I dont own anything about Code Geass and Danball Senki. If I did Lelouch will not die

Japan 2010 ATB.

"Hey Suzaku!" A voice of 10 year old boy, He has a light black eyes and violet eyes. He is Lelouch vi Britannia the former 11th Prince of Britannia.

"Yes Lelouch?" A boy with a same age with Lelouch said. He has light brown hair and green eyes. He is Suzaku Kururugi the son of the Japan Prime Minister Genbu Kururugi

"Are you sure is safe to play around here?" Lelouch said as he now stand behind the wheelchair of his sister Nunnally vi Britannia. The girl has brown hair and her eyes close.

The three of them right now stand in front of lager river near Kururugi residence. Suzuka has told them that there is a river near here and he want to it to Lelouch and Nunnally.

"Of course Lelouch! My family sometime come to this place to play "Suzaku said then his face become sad.

"What wrong Suzaku?" Lelouch ask when he see Suzaku sad face.

"It just me and my father stop come to this river after my mother die" Suzakusaid.

"I'm sorry" Lelouch said he know what it feel when lost mother. His mother has been assassination and his bastard of father has banished Lelouch and his sister Nunnally to Japan as a tool after he request him investigate his mother die. But that man has refused and say is old news. Lelouch has angry and renouncing his clam to the thorn.

"Is ok Lelouch" Suzaku smile.

"This place must beautiful! I can hear the sound of water and bird song" Nunnally said.

"Yes it is Nunnally! I wish you can see it" Lelouch smile to his sister.

Nunnally has been blind and cripple due for his mother assassination. The doctor said her eyes been blind due the trauma when she her mother die. Lelouch hope that one day his sister can see again and see this place.

"When come here what you family always do Suzaku?" Lelouch ask

"This river has many fish so I and my father always bring fishing-rod to but since we don't bring it let play near a river" Suzakusaid and then he and Lelouch help move Nunnally near the river.

"That right my father always play this game" Suzaku said and pick the rock then throw it to the river. The rock keep bouncing until it land on the other side of the river.

"Let me try" Lelouch said and then pick the rock and throw it but the rock bouncing a few time then fall to the water before touch to the other side of the river.

"You had to use more force" Suzaku said before pick another rock and throw it, it bouncing and land on the other side.

"I not strong enough to like you Suzaku" Lelouch said.

"That because you always try to sneak away when Tohdoh-sensei want you do exercise." Suzaku said.

"My body not good when do exercise" Lelouch said before pick another rock and throw it but this time it bouncing to a bush near river and disappear in it.

"Ouch" a voice said make the three look at the source.

"Ok! Who throw it" a voice said and from the bush a young man walk out hold his head with his left hand. He has short black hair and black eyes. He wear a military uniform.

"You there" He point at the three kid. "Which one of you throw it"

"I did" Suzaku said . The man look at him a few minute before shook his head.

"No you not! You try to take the blame for you friend right" He said then look at Lelouch.

"You are the one who throw right" he ask Lelouch. And Lelouch nod his head.

"Next time watch before you throw" the man said.

"You scare them Duc Anh" another voice said and from the bush is a young man with brown hair and black eyes, wear a glass in his eyes. And hold a fishing-rod in his hand.

"Sorry for I have litter angry but today it my day off and I want to take a litter nap in this river Leo" Duc And said.

"you are Genbu son" Leo said look at Suzaku.

"How do you know?" Suzaku surprise his birth had been keep a secret.

"Thank to Duc Anh father" Leo said point at the guy next to him.

"You kid must come to this place to play right" Duc Anh said.

"Yes" Suzaku nod

"Did you guy hungry! I had catch some fish" Leo ask.

Despite of the kid protect. Leo has make the cook, the fish grill which now they all sit around the fire.

"So what is you two name" Duc And as look the vi Britannia sibling.

"My name is Lelouch Lamperouge and this is my sister Nunnally Lamperouge" Lelouch said.

"Nice to meet you" Nunnally said.

"You two must be Marianne the Flash kid right?" Leo said.

"Yes" Nunnally answerd.

"My name is Nguyen Duc Anh and this is my friend Leo Truong" Duc Anh said.

"You just call me Leo" Leo said.

"So Duc Anh-san what is you job?" Nunnally ask.

"I'm a squad leader and Leo is member of my team" Duc Anh said.

"You are from Asia right?" Lelouch ask.

"Yes I from Viet Nam while Leo is from China" Duc Anh said.

"Why do you guy here?" Suzaku ask.

"We here to do the cooperate military. Our country sent a company here to train with Japan force" Leo said.

"So how do you about my birth I thought it has been secret" Suzaku ask.

"My father is general and he has meet you and you father when you still are baby" Duc Anh said.

"Hey! The food is ready" Leo said and hand for every a skewer. Every one begin to eat it.

"The fish is really good" Nunnally said.

"Thank for you praise Nunnally" Leo smile.

The five people eat and told to each other then they say good bye to each other.

"Those two are very nice people" Nunnally said.

"Yeah! They treat us like normal people despite we are from royal" Lelouch said.

They did not know that the meeting between them will mark the begin of the new story. A story about The Emperor of Southeast Asia who will crush Britannia with his power.

First I want to said that this is my first hand fic I write but I had thought thic fic been lost due my computer been broke a long time ago and I had to fix it. I thought I don't any back up until I found this in my sister laptop. So I decide to update it.

I read story Lelouch go to China or EU so I want o try something here.

This will have x-overs with Danball Senki serie. That mean those LBX will appear as Knightmare Frame and they character will appear in this story. What do you guy think about Lelouch use The Emperor.

Feel free to leave a review, comment, suggestions, or idea If you guy had. If you want co-writer to write this fic please Pm to me.

Read and review.