Chapter 1: A New Home

The year is 2021. Mankind has yet to discover the Prothean ruins, and change doesn't come fast enough to stop the tide of global warming, the vast divide between rich and poor, and a planet of dwindling resources. Around early spring of that year, astronomers noticed a newly formed wormhole orbiting Mars. Initial probes sent revealed not only did the wormhole conveniently allow easy travel without harm to equipment, but also an untouched star system laying in wait at the other end. The UN initiated a multinational effort to harvest resources from these planets, if not colonize a new home for Humanity. The colonists had no idea of the burdens the road ahead had in store.

My name is Fredrick Müller, and this is the story of me, and my people.

Nov 17, 2023

14 hrs/24 min/54 sec

Eastern Border Mines, 18 miles NE of Delta Station

Wyatt Reid continued to grunt in frustration as he began working his final touches on the broken machine. It was the fifth time the drill had shorted out within the last twelve hours. Hopefully, with his new approach, the damned thing would keep going for much longer. He planned on putting a requisition order in for new parts; it was too tedious to reuse the same rusted scrap for three months straight.

"Well? You done down there?" An impatient voice hollered from the top of the mining drill.

As Wyatt finished, he turned off his headlamp, rubbed any sore-spots through his enviro-suit and looked up to his colleague. "I think that should hold, now give the thing a jolt and see if she runs," he said as he replaced the panel on the combustion module. He heard a sharp, grinding sound before the room around him came to life.

The same voice from above cried out in satisfaction. "Hah! Thanks Wyatt! This means the world to me!"

With a sharp sigh, Wyatt climbs up the ladder before responding. "Yeah, yeah, just another day, Vincent. Even if this hunk o' junk is running, the fix is temporary. Much of the engine is well worn, and is in dire need of replacement."

"That's still two n' a half weeks of filling forms, waiting for approval, and waiting for shipment from Earth, right?"

"Well I don't want my arse in a sling if Barry finds out. If you're looking for trouble, then by all means, kick the hornets' nest." Bernard Vincent, for a man of his job, was incredibly impulsive. If he wasn't the one responsible for resetting the number of days passed since a workplace accident, he was incredibly close to. However, if it's one thing Vincent was good at cheating, stealing, and hiding the truth.

"Shhshshs! There's Barry, keep your trap shut!" Vincent said in a whisper like steam from a leaking pipe.

The name "Barry Locke" basically translated to "living hell" amongst most of the mechanics and miners. Despite his dull, obese exterior, Barry was fast, strong, abrasive, and short tempered. As much as anyone hated their enviro-suits, it did help hide the fear wafting off of them as Barry rolled by. Barry stopped at the foot of the drill before glaring at the two. "I assume the drill will work without dying, Bernard?"

"P-please boss, i-it's Vincent. Only my parents call me Bernard," Vincent mumbled.

"You haven't answered my question yet, Bernard," Barry prompted again with more acid in his tone.

Wyatt replied instead, with much more confidence. "Yessir, the drill is operational. However, due to the age of the machinery, we may need new parts before too long." Wyatt knew that mechanics like him were too valuable to boot back to Earth, and subsequently had more leverage than Vincent.

Barry huffed in annoyance. "Great. Just great. Also, the UNC Discovery just came into dock with a new shipment just came from Earth. HQ just radioed in to let me know they want several mechanics on sight to load and prepare her for her return to Earth. I hear you have family aboard her, too."

Wyatt proceeded to salute before turning to Vincent and saying, "remember, you owe me a beer." He climbed off the drill before running off to return to the tram station. As he entered the station and ripped off his tight, musty enviro-suit, Wyatt couldn't help but grin like an idiot. The mere thought that only five months ago, he was working at a dead-end job as a car mechanic back on Earth left him speechless. When he got the offer to transfer across the stars to help Man's expansion into the unknown along with all the other perks, he immediately made the jump. He was even allowed to have his family exported to the colonies in an effort to establish a stronger foothold. With his family alongside as he faced the final frontier, for the first time in his life, he truly felt free.

Lab 04a, SW quadrant of Delta Station

"I hope the new vents are helping disperse heat, and prevent overload?" the doctor said with an accent like thick smoke.

"Yes Dr. Müller, we are getting signs that the refined dark-matter cores are much more stable with the ventilation fins," his assistant said, showing the graphical displays on a data pad.

"Good. Tell the mechanics to put the cores through the final test. We just might be able to start production by the end of the week. By the end of the year, we may very well cut down on travel times by seventy-five percent, or even safely expand to other planets in this region without severe cost to resources. Hell, we're still scratching the surface," said Dr. Müller with a tone of confidence.

"Understood, it will be done," the assistant said as he walked away.

Dr. Müller continued to stare at the laboratory from the balcony above. Throughout his career, Andrew Müller had accomplished plenty to set his name for the history books. He had set the path for curing various neurological diseases, developed a proper treatment for cancer, and other improvements in medicine. He was considering life as a University Professor when he suddenly received the offer to be among the lucky few to lead Mankind's effort to find a new home and explore. However, he did feel out of his league when it came down to his current research concerning the minerals they discovered in this system or terraforming their harsh new home, rather than continuing his work in medicine. Regardless, he still felt the thrill of potential. The only thing he could possibly desire at the present was the sign of alien life - extinct or otherwise - to fill the void that was the Galaxy.

Spaceport, middle of Delta Station

Eagle Nest, this is the UNC Discovery, permission to dock at Delta Station. This is the UNC Discovery, permission to dock.

Discovery, this is Eagle Nest, permission granted. Please proceed to docking bay 09. Be advised, a storm is approaching from the North West, get to the hanger quickly.

Understood, Eagle Nest. This is the Discovery moving on.

The gates of the space-dock slowly opened with a loud, bellowing creak. The UNC Discovery slowly hovered in followed by the deafening, mechanical whirl of the thrusters, landing gear creaking out, before finally coming to rest on the docking bay floor.

Thrusters powering down, landing gear set, all systems are still intact Eagle Nest.

Good. Shutting the airlock doors behind you. Wait till the dock is completely sealed and re-pressurized, then we'll start sending dock workers and engineers to assist with unloading cargo and perform any necessary fixes. Welcome back to Khonsu.

Copy that, Eagle Nest. Discovery out.

The planet that his team currently resided on, named Khonsu, was a mountainous, barren planet rich with resources, but completely unfit for living. filled with toxic gases, and little protection from the nearby sun. Furthermore, the sandstorms that picked up frequently made travel incredibly dangerous. The planet would be absolutely life-sustaining if it weren't for the incredibly frail atmosphere. It was absolutely necessary to keep all equipment, vehicles, and staff in-doors during large gusts, lest they be swept away or buried.

As the hanger airlocks finally shut and pressurized, everyone started getting to work. Wyatt temporarily left his post by the engines to look through the newly arrived settlers. His face lit up when he saw Josephine and their little Michael in her arms among the crowd. He dashed through and greeted the two with enthusiastic, open arms.

"Jose! I can't begin to describe how happy I am to see you here! How are you Mike? Hopefully you've been alright?" It had been a very long four months away from his family.

Josephine let out a happy chuckle. "Woah! Slow down, cowboy! We missed you too. How's working afar been treating you?" She'd been fearful at first, when Wyatt had first gotten the call to travel beyond. The couple just had Michael, and to be whisked away so soon caused her to worry about raising their child alone.

"Incredibly lonely, to say at most. The guys here are quite the cosmopolitan bunch, so life isn't boring. But now you two are here, it'll be exciting to think about us, together again, facing uncharted space!"

"I'm sure it'll be fun," she responded with a chuckle.

"Anyways, I got to get back to work, you have my address, so tell the loaders where to go, and go straight to the living blocks. The guys here are incredibly friendly, so don't worry about getting lost. I'll catch up with you later." Wyatt gave one last caring glance before returning to the Discovery.

Eastern Border Mines, 18 miles NE of Delta Station

It had been a couple hours since Wyatt had finished repairing the drill. Only half an hour ago, the mines had received a storm warning, and everyone was quitting early to avoid being cut off. Vincent was still working, almost with a zealous drive.

"Bernard, what do you think you're still doing up there?" Barry's raspy voice rang.

"I- * grunt * -I'm telling you boss, dark-matter doesn't produce signals like this." Vincent replied, with unusual confidence. Vincent had worked long enough to know the specific energy signals put off by dark-matter, but the output of this signal was definitely not normal. He'd already reached the frequency at which it normally produces at close range, and it was still increasing.

"Orders came from HQ, sandstorm is coming through. Feel free to sleep in the mine bunks, but everyone else is shipping home."

"Yeah, well, this is definitely not dark-matter, and I'm not calling quits 'til I know what the hell is goin' on."

"Pfft, drill yourself to the other side of the planet, see what I care," Barry spat as he walked towards the exit.

As soon as Barry was out of earshot, Vincent turned to himself, shut off his radio, and muttered, "What a sick, fat fuck. If that bastard so much as carried half his weight around here, we'd all be- the hell?"

Vincent's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the drill finally broke into some unexplored chasm. He pulled the drill back a bit, climbed down, and walked into the new opening. He only took a few steps before sharply stopping. He looked around the open cave before him, staring with wide eyes, and a slack jaw.

"My God…"

Beta Base, Mars side of the wormhole

Watchtower, this is the UND Guardian. We have just dropped our load off at home, and we are heading back out with medical supplies and defense equipment to deliver at Delta. Are we clear to enter?

Guardian this is Watchtower, you are clear to enter. Be safe, and Godspeed.

Copy that, Watchtower. Continuing to the unknown.

The UND Guardian, a defense ship, exits orbit above Mars and proceeds to enter the wormhole, and begin its long journey to Khonsu.

Lab 04a, SW quadrant of Delta Station

Dr. Müller brushed his hand through his sleek, black hair as he looked over the test results on the data pad. "Wunderbar. Get these schematics down to the fabrication facility, and get them to start producing dark-matter cores, ASAP."

His assistant sharply nodded before walking off with the data pad. Exhausted and hungry, Müller reached for his coffee mug and took a sip. Satisfied with his work, he turned to the door of the lab when suddenly, his pager buzzed. Groaning, he reached to it, and answered.

"Ja? What is the matter?"

A gravely security officer responded, "Dr. Müller? Security here. We received a transmission from a mine on the Eastern Border. They were asking for you."

With sudden look of curiosity, Dr. Müller asks to put the caller through. He instantly hears the ragged breathing of none other then Barry Locke. He always wondered how such a disgusting human being came to be an overseer at a mine.

"Doctor? About time, it's me, Barry. One of the miners here just kept digging, found something strange. I dunno how to describe it, just get down here," Barry said with his usual, dismissive demeanor.

Müller, slightly annoyed now, responds, "Did you at least find something interesting?"

"Oh, I dunno, does chromatic, glowing green monoliths count as interesting? Just get your sterilized ass down here before one of these blows up."

"Oh, mein Gott. Why didn't you- never mind. I'll be right down, and don't touch a thing. Dummkopf," Müller said in frustration as he hung up his pager. Of all the people who had to announce an amazing find, it had to be presented by a complete waste of a human being.

As he sprinted out of the lab, one of the guards took notice as he passed. The guard asked, "is something wrong, Dr. Müller?"

"The find of a lifetime is down in the mines towards the South East. I need those artifacts brought to the lab before someone does something stupid," he responded, almost shouting.

The guard tugged on the Doctor's shoulder saying, "Doc, rules are rules, we simply can't risk the storm. We have to wai-." The guard never finished his sentence before Müller interrupted.

"Any number of things could happen! Shnell!"

Eastern Border Mines, 18 miles NE of Delta Station

After Vincent found the chasm, many miners begrudgingly continued work to reinforce the mine, insert more lighting, and prepare to excavate the recent find. As Müller entered the mine, he started asking various questions concerning the find. Who found it? How did they find it? Did anything happen after they found it? It was simply the happiest the Doctor had ever felt. He was among the first to discover at least what remained of alien civilization.

As he entered the chasm, he looked around him. From where he stood, he could see at least half a dozen metallic, pulsating green pillars with ornate inscriptions along the side. He walked up to one and felt the grooves, pondering its purpose as art or a message. Turning to the miners present, Müller starts ordering the handling of the artifacts for retrieval. However, as he starts to walk away, his attention is drawn back to the pillars, each beginning to glow brighter and buzzing with energy.

Suddenly, a bright flash of green engulfs the room.

Eagle Nest, overlooking the center of Delta Station

Discovery, the weather is beginning to clear up, you should be clear for takeoff within the next forty-five minutes.

Eagle Nest, are you seeing this?

What seems to be the problem, Observation Tower Three?

There's unusual activity to the Southeast, right where the Doctor was investigating that mine.

From the entrance of the mine, a bubble of green energy expanded, completely engulfing the entire station, casting the facility into darkness.

Apartment 207, Block 5, Apartment Blocks, NE quadrant of Delta Station

Wyatt came stumbling into his apartment, exhausted and worn from the day's work. He huffed a few breaths before calling out.

"Jose? You home?" he called out with a few sputters between calls.

Jose came running out to him, responding with yearning enthusiasm. "Oh, Wyatt! Are you feeling well?"

"Yeah! Of course! It's just another day," he replied to reassure her. "I'm more worried about you. Did you get everything moved in without a hitch? Hopefully nothing broke during the trip?"

"Nothing at all. Earth felt awfully barren witho-." Josephine was cut off by the sound of dying power and utter darkness.

Wyatt was completely shocked. "What the hell? I just worked on the generator this morning, how'd it go down so soon?"

UND Guardian, mid way through the wormhole, en route to Khonsu

The long-range communications operator at the bridge was glaring at her equipment with concern. She had repeatedly haled Eagle Nest at Delta Station, but she was unable to establish connection. She checked her equipment. No, everything was as it was when they left Earth. "Captain, we have a problem," she calls out, turning in her chair.

Captain Brent walked over to her post and looked over he shoulder. "What's the problem, Cole? I thought I had ordered a thorough sweep of the ship before we left Earth."

"We did. And I just ran diagnostics. No problems found."

Captain Brent rubbed his unshaven chin. "So, what exactly is the cause of the problem?" he asked cautiously.

"I believe something has happened over there, and now their coms are down, and there's nothing we can do until we reach Delta Station, or they fix it themselves."

"Great, damn grease monkeys are sleeping on the job," Brent replied as he rubbed his eyes with exasperation.

In a split second, the bridge, and the blur of the wormhole outside the ship's hull were flashed with green light. Suddenly, the lights went dark, the artificial gravity started to fail, monitors were flashing, and the ship was shaking. "What the hell happened?" Captain Brent screamed in an angry panic. A voice across the room answered the full extent of his fears.

"Sir, we are loosing power, all systems are offline, barriers are down, and internal communications are unresponsive."

The blurred tunnel that was the wormhole evaporated into the great abyss, leaving the UND Guardian and her crew tumbling uncontrollably into an uncharted star system. The ship was amok with panic, as the helpless inhabitants descended uncontrollably to their icy graves below.

Eastern Border Mines, 18 miles NE of Delta Station

The mine lights turned back on, and everyone was left unharmed by the burst of energy. Surprisingly, the artifacts were still intact, and still glowing green.

Everyone looked around, still stunned by what just happened prior. Suddenly, everyone's pager burst with activity.

This is Eagle Nest, we are performing an emergency roll call, is everyone still out there? Please respond!

Dr. Müller was the first to answer. "This is Dr. Müller. Everyone still in the mines is still alive, the mines are unaffected, and the artifacts are still intact." Following Müller's response was a wave of uneasy voices.

Manufacturing quadrant. All lives accounted for, and all machinery still functional.

Civilian sector. The life-support is functional, everyone is seemingly unaffected, power restored.

Hanger bays. A few cranes dropped their loads, no damage or casualties otherwise.

Hospital. No patients were dependent on equipment at the time, no deaths recorded.

Observation Tower Seven, we have a problem, Eagle Nest.

This is Eagle Nest, go ahead Observation Tower Seven.

The wormhole in our orbit has collapsed, repeat, the wormhole in Khonsu's orbit has collapsed. As far as we can tell, we are on our own now.

What followed was a deafening silence across all frequencies. Besides messages being sent along with freighters going to Earth and back, the only way to gain communicative connection with the other side was to travel halfway through the wormhole to reduce distance. With the wormhole gone, they could be lightyears from home, even an entire galaxy. The sinking feeling of doom settled into the hearts and minds of everyone across the station.