Well folks our weird little experiment is now a reality, hop on over to the crossover section for Mass Effect/Code Geass and take a gander at "Ashes of Tomorrow"(Or you know...just click my author name...which I should probably change because I chose it when I was 18 and I still have no idea what I was referencing...oi), that being said a couple shout outs

He-SpecOps-Strait from the get go I wanted to avoid excessive use of Geass, and I specifically gave Nunnally one that would scare her to use, there's a reason for it though and Geass will play a way bigger part in the sequel. Also thanks for all the reviews!

Tahkaullus01-Yer making me blush, thankyou for the kind words, also just for you I'm gonna throw something special in for Cornelia, it'll fit her Geass anyhow, I'll leave you one word, Kshatriya

Single Silver Eye-Thanks for all the comments bud =)

NovusExios-OK that one had me blushing too, shucks guys

icfehr-I'm really glad you found it funny, I try to blend my humor and drama/action together because there's just not enough laughter in the world

Rider831-She certainly did, the Britannian AI's rabid loyalty to Lelouch will play a major part in the sequel, enjoy that little factoid till then

FlyingFish1991-Just for you bud I'll bring back the latin, and thanks for the tips I'm down for finding my quotes as far away from google translate as possible

LuckyShadowWolf-Thanks man, its been a fun couple of months teaching myself to write well again

Destrark-Yes, Harbinger is indeed fucked

TheDelta724- Yup Lloyds awesome, expect more of him

Geasszero-I don't speak spanish but from what google tells me you said nice things, so thanks!

The Dreaming Immortal- Thanks I've been looking forward to Lloyd's "daughter" for about a month now

Magery-As a gift I'll let ya know what Cornelia's geass is, its not a major secret just wasn't pertinent to the plot, Geass of the Hunter, she can see anyone who she considers an enemy no matter the distance or conditions as a red outline, couple this with the warmachine I'm giving her...

The Worldwalker-Glad you enjoyed the show

K-How the family handles Turians and Lelouch's reaction to galactic events are the driving force behind this sequel, enjoy it!

To everyone I forgot to mention and all the guests, thanks so much guys seriously the reviews have kept me going and I hope to see you all at the sequel!