(I do not own Code Geass. It and it's characters belongs to Sunrise and its production team. This is solely a not-for-profit fan activity, and in no way intends to infringe on copyrights held by Sunrise.)

Turn 1: The day a new demon was unleashed

On 10 August in the year 2010 of the imperial calendar, the Holy Britannian Empire declared war on Japan, after the breakdown of negotiations at the annual sakuradite conference. The island nation in the Far East, versus Britannia, the world's largest military superpower. Japan had refused to sell more sakuradite to Britannia amidst concerns that Brittania might invade other countries and thus refused them to maintain world peace and remain neutral in the long lasting war between the European Union and Brittania. Unable to solve this diplomatically, Brittania declared war on Japan. The Japanese tried to mount a defence against the invading Britannian forces, but were outmatched and outed by the Britannian Army. It's navy was larger and more experienced than the Japanese navy, having months of active combat in the European front as compared to the Japanese, who let their skills deteriorate due to complacency. Furthermore, the Britannian Army had a new weapon up their sleeve, which was the humanoid battle armoured robot known as the Knightmare frame. After months of active research, Britannia has finally produced a vehicle in which would replace tanks and artillery units in favour of knightmare units, being faster, more agile, and ultimately more flexible in terms of use, as a knightmare frame could be customised for artillery or mid-range combat. As a result, Japan fell within 7 days as a result of the Britannian blitzkrieg. Japan was then designated Area 11, the 11th area that is conquered by Britannia, and also in the name of the Knight of 11 Anya Alstreim, who led the charge. The country was stripped of its freedom, its rights, its culture, and even its name.

(8 years after the war, 2018 a.t.b, in Britannian Residence - Tokyo Settlement)

"This is alpha-3! Target is moving from B152 onto A10, moving at a speed of 80kph!" a pilot of a reconnaissance hoverjet radioed in, while following a massive truck on the A10 motorway.

"CCP to all mobile units! We are declaring a code 3 from floor 2 to 5. All units, take B156, I need the target intact!" replied the HQ upon receiving knowledge that the truck is moving onto the A10.

Meanwhile at a luxurious apartment, a news reader was reading the news about yesterday's news.

"This is the video footage caught by our reporters who were on scene to record the aftermath of the bombing in Osaka. A total of 8 Britannians and 51 other people were killed in this attack. Another 37 Britannians and 126 others were injured in this horrible attack."

"Beep beep beep" a timer suddenly cut off the news reader.

"You are out of time. From here on now, I would like it to be one move every 20 seconds. Is that alright with you?" Asked the noble who was lazily filing his nails, ever so confident of his victory. The other noble was fidgeting nervously, unsure of what to reply.

As if to spare him the pain of replying, the doors opened, revealing two silhouettes.

"Hmm, seems that your substitute has arrived."

"I'm saved! How are things at school?" The nobleman who was losing earlier heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"What's this? Students?" The other nobleman scoffed at the substitute.

"Hmpf! A nobleman, huh?" A raven-haired youth with a sharp chin stepped forward.

"I envy the young. They have so much free time on their hands, so much more time for regrets. What is your name?"

"Lelouch Lamperouge."

His blue-haired friend took a look at the board and queried, "Whoa wait a minute! You can't win this, no matter what you do right?" .

Lelouch straight up just ignored him and asked calmly, "Rivalz, how much time could we afford to spend here in order to make it for our next class?"

"Uhm, if we really haul ass, then maybe about 20 minutes."

"In that case, I ask you to drive safely on the way back. I'll just need 9 minutes."

Lelouch then continued, "Owner, about yesterday's issue..." The elderly nobleman immediately answered, "Understood. We'll discuss about it."

The arrogant nobleman upon hearing that Lelouch only needs 9 minutes, scoffed, "9 minutes? You only have 20 seconds per move."

"More than enough", assured Lelouch, picking up the king as well.

"Hm? You're starting with the king?" mocked the arrogant nobleman, and started laughing at the supposed folly.

(Meanwhile, at Ashford Academy...)

"Where's Lelouch?"

"Rivals took him along with him."

"Eh? Is he pinch-hitting again? Or is it poker this time?"

"They don't seem to be aware that they are on the student council!"

"They're gambling money!" exclaimed the tangerine haired Shirley, waving a fork with a tomato on it. "Lulu might be smart, but he uses his brain in weird ways! If he'd just study hard, his grades would be spectacular, right?"

"Oh, if only my dear Lulu was really a serious boy! That's so cute!" teased the blond haired Milly Ashford, heir to the Ashford Foundation.

"Ms President, please don't..."

(On A10...)

"God damn it! After we finally steal this thing...!" the driver cursed. "It's all because Tamaki couldn't stick to Naoto's plan!"

(Back to the chessboard...)

The arrogant nobleman stared at the chessboard in shock as the black king placed his king in checkmate, dropping his nail file and twisting mouth while his face spasms, disbelief at the fact that he actually lost.

"I love playing nobility! Their pride ensures that they pay what they owe you. Besides that, 8:32 is a new record, even for you!" rattled Rivalz as he followed Lelouch on his way out.

"He didn't have much time either. Besides, nobility make such tepid opponents. Their privileged lives just make them parasites." remarked Lelouch.

"So, why not try one of the Elevens then? They're not like us Britannians." Rivalz circled and faced Lelouch while walking backwards on his way out.

Outside the door, there is large commotion going on, as a crowd is gathered nearby.

"How cruel. Getting innocent people caught up in this" Rivalz turned and looked at the crowd, wondering what is happening. It was the news earlier, shown on the big TV screen on the building opposite the one Lelouch and Rivalz came out of, showing the Osaka bombing before changing into the Britannian national flag. "Those Elevens scare me! Wonder what they'll-"

"Forgive the delay. It's now time for an address by His Royal Highness Prince Clovis, third prince of the Britannian Empire." interrupted the news reader. The TV screen then changed to that of Prince Clovis standing upright and firm, face serious and grave, with the national flag just behind him.

"To my imperial subjects!" Lelouch's eye twitched at that statement. "And of course, to the many Elevens who cooperate with us!" added Clovis like it's an afterthought.

"We're not Elevens! We're Japanese!" muttered a red-haired co-driver who was the co-driver of the large truck still on the A10 and listening to the radio.

"Do you not see, that right now, my heart is torn in half!" Prince Clovis clutched at his chest. "Into a heart filled with sadness! A heart filled with rage! However, as the ruler of Area 11, I will not allow terrorism of any kind! The reason being is that the battle we fight is a righteous and just one! A righteous battle to protect the happiness of all! Now then, everyone! Won't you join in grieving for the eight Britannians who died in the line of duty for justice?"

The news reader then took over and announced, "And now, a moment of silence."

"Oh? Not gonna join in?" asked Rivalz, while getting onto his motorbike as Lelouch paid the parking fee.

"Will you?"

"I-I'd be embarrassed."

"Exactly. Besides, our mourning for them won't bring the dead back to life." stated Lelouch simply.

"Ooh, how dark!"

"In the end, it's all just for the purpose of self-satisfaction." mentioned Lelouch as he turned towards the screen to look at the very royalty that he despised and renounced his claims on, "No matter how hard you may try, there's no way you can change the world." After all, I am dead just as that man claims, that I have never lived before, and furthermore, I have already died once. To him, I'm considered a weakling, and in Britannia it's just sinful to be weak. But I know better, and I will show him the error of his ways!

At the Viceroy's Palace, a party that was unknown to the general public and hosted by Prince Clovis resumed after the host has made his speech.

"You were wonderful, Your Highness!" one of the partygoers praised as he stepped down from the podium he made his speech. "They would never guess that you were enjoying yourself at a party!"

"The viceroy is the face of Area 11 after all," replied Clovis as his footmen stepped up to remove the cape that he had been wearing for his magnificent speech. "You need to be able to switch roles quickly."

"My! What self-confidence you have!"

"I'm prepared for situations like this after all. Self confidence? I'm just only trying to please the media after all" Prince Clovis then turned his head and gestured to news people standing by the side.

"Oh, no, no! We're just pleased to be of any service in your reign to Your Highness' answered one of the news people. "Oh you flatterer, you!" responded one of the partygoers.

Farther behind the news reporter who answered, stood a man with sandy-brown hair and a cleft chin. "A sham of a reign" he muttered as a soldier walked by him asking for Prince Clovis "Hmm, a soldier?"

"How boorish of you!"scolded the Prince at the incoming soldier. After I calmed people down about the Osaka bombing, and now what? A soldier comes and interrupts my party? Today has gone from bad to worse! I seriously hope the news that he brings to me better be important!

"I beg your pardon, Your Highness, but…!" the soldier leaned in and whispered the news to the Prince. This caught the attention of the sandy-brown haired man

"Another special? I hope that the subject matter would be better than the Osaka bombing." muttered the man as he walks off, bored witless as he believed that the news that the soldier brings is not sensational enough for him.

"You fool!" exclaimed Clovis, which grabbed the sandy-brown haired man's attention.

"Th-The police have been told that it's just medical equipment" explained a bald general wearing a monocle who is at the party with the Prince, with beads of sweat flowing down his shiny scalp. "If we scramble the entire army, there'll be records-"

"Send out my personal forces! Knightmares as well!" ordered the Prince who is very much taken aback at the news.

(At Area 11's Tokyo military base…)

Orders to scramble have been passed down to those units on standby, flashing on the cockpits' screens, which included a Jeremiah Gottwald.

"Alert 1! Alert 1!" the PA system declared, as pilots that are on standby prepared to move out while those that are off-duty were called back to prepare to move out as well.

"4th, 7th, and 8th Companies as well as 31st air assault group are to move out immediately!" announced the PA system as pilots in the above-mentioned units got inside their cockpits and started up their machines. "Special division 9, standby for deployment"

Unaware of what's happening, Rivalz drove the motorbike onto the A10 to get them back to school as it is the quickest way back.

"That first move you made," began Rivalz "Why'd start with moving the king?"

"I didn't have enough pieces other than the king to make a checkmate on my own, so I have to use the king to smother him into his corner so that I can checkmate him. After all, the king has to lead the charge, if not how would his subordinates follow?" explained Lelouch as he continued reading his book.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me about something."


"Are you thinking about running some kind of company in the future?"

"No way. Weird dreams like that will ruin your life-"

"Hooonnnk!" a loud siren went off behind them. Rivalz turned back and saw a massive truck directly behind them. "Whoa! What the hell?!" exclaimed Rivalz as he swerved away from the truck which is rapidly gaining on them.

"You idiot! Watch where you're going!" cursed the driver as he turned left.

"Stop! Not that way!" warned his red-haired co-driver. But it was too late, as the truck drove past traffic cones and a barrier into a construction site, and crash into one of the steel support columns of a unfinished building.

Rivalz stopped his motorbike to turn and look back at the accident, wondering, "Um...was that our fault?"

"I don't think so-"

Meanwhile, the reconnaissance hoverjet that was closely following the truck reported, "Control, the target has crashed into the abandoned V.O. building construction site.

"Hold it! The military is taking over command of this operation. General Bartley's in command now." the HQ informed the pilot. "The General?" inquired the pilot.

We have to retrieve it! No matter what! That thing is…! thought the bald-headed General Bartley as he walked towards the command post.

From the crashed truck, green particles are seen leaking from its trailer. Lelouch stepped out from the side car and looked at it. "What's that?" He wondered.

"Hey Lelouch, looks like our fuel line came loose and all the fuel spilled out. I can't ride back to school now." Rivalz told Lelouch, who wasn't listening and more fixated on the green particles coming out of the trailer.

"Hey! Look Over here!" remarked some of the bystanders who witnessed the incident. "Whoa! Nasty…"

"What, was there some sort of accident?"

"Probably a drunk driver."


The number of people stopping to watch the truck grew substantially, as they took out their smartphones and started taking photos of the accident.

"Hey, maybe someone should go help them." suggested someone more civic-minded.

All these fools…! thought Lelouch as sprang into action, throwing his helmet and protective goggles into the sidecar. "Hey! Wait!"

On the truck's cab however, the people inside began to regain consciousness.

"Hey look! A student has come to help!" pointed a bystander upon seeing Lelouch arrive at the scene of the accident.

"Hey! Are you alright?" shouted Lelouch as he tried to reach the cab of the truck, as its entrance is blocked by the metal pillar that it has crashed into. He tried pulling the truck back, but it refused to budge. Looks like my strength was not enough to get inside the truck. I should look for another way. Lelouch changed his mind and tried to look for another way to reach to the occupants of the truck.

Still on the A10, Rivalz muttered, "Look, I know it's the right thing to do, but I wish he'd stop showing off this meaningless pride of his", as he pushed his bike back to school. "We're going to be late for class now!"

In the truck, airbags deflated and the red-haired co-driver woke up and tried to wake the driver as well. "Nagata? Nagata!" called the co-driver. "Ughhhhhh…" Nagata slowly regained consciousness.

Outside of the truck, Lelouch is still trying to gain entry to the truck by climbing onto it to see if there is anyway he could enter the truck's cab through the sunroof and at same time trying to reach out to the people in the truck.

"Hey! Can you hear me in there?"

Suddenly, Lelouch felt something speak to him, even though he cannot actually hear it with his ears.

I've found you. My… ,just as fast as Lelouch felt it, it was gone immediately. "Where did it come from?" Lelouch wondered. "Are you in there?" he directed his question into the open sunroof of the trailer.

Sadly Lelouch didn't get an answer, for Nagata placed the gear into reverse and stomped on the gas. The sudden jerk of movement caused Lelouch lose his grip onto the rungs of the ladder and fall inside the trailer. "Hey! Stop! I'm not...!" protested Lelouch.

"Why they don't have a ladder on the inside?" asked Lelouch as he tried to find a way out, when he heard a loudspeaker.

"Warning!" Three VTOL gunships started following the truck. "Surrender now and you may have a chance to defend yourself in court!"

"Surrender at once!" the loudspeaker repeated. A turret mounted on the bottom of the VTOL gunship began targeting the VTOL gunship and started firing warning shots which hit the road behind the truck as it swerved left and right to avoid the incoming bullets. "The next rounds will hit you! Surrender at once!" announced the loudspeaker.

"They've called out the army! Now what?!" Nagata began to panic.

"That's why I'm here right?!" replied the red-haired co-driver, pulling off her cap revealing a pair of blue eyes and spiky hair.

In the trailer, Lelouch thought to himself, "Hmm...it's dangerous to go out. Sounds like there's some sort of trouble out there. Maybe I can use my handphone to-" Suddenly, the door to the trailer which Lelouch found earlier to be locked from the outside opened, as the red-haired co-driver stepped inside, taking off the oversized-coat, revealing that she is wearing a brown vest with shorts underneath. Lelouch quickly placed his back to the wall to avoid detection, but luckily she didn't detect him.

"Can you enter the subway via the Azabu route?" asked the red-haired co-driver.

"Kallen! Let's use it here!" replied Nagata over the radio.

"That'll mean a slaughter!" retorted Kallen as she stepped inside a Glasgow.

"Yeah, you're right"

That woman...where have I seen her before? thought Lelouch

(Meanwhile, back at the scene of the accident…)

"Lelouch! Where are you! We've got to get to school!" yelled Rivalz as he tried find where did Lelouch went after the truck left.

"The target is moving from the settlement area to the ghetto" reported one of the VTOL gunships chasing the truck.

"Good. Corner them" ordered HQ

"Yes!" rogered the three VTOL gunships as they began targeting the tyres of the truck.

"Phew!" a slash harken emerged from the back of the truck and struck one of the VTOL gunships, instantly destroying it.

"A slash harken?!" exclaimed one of the pilots, as the slash harken pulled back towards the Glasgow. The trailer's doors opened at the same time, revealing the Glasgow. "A Knightmare!"

The Knightmare jumped out of the trailer to face its two remaining opponents, deploying its landspinners at the same time.

"Shit! These guys are actual terrorists!" blurted Lelouch.

"You guys should know how powerful this thing is!" shouted Kallen in the Glasgow, charging forward. Bullets traced the road, but were unable to hit the Glasgow. Now in range, Kallen fired both of her slash harkens, hitting one and missing the other. The VTOL gunship hit exploded, leaving a smoke cloud which cleared to reveal that a new combatant has arrived on scene.

A VTOL appears from the smoke cloud, carrying a single knightmare frame. "The rest of you, back off. I'll take this guy." ordered the Knightmare frame's pilot, as the Glasgow readied to meet this new challenger, reeling back the slash harkens as it did so.

"I don't know where you got that thing, but an old Glasgow…" declared the knightmare frame's pilot. A slash harken fired by the Glasgow was countered by a slash harken from the other knightmare. "will never be able to stop this Sutherland!" finished the Sutherland's pilot, who appeared to be teal-haired man wearing a regal uniform "Much less a damned Eleven who can't appreciate our Emperor's affection!"

He readied his assault rifle and aimed at the Glasgow. "Whoosh!" went the grenade launcher mounted on his assault rifle, as the grenade flew at the Glasgow. The Glasgow crouched and raised it's left arm in an attempt to defend itself. However, the grenade just pierced the Glasgow's armour and exploded, rendering the left arm useless. The impact of the explosion also pushed back the Glasgow forcefully, jerking Kallen around in the cockpit.

"Kallen we need to split up!" shouted Nagata through the radio. "We can't be both killed! Run for it!"

"But...!" she protested.

While arguing with Kallen, another knightmare appeared on the road in front of the truck and started firing it's assault rifle, causing Nagata to swerve to the exit which is right beside the knightmare.

"Hmpf. How simple-minded." muttered a silver haired woman in the cockpit.

On the Glasgow, things were turning from bad to worse, as the slash harkens on it jammed, giving off a clicking sound when it attempted to launch.

"What's wrong...!? Damnit!" panicked Kallen, as she tried to rectify the problem.

"Secondhand junk!" deduced the pilot of the Sutherland, as he pressed onward with his stun tonfas, swinging them to land a hit on the Glasgow. Kallen instinctively launched what remained of the left arm into the Sutherland's face and it was slightly deflected by the Sutherland using its right arm but not enough as it exploded causing the cockpit visuals on the Sutherland to fizz out as the Factsphere was temporarily blinded by such an explosion. Kallen immediately took this chance to retreat. However, this did not deter the pilot.

"Oh, ho!"chuckled the pilot. "I like your spirit. However...!" and he gave chase after the smoke cleared.

(On the truck...)

"Tch. I'm out of range of any nearby cell towers. This means that I'm headed for somewhere undeveloped. The consistent bumpiness of the road and the darkness suggests that the truck is on one of the subway lines. Add the two facts together and I should be on one of the old subway lines heading towards the ghettos. Exiting would be dangerous, as I could be caught in the crossfire." concluded Lelouch as he stared thoughtfully at his phone, which displayed the words: "No Service".

"Still, I've got it now." mumbled Lelouch as he placed his hand on the radio that he had seen lying in the corner of the truck, along with the coat that the woman earlier left behind. "How careless is it of terrorists to leave their own radios lying around in the truck, with the frequencies already set. The conditions are clear now. I may not like the protection of the army, but giving them a terrorist radio where they could listen in onto the terrorists would help me to secure their protection."

Still on the A10, Rivalz continued pushing his bike, cursing, "Damn him...leaving me all alone behind in a lurch!"

At the Viceroy's Palace, Prince Clovis' personal forces prepared to move out, with General Bartley giving orders left and right, until he was stopped by a lavender haired man wearing a green turtleneck with a lab coat staring into his face up close with very large glasses over his face.

"Ah-ha." proclaimed the man.

"What are you doing?!" demanded Bartley.

"Looking at a man who blundered,...am I right?" asked the man nonchalantly.

"Why, you…!" threatened General Bartley.

"You really screwed up. Terrorists came and stole whatever you and Prince Clovis were secretly working on. Retrieving the item would be easy, but then you wanted to wipe out all of the Eleven terrorists as well. If you let the terrorists go, you'll end up finding their hideout too." explained the man, who turned back to face a woman with indigo hair and dressed in military engineer's office uniform. "Congratulations! Your reasoning was spot on!"

"No, I just thought that it was strange…" replied the woman.

"Enough!" ordered General Bartley,"So what does the special research team Camelot want in all this?"

"I'm saying I'd like to help with the cleanup!" responded the man enthusiastically.


"Yes. I want data."

"So, what is it they stole anyway?" asked the woman.

"Chemical Weapons. In other words,...poison gas."

(At Shinjuku, just above the entrance to Shinjuku subway station)

"The terrorists are hiding inside the subway system." briefed the HQ. "Your mission is to find the weapon stolen by the terrorists. Investigate the old subway system in the Shinjuku ghetto where the Elevens live. Call in as soon as you spot them. Recovery of target will be handled by the royal guard. You people may have the title Honorary Britannians now, but you were originally Elevens! The stench of these monkeys should be familiar to you! If you want to earn the right to carry weapons, get some results! Here's your chance to show your loyalty to Britannia!"

A legion of voices shouting "Yes, my lord!" were heard, as the VTOL troop carrier lowered soldiers wearing gas masks that faintly resembled a Tiki mask. They rushed in, eager to prove their worth and show their loyalty to Britannia so that they can get promoted and thus earn more money.

In the station, Nagata struggled with the truck, as he tried to get the truck to keep on moving so that they could bring it to their hideout. Suddenly, he drive over a large pothole, causing the trailer to shake. Lelouch, having nothing to hold onto, was being thrown around.

"An accident?!" wondered Lelouch.

Nearby, a Honorary Britannian soldier heard the crash and turned his head towards the direction of the truck. The truck's wheels spun aimlessly, as it tried to free the truck from the pothole, but to no avail.

"N-no good…" muttered Nagata, as he tried to move the truck. He reached down for a switch on the truck and pushed it, which opened the trailer's doors by the side.

Slightly further away, the soldier has found the truck and using his high-tech goggles built into the gas mask, he saw the item that was stolen, and tapped his locator button which transmitted his location to the VTOL troop carrier via a VHF band that indicated that he has located the target.

"4-0-4 has sighted the target." reported the operator of the receiver on the VTOL troop carrier to the G-1, the mobile command post. "Right! Prepare for recovery!" came the orders from the G-1.

Back in the subway station, the soldier also noticed someone near the target. Seeing that it was only one person and he does not seem to be in possession of any weapons, he moved forward to tackle him.

"It seems that now is an appropriate time to leave. Now, time to seek protection from the army. " mumbled Lelouch as he stepped out of the trailer, not noticing the soldier running towards him. The soldier leapt at Lelouch, attacking him with a spinning kick that knocked him to the side, causing Lelouch to fall with a cry of pain.

"Ah! A Britannian…!" Lelouch exclaimed before being grabbed by the collar.

The lower half of the gas mask detached, as the soldier asserted, "Enough with the killing!"

"Wait! I'm…!" Lelouch tried to protest.

"I can't believe you people would use poison gas!" continued the soldier, without stopping to listen to Lelouch. "Don't play dumb!"

"I'm telling you…!"retorted Lelouch as he kicked at the soldier. But the soldier saw that coming and jumped backwards.

"I saw that they crashed into a construction site and since I was nearby, I ran over to see if I could help." explained Lelouch."I fell into the trailer while trying to access the cab as they restarted the engine and drove off. I only realised that they are terrorists when I heard the army from inside the trailer. Here is one of the terrorist radios. You will find the frequency that the terrorists are using to communicate with. " He handed the soldier the radio he picked up earlier.

"You…" started the soldier. "You're Lelouch right?" He removed his helmet, revealing a face of brown hair and green eyes.

"It's me, Suzaku." Lelouch's eyes widened, shocked at the sudden reunion. Suzaku, the boy he had been friends with since he was first in Japan. The boy who often seeked him out to play. The son of the last Prime Minister of Japan, Genbu Kururugi.

"You became a Britannian soldier?!" Lelouch's voice quavered as he spoke, disbelief at Suzaku's willingness to join the army of the enemy that destroyed his home.

"And you? Don't tell me you're…?!"

"What are you saying?! Of course not!" retorted Lelouch, as light started emitting from the cracks of the opening of the poison gas container, pistons all over the container were being pushed outwards. It seems that the poison gas is about to be released.

Suzaku, seeing that the poison gas is about to be released, dove at Lelouch and clamped the gas mask over his face. At least I died saving my friend, now I shall be leaving this world having redeemed myself, thought Suzaku as he mentally prepared to die from the poison gas.

"Click, went the container as its four sides split open. Inside was a sac of fluids, with a lime haired girl in a straitjacket.

(At another part of the subway, in the tunnels…)

"Sorry, I left the radio in my coat in all of the confusion." apologised Kallen.

"It's okay, the Glasgow's systems are functioning. Anyway, were we right?"

"Yeah. I think it's poison gas, like our intelligence."

"And Nagata?"

"I dunno. I think he made it underground."

At the truck, Nagata's still passed out, while Lelouch and Suzaku were conversing the supposedly 'poison gas'.

"Answer me Suzaku, this girl is the poison gas?" Lelouch tried to free the restraints of the straitjacket.

"But that's what we were told in the briefing!" answered Suzaku as a bright light suddenly shone on the truck. The royal guard has arrived.

"Damn monkey!" scolded the commander."Even a Britannian doesn't have the authority to do what you've done!"

"But I was told this was poison gas!" objected Suzaku.

"You have no right to protest!"

We're in trouble. This is definitely poison, thought Lelouch. A deadly poison that will endanger Suzaku's masters if word gets out. Is it the commander's? Can't be, ranked too low for him to have such dangerous secrets. Chief of Security? A meek man. Has to be the Viceroy, Prince Clovis. Clovis, what dirty little secret you have there?

"However, in reward for your great achievements, I'll be merciful."continued the commander, presenting Suzaku a pistol. "Private Kururugi, use this to execute the terrorist."

"He's not a terrorist! He's a civilian who got caught up with this!" protested Suzaku.

"You little…!" cursed the commander. "That's an order! Didn't you swear your loyalty to Britannia?"

"But...but I can't!"


"I won't do it. I won't shoot a civilian, not him."

"Then die." The commander pointed the pistol at Suzaku and fired.

"SUZAKU!" shouted Lelouch. First Britannia takes away my mother, corrupted my father, crippled my sister, and now even my friend dies while trying to defend me! Britannia would burn in hell for all that's done to me!

"You look like a Britannian student, but today is just not your day." spoke the commander nonchalantly. "After you've retaken the girl, kill the student!"

"Yes, my lord!" chroused the royal guard.

In the truck, Nagata awoke from the gunshot and heard what was going on outside.

"God...damned...Britannians..." muttered Nagata as flicked another switch. "Long live Japan!"

"Boom!" The cab of the truck exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere and smoke and dust to fly about, including flying through the ceiling which caved in from the explosion, creating a smoke cloud that could be seen from afar.

(On the G-1...)

"They got away?! You call yourselves the royal guard?!" screamed General Bartley.

"Forgive me my lord! The blast was directed upwards, but the bedrock…"

"Do you understand why I only told you people about this?!" interrupted General Bartley.

"We'll continue searching for them!" affirmed the commander of the royal guard.

"This plan has moved on to the next phase." commented Prince Clovis as he placed a hand to his forehead, having a headache at the sheer incompetency of his men.

"But Your Highness…!" replied General Bartley.

"If knowledge of her gets out, I'll certainly be disinherited. Tell them back home that we are carrying out a planned urban renewal. We can worry about the details later. I order you as Clovis, third prince of the empire and Prince of Chicago, to destroy the Shinjuku ghetto!"

Almost immediately, Sutherlands began launching from the G-1, carrying out the orders of Prince Clovis. Japanese civilians were seen running away for shelter when the Knightmares were seen approaching them, in fear of what they could do as destructive weapons which they have seen first hand during the invasion of Japan. Some of them were inattentive to their surroundings and did not realise what is happening, before mercilessly gunned down by the Knightmares.

"Why are the Britannians doing this?" wondered an elderly Japanese as his wife packed up, getting ready to leave their apartment.

"Dear, please!" urged his wife.

"Bratatatat…" went off the automatic assault rifle as the couple was shot repeatedly by Britannian soldiers.

"Okay, sweep the next floor up." ordered the squad commander.

Far outside, near the outskirts of the Shinjuku ghetto, heavy artillery is blanketing the city with explosive shells, destroying the remaining ruins of the city after what had Britannia done during the invasion of Japan.

"Your enemies are garbage who can never become Honorary Britannians! Wipe out every last one of them!" encouraged the operator manning the public broadcast system to give justification and reassure the soldiers that what they are doing is a just and righteous one.

"Naturally." muttered Jeremiah Gottwald in his Sutherland.

"Major Jeremiah, General Bartley wants you to take command of area 2. You-" crackled the radio in the Sutherland. An area of his map lit up to indicate the area he is supposed to take charge of.

"He's got staff officers for that. Furthermore, I haven't had this much fun on the front lines in ages!" interrupted Jeremiah as he moved forward with the front line.

Back in the G-1, on the digital displayed in the centre of the command room, Britannian forces already have the Shinjuku ghetto surrounded and are closing in towards the centre, destroying everything in their path as they did so. Clovis smiled at the inevitable destruction of Shinjuku ghetto, while still worrying about what the terrorists took.

Outside, the lavender-haired man and the indigo-haired mechanical engineer was getting ready to show off their latest model of Knightmare frame.

"Not there?" queried the man.

"I received confirmation that he has gone to the front lines."

"Even though we brought the Lancelot over?"

"What should we do? We steamrolled our way in here, but we don't have a Devicer to use it." complained the man.

In the tunnels, Lelouch and the lime-haired girl managed to escape using the smoke created from the explosion of the truck's cab. A sliver of light shone through a staircase nearby, revealing a potential exit.

"I'm going to go ahead to scout if there is any danger ahead of us. Wait here, okay?" Lelouch the climbed the stairs, and peeked out at what is happening on the surface.

"Bratatatatat…" went off the sound of a machine gun. Lelouch instinctively ducked out of sight, but not before seeing a Japanese man being filled with bullet holes and falling down on the ground.

"Well?" asked the commander.

"It looks like there's only Elevens here sir." answered the soldier.

"Hmm...you're sure? The exit to the subway station is here?"

"Yes sir. It matches up with our map of the old city."

Meanwhile, at Ashford Academy, Shirley attempted to reach Lelouch through his handphone as she did not see Lelouch in class just now and is wondering whether something happened to him.

"Brrriiiing!" went off Lelouch's handphone. Lelouch immediately silenced the phone but the damage had already been done. The royal guard turned their heads at the source of the sound and discovered Lelouch and the girl in hiding.

"An appropriate location for a terrorist to meet his end, isn't it?" remarked the commander.

"You people…!" cursed Lelouch.

"Still, you did well for a student. As expected of a Britannian! However, your future ends right here and now."

"Don't kill him!" shouted the girl as she broke free of the people restraining her, stepping in front of Lelouch, the same moment that the commander chose to fire his pistol.

The bullet struck her in the forehead, causing death instantaneously. She fell backwards, onto the ground.

"Hey!" Lelouch cried out, kneeling by the girl, not believing that she is dead.

"We were to bring her back alive if possible, but we'll tell our superiors the following:" bragged the commander. "The royal guard has found the terrorist hideout and wiped them all out, but the hostage was killed before we could retrieve her. What do you think, Mr Student?"

"What is this? Suzaku..., and now this girl… Is this the end for me? With me not having done a single thing in my life? So easily...Nunnally...!"

All of a sudden, the girl's hand grabbed onto Lelouch's wrist, and immediately, Lelouch was transported to another world which the threads of life bound to him, where a loud voice boomed.

"You don't want it to end here, do you?" it asked.

"What's going on?" questioned Lelouch, looking around at his constantly changing environment, feeling unwell as he hated unexpected changes.

"You appear to have a reason to continue living." continued the voice, ignoring Lelouch's question.

"The girl then right? Are you the girl?"

"If you had the power, would you live? I'll make a deal with you. In exchange for power, you must make my one wish come true. Accept this contract, and while you live in the world of humans, you will live unlike any other human. A different providence, a different time, a different life. The power of kings would isolate you. If you are prepared for it."

I am not too sure about accepting such a contract yet though, after what the last contract did to me as a person, forcing me to commit terrible deeds for a disgusting purpose, thought Lelouch.

Why not? asked the inner voice inside him. Why think about such things like morality when you are about to die? You could gain more power as a result of this contract, and use the power to survive, to live on. Isn't that what your goal is? Accept this contract now and be done with it!

I'm not too sure though...I mean look at the last contract i agreed to it. It condemned me to a life of forced choices, choices which I did not choose to take, but is what I agreed to do in order to live. To die now would free me from this contract.


Without warning, Lelouch's felt his will slipping, as another being made the choices for him.

"Very well! I accept your contract!" announced Lelouch, as he returned to the world where he was taken from, the place where he is about to be shot and branded as a terrorist.

Lelouch stood up, with his right hand covering his right eye.

"Tell me, how should a Britannian who hates Britannia live?"

"Are you some kind of radical?!" grilled the commander. "Hmm?"

"What's wrong? Why don't you shoot? Your opponent is just a student. Or have you realised? That you are not willing to shoot a Britannian? Because you are afraid of the consequences! Now, take your punishment!" Lelouch's hand uncovered his left eye, revealing a glowing, bird-shaped symbol in it.


"Lelouch vi Britannia commands all of you...to die!"

"Hahahaha! Yes, Your Highness!" All of the soldiers then placed their guns to their heads, ready to fire.

"Fire!" With that, all of them pulled the trigger, leaving the royal guard totally dead in seconds before Lelouch's eyes, with him staring in shock at what he has just done. But soon enough, he recovered with a smile on his face.

Since that day, I've lived a lie. The lie of living. My name too was a lie. My personal history, a lie. Nothing but lies. I was sick to death of a world that couldn't be changed. But even in my lies, I refused to give up in despair. But now this incredible power... it's mine… Well, then...it's time to raise the banner of revolution.

Souls collected: 7