I confess. I mess up. Big time. I wasn't paying much attention to where my story was going with the past conflicting the future. I re-read my story and it sounded terrible, not what I had image in the beginning, and a too much copycatting of other story lines that I know that I shouldn't take, so I decided to delete the original and reboot the series to make more sense, and to make more understandable.

I understand how much reviews involves another stories ideas, like the Lady of Zero I've read about, but I was young, stupid, immature, and not even worth reading it because the idea was a copycat.

So that's what made me decided to delete the original and rebooted everything from scratch. So I won't be such a ruche. I understand that and so I apologize to those who found out that the previous Code Geass story was based on someone else's.

Disclaimer: I don't not own the Code Geass series, or any properties of Sunrise. The only thing I own is the third faction in the story. Mainly, my OCs.

July 18th, 2009 A.T.B

Sakoto Residential Home, Tokyo, Japan

13:04 hrs

The sun was gleaming down on the land of the rising sun, where a majority of the Japanese were diversity equal. The traditions of the Asian culture represents the ag of life for where it was founded for centuries. The hot summers blistered the air with thick humidity.

On the Residential home lies the dojo of where family members train on hand to hand combat such as taijutsu, karate, and other martial art techniques that suits them.

Inside where two children, being supervised by two adults. One was a bit of a scrawny little fellow, a ten year old boy named Lelouch whose hair was black as space and eyes that resembles the amethyst violet jewel stone. He was struggling to keep his hands up high above his head. He pants heavily like he's already pushed to the limits where they've been training for only ten minutes.

Across from him was boy at his age named Suzaku. He had brown hair and forest green eyes. He is rather tall, being over a tad shorter than the other boy and also skinny. The boy looked less tired, practically less tired considering that their session lasted for only ten minutes.

For a while, they stared at the eyes of their opponents, waiting to make a move. A shishi-oushi poured water into the bamboo tube before dropping it, making the only sound that was coming from the outside except for Lelouch's heavy panting. When the bamboo makes the third sound, Suzaku makes his first strike by making a jab. Lelouch barely blocks it, but kept his form strong for how long. He was pushed slightly back, but retained his posture before Suzaku sends another jab to his left, but Lelouch dodged it, barely.

Before Lelouch could move, Suzaku bends down and inversely swings a kick below his leg, causing Lelouch to fall down. Then he gets down and holds Lelouch in a tight position, readying his fist before a shout halted them.

"Ai!" Suzaku turned to the old man standing with a walking cane in his hands. He was a harden male who is in his late sixties with gray hair and cold onyx gray eyes.

"That's enough, Kururugi." he said. "He may look like he's around your fit of capabilities, but he lacks the physical. Go easy on him, will you please do so."

Suzaku Kururugi clenched his fist, bowing to the old man. "Yes, Master Daisuke." Below where he could see the old man's face, Suzaku frowned, thinking less of how he could've already beaten the poor wimp.

Daisuke is the eldest among the House of Sakoto, a family of Japanese who follows the art of bushido whose dedicated to protect the land of the rising sun from all threats that would jeopardize their peace.

Lelouch glared at the ground, helplessly looking fable, unable to protect himself from Suzaku's kick. Daisuke looked at the Britannian boy, staring at the eyes of his worst enemies from across the sea. He sighed, looking at his other student in his disposal.

"Suzaku, I wished to speak with him alone in private, please." Daisuke requested. Suzaku's eyes grew big, hearing what his master has to say about that. Slowly, he lowered his eyes and nodded."

"Yes Sensei," was all he replied before taking a bow towards the master and walked out of the dojo house. When Suzaku marched away, Daisuke takes three steps towards the Britannian and help him up, but Lelouch shrugged off of him.

"I'm not that weak, Daisuke." said Lelouch, narrowing his eyes on the old man..

"I know you're not weak. You're outside is like a shell that shows how frail the hardness it can't with take, but a strong, only inside here, you are quite." He put his finger at the temple right side of Lelouch's head. "The mind of a person is stronger than the body. Brains over brawn, child. All human beings are unique in such features that doesn't revolve the brute force of the shell." Daisuke walked passed him towards the door as Lelouch stood there like he was waiting for something to happen.

"Tell me, young boy, why do you think I asked of your request to join my school?" He asked. Lelouch looked down at the ground, thinking of the reason why he came instead where he should be at his sister's side, helping her in anyway he can.

"Because your daughter made me to attend." He answered, but Daisuke chuckled. "My daughter persuaded you against your will because you felt that you should be taught properly on your body, is it? I know you have a better reason to come, Lelouch. Cause if you didn't, then you wouldn't be here just because my daughter said so." Lelouch looked up to the old man in surprise. "I know that deep down, you wished to find greater happiness for your love ones. Those you truly care, those you cherish, those your nourish, you wished to protect your sister no matter the cause, if that's the reason you gave your claim to the throne of your once former country?"

"I will survive!" he said stubbornly, "I will protect my sister! I will survive, and to do that, I don't help him from...that man, or your fiendish people that everyone called you royal!" He shouted, disregarding everything that he was when he was still a prince to the most feared and the most powerful country on the planet. Then something Daisuke said was a surprise to Lelouch.

"I understand," he said, "I understand very clearly. You wished for no support from the Kururugi's or the Sakoto's. I can see how determined you are trying to keep you and your only family safe from harm." he said. "I too wished to protect my family, but the capitalist world is what's striving my people to be absloute." He then started to walk outside of the door before pausing to glance over his shoulder at Lelouch.

"Come boy, let me tell you something," he said. Lelouch hesitates to walk with the old man, but followed reluctantly. Lelouch was still in his dojo uniform, quite bigger than a average Japanese student Daisuke has taught for many generations. They walked the hallway with his sandals on as they passed through a pond that had so many unique fishes flowing inside of the water.

"Tell me, how long has it been since you came to my country?" Daisuke asked. Lelouch has no idea how long it was since he and his sister were first exiled to Japan. All he knew was that he had a argument with his father and there he was was, sent to Japan as a political hostage.

"I don't know, maybe, a few months?" He shrugged.

"I understand that it's been so long since you came and never thought how much resent my people hold for Britannians, especially for Britannian princes and princess." Daisuke said, looking bitterly somber towards the young Britannian. Lelouch clenched his fists, reminding of how he was sent here for his foolishness.

"Even Suzaku was seemingly hostile, not welcomed at his home." said Saisuke, but Lelouch turned sharply to the old man, anger rising in his head.

"Of course he was hostile! He's just like all everyone else who hated me and my kind just because I was from Britannia!" He retorted.

"But does he really hate how you would act like the rest of the Britannians? Does he see the goodness inside of you?" asked Daisuke. "Do you think that is what most Japanese see you as a stubbornly up-tide boy who thinks of his sister more than his well-being?" Lelouch's gaze went from the old man to the Japanese door design on the wall, wondering if the Japanese ever treated him like this.

"I….I…" he stuttered, finding the words to describe how else people from different nationality goes against another.

"Lelouch, your thoughts exactly. It's been said that a one who disregards a one's way of life is disregarding everyone's way of life." said Daisuke.

"Let me tell you a story of how our family house was established." Daisuke and Lelouch paused at the sight of his sister, Nunnally, chatting with another girl whose about thirteen years old with beautiful long black hair with turquoise highlights underneath. She had pale skin and blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean. She was making something for his sister. She had a paracord rope in her hand while Nunnally was holding a bunch of colored paracord ropes.

"That's my daughter's eldest, Kimiko Sakoto. Her younger sister, Emiko Sakoto, is currently attending boarding school across the ocean in Britannia. Emiko wishes to help the family of bushidos to be more open with foreigners while Kimiko was against the idea of accepting more of her type, but regardless, she is like her mother. She loved and respected every family and friends." He turned to the boy.

"Ever heard of the story, the 47 Ronin?" Daisuke explained, Lelouch shake his head to decline what kind of story it was. Sure he's read a lot of stories from different cultures to his sister, but not specifically in foreign nations.

"Thousands of years ago, we, the House of Sakoto, were established from a renegade of samurais who disobeyed the shogun to bring justice on the traitorous daimyo for the crimes that he committed under the nose of our last feudal lord of this land. They were tried and sentenced to death by seppuku in honor of the ways of bushido. My ancestor, grandfather, Suginto, was pardoned by the shogun for he was the son of the samurai. He was spared in return that he served the house province landlord for always an eternity.

"From him, he established the House of Sakoto as a bushido branch to serve and protect our land for generations. Most of our members served in your military and my country's military to protect the Japanese society. In due time, as progress increases, so to does our numbers. Many of my oldest and pure Japanese bloodlines were against foreign marriages because we share the same attitude towards racial bloodlines. So unlike Britannia, Japan is the same with the homeland, we discriminate because we are different from our blood we shared," he explained, "but we do have something in common, you and I, Lelouch."


"Well..." he hummed, smiling at his youngest granddaughter.

"For starters, you loved your sister, Nunnally as I love my family." he admitted. "You had a perfect life and you gave up everything that you've had for Nunnally. I would have done the same thing for this family than my other." Lelouch arched a brow at her with curiosity.

"What other family?" he inquired about his 'other family.' Daisuke stared at him before she answered, "My daughter's other family is in Britannia, my granddaughters is just like you and Suzaku. Born on the soils of Britannia, blood of Japan." he explained more of her ancestry. To Lelouch's surprise, Kimiko was half-Britannian and half-Japanese.

"A half-breed?"

"Yes... she is half Britannian, and for that, she was disowned by both my families." Lelouch felt disheartening to her status in the family. As an outcast, they are rejected by those who are different.

"But I see much for that family's welfare on her behalf." he said, "For Kimiko and her sister, Emiko, they are like two equivilants of themselves. Emiko was always happy and cheerful while Kimiko, her younger sister, was always distance form anyone else around her. Lelouch felt this girl's view as an outcast, like a piece of trash.

Kimiko grabs a small lighter from her pocket and carefully cinches the end of a blue paracords. After blowing a few times, she wraps the handmade paracord bracelet around his sister's wrist. Nunnally smiled, feeling the tied ropes together in a perfect size of the wrist.

"In your eyes, you wished to have your sister happy and want to find peace in the life where the world treats the weak aside fom the strong," Daisuke said, looking down at the boy. "How far will you go to make the most dearest peson in your family, happy and lovely?"

"As long as Nunnally is happy, then I am happy." Lelouch answered promotely.

"A fine choice for a young man at such a young age." said Daisuke, placing a hand on top of Lelouch's head, as he looked up to him. He was growing more calmer, not caring for the Japanese maids who bowed their heads in respect.

"I too wanted my daughter and my granddaughters to be somewhere where they can find peace, and for that, I wanted to help you and Nunnally. She's a sweet girl. Kimiko was fond of having her in the house. " Daisuke said, looking down on the ground.

"Have you ever wonder what it's like, to be disowned by the people that was considered as your family?" Lelouch thinks for a moment before nodding slowly.

"My own father...disowned his offsprings...and for that...I can't accept." Lelouch replied.

"Well… at least you have something to love." Daisuke smiled. Lelouch smiled back to the old man that seems to be better then Genbu or his father.

"Why not I invite you and your sister for some dinner tonight, you can come back to the Kururugi Shrine tomorrow and I'll let Genbu know that you and your sister will be staying here, is that alright?" Lelouch's mouth curved into a smile that ached his cheeks as he nodded in acceptance.

"Of course! It'll be my honor!" he cheered.

"Lelouch!" Nunnaly called to him, as Kimiko pushed her wheelchair towards her grandfather and her friend. "Guess what Kimiko amde for me." she showed her right wrist where it held the blue sky blue paracord bracelet. "Do you know what colors this one is?"

"Its blue. A dark sade of blue in the middle and brighter blue on the sides." Lelouch revealed. "Oh, and Nunnally, Daisuke wishes to have us for dinner at his home, would you like that?" he asked. Nunnally eagerly nodded. "Of course Lelouch, I loved to have a dinner with the Sakoto's. They're a greate family to see, don't you think its alright, Kimiko?" she asked the girl behind her. She made a warm smile at her. "Of course Nunnally, I'd be happy to serve your brother some tea if that's all he likes." Lelouch chuckled.

"Well, I'd be happy to have some, if you don't sip the tea pot like you did the last time."

"That was an accident. I wasn't intended to do that on purpose," she huffed, glaring at him.

"No it wasn't you spilled it on my shirt on purpose!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

Lelouch and Kimiko continued to bickered like spoiled little kids, because they are kids, as Daisuke watched with a glint in his eyes while Nunnally giggled as the two friends continued to argue over the spilled tea pot.

July 19th, 2009 .A.T.B.

Sakoto Residential Home

1152 hrs.

The next day came and Lelouch felt great from yesterday after Suzaku beat him to the pulp in the Sakoto doji house. He would be going back to the Kururugi Shrine in a few hours, but he and his sister wanted to go out and get some errands, and this time, he will be accompanied by the Sakoto's personal security. Many residents feared about their capabilities since many could do a lot of parkour and fighting style techniques that are very experienced. Out of all the people he trusted here in Japan, he trusted the Sakoto's and one of the Sakoto's most famous bodyguard, Dante Firenze.

The two siblings are returning to the Kururugi Shrine where Lelouch had his bags high to his shoulders with his sister in the wheelchair, approaching to the Sakoto front gates where he spots Kimiko, holdinng her kendo bag, waiting with two hooded personnel, crossing their arms. Lelouch took a slight nervous chill running down his veins, but he wasn't afraid. He stops by and gazes at the man of his word to guard and protect him. Daisuke and Kimiko were both at the gate, but Kimiko was holding a kendo sword in her gym bag, waiting by the car.

"Dante Firenze will be escorting you back to the Kururugi Shrine." He took a glance at Dante, a professional Sakoto house gurard, who smiles down at him.

He was a fine young man in his mid-twenties who had light blond hair, blue eyes, and a stubble beard. His left eye was exposed, but his right eye was covered with a eyepatch. His body was big and very athletic, like he's been through a lot of military training

"Okay." he smiled.

"Hey kid, when we come back, don't forget we still have a chess rematch." he said, pointing at the small haired boy, smirking.

"Of course, the last match was your victory, but I would've still gotten a checkmate if I had the time." Lelouch recalled. He did had a chess match with Dante a few nights ago, and normally, adults around his wouldn't last for almost ten minutes with his intellect on the king of the games. Dante was able to hold out before the time runs out and they called the game a draw.

"It takes more than just timing, Lelouch. It takes the precise moment at the right time." Dante advised, "and if you played your cards right, then maybe you would've still beaten me in less then eight minutes. You think you can break that record?"

"I'll try." Lelouch replied.

"I'm looking forward to it then." Lelouch turned to Kimiko, as she waved him.

"So, I'll see ya then...Lulu." Lelouch was taken back from that nickname.

"Why would you call me that?" he asked.

"Because, Nunnally told me that have a nickname, so I thought, why not?" She shrugged and extended her hands to give him a pat on his cheeks. She could have sworn that his face flushed when her fingers make contact with his face.

"Catch ya later, Lulu." She walks to the van before she turned to Dante. "Oh and, try to keep him out of trouble, Dante. I really hate to see him bickering with those boys from the street last week."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that they'll do fine." Dante assured, giving the girl a salute. She smiled.

"Bye, Nunnally, see you soon!"

"Okay, see you too, Kimiko, and thanks for the bracelet!" the blind girl called back, waving her hands at the black-teal haired girl. She gives them a warm farewell for now as she closed the van door and the van drives off to tend her kendo practice in the city of Tokyo.

As she was away, Lelouch can see the sun rising from the horizon, beaming down at the ocean. The light reflects the surface of the clear liquid blue waters of the sea.

"Hey kid, why not we walk back to the shrine together, that way, we can talk more about ourselves and get some ice cream.." Dante suggested.

"That would be a great idea, Dante!" Nunnally beamed. "Don't you, Lelouch?" the sister asked the brother. Lelouch paused, facing the horizon of the sea. He wasn't sure if he would like to go into the city that was full of Japanese. They would share the same hostility that reflected his image as a Britannian.

"Hey kid," Dante kneeled down to his height, looking at the boy with a smile, "Don't worry about anything, I promised you and your sister that I will look after you, when have I ever kept my promised?"

Lelouch makes a wane smile to show his trust to Dante.

"Maybe when I first came to the Sakotos I guessed." Lelouch said.

"That's a good boy," Dante patted his shoulder. "Lets go and get some ice cream, I bet its going to get hotter today."

"Ohhh, can we Lelouch! Can we get some ice cream?" Nunnaly beamed, hopping up and down from her wheel chair.

"Alright, alright, Nunnally we can get some after we pick up a few errands when we get back," Lelouch assured, getting a screaming response from his sister. He turned to Dante.

"But you're going to pay." Said Lelouch, getting a chucke from Dante.

"Hey, I'm rich, I can buy you twenty four ice creams if I want!" He chided, as Lelouch chukcled. Lelouch takes Nunnally's hand as Dante pushed the wheelchair to head downtown for some errands

Lelouch's mouth twitched to make a small smile for someone in this land that cares for him, regardless of he was a Britannian prince, but in her eyes, she sees him as a equal regular person.


How do you think so far? Is the reboot okay to start if off, let me know how it went and I'm looking forward for your response.