the Chief of Security on Babylon 5. His friendship with the other characters is heartwarming, yet his brainwashing is heartbreaking. I always enjoyed him on the show and always rooted for him. A few Favourite Anime Characters: Lelouch Lamperouge: Intelligent, cunning, and living a double life. His highs and lows are always interesting to follow, even if his arrogance can be a bit insufferable. The times he lets his emotions seep through can make him chilling, terriffying, brilliant, and heartwarming. He’s just so varied that he’s always entertaining to see. C.C: An enigmatic character from the get-go, trying to figure her out was what kept me coming back to her time and time again. After learning her past, it actually made me tear up a bit. Her character development kept her the same, yet changing her in ways that really hit home for me. Kallen Kozuki: The one and only firey redhead herself, her determination and commitment made her interesting as a fighter in the series. When she had to start dealing with different conflicts, on a personal level, such as Zero’s identity, it made her all the more interesting to watch. Kenpachi Zaraki: The guy is practically a bulldozer in human form. Always wanting the next fight, I like him just because of how epic he can be. Can’t realy say much more than that. Death: The guy can be such a joke in Soul Eater and I bet he absolutely knows it. The interactions he has are funny, yet he still feels like a father figure to every one of his students. The interactions between him and Spirit are great. Add to the fact that he is incredible in a fight, and you’ve got quite the enjoyable character. Koro-Sensei: Let’s admit this right out of the gate. If there was no worrying about the destruction of the planet, who wouldn’t want this guy as your teacher? Yes, he may have been a deadly assassin before. But with the way he treats his students? I’d take him as a teacher any day. Literally any Character from JoJo’s Bizare Adventure: Do I even have to say why? Go watch/read it and you will understand. Stories and Current Progress: The Illusive Knight: Working on Chapter 6. Code Geass: Dreams of the Dead: Chapter 2 currently being brainstormed, unsure of completion date. Untitled Mass Effect and Metal Gear Crossover: One reviewer gave me an idea for a crossover, still in early works. Be prepared for it, but I’m currently unsure of when it will be released. His Britannia: Currently helping Beta this story for Imperator’s slave, so go and check it out if you get the chance! Good Code Geass story, one of my personal favourite ones anyway. |