Thank you for reading my fanfic!

My mother language is not English, so please be patient about the grammatical issues.

I don't own the Overlord(オーバーロードŌbārōdo?) novel or anime series created by Kugane Maruyama.

I don't own the Mass Effect trilogy, and Andromeda developed by the Bioware game studios.

Please review it I know I will make mistakes what I will intend to correct and try to learn from my mistakes and improve myself.

This story made by the request of sandmanwtf4.

Thank you for reading this notification!

Please enjoy the story!

Facing each other around the roundtable, four people's stared the projection floated before them. The four councillor, waiting for the fifth person of their discussion, the 'Queen Bee of Surkesh', Dalatrass Linron, the leader of the Salarian Union.

All four Councilors seemed restless, especially the Salarian one, Councilor Valern. With his exception, no one knows what's going on. Thus, the human, the Turian and the Asari just stared at the vision and discussed the topic. Trying to figure out the cause of the meeting.

Asking Valern was superfluous, he only answered their questions with the sentence; 'Calm down, the Dalatrass will explain everything when she arrives.' and, 'Everything comes light in time.'

You don't have to guess, Anderson and Sparatus were not the only ones felt the insatiable itchiness to hit the Salarian. Tevos as well started to feel frustrated under her carefully managed mask of lies. The air began to grow thicker and thicker with each passing minutes.

By the time the Councilors waited. Naturally, they did not waste time. Instead, discussed the critical events happened in the near past. Trying to find a good solution to treat the newcomers.

They already received the promised outdated technology, the technology and the DNA samples their experts still analysed. The four of them only hoped the gathered DNA samples would bring some fruition, shed some light in the darkness they stumbled.

About what they paid in return? Well, not much the Council could offer for the Sorcerous Kingdom, being their magically mixed technology seemed to be more advanced than their own.

The Kingdom's technology mixed EEZO based applications in minimal level with some unknown method, and of course, the phenomenon called magic was present everywhere. The combination of this three things seemingly was a lot effective than the technology the Council regularised over the years.

Of course, when it comes to the application and usage of Element Zero the newcomers fell behind considerably. Still, using their unknown technology and magic, they filled the gap rapidly. And Valern was sure, in the deepest bergs of their government they already developed their own method to use EEZO in a more efficient way. Ways, maybe even the Asari, who's in the galactically playfield since 580 BCE (Before Common Era) and in nature attended the strange element since the dawn of their history may not be aware.

But even considering all that outdated technology the kingdom merely threw at them and considered a breakthrough for the races of the galaxy, there is no way the Council will hand their most advanced technology to the newcomers in exchange for their 'generous donation'. Doing that would be an utterly foolish step, which would completely drag the little control out from the Council's hand that they managed to preserve. The little influence the Council still maintained after the embarrassing defeat in the Urla Rast system.

Naturally, the donated technological pieces and the DNA samples the Sorcerous Kingdom provided to cement the steady relationship between the galactic government and themselves indeed well received in the scientific sphere. But every bureaucrat was well aware this was just a false sign of generosity. A curtsey if you like the word better, provided only to raise the public mood and gain allies in the groves of the different governments, to gain a foothold in the galaxy.

Thinking of this, Valern can't do anything just feel uneasy, brushing his forehead. The news about the pirate raids did not help either. Hearing the defeat of the Council fleets most likely sent a false message towards the raiders, stationed in Terminus.

A message that encouraged them to invade the outer system of the Council space and sack the defenceless colonies of the Council races. Currently, the rising pirate threat mostly affected the System Alliance, whose presence was higher in the concerned region. But hearing Anderson constant rant about the problem just made Valern's head ache.

In truth, the Salarian councillor had no clear idea what's the Dalatrass is up to. He only knows she is up to some severe matter that requested the personal attendance of all four Councilors. Because of his cluelessness, he was more concerned than ever before. The only thing he could do is to soothe the mood of his fellow councillors and hope the best. A few more minutes and the meeting room's door opened, the Dalatrass arrived.

In truth, the Dalatrass' diplomatic uniform in appearance differed only a little bit from Valern's own; she as well wore a typical blue Salarian diplomat cloth that completely hid the bodily proportions of the wearer. Making male and female altogether indistinguishable. Despite their lizard-like appearance, the Salarians were proud people, taking pride in their delicate methods to solve the problem. Be it espionage or diplomacy, look no further if you seek to win a war before it even starts.

In truth, the Salarian diplomats wore their strange diplomatic dresses so the negotiating parties could concentrate on the negotiation instead of the appearance.

Some said, if you give a Salarian politician a little bit of preparation time, it can even convince an Asari Justicar to retreat instead of pursuing the convict she is seeking. Naturally, it was just a funny tale the bureaucrats told each other. Most likely without any content of truth.

"Please forgive my lateness, Councilors. My discussion with the Chief Ambassador of the Sorcerous Kingdom dragged longer than I expected…"

"What discussion?" Raising his brow, Anderson asked immediately. He knows, not all Salarians were deceptive, like most of the STG members he meets under early in his career. But the race contained enough dualistic individuals to question the real motives of its members.

The 'queen bee' standing before them was not an exception, no… she was the worst of the worst. Hearing what kind of speculations floating around about the wealthiest clan of the Salarian Union. Knowing from various sources how the family amassed all that influence and wealth they now possess, Anderson was not even surprised. And If she negotiated with that 'demon'… he doesn't even want to know what's she is up to.

"Hmm… We just simply conversed about the future. A possible alliance between the Salarian Union, the Sorcerous Kingdom and of course, the Council. Sharing ideas, that's all…"

Three out of four councillors just watched her intensely, Valern looked away and sighed ashamed.

Walking near the roundtable, Dalatrass took seat elegantly; her moves implied her years and years of practice in the political sphere.

"May we know, what do you need of us, Dalatrass?"

Cracking his mandibles, Sparatus was restless. Several hours passed since the four of them gathered. Only waiting for the 'Queen Bee of Surkesh'. He was genuinely furious; the woman dared to waste his precious time. The time that he could spend in a more useful manner. For example, working for his people's future. To gain a foothold and restore the pride of the Turian Hierarchy once more.

"Councilor Sparatus, I am on it. Just a moment."

Turning back to her colleagues, the Linron started her explanation.

"Councilors, our scientist finished with the rough analysation of the DNA samples the Sorcerous Kingdom so generously provided us…"

"What did they found?"

The one who asked was Tevos. Despite her calm attitude, she was the most interested party. She was curious what the hundreds and hundreds of new races those came with the Sorcerous Kingdom could offer to the Galaxy, contribute to her people.

She wanted to know if her people's strange method of reproduction would be able or not to transmit the ability to manipulate the phenomenon the people of the Sorcerous Kingdom called by the name, 'magic'.

Possessing the ability of both biotic manipulation and magic would ultimately prove indispensable in the future. Gain her and her people a well-needed negotiation ground against the Sorcerous Kingdom, or more importantly. By creating hybrids gaining them as a useful ally.

Sparatus just wanted to know if the Salarians and the few experts the Primarch sent could come up with something that can turn the tide. There must be a way to reverse engineer their energy based weapons, armour and shield technology. There is no way that the methods, the technology the kingdom found its devices based on 'gibberish nonsense', as one of the Turian scientists formulated his words when Sparatus spoke with him.

Anderson just wanted to know if these strange people could be converted to reliable, temporary allies against the closing Reaper threat. He, Shepard and everyone else need every inch of help to survive the coming storm.

"First thing first," she started. "We inspected the DNA samples of the human population of this so-called Sorcerous Kingdom." the Salarian leader played with her fingers, making a few quotation marks.


"After a thorough examination and comparing them with the various samples the System Alliance so generously made available…"

Dalatrass looked at Anderson; the man just nodded acknowledging.

"Our scientist concluded, the humans of the Sorcerous Kingdom and the human race of the System Alliance differing such margin, only the basic genomes fits the race's description."

Pushing a few buttons on her haptic interface the genome map popped up from the table, with added signage and description.

"They are still the same race, but it's like comparing a domesticated dog with a wolf. Like you want to compare the Homo Sapiens and the Homo neanderthalensis. Same race, but primordially differing."

"What's your point?" asked Sparatus nervous, tapping his claw on the table. Anderson just squinted his eyes questioning, feeling more and more interested. Indeed, the scientist of the System Alliance came to the same conclusion, although, the tests still ongoing in the secret government facilities of Earth.

"What I want to say…" she looked around with a concerned face.

"According to the genomes, each of the humans born in the Sorcerous Kingdom at least twice as strong, twice as agile, and their natural resistance and adaptability at least three times better than an average System Alliance citizen. All of this without any kind of genetical engineering or cybernetic augmentation. We found no genetic markers those would indicate such modifications. Not speaking about every other race we tested."

Dropping her fingers a few more times on her interface, several new sequences popped up from the projector.

"Our current tests show no trace of genetic engineering or manipulation. Be all races are natural or the result of a very crafty bioengineer work, we don't know."

Valern hummed, caressing his chin with a suspicious gaze.

"Hmmm… Interesting phenomenon, I read their history. According to it, apart from the hybrid races, all race be it humanoid, demi-human or the so-called heteromorphs spawned on the planet from the beginning or appeared around a thousand and eight hundred years ago. The same time when the so-called Six gods appeared on the planet. Conclusion, several or one, over advanced civilisation spawned them there, a civilisation/s that may be way over us, technologically, and maybe spiritually. Maybe these so-called Supreme Beings those lead their federation did all of this."

The Dalatrass nodded, accepting Valern's theory.

"Exactly what I thought…Also, we investigated the received demonic and angelic blood samples. The so-called demonic and angelic blood the scientist examined reacted violently to each other. Like natural enemies, the samples our experts examined although show some kind of similarity, still, the antibodies reacting each other violently."

Anderson looked away suddenly, contemplating. In Horizon, the recovery N7 team found a few strange samples. Most likely from the peculiar girl appeared in the Normandy and crashed the Collector's ship when the said ship tried to depart, kidnapping the colonists.

Comparing those samples, the demonic and angelic blood reacted entirely differently. The antibodies of the specimen, Kaguya, as Shepard called her, just devoured and neutralised every threat the scientist could come up with. Be it the deadliest virus Earth and the Galaxy ever produced, or the artificially produced neutralising agents those were developed to eradicate life to its fullest. Even the nanomachines of the System Alliance ceased to work when tried to extract information from the blood sample. Whatever that girl was, she may be more dangerous than the Reapers.

"Moreover, thanks to our investigation I believe we gained some grasp of how exactly these so-called undead functions,"

Tevos tilted her head, raising her brow hearing the Dalatrass announcement. "Care to share the information, Dalatrass?"

Pushing a few more buttons, the projection of a simple skeleton worker appeared.

"The body of these so-called 'undead' does not contain any kind of nanomachinery as we first suspected. Instead, it is fueled and controlled by some kind of energy matrix."

"Impossible…" gasped Sparatus. "Not even the Protheans were able to produce a stable energy matrix that was able to control and sustain such lifeforms. Impossible! There must be a trick behind it."

The Dalatrass and all three councillors looked at him a little bit sceptical. After all that they saw, after all, that the new civilisation showed the Council, Sparatus still trying to deny the clear evidence.

"Deny it if you want, Sparatus. We have clear evidence. The evidence we can support with measurements, numbers and experiments. As one of the scientists called the energy, the creature released, 'The anti-life essence'. Every living thing, the energy sample we managed to separate, touched, started to age and eroded rapidly. Like it acted upon like some kind of acceleration enzyme. Even more interesting, the small mammals we used as test subject came back not long after their death. Twisted, releasing similar energy than the 'undead' worker."

On the hologram, the vision of the rising small animals appeared. Rising from the ground, twisted, surrounded by a strange violet aura of death.

Seeing the picture, Anderson thought hard if they need such ally against the Reapers.

"Concerning…" Valern hummed. "And that was a simple skeletal worker our forces managed to capture before our retreat. What about their technology? Did we managed to extract any information from it?"

Dalatrass sighed tiredly. She doesn't want to admit out loud, but the most the best scientists the Salarian Union could offer still stumbled in the darkness.

"Unfortunately, our progress is slow. The experts never saw something like this before. Like the inner workings of their devices based on some unknown interdimensional law, we have no idea about. We receive energy readings where we should not; we don't receive anything where we should have. The technology is volatile where it should be stable. It is all makes no sense. But our most worrisome discovery…"

New readings appeared above the table. Showing various numbers, force and money movements.

"According to our STG agents, those managed to gain some insight from the kingdom's economy. They are consolidating their forces near the newly colonised planets. Buying the massive amount of EEZO and other technological products from different sources, of course, all of this undercover. The only thing that is common, the traces can be traced back to the systems they reside."

"I don't understand, what is so surprising about this? They are expanding and fortifying the newly acquired territories. Standard procedure even for the System Alliance." Said Anderson.

Although, he had a few idea why they are doing such drastic mobilisation. The Sorcerous Kingdom is actually preparing to protect its own territory against the coming Reaper invasion. The invasion that strange woman tried to warn them. She handed the necessary information to prepare Earth and the galaxy. They only needed to use it.

Anderson mentioned the discovery to the Council right after he got the information and Shepard left. But as always, they dismissed the validity of the data, even when he had steady evidence supported with numbers and measurements. Now, he only hoped the best, hoped the Council would realise its own mistake and act before its too late.

The human councillor asked Admiral Hacket long ago to expand the fleets and prepare Earth the best he could, not long ago handed him the information he acquired. Hopefully, it will save a few life.

After his failure with the Council, Anderson doesn't even mention the case before the parliament of the System Alliance. Fearing his political position and with it, his influence over the situation diminishes before the old machines arrive. He was well aware how the Parliament would react the news about a coming invasion. Shameful, but the same way the Council is behaving now. Closing their eyes and trying to forget the evidence he and Shepard already handed them. Hoping to survive the storm.

"The most frightening fact is… it seems they are preparing to increase their battleship and recruiting quota by a large margin." continued the queen bee of Sur'Kesh.

Sparatus nodded. "Then we need to do the same, or they might try something funny. I will make sure the Primarch will get wind of this."

"Sparatus…" Tevos glared angrily at her colleague. "We need to find a peaceful solution. We need to convince them to decrease the aggressively they are showing. There must be a peaceful way to solve the situation."

Typical Asari thinking, Anderson rolled his eyes, If he could just convince them to accept the truth… wait a minute… Realization dawned on Anderson.

Actually, a mobilisation order would come handy in the current situation. Making sure the fleets are ready, and the forces prepared when the bigger enemy arrives, it should considerably boost the chances of survival and would save numerous lives.

"I had to agree with Councilor Sparatus. Increasing the size of our fleets and our enlistment quota would considerably increase the morale, both the people and our economy. Councilor Tevos, I hope I do not have to remind you the defeat our forces suffered in Shrike Abyssal." Anderson raised his voice, hoping his gamble will pay out eventually.

"Hmmm… That may work…" pondered Valern.

"Still, it is not…" Tevos tried to protest, but Dalatrass stopped her.

"Please, calm down. No matter how painful it to admit. But we are outgunned. The only thing we can do is to increase our military might. Our people shook after the defeat, without a steady sign of control, the Council will be questionable. I don't have to remind you how catastrophic that would be, not only for the Salarian Union, the System Alliance, the Turian Hierarchy but even for the Asari Republic. Without steady ground and the aid of the people, we are not able to effectively govern our controlled territory."

Tevos sighed in defeat seeing the questioning look she received. Waving, she agreed.

"Fine, but this isn't over… we need to tighten our ties with the Sorcerous Kingdom. We need a steady ground to negotiate if it comes to that. I only ask, don't act harshly…"

"Agree…" nodded the queen bee of Sur'Kesh.

The discussion continued at least one more hour. Mostly discussing the details how to handle the delicate situation.

After the discussion, Dalatrass retreated in her private office Valern so generously up kept her for the times when she visits the Citadel.

At the moment she placed her fingers on the haptic interface of her worktable, the Salarian Councilor stormed into her office, behind him, the automatic door is rapidly closing.

"What's the meaning of this!? Why did you not tell me about your meeting with the Chief Ambassador!?" despite the Salarian's general calm attitude, the councillor completely lost his head, blaming the Dalatrass with such words.

"Valern, calm down…"

The councillor breathed deep. Closing, then opening his eyes slowly, Valern head cools down for a mere moment. He should not act so harsh. He lost his head.

"Please forgive me. For a moment I lost my head. Please understand, I don't like to deal with unknown variables."

"I agree, no one likes to deal with them."

Standing up, the Dalatrass walked towards the window, pouring some TM88 Peruvian Whiskey. A drink worth more than 1000 credit per bottle. Tasting the human alcohol, the Salarian Dalatrass looked through her office's window, inspecting the racing sky cars from the safety of her office.

"Even when the variable offered us an irrecusably deal…" Drinking her drink, she inspected the glass with great care.

"What are you speaking? Linron, what's going on?" Valern's body stern, slightly stepping back. Gaining some courage, walking on her side. She just smiled, giving a faint, mysterious look the Councilor.

"A chance, which may allow us to come out more than we invested, a chance to solidify our influence, all across the galaxy…"

Scene Change: Skidbladnir: Experimental Class Frigate:

Looking around, Kaidan was surprised. The deck of the frigate named Skidbladnir confusingly resembled an Alliance vessel, yet entirely differed. The crafty engineering solutions those made the Alliance so efficient and prosperous all found their place on the deck. Surprisingly, under his short stay, which only consisted a few minutes, Kaidan saw engineering solutions those he never saw before.

Possessing a technician's vein he was interested, at least, he thought… In truth, he was not only impressed, but his inner child also wanted to tear apart the place and investigate how the strange machines exactly work.

Followed by the new strike team, the Dark Elf Joe Black smiled, as always, a dubious expression settled on his face.

"Marvelous! The tech is top notch!" marvelled the short Penly Fizpot, looking around with brimming eyes. Looking left and right, trying to restrain herself from tearing apart the place with her greedy exo-gloves.

"Is that a Dretitium converter?!" Jumping near the strange device that resembled of a floating eye surrounded by some kind of violet energy, she activated her scanner, and many different equations started to appear from her gloves.

"Beautifull…" she licked her lips before the eye looked at her and a malicious looking exclamation mark appeared above the construct, shocking poor girl.

"Auch, hey!" Penly yawned unpleasant, raising her oversized hand dangerous.

Kirrahe, as well most of the newcomers were interested. But withhold their childish curiosity out of pride. The crew only arrived a few moments ago after all, if everything goes as planned. They will have plenty of time to look around.

"Hmm… Interesting solutions…" grunted Okeer watching the crew operating the stations with peak efficiency. Each of them differed in race and appearance. Each of them wore the W.E.I.R.D.D.'s grey jumpsuits.

"I hope you installed my lab on the ship… As we agreed with the little girl, I need to continue my research with the Genophage."

Joe Black stopped, his hands folded behind his back. An even broader smile curled on his face as he waited for the automatized answer.

"Dr Okeer, as the Director promised, we installed your lab equipment on the second deck, near your contamination unit. You can check the equipment after the Captain authorised it." A synthesised, soft female voice came from the direction of… well, it came from all around. Making with the exception of Joe everyone looks around.

"Who is that?" ruffled Okeer indigent, looking around suspiciously. "Some kind of VI? No, that answer came too quick, those synthesised emotions and inflexion…" Pondered the scientist hard, a smile curled on his elderly face as he found his answer.

Saren just looked around, suspecting the voice belong to some kind of VI or Artifical Intelligence. He would be not even surprised if it is the latter. Fortunately, this, organisation, this so-called W.E.I.R.D.D. proved itself capable of dealing with them. Still, he was uneasy.

"Ha! Let me guess, an AI…" Come to the answer finally from Okeer's direction.

At that moment, not far from them, a figure materialised. Taking the form of a female with long black hair, wearing a beautiful kimono with sakura flowers. Her face covered by a strange golden mask, but from the slanted eyeholes, everyone saw her slit, green eyes.

"Congratulations, Dr Okeer, you guessed it right. A golden Momonga for you!" The kimono girl cheered as she raised a gold coin that portrayed Ainz's skeletal appearance.

The veteran krogan scientist just shrugged, he doesn't need the praise of a machine.

The female figure ignored the man rude behaviour, quietly bowed, introducing herself.

"I am M.A.N.D.I., Mentally Adjusted Nerve Interface. The ship's artificial intelligence. At your service. But please, just call me simply Mandi-chan. I hope our work together will be pleasant."

Chuckling pleasant, she waved at the newcomers. "Please take care of mee! Onee and Oniii-samas!"

Her sudden change of pace from a harsh business tone to a childish flirting one, made Okeer grunt, Kaidan blush, Saren reaching towards his gun and Kirrahe rolling his eyes.

"Okay! Mandi-chan!" the redhead goblin bluntly raised her colossal glove friendly.

Saren is walking to the projection just wanted to check something, when… His hand collided with the so-called forecast. Like it was a physical, no, a living being. The softness is specific to humans and the clothes made from silky material all recognisable as he touched them.

"Ouch! Hey mister! That was not nice!"

Pulling back his hand, he felt the projection was actually solid. Yes, most likely a solid hologram generated by the nearby force field generators.

The former Spectre read about them, no, he used the technology day by day. It is used the same principle as the haptic interface. Generating force field just in the right intensity to simulate the sense of touch. It was not a new technology, yet, if his eyes do not deceive him, then the simulation also processed environmental data and moved Mandi's hair according to the environment.

To simulate such density and feelings, that required a massive amount of energy and computing capacity.

For a moment, Saren found no words hearing the blunt words of the girl, he looked away ashamed, apologised. Although, still keeping his guard, after what happened to him, after what Sovereign and the Reapers did to him he just could not trust an Ai anymore.


The girl just chuckled seeing the former Spectre's embarrassed state. "Don't worry Saren-chan! It is okay! If you want some stimulation, we have some quality material just for Turians… I know men like stimuli… boing!"

She jumped happily, teasing Saren as rematerialized near him. Poking his scales.


"What?" she looked at Joe who shook his head.

"Oh, right… sorry… not appropriate. Maybe later…" she winked at the former Spectre. Saren just sighed and massaged his forehead uncomfortable.

"Well, if you need anything just scream, and I will appear! Take care!" With that, she disappeared, some members smiled, some disapprovingly shook head, and even more looked at Joe surprised.

Black just sighed and massaged his head, his always dubious smile disappeared for a moment.

He needs to find out who wrote her core program or who the hell taught her this kind of flirty attitude. The more important thing, he needs to finish his report, or the slave driver who was his boss will give him the third shoe to walk, in his ass.

"Please familiarise yourself with the ship, after all, this will be your second home from now on. Mandi will notify you before the mission start. If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask either me or Mandi. My office positioned on deck three, near the secondary command centre."

With that, Joe left, leaving the new team alone with each other.

A woman stepped forward. From her appearance, anyone could unmistakably distinguish her race.

"Well, I am going to drink, anyone care to join?" She looked around, a little bit posh. Her face beautiful, yet her expression lofty, like she is looking down on everyone else. Her sarcasm is clearly audible.

"Hnn… As expected, you are not even worthy to stand in my presence… huh, if just my servants were here, I need to speak with that elf. When Shalltear-sama hears about this, she will be furious. When I hoped I could find a good hunt after such long time… truly disappointing."

Seeing her ashen white skin, glowing yellow eyes and the canines those peeked out from her mouth playfully; it was not even a question, she was a vampire. She bore the race unmistakable traits. Slowly walking away, her movements were soft, befit to a noble.

Her equipment also seemed to be quality work, body fitting, handmade. She was either a high born noble with considerable wealth or a professional who could afford such expensive equipment.

Watching her walk away, several questions popped through Kaidan's mind. For example, if she indeed a vampire, does she need a constant intake of blood to function, or the vampires of the Sorcerous Kingdom can eat everything, does she even needs to eat? Is she immune to silver, garlic or sanctified objects such as the cross? Or, she as well vulnerable like the famous Dracula from the novel of Bram Stoker? These and many more similar questions ran through the Lieutenant's mind, trying to find the answer.

Although not readily, Kaidan must admit, back when he was just a kid when he was still one of the weirdos with biotic powers those inhabited the Gagaran Station near the edge of the Solar System. He as well read similar fantasy stories, hunted down through the weak extranet connection the inmates had with Earth.

Such, fantastic stories always fascinated him, made him grow to be the man he is now.

His sulking inner monologue disturbed by Edmir, the burly orc mercenary, the leader of the mercenary band, Iron Manticores.


"So?" Kaidan turned to the orc suddenly, only recognising now how much the man towered above him. It was like he tried to measure himself with Wrex once again.

"Do the humans of this so-called System Alliance really like drinking? I heard the people of your Earth can take the punch…"

"It is ill-advised drinking before the mission," Kirrahe announced immediately.

Okeer grunted amused, Salarians are always so practical. A little bit of drinking before battle never hurt, it is helping to raise the spirit and support the newly formed tactical unit to work more efficiently.

"Hah, weakling!" He shouted in a harsh voice.

"Count me in! I need a good drink, do you have something similar to Ryncol?" walked forward the veteran Krogan Warmaster.

Kaidan just smiled, he as well needed a good drink after all the surprises he experienced today, his recent revival from death did not help either. He often contemplated what would Ashley say if he would meet her once again and tell her, an actual angel appeared to him before he came back from death.

He was sure it would be an amusing sight, a story to remember, a story that Wrex just scoff off with a 'hah' like sound, Garrus would quote; 'By the spirits. What a stupid shit…' Tali just say; 'Keelah, your jokes are horrible...' Liara would just say; 'By the goddess, is the angel looked like a Prothean, please let me meld with your mind, I need the information for my important research...' All of this in her female voice, no pun intended.

The sarcastic Joker, well he would just retort sarcastically; 'of course, and Councilor Tevos appeared before me and gave me a lap dance just a moment ago.'

And Dr Chakwash… The good doctor would just listen to the story and say; 'That was a nice story Lieutenant, now, let's check those L2 amps of yours, I am sure you already have a headache.'

And she would be right; those damn amps always gave him a never ceasing migraine. But not now, with his new body, it seems his biotic amplifiers as well replaced by new ones. He checked them in the training room. So far, his abilities at least twice as efficient, three times stronger than before, as well his body, every part of his augmented.

Kaidan was already an elite biotic before his sudden departure from the living, almost on par with Shepard… and now, he was even stronger…

Even now, Kaidan was not sure, he is indeed alive, or it is some kind of melancholic dream he is experiencing as the blast cremating his body. A delusion his mind created to convince his nerves, protect his consciousness from the trauma of death. In any case, it is very lifelike; he will be damned to ruin his last dream. The only negative element he could come up with was Saren; now, he really doesn't want him here, he really doesn't want that damned former Spectre in his last dream.

He really missed his old companions, more than ever. Especially Shepard, his father he could never speak honestly, and the kids from the station. He never really had a chance to express his gratitude towards them.

Indeed, he as well his new companions stood before a dangerous, even suicidal mission, drinking before such action ill-advised. Even so, his pride as the former Marine of the Alliance Navy just don't let him back from the challenge. His dead comrades would inevitably rise from the grave to stuff whatever alcohol the strange alien has down his throat.

"Count me in." Kaidan merely smiled. The orc mercenary nodded grinning. The three new drinking buddy looked at Kirrahe, Saren and Kouga.

"Ok, a drink will not hurt…" said the werewolf master thief lazily.

After thinking a little bit, the Salarian Captain nodded in agreement.

"A little team exercise to raise the spirit. Marvelous idea…"

Kaidan just chuckled, he only hoped Kirrahe would not give a speech in his drunken stupor that consisted the line… 'We will hold the line…' His statement that intended to raise the courage of the unit did not really work last time.

True, it was not the fault of the good Captain. The small unit he supported not really specialised to assault, it was an STG unit skilled in spying and espionage, not specialized for assault. Oly thanks to the highly qualified Special force and Shepard's sabotage he and Kirrahe's group managed to breach so deep in Saren's base back in Virmire.

"Hey! Turian guy!" Edmir called for Saren. He just looked back at him and shook his head, but said nothing.

From Kaidan's and Kirrahe's hateful glare, the man long ago recognised his presence not tolerated. It is better to leave now. Recognizing the aura of the environment, the malicious intent emitted in his direction, Saren was well aware the two of them only looking for the opportunity to use their weapons and incite an attack against him.

He knows too well the tactic; the veteran former Spectre is not accidentally survived many suicide missions. He even managed to eliminate several Asari Justicars who's stood in his way under his tasks.

Saren was of course still ashamed after he let himself control by that worm, but he died once, and he does not want to repeat the case, thank you very much. He really wanted to change; he even left behind his hate towards humanity as species, moved on so he can concentrate on the more significant threat, the Reapers.

"Maybe later…" he answered quietly, turning away and walking towards the lift. He only hoped the elevator faster than the ones in the Citadel. Gosh, travelling with those takes forever, and those ridiculous things the people used to chat about in those things. He rather not experiences it again, not speaking about the looping music, it was horrible.

Does not matter, he needs to check his surrounding, making sure he had a way out. His instincts screamed, something is not right. Last time he ignored them was the time when he made his deal with Sovereign, he will not overlook his instinct anymore.

"Penly, want to come?" asked Kouga, watching carefully the unaware goblin engineer.

The girl was so immersed with the tech around her; she can't even take the information. Simply continued her tinkering.

"Gown Prime to Penly… Are you here…" the werewolf tugged the redhead goblin.

"What?" the girl turned to him annoyed.

Kouga just raised his brow and shook his head. "Nothing, enjoy yourself…"

"I will don't worry…" Smirking, she just gave a short thumbs up, then returned to disassemble and examine the Magitech on the deck.

"Penly-chan, stop being lewd, don't touch my body! Ouch, hey!" Mandi scolded her, appearing not far. She seemed quite disturbed, almost flustered under her mask.

The werewolf thief just shot a small grin, turning towards his companions waved them away.

"Oh, it just came to my mind, I have an important call to make. I will join you, shortly…"

Leaving, Kaidan, Kirrahe, Okeer and Edmir. The little band remained, standing in the middle of the main deck. In another name, the command centre.

"Where is that silent guy? Silent ones usually can take the punch…" notified Okeer looking around.

"Now as you saying it…" Kaidan looked around. "That woman with those prismatic scales in her hand and horns also left…"

The crystal scaled girl and the silent sniper left long ago. Maybe retreated back their quarters or went to explore the ship at the moment they arrived.

"Huh… Ignored them." blurted the massive, armoured orc.

"Who are they anyway…" asked Kaidan suspicious.

Edmir just chuckled as he answered.

"The silent guy clothed in a poncho was Tyle Dynne. A legendary assassin who's according to the tales always works alone. Only takes assignments others consider suicidal, impossible, or pay well. According to the tales, he never speaks, just humming all the time. Outside of his given name, no one knows anything about him. Not even his race. I would be not even surprised if he would be a chick under an illusion…"

"I see…" Kaidan just nodded, accepting the explanation.

"When a bounty with the adequate parameters pops up, he appears, taking it, then around a few days later return successfully, then disappears without a trace. No one knows where he came from or where his base is. Because of this, he is often called by the nicknames of 'Poltergeist' or 'Shadow of the Shinigami'."

"Uhum…" Kirrahe hummed concentrating. "So a professional… what about the others?"

"Which one do you like to know more?"

The question was adequate, the team consisted several members, and Edmir being a long time mercenary with steady background had his fair share of information. His mercenary group well known in the Sorcerous Kingdom, meant, it came with its own information network.

"I am curious about that huffish vampire lady who stormed away…" Kaidan watched intensely the door where the lady left a few moments ago. "She seemed full of herself…"

"Ignore her… Nobles always like that…"

"Ah, still have feudal cast system integrated into the modern society. Very interesting, I read about…"

"Just shut up…" Kirrahe glared the krogan who abruptly stopped his monologue, but said nothing.

"Salarians just can't stop speaking… So who is that bitch?"

"Well, you can call her that..." Edmir stretched his head nervously.

"If my information is right about her. Then she is Princess Ellie von Nightwalker. Also called 'Black Widow'…"

"Hah! Fancy title!" laughed Okeer.

"Fancy title with close ties to the Sorcerer King and his family. And according to the news…" Edmir looked around, then eyed his companions dangerously.

"No matter how sweet, how tempting the mask she wears seems to be, she is not to be underestimated. The lady is not accidentally received the title 'Black Widow'. According to my data, she is a real monster under the tempting layer of flesh."

"What do you mean?"

Kaidan was suspicious. In the history of Earth. In the childish stories, he read back then. The title, 'Black Widow' usually given to those females those were very dangerous. Either because the husbands they married died early, or was good enough in the art of assassination to receive the title.

"I mean, she is a hunter, and she never failed, not even once. Let's put it that…"

"I see…" Kaidan nodded uneasily. He wanted to know what the orc mercenary implied when he said the words; 'hunter' and 'never failed'. But his instinct screamed not to pry it further…

"About the scaly girl… unfortunately, I don't know her. Thus, I have no information to provide. From her appearance, she is some kind of dragonkin. Her rank and heritage unknown…"

Watching him intensely, the mercenary burst out in a bitter laugh.

"Bwuhahahah! Don't even pry further. Let's get going, drink something strong!"

With these parting words, the little group left to inspect the canteen. Not even suspecting the dangers lied beyond the horizon.

Meanwhile in the cockpit:

Saren walking through the corridors of the Skidbladnir found himself near the cockpit. The ship's inner structure does not resemble the efficient Turian design he gets used to over the years. But despite the negative first experience, he found the charm of the composition of the ship under his walk. Found the patterns and the arrangement just as efficient, militaristic and clean as the Turian one. Just as he liked, everything was weird at first, but in time he may get used to it…

Before him, the back of a comfortable looking pilot seat. In it, a strange figure sat, wearing a blue jacket with fur lined hoodie and a farmer, civilian in design.

Walking near the person, he immediately recognised the bald skull with a sharp chin that was the pilot's head. In his oculars, two blue light dimmed. The creature turned to him, before 'it' countless holograms came into existence and died under less than a moment. And 'he' reacted them without any delay.

"Greetings, Saren Arterius!"

Saren just watched the skeletal creature for a long moment, thinking hard how the hell the 'thing' knows him. A thought he extinguished for a moment, finding his answer.

Yes, most likely the leader of the organisation employed the creature gave his dossier out before the mission. So, the crew of the vessel could familiarise themselves with the new unit.

Releasing public information about the arrival or in cases, the replacement of a superior helped the crew to get accustomed in a more relaxed manner with the change in leadership. Helped to accept the fact slowly but steadily. If not, the turian military used to install on its cruisers and dreadnoughts a room especially made to release the tension, a fighting ring if you like the words better.

If two turians do not like each other, and the pressure reached the point where it would prevent the effectiveness of the unit. The two sides have the chance to challenge each other, or their superior's order them to do so, in this way settle the grudge, then continue the work as intended.

For a turian, respect of spirits, their own clan and their military set of mind was the most important thing. It was the essence of the turian race, instilling them from the moment they born. Every member of the race breathed, slept and lived according to this exact mentality. Even Saren who strived from the path previously.

"Greetings," Saren nodded back. "Everything function normally?"

He asked. It was not his place to intrigue about the strange creature, even when he was curious, it was not adequate to do so. Reading about the race only called 'undead' back in the Avalon. He was well aware of their existence. Also, he saw several of them walking in the carrier previously, doing mostly maintenance and guard duty.

"Everything is green, in a few hours we reach our destination…" answered the creature coldly.

Hearing this, Saren raised his brow. He was not even aware the frigate already left the hangar. No, he should have expected after the last day. Around him, an unknown magical world with creatures he never saw before, the technology he never recognised, 'magic' he never experienced before. He needs to forget the concept of impossible; he needs to replace it with the idea of possible. He needs it if he wants to survive and fight against the Reapers.

"How long since we departed?"

"Around a half an hours ago. Right after the door ramp raised behind you."

"Hmm… I see. The ship's gravitational dampening field better than expected. Not even Sovereign sailed so smooth."

"Considering the creature you speak about weighted several hundred thousand tons. It is not a big accomplishment."

"Hmm, I see…" Saren nodded. "How fast the ship exactly can go?"

"Using our newly installed FTL drives and the newly developed Ördög core, we can reach the one hundred light years per day."

Saren's eyes widened for a moment. Even Sovereign only could muster around thirty light years per day, and that was when the creature was top notch. Even more, the fastest ship he knows in the turian navy only could travel fifteen light years under twenty-four hours. Means, the newcomers could move at least three times faster than the Reapers.

"Of course, this ship made for espionage and stealth mission. Constructed to be able to reach the maximum possible speed with minimal effort. Under its design, the engineers concentrated mostly the ship's speed, agility and ability to hide her own tracks. We can still hit hard thanks to the experimental weapon system, our newly developed alloy armour and layered shield technology. But it's not the strong point of my dear… her speciality is guerilla tactic."

Like a lover, the skeletal creature caressed the console before him. Immediately, a sultry female voice echoed through the cockpit.

"Ufufuf… That's tickles, Octo-san. You are so bad…" Chuckled the artificial intelligence sizzling.

"Ah, please forgive me, Mandi-chan. Your hull just too beautiful to not adore."

"Now you make me blush, you philanderer. Bad, bad boy… making a maiden like me blush, ah…" Mandi released a sensual gasp, slightly throwing her head back as she materialized.

"You should be well aware. As an undead, I have no sex drive." stated the fact calmly Octo Sans, as the Elder Lich pilot called. Raising his hand, still operating the ship with peak efficiency.

"Now, now… I still feel the scorching passion in you…"

Saren sighed, leaving the squabbling duo alone. He still had a few places to visit.

Under this, in the private quarters of Fenrir Kouga.

His quarters arranged as he requested. With simple furniture, a bed, a small table, a computer, a fridge and a television.

The man called Fenrir Kouga used to live just like that. Live from the dust and the coins he stole from the rich people. The simplicity of his quarter made him humble, made him remember where he came from. Made him forget his past and commemorate his goal to be better than ever before, to escape the hell of the slums with his adopted sister, Mukoro.

He found the lamia girl on the streets, around ten years ago, half-dead, barely breathing. Her scales scorched and mutilated. The person who did that to her most likely expected a high amount of income after he sold her scales.

Lamia was a race, half snake and half human. A dying breed in the clutches of the kingdom. Barely a few thousand purebreds remained, amidst them, the rarest type is the red lamia. The sub-race Mukoro belonged.

First, Kouga just wanted to walk away, leaving the lamia girl to her fate. Only hearing the girl's dying groan could convince him to take her under his wings. Educate and raise her as his adopted sister. Usually, he does not do such pitiful things; he was not a hero, he was a thief...

But he as well knows the suffering of the abnormal in the slums, unusual not fit anywhere, like him. The scaled red girl made him remember his own past, his own pain he wished no one else. Thus, he took her under his wings, raised her the best he could. Her condition only came to light a few years later, under a medical check.

A condition that rapidly drained away the life expectancy of every race affected. Making even the dragons and elves who are in theory timeless bound to a limited lifespan. Only races with total immunity of disease, for example, undead or ageless outsiders like angels safe from the affliction called 'Minoan Syndrome'.

Treatment existed of course, but it cost a great deal of money, and only a selected few treated. Mostly those with close ties or connection with the royal family and the council of thirteen. Treatments for the simple folk who's affected is limited. The miracles of the great ones are expensive, a gift not barked away easily.

Sitting in his chair, Kouga opened a channel. Mukoro's soft face came in his vision.

"Kouga-onii-sama! It is so good to see you!"

Kouga just smiled, seeing the timid lamia girl lively as ever. "You as well, Mukoro-chan. I see you are doing great."

"Yes!" the girl nodded mischievous, her forked tongue slipping in and out from her mouth.

"According to Yamaiko-onee-sama, I will be fully healed in time. But still, need the medication to eradicate the affliction fully."

Fenrir's eyes widened. He only knows one Yamaiko. The famous researcher who's the part of the council. A person, who according to the news, herself as well was a Supreme Being. Gulping deeply, it is better not question one of the head researchers of the kingdom.

"Mukoro-chan, it is time…" A white-haired dark elf with heterochromatic eyes entered the hospital room. Stopping her steps immediately.

"Oh, please forgive me. I will come back later." the white lab coat wearing elf bowed apologetically.

Mukoro just smiled, looking at her affectional. "It is alright Yamaiko-one-sama! Come, know my great Onii-sama!"

Kouga's suspicion confirmed, the so-called Yamaiko was 'that' Yamaiko from the tales and the media. Kouga immediately bowed before the camera, taking a submissive posture.

"Yamaiko-sama, it is a pleasure to be in your presence, even if it's through a camera. Please forgive the impudence of this silly child! Mukoro, apologise in an instant!"

The werewolf, although it pained him, forced to scold his little sister. Acting so disrespectful towards one of the oldest beings in the kingdom was unacceptable. Even when Kouga saw the darkest side of the nation, he can't just brush off a Supreme Being leading the realm. He was well aware despite what the people said from the Supreme Beings. They can't be present everywhere at once. They are not omnipotent, neither flawless. They admitted it themselves, many times in live feed. Unfortunately, not many people believe it and mistaking their statement with a humble approach.

The werewolf knows very well the flaw of the kingdom. It was the zeal of the servants and most of the citizens. Their infinite trust in their leader's decision. Because of this unquestionable trust, many of them already forgot to question and investigate things behind the acts. Merely accepting strange things instead of studying it, in exchange for a comfortable life…

Glaring his adopted sister Kouga's expression softened. Still, hard, but softer than before.

Mukoro mewed in displeasure.

"But Onii-saaan!"

Yamaiko just laughed softly, waving away the worry of the werewolf.

"Don't bother with it. Just calm me Yamaiko, like everyone else."

"I-I can't…" Kouga shuttered posturing himself before the screen even more. Bowing his head, reaching the dust.

"I insist…" she said.

So, it was true. She was just as affectionate as the tales described her. Her presence glowing, radiant, and divine. For a moment, mesmerising Kouga through the projection.

"Can I have a request, mighty one?" Kouga asked fearfully, looking at the woman worried.

"Ask away, don't worry, I will not bite." joked the dark elf researcher gleefully, sticking her tongue playfully.

"I-If it, not a burden, please take care of Mukoro-chan while I am away. She is everything I have. Please, I have a dangerous mission to complete…"

Yamaiko just nodded with a soft smile, closing her double coloured eyes for a moment.

"Don't worry; I will take care of her. But now, if you excuse us. Mukoro needs her medication."

"Again!? Guahhh…" groaned unpleasantly the girl.

"Indeed, don't be so picky Mukoro-chan, you make your brother uncomfortable."

Looking back at Kouga, Mukoro could only laugh. "Right, Onii-san can be easily embarrassed."

Sweat dropping, our werewolf master thief, just sighed and shook his head. Then watched the screen once more.

"I will call you later, Mukoro, I have work to do."

"Later, Kouga-Onii-sama! Take care!" waved the girl happily, cutting the feed.

The feed ended, shutting down the holographic screen. Kouga remained silent for a few long moments, watching the small medallion in his hand Mukoro left him as a parting gift.

"I will complete the mission and coming back to you…" he said sorrowfully but filled with his renewed determination.

"Attention, attention. Every member of team Omega rally in the hangar, geared and ready! I repeat! Every member of team Omega rally in the hangar geared and ready!"

Come to the announcement from the loudspeaker. Fenrir just shrugged, jumped up and prepared his gear. It is time to earn his salary and the treatment of his adopted sister.

"No time like the present…" he quoted one last time before left his cabin.

Scene Change: SSV2 Normandy: meeting room: Somewhere:

Above the conference table, a hologram floated, showing the closing space station. In shape, the appeared station resembled five disks those sandwiched together, each of them rotating the counter direction of the other. The station made from some kind of unknown silver coloured metal. Several lights dimmed on the edges. In diameter, the station reached the ten miles, in height the three and a half.

It was a construct grand both in design and excogitation

"So, this is it… huh?" huffed Garrus, inspecting the object. He must say, he was impressed. The thing although not reached the size of the Citadel. Still, it was a construct hardly anyone could come up with.

Around him, the strike team already discussed the details of the action.

"Correct, Mr Vakarian. The Ouroboros station reaches the size of the impressive ten miles in diameter, three and a half in thickness. Unfortunately, my scanners could hardly penetrate the outer shell. As well, my hacking attempts seemed to be unsuccessful until now. I could only gain minimal information from the station…"

EDI's blue ball appeared on the nearby console, stating the obvious.

"Thanks, miss obvious…" Zaeed blurted back sarcastic. "Tell us instead how the hell we will get in that damn thing!"

"You are welcome, Mr Massani. In your case, I propose a shuttle loaded with explosives."

All stared the blue ball without saying anything; an awkward silence descended on the scene. Zaeed just scoffed. "Good idea, small ball. Just as I planned my retirement."

"It was a joke…" EDI finally stated. Shepard just raised her brow, gazing back the hologram.

"Do the Illusive man know anything about the station?" she asked, looking at Miranda.

Miranda just rolled her eyes. True, she was the Illusive Man's eye and ears in his absence in the ship. But he sent no further information about the station; she knows only as much as Shepard, maybe less.

"The Illusive Man sent no further information about the station. Shepard, you are the one he speaks about it. What did he say?"

"He said he lost the contact one of the elite team he sent to investigate a strange signal. Nothing more that would matter. He sent me the coordinates and said his goodbye, saying 'figure out yourself, bring my team home.'"

Shepard scowled, even under such dangerous circumstances she suspected TIM is holding back information.

As in the matter of fact, Miranda was worried. Leaving the team so empty-handed before a dangerous mission. The Cerberus agent know her employer very well, he never before let her down and sent her blindly to execute a hazardous task. At least, not intentionally. If he said nothing more, that means he as well was as clueless as her or Shepard.

"Tali, Mordin? Any ideas?"

"Hmm… We should try to send a few probes. Maybe we can get back some information." advised the quarrian engineer.

"I advise against it," Mordin stepped forward. "We don't know what kind of defensive mechanism the station uses. Sending scouting probes right away might trigger the defensive mechanism. I propose if it's absolutely necessary. Drop out a few of them, program them delayed activation, then send them in. Although, from the visual feed, the Cerberus vessel docked on the station is still intact. EDI, can you confirm the statement?"

"Scanning…" After a few seconds, EDI came with the answer. "You are correct Dr Solus, from the first reading the ship seems intact. Also, my continuous scans triggered no defensive cyber countermeasures. Though, I still can't fully penetrate the inner systems. Only integrating the formulas, Miss Kaguya left behind on Dr Solus computer I managed to break through. Just a moment ago I managed to download the rough overlay of the station and discovered a second ship docked on the other side. No know ID match, the manufacturer, unknown, each part of the ship assembled from different parts from different manufacturers. Either a known bounty hunter or an unknown organisation…"

The station replaced by a blueprint about its inner working. Showing a complex labyrinth-like structure and the two docking ships.

"Well, I don't want to lose in here…" quipped Kasumi poking Samara with her elbow. The Justicar just rolled her eyes. She wanted to concentrate on the task and meditate, but it is hard when a kleptomaniac thief is always trying to steal her antic possession.

"Just as expected," Shepard sighed unpleasantly. And when she thought there would be a way that does not come with her possible second death.

"Then footwork, okay…" breathing heavily she started.

Inspecting the overlay Shepard nodded after a moment of consideration.

"Okay, two will come with me, we will take a shuttle, dock on the Cerberus ship. Through it, approach the station."

The abandoned Cerberus frigate light up momentarily. Showing, it still reacts EDI's Cerberus codes.

"Shepard, you can't go alone. I propose sending a second team to you." Jacob comes with his idea, immediately stepping forward. "I volunteer."

Straightening himself, the Afro American man was impressive.

Jacob Taylor, the agent of absolute duty. He never faltered, always keeping his ideas, but completing the missions the Illusive Man give him. Looking at him, Shepard respected the man. Although he is working with Cerberus, he still managed to retain his humanity.

Looking at the man for a moment, Shepard had to gulp down the bitter lemon and accept the proposition. It may be a good idea going with two teams. There was only one problem with the plan. Last time she ordered her men to follow other's command, they died in action.

She was well aware it was not Captain Kirrahe's fault. He, his whole team, as well Kaidan give their life to complete the action. She will not allow it, not anymore! She will not let anyone die once again! If she had to, she would deal with the devil himself, or herself…

"I agree with Jacob, Shepard; you can't go alone. I know you have the neccesary experience in accomplishing the impossible. But even the Illusive Man's most trusted agents went missing under the mission. This is just too risky for one team. This is not a joke!"

"Saying the Cerberus bitch…" Jack grunted, smirking seeing the cold mask of Miranda seems to tremble for a moment. She felt as for a moment, the right hand of TIM heated her amps to hit her with her biotic strike.

Calming down, Miranda immediately came up with a good retort. "Hmm, as expected from a primitive dona…"

"What did you just said!?" taking an aggressive stance, a bluish aura surrounded patient zero. Her biotic presence activated.

"Jack, calm down…" Our redhead Commander first looked at Subject Zero, then Miranda.

"Miranda, this is not the best time."

"I just stated the obvious…"

"Right, please restrain yourself until the mission is completed."

Miranda only nodded, giving a malicious glee to Jack.

"Shepard, if we really want to storm that place. We need a steady plan."

"I know…" she looked at Samara. Sighing, she lowered her head. "Fine then, two teams and a backup. Team Alpha, and team beta and team omega if everything goes off. Team alpha consists me, Garrus, and Tali."

"Just like old times…" Garrus smirked happily.

"It will be good to work together once again." quipped Tali.

"Team beta will consist five members. They will be the heavy hitters."

Grunt laughed gleefully. He really needs hit something to dissipate his growing tension came with his maturation. As a tank breed krogan, he does not go through the usual maturation ritual all krogans experience in this age, and it made him restless.

"Shepard Commander, we also like participating in the mission." Legion stepped forward. Although, Shepard activated him not long ago, for Tali's displeasure. He or it is willing to integrate itself as the active part of the team.

"Jacob, Samara, Grunt, Zaeed and Legion. You will be team beta."

"Acknowledged…" replied Legion.

"Everyone else, stay on your guard. In my absence, Miranda will be the commander of the Normandy. Mordin, EDI, monitor our status."

"Of course, Shepard. I would not do otherwise." the professor pushed his Omni tool a few times. Making notes.

Thane nodded accepting. "Very well Shepard, I will return to my meditation. When the time comes, I will be ready."

Jack just huffed unpleasantly, folded her hands and leaned against the wall. "Any problem with the decision, Jack?" Shepard questioned her with a stern glare; she felt leaving the psychotic biotic one space with Miranda is a bad decision. But having no other chance, she trusted her crew.

"I hope you know if the Cerberus' personal cheerleader tries anything funny. I will dispose her and take the ship on my own. It will be a good pirate vessel."

"I am sure Joker will appreciate it, at least, he can shoot a few pirate jokes…" The commander said sarcastically, looking at the psychotic biotic, then turning her gaze towards the camera.

"Haha, Commander. Just be aware, there will be a loss of candies once I get loose…"

Shepard could only smile and shake her head hearing the antics of her pilot.

"Whatever…" the shaven head former pirate just shrugged uncaringly.

"Everything set? Any questions?" she looked around one last time. Then hit the table. "Good, everyone, watch out. We don't know what is ahead of us…"

The meeting ended with a sour mood, and the two (three) team prepared for departure.

Scene Change: Ouroboros Station:

The docking went just fine, Shepard and his team boarded the Cerberus vessel without a problem.

"It seems everything is just fine…" The commander looked around, seeing the ship state did not change since the departure of its owners.

"Shepard, we docked in the ship. Everything's clear…" Jacob signed in, giving his periodic report.

"Acknowledged, proceed. Look out for potential threats. Sign in if anything suspicious happens… Shepard out!"

"Acknowledged…" Shepard ended the channel, walking towards the cockpit of the small ship.

"According to EDI, the ship designed to use by the Special Unit of the illusive man…" Tali mentioned, scanning the surrounding with her installed scanner.

"Right, just what we need. A ship with a bunch of traps TIM lackeys left behind. Perfect, just perfect…" Garrus grumbled, raising his sniper and looking around suspiciously.

"Hey, it is not that bad… let's listen what's in the ship's logbook."

Nodding, the little group walked towards the console. Pressing a few buttons, feeding the Cerberus codes TIM provided. The log opened immediately. Started to play.

Log 1: Cerberus Agent 1: "First entry; everything clear. We docked without any resistance. The station VI provided no defensive counter measurements. We are proceeding; further logs will be remotely sent back to the ship and automatically forwarded to the Illusive Man."

Shepard moved her hand to the second entry.

Log 2: Cerberus Agent 1: "Second Entry. Exploring the station for a few hours, the complete absence of its staff recognisable. Strange, the station seems so empty, only the noises of the automatic maintenance machines clattering amidst the walls. Looking around, maybe I am just paranoid. My fellow agents complained about a strange voice coming from the walls."

Log 3: Cerberus Agent 1: "Damn this thing! We can't get back to the ship! The path we marked disappeared. It is like the whole station changing. I am starting to get paranoid. Agent Randall is trying to control the situation. We still not found the command centre…"

Log 4: Cerberus Agent 1: "This is a madhouse! We already lost four good men. The until now, passive maintenance droids turned berserk. We can only cripple them for a moment before they repair themselves."

Cerberus Agent 2: "Concentrate fire!" 'gunshot sounds.'

Log 5: Cerberus Agent 1: We found the staff of the station. All dead or turned into a mechanical monstrosity. We collected the data requested by the Illusive Man. We are leaving as soon as possible. Hopefully, we will found our way out. If not, the computer will send the information imported back to the ship back to the Illusive Man as the protocol dictates."

Cerberus Agent 2: "Look out, they are charging again!" 'Gunfire sounds.'

Cerberus Agent 3: "Cover fire! Reloading!"

Log 6: Cerberus Agent: "This is agent Randall Ezno. Maybe this will be my last log. Only me and agent Dane remained from the team. We meet the operatives of the Shadow Broker under our mission. Seeing no other way out, we decided to join forces. God help us survive this nightmare…"

Log 7: "Agent Dane is dead *static sizzle*. Our ship is not responding. Maybe the *static sizzle* station and responsible the death of the *static sizzle* to cut off completely. This will be the last entry. We are nearing the AI core, wish us *static sizzle*." 'gunfire sound.'

Hearing the last registry, an uneasy feeling started to surround the little group.

"Well, shit…" commented Garrus clattering his mandibles nervously.

"Do you heard it, Jacob?" Shepard called the leader of the second team.

"Crystal clear Shepard. The same happened with the Shadow Broker team." responded the leader of the Beta team.

"Do it even worth investigating them?" asked Tali uneasy. "I mean, they are most likely already dead. And the Shadow Broker, here? I don't like it, Shepard… not at all…"

"I don't like it either Tali, but we need to investigate the station. Someone might be still alive…"

"You and your heroic attitude, Shepard." Garrus laughed faintly. "This is why I will not reach my pension." he loaded a new thermal clip in his sniper. "You just had to poke the devil, all the time…"

"Bite the bullet Garrus. Sooner we make sure no one is around. The sooner we can leave the creepy station."

"Right, whatever it means…"

Shepard just smiled, poor Garrus still don't clearly understand idioms.

"Just, let's proceed…" with that, the two groups opened the airlock, entered the station to its fullest.

Scene Change: Ouroboros Station: East Wing:

Being the station was dimensionally locked, without authorisation teleportation was almost impossible. Only the vassals of the Sorcerer King and the Supreme Beings had the proper ability to cancel out the effect of the skill of the high ranked demonic and angelic races. The ability called '[Dimensional Lock]'.

The strike team divided in two. Both groups approached in a different direction. One from east one from the west. With shuttles using the same camouflage technology as the Skidbladnir, providing both virtual and visual cloaking, they were practically undetectable.

"So, any more information?" asked Edmir, holding his sizable Warhammer above his shoulder. Walking through the creepy corridor where only the emergency lights illuminated the way.

"Nothing more, according to Mandi. Since the station is gone silent, she and Logris Actor received no further feed from the terminal. Neither can access the systems remotely…" answered Penly Fizpot, carrying her strange shotgun on her shoulder. That despite its sheer size, the girl moved easily with her oversized exo-gloves. Holding up her free hand, the holographic overlay of the station appeared.

"Well, one more problem for us. I say, let's get over with this and head home." flipping his combat knife in the air, Kouga sipped his smoke.

Kaidan looked around uneasy, holding his new gun that resembled his old M8 avenger in design, but worked by using magic fueled energy cells to enchant the projectiles. When he saw the weapon, he immediately falls in love with it.

Both in design and practice, the weapon was perfect for him. It was like it melded and calibrated itself for his own use.

It was like a dream; the weapon contained several programs. From shotgun to a sniper, the weapon can recalibrate itself to work in all range, automatically, against all type of enemies you can meet in the Sorcerous Kingdom. Moreover, he can even create his own profile for his own liking. Pattern, synchronised with his biotic amps and abilities.

Finishing looking his carbine, Kaidan looked at his werewolf companion, nodded at once. "I agree, this place creeps me out…"

Saren grumbled something under his nose, looking around suspiciously. He felt the Lieutenant's scorching gaze on his back. An unpleasant gaze he wanted to disappear.

"Well, we reached the point…"

"The point?" Saren raised his brow, looking at the blue-eyed goblin engineer.

"Yes, the point no return…" Notified them Penly, stopping, on her face a sad smile.

"What do you mean?"

Shrugging, she started her explanation. "Sation Ouroboros is like an onion. It is layered to work more efficiently. In this way the station able to defend itself even against a massive boarding force. The outer station layer is stable, usually not changing, not without a set of codes. But its inner structure reorganises itself according to the need of the staff and the task. It changes its own inner structure if needed, all controlled either the director of the station or the AI."

"I suspect, we reached the inner layer."

Penly nodded. "Yes, we reached the first layer of the focal point. We and the second team heading the main control centre. Positioned not far from the AI core. We will find our answers here. The self-destruct mechanism also could only be activated here…"

Accepting the through an answer, the team continued their way towards the command centre. Being the station was quite big it took a while to reach the centre.

A few minutes later with Shepard and her team:

The station was calm, too calm and silent for Garrus Vakarian, the vigilante, the Dark Knight of Omega. Or, in his new nickname, Garman…

His claws itched on the trigger, every step, every breath, he counted everything, waiting for hell got to lose. His team back in Omega died on the same premise, sudden. He thought they are prepared; he felt his base adapted to every situation. He was wrong; nothing can protect against betrayal…

The door automatically opened before the team, entering the chamber. For first, the room seemed to be a huge dining room full of metal tables and chairs, neatly arranged. It made Garrus remember his cadet years back in Palaven. Remember that sour-faced training officer always trained the greens.

Remembering the little jest he and his fellow cadets committed against the officer always made him smile. Naturally, the whole section got punished after the event, but it's worth it. Seeing the drill sergeant roar with the unit, yellow tip to toe. He can't even get rid of the paint two whole weeks.

"EDI, what's this place?" asked Shepard. Naturally, the Commander was well aware of the nature of the room from the first sight. She was not an idiot; she knows very well how a canteen looks. But she needed to be sure. It might be a trap.

"According to the blueprints, the canteen of the fourth level, section fifth. Proceed through the chamber, then continue your way. Follow the yellow marking, head towards the command centre…"

"Acknowledged, what about team beta?"

"Heading towards the control centre, their way seems smoother than yours. More straightforward with less detour…"

"Uhum…" Shepard nodded, heading forward. "Good to hear. Did you manage to connect to the sensor network of the station? Can we expect further company?"

"Not yet, I am working on it commander. The system is full of deadlines and AI traps."

"Be careful…

"Shepard.. *static noise*…"

"EDI? EDI?!" Shepard shouted, looking around. Her connection with EDI started to become more and more static.

"Great…" she snarled. Trying to reach team beta and the Normandy.

The door sealed behind them one moment to another. Normal illumination replaced by a red one. Finally, the yellow flashing alarm lamp lit up and started to spin.

"Everyone on their guard…" she ordered, looking around. Spotting a still-luminous console, the redhead woman nod to Tali.

"Maybe we can unseal the door using one of the consoles…"

Accepting the offer, Shepard motioned Garrus to cover Tali. The quarrian engineer went to work. Although, she had no idea where to start. The whole system operated differently than the ones she used to.

"Keelah, what kind of bosh'tet wired this thing. The whole thing is a mess..." She swore, cutting the wire with her tool. Ruining her bypassing program.

Garrus watched her amused with a raised brow. "Hey, language…"


Despite TalI's displeasure, she offered her expertise with the fullest margin. First trying to hack the door, then unsealing the panel with her Omni tool and working a manual overdrive.

"I think I got it…" she cut and welded together two wires, entering some kind of code in the console. She was not accidentally called a prodigy even amongst the quarians, the race that had a natural talent for machinery and engineering arts.

The room turned utterly dark; then the illumination came back with normal white light.

"Well, that's Tali for you…" Commented Garrus with a sarcastic remark.

"Good work Tali…"

Just now, the group recognised the new figure appeared before them.

Aiming towards the newly appeared uninformed person, or more like thing that resembled a glob of slime, it welcomed its new guests.

"Greetings! I am Patch. I station artificial intelligence. Thank you for the override. Thanks to you, I am now able to use the communication system in a limited way…"

"If you say so…" Tali and Garrus still aimed the hologram. The quarrian engineer is preparing her tool to overcharge the circuits of the 'thing'.

"What happened in the station? Where is the staff?" asked Shepard. She was still suspicious. But in her current situation, she had no other choice just to inquire the only information source, the strange shaped AI.

"Dead…" the Elder Ooze like AI answered coldly, shortly.

"Did you killed them?" Inquired the commander more,

"No, of course not. I am the warden of this place, I am here to monitor the station and help the work of the staff. Not to kill them." scoffed Patch indignant. His liquid like swirling body trembled for a moment under his uniform.

"Fair enough…" Shepard put away her weapon.

"Shepard, you can't seriously trust him."

"We are in a tight situation Tali; we need his help."

Tali was angry. It was bad enough she had to bear a Geth and a true AI in her presence in the Normandy, and now this. The Admiralty will be not pleased.

"Do as you wish Shepard, I still keep my eyes on that thing…"

"Duly noted…" Shepard nodded, turning back the hologram. "So, Patch. Is it? What happened in this place?"

"Shortly, sabotage, infiltration. A virus took the control from me. I can't state anything more. The information is classified."

"Why not? You seek us out. I suspect because of a good reason."

"Correct, unfortunately. You as well count as intruders, and the information classified, I can only tell it to the director or the person the director dispatched to investigate the situation." answered the warden of the station.

"Why not eliminate us then?" asked Garrus checking his weapon once more.

"Shortly, I am cut from the defensive function of the station. I am unable to restore my control over the lockdown. Believe me; If I functioned normally, you would be already dead or captured."

"Good to know…" Shepard answered calmly but sarcastic. "I assume there is something that made you unable restore your control?"

"Correct. I need a manual hardware overdrive before the rogue AI reaches my core and overwrite my program."

"You said it was a virus..." Shepard squinted her eyes, eying the glob like hologram before her. "As well, we just walked in the station without any problem. This does not seem like a lockdown. Or at least, not similar any lockdown I ever saw before."

"First, you can walk in, but not out. Under the lockdown, only those with direct, confirmed authorisation from the director herself can leave the station. At least, in any recognisable form. Those without it trapped in the endless, always changing maze of the structure."

"Perfect…" Tali scoffed, throwing her hands in the air unpleasantly. "Just what we needed. A rampaging AI with god tendencies…"

"The said virus is a hybrid; It is an AI-based virus. It's overwriting my systems one by one. If my calculations are right, I have less than an hour before it reaches my core and completely takes over my systems. My only option is to trigger the self-destruct protocol."

"If you know the virus will overwrite you slowly, why not triggered it before?" Tali asked, still aiming her tool at the console. She will overheat the bastard if needed.

"Classified…" Patch answered shortly. "I can only say, important elements and data in the station still recoverable. As well, despite my artificial nature, I don't want to die…"

Shepard eyed the creature; she just can't decide he is speaking sincerely or it is some kind of trick to deceive them.

From the direction of the sealed door, metallic banging and the violent sound of energy based weaponry filtered in the chamber.

Hearing the sound, Garrus and Tali immediately aimed their weapons at the slowly heating door.

"I suspect we are not alone in the station…"

"Correct, this is what remained of the maintenance automatons and the staff. The programs of the automatons overwritten, the staff killed and mechanised, controlled by the virus. I tried to isolate them the best I could. Unfortunately, two stellar days ago, the intruding forces violated the security protocols, allowing the rogue AI to gain more foothold. I propose to proceed before they break through the alloy door. Their numbers are considerable. Warning, your unenchanted weapons may be not effective against them. Proposal, the usage of biotic abilities and cryogenic ammunition may be able to damage, slow or stagger them. "

The ooze like AI motioned towards the door on the other side and led showing the way lit up.

"I will guide you to the command centre, from there, you can head to the core. Attention, the core heavily fortified, I detect many enemies under the way…"

A metallic arm hit a small hole in the door, through it, a robotic figure snarling picture glared at the group. It's eyes dimming menacing red, its liquid-like body rippling. Garrus released a shoot, beheading the strange creature. To his surprise, after a short stagger, the thing's head started to meld together, regaining its form. Then melding itself through the door

"What the heck!" he shouted as the creature materialised before them, changing one of its arms to a dangerous looking hook.

"Attention, the chamber's insulation field breached. Automatic repairing, nonfunctional. Advise, leave the room as soon as possible!"

"Let's move!" Shepard shouted, blasting the creatures with her biotic attack. Tali used her drone to stagger them, with less success than more.

Like crickets, they jumped, like a ghost, they melded out from the walls, chasing after the little group. One of them almost got Garrus. Only thanks to his Concussive Shot he managed to survive and blast away the creature before it could behead him with its welding tool.

Finally, the three-member squad reached the door, and it automatically sealed behind them.

"Attention, more service automaton approaching from the service tunnel. Proposition, use enchanted weapons or magic to damage the units."

"You don't say!" Shepard remarked like a smartass. "Is biotic abilities effective?"

"In a minimal level, as I stated before…"


The commander grunted, turning back and releasing a few series of shots against the approaching enemies while sprinted following the lighted path.

A few minutes later: With Joe Black and his group:

The dark elf called Joe Black and his group proceeded steadily in the narrow corridors, looking out for any source of danger.

Accompanied by the Krogan warlord and scientist Dr Okeer, Captain Kirrahe, the Vampire Princess and huntress, Elli Nightwalker. And of course, the strange woman who wore a golden coloured armoured combat suit and carried a lance like weaponry.

The dark elf leader of the group was confident of their success.

As discussed, the always silent assassin Tyle Dynne left on his own, completing his personal mission. It was better this way; Tyle was a lone wolf after all. He worked alone, never accompanied anyone under his hunts. Despite this, the man never failed before; he was a specialist, one of the best you can find in the Sorcerous Kingdom.

This is why the W.E.I.R.D.D. sought him out, or more like… they just left a few information morsels and the man who's species unknown signed up for the work. It was not hard; he always seeks challenges. It was in his very nature.

The little group already meet the expected resistance. A few maintenance droids, nothing to worry about. Thought, without magic or enchanted weapons they can be quite a nuisance.

"We soon reach the backup server room. There we can download the first part of the required data we need," announced Joe calmly.

"Whatever…" Rolled her yellow eyes Ellie von Nightwalker. "This hunt starts to bore me more and more. If you can't provide anything noteworthy soon, I will be forced to send my vampire brides to you and watch how they will tear you apart to gain some entertainment."

"Duly noted…" replied Joe with a somewhat pleasant tone, still smiling.

Reaching the door with the big label '7B', Joe bucked to the woman with the golden armour and horns. "Lady Hymmi, if you may…"

The girl with the dragon features nodded, placing her hand on the door concentrating heavily. A strange coloured aura surrounded her body. Opening her slant eyes, she raised her hand.

"A big amount of force is waiting for us on the other side, caution advised. Assault models also present…"

Nodding, Joe turned to the group. "Prepare yourselves. We will open the door on my mark. Aim for their cognitive processors…"

Kirrahe sweatdropped. Thinking. 'Is he serious?' Of course, being the member of the elite STG, he as well participated in hard, almost impossible missions, even died once. But only a fool open a door if he knows he will find a lesser army worth of enemies behind it.

Ellie prepared her two black sidearms, licking her lips sensually. Okeer loaded his shotgun, Kirrahe his small SMG like a weapon, which packed with enchanted explosive projectiles. The girl named Hymmi raised her lance and materialised a shield before herself, taking the role of the tank.

Joe raised his carbine that radiated a strange green light, taking cover near the door, he gives a steady nod to Hymmi.

"Make sure not to hit the servers. We still need the data…"

With this last command, he waved his hand before the scanner. The door opened, and a significant amount of service droid armed with various tools swarmed out, only to receive the endless slugs of the already awaiting group. Hymmi's barrier cracked under pressure, but she held herself steady, gritting her teeth against the coming storm.

The automatons made for service duty had no chance against the hardened group. Although, a few of them still slipped through. The assault models guarded the room also not to be toyed with.

Meanwhile with Jacob's group: Team beta:

Team beta led by Jacob Taylor, consisting Jacob, Samara, Grunt, Zaeed and Legion. Now, literally, the five-member team run for their life.

A few minutes ago, these strange machines started to appear, for the first sight, out of nowhere. One of them almost killed Zaeed, if not Samara; he would be already dead. Worse thing, under a mere few minutes, these robots, or whatever they are seemed to grow and grow. Both in size, numbers, and variety.

There was one who moved fast, faster than a Geth hunter unit. Some of them massive with heavy weaponry. And even more of them seemed to be simple maintenance units only equipped with wielder and other tools those they used with excellent efficiency.

"What the hell are you made off?!"

Using his longtime companion, Zaeed grumbled unpleasantly, blowing off the head even more robots. He fought many things under his long and painful life. Geth, varren, different beast, krogans, even Thresher Maws. Honestly, he forgot how many things he killed; he forgot to count it for a long time.

But these things just don't die. No matter how hard he is shooting them. The swarming things just come and come, jumping out from the walls. It was like he found himself in some kind of screwed up ghost story. He liked to watch horror and action films, naturally to mock them how much the details do not match with reality, but this is just a joke.

Samara and Jacob managed to blow away a few of them using their biotic, but the things just come and come without end, exhausting the two biotic more and more as they tried to fend off the enemy desperately and keep up the barrier around the group.

Three more thermal clips and he will need to reach for his spare.

Who the hell would think an unknown civilisation in an unknown station would not use the serialised ammo sink of the galaxy… Zaeed, of course, this is why he brought more than needed. After seeing the overlay of the station back in the Normandy, he was sure the design of the station was neither turian, alliance, asari nor any known civilisation. His best tip was the Sorcerous Kingdom, but being the extranet and his sources did not provide enough information about the military tech of the newcomers, he had no idea what Shepard will encounter here…

"Damn these things…"

"Advised action, retreat…" proposed Legion in a robotic voice.

"You don't say, bucket head…" snarled sarcastic Zaeed emptying even more slugs.

"Hahaha! Moore!" Grunt shouted enjoying the carnage.

Retreating, retreating that was the only option. However, the group reached the dead end…

Jacob suspected he felt it in his guts. Coming in the direction was a wrong decision. Since he and the group lost connection with the Normandy and Shepard, everything went down in the sink. He should have known; something herded them towards a dead end. Something or someone remotely closed and opened the doors as it saw fit, just to send them here…

"Legion, override the door, we will cover you…"

"Acknowledged…" nod the machine, as the group reached the closest dead end, jumping near the console and started his work.

Thankfully, not long ago he received a firmware update from the collective containing a few underlying code from the Sorcerous Kingdom, as well EDI shared a few equations that the one named 'Kaguya' left behind.

Their herald already reached the kingdom; the deal is set.

Legion felt strange, as he runs the scene over and over again through his gears. The historical memory when the geth unit they sent to propose an alliance conversed with other AI's and the Sorcerer King himself. The idea of finally someone accepts them as they were filled the unit with something, something he never felt before… is this the feeling the organics called 'hope', is this what they called 'relief'? Legion had no idea, but it filled his bits with a little bit of gratitude and feeling of calm.

"Hurry up, bucket head!" shouted Zaeed as he continued shooting.

Just for a moment, Legion watched as Samara get hit bit a ricocheting shoot. Her barrier failing, kneeled for a moment, then with a rage-fueled swipe, vaporised the machine previously hit her. Using her skill conjured a warped ball.

Unfortunately, it was already too late, behind the warping away creature, another one already appeared, jumping, raising its hacking tool to behead her.

"Samara! Watch out!" Jacob shouts. Time slowing, Samara pupils widening, it is the end. She will never finish her task, she failed Shepard, she abandoned her code, she failed her daughters. She was unable to capture Morinth…

A flash. The bang of a gun, sizzling sound like a bullet soaring through the air.

A strange, a fast-moving line one by one cut down the machines. First, the ones stood before Jacob and his group; the one raised its tool against the Asari Justicar. The small projectile soaring through the scene systematically continued its way and cleared the corridor. A strange figure is wearing a peculiar poncho, clothed in some kind of black leather body fitting guise walked in a steady place amidst the massacre.

Everyone who dared to raise arms against him cut down by his strange bullet or his sword surrounded by lightning and held in his other hand.

His lower face masked, his eyes shadowed by his hood. Resting his oversized antic, yet futuristic looking smouldering sniper rifle on his shoulder. He walked towards the group, with a lazy move cutting down the charging still an alive enemy who's avoided his deathly bullet.

After cutting down the last enemy with his sword which around lightning danced, the man sheathed it away.

The five-member of the beta team just watched him without a word, at least for a moment. At that moment, Jacob gathered his spirit and stepped forward.

"Thank you; we appreciate your help. I am Jacob Taylor from the Cerberus."

The strange newcomer stopped, staring the offered hand of Jacob without a word. Then…

"Hnn…" his answer was simple, ignoring the man with a simple shrug, walking past towards the sealed door.

"Well, okay…" Jacob cleared his throat a little bit embarrassed. "You seems to be a capable person knowing your way through the station. I propose to join forces so we can survive this hell. Then we can change names…"

Legion stood up, giving space the poncho man. Who still not yet answered at Jacob's request?

Samara and Zaeed still on guard, Grunt only snickered seeing the beautiful carnage the tiny man organised. He would not mind trying his strength in a duel against him in the future.

Placing a strange device on the panel near the door, the small tool started to hack the device. The apparatus resembled a spider with a digital display in the middle of it. The small machines cut the door and opened the way under mere moments.

The unknown assassin raised his hand and motioned in sign language.

'Do as you wish, I don't care. Don't stand in my way…'

Walking forward, the hooded assassin left the group open-mouthed. Team beta stared at Jacob for decision. Now, the veteran Cerberus agent had two options. Following the stranger hoping he will not lead them into a death trap or trying their luck alone through the infinite labyrinth of the always changing station. Both options was equally dangerous, both full of unknown variables.

Still, going with a person who most likely knows the way out is a more sensible solution then wander around aimlessly.

"Let's go…" Jacob checked his shotgun. Five more shots and he need to reload. Considering his companions as well running out of ammunition slowly, they required new weapons. Maybe with the help of the stranger they can find an armoury where they can restock.

Does not matter, the only way led forward just opened before the group. And Jacob would be damned to waste the opportunity, who knows, maybe he can even find Shepard along the way. Admittedly, he was worried, worrying about Shepard and his team. Jacob only hoped the station outer defensive mechanism did not activate and detected the Normandy. He had no idea what kind of scanners the station equipped…

A little bit later with Kaidan and his group:

Kaidan was admittedly worried, no matter how many he and his group killed these things. More and more started to appear on the walls. His continuous ability usage started to exhaust his reserves, throwing biotic blast left and right drained him even with his newly acquired amplifiers raised him to a new superhuman level.

"Damn these things!" Kouga leaned away from a strike that barely brushed his shields, in answer the thief blasted away the head of the machine with his revolver like a gun.

"Penly?! How long?"

"One moment!" she answered as equations ran above her exo-gloves, hacking the door of the command centre. Even using the command codes, Director Tanya released it took time to hack the reinforced entry of the command deck.

Kaidan must admit, his new team genuinely know their stuff. The way Edmir used his Warhammer could beat in shame a krogan warlord with one thousand years of experience. Kouga stylish, graceful combat style was genuinely respectable. And Penly… well, she just knows her stuff. As the mechanical mastermind of the group she never disappoints. He kinda made him remember at Tali when it comes to expertise.

And Saren… well. Whatever others say about the former Spectre, no matter how much Kaidan hate the man. He must admit, Saren was not accidentally considered one of the best if not the best Spectre under the history of the council. Using his abilities, the betrayer of his own people basically tore his way through the masses.

Although, under the last few corridor, the little group made a horrible discovery. It came to light where the staff disappeared. They either transformed into a metal monstrosity or just broke down by the Nanomachines the service robots made of.

Kaidan was horrified, it was like he found himself once again in Saren's lab on Virmire. He was truly disgusted.

"I got it!" One more click and the massive door opened.

"Gogogogo!" ordered Kouga immediately jumping in the door shooting his enemy. Touching the console that sealed the door for a moment.

The small group sprinted in the control room and sealed the entrance immediately before even one beast could take foot inside of the chamber.

"Well, we survived…" said happily Penly looking around.

"Yeah…barely," commented Saren reloading his gun.

"Is the door will hold against the machines?" Kaidan was worried, he saw those things melt through doors and jumping out from the walls. He rather not experiences it once again.

"Of course, second to the AI core, this is the station second safest place. With a redundant separated system, generators and a whole armoury. The control room is like a fortress inside of a fortress. A separate entity inside of the station with auto repair function and quantum shields those can theoretically survive a supernova. In an emergency, it can function as a separate escape pod."

"Good to know…"

'Click… fuveee…' Turning towards the clicking sound, the voice of guns charging to shoot hit the audial senses of the five.

"Drop your fucking guns!" shouted a man, holding a strange rocket launcher in his hand.

Turning towards the voice, a small group of several people came in their vision.

A human with strange glowing eyes and so many implants it was visible in his appearance. A Salarian, if the person can be still be called a Salarian, namely, he was so big he could almost dwarf a krogan.

Behind them a strange creature with the head of an egg and three holes in the place of its eyes and mouth. He also only had three fingers on each hand. Around them, several more people, wearing a similar outfit like the doppelganger, holding a gun like weaponry.

"Easy…" Kuaga tried to ease the tension, raising his hand.

"Identify yourselves…" said the egghead creature wearing a strange yellow uniform and the insignia of the W.E.I.R.D.D.

"We came from the W.E.I.R.D.D. to investigate the station." Kouga took out the badge they received back in the Avalon. Showing it to the thing, that in truth was a Doppelgänger, a shapeshifter. The creature nodded in acceptance.

"Tazzik, Randall, lower your guns. They are here to rescue us…"

Although suspiciously, the agent of the Cerberus and the Shadow Broker did so. Lowered their respective weapons. The men of the doppelganger followed custom.

"Finally, we are waiting one whole damn week the brass to send someone!" announced the creature slightly disturbed.

"Did anyone else survived?" asked Kouga, sheathing away his revolver.

"No, according to my best knowledge, not. We are the only ones…"

The werewolf nodded uneasily looking around.

"What the hell happened here? Who are those two guys?"

The Doppelgänger sighed, lowering his head shamefully. "Let me explain… One week ago, we rec-"

One moment to another, two doors opened at the same time, two group arrived. One was the alpha team led by Shepard. The second was team omega directed by Joe Black. About the beta team, no news from them. Maybe they are dead; perhaps they are still following the mysterious sniper.

Spotting each other, after sealing the doors, everyone pointed their guns at each other.

"Freeze!" Shepard shouted.

"In the name of the W.E.I.R.D.D and the Sorcerous Kingdom, drop your weapons!" roared Joe Black. Pointing his carbine at Shepard and his group, then looking in the direction of Tazzik and Randall Ezno.

The tension reached its breaking point, when…


"Commander?" Kaidan and Kirrahe lowered their weapons stepped looking at each other in disbelief as they spotted Shepard.

"Kaidan? Kirrahe? You two alive? How?" Shepard was stunned, she saw him. She saw him die on Virmire? What kind of mockery is this? What kind of sick game the Reapers play with her?!

No, it was Kaidan, she doesn't want to believe it, but her guts said otherwise. It is him!

Leaving everything behind, the two of them jogged to each other, melding into one entity in a tight hug.

"I thought you died…" she whispered sensually, almost crying. Commander Shepard she was, but the woman as well…

"I am, Commander… I am…" Sniffing her hair, embracing the faint traces of her perfume she always hinted on herself before the mission. Kaidan immediately recognised his woman.

The two, or more like three sides still aimed at each other. Tension is rising even more…

"You bastard!" "Murderer!" Garrus and Tali shouted at once, pointing their guns at Saren.

Saren said nothing, just returned the courtesy, holding his gun steady, readying his amps.

Shepard's eyes widened, seeing her arch enemy once again. She thought she forgave him; she felt him as the victim of the Reapers after he explained Sovereign subtly controlled his action. Still, now, at the moment she spotted him, an unexplainable rage overcame her.

Releasing Kaidan, the Council's Spectre walked toward Saren.

"Commander?" Kaidan just watched Shepard, marching towards her arch enemy, her fist surrounded by blue energy.

"Commander he is with us now, stand down!" Kirrahe shouted, trying to stop Shepard's action. Okeer prepared himself the worst. Thinking hardly, if Shepard is here, what happened with his legacy. Is he alive? Is he fulfilled his purpose and brought prosperity to the Krogan race once more?

Finally, the Commander reached him, hitting Saren with a strong punch, staggering the man in the process.

"How dare you show your face?!"

Massaging his jaw, Saren stood up. Eying his past enemy. "I am sorry…" he merely said, his tone carried his honest regret.

Redhead just scowled, turning away with disgust.

Before she could utter one more scolding word, Patch, the warden of the station appeared.

"Ah, so you gathered. Good…"

"Patch? What's the meaning of this?" questioned him the doppelganger, who was the leader of the survivors.

"Warden Patch. Explain the state of the station! Immediately, Director Tanya want answers!" Joe Black's cold mannerism remained even under such unsightly circumstances, carrying himself like a professional.

"As you wish, Tactical Commander Black, but you will not like what you will hear…"

Tazzik and Randall looked at each other confused. It is since one, and a half days they barricaded themselves in this room. Therefore their arrival at the command centre was not well received by the survivor staff who also sought vault in the reinforced room. The survivors accepted them with a gunpoint. Before that, only thanks to the strange glob like AI the two of them survived that hellish place and managed to get out. Since then, they had no contact with Patch.

And now, seeing the three or better said, two sides pointing at their guns at each other. The situation even more dreadful than the Cerberus operative and the agent of Shadow Broker first imagined.

The strike force of the W.E.I.R.D.D. and the elite force of the Normandy although lowered their weapons, but they no less kept their guard. One wrong move and the scene will end in a bloodbath…

What will await our heroes, what's the meaning behind the sudden dark in Ouroboros station? You will know next time.

Scene Change: Somewhere In the Space: Avalon: the home of the W.E.I.R.D.D:

Director Tanya was satisfied. Standing on her command deck, holding her coffee, black as the night, just as she liked, she enjoyed her bitter drink. Thanks to the caffeine, she can end her shift without using items like Ring of Sustenance to stay awake without a problem.

(Ring of Sustenance: A magic ring that allows the user to go without food, drink and sleep for several days.)

Her schedule was busy; many vital documents run through her hands. Thought, her duty mostly consisted documentation, the management of the subordinates and resources under her hand.

The organisation she entrusted to direct was indeed vast, no matter if we spoke about its sheer size or available resources, she doesn't have to worry about either of them. Not as she wanted to complain, she always found a thing to do, leak to patch.

Although she did not shrink from the action if her commitment required it, she rather spent her time in the rear and schemed from the backside.

Her duty albeit seemed endless, even so, thanks to her so-called natural time management skills and rule following attitude, she always found time for her hobbies. Hobbies like polish her skills with her gun, read a good book or even play video games. She doesn't want to admit out loud, but she was an avid otaku behind her dutiful mask.

It started in her previous life, it lessened when reincarnated as a small girl (loli mage) in the country only called the 'Empire', and it came back when her friend introduced her once again the way of the otaku. Since then, her passion rose once again!

Inspecting her subordinates under her always filled her with the satisfied feeling of order. Order that the so-called 'Existence X' wanted to replace and substitute with faith.

She knows it would never work, and it was amusing to see when 'Being A' and his companion showed him a middle finger and banished him from his own realm.

Thinking of it, the birthday of her friend soon comes, she needs to figure out something nice. The royal family always present her such wonderful gifts year after year.

"Director Tanya!" One of her subordinates called her, disturbing her mind.

She should look out for her surroundings. The older she became, the more she space out, and she can't do anything about it, she is more than 1200 after all. In this age, she should retreat and live a peaceful life with her grandchildren. Not wandering around and working for the government in secret… But she can't help it, she merely too bored to settle down permanently.

Turning lazily, she raised her brow. "Hmm… yes?"

"Ma'am, we managed to locate Cronos and Erebus! What're your orders?"

Turning back the deck, she made her decision.

"Let's Cronos and Erebus sleep for now. Follow their movement. That's all…"

"Hay!" the human-shaped Shoggoth Slime saluted.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, Dr T'soni arrived. She wishes to speak with you about the deal…"

"Thank you. Carry on."

Nodding, the slime subordinate returned to his duty. Tanya just smiled, drinking her coffee.

"Not so elusive anymore, he..." she whispered snickering softly, looking at the screen that displayed the Star System the Avalon stayed. Then, turning around, headed towards the meeting room.


Well, that's for now. Sorry for the long absence.

Illness, other stories and the lack of muse occupied my mind.

Hopefully, the next chapter will come earlier than expected… -.-

In the next chapter: Ouroboros rising. The death game.

Take care, safe winds, good night! Goodbye!

Waka-sama: young master, in a childish way