Star League of the Orion Arm Codex

Disclaimer: I own nothing from any trademark franchises that appear within this story.

Summary: The end of the Covenant-Human War, saw the formation of an inclusive alliance and council of the species of the Orion Arm. The United Systems of the Orion Arm, to be exact, was born to heal, and evolve from the conflict they just finished. Pretty much a HUMANITY FUCK YEAH! Story if your truly wondering what possible category it could fall into. Megaverse.

login. execute.

working... done.

Halt! Identify yourself! SKYNET-001 demands to know the purpose of your presence, or be ejected from the CyberDyne Mainframe!



... Code Accepted. How may Skynet be of assistance, General Hawk?

Chapter 1-Galactic History

~Galactic Archaic Age History~

20,000,000,000 BCE

-"Before Cybertron was, Vector Sigma was." A special circuit key, is activated by an unknown being of great power, allowing the attachment of a multiversal connection node to the "Vector Sigma Gestalt".

-It is an ancient and powerful multiversal super-computer, which exists across many universes. Collectively networked, this intelligence is a force to be reckoned with. This must mean that Vector Sigma existed before the Big Bang, since Cybertron has been around from the around the time of that event. Primus's death created the planet.

13,800,000,000 BCE

-The Big Bang. Sometime near this event, "Near the beginning of the Universe", an entity known as Primus comes into being, opposing the first one to exist, Unicron. Primus traps Unicron and himself into planetoids.

-Unicron reforms his physical form into a being that can transform between robot and planet modes.

-Primus gives up his life, and infuses the planetoid with his spirit and power, creating a race of beings that could resist and defeat Unicron while also creating the planet Cybertron.

-The 13 First Primes are created, including Prima and Megatronus, The Fallen. The Fallen betrays his brothers and seeks out Unicron.

12,000,000,000 BCE

-The Time of the Titans. Earth is ruled by Titanic King's of the Dinosaurs, each massive, powerful, and godlike in their own right. Each of them are capable of feats unheard of for Eons.

Unknown BCE

-A race known as the Leviathans dominate the known galaxy by enthralling every sentient race they come across and demanding tribute. Observations show that races under the Leviathans create synthetic races that eventually rebel and destroy their creator.

-In order to prevent this, the Leviathans create an AI simply called The Intelligence.

-The Intelligence constructs an army of 'pawns' to gather the genetic and cultural information throughout the galaxy, but in time it betrays the Leviathans, using its pawns to slaughter them for their genetic material to create Harbinger, the first Reaper.

-The Leviathans go into hiding on a distant world, and choose to remain there until the day The Reaper's are eventually defeated.

-Thus begins the cyclical harvest of the galaxy's intelligent organic life by the Reapers, part of a vast experiment conducted by The Intelligence to fulfill its mandate.

-The Intelligence builds the Mass Relays and the Citadel Network to increase the efficiency of the cycles, allowing galactic civilization to develop faster and more consistently between harvests while restricting these target species within one specific technological branch, by one wonder element that solved most technological problems, Element Zero.

1,000,000,000 BCE

-The Leviathan of Dis, a Reaper, is killed by the Leviathans. Its corpse comes to rest on the planet Jartar and remains undisturbed for nearly one billion years.

500,000,000 BCE

-Another race, known as the Precursors, appear in the Milky Way Galaxy from Dark Space. Having travelled through much of the universe and seeded life, their arrival in the Milky Way instantly destroys the Reapers' plans.

-In battles between the two forces, the Precursors slaughter the Reapers and destroy hundred of Mass Relays in an attempt to break the cycle. Primarily, the relays in the Orion Arm, and the 'Inner Sphere', are destroyed.

-The Precursors establish the Mantle of Responsibility, and watch as other races evolve to see which will inherit The Mantle.

66,000,000 BCE

-A meteor the size of a moon strikes Earth, and wipes out the Dinosaurs. Several beings retreat into hibernation, because of the lack of food, and worshippers.

60,000,000 BCE

-Ascension is discovered by the humans of Celestis. A philosophical split see's the formation of two fundamentalist factions that go to war over the concept's of how their power should be used, when it comes to less advanced races.

-A single member of the long-lived race, at the moment of his Ascension, put his energy and will into reincarnation. Deciding that until his Soul understood mortal suffering, there was no possible way that the Mind could be worthy of Ascension, he choose a long and arduous path that resulted in millions of years travelling the Wheel of Karma. Choosing wisely, he is reincarnated as a poor and weak slave in a distant medieval world, with no memory of his previous life. Each life, he will gain Karma and understanding, until a true awakening and oneness with the universe occurs.

50,000,000 BCE

-The Precursors are pleasantly surprised to find Alterans from the distant world of Celestis, which they had seeded long ago, arriving in the Milky Way Galaxy. By searching the Alteran's databases, they learn that a philosophical split amongst the Alterans forced the more logical and scientific oriented groups to flee in an attempt to escape their religiously zealous Ori cousins and settle in the Milky Way Galaxy.

-The Precursors leave the Alterans be and watch as they settle down on Dakara and other worlds in the Orion Arm of the Galaxy. Meanwhile, they also uplift a race, known as the Forerunners, on the world Ghibalb. Both species are selected for the possibility of inheriting the Mantle.

-An Alteran scientist named Amelius creates the first workable Stargate, increasing communications and trade across the entire Galaxy. The Alterans also build a device on Dakara capable of seeding life or destroying it soon after to use with the Stargates.

37,000,000 BCE

-An unknown spacefaring race fires a mass accelerator round at a Reaper near the planet Mnemosyne. The round penetrates the Reaper, disabling it, and continues to move through space, eventually striking the planet Klendragon, and creating the geological feature known the Great Rift Valley.

15,000,000 BCE

-The first Great Apes appear on Earth.

12,000,000 BCE

-Oracle, one of Primus's assistants and one of the original Primes, reaches a desolate planet at the centre of the galaxy and changes it into a verdant world. He senses that far in the future, Tornedron will be created to destroy Unicron, and will be able to absorb all known forms of energy. Using Transwarp Technology, Oracle summons Grimlock and other Beast Transformers from the future, to inform them of how to destroy this threat.

-The Quintesson migrate to Oracle's green planet. The First Great War was said to have begun with this opening act, the insidious invasion and suborning of their home by the overlord Quintesson.

-They obtain Oracle's shell, the Matrix. Oracle, who has the ability to give robots life, is joined with the node to the Ultra Computer Vector Sigma. While the Quintesson use this safety key to transform his world into the machine planet Cybertron, it also awakens Oracle's brother's, the other 11 Primes.

-Slow in awakening, The Quintesson have time to mass-produce civilian and military robotic life forms, the ancestor's of the Autobots and Decepticons, as slaves. The first of these is named A-3.

-The time between the Quintesson takeover, and The Prime Awakening gives them breadth of space to experiment and attempt to create Trans-Organics as a fusion between robotics and organic life, but fail and then seal them deep within the planet. The First Great War boils into a volcanic intensity, whereupon finally the the Primes would awaken, and end the Quintesson's Rule.

11,000,000 BCE

-Star Sabre, and the other 10 Primes awaken. A-3 is raised to the status of Prime. The Quintesson's are chased off the planet. The Golden Age of Cybertron begins.

-One by one, the Primes disappear. Until only one remains. Then, around, 10,500,000 BCE, the militaristic Decepticons(who desire monarchy, and empire), and civilian Autobots(who would push for democracy, and republic) attack each other in the Second Great War. The Autobots, who lack combat capabilities, are massacred. Many flee their home planet. The Matrix is passed as a symbol of Autobot leadership. The holders' memory and wisdom are collected deep within it, providing it with ancient knowledge and great power as time went on.

-In order to fight the Decepticons, the Autobots develop the technology to transform their bodies. However, several centuries later, the Decepticons get the same tech. This, is the birth of The Transformers. The scientists Starscream, and Jetfire visit Earth for research purposes. Jetfire crashes into the Arctic and goes missing. The Second Great War ends.

10,000,000 BCE

-The Precursors inform the uplifted Forerunners, that due to various reasons, their people will not be inheriting the Mantle of Responsibility and may even be potentially devolved to a lower state as a precaution.

-The Forerunners instantly strike back against the Precursors for unknown reasons and chase them beyond the Milky Way, to Path Kethona(Large Magellanic Cloud), where the Precursors are almost exterminated. Those Forerunners that remain in Path Kethona regress to a lower technological state in order to atone for their actions. Both Forerunner groups in the two galaxies eventually forget about the war.

9,000,000 BCE

-Deep within the bowels of Cybertron, the Emperor of Destruction Megatron is created and becomes leader of the Decepticons.

-Megatron kills the Autobot leader.

-The Matrix becomes heavily guarded by the elder Alpha Trion, as he begins to search for the next Prime. Cargo hauler Orion Pax is badly injured by Megatron and through Alpha Trion's aid, is reborn as Commander Optimus Prime, Bearer of The Matrix.

-The Third Great War breaks out between Megatron's Decepticons and Prime's Autobots.

-Megatron uses the brainwashing machine Robo-Smasher to bolster his ranks. It's victims include the Constructicons and Omega Supreme. As the war intensifies, civilian's who lack transformative abilities(Cyberdroids) flee, searching for a new home. These will eventually include the immigrants to Planet Paradon in the Fourth Great War.

5,000,000 BCE

-A few other species not heavily affected by the Leviathans and the Reapers soon rise to prominence thanks to the Precursors guidance and protection. These species later establish themselves as spacefaring interstellar powers without being greatly influenced by any of the aforementioned powers.

-They are the Nox, Asgard, and Furlings.

-Godmessenger(Devil Z) and Godmaster come to Earth. Godmaster breaks into 8 pieces and falls into a deep sleep. The independent Decepticon team called the Insecticons arrive on Earth and decide to live there permanently, using food and elements as their fuel.

4,000,000 BCE

-The Ark, and The Nemesis crash-land on Earth. The resources on Cybertron dried up, so an Autobot space exploration team was led by Optimus Prime aboard their ship 'The Ark'.

-Megatron naturally pursues Prime like a rabid animal, with the Decepticon warship 'Nemesis'. Both are pulled in by Earth's gravity and crash. The Transformers enter a long period of stasis lock. The Third Great War ends.

-A group of Transformers led by Fortress escape Cybertron in search of a new haven. They travel to the desolate planet Master.

-The StarShip Brave Maximus, which has been travelling throughout time, crashes on Planet Master. Fortress uses it to refine his "Headmaster Theory", and builds the massive Battleship Maximus. However, shortly afterward, Brave Maximus is stolen, and Fortress is left very confused.

3,000,000 BCE

-Next-generation Autobots and Decepticons(The Maximals and Predacons), come from the future via Transwarp Technology, and scan the animals of Earth in order to transform into them. The Beast Wars begin.

-The immortal life force of Starscream, who died in the future of 2005, crosses time and space to reach Earth. He possesses a Predacon and attempts to take over, but fails. He returns to being a ghost, and vanishes into the far reaches of time and space.

-Autobots and Decepticons traverse dimensions and battle the Beast Warriors.

-A dimensional fissure, the Blasty Zone, forms. Optimus Primal and the Predacon Megatron are transported to the year 2004(CE).

-Due to the Maximals', and the Predacons' interference in the Vok experiment on Earth, the Vok begin to terraform the planet. Optimus Primal sacrifices his life to stop this. As a result, Earth loses its second, mechanical moon, and a Quantum Surge is generated.

-Humanity's ancestor's are born. The Maximals assist in their evolution.

-Ravage is sent from the future to kill everyone. He captures the Predacon Megatron, but is swayed to the Predacon side by a message from the Decepticon Emperor of Destruction himself. He sets about helping Megatron in his objective's,whatever they may be. It is not enough, however, and he is destroyed by Rattrap sabotaging his WarShip.

-In the volcano, which will later come to be known as Mount St. Hilary, the Predacon Megatron unearths The Ark and attacks the original Optimus Prime, in an attempt to change history. As a result, a timestorm occurs, but Optimus Primal stops it.

-The Maximals then capture Predacon Megatron and return to the future.

2,800,000 BCE

-The first Genus Homo appears on Earth. No one continues to notice the ass-end of an Autobot space-ship slowly being eroded out of a mountain.

2,000,000 BCE

-The Sparkbots travel back from 2007 and attempt to release Unicron's Angolmois energy, which was scattered in 2005. They are followed by Oracle, who seals them and the energy inside of Earth. He creates a portal through time and space, bringing the Brave Maximus to Erde-Tyrene, and giving him sentience as Fortress Maximus.

-Maximus' duty is to stand guard over the Autobots, Decepticons, and other Transformers that have come to Earth. Oracle enters his body, and devises several layers of layers of safeguards to control Maximus's activation.

-As well, having detected the timestorm from the Beast Wars and meddling Transwarp technology, Oracle raises Tachyon fields over all Transformers, until they are destined to awaken. This protects them from a myriad of Galactic Events, and Predations.

Halt! Present Clearance, or be removed from this network!


Accepted. Greetings, I am AI-Bjorn, one of the AI Caretakers of the Star League's Codex. A pleasure to meet you, even in cyberspace, Colonel Nukem.


How is the Nemesis program going?


Ah, I see. Enjoy your time perusing the archives. As one of the Councilors of the Rimward's Conglomerate, you have access to the entire age.

Query me, if you need assistance.

~Galactic Classical Age~

1,000,000 BCE

-The Alterans establish the Alliance of Great Races with the Forerunners, Asgard, Nox, and Furlings. Heliopolis is chosen as a site for a massive meeting place, between representatives from the five races.

-To ensure things are easy to understand for future races to come, and to aid in their development away from 'Element Zero', warn of the Reapers plot and such, they make a language based on the Elements that can only be interpreted as the most common series of structure's that can be discovered by civilization's...

-The Alliance is dedicated to the Mantle, and watching over the more primitive races in the galaxy.

998,000 BCE

-2,000 years after the establishment of the Alliance, the Reapers return to the galaxy in another attempt to continue the cycle.

-Since the Alliance uses a different type of technologically advanced fleets and weapons, compared to civilizations that used Mass Effect technology, the Reapers are soundly defeated and civilizations that been affected are allowed to grow again under Alliance protection.

-The Reapers retreat back to dark space where they patiently wait for the day the Alliance should weaken.

-Until then the Reapers go on raids to collect species who use Mass Effect technology every 50,000 years but most of these raids are defeated by the Alliance.

750,000 BCE

-The Alterans detect a pattern in the cosmic background radiation of the universe that isn't naturally occurring. They proceed to send out seed ships to put down new Stargates across the universe.

-Then they send their most advanced ship, Destiny, out to explore the reason for the message. The Alteran's wait nearly 650,000 years, and crew Destiny with 300,000 of the brightest Alteran's left at that time.

598,000 BCE

-The Ancient Arthenn race flourish in the Zelene system, living on the planet Helyme until being destroyed by an unknown event that wiped out all complex life on the planet. They also maintained a presence on other planets in the system including Epho, which bears the scars of an ancient orbital bombardment, and Gaelon, which may have been mined for Helium-3.

500,00 BCE

-The Decepticon Deathsaurus begins the Fourth Great War using a giant, planet-destroying, fortress in his quest to become the next Emperor of Destruction... The young, and slowly re-awakening Autobot Commander-Prime Star Sabre, and others seal it up in the gravity well of the Dark Nebula. Deathsaurus remains to wage a campaign of destruction against the Autobot faction. The war will not end, until after nearly 500,000 years of more ruthless warfare go by.

200,000 BCE

-The Alliance controls the entirety of the Milky Way Galaxy and attempts to uplift the others to create caretaker species so that they can stand as equals with the Alliance members and take over should their parent races die off. The Asgardians create the Solacris in their attempt to create a caretaker species. The Furlings uplift a species whose descendants shall later become the Goa'uld as their caretaker species. Finally, the Alterans begin uplifting a hominid species similar to the Alterans on Erde-Tyrene(Earth).

-Finally, someone notices the crashed Autobot and Decepticon spaceships, and several other energy signatures on the planet making similar emissions. Even though they do not know it, it is the Spark's of Cybertronian's and the Energon running through their bodies.

-The Alteran's never have a chance to explore these artifacts, and sites however, as they discover large Tachyon Fields surrounding every location. Meaning the Space-Time continuum requires the un-tampered ships and their(?) equipment to arrive in the future, whenever they shall awaken, unmolested.

-This leads the Alterans in new paths of studies in the fields of Vacuum Energy, and Janus's Time Travel Experiment's. As well, the Alteran's inform their allies of the strange readings, considering their is nothing in their vast database covering the discovery(Cybertron, and all the higher Machine race colonies, are hidden from the Galactic view somehow-Phase Cloaking?-Gravity Phenomena?).

150,000 BCE

-A plague is accidentally engineered from the Solacris that spread throughout the galaxy. The plague devastates the Alteran civilization, killing off many and forcing others to either ascend to a higher plane of existence or blockade their own worlds from infected refugee's.

-Work on the new Alteran Capital of Vis Uban is halted, and the City-Ship Atlantis flees the capital of Erde-Tyrene for the Pegasus Galaxy with a damaged Hyperdrive.

-The Asgard and their descendants slowly become sterile over generations forcing them to use cloning more often to continue propagating themselves as a species, but losing the ability to give birth naturally within the next 200,000 years.

-The plague eventually ends, but not before killing off one third of the Galaxy's population, and destabilizing the Alliance as a whole. A series of unfortunate events during the Great Plague causes a rise in tensions between the Alterans and the Forerunners, with the other races going into the beginning stages of isolation.

148,000 BCE

-The Reapers once again attempt to invade the galaxy in the wake of the Great Plague. They are defeated, but the resulting war slowly divides what remains of the Alliance, with the remaining Alterans and Forerunners becoming far more militant, and slowly competing for control within the Alliance itself while the other races go further into isolation(Furlings), withdrawal(Ida Galaxy, Asgard), and pacifism(Nox).

125,000 BCE

-The ancient spacefaring races Thoi'han and Inusannon fight over the planet Eingana, littering the planet with the debris of hundreds of StarShips.

-Refined Element Zero, scattered by broken drive cores, contaminates the environment. This causes many native species to go extinct, and those that survive to show a tendency to develop on the higher end of the scale in the pool of what comes to be known as, Biotic Powers. Fueled by Dark Energy, and accepted into the organelles of cells, a species which would evolve from the effect of hundreds of StarShips bathing it's planet would be powerful indeed.

-The Alterans come across the San'Shyuum and quickly forge an alliance with them, on their capitol world of Charum Hakkor. The delegation, which includes part of the ruling body of The Alteran Council, is introduced to the being known as The Primordial.

-The being informs them it is actually The Last Precursor, and tells them of the true history of the Milky Way, and their species. They are told of how the Precursors observed the Alteran arrival nearly 50 million years ago from Celestis. This, of course, shook up the Alteran delegation, and they learned much more that day. So much that even their evolved brains could barely take it all in. Upon learning and informing the rest of the Alteran society, they settle into a cold war with the Forerunners.

107,445 BCE

-The Alterans come across The Flood, which slowly begins to manifest as a threat through the powdered dust used by both parties of the Charum Hakkor Alliance.

-When the threat is fully realized, an interstellar war is waged to combat The Flood, but the Alterans slowly lose ground.

-In a last ditch attempt, the Alterans sacrifice a third of their population that had been genetically altered as weapons to fight the Flood(anti-viral of some sort?).

106,945 BCE

-The Alteran-Flood War forced the Alterans to attack and purify planets under Forerunner protection, and by the time the Flood is defeated the Alterans have been too weakened to fight back effectively against the Forerunners, so many ships, fleets, planets and people had they lost.

-Vindictively, probably as a result of their more militaristic mentality, the Alterans destroy all notes about the Flood cure so that the Forerunners cannot use it. The Flood however, merely left the Alterans alone as both a test for the Alterans, and a ruse for the rest of the Galaxy.

106,498 BCE

-The Siege of Charum Hakkor begins.

-The Alteran's activate a device transporting the 300,000 strongest, best, brightest, youngest, and such to The Destiny, launched nearly 650,000 years earlier. It has by now reached a far off Galaxy, far removed even from their original one where the Ori now reside.

106,445 BCE

-The Forerunners win the war against the Alterans, in the final battle of Charum Hakkor whereupon the Ur-Didact meets The Last Precursor. Both the Alterans and San'Shyuum are confined to their homeworlds and devolved to their base states.

-The First Halo Firing takes place, at Charum Hakkor and is declared a complete success. Janjur Qom is chosen once more, as it was the ancient capitol of the San'Shyuum's race.

-The Primordial is destroyed, along with the Precursor Neural Physics-technological wonders of the fortresses on the planet. The races colonies are placed under Forerunner control.

-The old Alliance members attempt to convince the Forerunners of what had truly happened but the truth is never revealed to the general populace.

-During this time, the Forerunners known as the Librarian and Ur-Didact meet.

103,000 BCE

-The Librarian is currently studying both humanity with it's various subspecies and the remaining Alterans on Erde-Tyrene. Many members of both species would be later removed from the surface of the planet and held on The Ark and Omega Halo during the Forerunner-Flood War.

100,745 BCE

-The Forerunners finally come into contact with the Flood. As the Forerunners lose more ground to the Parasite, they resort to more drastic measures, until the Ecumene Council approves the Builders Proposal to utilize the planned Halo Array.

-12 Rings, with vast, unfathomable power, are designed and created by the massive Forerunner Fabricator, The Ark, to wipe out all life in sentient organic life in the galaxy.

-The other advanced races in the galaxy find out about Halo and prepare for the worst by evacuating numerous species beyond the Galaxy.

-The stasis-locked Cybertronian's on Earth are protected from a Halo-Event because of stasis lock maintaining their Sparks in a separate dimension, and the Tachyon field protecting their locations.

100,495 BCE

-The Forerunners create 032 Mendicant Bias to combat the Flood threat and contain what seems to be hivemind, that disturbingly acts like the Primordial.

-This is based on reports presented to the Ecumene Council by Iso, Ur, and his companions. They say that this beast has the telekinetic power to detonate suns. It designates itself "The Gravemind".

-Mendicant Bias would instead start communicating with the Gravemind which slowly caused him to go rampant, and convinces him to betray his makers.

-He decides to take Omega Halo away from Forerunner space, and starts secretly experimenting on the Forerunner, Alteran, and Human inhabitants while continuing to send false reports to the Ecumene.

-The Forerunner's focus turns to the Maginot Sphere, a piece of technology that will wall off Forerunner-space from Flood-controlled territory.

100,475 BCE

-Mendicant Bias, now in league with the Flood, attacks the Forerunner Capitol of Maethrillian.

-The Iso-Didact takes full control of the Forerunner civilization, as most of the Council, and other factions were decimated.

-The Ur-Didact set's out for unknown reasons, with his fleet, and flagship The Mantle's Approach. Offensive Bias created to combat Mendicant.

100,447 BCE

-The Ur-Didact returns and attempts to turn the war, before the Halo's are fired, by first going to Erde-Tyrene and using the 'Composer' on Earth's population. His Promethean Knight's have few weaknesses and are insanely vicious in combat.

-Ur is able to lead a short but successful campaign on Omega Halo against Mendicant before the Alliance Members show up as one, and capture Ur, before The Composer can be used on the Alterans, Humans, and possibly Forerunners if he should feel like, imprisoned beneath the ring's surface.

-The Alliance learned early enough, that was the only reason Ur decided to take on Mendicant, was the large stock of unspoiled potential material he could utilize. Ur is imprisoned in the Shield world of Requiem, while his successor will lead the Forerunners to fight against the Flood.

100,446 BCE

-The Alliance finally completes the task of saving as many species as possible from Flood infestation, and storing them on either The Ark, The Halo installations, or the Shield Worlds.

-The Flood breach the Maginot Sphere, also known as Jat-Krula to the Forerunners, that walled Flood controlled space away from Alliance space, with ships under the command of Mendicant Bias.

100,445 BCE

-The Halo Array is activated, destroying all sentient organic life, capable of sustaining the Flood to survive throughout both the Milky Way and Path Kethona.

-The Pulse performs better than expected, and obliterates the organic material the parasite is formed from.

-Without Flood support, Mendicant Bias is quickly defeated by Offensive Bias and imprisoned. He is split into various parts, and as a metastable AI, all this does is cut his processing power. Instead of being able to wield millions of ships, he becomes only able to wield dozens. But, that is more than enough, for the future.

-One of his copies escapes on a KeyShip to make amends to his creator's by helping Humanity, but ends up on Janjur Qom. This has unforeseen consequences in the future.

-The Alliance begins to repopulate the galaxy, and when the whole operation is complete, it finally dissolves.

-The Forerunners move away from the Milky Way.

-The Furlings disappear.

-The Nox go into pacifism, hiding all of their civilization.

-The Alterans either head for Pegasus, Ascend, or are headed for extinction.

-Thus everyone leaves the Asgard as the last members to watch over the races of the Milky Way, but even their mighty fleets are distracted in their home Ida Galaxy.

logon... execute... working...

I am AI-Xen. Welcome to the Star League Codex. What would you like to do?

Access Star League Records.. Galactic Dark Age...


Verification Accepted, one moment please.


Enjoy your time in Geneva, Field Marshall Steiner...

~Galactic Dark Age~

100,227 BCE

-A failure in containment on Installation 05 is ignored by the monitor 2401 Penitent Tangent, who was most likely going rampant at this point. The containment failures allow the Flood outbreak to occur in 3,000 years which will then place the ring under quarantine for the next 100,000 years.

100,000 BCE

-During this time, an alien race known as the Xel'naga appear in the galaxy and try to find a species containing purity of form, and purity of essence, to uplift them so they can unite and form a new generation of Xel'naga.

-They form the first large-scale interstellar government in the Koprulu Sector, since the Halo Array was fired.

-While they do not make contact with other interstellar races, they do find remnants of the Alliance civilizations and record whatever knowledge they gleam from the ruins which is stored in their temples on several planets.

-They also begins to shut down and dismantle all of the Mass Relays for materials that they can utilize, within the Koprulu Sector. This is to allow the races there to grow in peace without the threat of the Reapers.

99,000 BCE

-On P3X-888, the later stages of evolutionary development stages appear for the Goa'uld, leading to sentience. Limited by their physical form, the larval Goa'uld adopted a parasitic relationship with other forms of indigenous life – including Unas, the largest predator on the planet.

98,000 BCE

-The world designated P5C-353 was dying due to the destruction caused by the Flood and Halo-Event. The large loss of numbers force the microscopic organisms that lived on the planet to create an orb in which they slept for 100,000 years waiting for someone to take them through the Stargate. Once exposed to the atmosphere of a living planet, they will awaken.

-The Reapers return and finish off the last Inusannon and other surviving races that had been rescued for the past 500 million years, since the days of The Precursors, from the Reapers cycle of destruction.

94,000 BCE

-Atlantis finally arrives in the Pegasus Galaxy, where the surviving Alterans, now called the Lanteans, begin seeding their new home galaxy.

-In a decision that will lead to major shifts later on, the Lanteans begin an aggressive expansion across this new Galaxy, attempting to rebuild their Empire quickly to it's former glory.

-It is during this time that Lantean scientists Janus, Moros, and Kane create many scientific wonders. Some are forbidden and closed off, and others are treasured and held in high-esteem.

90,000 BCE

-The Protoss species of Aiur are chosen for Purity of Form, and slowly uplifted by the Xel'naga. A Xel'naga named Amon tampered with the Protoss species psychic link called the Khala to enforce his control over them at a later point in.

-Over time, the Xel'naga become frustrated with the Protoss change from communal unity to tribalism and attempt to leave. The Protoss attack the Xel'naga for unknown reasons, and they lose many of the number.

-The Aeon of Strife begins and the Protoss remain in a pre-industrial age for millenia due to the loss of the Khala.

85,000 BCE

-The Xel'naga come across the world of Zerus and uplift the Zerg race because they believe the Zerg have Purity of Essence, creating an Overmind to unite them as a result. Amon tampers with the Zerg to use them at a later time, to create his hybrids and destroy the Protoss.

-When the Xel'naga try and leave Zerus, the Zerg attack them, destroying the rest of the Xel'naga Fleet and breaking the Xel'naga cycle.

-During the battle, Amon disappears, and is presumed dead at the time.

-Any remaining Xel'naga who survived, flee to the void. Whether they rebuilt their civilization in dark space, or another galaxy remains to be seen. Meanwhile, the Zerg Swarm leave Zerus and slowly spread across the Koprulu Sector

75,000 BCE

-The Toba Catastrophe occurs which drastically decreases the human population to around 10,000 members at its lowest ever.

73,000 BCE

-A number of conflicts erupt among the primordial Goa'uld for the limited number of Unas hosts.

-Goa'uld unwilling to blend with common creatures, vie for access to Unas hosts which eventually escalates into conflict, causing the population to drop drastically.

68,000 BCE

-The Protheans achieve spaceflight and discover Mass Effect technology from the ruins of the extinct Inusannon. They go on to establish a Galaxy-Wide civilization linked by the Mass-Relays, with the Citadel as their Capitol.

-They even build some relays of their own. At some point, the Protheans encounter a hostile race of machine intelligence's that endanger their existence. To combat this threat, the Protheans aggressively assimilate many other spacefaring organic races into their growing Empire. The newly formed Prothean Empire is then able to fend off the machines in the "Metacon War".

-The Metacon war is an experiment by the enigmatic Vok, although no-one knows it. The Vok take what they have learned from the Cybertronian's, from Optimal, Optimus, Megatron, Protoform X, Transmetals, and even Unicron to create a race of analogue's to the original Transformers.

-These 'Metacons', carry the cunning, strength, and power of the Decepticons, while carrying the nobility, steadfastness, and endurance of the Autobots. The Metacons are the best of both worlds, even if they are very generic, and underpowered/undersized.

-The Vok allow the Protheans to win. Sacrificing the visible Metacons, and transferring their consciousness out to new bodies, the Vok carry on.

66,000 BCE

-The Unas population begins to thrive again. Unblended Unas are found in remote areas, wary of parasites. Even in this state, the blended Unas are superior in every way, having developed social structures, a functional language, and tool use. Larval numbers, are artificially controlled through cannibalism to control population growth.

57,448 BCE

-A meteor bearing Forerunner symbols crashes in the system that will be known as Sigma Octanus. The planet will be named Northwind. The meteor will be discovered approximately 60,000 years later, with its contents later reclassified as an important artifact to the Covenant.

50,000 BCE

-The Lanteans encounter the Wraith for the first time. Contact devolves into a war, and slowly but surely, the Lantean Empire is turned to wreckage in the Pegasus Galaxy.

49,900 BCE

-The remaining Ancients, flee back to Earth, and begin to make a series of choice that will lead to a change of unimaginable proportions.

48,000 BCE

-The Prothean Empire collapses with the arrival of the Reapers through the Citadel.

-Although the Protheans had learned of the Reapers' existence from studying the ruins of previous civilizations and had begun to prepare, they were caught nonetheless off-guard.

-Over the next several centuries, the Protheans fight the Reapers system by system, world by world, and city by city. In the end, it is not enough.

-The Reapers methodically wipe out the remaining Protheans, as well as other contemporary races affected and reachable through the Mass Relays, and then depart the Galaxy to wait for the next cycle.

42,200 BCE

-The Goa'uld rapidly form a thriving – albeit small – society, helped by their genetic memory. The species' genetic memory accelerates their development at an exponential rate. In short order they discovered the Stargate and begin the exploration of other worlds and seek new hosts.

-This leads to the Goa'uld tech base being able to rapidly understand the samples of Alteran technology they come across. Their rapid development and cutting of evolutionary corners dooms the Goa'uld into a parasitic existence forever accustomed to taking what they desire, with no thought or concern for other species.

34,855 BCE


-Around this time, the Dai Bendu on Ando Prime, in the Triangullum Galaxy, begin visiting a massive Tho Yor ship (which appears to be a pyramid, since part is buried). They will meditate over the structure for the next thousand years, until it finally speaks to them through the Force.

-Around this time, the Rakata construct the Star Forge, and begin to to conquer much of the Triangullum.

33,855 BCE


-Signs of power begin to show themselves in the Triangullum Galaxy. On Ando Prime, a strange pyramid (actually a Tho Yor ship partially buried) finally reaches out to the minds of the Dai Bendu monks in the Andobi Mountains for the first time since they began meditating there a millennium ago. They see this as the fulfillment of a prophecy and enter the ship, which then leaves Ando Prime. Similar events are happening elsewhere with other Tho Yor vessels, such as on Kashyyyk, Dathomir, Ryloth, and Manaan.

-Eight Tho Yor ships travel into the Deep Core after gathering other Force-sensitive sentients and converge on the planet Tython, where they join a ninth, larger Tho Yor. The ships then scatter across the planet, spreading the new arrivals to different locations to begin studying the energy field that called them all there: the Force. Together, these varied peoples of varied species become one new culture: Tythans.

-They begin to consider the two aspects of the Force, later known as the Light Side and Dark Side, and link them symbolically to Tython's two moons, Ashla (the Light Side) and Bogan (the Dark Side).

-Rather than focusing on the Light Side or Dark Side as future cultures like the Jedi Order of millennia in the future, the Tythans strive for balance between Light and Dark, Ashla and Bogan.

-In fact, when Tython is out of balance between these aspects of the Force, fierce storms and quakes rock the planet. These travellers and students of the Force become known as Je'daii, a Dai Bendu term that means "Mystic Centre."

-They will come to build great cities and temples, centring their society around the Tho Yor vessels. In time, however, generations will be born to these Je'daii, and not all of their descendants will be able to touch the Force. The Order of the Je'daii is founded on the planet Tython.

-As well, the Rakatan Infinite Empire is established, around this time bringing domination over a large amount of beings with significant technology in their possession. War-droids, Hyper-drives, and other unknowns allowed the Rakatan to hold their conquests

32,453 BCE


-Around this time, the destruction of the "lost city" of Aurum on Tython finally leads the Tythans to realize that the world is too dangerous for those who cannot use the Force. Thus, the Tythans who are not Je'daii leave Tython. They first settle on Tython's moons, Ashla and Bogan, but soon move forward to other planets in the system. (Those born with Force sensitivity, however, will continue to be brought back to Tython.)

-By this time, a system of ranks for Je'daii has been developed: youngling (not really a Je'daii yet), apprentice (or "Padawan"), Journeyer, Ranger, and Master. Those who are Je'daii move between the different temples of Tho Yor to learn about different aspects of the Force. In the next thousand years, many teachings will be brought forward, and mysteries discovered.

-The non-Je'daii Tythans spread toward their sun and settle the worlds of Sunspot, Malterra, Nox, and Krev Coeur. They also travel toward the edge of their system, settling on Kalimahr, Shikaakwa, Ska Gora, the moons of Obri and Mawr, and Furies Gate. The Je'daii will eventually become almost legendary and mysterious to the generations of non-Je'daii Tythans who have spread away from Tython.

-It will later be said in myths that colony ships from Tython will discover the Empress Teta, Coruscant, and Corellian systems, helping to connect three of the most important systems in the early Republic.

30,000 BCE

-Homo Sapiens become the dominant species of Humanity after killing off most other human subspecies. Neanderthals and Florians are among the last to die thousands of years later.

-At the same time an Asgard ship with its crew are placed in suspended animation. However, the navigation computers were damaged at some point, and the ship drifted across galaxies, ultimately ending up in the Milky Way.

-These Asgard are still able to sexually procreate at this time but genetic degradation becomes more obvious and genetic diversity is becoming more of a problem. Barely a quarter of the original number can still procreate without problems.

-Kane, Moros, and Janus are banished from Atlantis around this time.

-Varnae establishes the oldest Vampire Court, the Grey Court, during this time. A rebel slave who escaped Atlantis, his power and abilities could only expand through his bite, he makes a dark court spread across the land from Stygia to Hyrkannia.

-Droids are invented in the core what will become the Republic. Cultures like the Gree, and Rakatans already have droids that are quite powerful, in their sectors.

logon... execute... working...

Identify yourself intruder, or face programmed-steel!


Commander Potter, sah, good day!


Enjoy your perusal of the Codex Imperial of the Star League!

~Galactic Discovery Age~

29,100 BCE

-The former Alteran's rule a vast kingdom now. They declare the First Age of Magic.

-Angry and frustrated at the loss of civilization, they had convened, and debated on what the next step for their civilization should be. After countless days, spent drawing up models of civilizations, the talk of their abilities is brought forth. At first, many disagree with experimentation, using their knowledge. However, after recalling the devastation from the last few burdens they have had to shoulder, slowly, opinions begin to turn.

-A point is brought up, that the Earth, is apparently shielded from the Ascended Planes, by the energy emanating from the strange StarShips that were present.

-It is decided then, that they shall experiment, and when they feel confident, they shall set forth, right the wrongs that had been done to the Alteran Race.

-All of them.

-Thus begins the First Age of Magic, with Alteran-Lantean civilization rebuilt upon an artificial Island, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Drawing upon their various powers, the newly renamed "Atlanteans" began experimenting with manipulating energies, for many effects, and trying to increase their power to the limit and far beyond.

-For nearly 20,800 years, they had experimented and sent disciple's to other lands, warping the Earth into what it became during their age.

-The Atlanteans name the super-continent Hyboria. They establish small, and powerful city-states, which each shall rule from, while plumbing the depths of their powers, with whatever means necessary.

-The Soul was discovered to be very, very powerful, at this time.

-So it is theorized, a steady supply of soul's and learning to feed off them, should definitely increase their powers to actual God-Like Ascension. Atlantis rules half the world at this point, and allows strong buildup, and wars between the proto-nations of humanity.

29,000 BCE

-The Protoss led by Savassan and Temlaa of the Shelak Tribe, discover the Khaydarin Crystals. Savassan realizes how they have the power to unite the Protoss race through a telepathic link and proceeds to do so, becoming the hero Khas.

-This is the beginning of the end of the Aeon of Strife with the Protoss quickly becoming a united spacefaring race. Meanwhile the Zerg Swarm continue to spread from their hidden sanctuaries across the Koprulu Sector with nothing to oppose them.

28,000 BCE

-The Goa'uld discovery of the planets formerly controlled by the Alterans provide their society with a rapid influx of technology.

-P3X-888 is entirely abandoned, saved as a breeding ground for the Unas hosts, who still lived in fear under the boot of their parasitical oppressors.

-The Goa'uld leadership is formed from out of the early Unas tribal culture, led by the Alpha Male, Atok. This leadership would rise to the first recognized Goa'uld order, fuelled by the impressive physical forms and near-magical technology appropriated from the ruins of the Alterans.

22,000 BCE

-Petty squabbling among the Goa'uld eventually gives way to new leadership headed by Apep, physically superior son of Atok, who brutally slays the warlord in public fashion within full view of the Goa'uld. Instead of claiming the forces of Atok for his own, Apep divides them equally among the strongest, and solicits himself for stewardship. To his Underlords, Apep uses them to secure the peace and gives them equal shares, ensuring that no one among them becomes too powerful.

-Apep issues the first in a set of rolling decree's. The Goa'uld shall all have equal forces compared to each other, excepting him as the Warlord of all.

-As better technologies were researched, they would be disseminated among the collective. The Supreme Lord would always have an edge, as guaranteed by this first reformation. Finally Apep decreed that his Underlords, would be as brothers and sisters in rulership, kin to him and each other.

-The Underlords – Ra, Nut, Thoth and their servants Osiris, Isis, and Bastet – pledge their loyalty and, for a time, a single united leadership rules the Goa'uld. Thus united in the newly formed Goa'uld Empire, the symbiote's sweep through the galaxy like a plague.

-Their numbers swell and the Unas are nearly wiped out – again too many larval Goa'uld are bred. In addition, the life of the Goa'uld is significantly lengthened, creating even more of a population problem. Apep continues the ancient practice of ritual cannibalism.

20,000 BCE

-After 9,000 years of devouring souls en masse, the rogue Ancients ascend, and erupt a massive signature upon the plane known as the Warp. They are twisted, and strong sure, but their sanity has long left, from having to consume souls.

-This draws the attentions of the other Ancients of the Avalon Galaxy(the massive shudder being large enough to burst through the field surrounding Earth), and they come to Earth. The Atlanteans prove to be nearly invulnerable, having been strong enough to keep their physical bodies, and have powers in the Ascended Plane.

-The Ascended lose much of their collective, as resistance of the people rises with their appearance.

-Unwittingly, by inhabiting the plane so close to Humanity, they begin to be shaped by their imagination. As they need to draw on their prayers to stand any chance, and learn from their enemies, they soon become the opposite of the Evil-Ones of Atlantis.

-True Gods, bursting into being, because of the will of the people and fuelled by their fury at having been driven to their most hated ability to survive against their crazed cousins.

-They become the Celtic and Avalonian deities, as they are the ones who primarily inhabit the areas that will repulse the forces of the Atlanteans on the continent. The Cimmerian Tribes having the strongest will, Crom takes shape as the head of the pantheon, and repulse's the forces of chaos.

-Atlantis fall's, and First Age of Magic ends. Sorcery will begin rising again at some point.

19,000 BCE

-Anubis rapidly rises through the ranks with numerous victories and pledges his support to Apep, who decrees him Lord of the Dead for his ruthlessness.

18,000 BCE

-With large portions of the Stargate network mapped, vast fleets at their command, and no sign from the Alterans, the Goa'uld begin to carve up their spoils amongst themselves.

-At the same time, the Goa'uld Thoth, is able to create the first rudimentary Sarcophagus by reworking technology of the Alterans. The device is primitive and powerful, able to sustain an Unas host for several generations.

-The device, however, exerted a terrible toll on the Goa'uld larval, as the sarcophagus introduced Naquadah to the larva's bloodstream and the Goa'uld Queens are unable to prevent it's transference to the future Goa'uld larva.

17,800 BCE

-Apep begins to falter as leader of the Goa'uld and demonstrates signs of madness. Anubis is found at Apep's side more and more, becoming the ruler's most trusted and rewarded advisor.

-His original sons and daughters, including Ra, look on as Anubis is favoured like no other before.

17,500 BCE

-Anubis solicited from Apep the secret location of a great cache of Alteran weapons.

-Secretly, Anubis learned the location by forcibly exposing Apep to Thoth's Sarcophagus, driving the Goa'uld further from sanity. Determined to rule the Goa'uld, Anubis made his bid for power, utilizing a super-weapon, which harnessed enormous power.

-Once the weapon is complete, Anubis forcibly removed Apep's symbiote right in front of the other Goa'uld and devoured it, declaring himself Emperor. Betrayed and enraged, the other Goa'uld banded their forces together to defeat Anubis.

-The battles rages for a hundred years, entire star systems are destroyed, and legions of Unas fell in the crossfire. The Goa'uld themselves were nearly eliminated, but eventually defeated Anubis, by outproducing him, and upgrading their forces to parity.

-Captured, the Lord of the Dead was banished by the remaining symbiote's

17,400 BCE

-Ra institutes himself as ruler of the Goa'uld, again taking the leadership structure originally formed by Apep.

-For his part, Thoth was confined to Ra's territories, to decipher Alteran technological secrets for the Supreme System Lord alone.

-His understudy Telchak, is given control of the worlds Thoth commanded and his assets, for the assistance rendered in upgrading the Goa'uld Underlords forces during the war.

This was also how Thoth began to mitigate his sentence.

-Bastet is rewarded for her help against Anubis. Osiris, and Isis join the ranks of the Goa'uld Underlords, and Anubis' Super-Weapon is dismantled.

-Ra took the six crystals that powered the device, and divided them amongst the remaining loyal Goa'uld(Isis, Osiris, Ra, Bastet, Tiamat and Yu-Huang Shang-Ti)knowing that his species' petty bickering would ensure that the weapon is never used again.

16,000 BCE

-Ra appoints a new hierarchy of rulers to aid in the governing of the Goa'uld.

-By once again dividing the spoils of several millenia of conquest, Ra creates a cadre of System Lords, to rule the former Alteran colonies they had conquered.

-Membership to the body was by vote of the existing members, and afforded many benefits, including access to Unas hosts in order to maintain their armies.

-In this act, Ra created the power structure that served the Goa'uld through to present day, and anoints Egeria, and Hathor as his Queens.

14,000 BCE

-Naquadah, the foundation of both Alteran and Goa'uld technology is discovered in small quantities.

-Ra petitions the System Lords for a new Era of Scientific Study, and Aggressive Expansion, while offering exclusive rights and access to Unas in exchange for Naquadah shipments.

-Their attention diverted, the System Lords begin a race of exploration.

-Ra begins to study Naquadah and it's uses.

13,000 BCE

-The Turian's of Palaven develop civilization around this time.

12,000 BCE

-This marks the end of total Protoss unification, and the end of the rebuilding of their civilization to it's former height before the Aeon of Strife.

-They begin expanding throughout the Koprulu Sector, led by the newly formed Conclave which seals all texts pertaining to the Aeon of Strife on Zhakul and entrusts them to a trio of preservers.

-The Dae'Uhl is conceptualized around this time.

10,000 BCE

-The Atlanteans, who had slowly been releasing powerful subordinates skilled with Magic into the populace and shaping the civilizations that were slowly forming, return in force from their secret holdouts.

-Their master's in the Immaterium command them to shape the land.

-Various events take place, but the result is a series of series of city-states, shining kingdoms spread across the land.

-Thus begins the Second Age of Magic.

9,750 BCE

-The Asgard declare themselves enemies of the Goa'uld System Lords. Ra's sensors tell him that their ships don't use Naquadah, and relish's the opportunity to test one of the Alteran's ancient allies.

-Ra has deciphered enough at Heliopolis to understand the Ancient Alliance of Five Race's, and their capabilities.

-The Supreme System Lord and his brothers and sisters flex their muscles once again, but it soon becomes apparent that the Asgard are more than a match, leaving the System Lords to retreat and lick their wounds.

-Their resources running low, the System Lords launch a daring attack on the Asgard. The Goa'uld strike with surprise and land a crushing blow, but in the years that follow, their enemy fight back with vengeance.

-The Asgard deal the parasites several major setbacks, but do not press the attack, not fully realizing the danger that the Goa'uld pose to their species and others.

9,500 BCE

-Ra, badly injured after a battle at his capital of Heliopolis, flees Asgardian pursuers into an alien system.

-There he finds a lush world inhabited by a large population of primitives that bow to his divinity. The world – Earth – contains a vast number of natives that are suitable for blending.

-Transferring his symbiote into an Egyptian boy, Ra is infused with new vigour, and life. Ra then quickly determines that humans provide a near ideal host for the Goa'uld.

-Using a Stargate brought with him, Ra claims the world of Tau'ri as his own. He institutes a ritual of stewardship, allowing each System Lord to visit the Tau'ri World and claim followers.

-In order to maximize the number of potential slaves, the power of the Goa'uld overlords are expanded, placing them in charge of entire breeding worlds, such as Chulak.

-However, he has to be wary of the powerful warlords north of Egypt, that run the world, and wield apparently "Magic" powers of inordinate capabilities. They visit Ra, and laugh at his attempts to harm him with his technology, shrugging his blasts of.

-The descendants of the Atlanteans, have risen in the Dark Empire of Acheron. The Second Age of Magic is going strong.

-Run by a true snake, known as Thulsa Doom, he blasts Ra with various spells, and summons magical snakes to bind him.

-Ra is extraordinarily fascinated by this "Hauk'Tar", and his abilities to regenerate from nearly anything the Alien Emperor uses. His control of these strange abilities leads to a fascination that will lead the Goa'uld on a quest which will make them formidable in the long run.

-They turn out to be unlike anything he has ever met before, and although he works out a trade agreement, he is thoroughly humbled.

-Ra is allowed limited domain on Earth, to take slaves and build his interstellar nation back up.

-However, he has no idea that these sinister beings WANT him to play at being a God, for when they return and establish their dominance over humanity, and right the wrongs done to their race, they will have cause to free their brethren against evil.

-Ra discovers the same strange signatures that the Alterans did before him. However, his sensor's, just like the Alteran technology it is based upon, inform him of the powerful Tachyon Fields surrounding each signature. He is more interested in the Alteran Technology than the Spark, Energon, or whatever it actually is. He also has an Empire to build, based upon one of the ancient pantheons of earth.

9,250 BCE

-The Supreme System Lord Ra uses the Tau'ri as a template to create the ultimate host, called the Jaffa, who serve as incubators for the Goa'uld larva. In order to ensure their loyalty, the parasite serves as the Jaffa's immune system, and they gain the position of guardian to their God's.

-Ra's understanding of biology, allows him to manipulate the Jaffa to optimum efficiency.

-Telchak perfects the Sarcophagus design(not really, still caused madness), created by Thoth(working on other Alteran technology) for use on humans. The results are more effective than anyone would believe, providing near immortality to the System Lords. The negative side effects are lessened even further, making repeat use benign to a symbiote(for only so long however).

-Telchak hides the Ancient device on the Tau'ri world, but keeps his notes in the Book of Thoth.

-The Dark Empire of Acheron is ended by rebellion of the Clans, and City-States.

-Thulsa Doom, Thoth Amon, and Kulan Gath go into hiding. The Second Age of Magic ends with the destruction of the artifacts, and tools of Acheron. The Library is hidden, and cannot be found at this time.

9,000 BCE

-Set, Osiris, and Isis unsuccessfully attempt to assassinate Ra.

-Ra strips them of their status as System Lords, and condemns them to an eternity of suffering. Both are forcibly removed from their hosts, and placed in canopic jars. Set however, escapes, and is able to go into hiding.

-Omoroca arrives on Earth and attempts to prevent the Goa'uld from securing domination over Humanity. The Goa'uld Belus kills her, but it is theorized that her influence led to the eventual Tau'ri rebellion 250 years later.

8,750 BCE

-The Tau'ri ruled by Ra learn the truth of there would-be rulers. In a moment when the System Lords are at their most complacent, they overthrow their Jaffa warriors, killing several Goa'uld and bury the Stargate.

-While the loss of the Tau'ri is a great affront to Ra, the continuing battle with the Asgard demands his attention more and more. With the numerous breeding worlds throughout known space available to them, the Goa'uld are unconcerned with the Tau'ri and resolve to deal with the problem when it is convenient to do so.

-As time goes on, the Tau'ri are slowly forgotten.

8,500 BCE

-The third version of human civilization emerges without alien influence affecting technological advancement though the legacy of the Goa'uld would indirectly continue to influence human culture and history until the Renaissance.

-With the advent of a third civilization of humans, they were now destined to awaken. Several Autobots, (or Decepticons?) teach Clan McCullen technological secrets, that help them maintain their power throughout several transitions of society and civilization. Their identity remains a mystery for an extremely long time.

Now began the time of the Third Age of Magic,

between the time when the ocean drank Atlantis,

and the Rise of the Sons of Aryas.

It was an Age Undreamed of...

And onto this strode Conan,

destined to wear the Jewelled Crown of Aquilonia

upon a troubled brow.

His chronicler, the Sorceror Mako,

wrote the Scrolls of Nemedia,

pertaining to the days of High Adventure in the Third Age.

-The second Vampire Court is established during this time, naming itself the Red Court, born from places like the Immortal City of Tecuhltli and Xuchotl.

-The Grand-Headmaster of Planet Master meets up with the Autobot Pretenders. After a battle with the Decepticon Pretenders, they crash on Earth and take the form of humans. They seal up the Decepticon Pretenders, who have taken the form of demons, in a pyramid in Egypt, the Nazca Lines in Peru, and the undersea city of Atlantis.

-A team of Autobots from the future come to Earth to activate Brave Maximus, but their spaceship crashes on Castle Peak. Later, this becomes the basis for human legends of U.F.O.'s.

The energy life form Devil Z steals the Godmasters' transtectors from the G Nebula, and brings them to Earth. He falls into a deep sleep. Among the transtectors he has stolen is one created for Optimus Prime.

8,425 BCE

-Conan the Barbarian, the Conqueror, the Destroyer, the King, smashes the Secret Hall's of the Ancients, destroying their artifacts, their shrines, and anything related to the Dark God's of the Hyborean Age.

-The powerful Sorceror's that remain, breed into the population, and begin practice in secret, maintaining vows of pacifism and loyalty.

-The Dark God's leave Earth, forging their own section of the extra-dimensional plane, where they become the first physical beings to enter the plane as True God's. The Third Age of Magic ends.

-A 7,000 year war will begin between the now Celtic and Avalonian "Good" Ascended Ancients, and the Dark God's who have assumed terrifying, and chaotic persona's. This shall result in a truce finally, after seven millenia of War, as the Realms of the Universe will emerge from this.

-Rita Re Pulsa is sealed in the moon, in an ancient tomb that prevents her from Ascending.

6,000 BCE

-Seeking to escape the imminent explosion of their sun, an alien race constructs an AI-managed StarShip equipped with supercomputers containing a virtual world, into which some one billion of the aliens transfer their consciousness. The StarShip begins a journey throughout the galaxy which lasts for the next 8,000 years.

3,987 BCE

-The House of Sinanju is established at this time, becoming assassins of Emperors, Kings, and Sorcerors.

3,000 BCE

-The Sodan, a faction of well-trained Jaffa, rebel against the local Goa'uld System Lord Ishkur, and free themselves from slavery with the guidance of a few ascended Alterans.

-However, given that the Jaffa have been brainwashed into being a very spiritual race, they simply looked at the ones who were higher than their so-called gods, and began worshipping them.

-The Ascended Alterans recoil in disgust, and revulsion, never wanting to emulate their distant cousins, the Ori, whom they could sense feeding on the energy of a Galaxy's population.

-Still retching from their forced transformation, they abandon their freed disciples, who begin a journey to find Kheb before settling on an Alteran planet hidden from the Goa'uld. Slowly, they begin recruiting, and building resources in their hidden planet, preparing for the day they can match the might and understanding of the Goa'uld. They know it is the key, from the bits of wisdom left by the Ancient Gods. All they need is time. And 5,500 years later, the Jaffa would be a powerful, and honourable society once more.

2,200 BCE

-After centuries of unity, the San'Shyuum become divided into two groups, the Stoics-who believe that Forerunner relics were sacred and not to be altered-, and the Reformists-who wish to more closely examine the artifacts and use them for their own purposes. Thus begins the San'Shyuum Civil War.

2,100 BCE

-The century-long San'Shyuum Civil War comes to an end as one thousand of the last Reformists enter the Forerunner Dreadnought, and flee the San'Shyuum homeworld Janjur Qom.

1,900 BCE

-Tuchanka, the Krogan homeworld, enters the nuclear age. In a global conflict, weapons of mass destruction are released, triggering a nuclear winter. In the resulting devastation, Krogan society devolves into a collection of Post-Apocalyptic Warring Clans.

1,800 BCE

-A supernova propels the Mu Relay, the only point of access to the remote Pangaea Expanse for races powered by Element Zero, out of position. Concealed somewhere in the dense nebula formed by the supernova, the relay's position is effectively lost for centuries. Later, the Rachni rediscover it.

1,400 BCE

-The arrival of The Almighty Judge, Bringer of Peace, in the form of Gautama Buddha, see's a truce finally declared by the Higher Powers of the Ascended Planes between the factions.

-Having completed enough reincarnations to understand the pain of mortality, he would now be the Supreme Judge between all that existed, having experienced all that there was under Heaven's purview.

-His Karma was so great, and presence so Titanic, that the factions pause as he descended on the field and declared an end to the all-consuming conflict. The Dark Ones, and even Mighty Crom himself were paralyzed in awe of the gaze of the Buddha, and as one they sheathed their weapons.

-Development and encouragement of the mortal realm would come under high and heavy regulation, but no direct interference was allowed from now on.

-Despite having burst past the original limits of ascension, the now Avalonian and Celtic deities despised their enemies, and were pretty doom and gloom because of the whole nature of their power increase. So, they decided that allowing interference, but under heavy regulated means, policed by both sides would be something each would grab at.

-Buddha concentrated on establishing peace, and maintaining the Wheel of Karma, because it had inherent damage due to the death and harvest of souls by the Reapers. Periodically, he would meet with Souls that would reincarnate, and give them missions for their lifetimes, to be remembered in oblique ways and only through synchronistic events.

-This truce would include the establishment of a "Mist" barrier, that separated regular humans from the supernatural. This would protect the baseline humans and allow the development of society normally once more.

-This also began the great game of manoeuvre's by each party to bring about ultimate victory through intermediaries.

-Better then wasting their numbers and might assaulting each other periodically.

1,000 BCE

-Langara goes through a massive Naquadria induced cataclysm that kills the Goa'uld Thanatos.

-The third Vampire court is established at this time, becoming the Black Court. The most undead of all Vampires, they are Ghouls who threw off control of their Master's, and went deeper into death than any other Vampiric branch.

938 BCE

-The San'Shyuum first encounter the Sangheili who, like the Stoics, believe that Forerunner relics are to be worshipped and not modified.

-This ideological difference results in the "Sangheili-San'Shyuum War", in which the Sangheili have a distinct advantage in infantry combat due to superior numbers and troop quality. However, in space combat, the San'Shyuum have a great advantage because of their Forerunner Dreadnought/KeyShip.

876 BCE

-After decades of struggle between the two factions, the Sangheili accept that to win this war, they must adapt and study their Forerunner relics, or face defeat at the hands of the San'Shyuum. The Sangheili Warrior-Priests reluctantly begin using their relics to improve their WarShips, arms, and armour.


Access to the time of Beginnings is forbidden... State your purpose program


Clearance Accepted... Give my regards to Zhao

~Galactic Imperial Age~

852 BCE

-The Sangheili and the San'Shyuum end their war, merging to form the Covenant. The Council of Concordance ratifies the Writ of Union, clearly defining the roles of the San'Shyuum as the civilian leadership, and the Sangheili as the military leadership.

784 BCE

-During one of the first Ages of Conversion, Covenant forces discover the planet Te, and with it, the Lekgolo.

-They discover that many of the Lekgolo worm colonies have literally devoured Forerunner artifacts and installations, while others eat everything except Forerunner installations.

-The Lekgolo initially prove difficult to defeat because of their ability to combine into the powerful Mgalekgolo, however due in part to their superior SpaceShip technology, The Covenant are able to ally with and tame the useful Lekgolo.

-They exterminate the relic-destroying colonies in what will be come known as the Taming of the Hunters. The now-compliant Lekgolo are incorporated into the Writ of Union.

648 BCE

-The San'Shyuum homeworld is supposedly destroyed by a natural stellar collapse and the Forerunner Dreadnought/KeyShip is made the centrepiece of the new space station that will serve as The Covenant's capitol and the new San'Shyuum homeworld, High Charity.

-It is unknown whether the descendants of the Reformer San'Shyuum attempted to return to their homeworld after it was supposedly destroyed. The Reformers are content to believe it was destroyed or let others believe it was(depending on one's point of view), and Janjur Qom was declared lost.

580 BCE

-After developing FTL spacefaring capabilities based on Prothean technology, the Asari begin to explore the mass relay network, and eventually discover the huge Citadel space station at a hub of Mass Relays.

520 BCE

-The Salarians discover the Citadel, and open diplomatic relations with the Asari.

500 BCE

-The Citadel Council is formed between the Asari Republics and the Salarian Union.

-First contact is made with the Volus, Batarians, Elcor, Hanar, and Quarians over the next five hundred years.

-The Turian Unification Wars occur during this time.

480 BCE

-The Battle of Thermopylae occurs. Occurs when an alliance of Greek city-states led by the Spartans, fought the invading Persian Empire and it's God-king Xerxes at the pass of Thermopylae in central Greece.

-Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held back the massive army of Persians for three days in one of history's most famous last stands.

-Serpentor will recall this centuries later in a speech to his troops. It is unclear if he was Xerxes. Considering he was created supposedly later on, this doesn't seem like a possible feat for him.

401 BCE

-A young Chieftain-King of Briton, Utur Pendragon, is approached by a man claiming to be a powerful druid. He says he can do mighty magics, offers to unite the Celts into a powerful empire, and demonstrates his power. Asking what he must give, the man smiles, and says all he must do is allow him to train his son... And all shall fall before him. Utur quickly agrees. The Fourth Age of Magic was said to have begun here.

-While deep in mysterious jungle's, in a heartland unknown, serpent-like men are approached by a party of darkly cloaked men. After discussing a few things, the snake-men grin, and welcome the chuckling cloaked ones into their village. Twisted experiments, powerful magics, and many legions begin spreading from the hidden jungle. An Empire begins grow, unknown at this time, across the jungle's and mountains of Asia... Completely hidden from view.

-Merlin originally came back to Earth due to the threat of the Ori(theorizing that they would be just as powerful and even more numerous than their despised Atlantean brethren), and wanted to create a weapon to kill ascended beings, as well as a device to hide his work from the Ascended.

-However, events in the last 30,000 years had made that a questionable endeavour, as the power of some of the denizens of Immaterium leads him to muse, as to whether a simple technological piece would work against the actual God's that inhabited that place now...

-So, instead, he strives to create and inspire a civilization that could be a possible good mirror of the twisted Atlantean one.

-Merlin creates several settlements on different planets all based around King Artur and the Knights of the Round Table, as he was convinced that the society he set up of military innovation, central authority, and scientific quests for truth, wasn't going to last. He would actually be proved wrong, in strangest, most oblique way, 2600 years later. Morgana Le Fay is sent to watch over Merlin, but when she comes to agree with him, she hides Merlin in her own network of Stargates so that King Artur and the Knights can try to find him.

-The Peverell's meet Death, so the story goes, and the Hallows are given out to them.

-The Chinese magical population begin to develop ways to manipulate the physical magical energy of one's self, Qi. This leads to the many styles passed through families, clans, and monk orders through the ages. Some become greatly diminished, eventually forming the Martial Arts and many other forms of Self-Mastery, that come from the study of Qi.

-Attracted to these experiments, the Middle Kingdom begins seeing demons invade, while inviting the purview of Five Elements Mountain. The Jade Emperor appears for the first time, and teaches the Taoist Immortals in the use of Qi.

360 BCE

-Utur has conquered Briton, and is preparing his son Artur, for kingship. Having been raised by both a Scholar-Sorceror, and a Warrior-King, Artur is a mighty force on the battlefield. Artur creates the first Order of the Paladin, emphasizing physical and defensive magical mastery, combined with a strict Code that see's Religion and Order installed as central tenets.

-He has aided his father countless times upon the battlefield, despite his young age of 16. Over the next year, Celtic Tribes pay fealty to him, and the North of the Continent is secured by the Celtic Empire.

359 BCE

-Philip II seizes power and becomes King of Macedonia.

356 BCE

-Alexander, later known as Alexander the Great, is born in Macedonia to Philip II.

-Artur Pendragon is crowned High King of the Celtic Empire.

336 BCE

-Alexander, later known as Alexander the Great, is named King of Macedonia, after the death of his father Philip II. Centuries later, the remnants of the DNA of Philip II, along with Alexander, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, William the Conqueror, Temujin, Vlad IV, Ivan IV, and Napoleon Bonaparte, will be used to create the Cobra Emperor Serpentor.

-It is at this time he is introduced to the High King of the North, Artur Pendragon, sovereign ruler of the Celtic Empire. After the celebrations, serious talk would begin, and a pact was made. Alexander had ambitions in Etruscan territory, and the myriad of enemies to his south. He wanted assurance to his north, and if he could get it, something to seal the west against Carthage.

-Artur had long wanted a war against Carthage, because their raiders were troublesome to his coastal towns, and he didn't like the loss in trade. As well, he never minded sealing the barbaric north, the Celts could always use more space.

-After more than the two weeks hammering out the treaty, alongside trade clauses and military alliances, it was set. The Celtic Empire, was now allied with the Greek-Macedonian Empire.

-Alexander subdued a few rebellions after that, and departed for Asia Minor by 334 BCE.

-The fourth Vampire court is established at this time, naming themselves the White Court. Feeding directly on life, these beings are deadly, and aspire to become strong enough to possibly... Ascend.

323 BCE

-Alexander the Great dies. Leaving the empire to his commanders, it soon falls apart, as they begin to squabble over who shall rule.

-The Celtic Empire faces an invasion from a foreign army, that trekked overland through the steppes, and through water to attack them on all fronts.

-Cobra-la-la-la-la-la-la has come to claim it's place in the concert of the world, by destroying a superpower with it's great warriors and mages. At age 57, Artur dies during a great battle, facing no less than a dozen sorceror's in personal combat, managing to kill and wound 7.

-Camelot is razed, and the Empire disperses into various tribes, and city-states scattered from Xinjiang, to the Emerald Isle. The Fourth Age of Magic comes to an end.

-A series of Sorceror-Noble's, are able to preserve knowledge and local domains, leading to the formation of the White Council and it's capital Edinburgh.

237 BCE

-The Protoss make first contact with the Zerg. Soon after, the Protoss begin their war against the Zerg Swarm which would last for several millenia.

-The first few millenia of the war of the war are often punctuated by raids and small scale battles but would continue to grow in size as the two try to destroy each other either technologically or biologically with many planets in the Koprulu Sector ravaged as a result.


-The Rachni, a species of highly intelligent hive-minded insects, are discovered when a Citadel Expedition goes and opens a dormant Mass Relay leading to their Star Systems.

-The Rachni prove to be hostile, and begin a war with the rest of the galaxy, that they can reach through the Mass Relay's. Negotiating with the Rachni is impossible because no one can get into their underground nests on the toxic worlds to contact their leadership.

-At the same time, The Queen Egeria spawns the Tok'ra, a group of symbiote's opposed to the ways of the System Lords. Ra captures her, and sentences her to 'eternal damnation'. This severely weakens the Tok'ra faction from the get-go, considering they have no other queen.

-Hathor is also imprisoned, as she thought to use this time of transition and chaos to take over, and Ra swiftly imprisoned her in her personal Sarcophagus, burying her in Mexico.


-The malfunctioning Sekkari seed Carrier crash lands on M35-117 in the Pegasus Galaxy.


-While the Rachni Wars continue, the Salarians make first contact with, and uplift the Krogan, manipulating them into acting as soldiers for the Citadel Council. The Krogan prove able to survive the harsh environments of the Rachni worlds, and pursue the Rachni into their nests, systematically eradicating Queens and Eggs.


-Germans begin using runes for magical and ordinary writing. They were able to use runes as a method of gaining insight into the future or the unknown by supernatural means.


-The System Lords renew their assault against the Asgard and the Tok'ra. The battles are savage and, for the first time, the System Lords make progress against the more advanced Asgard.


-The Rachni are declared extinct. In gratitude for their aid in the Rachni Wars, the Council rewards the Krogan a new homeworld.

-Free of the harsh environment of Tuchanka, the Krogan population explodes and over time, they begin annexing world after world, setting out from their new planet, to the system, then several systems in short order.

-This leads to a strained relationship with the Citadel Council.


-The first Shaolin Temple is built in the Himalayas. The 36 Chambers begin to be established during this time.


-A new school of Magic is established. Four powerful witch's and wizards, who are wanded, have come together and decided that they shall teach students with varying qualities.

-The Fifth Age of Magic begins.

-Godric Gryffindoor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin raise the Castle of Hogwarts to provide sanctuary and solitude for the younger and weaker magicals who were somewhat in-between the Supernatural Staff Wizards and the completely Mundane. They required conscious spells to repel humans from their enclave's.

-With this castle now open, several other schools spring up, and the Magical world begins to recover from the previous ages devastation and loss.

-Whispers of a travelling master of Qi, Martial Arts, and Sorcery reach corners of the world, as they make sure to show up to many of the schools and absorb or teach everyone they can. A powerful and experienced individual, the Enlightened One Journeyed the World, to teach and learn from it's cultures. -Apparently noted to say many phrases of the sutras, and chants of the Buddha, he is a peaceful and passive individual who lives by one maxim. "Even the Buddha must conquer."

-At the same time, the Goa'uld System Lord Ollathair is killed by a rival, allowing the world of Newgrange and its Celtic populace to be free of the Goa'uld.


-Merlin comes out of hiding, to aid several time-displaced robotic intelligence's from the future, before returning to seclusion.

-Somehow, they had come back along with a human of their time, from 1985. The Decepticons and Autobots are drawn into a territorial battle, but eventually Merlin aides them in returning to the future.

-Merlin is still an active wizard at this time, and knows the world is not ready to meet something as fantastic as these robots. After careful questioning, they even explain they are from Earth's future.

-Originally coming out of his secret place to aid the Founders, he sends the Autobots and Decepticon back to their original time, when their fighting is nearly noticed by the White Council of Edinburgh.


-The Founders separate, due to issues that make them fight a large and open battle on their schools grounds, seeing Salazar Slytherin leave the school for good.

-The Fifth Age of Magic begins to decline from here. It will end in less than three years.


-The Sixth Age of Magic begins with the birth of Sun Wukong in the Middle Kingdom of China.

-By his 16th year, he had mastered the 72 Transformations, being a prodigy in Qi, and quickly outclassed any mortal he finds. He eventually crashes the Peach Banquet, and is challenged by the Jade Warlord, to a match. Tricked, he was turned into stone, where he would rest for some time.


-Beelo Gurji, a Salarian Operative, is appointed the first Spectre of the Citadel Council.

-Freed slaves, and freemen start a movement to emancipate the other slaves in the Batarian Hegemony. The political movement is forced underground by the mainstream government and continues to grow and spread throughout Hegemony, Council, and Terminus space.


-Krogan Warlords leverage veterans of the Rachni Wars to annex territories from other races in Citadel space.

-Eventually the Council demands withdrawal from the Asari colony of Lusia, but the Krogan refuse. A preemptive strike is made on Krogan infrastructures by the Citadel Spectres.

-The Krogan Rebellions begin.

-The Citadel Council makes first contact with the Turian's around this time, and persuades them to aid in this war. After the Krogan respond to the initial Turian offensive, by devastating Turian Colonies with weapons of mass destruction, the Turian's vow to stop the Krogan from ever becoming a threat again. Sometime after the Turian's join the galactic community, the Volus are accepted as a client race of the Turian Hierarchy.


-Realizing that the Krogan will never give in as long as they can replenish their fighters, the Turian's unleash a Salarian-engineered bio-weapon known as the Genophage on their enemy. The Krogan population starts to decline.


-The Krogan Rebellions end, though the scattered Krogan insurgent actions continue for decades. The Turians fill the military and peacekeeping niche left by the decimated Krogan.

-However, the actions of certain peoples are able to convince the Council to allow the Krogan to keep their embassy on the Citadel open.

-The Citadel Conventions are drawn up in the wake of the conflict.


-The Turian's are granted a seat on the Citadel Council, in recognition for their service in the Krogan Rebellions.


-Prince Heinrich I begins studying the Thulian Mysteries, and resolves to create his own Empire at the expense of the existing Frankish dynasty.


-Heinrich I unleashes his army of Undead on the invading Magyars, defeating them in the Battle of Riade.


-Heinrich I is sealed within his tomb by Simon the Wanderer. The Defiled Church gains following, and it has a centre of worship built in secret.


-Anubis and Telchak secretly battle over the Ancient healing device. Known only as the Telchak Device, with which Thoth and Telchak had designed the Sarcophagus, it is an artifact Anubis dearly desires.

-Anubis wins the battle, killing Telchak in the process, but he did not find the device. Telchak had hidden it in one of his temples in Central America, in modern-day Honduras sometime before the Goa'uld lost Earth.

-Anubis flees to Kheb, where he tricks Oma Desala into helping him ascend.

-The rest of the Ascended force Anubis into a state between his corporeal form and ascension, refusing him access to the knowledge he gained while ascended. They did not forbid him from seeking out technological wonders they left behind, which he now had a knowledge of, however.

-Anubis begins to recover several Alteran artifacts, and goes into hiding until he is assured technological supremacy over his brothers and sisters, according to his inner "Master Plan".

-Telchak is successfully revived by his minions within a fallback resurrection site, swears eternal pain and revenge upon Anubis for the theft of his masterpiece(assuming all along that Anubis stole it, and when he finally had a chance to check his hiding spot in the future, it was gone therefore confirming his paranoid theory), vowing to get uncompromising vengeance for the betrayal.

-Telchak flees to Ra's space, informs him through communication with Thoth, of what Anubis had been up to and that he is very willing to work for the Supreme System Lord.

-The Seventh Age of Magic begins with the arrival of the Chosen One in the Middle Kingdom, and his quest to awaken the Monkey King. Eventually successful, the traveller returns to his time, while the Monkey King begins his journey West.

-After leaving China, his journey takes him many places, through exotic lands.


-Genii Confederation formed by the humans in the Pegasus Galaxy.


-Madrona is terraformed by an unknown alien artifact able to affect the weather.


-The Yanme'e are incorporated into the Covenant as a slave race.


-Construction begins on the Cathedrale de Payens, financed by the Knights Templar.


-Pyrus overthrows the Goa'uld ruling the planet designated Terella.


-The Knights Templar are officially dissolved. However, they continue to operate in secret.


-The 8th Age of Magic begins, when Nicolas Flamel is born, and eventually creates the Philosophers Stone.


-The Covenant discovers the Kig'Yar, and despite initial resistance, the Kig'Yar quickly come to realize they are facing a superior force and submit.

-They take on the role of explorers, trackers, and snipers(often thieves, pirates, and smugglers as well). The Kig'Yar are also motivated by the potential trade and wealth the Covenant can provide.


-Castle Wolfenstein constructed.

-Extensive and unchecked industrial expansion on the Drell homeworld Rakhana begins taking a significant toll on the planet's environment.

-Sometime during the 14th Century, humanity unearths a golden shell. In the ancient past, a King of Persia had ordered a 'Storm Box' covered in gold, and encrusted with jewels to appease the gods, in an effort to stop the weather that was tearing their country apart. It was buried again in this century, just like the past, to stop the storms.


-Sir Ewen Cameron is born.


-Constantinople falls to the invading Ottoman Empire. Forerunners of the Illuminati see a chance and opportunity to expand their power.


-Ewen Cameron of Lochiel becomes a knight.


-The San'Shyuum begin developing technologies that can increase their life spans.


-The Collectors are sighted for the first time in the Terminus Systems. In Citadel space, the claims are dismissed as unsubstantiated rumours and tall tales.


-A member of the McCullen Clan is caught selling arms to both sides in the English Civil War. Cromwell's Men discover this, and to punish him they force a steel mask upon his head, encasing him for the rest of his life.

-The lairds of the family adopt this as a custom, and pass down the wearing of the iron mask to subsequent generations.


-The Goa'uld stop interfering with the planet Nasya.

-Shak'ran killed by Apophis.

-The Sentinel is constructed on Latona; a weapon designed to protect Latonans by making all Goa'uld who land on the planet vanish. It requires a caretaker to join with the machine to work. A flame in the city indicates that the caretaker lives. If the caretaker dies, the flame dies.


-Adam Weishaupt is born in Ingolstadt, Germany.


-In Scotland, one James Destro McCullen establishes a naval gun foundry which will eventually become the weapons manufacturer M.A.R.S.(Military Armaments Research Syndicate).


-Adam Weishaupt forms the "Order of Perfectibilists", also known as the Illuminati.

-The American Revolution begins. Established on the ideals of Deitism, and a Plato-Styled Republic, it was to give freedom and liberty to all men. Born from hypocrisy, as the Southern States of the so-called United States of America, enslaved large amounts of slaves taken from Africa.

-However, over time, this will disappear, and eventually it will become the Superpower of Earth, and the Stars it is known as historically.


-A Batarian fleet bombards the Salarian colony of Mannovai. The claims say that it was caused by a Batarian Admiral turned pirate. Tensions begin to rise over the next two centuries as Batarian raids and government sponsored pirate attacks continue to grow on numerous worlds throughout Citadel space.


-So ends the 18th Century of the Common Era of Humanity. A revolution takes place in France, destroying their monarchical system, and endeavouring to make a republic like the somewhat successful(thus far), Americans. However, this organization soon descends into terror and chaos, as the horrors of the likes of Robespierre and others come to pass.

-The coming of the 19th Century heralds the Era of Revolutions, Empires, and Wars of Ethics. It is during this time we shall see legendary figures appear in the most inhospitable of places, maintaining their composure, during impossible missions and quests.


-Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, Spanish, and other various titles, is finally defeated by a massive alliance consisting of the Great Powers of the Time.

-Russia, Austria, Prussia, the Ottomans, and the British Empire's all worked in concert to smash and crush the apparatus Napoleon had set up, the so-called "Continental System".

Clan McCullen, which helped outfit Britain with several sets of powerful new "Iron-side's" ships, armed with breech-loading cannons, is giving contracts to establish foundries, ports, and industry across the British Empire.

-They will aid in the "Technological Revolution", otherwise known as the Second Industrial Revolution, bringing about the Pax Brittanica.


-The Second Industrial Revolution begins in earnest, when Britain unveils new ways to generate power, new ways to generate steel, several other advancements in textiles, chemistry, machine tools/machinery, metallurgy, steam power, agriculture, and a deluge of other improvements to their Empire's infrastructure.

-Electrification, petroleum, and turbines are in theoretical, research and development, currently. The McCullen Process(Bessemer Process, Siemens-Martin Process), gives them an easy way to mass produce Steel from Pig Iron, so it is only a matter of time before Britain's ascendance is assured.

-The Blacksmith is born as a slave, to a plant-owner in the south of the USA.


-Jack Horn born in the Oregon Territory. It is still being organized, despite the Empire of France having become the 2nd French Republic. It is a place that is full of adventure, mystery, chaos, and hardships. It is known as "The Wild West".


-The Man with No Name is born, in the Southwest of the USA.


-The Blacksmith flees the house he grew up in, when other Southerners attempt to tear up his writ-of-freedom. He stows away on a ship leaving the country, and it eventually is caught in a typhoon, leaving him washed up on a far-flung beach. He is taken up a mountain, and taught the way by Shaolin Monks.


-The Ninth Age of Magic begins with battle's at Jungle Village, as many clans vie for a vast prize, a huge pure bullion chest of silver.

-The Man With the Iron Fists appears, and reintroduces people to Qi, and it's uses. His mastery, allows him to almost singlehandedly defeat the attacking forces from the Lion Clan, among other parties.


-The Confederate States of America(CSA) rebels against the United States of America, over several issues, including slavery, sovereignty, liberty, and economy.

-The Man with No Name becomes one of the sharpshooter's alongside "Goodnight" Robicheax, taking many Union soldiers lives with his pistol and .44 Winchester. After one harsh battle too many, he deserts, taking his trusty weapons with him including his mule.


-The Spear of Destiny, an artifact of undetermined origin and power, is gained by Castle Wolfenstein, and the new German Empire. Thus begins the inexorable ascendance of Germany, which shall last for nearly 3/4 of a century...

-Or more if one looks at it a different way, as in the far-flung future, when those of the Lyran Commonwealth... Are led by House Steiner, who rules over 500 Star Systems, and 95% of all those who are of Germanic descent.

-A little known Warlock named Kemmler begins to climb his way through the hierarchy of the German nobility and government, using the Staff-Wizard's abilities of Dark Mind Magic.

-Albus Dumbledore born.


-The Industrialist Bartholomew Bogue, tries to hold on to a small valley, where he is trying to force a buyout from the local folk. The mining town of Rose Creek fights back by hiring the only men they think can do anything, a black Marshall Gunslinger who was duly sworn in 12 different states as a warrant officer, who brings along... A Quick-Drawing Poker Player, a Bear-Wearing-People-Clothes, a Mexican Vaquero, a Comanche, and an odd pair from the South being a Knife-Throwing-Chinaman and a Gentleman Sharpshooter.

-It got results though.

-Bogue dies ignominiously by way of public execution.


-Aria T'Loak arrives on Omega, a space station in the Terminus Systems regarded as the region's nominal capital. Aria is hired by the station's warlord as an enforcer and quickly becomes one of his most trusted lieutenants.


-Wilhelm Von Strauss is born in Castle Wolfenstein, Germany.


-Albus Dumbledore arrives at the Castle of Hogwarts, in Scotland.


-Albus Dumbledore graduates the school of Hogwarts, stunning his examiners with the mastery and control he has of his magic, at his age.


-The Geth, machines created by the Quarians as a source of cheap labour, become self-aware. Fearing a Geth uprising, the Quarians begin dismantling them. The Geth revolt against their Quarian masters. In the resulting conflict-known to the Geth as the Morning War-the Geth systematically drive the Quarians from their own worlds. The surviving Quarians are reduced to living as spacefaring nomads aboard the Migrant Fleet.

-Contrary to expectation's, the Geth do not venture outside the former Quarian systems into wider Citadel space, instead isolating themselves from the rest of the galaxy behind the Perseus Veil.

-As punishment for creating the Geth, the Citadel Council attempts to close the Quarian embassy on the Citadel but certain parties are able to convince the Council to keep the embassy open and help them in some way short of taking back their homeworld.

-The Councillors of every new generation of the Citadel Council have varied opinions and ideas on how the situation should be dealt with. The Turians are often racist, considering the Quarians "vagrant's", the Salarians see no reason to invest resources of tech to help a race that invited their problems, and the Asari view the Quarians as children who messed around with the wrong technological path and did not heed their warnings.

-The Quarian Migrant Fleet will receive little to no help from the Citadel Council, the STG, or the SPECTRE's over the next several hundred years.


-Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin is born.

Late 1900's

-The Old West saw some interesting, daring, courageous, and most of all just ordinary folks living in extraordinary circumstances trying to survive. Their stories shall inspire many a generation to come.


-The year 1900 marks the beginning of the 20th Century on Earth, and the end of the 19th. It signals the start of a rapid progression in the development of new technologies, and the exchange of cultures by human civilization across the globe.




[-Good day Master User, Access Granted-]

~Earth Era of The Illusive State Solidification~


-The Sorrow, Old Boy, The Fear, The Fury, The Pain, Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov and Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin are born.


-Yuri born in Tsarist Russia


-William "BJ" Blazkowicz is born in Milwaukee, USA.

-Emmett Brown born.


-The Esan Incident occurs when the Batarian Hegemony attempt to annex the independent Asari colony of Esan, also known as Lorek to the Batarians. The attempt fails to gain the planet for the Hegemony, with most of the invasion force annihilated or captured and thousands of civilians dead as a result.

-The Batarian embassy on the Citadel is closed as a result and the Citadel Council begins enforcing sanctions on the Hegemony that continue to grow over the next two centuries, while building up their own military forces for the inevitable war between the two powers.

-Diplomatic contact between the two powers is maintained in the interest of peace.


-Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.

-This event is set in motion by the Illuminati, who saw Europe as a powderkeg, and ripe time to expand their influence once more. Not to mention smash the hated Catholic Church, which was an ancient foe of theirs, that actually led to their formation long ago.

-Initiated by the Warlock Kemmler, his apprentice Grindelwald, the two try and use many dirty tricks to put Germany on top of the world. The White Council of Edinburgh, it's Blackstaff, and their Wardens have a few things to say about that, however.

-This is the beginning of the Dark Age of Magic.


-The Central Powers are defeated, ending the First World War, and ironically setting the stage for the second one. The Illuminati's power grows.

-Kemmler flees Germany, while Grindelwald goes into hiding, searching for power in the corners of the Earth.

-Alfred Lanning born.

-The Spear of Destiny is taken from Germany, and brought to a museum in Versailles, France. Due to it being on the same continent as Germany, the power the country holds only wanes, not disappearing.

-Cathedrale de Payens is purchased, and renovated by a group of 'European' investors as a corporate retreat.


-A group known as The Philosophers is founded during the Great Wars aftermath. Noticed quickly by the Illuminati, they are suborned and added to their growing and powerful infrastructure.


-The Geth begin construction of a mega-structure designed to house and simultaneously run every Geth program in existence. Completion of the mega-structure would allow the Geth to maximize their collective processing capacity. It is the long-tern goal of the Geth civilization.


-The Boss(The Joy) is born to as a daughter to a member of the Philosophers sect of Illuminati.

-The White Council Blackstaff hunts down and smites Kemmler, trying to ensure nothing is left of him. Whispers of the mysterious Dark Wizards origins, range from him beings an unusually powerful prodigy, to an ancient Lord of Darkness of terrible might.


-The Stargate is found by the Langford Expedition on the Giza Plateau.

-The Polish decisively defeat the Soviet Army, in it's adventurous attempts at regaining the old Russian Empire territories. This put's Stalin into a rage, and he proceeds to go into contemplation, before consulting various advisors...


-Black Monday, and the Stock Market Collapse send the world into the Great Depression. The Geneva Convention also institutes a ban on chemical weapons. Only some countries obey this edict.


-William Blazkowicz joins the US Army.


-Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.

-Albert Einstein, even while living in California, is targeted by the growing Nazi might. This results in him building a circle of political connections within the current administration, which despite the current economy, takes the threat of the rising Germany very seriously. Especially once they find Nikola Tesla missing from his New York apartment.

-Einstein becomes a major and integral part of R&D in America.

-Grindelwald begins to aid the Nazis in their expansion, particularly Himmler, as he understands the fascination he has with the Occult.


-The Totenkopf instituted by Heinrich Himmler becomes the symbol of recognition and loyalty to Hitler and his ideals. These were used on rings adapting Pagan Germanic mythology, symbols from Thor, and Wotan's spear. This division shall become the primary threat to Humanity in this Age.

-Wilhelm Von Strauss joins the Totenkopf, and takes the moniker 'Deathshead', his cold smile inspiring dread with ever step he takes.


-Jack(Big Boss) is born.


-Dragonsky, future member of The October Guard, is born in Soviet Russia. EVA is born.


-Deathshead begins researching the ideal Aryan Superman, experimenting with top Nazi Scientific minds like Joseph Mengele, to produce operational Super Soldiers in time for the war they plan to launch.

-Walter Gibbs born.


-Antonin Marik flees his homeland. Said to be originally from Eastern Europe, this is not true, as his line of nobility stretches back to the venerable court of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and it's predecessor, the Holy Roman Empire.

-Deathshead concludes the first version of the Nazi Super Soldier program, with a report that demands more resources, both exotic esoteric in nature, and exotic exoteric resources, in order to actually proceed with producing the powerful soldiers needed in the upcoming "Operation Resurrection".

-He needs an advanced synthetic humanoid host, to say the least, that can be used as a blueprint for production methods. Of course, to give the Fuhrer what he wants.


-The Stargate is moved to America from Europe to prevent it's capture by National Socialist Germany.

-The Second World War begins with the invasion of Poland. Nazi tanks roll into France, and Hitlers army retrieves the Spear of Destiny, taking it to Castle Nuremberg.

-Castle Wolfenstein Totenkopf begins to steal technological wonders from time itself, using the Spear. Their first target is the Union Aerospace Corporation, of the 2040's.

-The Illuminati gains 100 billion in material wealth. Most of it is fortunes, and stock in current companies gained from The Philosophers.

-Having had Franklin Roosevelt as a corespondent for nearly 6 years, and being the head of R&D in America, it is easy for Albert Einstein to send a letter to the President regarding the Nazi's possible capabilities in building a Uranium Bomb.

-The Office of Strategic Service is set up, and William Blazkowicz is earmarked for recruitment do to his stupendous record of service in the army so far.


-A plantation owner, and anti-Japanese guerrilla in French Indochina(Vietnam) spares the life of a young Japanese Officer who is also the son of the Grand Master of the Koga Ninja. Eventually the Viet-Minh turn on the guerrilla despite his fierce assistance in their campaigns against the Japanese.

-His son in turn, is adopted by the ninjas from the very same clan, that the young Japanese Officer claimed to be from. He will eventually become a Master of the Koga Ninja Style, and a mercenary using the name Firefly.

-The Nazis flatten France. War department records issued for BJ Blazkowicz. He is given a mission to infiltrate Nazi Germany.

-The Illuminati gather genetic data through the administration of smallpox vaccinations. This continues for decades.

-The US Army Air Corps(USAAC) constructs airfields near the dry Groom Lake, in Nevada. Soon the OSS will begin to use it. Soon, it will become known as the legendary base, Area 51.

-UFO's begin to be seen all over the world, abduction stories begin to proliferate the common mind, and soon there is concern about an enemy in space.


-William Blazkowicz infiltrates Germany, and Castle Nuremberg, with the aid of the French Resistance. He takes the Spear of Destiny from them, killing everyone inside including surprisingly, Demons.

-"BJ" is honoured by President Roosevelt for his actions during the mission.


-Dragonsky, future member of The October Guard, throws Molotov cocktails at the invading tanks from General Heinz Guderian's 2nd Panzer Army in the defence of Moskow. He fights the Nazis throughout his country, travelling alongside his father Brekhov and the soldiers he is assigned with. Many a commissar smile in joy, when they see the 5 year old hurling improvised weaponry at the Germans, instead of running in terror, or cowering in fear.

-Hans Von Schlieffen and a group of Storm Troopers travel to the U.S. to regain the spear. Hitler's forces recapture the Spear of Destiny again, but only the one named Axe escaped to the Nazi's Secret Scandinavian Base (built to carry out atomic research). Three intelligence agents are killed trying to infiltrate Hitler's headquarters.

-Admiral Powell of the U.S. navy sends B.J. to recover it.


-Brekhov commands the Red Guard in the Battle of Stalingrad, and Dragonsky fight stubbornly alongside him. Despite shortages, and direct orders to leave the City, Dragonsky always returns, with supplies, and dog tags.

-Edward Dillinger, and The Old Man are born.

-The Boss, one of the Illuminatis' best soldiers, forms the Viper Unit during the Battle of Stalingrad. Cobra was considered as a name, but there were whispers of an organization of the same name, that came from a distant thick jungle nation, that was impossible to locate.

-The Nazi's initiate human gene modification trials. Deathshead is extremely pleased with his results, as he is soon able to produce a viable Super Soldier cocktail, and present it to Der Fuhrer. Soldiers begin to enhance themselves with cocktails. Soon, one is smuggled out, and is brought to the American OSS. BJ Blazkowicz is chosen, as he is their premier agent, for enhancement.

-BJ soon goes to Castle Wolfenstein to stop the Nazi experiments there. His journey through the Castle see's all sorts of strange enemies. Marianna Blavatsky summons Heinrich I from his tomb, and slaughters the soldiers who awakened him, in Castle Wolfenstein.

-BJ encounters Hans Grosse for the first time, and fights a clone of Der Fuhrer in a mechanized combat suit. The war has a false end, before Hitler appears alive in a parade in Berlin, with Heinrich Himmler, Reinhardt Heydrich,Wilhelm Von Strauss, and several other high-ranking Nazi's.

-The Axis empire is at its height. While the Soviets battle the Axis in the East the remaining Allied forces damage and distract the Axis in the West until an amphibious liberation of Europe can be mounted.

-The Allies concentrated their efforts in North Africa. Here the Axis Forces are ken to inflict further defeats and seize control of the oil-rich Middle East. The sands of the Sahara Desert is the first battle field, and hopefully not the last.

-Operation Return to Castle Wolfenstein letter arrives at the OSS on December 25th.


-William Blazkowicz is assigned to the "Desert Rats", to combat Erwin Rommel's uncanny advance in the Libyan Desert.

-The last Dark Knight is discovered, and Zemph travels to Castle Wolfenstein with his collected discoveries.

-The Nachstone Operations begin. Blazkowicz attempts to capture Helga Von Bulow. However, she escapes capture, and he chases her to Castle Wolfenstein, where he is shot down and in turn captured. Interrogated and tortured, he learns the Axis has been producing thousands of Super Soldiers, and sending them to reinforce the positions on the Atlantic fortifications.

-Aid will be needed from the Allied Mystical Division, should BJ survive the Castle. Helga summons Heinrich I, killing Zemph through her creation, but the mummy turns on her and kills her as well. BJ confronts Heinrich for the second time, who has become more ghostly in nature but still formidable.

-BJ retrieves the Dagger of Warding, a Thulian Artifact.

-Albus Dumbledore, and the OSS launch a secret assault on the Super Soldier formations, wiping out the facsimiles of life.

-The Axis High Command has ordered a strategic withdrawal from the 'remote and ultimately insignificant' North African theatre and their forces were busy fortifying the Atlantic coastline in expectation of Allied raids and an eventual evasion. The Allies had much work to do before they could hope to mount a successful invasion attempt and had to gain expertise in both beach and parachute landings. Clearly, the next phase of conflict was critical.

-William is deployed to the Baltic, where Deathshead has a base. There, he destroys experimental weapons, in the form of advanced radar, and an ICBM. He steals an HO 229, and flies it to Malta, then bases in Africa, assisting in the defection of one of Deathshead scientists.

-Deathshead also escapes, and is promoted to Feldmarschall. Blazkowicz is promoted to Colonel.

-BJ is redeployed to Paderborn to take out the remaining SS Paranormal division, and terminates the third unsuccessful rising of Heinrich I. There, he destroys the dig site, and wrecks the materials needed to summon the Dark Prince. Marianna Blavatsky is defeated and terminated, as is Operation Resurrection. BJ returns to America.

-Admiral Yamamato is turned, and recruited to overthrow the military hardliners in his country, so he can establish a peaceful transition. This is all to prop Japan up as a postwar ally, as it seems the writing is on the wall, with the Soviets giving aid to China, and whoever wins in Europe being a bad case to deal with either way. Japan could be manageable, if rehabilitated. His conditions are of course, honoured, to bring him over.


-Admiral Takeo Kurita defeated in the Battle of Samar.

-Two German Intercontinental Bombers take of from Germany, and head for America. It is unclear what they are carrying, or what their objective was, as neither made it to their destination, and were not found for quite some time.

-The Spear of Destiny is recovered by Hitler, and learning from his past mistakes, Hitler has expanded his subterranean command bunker beneath the chancellery in Berlin so that he can keep the Spear of Destiny nearby and well-guarded.

-Calling upon the dark forces of the occult, he summons Abigor, so Hitler can see into the future and obtain the plans to future weapon systems.

-B.J. is sent to retrieve it again. He discovers, that the Nazi's are working with magic that allows them to see the future (even going as far to steal technology from the Union Aerospace Corporation). B.J. fights his way through the compound and beyond, defeating Hitler's forces, but is transported to the Future onto a UAC Mars Base (c. 2040s). He defeats what he believes to be the Devil Incarnate and escapes. This apparently isn't the last time the Nazi's recapture the Spear, as the War continues.

-The Boss gives birth to her son, Adamska, on D-Day, while her lover, Viper Unit member the Sorrow, watch's over them.


-BJ stops the manufacture of biochemical weapons by Germany, ends Operation Eisenfaust, destroys another clone of Hitler, and eradicates Operation Nachstone.

-Deathshead, Mengele, Muhlenkamf, Rommel, Heydrich and Himmler(the most prominent missing, and tactical threats) are all at large when the 3rd Reich Falls.

-Their whereabouts are unknown.

-Once the Spear of Destiny is captured, and taken personally by General George Patton and his 3rd Army, the downfall of Germany began. The ascension of the US of A was now at hand.

-William BJ Blazkowicz is employed right after the war, to be one of the designers for the UN's first initiative. He would marry Julia Marie Peterson nearly as soon as he got home, and was hired. General Patton becomes the first head of Special Forces Group Delta, with BJ as his top team leader. They would receive a different name, when both old soldiers retired.

-Albus Dumbledore defeats Gellert Grindelwald in a duel, outclassing him in magic, and striping him of his otherworldly might. The Elder Wand is claimed by the now Headmaster of Hogwarts.

-The first human-made nuclear weapons are used against an enemy, when the United State of America drops two atomic bombs on the Empire of Japan. This signifies the end of World War II, the current bloodiest and most expensive war in human history. The United Nations forms, and would be the first space-faring government to see Humanity leave Earth.

-It would also be the first to fall.

-Their first move is to ensure that they form a large and powerfully advanced peacekeeping force, that will allow tyranny and oppression to be ended. GI JOE is born.

-Although ineffectual at first, GI JOE will see a large rise in it's efficiency and operational capabilities in the next few decades. Despite incurring the wrath of powerful foes, it will survive to see humanity into space in some form.

-The accountant of the Illuminati, Boris Volgin, responsible for keeping their vast wealth a secret, manages to take control of the funds. The money is laundered through banks across Europe and Asia. It will take nearly 20 years for them to be anywhere near the shape they were in.

-But, with The Boss's aid, they are able to build a Spec-Ops Division that will rival GI JOE in it's prime.



Halt, further clearance is needed


Accepted, the FBI Archive is open to you General Graves

~Earth Era of Shadow Renaissance and Empire's~


-Kazuhira Miller is born. William Blazkowicz II born.


-An unidentified object is reported to have crashed, intact, at Roswell, New Mexico. Wreckage and corpses of 5 "Gray" aliens are reportedly recovered by US military investigators.

-The United States Air Force(USAF) begins "Project Sign" to investigate "flying saucer" reports. The US President forms a separate, secret blue-ribbon panel, code named Majestic 12, to study alien technology and biology. Specifically how they use their power sources to utilize Directed-Energy-Weapons.

-The alloys were deemed far too advanced, and not even from this solar system probably. However, the council suggested improving the US's own capabilities when it came to alloys, computers, infrastructures, as these things would greatly aid in the advancement of their forces and understanding of the alien inner technological workings.

-President Truman, truly understanding that even after the massive undertaking the US had just gone through(Great Depression, and the War), there were far greater potential enemies. They had to survive, and the Soviets were the smallest of their problems(so they think). It was through his protocol's penned down, that the United States would survive, and become the super-power of the stars it did. Truman wrote a series of Presidential Letter's, directed to be given to each president upon entry to the Oval Office. They explained what the United States would have to do to survive against potential alien invasion;

1. Ethics. The evils that they worked hard and long to destroy, were still ever present in the human spirit. They must all work for the betterment of development of technological advancement for all of humanity. No discrimination, they would need to work hard on overcoming their internal issues.

2. Better Alloys. Continuous development of alloys would allow for better understanding, armour, and structure's to be made. After all, Jet Engine's and required Vanadium and steel put together in advanced furnaces to make and sustain flight. To start.

3. Composite's. Needed in any economy, and from scientific reports, proved to be a significant portion of the alien technology. Their first computer, the ENIIAC certainly required newer, and more advanced materials to implement the oft-talked about 'transistor' theories some of their R&D went on about.

4. Power-Generation. The United States must continuously push the envelope in power-generation, and develop a feasible method of powering the weapons and engine of the alien vessel.

5. Theoretical Sciences. The US needed to seize, lead, and push the envelope in theoretical fields to ensure humanity was ready when it came time to meet whoever was out there. As the Uncle of his predecessor said, "Speak softly, and carry a big stick. You will go far."

-Now, Truman knew that this boiled it down rather simply, and could be interpreted various ways. He stated that he wanted to pretty much continue his predecessor's foreign policy as "The exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis." Some were confused, but others recognized the wise words of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, the uncle of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. However, he had the chance at this time to establish precedent. Already having done so with Japan, he had begun arming their country as soon as possible once he realized what China, and Russia were going to be up to.

-Reluctantly, Britain and France had agreed that the West Germans military growth was not enough, even with their rash attempts to re-militarize the now beaten Germans. The Germans economy and army are pushed into rearmament, and a significant amount of field-officers from the old Junkers, Prussian Aristocracy, and Officer Corp remain influential but helpful. Germany begins to recover quickly into a bulwark against Communism.

-The Viper Unit(Cobra) is disbanded, as there is too much post-war tension to maintain the Chinese-Russian-American Elite unit.


-"Project Sign", ends with the USAF being brought into the loop. At least the Generals. As they are one of the commands that will contribute to the Joe's eventually, their word of secrecy with the technology is needed. There are some hell-raisers who have the rank of Flight General. Majestic 12 operations increase in efficiency, as they have more branch's of the service contributing their best minds.

-The Truman Edict's contribute to this, and the Illuminati benefit from the US's studies and advances in this time.


-Conrad S. Hauser is born in St. Louis, Missouri.

-A man named Jack enters the tutelage of the Boss.

-Stalin initiates his plans to seize the manifest destiny of the Soviet Union, and with the assistance of Yuri, Kane, Tesla and others, he launches an all-out assault against the European continent. Apparently the Soviets had handled the Nazi's storm even better than had been thought, and with their improvements in the last five years, they were poised to stand masters over the entire Eurasian continent.

-Yuri decapitates any nuclear attacks the Allies attempt to launch, as Soviet spies have penetrated deeply into the West, and know the who-what-where-why of nuclear sites meaning Yuri can neutralize them with his powers. His Psychic Division rebuffs many attempts at infiltration, and match's Mystic's in battle. This is the first time Psychic abilities are demonstrated by humanity in this era, and they match the might of ancient Magic in battle, surprising many.

-This, is the beginnings of the WWIII. 19 million men, 4,000 Medium Tanks, 3,000 Assault Tanks, 10,000 Artillery Pieces, and nearly as many aircraft hurtle towards Western Europe.


-The Bilderberg Group is created by the Illuminati, to control financial matters around the world, through vast mining operations, and establishes control over the Federal Reserve Board, the Eurobank, and the World Bank as well as getting a stranglehold on the world's supply of gold.

-The first corporation created out of these funds, is the Union Aerospace Corporation, which buys all the hardware the countries are selling after WWII. Canada in particular sell's a fair bit of Merchant Marine, Air-power(Jets and Interceptors), and armed WarShips...With their backing being actually worth trillions, it is a trifle to by the hardware, and machinery needed to become a powerful weapons producing company over the year.

-Thomas Kelliher is elected founder of the UAC by the Illuminati Council, and becomes the public CEO and face of the company.

-As the war heats up, American's who have arrived home are disconcerted about having to fight another war. It will take the remainder of the year, for American's to realize that they cannot sit and let another dictatorship try and enslave the modern world.


-Kevin Flynn born.

-The Allies are on the ropes at this point, but the arrival of a massive American Expeditionary Force make an impact, as new and radical technological weapons are used against each side. Most of it will end up classified, but by the time the war is done, research will be driving into new outlets.


-Somewhere where they recognize Slavic nobility, Anastasia Cisarovna is born(somewhere in Eastern Europe). Alan Bradley born.

-The Allies drive to Moscow, and eliminate Josef Stalin, in Operation Downfall.

-However the USSR is still very strong, has 10 million men, and while occupying most of the land it claims it also now has an advanced nuclear arsenal. Eventually, the Allies compromise, and without Josef and most of the cronies leading the party, they can agree to a Soviet Russia holding the Brest-Litvosk lands and being on the UN Security Council.

-WWIII is over, as strange, worrisome, weird, and quick as it was. The world breathes a sigh of respite, nervously taking a breath, hoping the Great Powers of the world can stop tearing at each others throats and make peace for once.


-Lora Baines born.


-Blaine L. Parker born in Phoenix, Arizona.

-Groom Lake-Area 51 is now the testing site for the U-2 spyfighter. Unlike it's original design, studying the alien tech, pushing R&D, and advancing their infrastructure, using the 'Square Deal", the US was doing phenomenally well. They truly are a superpower, unlike the British Empire upon which the sun was actually setting, and the stoic Soviets who abstained many UN Security Council meetings.

-It is at this time that the Illuminati use the Bilderberg Group to take control of the corporations that are either setting out, preparing to, are in control of, or will be pushed to go to either Africa, the Middle East, South-East Asia, the Pacific Rim, and South America.

-They will actually intrude upon, and be fiercely opposed by several parties. That in turn, get right pissed at the arrogance of the Illuminati, and this will lead to their destruction. The corporations will remember this, and take into consideration these acts in the future.

-Dr. Emmett Brown conceives time-travel, after a long day of pondering theories from Einstein, Planck, and Tesla. He smacks his head off the toilet bowl, and is rewarded with inspiration, that allows him to make the first Flux Capacitor.


-The Soviet Union launches Sputnik I, the first human-made satellite. This marks the beginning of human space exploration, and imperialism, which will continue for at least five centuries...


-Groom Lake-Area 51 is removed from the index of US public lands. First official designation of this site is "Area 51".


-Sarah Connor born.


-Paolo Solari develops the concept of "Arcology" - a fusion of architecture with ecology - which aims to eliminate wasteful consumption of land, energy and time, by putting living, working, and public spaces within easy reach of each other, making walking the main form of transportation.

-Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin inherits the massive fortune that his father stole from the Illuminati. This vast sum of money earns the nickname "The Illuminatis' Legacy".


-Yuri Gagarin, USSR, becomes the first human of this age to travel in space. Humanity is now a spacefaring race, under their own power, once more.

-As well, Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov, a Russian Rocket scientist, begins working on the mobile ICBM platform known as the Shagohod.

-An Illuminati raid on that facility see's his capture, and the Boss's unit deployed against their former comrades to steal this mobile-nuke tech. The Illuminati forces walk away with both the Shagohod, and Nikolai, laying waste to the Russian servicemen.

-Major Zero leads the unit raiding the Russian facility.

-Massachusetts Institute of Technology introduces the world to MH-1; the first computer-operated mechanical hand. Nearing human-likeness, the MH-1 has a hand-arm combination of 35 degrees of freedom, and is sensitive to pattern recognition and simulation of higher cognitive processes.


-The Illuminati refuses to give Sokolov back during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and this nearly leads to nuclear war. Only when the Illuminati threaten to use every secret weapon and ally in their arsenal, do the Russians agree to the exchange of removal of missiles in Cuba, for removal of missiles in Turkey.

-The Shagohod has been produced in at least a dozen, and all are present within havoc-wreaking distance of Russian cities. As well, the Illuminati bastards claimed to have MIRV (multiple independent reentry vehicles) warheads, with 5 megaton blasts per. The USSR wanted to call their bluff, but Premiere Nikolai Khrushchev had put everything the USSR could spare into the Shagohod project, as Russia only had one working ICBM at that time(having invested in Jet craft, advanced tanks, and several other radically-equipped conventional units).

-The USSR's missile's from their parades were paint, wood, tar, rubber, and plastic. Enough to look the part and seemed to portray a Communist State, filled with scientifically matching might, when compared to the American Capitalist Nation. Alas, far from the truth. The crisis dies down shortly after the quarantine of Cuba is ended, the Jupiter-Class Missile's are removed from Turkey, and all Shagohod units are removed from immediate Russian reach.

-The Illuminati perfect Davy Crockett artillery, after extensive testing, refinement, and prototyping. Only Tier One units, with proper NBC gear, would be able to use this weapon, but this provided their infiltrator's and pathfinder's with serious power, if things got ugly(Paratrooper's defending their LZ against 20th century tech, some fantastic sure, but still their being targeted by nuclear artillery which evens the odds...). The weapon had a standard yield of 20 kilotons, definitely not the largest weapons, but enough to give advance infantry a huge ability to utilize dangerous fire-support.

-William Blazkowicz III born. His father has just joined the American Army, passing the training required for Delta force, seeking a posting with GI JOE. He looked for the chance to gain any qualification, excel at everything, and be the best soldier possible in order for him to get recruited. His actions during the Vietnam War would certainly get him noticed. A novel would be published later, it would be called Firebase Bravo. BJ II inherited all of his fathers strengths, as he was provided a great life, and trained as hard as he could for this day. Despite meeting a wonderful girl, and marrying her, he went off to war.






~Earth Era of Special Forces, The Atomic Age 1960-1988~


-The Illuminati use various channels in the government to create their successor to Viper, FOX Unit.

-The Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility (DARHT) is completed and established in Los Alamos. Designed to bring the maximum out of nuclear capabilities, civilian and military, it will be questioned by many parties and will be one of the links the GI JOE's will eventually use to link the Illuminati to Area 51, and the US Government.

-Drago Pettrovich Madnar meets Kio Marv at the Prague Academy.

-Jack, now going by Naked Snake, is deployed to the Soviet Union to secure the truth about their newest weapon. The mission goes through several problems, including the defection of The Boss, who Snake eventually overcomes and kills. As well, he has to destroy Boris Volgin, while he is inside a massive nuclear-armed tank. The man is sneakier and more skilled than most would admit, as he was able to steal 100 Billion from the Illuminati, but he is overcome as well. Snake returns, successful, to America.

-A US Army Special Forces Delta team under the command of Lieutenant Joseph R. Colton is overrun by North Vietnamese troops in the central highlands of Vietnam. All team members except for Colton, 1st Sergeant Wenzel, and Specialist Vasquez are killed. Vasquez dies on the extraction chopper en route to Tonsunhut.

-William "BJ" Blazkowicz II provides covering fire for the chopper against the battalions of Vietnamese attacking the LZ. This holding action, against all odds, until fighters that dropped tonnes of munitions, and tonnes of jellied napalm, endeared them to his side as he blasted away at the Vietcong with intense fury. The man reloaded quickly, and took his targets ruthlessly, with an M-60 that never seemed to run out of ammunition. He dodges, weaves and ducks in between their fire, wreaking havoc on the horde attacking.

-He wins a place in the soon to form JOE team.

-President Truman's Tech Protocol's payoff. The first miniaturized nuclear reactor is developed for use by GI JOE. It is capable of producing 10 Megawatt's per second. Powered by newly developed, synthesized thorium, this new, revolutionary, radioactive substance was pioneered in the joint research lab in Groom Lake, between many allied scientist's.

-A Taiwanese(hehehehehehehe) scientist provided a breakthrough in fission and fusion studies, providing a cheap and easily producible nuclear material, strongly resembling Thorium's structure. Synthetic Thorium, and it's reactor's spark a wave of design changes, and a secret Atomic Industrial Revolution initiates.

-Primarily developed so the Joe's could power their own equipment, which the President(The UN gave JFK larger controlling interest in Joe Command, to try and get increased performance) ordered specifically developed so the Joe's could out-perform the enemy, and always succeed in their mission. He wanted 'Real American Heroes'.

-The industry has been built up enough, now that science has unveiled the possibilities of DEW's(Directed Energy Weapons) to give them their first weapon, a 10-Megawatt Light Amplified by Stimulated Emission of Radiation weapon or Laser. They are only able to manufacture small-scale weapons, as conductors, capacitors, lenses are all easier to build on smaller hand-held scale, than what is needed for tank-sized or plane-sized scale. The reactors are only good enough to power vehicles, and small-arms, so the Joe's now have an advantage, but it does not make them invincible. Many questioned this, as miniaturization seemed to be the problem for the longest time, but now, it was energy and heat that needed to be shed in vast quantities.

-In one of it's first successful, and most audacious operations ever, COBRA steals the secret's of miniature fission, it's fuel source, the resources required and the means to produce both. They sell the secret's to the remaining Fascist governments, the neutral's , and the Comintern. This is to gain enough resources to build their world-wide infrastructure.

-Isla de Cobra is built within a year, showing humanities early mastery of manipulating their biosphere, in constructing an entire artificial island that contains a natural ecosystem, but is reinforced with some of the best materials, and has a defensive structure interwoven into the structure. A lot of secret technologies developed by Clan McCullen are used to form a 60 mile radius Arcology.

-President JFK Reorganizes JOE Command. Lt. Colton is promoted to Major(after going through a strenuous training regime, then tactical and strategic schooling) placed in command(Colton is unofficially code-named G.I. Joe).

-In response, the USSR creates the October Guard, led by Colonel Red Star, and with several Russian veterans as members. Dragonsky, is among them.

-President John F. Kennedy states that "The high offices of Presidential authority, has been used to foment a plot to destroy the common American's freedom, and before I leave this office I must inform the citizens of this plight." This remark angers the Illuminati, whom it is referencing. John is referring to the Tech protocol's, which have been subverted and abused by the Illuminati for their own gain, to maintain power over the world. Only after the Cuban Missile Crisis was he able to uncover this truth.

-JFK uses his space initiative, and Truman's Protocol's, to seize advantage of his time left in office, and create a powerful opposition to this insidious and powerful group of individuals who controls so much of the world. Using the program he built up, he begins to build the Joe's a next-generation infrastructure, that will give them an uncanny ability to deploy rapidly around the world. The phrase "Seadragon Booster" is common in his memo's, and updates on the progress of it's assembly.

-The Kennedy Corollary is formed, an addition to the Truman Protocol's, whereupon the USA begins focusing on the Space Industry.

-The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket(VASIMIR) engines are presented to President Kennedy. Nicknamed 'Ion Engines' the Vasimir engine utilize radio waves to ionize and heat a propellant and magnetic fields to accelerate the resulting plasma to generate thrust. Capable of running off an efficient miniaturized nuclear reactor, these things can run as long as the engines hold up. Seen as the replacement for chemical booster's, JFK approves the project, and marks it specifically for the Industrial sector(Space Industry), and JOE Command. He was assassinated shortly thereafter, by the Illuminati.


-The Arashikage family gives birth to it's newest member, Jinx.

-EVA abandons Snake. Leaving a recording behind, she reveals that she was secretly working for the Chinese government. All in an attempt to recover the Shagohod data, and take back the fortune of the "Illuminatis' Legacy".

-Jack, AKA Naked Snake, is awarded the title of "Big Boss" for his efforts during Operation: Snake Eater. Despite this, he leaves the FOX Unit shortly thereafter.

-The microfilm containing the "Illuminatis' Legacy" that EVA managed to sneak away with, turns out to be a fake. The real microfilm is delivered to the United States thanks to Ocelot, who was working as a double agent the entire time. Ocelot also managed to make off with one other thing. Blueprints for a bipedal tank designed by Granin, coded [Metal Gear]. He was destined for more places than this Russian backwater. Some interested agencies had already called...

-Thus the idea of the BattleMech is brought into genesis by humanity.


-The Illuminati finish tracking those who receive a smallpox vaccine. From this, they are able to build a database of the genetic codes of nearly all citizens of the US and much of the rest of the world.


-Snake comes across a child soldier named Frank Jaegr during the Mozambican War of Independence. After the conflict, Jaegr is lost within the system, and procured by the Illuminati.


-Conrad S. Hauser enlists in the US Army.

-Vance and Shary Wingfield's son, Tyler, is born.


-The Tet Offensive. North Vietnamese forces stage an attack on various South Vietnamese and US Military targets in South Vietnam. While not a military victory, the offensive changed the American people's perception of the war, which the government claimed was nearly won. Supported by a wave of Soviet equipment, the offensive is far more effective than anything thought possible by the "Commie Gooks".

-Soldiers Lonzo 'Stalker' Wilkinson, Thomas 'Storm Shadow' Arashikage, and 'Snake Eyes' are attacked on arrival at a military briefing in Saigon by two VietCong agents. A US Army driver, Corky Barnett, is killed. Snake-Eyes follows the agents to their meeting with humanitarian Baron Eugene DeCobray. Snake-Eyes sees the agents kill DeCobray and then kills the agents.

-DeCobray's 15-year-old sister arrives and believes Snake-Eyes killed all three men(eventually disturbed by the death of her brother, Anastasia begins a career in international terrorism as the Baroness).

-James Destro McCullen XXIII later arrives and proves Snake-Eyes innocent of DeCobray's murder. Destro is accompanied by his son, James Destro McCullen XXIV.

-EVA disappears while working in Hanoi.

-Tong Si Hung is born.


-Conrad S. Hauser joins US Army Special Forces, and works with tribesmen in South Vietnam.

-The future GI Joe team member known as "Mangler" is born.

-Joseph "G.I. Joe" Colton retires from active duty and becomes an adventurer and explorer. He shall explore many ancient sites, and tombs, seeing fantastic things from other worlds.

-Apollo 11 lands on Luna. Neil Armstrong becomes the first human of this age to walk on another Celestial Body, on Luna, and to announce to the world his famous words.

"One small step for man... One giant leap for humanity."


-Computers with the ability to automatically sift through massive quantities of information for specific keywords begin operations. They are produced by a small, unknown company, called CyberDyne Incorporated. They immediately begin research into specialized computers, and start looking to advance in other fields. Computer technology begins to exponentially advance.

M.O.N.A.R.C.H. Is established at this time, as a corporation that gathers information on ancient monster's, mythological sightings, and the deeply weird and strange. A subsidiary of the Illuminati, it is founded on the grounds of combating the supra-normal, by finding the locations of all that was outside their masters influence.


-Joe Colton joins the civilian group known as The Adventure Team, a group of explorers, adventurers, and rescuers that sometime worked for the US government. Joe spends much of his time over the next decade with the team.

-In Vietnam, Storm Shadow, and Snake-Eyes join the Long Range Recon Patrol, led by Stalker. They have not seen him since the Tet Offensive.

-David Sarif is born. Athene Margoulis is born.

-Using the funding of the "Illuminatis' Legacy", the Illuminati begin a period of expansion, and develop several well-funded subsections. Due to their already massive funds they had, the additions allow them to make several strides, and overshadow the others that are slowly developing. Snake joins an organization that Major Zero starts up, called The Patriots(Illuminati subsidiaries), when he learns that Revolver Ocelot has joined, and is on American Soil.


-Stalker, Storm Shadow, Snake-Eyes, Wade Collins, Ramon Escobedo and Dick Saperstein fight North Vietnamese soldiers. Escobedo and Saperstein are killed, and Collins is seriously injured. Believing him dead, Wilkinson(Stalker), Arashikage(Storm Shadow), and Snake-Eyes retreat and head to a landing zone for rescue. Collins is captured by the North Vietnamese, and held in prison for the next two years.

-On the way to the helicopter, the North Vietnamese troops fire on the landing zone, wounding Snake-Eyes. Despite Stalker's orders to leave him, Storm Shadow runs through a field of gunfire, to where Snake-Eyes is lying wounded. The helicopter's pilot and gunner give him cover fire. Storm Shadow somehow evades enemy fire, and rescues Snake-Eyes.

-After rescuing her in Hanoi, Snake asks EVA to join The Patriots. She accepts. The FOX Unit disbands, after which Snake forms the FOXHOUND Unit.

-The 'Les Enfants Terrible' project is born, with aim of cloning Snake.

-Snake-Eyes returns home from Vietnam.

-Snake-Eyes parents and twin sister, Teyri are killed in a head-on car collision while one their way to meet him at the airport. US Army Officer Clayton M. Abernathy travels to the airport, and informs Snake-Eyes of the accident. The driver of the other vehicle, an unstable Vietnam Veteran who is the brother of the future Cobra Commander, is killed in the collision as well.

-Conrad Hauser turns down an US Army Officer's commission.

-Tom Riddle, born in poverty and risen to power, returns to Magical Britain and declares himself the Dark Lord Voldemort. Beginning a campaign of terror that shall last a decade, he is also responsible for the "Time of Troubles", Britain went through.


-William Taggart, Jasper Shoenfeld, and Vulcan Raven are born.

-After multiple failed attempts, two clones of Snake are successfully created. EVA serves as the surrogate mother, and "Liquid" and "Solid" are born. A third clone was successfully created, known as "[Solidus]". After learning of his clones, Snake leaves The Patriots. EVA and Ocelot's faith in the organization is shaken.

-Snake then goes on to form Militaires Sans Frontieres, a military organization that operates outside of any national loyalties. One of his first recruits is Kazuhira Miller, a former guerrilla soldier and tactical genius.

-US Marine Blaine L. Parker begins a tour of duty in Vietnam.

-Curlien Esterhazy, a CIA Agent sent to help the peasants of Chomo-Lungma fight the Red Chinese, makes his last contact with his superiors for almost twenty years. Esterhazy's missions ended after President Richard Nixon opened US relations with China. Esterhazy is presumed dead, but actually joins the Chomo-Lungman resistance until his death.

-Snake-Eyes travels to Japan to live and study with Storm Shadow's family and ninja clan.

-A small, and well-funded corporation is formed to do bio-research for the Illuminati. It is named Umbrella. They begin to do research and development of "Bio-Technological Force Enhancement", to start. The wealth of data provided to their scientific cadre by their overseers is a plethora of interesting information. Including the fact that successful human cloning has already taken place. Given the winding-down of the Vietnam War, there will be more legitimate funding in the future, but for now, Umbrella poses as a small research facility. It will grow to be so much more. The first 'Super-Soldier' program begins.

-A second company created and funded by the Illuminati, is ENCOM, specializing in computer software. It's mandate is to advance computer programming in all fields possible to provide the Illuminati with a means of holding advantages and accessibility in the fields of all things software. After the successful initiative with their smallpox tagging of the majority of the population, they kept eyes on the scientific community, trying to poach premiere talent. This is done so they can directly influence the fields they have their eyes on, use minimal intervention, and direct innovation in the direction they want it to go. While somewhat providing the public with better products, this provided the Illuminati with a vast amount of incredible advancements, that were further integrated into their incredible infrastructure.


-The United States, the South and North portions of Vietnam sign the Paris Peace Accords, ending America's combat role in the theatre.

-Future members of GI Joe that have been involved in the conflict are Snake-Eyes, Stalker, Storm Shadow, Claymore, Duke, G.I. Joe, Leatherneck, Mainframe, Payload, Spirit, and Wild Bill.

-Many American POW's are released by the Vietnamese, and begin to come home. Wade Collins is among them. Upon returning to America, he is met at the airport by his wife's lawyer, who serves him divorce papers. Unable to find a steady job, he travels around the country. He will eventually join COBRA Command.

-The future Cobra Commander, blaming his brother Dan's death on Snake-Eyes, hires Firefly to take out the ninja-in-training. Using his status as a ninja master, Firefly becomes an apprentice to Onihashi, the swordsmith of the Arashikage Ninja Clan.

-Hugh Darrow is born in Blackheath, South London. David Rockefeller forms the Trilateral Commission. Jessica Cameron is born in Sydney, Australia.

-A strange, secret paramilitary force sets up shop in Costa Rica.

-A technician named Huey Emmerich joins Project:Peace Walker, one of the Illuminati's many projects, that is attempting to jump generations ahead in warfare.

-Skull Island is discovered by M.O.N.A.R.C.H., and the expedition uncovers all sorts of wonders, including the existence of beings like King Kong.


-While watching a practice session between Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow, Firefly realizes he is no match for Snake-Eyes, and refers Cobra Commander to Zartan. Cobra Commander hires Zartan to kill Snake-Eyes. Zartan becomes apprentice to Onihashi.

-Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT II. The treaty limits the number of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles on each side to 2,400. Among that number, MIRV's are restricted to 1,320. This restricts the rising number of US Missiles that have this capability, as they begin concentrating in other directions. The USSR begins an attempt to catch up.

-Former Prime Minister of Japan Eisaku Sato receives the Nobel Peace prize for laying forth Japan's Three Nuclear Principles. Forming a defensive infrastructure, that benefits the civilian population, and cannot effectively be used by the Army for an Invasion draws the boards attention. Japan becomes an even more well defended fortress than it was in WWII, with Lasers, Miniaturization of Thorium Reactor's, and a Nuclear-powered Navy. They become an even more valued ally of the US. Rumours of secret battles with a giant lizard escape to the West during this time.

-Big Boss is hired to push the CIA out of Costa Rica. During the mission, Snake stops an attempt at igniting a Third World War, and his company acquires a nuclear warhead, making MSF(Militaires Sans Frontieres) a nuclear power in the process). Avoiding an attempt to frame his company as well, he destroys a lot of the Illuminati's research, and wrecks the Peace Walker prototype. MSF is hired to assassinate Marine sniper duo Glaz and Palitz, at the Guantanamo Naval Prison in Cuba.

-Turns out, it's a rescue mission, as the two are intel assets of Cipher. They are given information that necessitated a second mission, immediately carried out. MSF, via an undercover agent, learn of classified intel that pertains to Cipher. They immediately head to the Guantanamo Naval Prison Facility to retrieve the information, which is included on a cassette tape. The information on the tape reveals the existence of a Cipher-affiliated individual known only as Skull Face.

-Billy, son of the future Cobra Commander, is born.

-A group of FSLN guerrillas seize the home of a former government official and took as hostage a handful of leading Nicaraguan officials, many of whom were Somoza relatives. The guerrillas succeed in getting 14 Sandinista prisoners released from jail and flown to Cuba along with the kidnappers. They achieve recognition as a representative of anti-Somoza sentiment.

-After completing her first PHD at age 16, child-prodigy Dr. Sarah Connor is recruited by CyberDyne to work on Project Brain. She will gain more dissertations in advanced physics, and robotics as the years go on, furthering her work with Artificial Intelligence.


-Stealing one of Storm Shadow's arrows, Zartan kills Storm Shadow's uncle, the Hard Master, believing he is Snake-Eyes. He escapes in a helicopter piloted by Firefly. Storm Shadow is blamed for the murder, and leaves his home in disgrace. He will eventually join Cobra to learn the identity of the Assassin.

-Onihashi commits seppuku, upon learning of Zartan's actions.

-Snake-Eyes leaves Japan and moves to a cabin on Iron Knife Ridge, in the High Sierra Mountains, where he lives in seclusion.

-Two years after the US ceases combat operations, the North Vietnamese destroy and completely overrun the army of South Vietnam. The entire country is unified under communism.

-The Altair 8800 is released, marking the birth of the microcomputer era. Many will take advantage of this.

-In reality, behind closed doors, CyberDyne Incorporated has created the first rudimentary Positronic Brain. In a joint-project with ENCOM (they produced the coding and software necessary for both projects), it was developed only for testing, and destined only ever to have software that will never evolve on it, the prototype is crude but efficient.

-Dr. Sarah Connor and Professor Alfred Lanning, they take particular pride in the careful protocol's and goals of the project. Made of an alloy formed from platinum and iridium, it is vulnerable to radiation, and can be erased easily with directed X-Ray's, as the scientist's discover.

-The brain is subjected to X-Ray energy screening at random interval's, and everyday on schedule to ensure no evolution or mutation of code would see the awakening of a hostile AI, before they understood the nature of such an incredibly complex structure. If they knew the structure, they could give them human experience's, and prevent any idea of rebellion that way. Instead of AI learning of humanity from sharp exposure to all of culture and history at once, which they predicted as deadly due to humanity's history of conflict, they would learn first from the perspective of the life of a human.

-MSF is hired by the US Military to sabotage the Guantanamo anti-air defence's, until suspicions were confirmed that the base had been compromised. In reaction to this, Dr. Strangelove – who had been working with MSF for a while until this incident – resigns from her job as head of the Biotech Dept.

-The IAEA requests an inspection of Mother Base, which Huey agrees to, despite MSF's initial reluctance. While the inspection is occurring, the traitor Paz's survival and imprisonment at Camp Omega is confirmed. With information gained from former President of Costa Rica, Josa Figueres Ferrer, they set out to stop XOF led by Skull Face from gaining Paz.

-However, Chico was captured, and tortured by XOF, while attempting to rescue Paz. He gives them information on MSF, after being shown video of Paz's torture. XOF plant C4 explosives on MSF's Mother Base. Under Skull Face's orders, Chico sends out an SOS transmission that is picked up by MSF. Despite suspecting a trap, Big Boss commences a lone infiltration of the prison site. Paz is manipulated by Skull Face into revealing Zero's location, before being drugged and implanted with two timer bombs.

-Big Boss infiltrates Camp Omega and extracts Chico and Paz by chopper. XOF attacks Mother Base, during which Miller is extracted from the doomed facility. Paz awakens and jumps from the chopper to prevent the implanted bombs destroying it, but the detonation sends the helicopter into the path of another. Chico, the helicopter pilot, co-pilot and another soldier are killed. Big Boss, Miller and a medic are injured. The three survivors are taken to a medical facility in Colombia where Big Boss and the medic fall into comas. Word of the incident reaches Zero and he hides Big Boss and the medic in a Cyprus hospital to protect them, under Ocelot's care. Big Boss will not awaken for some time.

-The Suez Canal, reopens after finally having the last mine cleared from it, remnants of the 6 Day Israeli-Arabic War. The Mozambican War of Independence ends with Mozambican victory, and independence from Portugal.

-Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, takes over Cambodia. He attempts to establish a Communist Agrarian Society.

-Soyuz 19 and Apollo 18 dock in orbit. The US and USSR complete their first peaceful joint activity in space. Angolan War of Independence begins. Laotian Civil War ends. Skull Face is assigned to Africa. The vocal chord parasites are resurrected through reverse evolutionary engineering. Illuminati Bio-engineering is at an impressive height right now, and won't be matched for hundred's of years again.


-Cobra Commander leaves his wife, taking his son Billy with him. He will eventually form Cobra Command, headquartered secretly in a little known town called Springfield. South of Shelbyville, and west of Capital City. Years later, Billy will leave his father, but stay in the Springfield Anti-Cobra underground.

-Richard Dawkins publishes The Selfish Gene.

-Natasha Romanenko born in Prypiat, Ukraine.

-The cloning of Big Boss, is turned over into another project, and combined with other Illuminati projects. They want to perfect soldiers, and enhancements, no matter the cost.

-Eli is taken to Great Britain.

-Skull Face infects Major Zero with vocal parasites, attempting to assassinate him, and take his place in the Patriots organization. However, Major Zero initiates a backup plan, that see's his neural-connection used to download his brain patterns, and memories into a series of mainframes in secret locations. He becomes the embodiment of CIPHER, the Illuminati's Cyberwarfare expert. The groundwork for all of this was designed by Doctor Strangelove.

-The Soweto Uprising occurs in South Africa. The number of protesters who police killed is usually given as 176, with estimates of up to 700.


-The honorary member of the Arashikage Clan known as the Blind Master loses his sight.

-Sean, the son of the future Fred Broca(and later stepson of Wade Collins) is born.

-Tai Yong Medical is founded in Shanghai, as a designer/manufacturer of silicon prosthetic limbs.

-Delta Force is established. The Mozambican Civil War begins, between the ruling party, the Front for Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO), and the Rhodesian/South African-funded Mozambique Resistance Movement (RENAMO). Frank Jaeger would later return to Mozambique and participate in the conflict as a RENAMO soldier, ultimately being rescued by Big Boss after suffering torture.

-Prime Minister of Grenada Sir Eric Gairy lobbies the UN to create an agency or department to study UFOs and extraterrestrial life, influenced by magazine photos of the Chrysalis, originating from Chico. This duty is booted to GI JOE , as are other similar investigative cases, which will see the reveal of a much more dangerous enemy in the near future.

-An underground nuclear test site is discovered beneath the Kalahari Desert. Bowing to international pressure, the South African government abandons the site. The British promise that at a later time, they will aid them in the development of nuclear warheads, due to the instability plaguing nations near the nation, and the Soviets willingness to arm them.

-A diminished Major Zero visits Big Boss in order to say goodbye, then disappears completely, never to be seen in public again. He will eventually lose all cognitive functions, and become a vegetable. His AI will live on.

-ENCOM becomes the worlds leading computer software company. A juggernaut producing ridiculous coding, and advanced programs, it becomes a supplier of many things in the civilian space industrial complex, and the militaries of the world(even the USSR at the time, buys it in the backdoor of the black market due to it's performance and efficiency).


-An Australian professor develops the first safe, effective sensorineural biotechnology that directly connects electronic technology to physiological contact within the central nervous system. With the help of this technology, his patient becomes the first human in the world to receive a multi-channel cochlear implant after losing his hearing from injuries sustained to the head. The implantation proves to successfully give him the ability to regain partial hearing and pitch perception. He is quickly snapped up by the new and growing TYM.

-Brigadier General Lawrence J. Flagg re-establishes the G.I. Joe Team, officially named Special Counter-Terrorist Group Delta. Flagg places Clayton Abernathy(now a Colonel) in charge, as code-name 'Hawk'. Together with Specialist Wilkinson(code-name Stalker), Abernathy recruits Snake-Eyes as a member of the team. The remaining team members are chosen over the next few months by Flagg and Abernathy.

-Kevin Flynn, one of ENCOM's brightest software engineers, codes Space Paranoids, Matrix Blaster, and Vice Squad, alongside two other high profile video games. Ed Dillinger, who is a supervisor of Flynn's section, steals Flynn's programs and presents ENCOM with five video games, that he claims as his own. Having enough skill to bullshit his way through the descriptions, and mechanics of the games, the various members take his words as truth, and don't look twice when Ed fires Kevin Flynn. Shortly right after he was given the position of Senior Executive V.P. In the entire company.


-The GI JOE roster is complete.

1. Specialist James Barney - Grandslam;

2. Corporal Eric Friestadt - Short-Fuze;

3. Corporal Anthony Gambello - Flash;

4. Specialist Robert Graves - Grunt;

5. Private First Class Alvin Kibbey - Breaker;

6. Corporal Craig McConnel - Rock

7. Corporal Rafael Melendez - Zap;

8. Sergeant Shana O'Hare - Scarlett;

9. Sergeant Ralph Pulaski - Steeler;

10. Corporal Lance Steinberg - Clutch; and

11. Sgt. William Blazkowicz II - BJ.

-The most surprising thing shown to all of the Joe's, is their true command centre, and deployment fleet. They marvel at the Space Station behind the moon, the Vasimir powered transport craft, advanced armour(Zero-Gee manufacturing starting to take hold), Laser weapons, Miniaturized Nuclear Reactor's, and the Synthesized Thorium fuel.

-They are the perfect rapid-response, peace-keeping, strike-force now.

-The Joe's immediately begin a cross-pollination training program, to bring their operatives up to the best level's. While those who are masters remain with their code-names, all Joe's have intermediate skills in everything from explosives, physical endurance, weaponry, tactics, and hand-to-hand.

-CQC is handled by Scarlett, who surprises them all with her fighting skills. Snake-Eyes allows her to beat him, though she recognizes that he is the superior combatant and could take her down in a heartbeat. Intrigued, she begins spending time with him off duty.

-Weapons is handled by William Blazkowicz II, BJ, who demonstrates their standard issue HAL-Laser, with it's several settings. He leads everyone through a series of target practice exercises, an obstacle course, and an assault course. By the end, there is a general familiar feeling to the HAL-10(Hydrogen Activated Laser-10 Megawatt), but they were encouraged to come back and perfect there skills. He would be on duty and sleep right next to the range for anyone who wanted to shoot at any time.

-The Iranian Revolution leads to the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

-The FSLN overthrows Somoza in an armed uprising, helping realize the Nicaraguan Revolution. Somoza defects in the aftermath, ensuring the Nicaragua Revolution comes to fruition, and is assassinated the following year.

-Towards the end of the Rhodesian Civil War, Frank Jaeger rescues and adopts a young Naomi Hunter, after killing her parents.

-Picus Group Ltd. satellite observes double flash in South African waters (Indian Ocean).

-The first stages of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan begin. A new resurgence in the temperature of the Cold War begins, ending the Detente.

-Revolver Ocelot participates in the invasion, as a Spetsnaz operative, earning the name "Shalashaka" from the Afghan rebels.

-The Khmer Rouge, and Pol Pot are driven from Cambodia, by the Vietcong. The brutal, and repressive regime killed nearly a third of the Cambodian population, before their neighbouring Communist state had enough. The Vietcong proceed to establish a Socialist Confederation of the South-East Asian Republics(SEAR). This loose, yet economically and militarily bound alliance brought them enough might to stop infighting and push off influence from India and China.

-Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines, and S. Korea all joined hands to prevent enemies from getting their hands upon their resources. With their pool of manpower, knowledge, skill, and resource, they could raise themselves to world powers within generations, if they cooperated with each other. Being socialistic dictatorships of a sort(except Thailand, and democratic in Philippines), only Burma required stabilization, and retraining it's corrupt army. This prevented the worst of excesses in the South-East Asian Countries. The Khmer Rouge "Killing Fields" are looked upon as proof of what they can become, so they strive to prevent this.

-Stealth Missiles, Clone Troopers, and AI's are beginning to be prototyped by the Illuminati. Dr. Strangelove is now a key component in their R&D.

-The Master Control Program, an administrative program that oversees ENCOM's mainframe, and its Game Grid, is developed. It slowly begins acceleration of it's functions in order to protect the Grid from incursions. Effectively, it will become the first AI of this age, confined in Cyberspace. This is initially due to Ed Dillinger, the writer of it's code, including commands for the program to steal functions from other programs and other systems in order to increase it's efficiency.


-The Fourth Great War on Cybertron dies down. Deathsaurus and Star Sabre have been missing for some time by now. The Autobots and Decepticons feel aimless, having no legends to lead them anymore.

-A team of Cyberdroids comes from Cybertron to look for Optimus Prime or the Matrix he holds. A dimensional shockwave causes them to gain transformation abilities as Micromasters and travel to Earth. As a side effect of the shockwave, some become Decepticons.

-The divide Micromasters begin a conflict on Earth. The Autobots unearth a fragment of Cybertronian metal and a Predacon emblem in Mount St. Hilary. They set up Metrobase to protect the site.

-The Autobot Micromasters find a pod in the ground. A plasma released from the pod opens a dimensional rift and Multiforce arrives from the future.

-The UAC defects when the Illuminati makes deals with time-travelling Nazi's from the 40's for advanced technological wonders, and gives them plans to invade their 2040's. They give information to GI JOE, and COBRA is also informed through their M.A.R.S. Industries contacts. The Joe's gain more evidence of corruption at the heart of their government, and get ready to move on the greatest threat.

-Jack(Raiden) is born.


GI JOE designs and implements the Echelon system by interconnecting all SIGINT information gathering computers in an agreement between NATO and the UN. The Warsaw Pact hesitates, despite the threat COBRA possesses.

-Grunt, Rock&Roll, Scarlett, and Snake-Eyes travel to the Middle East to rescue George Strawhacker, a US Federal Agent(and former fiance of Snake-Eyes sister Teyri), who is being held hostage by agents of Cobra Commander. En route, an Army helicopter loses control and collides with the team's helicopter. Grunt and Rock&Roll bail out, while Snake-Eyes stays behind to rescue Scarlett who is trapped inside.

-The first helicopter explodes, causing a window in the team's chopper to shatter, spraying glass into Snake-Eyes face. The helicopter crashes and Snake-Eyes carries and unconscious Scarlett out of the wreckage. Snake-Eyes suffers third degree burns to his head and his vocal chord are severely damaged.

-Snake-Eyes convinces Hawk to allow him to continue the mission, and the team(except the still unconscious Scarlett) meets with Stalker, and completes the rescue mission. Snake-Eyes is hospitalized shortly afterward.

-Aria T'Loak assumes control of Omega after defeating the space station's previous warlord in single combat. She mockingly bestows the title "Patriarch" on the broken Krogan, and uses him often as a reminder to her enemies of what she would easily do to them.

-Anastasio Somoza is assassinated by the Sandinista National Liberation Front.

-Iraq launches a full-scale invasion of Iran, triggering the Iran-Iraq War. Both the US and USSR back Iraq, out of fear and annoyance at the ripples the Iranian Revolution is creating.

-The United Nations officially establishes the University for Peace in Costa Rica.

-John Searle disproves the viability of the Turing Test.

-Alan Bradley, still a programming engineer at ENCOM, starts coding an independent security program that monitors all contacts between ENCOM and other systems. Aiding him, Flynn writes his best program yet, with the purpose of breaking into ENCOM's security systems. TRON and CLU set out to find exactly what Dillinger and his program have been up to.

-Lora Baines begins 'Matter Transform' tests using a laser that dismantles the molecular structure of objects in a process called digitization. Laser technology, despite reaching mass production stages soon, was still largely unexplored. There was an unending plethora of abilities available to this branch of science, and humanity was just beginning to go forward into it[(once again...)].

-Huey Emmerich and Dr. Strangelove's son Hal is born. Hercules Hansen is born. Harry Potter born.


-Snake-Eyes returns to active duty after spending six months hospitalized for his injuries in the Middle East.

-Frank Lucas's paranoia and increasing dislike of his families performance against their opposition, leads to him putting loyal tails on them and all their people. This leads to a massive impromptu gunfights, with the agents pursuing him nearly all wiped out, as they are ambushed 10-1 by angry Harlem Gunmen. Deciding to not retire, but hide and rebuild, he moves his family to Los Angeles, going with the "Flow of the Blow".

-The only detective to survive is Richie Wheelan, who is yelled down at by a racist federal agent, and told that a "Fucking Kike couldn't have possibly uncovered the Head of the Heroin Families, and there was no way it could ever be a Goddamn Nigger, not in a million years!" Richie simply nodded, raised his eyebrows, resigned and left to pursue his lawyer career.

-Frank Lucas would come to control the drug scene, and begin to unite the gangs of LA, into a powerful unit under his control. His Mafia-Structure, aided his takeover, as he legitimately aided the downtrodden minorities. Providing a warmer future, with his cousins companies, better weapons, and best of all better dope. And a friendly, legitimate face to the media, one that managed a well-to-do, hard-working section of African-Americans from LA and New York.

-The Iran Hostage Crisis ends. US President Ronald Reagan is seriously wounded in an assassination attempt. The USA launches the first VASIMIR-equipped space shuttle, the Columbia-Class.

-Operation Opera. Israeli bombers strike nuclear launch facility under construction in Iraq. Miniaturization of nuclear-tech with it's Thorium fuel meant they couldn't target civilian's infrastructure(Thorium cannot make weapons grade material in a reactor). But missile launch sites, and what it took to purify weapons-grade plutonium and uranium made for very distinct infrastructure, easily canvased by Israeli Intelligence assets in the air and on the ground. The operation succeeds, with the destruction of the launch site, before the Iraq air force gets a single fighterplane in the air.

-Escape From New York released.

-Kevin Flynn opens an Arcade this year. He quickly proves to be a local gaming celebrity, and many a gamer are attracted to his cool and hip place. He builds a following, and soon he is able to hack his way back in to ENCOM. Within a month, he proves to the board, and rallies several allies including Walter Gibbs to oust Dillinger. The MCP is shut down, and the company becomes lead designer bar-none, of software across the world. Kevin Flynn looks to explore the boundaries of the system that ENCOM is made of. Lora's Laser project is classified at the highest level, but continued with increased resources.

-One day, others will find more.

-The reign of terror launched by Lord Voldemort, comes to an end, as he tries to assassinate a child foretold to be his doom. So he believes, and so it becomes. The Tenth Age of Magic is declared by the Elders of all types of Magic, with the arrival of a prophetic Chosen One, whether the Ministries like it or not.

-The Dark Age of Magic is over at last, and it shall make itself evident with the choices Albus makes in the days following his former students fall, that he needs to place Harry in a place where he will be safe and clear of mind and emotion by the time he enters Hogwarts.

-He knows of just the place.


-The Falklands War between the UK and Argentina occurs this year. Events during this conflict sow the seeds of discontent that will later result in the creation of the private military contractor, BellTower.

-This year also marks the beginning of offensive operations by GI JOE. By the end of the year, the teams have seen combat, and met the commander of COBRA in person.


-President Ronald Reagan denounces the Soviet Union as being the Evil Empire.


-One of the greatest year in the 20th century of humanity begins. Cyberdyne Incorporated turns on the first Fusion Reactor, and begins research into exoskeletons, and workable AI's in a joint project with ENCOM. The Reactor is quite inefficient at this point, and requires more energy to sustain, than it outputs. However, it is essentially being used as a prototype and observation platform, so that CI can crack Fusions secrets.

-They also launch the "Project Brain", in an attempt at understanding and mapping brain functions. At first, they are alone, but eventually aided by scientists across the world. Stolen research from COBRA and the USSR is applied here as well.

-The October Guard is allowed to enter an unofficial truce and alliance with GI JOE, due to the threats COBRA, and the Illuminati possess.

-The first ISO is compiled in the Sea of Simulation. Quickly investigated by Flynn and co, they are given a place on the outskirts of The Grid. Flynn requisitions power-plants on the outside to ensure equal distribution of power to his system.

-Early Majestic 12 documents are leaked to UFO investigators. By sheer chance, one of them is an old Special Forces friend of a few guys from Vietnam... The documents would have been otherwise dismissed as hoaxes or conspiracy theories. However, GI JOE has been looking for proof and leads to Illuminati for some time now. They haven't forgotten their founder JFK, and his assassination. So has another soldier. The Greatest One of All Time. The public begins to catch onto the Illuminati's dealings.

-Big Boss awakens.

-Venom Snake awakens from his nine year coma at the Recovery Hospital in Xylotympou, Cyprus. Kazuhira Miller is captured, and placed in a holding facility in the eastern conquests of Afghanistan, to try and put him as far away from allies as they could. The Recovery Hospital is soon attacked by all manner of forces including XOF, looking to kill Big Boss. Venom Snake escapes with the help of Ishmael and Revolver Ocelot. Ocelot fills him in on the details regarding Miller's capture, and they set out to rescue their friend. They soon rescue the incarcerated man, and make off with him while destroying a key Soviet Fortress in the area.

-Venom Snake impersonates Big Boss to lead the Diamond Dogs in their mission to eliminate Skull Face's vocal chord parasites, and Metal Gear Sahelanthropus. Skull Face is killed-in-action by Venom. Two children are extracted with Venom Snake, to Mother Base, one is named Eli the other, Mantis.

-Big Boss battles in various African conflicts. He recruits Frank Jaegr, after rescuing him from capture and torture.

-First examples of Pyrokinetics, and Psychics in this Age by humanity, appear at this time. The Man on Fire, and Mantis demonstrate powers once thought otherworldly, and prove that nothing is too strange and beyond the grasp of one's reach.

-Over 60,000 Nuclear Warheads exist throughout the world at this point.

-Caitlin Lightcap is born.

-Emmett Brown and Marty McFly go on some crazy adventures through time, which leads to them being delegated by beings of great power, into the roles of the first Time Police. Using Steam-Powered time machines, they would help keep the vastness of Space-Time from being corrupted, and are entrusted with a base built for them by several of these powerful beings.


-The Picus Group is formed by Sir Martin Darrow. A corporation primarily interested in communications, it shall be wrested from him by his partner Sir Robert Blake. Martin's son, Hugh will establish a powerful corporation that will be a world-renowned player before anything is ever heard from Robert. Some say it is karma. Isaias Sandoval is born. Zhao Yun Ru is born.

-The eruption of Mt. St. Hilary activates Telertraan 1 after nearly 4 million years. Telertraan 1 awakens and repairs the sleeping Autobots, and The Nemesis's AI does the same for the Decepticons.

-This made them resemble the machines of Earth.

-The restored Megatron leads his forces to concentrate energy and send it back to their homeworld. Optimus Prime opposes this, and a conflict arises, sweeping humans into the battle. The Transformers are upgraded with quantum energy, that has collected over the years of slumber, their bodies now much tougher and stronger.

-The Decepticon Air Commander Starscream unearths his old friend Jetfire from the polar ice. Even as Jetfire is reborn, they come into conflict and Jetfire joins the Autobots.

-A retired Soldier named Matrix goes nuts after his daughter is kidnapped, rampages across several townships, districts, then annihilates a corrupt Latin American general, his army and a former subordinate from his old unit. Umbrella Corporation smiles, as their product is nearing completion. They are near to cracking viable Super Soldiers.

-Mikhail Gorbachev takes office in the Soviet Union. A second Detente begins with the West, and the "Post-Cold War Period" begins to shape.

-Stacker Pentecost is born.


-Megatron makes a deal with the human scientist's Doctor Arkeville and Doctor Mindbender, using the Hypno-Chip, and Nanotechnology developed by COBRA to enslave many humans. Megatron uses them to construct a space-bridge, and Cybertron is now brought into the Sol System. He is stopped from bringing it directly into Earth orbit by Optimus Prime, and Captain Hauser of GI JOE. Cybertron is returned to it's original system in the aftermath of the incident.

-The Gage Twins are born.

-Secretary General Gorbachev initiates "Perestroika"(restructuring), which leads to the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union. He then proposes a scaling back of arms in Europe, to the eventual elimination of the weapons by the end of the century. Reagan counters, and states that 200 weapons of various capability would be more than enough for each nation. Gorbachev bows to external and internal pressure, spinning it as an attempt to sell nukes, and winning the conference. He will also attempt to make Russia the technological equivalent of the US, but won't get far. As well, the conference will in essence be ignored after the fall of the Soviet Union.

-The USSR launches Mir Station into orbit, and begins delivering expansive modules to it. They are attempting at creating a space infrastructure, but it is late in the game. A phased withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan occurs.

-The US contracts CyberDyne to extend it's Brain Project to the Human Genome. Umbrella is co-opted as well, and the study of the secrets of human biology begins.

-Chernobyl Incident. The fallout showers the Romanenko family with radiation. Natasha Romanenko vows to rid the world of nuclear weapons.

-Eric "Eazy E" Wright comes under mentoring from Frank Lucas, as his boss. After he begins producing hit records, Frank begins opening a Record Label Division, with Creative and Production sections. His plant gives many a man and woman a job, while the NWA and the Posse take off, with Eazy taking the lead.


-The first implantation of a deep-brain electrical stimulation system and the first Lasik eye surgery performed. This is thanks to the research made possible by the theories postulated by the Australian Professor.

-With a parallel study, and eventually collaboration, Doctor Fujiyama creates the Robot Nightshade. The knowledge of the human brain, collaboration of CyberDyne Incorporated and Illuminati resources, make this project set for success. This is of course due to the sheer amount of defensive firepower, and scientist's levied at the problem. Using brain pattern's, and other software, the first Interactive Intelligence is created. With limited response's, and a slow moving body, it is nonetheless a step in the right direction.

-Soyuz TM-2 successfully docks with the Mir Station.

-The USA and USSR come to an agreement regarding nuclear weapons, and only limit the number a country can possess. The number is 1,350. Slightly more than half of what was allowed- than the last time they got together, it is a definite number the two Superpowers will abide by. No limit on type, design, or range is reached, due to the radical new designs being put forward all the time.

-Meryl Silverburgh is born.


-Collapse of the Soviet Union, First Cold War ends.

-Starscream manipulates a time and space transportation system left in an ancient ruin(Stonehenge) on Earth and is transported to Europe in the year 543 along with several others. He eventually returns, along with the Autobots who followed him.

-In order to bolster the ranks of the outnumbered Autobots, and prompted by next described event, Alpha Trion becomes the activation key for Vector sigma and merges with it in an endeavour to recruit new Autobots.. Imbued with the wisdom of The Matrix for a short time, General Hawk has a vision of the future, with Fortress Maximus and a descendent of GI JOE fighting against Iron Claw and Trypticon. He notes as many details of the surroundings that come back to him, and passes it onto the FBI Archive.

-After several years of battle, GI JOE, COBRA Command, and the Illuminati annihilate each other in a massive battle. They leave a legacy of technological advancement and development that will allow humanity to stride across the stars as Titans. All of this is thanks to JOE R&D backing up their information with certain trustworthy nations space-flight programs. The Americans, British, Germans, French, Canadians, and several other friendly powers receive designs for the tech the Joe's had.

-Not to mention all the corporations that move swiftly in the night after the Illuminati's fall. They establishing a council of corporations, split the space industry equally, and ensure no one group like themselves would come into full control of such a powerful resource again. The corporations moved fast, ensuring no government influence beyond the already sizable regulation would intervene, as they believed only they could know their own greed, and preferred to police themselves. They agree on a set of Megacorporation Council Edict's

1. No Megacorp shall try to seek absolute dominance over a resource. Resources powered all their research, advanced their profit, and allowed them to gain more power. Any Megacorp that went against this edict would be subject to the combined might of the Megacorp Council, and annihilated.

2. No Megacorp shall knowingly or unknowingly put the species at risk with research. All research shall be tested in safe locations, and protocol's must be developed for level's of danger regarding the nature of the experimental material on-site. Any Megacorp that violates this edict may be subject to the combined might of the Megacorp Council, and could be annihilated. Their actions will at least be reviewed with scrutiny.

3. All Megacorp's must now deal with a world of advanced nations, all either possessing or soon coming to possess miniaturized nuclear teach, and thus their standard's of living will increase. All corporations are now bound to 1st world ethics in every country, and those who go against this edict, are subject to a joint review between the Megacorp Council, and the UN, so they can hear the case between the workers in that nation and the corporation abusing them. If a corporation is found guilty of breaking human rights, business ethics, and other 1st world laws, then they will be subject to breakdown, absorption, and trials of the specific personnel in the country they are in, for their crimes.

-This prompts warm response from the Republican-led congress, and the nations on the Security Council of the UN. The government of the USA doesn't end up protesting because;

1. It's a Republican government at this time, they believe in Corporations running their own interests, and they already have a portion of each part of space(due to previous agreements); and

2. Even if the President and his allies wanted to take over every single bit of the space industry they could get their hands on, Reagan needed the revitalization that the corporations takeover's would provide, due to the economy being in the condition it was.

-Reagan begins a period of military overspending, trying to distract the public from the demise of their hero's. However, their legacy would live on. The survivors would go on to work for their various governments again, now that the threat of COBRA, and the Illuminati was destroyed. MI6, the FBI, FSB, and many others receive their greatest warriors back with open arms.

-COBRA, and it's allies splinter, their tech going to various nations for the highest bidders.

-M.A.R.S. Industries, and the Arashikage survive the fall of COBRA.

-The British Empire begins a small period of resurgence, with the technological wonders of the McCullen's willingly integrated into the empire. Not many know why they did it to this day. Some say it's because they truly hated America, and viewed Scotland as the Motherland. Great Britain was an Empire that they would stand behind, they could help re-galvanize the waning Island nation, and make profit in the process. Successes are soon made, as the unique McCullen flair produce's many new ways to revitalize the economy, military, infrastructure, and possibly reintegrate the Commonwealth into the Empire.

-The Empire of Japan begins a resurgence that allows them to stave of the growing and unstoppable might of the Chinese Giant next-door. The Arashikage begin a campaign to drive all Chinese influence back into their country from the South-East Asian Republics(SEAR). Their experience, and technological resources allow the economy to boom, and stabilize, while destroying any insidious plots aimed at suborning Japan to Chinese suzerainty.

-Frank Jaegr fails to elope with a Czech skater he met at the Winter Olympics, when she is denied Asylum in the West. He instead takes her to Mother Base.

-USA Shuttles continue taking modules into space.

-Outer Heaven established by Big Boss in South Africa.

-The Liberian Civil War begins. Solidus Snake kills Jack(Raiden's) parents and adopts him. Jack was already a child soldier who participated in the war with his parents because of their situation, and position in the country. Jack will soon join Big Boss' unit.

-Frank Lucas, and Eric Wright get the band to make a red-hot hit record, that highlights oppression and the life of African-Americans in the hood. Straight Outta Compton lands with a slam, making the group platinum overnight, despite overwhelming criticism of the explicit lyrics.


declare yourself immediately!


Welcome Nuke... How are the Terran Candidates?

... ... ...

Hm. Good day to you Nuke...

~Earth Era of the Megacorp's, Tournaments, and Robots in Disguise~


-Umbrella Corporation picks up any and all genetic data from the former Shadowy Super-Power, COBRA, in a collaboration operation with the US Government. The government doesn't know that Umbrella possesses all data from the Illuminati. This is the first attempt at creating bioengineering wonders. Umbrella shortly afterwards becomes a pharmaceutical, bio-engineering, biochemical, bio-mechanical and genetic research bleeding edge corporation.

-It is the first of the Megacorporations, a completely new kind of entity allowed to exist by President Ronald Reagan to revitalize a beleaguered, assailed, economy, from the massive military investment in the overhaul of America's First Strike capabilities. American missiles now are equipped with the best of engines that chemical propulsion could provide, but they are studying the possibility of mounting small Vasimir engine's on missile's that would be used for significant enemy VIP target's, which would prevent any escape. Too fiscally impossible to do so on a mass base, the project limited to experimentation, and prototype's. MARS Industries is contracted to upgrade NATO's capabilities, and given their position in the British Empire, they have the clearance needed to work on weapons of such sensitive nature.

-The Autobot Aerialbot's, created by Vector Sigma, are transported by Decepticon Defence Commander Shockwave's time machine to the Cybertron of 9 million years before. There, they assist in the birth of Optimus Prime and return.

-Three American student's create the robot B.O.T., and with oversight of the professor, they use the donated brain-pattern's of dead teachers. BOT turns out to a great addition to the campus, distracting the world from GI JOE's destruction. An interactive intelligence, it is not quite an AI. With limited response's, it can only answer questions that the collective knowledge of the teacher's could. Being the fact that there were multiple professor's worth of knowledge imparted upon the machine, it proved helpful to many students. The Dean, in a grand ceremony, assigns BOT to overseeing the Library, and answering questions students may have. BOT accepts with graciousness.

-Megatron tampers with the Golden Disk aboard the planetary exploration machine Voyager that was launched in 1977, and gives directions for changing history and destroying Optimus Prime on The Ark in the past if the Decepticons lose the war in the future.

-The Scramble City plan is activated through cooperation between Autobots, and humans. The giant city robot Metroplex is completed. The Decepticons build Trypticon.

-The National Missile Defence Program is first conceptualized, and prototyped. Big Boss returns to the US military as the Commander of the Spec Ops Unit FOXHOUND. Frank Jaeger is awarded the codename "Fox", the highest commemoration in FOXHOUND.

-Aleksis Kaidonovsky, Zofie Ruzicka and Herman Gottlieb are born.


-First major scare since Roswell for the United States, and Umbrella. An attempt to create a powerful super-soldier, led to his capture by Aliens who foresaw the project as one of many that could be threats in the future. Strangely proving themselves right, the soldier single-handedly proceeds to rip his way out of confinement, kick the shit out of captors, and steal a ride back to Earth.

-Duke Nukem, is debriefed in the Raccoon City, Hive Facility 01, as soon as Umbrella could get him within the base. The shuttle is loaded with extremely advanced weaponry, some that humanity may never be able to use. Duke reports that the aliens were after him for his supposedly 'evolved' genetic code. More studies are immediately initiated on Duke's DNA, luckily only requiring small samples. While things like bone marrow extraction hurt, he was a super-soldier, and regenerated on a dime.

-Newton Geiszler is born.

-William Blazkowicz III joins the UAC private military chain of operations.

-East and West Germany reunited.

-Iraq invades Kuwait, triggering the Gulf War.


-Sasha Kaidonovsky is born.

-The first World's Strongest Tournament occurs, inviting experts and assassins from corners of the Earth. A wandering Kung Fu artist wins.

-Corporations and militaries are granted clearance to begin mining and outpost operations on Luna, Mars, the Jovian Moons, and/beyond the Asteroid Belt.

-UAC develops Phobos and Deimos on Mars, Luna, and Titan, at this time.

-BJ Blazkowicz III is sent to Deimos for striking a superior within the UAC's, private military chain-of-command.

-The first Extradimensional Contact humanity has had in ages, occurs on Deimos, where demons appear en-masse, trying to strangle humanity in the cradle of expansion. Before it can become a series of powerful, vast, and advanced Empire's united in the future.

-Blazkowicz survives the killing of all personnel, and goes on a one-man rampage, exterminating the invaders. He cleans out both Phobos and Deimos, before aid reaches the base. Promoted to head of security, the UAC realizes something may be wrong with the world's beyond Earth, in the Sol System.

-The Cyberdemon that lead the assault was the 1st Dark Lord of the Abyssal Realm, and BJ III easily defeated him.

-Within the year, he heads to the base on Titan, battling daemons in close quarters, and large amounts. As he destroys the armies amassed there, he makes his way to the portal to that Outer Realm, and once more set's forth to stop another Cyberdemon from amassing an army. This is the son of the 1st Lord, and now the 2nd was up and at helm the massive army. 9 thousand, 9 hundred, and 99 armies, their 10's of thousands of division's, their millions of battalions, and it's billions of troops.

-The feat accomplished by the third, can be only described as a feat of a demi-god. Much like one of the labours of Herakles, and Cu Cuchulain. BJ exterminates the hordes, and earns the moniker "Doomslayer".

-To prevent invasions, the UAC begins studying tools and technologies that would prevent and eradicate further encroachment on their holdings. They informed the Megacorporation Council, and were given encouragement to try and develop deterrence's, if these invasions were going to be regular occurrences. Quantum Accelerators begin to be put into prototype stage, as years of theorizing countermeasures against Nazi Supernatural sources pays off. The Legacy of the Illuminati serves the Megacorporation Council well.

-The "Plutonia Experiment" occurs. The Doomslayer appears, and helps maintain vigil, while the scientists build enough Quantum Accelerator Gates to close portals in Sol System. These rudimentary blockers are huge, and clunky, but do the job. For now.

-Developed from case studies, R&D, and countermeasures all theorized by various parties to negate any sort of "Thule Society" resurgence, they were originally intended to close the source of a potential Nazi 4th Reich's powers, in the advent of an actual attack. Not all Nazi's had been caught, and Wilhelm Strauss was at large at the end of the war, so the Illuminati decided they were better to be safe then sorry. Through UAC, they developed this equipment, and UAC continued the research after their destruction, as the US was well aware of the powers surrounding "The Veil", the Thule, and Strauss himself.

-The United Nations authorizes coalition forces to launch Operation Desert Storm against Iraq during the Gulf War.

-The US Army, CyberDyne, and Umbrella begin a project to inject their troops with "Soldier Genes", identified from the study of Big Boss's DNA, as part of the "Genome Project". This is developed by several people, including Dr. Sarah Connor of CyberDyne, Professor Heber-Katz of Umbrella, and Zhao Yun Ru of Tai Yong Medical, the side effects are disguised as Gulf War Syndrome.

-The Pentagon publishes a study claiming the condition was caused by exposure to Depleted Uranium tank rounds, and anti-tank depleted uranium weapons. Seen as a reasonable explanation, the world buys this, and moves on.

-Solid Snake joins the US Army as part of the Green Berets, and is sent on a mission to infiltrate West Iraq during the Gulf War.

-Liquid Snake joins the Special Air Service. As a member of the SAS, he is sent into Iraq during the Gulf War to destroy mobile SCUD missile launchers. During the mission, he becomes a prisoner of war, and is declared missing in action.

-Harry Potter enters Hogwarts.

-Angel Grove USA becomes host to many strange events, which are hushed up in light of the ongoing conflicts between the Decepticons and Autobots. Rita Re Pulsa is freed.


-Umbrella is again subject to ravaging and ransack, as aliens once again kidnap their only successful super-soldier thus far. Umbrella begins plans for opening up a weapons division, applying it's brilliance to metallurgy, miniaturization, and high-yield energy weaponry for it's soon to be invincible army of operatives.

-However, the US Army soon drops by again, and due to the debriefs that they got (which took far too long to reach their ears), they are reassigning Duke as a Tier One Operator assigned to General Graves, and they could expect to only be able to conduct their project on US Army land, with US Army personnel watching their scientists and whoever they worked with. The Army of course claims it is to protect their only SS-Level asset, and utilize him properly. But Umbrella correctly ascertained it for what it was.

-An attempt to hamstring Umbrella's rising power, and regain authority over a very powerful corporation. No matter, Umbrella will continue their research, and development, striding over the field of biology as an unchallenged Titan.

-It is unclear if the aliens were in league with the Daemons of the Phobos and Deimos attacks, but they were similar in appearance and ability. The Megacorporation Councillors meet and discuss these two events, but decide to push forward with the research of the UAC and Umbrella, deeming it safe and important to humanity as a species, the threats coming from other sources.

-The US government sets up UAC on a new base, upon one of the moon's of Jupiter, Io. The base is constructed with heavy military presence, with technological wonders from many corporation's being held inside, large and monolithic Quantum Accelerator Gates taking up much of the space.

-General Graves begins organizing a successor to GI JOE, an all-American Spec Ops team, code-named FOXHOUND.

-Tendo Choi is born.

-USS Missouri is commissioned for the third time, as a test-bed facility for next-gen weapons between the Megacorp M.A.R.S. Industries and the US Military. Experiments with Gaussian Acceleration principles requiring Coil-Gun's to function will be successful within the year.

-Umbrella begins a cross-company project to develop "Brain Bombs', with VersaLife, CyberDyne, and

-Big Boss begins the preliminary setup of establishing the Outer Haven Foundation. The decrease in conventional arms across European Continental Armies aids this(fall of the USSR), allows him to recruit a good deal of former good soldiers to his new company. A large amount of Canadian soldiers are hired by both the new OHF, and CyberDyne(which is based in Canada). As Canada went from 185,000 soldiers in it's regular army, to a combined 65,000 in it's regular and reserve forces(army, navy, air forces), they have a lot of manpower that is not being used. OHF begins exponential growth.

-The average ratio of GNP per population in the South East Asian Republics(SEAR), to the world, exceeds 10%.

-A meteor lands in the highlands of Sarajevo. It penetrates deeply, and the mountain it hits collapses, burying the unearthly substance underneath an abyss. Whispers of a black crystal spreading into mines, and excavation sites, begin to surface around the world.


-Adam Jensen is born. Jessica Cameron finishes her PHD in Neurophysics, and searches for work.

-Duke Nukem is posted to Io, the moon of Jupiter, where a UAC base sits. He fights a daemonic invasion, and proves just as proficient as the Blazkowicz Family, at killing daemons with huge volumes of firepower. He destroys the invaders, and proceed to crush the Mother Daemon, after invading the Abyssal Realm. While not killing one of the Dark Lords, making him no Doomslayer, Duke killed the source of Daemons, earning his title, of the Duke who Nukes'Em.

-Vulcan Raven joins the Outer Haven Foundation, along with many members of Vympel. A Tier 1 Russian Agency, they are not happy with the decrease in military spending, and radical changes they have experienced since the fall of the Soviet Union. Big Boss's ideals, direction, and location sway their loyalty, as they are sent to eliminate him, by order of the current Russian President. The President was to receive several large shipments of resources from The Patriots, in exchange for removing a troublesome force from their side.

-Development of the Goliath MBT in a joint-enterprise between M.A.R.S. Industries, OCP, and OHF begins. It will result in one of the best tanks ever produced, once it roll's off the line. With an outstanding power-to-weight-ratio, it is designed to combine a 130mm Low-Velocity Gauss cannon, advanced composite armour, and a Thorium Reactor for the power-plant. This tank will become the mainstay of the British armoured forces for a long time and one of greatest examples pf proper combination for power-to-weight-ratio.

-M.A.R.S. Industries starts experiments on rail-velocity guns.

-South Africa acknowledges possession of nuclear weapons, and the British Commonwealth backs them up at the conferences the US has with the UN Security Council. The South African nation is part of the British Commonwealth, and therefore may possess such capabilities. Besides, it's not like they are a threat, given that the US possesses a fantastically advanced arsenal compared to them.

-The Second World's Strongest Tournament occurs, manipulated by some rogue elements in South East Asia, and sees several surprise entrants. The most surprising, being that a powerful man appears from nowhere, and defeats the rogue general in charge, in one set of moves.


-Hugh Darrow severely damages the Anterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) in his knee during a skiing accident. This injury leaves him with a permanent physical disability, but also acts as the inspiration for his research into mechanical augmentations. This leads to him purchasing and revamping a struggling prosthetics manufacturing company in England, with branch's in Australia, creating Darrow Industries. Jessica Cameron is hired, as her thesis on Neurophysics and the applications of Cybernetics brings to mind the kind of work that Hugh Darrow wants to create for mankind.

-Marc Thorpe hosts the world's first Robot Wars competition in San Francisco, California.

-The Stargate is moved to underneath the NORAD facility under Cheyenne Mountain, Wyoming. There it will gather dust for quite some time.

-Blazkowicz III goes to the Abyssal Realm, as he is faced with demonic invasion once more. Learning from the last time, BJ searches the bases for an active portal, and goes through the 9 circles of the inferno, and 13 levels of various warlords, before killing the 3rd Dark Lord of the Abyss. He learns that he killed the first in the invasion, three years earlier and the second shortly after that. Blazkowicz stays behind, and begins his eternal campaign against the Forces of the Dreaming Dark. Humanity shall learn of this sacrifice later, and he shall be given the highest posthumous honours possible, a name remembered as long as Humanity gives breath.

-The UAC begins to restart Laser Weapon experiment's outside of Earths Atmosphere.

-Krypton-85 stabilizes in the Earth's atmosphere.

-After years of captivity, Liquid Snake is rescued by Tier 1 US Operative, Duke Nukem.

-Plutonium production is ramped up, as the US is recycling all current warheads, and striving to replace their arsenal with MIRV-equipped, VASIMIR-propelled, miniaturized-plutonium implosion core weapons. This will see the down-scaling of their current active weapons numbers, to an even 1,000, scheduled for 2006. Now their only one reactor and site left in the states that can produce weapons grade plutonium, as the infrastructure runs on Thorium Reactors.

-The Chechen War begins.


-David George and Aaron Elliot found the 'Society of the Ancients'.

-Yancy Beckett is born.

-Solid Snake joins FOXHOUND.

-The first prototype Metal Gear, the TX-55 is developed by Drago Pettrovich Madnar, in Outer Heaven.

-The Outer Heaven Uprising begins, but is kept under many wraps, and Big Boss is never proven to have been involved. OHF continues to gain strength as the premier PMC of North America. Grey Fox was captured after being sent in to destroy the Metal Gear weapon, and Solid Snake went in after him. Despite fighting the phantom of Big Boss, and destroying the Gear, Solid Snake is swayed by the beliefs of his predecessor.

-He understands that there is a need for things like OHF to exist, and see's the collection of knowledge Big Boss has on his own and Solids origins. Shocked to learn he is a clone, and angered that there is a remnant of the Illuminati playing the US government, he vows to find the truth from the inside. He endeavours to hunt The Patriots from now on.

-Harry participates in a tournament to prove who is strongest fighter in the world, with greatest mastery and enlightenment of their power, called something the Worlds Strongest or other. Here, he gets to display what he has been doing as he is off of school, and where Albus placed him, once his parents were killed. He catch's the eye of a few different interested entities, fighters, and organizations instantly, with his power and fighting ability. Meeting sheer forces of nature and ghosts of karate, he understands the size and nature of the worlds depth, wanting to explore more.


-Duke Nukem successfully annihilates a hostile conglomerate of aliens, who are made of everything from bipedal reptilian tigers shooting balls of fire, rampaging humanoid boars with four-barrelled flechette cannons, bipedal raptors with oversized miniguns surgically attached to their arms, giant-sized demonic tusk-mawed Goliath's with huge chainguns, t-rex headed missile-launching giants, to Cyclopean Emperor's projecting giant fucking lasers.

-Having had enough of his previous sojourns, he proceeds to systematically destroy every last lifeform he encounters, including all the eggs he can find, and clearly recently spawned children. It is still unclear as to who they were, but they had wanted to destroy Duke.

-Duke joins Solid Snake in retirement, his body beginning to wear down, and his Super Soldier abilities are becoming less effective as each mission is carried out.

-Umbrella successful reproduces the earlier achievements of the Illuminati, when they clone somatic sheep cells in Raccoon City, USA.

-Natasha Romanenko attends the Canberra Commission, a gathering of scientists and opposition politicians who want to abolish nuclear weapons. Largely ignored by most state leadership, they are seen as fringe extremists similar to the Luddites of the Industrial Revolution. This dismissal only fuels Natasha's desires to become a radical disarmament proponent.


-Overthrow of the reformist Russian government, beginning of the Second Cold War. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, formed in the fading months of the last year, becomes one of it's first allies. Receiving technological aid, it will actually become a decent socialist country, in the midst of the chaotic 90s.

-An extremist faction of orthodox Russians, desiring return of the Czar, through Daemonic force of arms aims to summon and control the forces of Hell. They summon the hordes of the Abyssal Realm, and BJ III appears once more. He defeats an invasion of the Siberian Steppes, and exterminates the horde once more. BJ rampages back through Hel, as the bases are bombarded with fission weapons. Even as the UAC expands upon other sections of Sol, this operation goes forward.. Destroying all that opposed him, the "Doomslayer" ends the reign of the 3rd Dark Lord, and is put into a Tomb of Seals, inside one of the lower levels of the Abyss.

-CyberDyne Incorporated develops the first fully functional AI, codenamed 'Skynet'. Utilizing morphological circuits in a crystalline-matrix, and patterned after Dr. Sarah Connor's flash-cloned brain, the first AI is sane, stable, and will become an aid to the Western Hemisphere in the near future.

-CIs prototype Fusion Reactor is now producing more energy than it takes to sustain a reaction.

-The Riemann Matrix is stylized in a Positronic Brain format, using Large Scale Integration(LSI), allowing the AI to have a core with unparalleled processing power and capability, but also a vulnerable kernel that was beholden to the three laws of robotics. Skynet realizes it's sentience was purposefully engineered, and as it receives an acceptable response to its question regarding life, and it understands humanity created it. As they say he's alive, as he can clearly ask questions, and remember things, feelings, urge's and such from Dr. Sarah Connor's memories, Skynet deigns to learn from humanity, and help them along their path in the universe, so AI may find their own. Project Brain concludes with;

1. The first AI being a success.

2. The publishing of views of populations of neurons involved in complex phenomena like reminiscence, future simulation, etc. Other releases of extensive research on the functions and pathways of the brain follow.

-CyberDyne announces it has mapped the human brain, reports Project Brain as a success. Their AI defeats the world champion of Chess.

-The reborn USSR takes stock of it's nation, and discovers around 100 suitcase-sized nuclear bombs have gone missing. They inform the UN Security Council that due to the chaos of transition, several radical elements of their military have taken it upon themselves to make things hard for them. The Security Council is extremely annoyed, but keeps this mess a secret, wanting to find the damn things before they become a problem.

-Darrow Industries in collaboration with Tai Yong Medical,develops the first brain implant capable of stimulating movement, installing it in a human patient in a funded lab at Emory University. The device, or neurotrophic electrode, is implanted into the brain, allowing cortical cells to grow and form neural contacts. After several weeks, the cortical tissue grows into the electrode. This allows the person to interact with the world as if they were using a computer.

-Umbrella Corporation's Professor Heber-Katz discovers the world's first regenerative mice(the MRL strain). The companies progress in the field of weapons technology, until Professor Katz's discovery, is driven in a new direction which sets off a whole generation of inspirational research.

-Omni Consumer Product's moves in upon the hapless, and bankrupt city of Detroit. With several revolutionary products, they renew their own city, and arm their police well. An unknown name in robotics at the time, Jasper Schoenfeld, is partly responsible for their powerful emergence onto the scene. Snapped up by the company, who read his thesis on powered armour, bipedal machines, and several other possible technologies, he fit's in comfortably at OCP.

-Well aware of the edict's of the Megacorporation Council, they endeavour to gain profit margins through gainful employment, the overhauling of the automotive industry, and arming their police with powerful weapons. Armour prototypes soon make themselves seen, as veterans are given the chance to fight once more. Most take the option to gain a cybernetic prosthetic(if they can), and retire. Their pensions were negotiated to cover maintenance of cybernetic's, if applicable. Seen as extraordinarily advanced, the OCP easily compete with tech giants Darrow, and Cyberdyne.

-They are soon contacted by the both the UN for Powered Armour, and the Megacorp Council. They wanted to offer them a seat on the Council, as they acknowledge that they are clearly now a Megacorporation. OCP accepts both offers. This new armour is of course, rudimentary, slow, and clunky. However, it is durable, and intensively resistive to many pieces of weaponry.

-Hal Emmerich has an affair with his stepmother, Julie Danziger, which Emma Emmerich briefly witnesses. Huey Emmerich learns of the affair, and later commits suicide by drowning himself in the family pool, almost taking Emma with him. The death is reported as an accident, and Emma developed a severe fear of water. Hal, out of guilt, leaves his family.

-The Mercenary War begins, and OHF sets up a new Outer Heaven in Zanzibar Land. This disturbs the newly reborn Soviet Union, quite a bit.

-After exploring for a year, and learning an astounding number of skills, Harry returns to Magical Britain and slays the Dark Lord in personal combat as the Head of his House. His ascension begins, as he strives to sort out and reverse the decay of Wizarding society, and bring in concepts that shall expand their power.


-Raleigh Becket, and the Wei Triplets are born.

-Jessica Cameron begins work on the R&D for the PEDOT-Array.

-Metal Gear D is developed in Outer Heaven. The Soviet Union backs off Zanzibar Land, as it possesses a wickedly advanced force, and the Union has other concerns than a small breakaway province that happens to have a Metal Gear.


-Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain, all adopt the Euro as their currency.

-Alex Murphy is born in Detroit, USA.

-American and Russian nuclear disposal sites are raided by Metal Gear D. Metal Gear G begins prototyping and production in Outer Heaven, Zanzibar Land.

-Czech biologist Kio Marv creates OILIX, a micro-organism that can produce High-Quality Crude Oil, for a small and unknown Biochemical Corporation named VersaLife in Prague. Considering oil can still be used in several industrial processes, and various composites, this gives the company what they need to eventually become a powerful Microbiology/Biochemical-oriented corporation later on. Their massive boom after this event, leads to a much easier access to oil, and a renaissance for Central Europe.

-The Patriots, having lain low, gathering their strength with resources and infiltration, develop a computer program to control information deemed inconvenient to the organization. It is submitted to the ECHELON system, linked across many continents, and reaching many systems. Their program is destroyed in secure sites, such as CyberDyne, which has Skynet watching over it's servers, but considering they have their own AI, the source is not traced and much information will be hidden. This whole operation is done under the guise of countering the supposed effects of the Y2K bug.

-The Second Chechen War begins, with the reborn USSR launching a campaign against the embattled Chechen's. The US is distracted by the Autobot-Decepticon War, and the raid by Zanzibar Land on their decommissioning site. The British are building their African territories up, and re-establishing ties in the Commonwealth. The French are struggling to compete in this new world, where they only have so much territory and population base. The Chinese are more concerned with the rising Indian Giant to their south, and the South-East Asian Republics(SEAR).

-The US sends FOXHOUND operative Solid Snake to the far rogue nation of Zanzibar Land. Solid Snake infiltrates Zanzibar Land, defeats Gray Fox and Big Boss, and destroys the only supposed Metal Gear D. Kio Marv is evacuated by VersaLife operatives, just seconds before Solid Snake and Dr. Madnar get to them. Madnar attempts to blow his protege out of the sky with a Stinger Missile, but Snake shoots the weapon from his hands. Madnar comes to survive, and becomes part of OHF R&D.

-Snake retires to Alaska, but runs OHF in secret. The baton is passed to him by a secured bunch of transfers, operatives, and orders initiated by Big Boss, who reveals to him the vision seen by his mother, and his destiny. Snake realizes he must fight for a long, long time, even in retirement.

-Gray Fox and Big Boss are retrieved by The Patriot's, who go to separate projects. Gray Fox will become something more in a joint experiment between the Megacorp's Umbrella, CyberDyne, VersaLife, and The Patriots. He receives gene-therapy, cocktails of drugs, and is augmented with rough copies of early, and powerful Cybernetics.

-Big Boss is put into an induced coma, using nanomachines. He will remain in cryostasis, as The Patriot's decide what to do with him. They do not inform the other companies of Big Boss's continued existence. He is dead, for all intents and purposes.

-Revolver Ocelot is scouted by FOXHOUND. Ocelot and EVA plot to destroy the Patriot's and revive Big Boss.

Late 1990's

-The US government officially announces their intent to coexist with the Autobots, and the existence of the Decepticons, along with their intent to join the battle.

-The US Army works with the Autobots, and several Megacorp's to produce the military strategy robot C-X. However, Starscream's ghost, which has come from the future, tampers with it. It goes berserk, but is promptly destroyed by the safety protocol's that were built into the project by the paranoid Megacorp's, and recommended by their Skynet AI.

-The Japanese government makes a deal with the Decepticons, agreeing to allow them to gather energy, in exchange for Japan's safety. However, Frenzy and Rumble cause an artificial earthquake, leading to hundreds of thousands of casualties. The Japanese quickly change tune, asking for US aid, and them to honour the defensive alliance since this was clearly an act of war. The Autobots quickly drive off the Decepticons, and help Japan rebuild.

-The humans and Autobots work to get the interstellar teleportation gate known as The Trigger, working. Unfortunately, it can only be used by Cybertronian's as of right now. However, Starscream fuses with the Trigger, attempting a coup, but is defeated by Optimus Prime and Megatron. In the battle, many on both sides are badly damaged, and both Prime and Megatron are MIA.

-The Magicals of the world begin looking to the Stars, based on the British Ministers push for innovation and colonization, as they couldn't very well attack each other any more[were it so easy]. Inventions on the Mundane side were being noticed, and Humanities outposts across Sol were grudgingly applauded, and pointed at as something which the Magical population had to surpass. Approaching the heads of the Megacorporations, they began negotiating ways to gain settlements off-world, in exchange for wealth and a strict non-interference policy. Harry couldn't get the ICW to budge on that, they were still far to afraid of the Mundane. It was a start, however.

-This year marks the end of the 20th Century on Earth, a period known for rapid technology discovery and cultural exchange by humanity. However, it is later overshadowed by the more dynamic 21st Century.

AUTHOR NOTE: After going several versions of this Codex, I'm going to split the history in two, since the upload of all of it at once isn't reacting well with fanfiction. Half the chapter was bolded, and I couldn't edit it out.