A/N: My apologies for taking so long guys...
A fair warning: I changed and added some things pertaining to the biology and lore of the Asari. You'll know it when you see it.
Anyway, please read on, and enjoy! :)
Chapter 18: Promise Me
I clench my teeth hard as hundreds of images flash before my eyes, spinning around me in a globe like form. Hell, maybe its thousands, I can't really tell with how quick they're going. Like flipping through the pages of a book really fast, you know? You can see the words, but it's impossible to comprehend what it's trying to say. With each image comes a set of sounds, much like the Prothean vision does, only this is on a much larger scale. I'm not just hearing cries of agony and conflict. I'm hearing cries of joy, laughter, cars, familiar voices, phones ringing, video games—all of these coming at me in short echoes, brimming with stories behind them.
Despite not being able to tell what each one was, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what these are…
They're my memories.
I drop to my knees, clutching my head now from the force of it all. The tunes coming from the memories feel like an annoying static pumped up at full volume as it buries itself into my ear drums. For something that's supposed to be all in my head, it sure hurts a whole fucking lot! I cup my ears as an attempt to make it go away, but as expected, it does nothing. Jesus, I can barely hear myself think!
"How do I make it stop!?" I ask loudly to get it past the mental barriers of my head.
I open my eyes and see Shiala standing in front of me, an intense look painted on her face before she spoke, "Your memories are unchained and disorganized at the moment. They're running amok inside your brain."
"How do I make it stop!?" I ask again, through gritted teeth.
She kneels down so she's face level with me, "Think of a place you feel most comfortable being in. A happy place, if you will."
I close my eyes. A…happy place…?
Then just like that, the discordant noises that were resonating in my head seemingly vanished, as if someone hit the pause button and everything went silent. I cautiously began to open my eyes and while I was thankful to see I wasn't being surrounded by memories in a dark area anymore, I couldn't keep away the shock of seeing where I was now.
I felt my shoulders slump as my body relaxed and my eyes scanned everything. The 'L-shaped' desk planted in the corner of the room with two monitors stationed on top, along with a tower and PS4 hidden underneath by the desk chair. Various posters of different entertainment sources: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Pokemon, Dead Space. All of them pinned against a solid green wall that circles the room, going behind the wardrobe in the opposite corner of where the desk is, as well as even painting the interiors of the closet next to it. There was no doubt about it.
I'm in my bedroom back home.
My god, it looks just like it did when I left, only more organized. I place a hand on top of my chair, running my fingers across the seams where the two sides of pleather join. The texture feels familiar, but also kind of fake in a way I can't describe. Maybe because it's pleather and not leather, genius…I shake my head, taking a breath as I realize I'm not taking full advantage of my lungs. Sitting down on my bed, I could hear the loose headboard tap against the wall due to my weight making the bed buckle slightly.
For a small moment I found myself overjoyed, indulging in the sunlight beaming through the open cracks of the curtains covering the windows. All of this, maybe it was all just a dream…Dropping into another planet in the future, a fictional one created by game developers nonetheless, and going on an adventure with one of my gaming heroes. God that is one wacky ass dream if you ask me. Might make for one helluva story though...My friends would never believe me, but my mom might find it interesting. Maybe I'll tell her about it over some coffee.
I exhale a shaky sigh and my eyes began to heat up, as the realist in me escorts the optimist off the premises.
This isn't real. This chair isn't real. The bed isn't real. The sunlight that hasn't warmed my face in the slightest, isn't real either. I bow my head down in disappointment, noting the clothes I was wearing for the Feros mission has changed to my usual 'stay-at-home' clothes: black sweatpants and a grey tee. Even this shit isn't real…
After releasing another heavy sigh, I shot myself up off the bed and stood on my feet. Staying here moping in my head wouldn't do me any good right now. As much as I'd rather curl up in the sheets of my bed, I'm still not sure how this melding works.
Can Shiala even see all of this right now? If she can, I'd imagine she has a lot of questions. I'm not sure how my room differs from that of future…err, modern people, but I think I'd be at least a little suspicious in her shoes.
"Shiala, are you still there?" I question the air, searching for her.
"I am here." She replies.
"Can you see my…" I trail off. Should I say it's my bedroom? Eh, it doesn't matter right? It's not like there's anything here that gives away my secret. Aside from the 170 year old computer just sitting in the corner of the room…Mm, maybe I'll play it safe for now…
"…uh, happy place?" I finish.
"No. We can communicate intangibly, but I am unable to enter until you let me in." She explains.
Let her in? My eyes migrate over to the door of my room.
"So I just have to…open the door for you?"
I saunter over and grip the doorknob, peeking back to the computer before pressing my lips into a tight line. I'm sure I can bullshit a reasoning for that, it's worked well for me so far. Besides, it's only Shiala that has to see it, right? I should probably ask.
"Is Shepard out there too?" God this feels weird.
"She is not. Commander Shepard is currently in her own happy place." She replies.
"Alright, you can come in, but please be mindful about what you need to see. I don't know how melding works, but this is not a free ticket to parade around in my brain, okay?" I twist the knob and pull the door open, which startles me slightly as I expected to see the hallway of my house for a second there.
Shiala chuckles, "I have been trying to get the Commander to open her door, but she seems hesitant to let you in as well." I stare at the Asari, not really knowing what to say. Can you really blame her? It's exceptionally rare in the games for Shepard to reveal anything about themselves at all, unless it came to the mission I guess.
I usher Shiala inside and her eyes immediately flick back and forth to the things around my room. "Your 'happy place' is very interesting. Is this...your bedroom?" She asks, as she gestures to the bed.
Nodding my head, I cross my arms, "It's my room back at home. I'm into a lot of old retro stuff, entertainment-wise, anyway." I took a step forward. "You'd be surprised by the amount of stuff you can find on the extranet for a cheap price."
She turns to her side and ogles the poster pinned on the wall next to the TV, "What is this? It looks like some kind of map?"
I stand next to her, "Very perceptive." I comment sarcastically out of habit, but it doesn't seem like she took offense to it, so I answer properly after clearing my throat, "That's a map based off a fictional world, one that takes place in a series of old books, called Game of Thrones."
She puts a hand underneath her chin, "Fascinating. Was it well-received?"
I laugh, "Oh, it was very well-received. It was complemented for doing certain things other stories had never done at the time."
"Ah." She acknowledges before rubbing her hand on the top of the closest computer monitor, "Forgive me, I'm not usually so bold when melding with strangers."
"You make it seem like you do this often." I comment, leaning back on one foot.
She nods, "Because I do...or did. Working under Benezia, I was something of a courier."
A courier? "You delivered messages?" I ask, interestingly.
"Of a sort." She replies, "Lady Benezia is a very esteemed Matriarch among the Asari, lovingly known for her wisdom and knowledge of the galaxy, which of course would make her council well sought out." She chuckles, "Even the councilwoman would ask for her advice from time to time."
That's certainly intriguing. You hear praise about Benezia from time to time in the games but not on this type of level.
"Anyhow, I was chosen to be Lady Benezia's Third. I'd go with her to meetings and more often than not, melding would be a quick way to sort information with her."
"So being a Third means you were her secretary?"
Shiala continues, "I suppose you could say that, but it was more than just relaying messages. There a few thousand Asari's who excel at melding more than others. Ones who can heal with a deft touch of personalities. I am one of those. It is in fact one of the reasons Benezia thought it best I came with her to join Saren."
That is so freaking cool, why is this never mentioned in the games? "How do you mean heal them? Like physical-mental-therapy?"
She smiles, "That is a fitting explanation. For example: Asari are naturally born biotic, but that does not mean it's impossible to push their own limits. More often than not, it occurs when trying to protect a friend or loved one. Those that do undergo a state of Alerna." I must have made a confused face or something, "Roughly translated, that's: 'Guardian Angel'; for those who go through it suffer from noxious side effects of their biotic nature, leaving their mental capacity broken into pieces."
"That's amazing...I mean, it sucks to be on the receiving end, sure, but I had no idea the Asari were capable of such a thing! So then, you would meld with them and fix the pieces back together, make them good as new." I assume, attempting to connect the dots.
"Not good as new, unfortunately." She admits, "It would take a lot of time to try to explain, time I'm afraid we don't have. But in short, the most one like me could do for the person is put them back into normal society again. Their biotics would be no stronger than that of a child's afterward. It is the epitome of a double-edged sword."
"Yeah, well, only losing your biotics sure as hell beats the alternative." I point out.
"I agree." She nods again and smiles, "So, as I was saying, when I meld with strangers I don't usually tend to look around unless it was necessary, but in here...Something feels different. Other worldly..."
I gulp hard before she continues, "Though perhaps it is because you are human, and I've never melded with two at the same time before. But both your's and Commander Shepard's minds feel significantly different. Yours is warm, fluid, and kind in many ways. The Commander's is...well, that is for you to find out I suppose."
I put a hand up in front before she can make anymore inclinations, "Listen, I'm sorry if it's discourteous of me, but I think it's be best if we get this done so I can get out of this."
She nods her head in understanding, "Of course." She says switching back to business, "We just need to find your link."
I tilt my head at her, "My...link?"
"Yes, the link that allows you to navigate your memories." She explains, "If I were to guess, I'd say it's your computer here in the corner."
I move past her and sit in the computer chair, "What makes you say that?"
Just as my butt hits the seat, my monitor blinks to life, displaying one file after another. The starting image of a memory plastered on the front of them all. So each file must be a different memory. Huh…It reminds me of Heavy Rain, when you get the video footage of the Origami Killer at the club. No, yeah it looks exactly like that.
"Now we search for the memory of the Prothean vision." She points to the mouse, "I believe you can use that to scroll through them?"
I look up at the Asari and then down to my mouse, cupping it under my hand. I nudge my index finger down the mouse wheel, and it scrolls down three files of memories. This doesn't seem so hard to navigate, hell it's like using my computer again! Technically it is, but this is in my head, so it's not real, even though it feels so fucking lucid it blows my mind. Shit, melding is like being in Inception.
After about fifteen scrolls down memory lane (haha), I spot the image of a Prothean being mutilated against a rock. Only it's not a rock, it's something that was stripping pieces of them off, like a vacuum sucking away their being. I think I preferred it more when it was just flashing through quickly...
"Found it." I announce, "Now what?"
Shiala puts her hand on my shoulder, "Open it."
I double click on the file and found myself somewhere else, in the center of a gruesome battle as the vision came flaunting before my eyes. One by one I could see them dying, helpless against the might and terror that is the Reapers. Explosions rocking the ground as if the planet itself was going to collapse beneath my feet, until finally the scene pulls out and I could see the planet once more, with the same child like figure I couldn't recognize holding the world in the palm of their hands.
Once the experience was over, I found my self back in my room, taking deep breaths as my face almost hit the keyboard in front of me.
"It is done." She informs me, "I have finished with the Commander as well. Though as I said before, it won't do any good unless you both trust each other implicitly."
Pushing myself away from the desk, I lift up out of the chair, "Guess we'll have to work on that with Liara."
"Indeed." She bows her head to me but still keeps eye contact, "I shall see you on the outside, Marcus."
I smile back at her, "Definitely. Is there anything I'm supposed to—?"
My eyes flutter open with my senses all regaining their information. On top of the unsettling feeling I've gained from the Cipher, the decrepit smell from the tower and remains of the Thorian once again make itself known. The fire in the corner cracking, the pink face of Shiala in front of me, and the touch of Shepard's hand all pulls me back into reality. I immediately let go of her hand (she doesn't seem to mind much) and Shiala opens her mouth to speak.
"I have given you both the Cipher, just as it was given to Saren." She notes, "The ancestral memories of the Protheans are a part of you now."
Kaidan's raspy voice comes from behind me, "You two feeling okay? What did you see?."
Shepard swipes the back of her hand across her brow, "I saw...something. It still didn't make any sense."
"Same here," I add, "Almost exactly like last time, just...a little slower, I guess? Still one hell of an experience, though."
"You have been given a great gift," Shiala tells Shepard and I, "The experience of an entire people. It will take time for your mind to process this information."
"You guys look a little queasy," Ash points out from my five o' clock, "We should get you back to the ship."
Shiala inhales through her nose, "I'm sorry if you have suffered, but there was no other way. You needed the Cipher. In time, it will help you two understand the vision from the beacon. Just remember, it's decryption also depends on your willingness to do so."
In that last part, she specifically pointed her eyes at me and held it there for a moment, before glancing at Shepard. Alright, Shiala I get it...Now, how do I lie about something I can't lie about?
Shepard speaks with her hand, "Now that you're free of the Thorian, what are going to do next?"
Shiala's demeanor changes to a less professional tone, something more sincere, "If you allow it, I would like to stay here with the colonists. They have suffered greatly, and I played a role in their suffering. I would like to make amends."
Talk about being perfect for a situation! Now that I know what Shiala can do, this seems like the obvious place for her to be. Unless that mind mending stuff only pertains to biotics and Asari...Eh, who knows? Either way, she'll be a positive addition to rebuilding the colony.
"The colonists will need all the help they can get." Shepard says, taking the paragon option as I expected, "They'll be happy to have you on their side."
"Thank you, Commander." She bows her head and glances at me, and then to the rest of us, "May fortune smile upon you all."
So with the Thorian and Geth seemingly defeated, we began making our way to the exit. Unlike in the game, Shepard goes above and beyond with helping the colony, after she radioed Joker the all clear and ordered to have some emergency supplies sent over from the Normandy, as well as crewmen to tend to the colonists of Zhu's Hope. So once we made it out of the Thorian's lair, the small settlement was brimming with activity. Most of the colonists were starting to wake up from the gas grenades and the team sort of split up to different things.
Shepard was approached by Fai Dan and Juliana and I think that's when she decided to introduce Shiala to them. With Fai Dan also being alive, the three of them are going to make one heck of a team at rebuilding this place. Kaidan went to check on any wounded on the off chance that their own doctor still wasn't feeling well. He hasn't come back yet so I'm assuming that to be the case. Garrus and Tali are off assisting with any technical repairs still needed for the colony to function properly. Something might have taken some damage after the creepers showed up in that last attack or something. Ashley was helping the crew of the Normandy, setting down supplies and making sure it all stayed organized. Wrex went back to the ship and...well yeah, that's pretty much that.
I wanted to go with Ash and help set things down, but I can barely move my left arm without feeling at least a little bit of pain, so I've just been standing by the freighter, watching everyone like you would at a park for the next ten minutes. Through all the traffic I find Liara, speaking with whom I believe is Lizbeth. It looks a lot like her anyway. I watch them converse back and forth until I manage to spot a small figure in the corner of the crowd, making their way to the medical portion of the freighter.
It's Ben.
I jog over to him, sifting my way through the small crowd until I reached the door, with Liara falling in step next to me. She must have noticed him too then. Either way, we enter through the freighter door behind him, greeting us with a hiss as we step inside. The boy knew where to look, frantically heading straight for the left door at the end of the hall, avoiding anyone that was stagnant in the hall itself. We mimicked his movements as best we could with the size difference and then turned into the clinical room, where we found Shepard and Kaidan close to Ben. Shepard must have finished speaking to Fai Dan and them, and then came to see how the injured were doing. She really is quite the person… Anyway, the three were standing over a man with hair resembling Ben's, except more faded and worn out, laying down on a cot.
Ben was distraught which prompted Liara and I to share a glance as a guilty feeling pimpled my skin with goosebumps. Don't tell me he…
In that moment, the man's eyes lazily opened, blinking once or twice before managing to keep them open for good.
"Dad?" Ben whispered hoarsely, with tears on the edge of falling.
The man smiled big like a fool and whispered back, "Benny…"
Ben, or Benny, since that's his full name I guess, attacks him in a bear hug, "Dad! You're alive! You're alive! Don't scare me like that again!"
Now I felt myself smiling like a big fool. It was just so nice to see him reunited with his dad, it's the only thing he wanted and risked his own life to ensure that happened.
His father ruffled his hair, his words soothing, "I'm so sorry, Benny. I promise, I won't ever do it again." He looks up at the two Alliance marines, and then to Liara and I, "Are you guys the Alliance?" Shepard nods smiling, "I can't thank you enough. I—hell, this entire colony, would have been doomed if you hadn't showed up. Is it safe to assume the Geth didn't give you much trouble?" He chuckles wryly.
I cross my arms, "The Geth? Nah, only to a certain extent. There were other…complications that became the real trouble, though."
Ben's dad stared at me with a knowing look and I refused to pull my eyes away. He needs to know that we know he was a part of this. Neither of us broke eye contact for like five seconds until Ben decided to have the honor.
"Don't give them all the credit, it was me who found out how to fix you." He stated with glee, which isn't fully the truth, but I won't take it away from him, "I went back to Irridom to look for the solution you said you were working on, and I even managed to get back mom's necklace!" He pulls the charm around his neck and flaunts it to his father.
Unfortunately, his facial expression didn't show any sign of praise, only distress, "You what!? How could you go back to Irridom, you know how dangerous it is!"
Ben's shoulders slumped like a wounded dog, but his voice remained steady, "You weren't feeling well and no one knew how to help you, what was I supposed to do?" He turned back to Liara and me and stepped next to us, "Besides, I wasn't alone, I had my friends there to help me. This is Marcus and Liara." His smile turned into a giant grin, "Dad it was such an adventure! After we got back to the house, we were attacked by these green zombie things, and then we passed through the broken tower by the docking port, where we saved their ship from being under attack by even more of those monsters!" He peaked his head at me and then switched it back to his father, his voice sounding giddier with each word, "Oh, you have to see their ship, Dad! It. Is. Awesome!"
The man was speechless as he gawked at his son. With Ben finally catching his breath I decided to speak up, "Ben did a great job during all this. He was very brave and got us three out of some very difficult situations."
He looked at his son after that, "…Come here." He opened his arms, "How did I end up with such an amazing kid?"
Ben laughed and accepted the hug, resting his head on his shoulder. Only for a few seconds though, because he yanks himself back off the cot and on his feet. He shyly side-glances at Liara with a blush and rubs the back of his head. He doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of her, that's adorable that he has a crush on Liara. I mean, who wouldn't?
Eh…I'd hate to ruin these happy times, but it's gotta be done…I whisper to Liara, "We need to talk to him about those files on his computer, think you can distract Ben for five minutes?"
"I'll do my best." She replies with a nod before placing a hand on Ben's back, "Ben, I am sure your father would like a drink of water. How about we go get him some?"
The boy beamed, "Okay! I'll be right back, dad." He yells out as he exits the room with Liara.
After a few seconds of silence, I put all my weight on one foot, shifting my balance as I spoke, "I'm…sure you know what this is about." I infer.
He sighs tiredly, "Yes. After Benny mentioned you went through my computer to find the solution to the sickness problem, I assumed this was going to come next." Inhaling deeply through his nose and then exhaling quickly through his mouth, "Well, I suppose introductions are in order then. My name is Richard Langston. And if you were able to defeat the Geth, it means you've already visited the ExoGeni headquarters. So, I'm not sure what else I can tell you that you don't know already."
"Your son is a bright kid, very smart and about as stubborn as they come." I praise, which makes him snicker to himself, "He speaks very highly of you, about how good you are, so I have to ask: why are you involved with all of this?"
"You may not believe me when I say this, but ExoGeni was a good company, solely focused on the betterment of colonies for Humanity. We had good intentions, it wasn't always like this." He says.
"I find that hard to believe," Shepard comments, "Your superiors contacted one of your scientists and ordered to have the tower purged of any evidence that links them to the Thorian."
"They tried to jump ship," He mumbles quietly, "I'm not surprised after things got as bad as they did. Like I said, ExoGeni was a good company, and even though their motive remains the same, they turned their focus onto different methods to benefit humanity."
"Why the sudden change? It's a pretty big leap to go from colonization to bio-organic warfare." Kaidan inquires.
"I, uh, think it had something to do with the company partnering up with another Pro-human group. An organization called Cerberus."
So ExoGeni partnered up with Cerberus? Guess this explains that side quest…
"Cerberus? So they're responsible for all this?" Shepard asks.
He scrunches his nose, "It'd be unfair to pin all of the blame on them, ExoGeni could have refused or stopped anytime they wanted to. Besides, it was only this cell of ExoGeni that linked up with them. The Thorian possessed very powerful abilities and we thought it would prove useful for negotiations and warfare. We were trying to find a way to end conflict before it could even begin, and if not that, we wouldn't have to throw away a person's life in some meaningless war."
"And the negative side effects it was having on the Colonists?" Shepard crossed her arms, "That didn't matter to you at all?"
"Of course it mattered," He argued, "but it was the only way for us to get field data on what it could actually do."
Jesus Christ, is this guy even listening to himself? No field data is worth it if it puts innocent lives at stake like this. No matter how admirable the motive may be.
"How many had to suffer and get killed over your precious field data?" Shepard snarls.
He slumps his shoulders, "No one anticipated the Geth showing up. In a way, I'm grateful that they did. Because after being under its control myself, no amount of data for an unstable weapon is worth all of this." He waves his hand at the air around him. "I'm glad you guys killed the damned thing. God, I can still feel it in my head now…"
"What do you plan on doing now?" Kaidan asks, "After what you just said, I can't imagine you'd be going back ExoGeni."
"Assuming I'm lucky enough that you guys don't arrest me? Turn in my resignation and just focus on getting this colony back in working order. Doubt they'll like that very much, but that'd be for me to worry about." He answers. Does that mean he and Ben could still be in danger? "Much as I hate this broken dust ball of a home, it's still home nonetheless."
Shepard doesn't appear to be convinced, "How can I be sure of that? What's to stop you from reporting to your bosses and jumping right back into work?"
He frowns, "My son almost died because of this fucking mess, because of me!" He looks at me, "Did you happen to download the files off my laptop in Irridom? All of them?" I nod, "Good. Those files contain a great amount of information regarding various projects being worked on in ExoGeni. And you should also know I sent a few samples of Thorian tissue out to a small cell working in an uncharted world, I can't remember the name at the moment but it's in the file. You go over there, take them out, and then you'll only have that Cerberus group to deal with. Is that enough?" He asks almost pleadingly.
I look to Shepard who glances at Kaidan and then at me. I bow my head once to show her I believe it's enough to let him free. It's more than most of the other guilty scientists have done. Besides, if this man really is that smart, they're gonna need his help rebuilding Feros.
Finally, Shepard speaks, "Alright, fine. You're off the hook."
He sighs in relief, "Thank you, Commander. I am in your debt."
"Just make sure you do everything you can to get this colony running again. You owe them that."
"A lot more than that." I add.
"Yes, of course." He agrees, "I'll work with Fai Dan and do everything in my power to help."
After an awkward stretch of using only one arm, I yawn obnoxiously. The Normandy crew was making their way back to the ship. Most everyone was already on board I think after getting everything settled, but I'm walking there now with Liara and Kaidan. Ben is with us too—he wanted to see us off.
"Oh man, I can't wait to take a shower." I said after yawning and slumping my shoulders.
"Yeah, you desperately need one." Ben commented with a pinched nose.
I shook my head, about to reply until Kaidan spoke first, "That smell is you? I was wondering why it felt like the Thorian never left."
"Hardy fuckin' har, guys." I retort, "I don't see you covered in layers of plant shit. So keep your comments to yourselves, alright? Imagine how I feel!" Like an absolute mess, with soreness being felt everywhere, and a nasty headache that just refuses to leave.
"It is not that bad…" Liara lies. Trust me. I know how I smell. It's a lie.
"It's okay, Liara, I know I stink right now...But thanks for trying." I say, dryly.
After a few more minutes of walking on the path, we arrive at the docking port and Liara, Ben and I stop in place, with Kaidan turning to me.
"Don't take too long okay?" He tells me. I nod to him before he smiles and turns on his heels towards the Normandy.
Ben grabs his elbow with his other arm, looking away from us as he spoke, "So…I guess this is goodbye, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess it is." I answer simply, "But it's not goodbye forever."
His eyes blink up to ours, "It's not? Don't you guys have more people to save?"
"Of course, but that doesn't mean we'll be gone forever." I tell him, "We're friends now. Get that memorized, alright? So whenever you need our help, just give us a call, and we'll come running." I'm trying my best to not make it sound like some after school special, but I want him to know that he's not alone. He just lost most, if not all of his other friends here…Besides, I'm sure Shepard isn't one to turn down someone in need of help, let alone a kid.
Ben smiled just as Liara decided to speak, "You have our contact information. If you feel the need to speak to one of us, please do not hesitate to send a message."
The boy's cheeks turned into a rosy pink for a split second before nodding his head fiercely, "Thank you, guys. And I promise, I'll do my best to help put the colony back together! I'm really gonna miss you…"
I smiled, "We'll miss you too, Ben."
He narrowed his eyes, still smiling, "Who said anything about you, loser? I was talking about Liara."
I slumped my shoulders and glared at him. Okay, if he wants to play it like that…I kneel in closer to him so Liara couldn't hear, "You're saying that 'cause you got a little crush on her don't you?" I tease him.
His face turns an even brighter red before he grasps a handful of my shirt and shoves me back, giving me a full whiff of his breath as he exhaled. Somebody clearly hasn't brushed their teeth in a while…
The push wasn't as strong as I assume he wanted it to be and I just stood up straight.
"You be sure to watch her back while you're out there, alright?" He yells at me, "Otherwise, next time I see you I'm going to kick your ass!"
Liara was taken aback by how brash he was being, but we both smiled nonetheless.
I crossed my arms, "Wouldn't want that to happen." I chuckled before throwing away my smile, "But I want you to promise me something too now, Ben. I meant what I said before. If you feel like you or your dad are getting into a dangerous situation, even remotely. Promise me, you'll tell us right away."
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but after what his Father said about ExoGeni, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
"Why?" He snorts, "You've already seen that I can take care of myself. And with my dad around, I've got nothing to worry about."
"I'm serious, Ben." I deadpan, "Promise me."
He looked at me up and down for a second before sighing and extended a hand with his pinky finger poking out. Been a while since I've done this, it feels very childish but, what the hell?
I wrap my own pinky finger around his and we shook.
"I promise."
A/N: Wooh! Finally done with Feros, THANK THE FUCKING LORD! Now we can move on to better, more colorful events and environments :D
Hopefully, y'all like the little lore additions I made for the Asari? I always felt like the Asari are too genetically perfect, you know? Ardat-yakshi's are pretty much the only bad thing going for them, and they never have any consequences to their biotics like other species' do (via implants), so I wanted to give them some weaknesses too. Because they're naturally biotic, this seemed like the best way to do it. Ah well, let me know what you think of it :)
Now that this chapter is finished, I'll be doing as I said before in the last two chapters: working on my other story, but still posting with every few chapters or so. I'll try my best to not take so long with finishing the first act of the other story, but I cannot make any promises on the chance that life decides it wants to be difficult again. -_-
Anyway, until next time, see ya!