A.N Hello everyone, now I would like to say that I have revised some of this story, by this I mean, much as remained the same although there have been significant changes. Chapter 1 has remained much the same except for a few minor changes, as has chapter three, eight and nine. All other chapters not mention have had changes made to them, but I must say again that much has remained the same.

Chapter 1

Battle swirled around the Damocles as it flouted high in the sky currently the emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire stumbled back into his damaged Shinkiro. Blood poured from his left eye area, a bullet fired by Ohgi had grazed the side of his head taking his eye and much of the socket with it. He still couldn't believe that after the Ikaruga had gone down that he and Villetta had taken a VTOL back up to the Damocles in hopes of continuing the fight.

'Idiots,' thought Lelouch in pain as he placed bandages from his first aid kit on his eye. 'Things are falling apart, Geno, Kallen and Suzaku are in the hanger trying to get up here to me. With Tohdoh, Nagisa, and Xingke on their tails. While the rest of my forces are getting blown apart by FLEIJAs.'

More blood spilled from his wound as he tried to get the damaged knightmare to move. He felt stupid for trying to get to Nunnally on foot, letting himself get ambushed was even stupider. But probably his greatest mistake after the he left the Black Knights was leaving Suzaku alive at Kamejima Island.

"Joining Schneizel suzaku," sneered Lelouch to no one, "this is low even for you, I should have killed you when I had the chance."

Then the damaged knightmare of the wounded emperor came to life. He maneuvered it back out of the hole made by him and his troops. Almost immediately he was surrounded by his troops as they escorted him away from the floating fortress. All the while the battle continued to wage, it was then that he noticed the Avalon pulled up against the Damocles.

"Report, why is the Avalon moored to that monster?!" screamed the emperor through his pain.

"My Lord," replied a soldier "she was boarded then piloted up to the Damocles."

Alarms then buzzed in the frame's cockpit, "My Lord another 'FLEIJA' is about to launch," cried another soldier.

"Dam," said Lelouch as bright light filled his vision as the WMD detonated, taking more of his war machines with it. "Do we have anymore 'FLEIJA Eliminators'?"

"Just one but it was assembled hastily sire" said Jeremiah his Sutherland Siegfried floating nearby. "It might not even work."

'It doesn't matter if does or doesn't we can use it to cover our retreat,' thought Lelouch.

"Works or not we'll use it," stated Lelocuh he then switched to his command channel. "All Brittanian forces prepare to withdraw."

Flight enabled Vincent knightmares began falling back toward towards the Brittanian floating battleships as they were beginning to reverse course. The Black Knights noticing the retreating enemy redoubled their assault in the hope of completely crushing Demon Emperor's forces. Meanwhile the Damocles continued in its preparations to fire its weapon of mass destruction again.

"Prepare to launch the Eliminator," ordered Lelouch as he furiously type on his keyboards calculating the composition of the FLIEJA leaving bloody fingerprints on the keys. He knew he could not completely stop the FLIEJA from detonating like the first time, but he hoped to at least contain the destruction to the enemy forces by force the weapon to detonate early. Maybe it would even damage the fortress allowing him time to regroup his army.

"Eliminator Launch," Lelouch commanded and the knightmare threw the spear like object and as it left the machines hand a small rocket attached ignited propelling it father than it could be thrown. It sped past the enemy frames, then it collided with its target just after it left the Blaze Luminous barrier. Light engulfed the battlefield as frames were atomized even the shields of the floating fortress were no match for the blast. It was then that the pink light of the blast changed color to light blue.

"What's happening," cried Lelouch as the light grew brighter.

A deafening blast was then heard as the implosion of the FLIEJA turned into an explosion. The shock wave sent frames from both sides careening out of control the bigger ship farther from the blast fared better managing to keep somewhat steady. But none the less several began to sink back towards the earth. When the light cleared nothing could be seen of the Damocles, the Avalon or anything that was near the fortress. Inside the Shinkiro Lelouch's pain redoubled and he felt searing pain encompass him.

"AHHHH!" screamed the emperor his scream amplified by the knightmares speakers.

Jeremiah snapped out of his shock and looked back towards his master's frame and only one word could describe his state of mind when he saw the Shinkiro. Fear. A shards of metal were sticking out if the chest and piolet's compartment like spears from an ancient battlefields.

"My Lord!" the Knight of One screamed. Two Vincents then flew in and took hold of the damaged Shinkiro in support. A transmission was then broadcasted from the frame the voice sounded wet and strained, filled with utter pain, "all forces fall back." Inside the knightmare the emperor's vision began to blur as blood poured like a river from his body. The floor of the cockpit turn crimson as the emperor's life spilled out and electric sparks flew from damaged systems.

'Nunnally, looks like we'll see each other today after all,' Lelouch thought as he slipped into unconsciousness.

"You heard the emperor retreat," ordered Jeremiah "and you two get his majesty to a medical bay NOW!"

By the time the sun set that day all Brittannian forces had pulled back to the bases in friendly territory. In the following months things changed drastically the emperor fell into a coma leaving Jeremiah to run the empire. He managed to broker a truce with the UFN nations and the EU since all three powers were realling from the battle that spanned the globe. Now the future of the world hangs in the balance political leaders are now dead or missing change is on the horizon for good or bad is uncertain. But one thing is for certain Lelouch's coma is not permanent and when he awakes the world will burn in FIRE!