So I finally got my internet back XD the downtime gave me plenty of room to do rewrites and all that other stuff I usually rush. And after six drafts I am almost positive this is how I want to start what will be the last Arc before the Reapers arrive :D this will also be an extra long arc too :3

"So he is... The one that killed you?" Liara questioned, eyeing James Heller cautiously.

Alex nodded, leaning against the nearest table with his arms crossed, "We've decided on a temporary truce in order to bring down Cerberus before the Reapers arrive."

"Taking down Cerberus." Liara repeated with a hint of disbelief, "Funny, you make it sound like it'll be easy." She shook her head before bringing up the Star Map.

"According to the memories I ripped from that doctor, these are the coordinates." Mercer said, quickly punching them in, "We'll head here, Heller and I, tear that base apart, kill the Illusive Man and Pariah."

"You've mentioned him before, what exactly is Pariah?" Liara asked curiously.

"The son of Elizabeth Greene," Heller spoke up finally, "Colonel Rookes told me about him, after the second outbreak we stayed in touch. Blackwatch was keeping the guy locked up to run tests on the virus, looking for new strains, easier to control than what had been released in New York."

"And Blackwatch doesn't have him now?" The Broker replied.

"No, according to Fisk, they put Pariah on ice when their funding started getting cut," James explained, "And shortly before Cerberus went rogue a few years ago, they attacked Blackwatch and stole him along with most of the information on him."

"It doesn't matter what they're planning for him, we need to kill him." Alex scoffed, "Pariah is supposed to be the perfect natural embodiment of the virus, not artificial like me or mutated like you," He motioned to James, "My older memories are a little fuzzy, but Blackwatch used to think he was the only one that could kill me... But also advised that we never come into contact with one another."

Liara arched an eyebrow, "And why is that?"

Mercer responded with a smirk, "I guess we'll find out."

Before anymore questions could be asked, the command center doors opened and Theus came marching in, carrying a data pad with him and a concerned look on his face. He'd taken up the job of recruiting mercenaries and managing security recently, keeping him on his toes at all times.

"Captain, something to report?" Liara asked as they all turned attention to him.

"A few odd reports you might wanna look at ma'am," The turian huffed as he approached the table, swiping away the star map and bringing up various reports, "Apparently some of our men monitoring the Relay traffic have noticed a lot of movement from military class ships."

"Sounds like some kind of patrols, but they're way outside their jurisdiction, who do they belong to?" Heller questioned, "Turian? Batarian?

"No, the reports say all the ships are Alliance, they were moving towards two separate locations but the Alliance claims that these aren't their ships." Theus went on quickly, "And they haven't responded to any transmissions."

"Where are they now?" Liara demanded, narrowing her eyes.

"The first fleet disappeared about an hour ago, dropped right off the grid and nobody knows where it went," The captain continued, "But the second fleet is heading right for us."

Alex blinked in surprise, "How many ships?"

"A dozen, at least... All Alliance Dreadnaught class ships. I think they want to take out the Shadow Broker."

"Impossible," Alex replied, "Hackett and I are on equal terms, he knows I'm with the Broker he wouldn't try something this stupid."

"So who the fuck is it?" James demanded sharply.

"Cerberus." And just like that all attention turned to Liara, "We've been trying to get through all the data you recovered on Zhu's Hope Alex, we were able to figure out that The Illusive Man is planning something big. They've been stockpiling weapon and manufacturing armor for an operation, and I think he's finally ready to show his hand."

"If he aims to start a war with the Shadow Broker... He must be either desperate or confident." Theus replied leaning with his hands on the table.

"He already tried to kill me in Manhattan," Alex cut in with a sinister smirk, "I think he's ready to make his move... Liara I might know where the first fleet is heading. Something I managed to dig out of the doctors memories, does the name Eden Prime mean anything to you?"

Liara looked like she'd been punched in the stomach, stepping back with wide eyes, "Eden... Prime... By the Goddess, that must be..." She quickly brought up her Omni-tool and displayed a few images of old ruins and one image of a Reaper, lifting off from the surface, "Eden Prime is where everything started, where Shepard got her vision from the Protheans that warned us of the Reapers, and where she first encountered Sovereign."

"Eden Prime is a paradise, but why would Cerberus risk a war with the Alliance to go there?" Heller asked curiously, his own thoughts jumbled by all the new information.

"This place is a treasure trove of Prothean artifacts and information if you know where to look," Liara answered quickly, "It's possible that they've found something usable there."

"And if it's so important they'd risk attacking an entire colony before the Reapers arrive, I'm guessing we want it too?" Alex questioned, eyes faintly glowing with excitement.

The Broker nodded her head in agreement, "Anything Prothean that the Reapers didn't destroy could help us stop them."

"I hate to interrupt ma'am but we've only got two hours before the fleet arrives," Theus interrupted sternly, "And our fighting force isn't at a hundred percent just yet, certainly not ready for Dreadnaughts."

"So what's the plan Doc?" Mercer asked, eager to see what the great and powerful Shadow Broker would do to counter Cerberus' attack.

The asari in question closed her eyes, lowering her head in thought for a few moments of harsh, anxiety inducing silence.

"Theus, order the men to gather all the information held in this ship, I want this place purged of all data." She spoke up finally, confidence and decisive action coloring her tone.

"Ma'am?" He questioned her motives, wondering exactly what she was planning.

"Cerberus wants a war, we'll give them one... But I intend for it to be their last." T'Soni continued, ignoring the turian, "We're sending this ship crashing into the planet below once the purge is complete, and afterwards I'm heading to Eden Prime, from then on you have command of our forces until I contact you again understand?"

The turian captain nodded his head, "Y-Yes Ma'am."

"And you two!" She turned sharply to Alex and James, "Think you can take down Cerberus HQ?"

A bit taken back by her sudden ferocity Heller hesitated, "Uh... Sure?"

"Oh we will." Alex chuckled stepping forward, "We're gonna give the Illusive Man a boot in the ass."

"Good, once you're finished I want both of you on Earth, we'll regroup their."

"What about Eden Prime?" Theus asked while sending out orders over his Omni-Tool, "You can't go there alone with Cerberus on the war path."

"I need to speak with Admiral Fisk, patch him through to my omni-tool Heller," Liara replied as she headed for the door, "I'm sending you the coordinates of our Rally Point on Earth, don't be late." And without another word she was out the door and gone, making various calls on her way to the armory.

Alex watched her storm out and chuckled again to himself, "I guess the wars on, let's get to work."

James smirked as he brought up his own omni-tool, sending the line for Admiral Fisk's ship to Liara's omni-tool, "This should be good, eh Turian!" He exclaimed turning to the captain currently distributing orders over the comms, "I think I know where you should bring that fleet once you finish up here."

"So to recap, not only did you let Alex Mercer escape. But you also let him take James Heller along with him?" Fisk questioned as he looked down upon Officer Midori and Starns.

"With all do respect sir, none of us could have expected a Cerberus attack or the presence of the evolved." Midori retorted calmly.

"Give us a break boss, even if they hadn't been there Mercer kicked the shit out of James," Starns added, "It's a miracle any of us are even still alive."

Fisk raised an eyebrow, looking between them carefully, "It doesn't make sense, Heller killed Alex before so why was it different now?" He questioned, raising a hand to his chin in thought.

"Sir from what we saw, Alex Mercer was far stronger than Heller... Is it possible Heller has gotten weaker with age?" Midori suggested while leaning on the side of briefing rooms table.

"I don't know... But I don't like it, we don't have the numbers or government support to go burning out a bunch of evolved but from the data you gathered I'm thinking they aren't the real problem right now." Fisk sighed heavily as he went over the information once again in his head, "And Cerberus... Why were they in Manhattan? It can't be a coincidence, we need more information before we can-"

"Sir," He was suddenly interrupted by a voice the intercom, "We have an incoming transmission."

"Who is it from?" The admiral asked turning attention away from the others.

"It's Heller, should I put him through?"

"Go ahead," Fisk grunted in response, "I guess it's only fair he get's to explain himself."

"Am I speaking to Blackwatch Admiral Fisk?"

The admiral in question raised a curious brow at the sound of a filtered voice. He didn't know who this person was, but it definitely wasn't James. He cautiously looked towards Starns and Midori, noting the look of equal confusion they carried and surmised that they knew nothing about this.

"You are," Fisk cleared his throat roughly, "And who might you be?"

"Who I am isn't important, what's important is that you have a fleet that I need." Whoever this was certainly didn't waste any time.

"Oh really?" The Admiral chuckled in slight amusement, "Interesting, that someone I've never met could know so much about what I have at my disposal... So that means Heller talked... Well I'll deal with him later, why do you need my fleet?"

The voice responded without pause, "You're aware of Cerberus' recent meddling in your affairs? Well they're currently on route to a colony that holds a very important Prothean Artifact. Whatever it is, it's worth risking war with the Alliance."

Slowly realizing the nature of the situation Fisk grew darker, "And why are you telling me this? Why not contact the Alliance?"

"Because there is a war coming, Admiral. One much bigger than whatever Cerberus is cooking up, whether you believe the rumors or not the Reapers are on the march and the entire galaxy is at stake." The filtered tone was serious, but confident, "I am planning to cut down Cerberus long before the Reapers arrive, and I refuse to risk the Allied forces that will be defending major worlds. Not when we can end this on our own."

"You must have a hell of a trump card, if you think you'll be able to take down Cerberus." The Admiral crossed his arms, conflicted thoughts racing through his mind.

"I have two actually," Fisk noted the smug tone creeping into the voice, "And they're both on their way to Cerberus HQ to cut the head of the snake, as well as take care of Pariah."

The room fell silent at the mention of his name. A name only written on the most confidential Blackwatch files, an age old mistake that they thought killed by whoever abducted him. But in the back of Fisks mind he realized Cerberus could be the only ones capable of such a thing. And those trumps cards could only be the two mutant demons that put Blackwatch through hell over a century ago.

"Alright, fine." He sighed with a light smirk, Midori and Starns watching closely to hear the admirals decision, "Tell me where to go, and I promise that Cerberus won't lay a finger on the colony... But I have one condition." He added quickly.

"Name your price."

Taking a short breath he demanded, "I want to see Alex Mercer, face to face once this is over."

"You assume I have any control over him? Very well Admiral, if he's interested, I'll send him your way. Get your men ready, you've only got a few hours before Cerberus arrives at Eden Prime." Without another word the transmission ended, leaving the three of them to stand in awkward silence.

"Oh, we will be." Fisk chuckled while heading out the door, paying no mind to Starns and Midori who were already asking questions.

It had been decided, after decades of living in the shadows outside of Alliance control. Blackwatch would emerge, to fight against the rogue faction Cerberus. Both former Black Ops divisions of human government, it was long since Blackwatch would be undergoing full mobilization.

"For the first time in a century, we go to war." Fisk muttered as he reached the bridge, "Not against a virus, but against our own kind... This should be interesting."