"Today, at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other. Today there's not a man or woman in here who shall stand alone. Today, we face the monsters that are at our door, and bring the fight to them! Today, we are cancellin' the apocalypse!"
Sorry, I kinda just have Pacific Rim on the mind since I saw it on opening day, and after the movie I was like F*CK YEAH! Or as Newt put it, "It is pretty cool." This work of Mr. del Toro's made me love giant robots and monsters all over again! Now that it's out on DVD, I feel happier.
*ahem* There is a reason why my namesake on here is such, folks. Hail to the King of the Monsters.
Before I say anything else, I'd like to thank Natzo, Porertrain9, and New Universe Returns (as well as some other reviewers) for their ideas and feedback thus far. You guys are a great help. And thank you readers for sticking around with this story so far. I'll continue to write more chapters and keep you all entertained.
Actually, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Poretrain9. While he and I haven't been friends long, I've inspired him to write his own Fairy Tail/Halo fanfic, which I helped name 'Magic, Meet MJOLNIR.' Sadly, in his latest update brought news that he cannot continue said story - because he is losing in his fight against cancer. To those that want to adopt that fanfic, best notify him soon. While I personally don't know him that much, it made me glad to not only meet a fellow Halo fan, but introduce someone to something cool like Fairy Tail. And he was happy to be a fan of such a series. Never stop fighting, brother. You will not be forgotten.
...right, moving on.
Huh, one of the latest Fairy Tail manga chapters is #343. Coincidence? Hm...maybe? ...ok, yeah, I'll just...yeah. Moving on...
But good news! Mashima said that Fairy Tail is coming back! Or rather, that the project is a new anime, and a sequel. So...hurray? Oh right, there's a Fairy Tail x Rave Master OVA out now. I really need to see it too...
Where have I been lately? Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. And the Headhunter DLCs. Plus listening to Skillet's new album, Rise, which is damn awesome. Also, Deadpool's video game. And now Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Nuff said.
...I'll let ya read the rest of my A/N at the bottom.
Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima, & Halo is property of Bungie (formerly), 343 Industries (currently), & Microsoft. I own none of the series or characters involved, unless I add an OC of my own.
"Whenever you look inward and see an ideal female...
Whether it be goddess, anima, mother, sister, or lover...
For a brief, sensible instant, you will see the face and feel the spirit of the Librarian."
-343 Guilty Spark; Halo - The Forerunner Saga: Primordium
Chapter 7: Unbreakable Archangel
Magnolia, Fiore
Mid-late summer X784
Natalie and the group stood in front of the guild, which for the most part was wrecked by large metal rods. For several minutes, the six Fairy Tail members stood in shock of what happened while they were gone. And they were really at loss for words.
Natsu was the first to break the silence. "Our…our guild. It's been…"
"…destroyed." Happy finished with a sad face.
"Who could have done such a thing?" Erza wondered.
A familiar female voice answered her question. "It was Phantom..."
Everyone turned to see a lone and sad Mirajane.
"What did you say?" Gray asked.
"Was it really them?" Natsu questioned, anger evident in his voice.
Mira nodded. "Yes. I hate to say it, but they got us."
Lucy and Natalie were lost, not knowing who this Phantom is. The latter guessed it was a group was involved.
"Come on. Let's get some answers." The brunette said. They followed Mira who led them to the guild basement where everyone else was. As they were going to speak with the Master, Nat's enhanced hearing let her listen in on what some of the others were saying.
"We were always on bad terms with those guys." Jet spoke.
"Maybe it's about time we go and crush them." Droy added as he leaned back in his chair.
"Guys, come on. We're going up against that Phantom. They're something else..." Levy said.
The group then saw Master Makarov sitting on a crate and drinking from a wooden beer mug. He raised a hand as he said, "Yo! Welcome back!"
"We have returned, Master." Erza replied.
"Gramps! How can you be so calm?!" Natsu asked angrily.
Makarov ignored his question and turned to Natalie. "Hello, Lieutenant. How did your mission go?"
"It was fine, sir." She replied.
Erza was going to change topics, but decided now would be a good time to bring something else up. "Master, are you aware that Cana took Nat on B-rank mission?"
Then Mirajane joined the conversation. "Oh, that. The Master actually approved when it was brought to him. He knew Nat is capable of taking care of herself and Cana, so he let it be."
Gray raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
Erza turned her attention to the tall brunette and bowed her head. "I deeply apologize for accusing you of breaking the rules, Natalie."
Said Spartan waved her hand. "Don't worry about it. Misunderstandings happen."
"Guys, shouldn't we be more worried about something else?" Natsu pointed out.
"Ah! That's right." Makarov then remembered something. "Natsu! How dare you go on an S-Class mission!"
Said pinkette cringed from the shouting before getting a slight smack on the head from the Master. "Bad!"
The same went for Happy. "Bad!" Then to Gray. "Bad!"
And just as the man's hand stretched was going for Lucy's... behind, a strong grip on his wrist kept Makarov from doing so. All eyes went to Nat who, now with her helmet off, was not pleased.
"Sir, please refrain from such actions unless you want to lose a hand." The brunette said calmly.
The Fairy Tail Master sweatdropped as he nodded swiftly. Nat let go of his hand and he retracted it, nursing the spot she grabbed.
"See, Master? Natalie won't stand for that kind of behavior." Mira reminded him.
"That's not the point!" Natsu yelled. "Our guild was trashed! We should do something about it!"
"He's right, Master." Erza said in a serious tone. "Are you even aware of the situation we're in?"
"Please, calm down children." Makarov said calmly. "There's no need to fuss over the guild."
"What do you mean?" Cana asked.
Makarov took a drink before continuing. "Phantom Lord won't go further than that. All they did was trash an empty building."
"So this happened overnight?" Nat asked.
"Yeah, it was. Thankfully no one was hurt, as Master said, since it was empty." Mira answered.
"There's no reason to be upset over meaningless surprise attacks. Just let 'em be." Makarov grinned.
"I can't accept that!" Natsu slammed his hands on the table. "I won't rest until they're all crushed!"
Retaliation won't solve everything, Natsu, Nat mentally noted.
"Discussion over! We'll now take jobs from here until upstairs is repaired." Makarov said sternly. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." The Master then left for the restrooms, clearly really needing to go.
Natsu just stared as he left. "How can he be so calm about this?"
"Natsu, the Master feels the same as we do." Mira said with a sigh. "But guilds waging war is forbidden by the Magic Council."
Erza grit her teeth. "If that's how Master feels, then we should accept it." The others looked down sadly, disappointed they couldn't do anything.
Nat herself was a little sad the building was trashed, but glad that there were no casualties. Sighing, she put on her helmet again and unholstered her DMR as she headed to the exit.
"Nat? Where are you going?" Lucy asked.
"You're not gonna do something stupid, are you?" Cana inquired while she got herself a drink.
"Patrol." The tall brunette answered simply.
"Patrol? What for?" Gray questioned.
"Looking out for anything suspicious. If there's trouble, I'll step in. As much as I want to get back at Phantom for what they did like the rest of you, I won't unless the Master gives the okay." The Spartan then ascended the stairs and left, just as the Master himself came back from the restrooms.
"Hm? Now where did our Spartan go?" Makarov asked.
"Patrol." Team Natsu, plus Cana and Mira, said.
The Master stared into space for a moment before shrugging. "Ah well. I'm sure Natalie will be fine. She's always ready for anything."
The Spartan-III walked the streets of Magnolia, being wary of her surroundings. Some people gave her a wide berth, whether because they heard of her reputation, or because they want to avoid a tall, dangerous soldier with a gun, she paid them no mind.
I've never heard of Phantom Lord. It's likely they're a dark guild, she thought. Being out here alone would make me a good target, but would they dare attack in a public place?
Nat didn't want to take chances and endanger innocent bystanders if a battle initiated. The first chance she took, Nat slipped into an alleyway and climbed to the top of a building when no one was looking. The higher vantage point would help her observe the streets without getting flanked.
"Now I just need to be sure no one catches me by surprise while I'm up here." The Spartan activated Active Camo and leaped from rooftop to rooftop after peering taking a few minutes looking through her DMR for any suspicious activities. Nat repeated this for a few more hours until nightfall.
During that time, Nat also got a chance to talk to her Engineer when alone. "JACK, you read me?"
-I am here, Spartan. How can I assist you?-
"I got your warning earlier today. Some enemy guild called Phantom Lord trashed the Fairy Tail building. Or at least the top floors. No one was hurt, thankfully."
-I have heard commotion outside, mostly gossip concerning the guild's status, but I did not wish to compromise us by leaving the apartment.-
"That's a good move. I'll find out more if I can. In the meantime, I recommend you get some of my big guns ready, as well as beef up our security."
-Should I hide once I have done my tasks?-
"Wait until I get back. Then we can do some planning. If things go into full-blown war, we need to be smart about it. Noble Six out."
Nat jumped to another building after making her call, and still no signs of the enemy. She was beginning to wonder if they're actually waiting to do something in the dead of night, or that she doesn't know where to look.
"I'm not being paranoid. I don't know if I should stakeout somewhere, but I don't want to get jumped, either." Luckily, none of the civilians on the ground or in the buildings noticed her on the rooftops or called her out, so she kept going for another half hour. Even if she did come across any members from Phantom, Nat would have to approach them with caution. Their wizards may be unpredictable and have really dangerous magic.
The brunette snapped out of her thoughts when someone called on her comms. "Hello?"
"Nat! Are you busy? Find anyone from Phantom Lord?"
"Lucy?" Something seemed off, but she sounded kind of urgent. "No, I haven't found anything. What's wrong?"
"Uh...I got intruders in my apartment! And they got here before Plue and I did!"
That's when the Spartan got serious. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"
"No no, I'm good. Um, come over when you can, that's all!"
"On my way. Sit tight." The brunette brought out her Jet Pack and immediately to Lucy's position.
It didn't take long for the Spartan to reach the Celestial wizard's apartment, as she followed the IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) tag on Lucy's communicator. Nat ran up the stairs and headed to her sister's door, bracing herself for who or whatever was in the room with Lucy.
To anyone else that would have been watching, seeing a nearly 7-foot tall armored soldier barge into someone's apartment with a shotgun would be a most terrifying sight. And it kinda was.
"Hands in the air where I can see them!" Nat shouted.
The scene before her was rather...amusing. Natsu, Erza, and Gray sat at Lucy's table and dropped what they were doing as they did as the brunette ordered. Wait, Erza did? She and everyone is in pajamas? Erm...Happy had a fish in his mouth and kept it in place while he held his little paws up too. Meanwhile, Lucy herself was hugging the wall next to Nat, holding the drill-nosed celestial spirit that was Plue to her chest.
Realizing that there really wasn't a threat, Nat holstered her close-quarters weapon and slowly put back Lucy's door. She then took off her helmet and pinched the bridge of her nose and let out an annoyed sigh. "Okay, you can all relax. Now...can one of you please tell me what the hell is going on? You can put your arms down now."
"Wucy thoffib be funny if fee callf you to kick us ouffof her pwace." Happy said, the fish still in his mouth.
The brunette stared at the talking feline before looking to the others for a more clear answer.
Natsu spoke up. "He said 'Lucy though it'd be funny if she called you to-"
"Okay, okay, I get the idea." Nat said, cutting off his sentence. "Lucy, you realize that what I gave you isn't a toy, right?"
Said blonde sheepishly smiled. "Yeah?"
"C'mere." The brunette motioned. Hesitantly, Lucy listened and she thought she was going to get berated for her actions.
Instead, she just got a light tap on the head and a hug from her big sister.
"Don't make me worry like that. You know I'd make more than just dents in your wall if you were in actual danger, right?"
Lucy just nodded her head as she returned the hug. Erza smiled at the scene, while the boys were indifferent and said nothing.
After a minute, Nat let Lucy go and asked the rest of the team, "Alright, what are all of you really doing here?"
Erza answered first. "It has to do with the recent incident to our guild. Since Phantom is in town, they most likely know where each of us live."
"If they get the chance, they would attack us if we're alone." Gray said.
"That's why Mirajane said it's a good idea if we stick together in groups!" Happy added.
"She did?" Lucy asked, her head titled sideways.
"Yup! And that's why we're staying here tonight!"
"You are of marriageable age, Lucy, so I took it upon myself to also stay with you." Erza said calmly. "That way, neither-"
"Wait wait wait." Nat said hurriedly. "What's the legal age of marriage in Fiore?"
"It's 17, apparently. And that's how old I am." Lucy answered.
"And I am 19." Erza added.
"What about you boys?" Nat questioned.
"Same age as Lucy." Natsu responded.
"Me, I'm 18." Gray said next.
"Since you asked, it's also fair you tells us your age, Nat." Happy said.
"Happy. It's not nice to ask a girl how old she is." Lucy murmured.
"I don't mind. Despite how I look, I'm 21." The brunette said.
"Ah, so you're my senior." Erza noted.
"Seriously? I thought you'd be older." Natsu got bonked on the head by Erza for his comment.
"Wait, how long have you been in the military?" Gray asked.
"The enlistment age for any branch into the UNSC is 17." Nat responded.
"And you got to Lieutenant within 4 years?" Happy wondered.
The Spartan looked at her Recon helmet with distant eyes. "For us Spartans, we're...a special case. Like I said in the courtroom, there's a lot of classified information I'd rather not talk about." Several thoughts ran through her head as to what repercussions could occur if she fully revealed her origins. How would any of them react to hearing the UNSC would use children to make super-soldiers? Would any of them believe we fought not only human rebels, but dangerous aliens? "Okay, let's forget I brought that up. Do any of you know why Phantom would attack like they did?"
"Not at all. What's strange is that they haven't acted directly against us before." Erza replied.
"If Gramps wasn't a coward, we'd have taken down Phantom Lord by now." Natsu growled.
"He isn't a coward. You realize he's one of the Ten Wizard Saints, right?" Gray said.
"The what now?" Lucy wondered.
"It's a title bestowed by the Council Chairman to the ten greatest wizards on the continent." Erza explained. "Jose, the Master of Phantom Lord, is also one of Wizard Saints."
"Who cares? Even if they have more members, we should go in and get back at them!" yelled Natsu.
"You idiot! Both the Master and Mirajane want to avoid a fight because of the consequences that will follow. It's to help preserve peace in the entire magic world!" Gray said.
"Are they really that strong they'd tear a city apart?" Nat asked.
"Unfortunately, yes. Our offensive powers are equal. Masters Makarov and Jose are members of the Ten Wizard Saints, so their strength is roughly equal." Erza answered. "Then there's the fact that Phantom has some S-Class wizards who call themselves the Element 4. But our biggest worry is their own Dragon Slayer, the one who instigated the attack on our guild: Black Steel Gajeel."
"A Dragon Slayer?!" Lucy cried. "So there are others besides Natsu. And I take it this guy eats iron and the like?"
"It's possible, what with all the rumors flying around." Erza reasoned.
Since fire is Natsu's main power source, then it's reasonable to think iron is this Gajeel's source, Nat thought. Good thing MJOLNIR is made of sterner stuff.
"Anyway, it's getting late. We better get some rest." The redhead added.
"Right," the others replied.
Nat herself picked her helmet up and was headed towards the door when Erza stopped her. "Where are you going?"
Without looking back, the tall girl replied, "To war."
"WHAT?!" The others yelled in surprised. Their reaction didn't surprise her.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Erza asked.
"You have any idea what would happen?" Gray added.
"Finally! Someone who speaks my language! Now lets-" Natsu got smacked upside the head by Lucy this time.
"Don't even think about it." The blonde stated.
"She has done a lot of crazy stuff since she joined." Happy remarked.
"Natalie, I don't doubt you're a capable soldier, but this is serious." Erza said.
"And so am I. How much longer do you think this stalemate will last? Retaliation is inevitable, no matter how you look at it." The brunette said.
"But still, going alone is suicide!" Gray shouted.
Being a Lone Wolf is nothing new to me, Fullbuster, The super-soldier thought grimly. "I didn't say I was going directly to Phantom Lord and give them a piece of my mind. By now, you all should know what I am capable of."
"Aye. A tall, brave soldier that's as scary as Erza." Happy said cheerfully. A stern glare from both mentioned girls shut the little furball up, who whistled and stared at something interesting at the wall.
"Guys, I'm not underestimating our enemy. I'm saying we shouldn't let our guard down, and that I can take care of myself. Besides, I can't stay here. Lucy has enough people with her."
"Even though I never said yes or no..." The blonde muttered.
"But what if you do get jumped?" Natsu asked.
"Now that I think about it, the chances of that are low if they're smart to avoid our Spartan." Gray replied.
"I wasn't talking to you, ice brain!"
"You wanna go, flame boy?"
"Guys! No fighting in someone else's home!" Nat ordered. The boys looked at her nervously before sitting back down.
"See? Scary." Happy whispered to Plue, the latter nodding slightly.
"Natsu, in your opinion, what do you think I'll do if Phantom tries to fight me?" Nat asked.
The Fire Dragon Slayer shrugged. "I dunno. Punch their lights out?"
The Spartan sweatdropped. "That's... one solution."
"Knowing you, Nat, you'd probably just take the opportunity to make target practice out of these guys." Happy said.
"But do we even know what these guys want?"
"Recognition as the best guild around?" Lucy brought up.
"That and they probably just like to make trouble." Gray muttered.
"We don't know what they're after, but as you said, we shouldn't let our guard down." Erza said.
"That's just it. We're not certain if these hit-and-run incidents are just that, or part of some bigger plan they might have."
"Master Makarov said not to worry about them, though." Happy reminded.
"If Phantom's members incapacitate one of our own, that's one thing. If, for whatever reason, they endanger lives, be it our guild or otherwise..." Nat took a breath before continuing. "...don't be surprised if I have to blow some brains out."
To say the others were freaked out would be an understatement. They heard plenty of times that the Spartan would not- WILL NOT hesitate to put down the enemy if it means saving lives. Just how far, these 4 Fairy Tail wizards plus Happy have yet to see. And they all looked at the super-soldier like she's a maniac.
"Hey, I'm not psychotic; it's just something I was trained in that I excel at."
"We'll take Cana's advice and not make you angry then." Natsu grumbled.
Just as Nat put her helmet on and was out the door, she turned back for a moment. "Though, it's a good thing you're here, Erza."
"And why's that?" The redhead asked.
"You staying with Lucy not only to keep those two knuckleheads in line," The brunette said referring to the guys, "but also insures safety in numbers."
"So if it were just you, me, and Erza, you wouldn't mind sticking around?" Lucy asked.
Nat shrugged. "Probably. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some preparations to get done." They don't need to know. Not yet. With that, the Spartan left the apartment and headed home.
Later, Noble Six's residence...
The Spartan-III was glad to be back in her home. She did the usual routine of releasing her armor and having her Engineer do a checkup on it.
-Did your search yield any results?- The Huragok asked.
"Nothing. And when I got an 'alert' from Lucy, it was also nothing." Nat said, emphasizing with air quotes. "For all we know, Phantom might attack at night again."
-Hopefully your teammates are also prepared for the threat at hand.-
Guess I should be too, the brunette thought. "What security do we currently have?"
JACK paused looking at the Spartan's MJOLNIR armor and brought up a holographic screen showing their apartment.
Looking at what's on the screen, the super-soldier was impressed. "Huh, you've been busy," she noted.
-I managed what I could. Motion senors, a few traps, even fail-safes so your weapons won't be compromised.-
"Better than nothing."
Tapping a button on her DSU, Nat checked her current inventory of weapons and other useful equipment. While there wasn't a lot of live rounds for her guns, they did somewhat serve as anti-magic measures. And the magic rounds she had came in a large amount. Nat wondered, if over time, if she might somehow end up being an actual wizard.
Yeah, like that's gonna happen. Seeing Elites form and alliance with humanity seems more likely, she thought. "It still amazes me Mavis gave me this much firepower."
-While my kind specializes in dealing with various technologies, the idea of magic is beyond us. Even so, I can utilize it to our advantage if I can learn how to properly harness it.-
I'm find things more believable with science, but I'm not going to argue with what has happened in the past few weeks. Nat sighed. "A part of me still wishes I were fighting. Back in our space, I mean. The UNSC needs all hands to continue defying the Covenant."
-...I would gladly help you along the way, but neither of us know or posses any means of returning to our proper dimension.-
Yeah. How could I forget that little detail? Nat thought about going to the Master to see any archives or a library that might know how to break dimensional barriers, but at this time, it was a secondary objective. Sometimes the brunette wondered what she would if she had survived without Mavis's intervention. Doubt I could do much, but this...second chance at life...I really won't make this go to waste. Nat snapped out of her thoughts when her Huragok 'roommate' got her attention.
-Reclaimer, do you require anything else for the...battles ahead?-
"Okay, I still have no idea what that term means. But why am I called a 'Reclaimer'? Does it refer to me specifically, or just humans in general?"
-A full explanation is not possible for me to give. Though, you are different from the...others here.-
"How so?"
-Still unclear. Even so, you, Spartan, just...stand out amongst the rest. Not because you're a soldier, but perhaps it's in your DNA. Magic affects the humans here in its own ways, whereas science...made us who we are now. ...I still cannot fully explain it.-
Nat sighed. "Alright, let's not dwell on that now. We've got work to do."
The Spartan gave it some thought and rummaged through some of the containers in her living room. While she did get out almost all of the stuff in the UNSC boxes, most of the Covenant supplies were untouched. Nat then remembered she wanted a few of her guns modified for combat. She will primarily deal with super-powered humans here, but there are cases where her foes may be otherwise; or just happen to be really juiced up on something extremely powerful and she needs to keep on her toes.
The brunette brought out her modified M247H Heavy Machine Gun, as well as an M7057/Defoliant Projector aka the M7057 flamethrower.
"Well JACK, I got some mod ideas for these. Care to give me a hand?"
The next day, Magnolia's Southgate Park...
In the morning, Nat took the time to patrol again at another part of town. Around noon time, she saw a large crowd gathered at Southgate Park. The armored soldier went in to investigate the commotion.
"Pardon me, can I ask what's going on?" Nat asked one citizen.
"You're a member of Fairy Tail?" They asked.
"Yes." The armored girl then noticed that Team Natsu had also just arrived on the scene. "And so are they."
"Excuse me! I'm a member of the guild!" Erza said as she made her way through the crowd.
Natsu and the others were horrified at the sight before them. Levy, Jet, and Droy were chained to a giant tree; all three were unconscious, but Levy had the Phantom Lord guild mark stamped on her stomach. Reacting quickly, Nat helped the others get Team Shadow Gear down from the tree.
"Is that Phantom's symbol? What the hell is wrong with these people?" Nat wondered as she deployed a Regenerator unit. The small green dome emitted from it healed some of the injuries Levy and her teammates sustained, but they would still need to seek medical attention.
The crowd suddenly parted as Master Makarov appeared, holding a brown cane as he made his way to the scene.
"Destroying our bar is one thing. But no parent will stay silent when the blood of their children is spilled!" He clenched his fist and broke the staff he was holding. "This! Means! War!" He shouted.
Nat got up and spoke. "Master, wait a second. Going in with a frontal assault isn't a good idea."
"Then what do you suggest, Spartan?"
"We go back to the guild first to treat our wounded. Then we can plan our attack on our enemy."
Makarov nodded. "Very well. Let's make it happen."
They all then hurried back to the guild to get Team Shadow Gear treated, as well as gather active members for the oncoming fight. Nat could see the looks on many of their faces that they were not pleased with what happened as of late.
The Spartan stood in front of her fellow guildmates as she addressed them. "Everyone, please be calm. I understand you're frustrated, but charging in recklessly is not a good idea."
Natsu slammed his hands on a table as he yelled, "Then what the hell are we supposed to do?!"
"We have to be strategic, come up with something to fight against Phantom Lord."
Erza crossed her arms. "You do come from a military background, so your training will come in handy right about now. Let's hear what you have to say."
"Thank you Erza. First off, we need a diversion to lure out the Element 4, as well as their own Dragon Slayer. Once we get their attention, it should give Master Makarov the chance to taken on Jose himself."
"Sounds easy enough." Gray remarked.
"Not exactly, Gray. As we fight, our enemies will come from every direction. Not to mention, we'll be facing their own S-Class wizards alongside them. Therefore, I want Alzack and Bisca in the back giving covering fire for everyone else. Can you two handle it?"
Alzack smirked. "I see. So you want me and Bisca to cover everyone while they're fighting up front?"
"Affirmative." Nat replied.
"I'm all for it. And you, Bisca?"
"Count me in too." The green-haired woman said.
"And of course, Gajeel is all yours, Natsu."
"I have no problem with that, but how come?" The pinkette wondered.
"I find it logical for the Dragon Slayers to duke it out. Gajeel wields Iron Magic, and you Fire. Only you can stall him while the rest of us deal with his pals. As I am good with ranged and close combat, I will be also provide supporting fire alongside Alzack and Bisca. When needed, I too will join everyone else up front."
"If it were you alone, you'd probably just decimate all their sorry asses in minutes." Cana remarked.
"Maybe. But we're a team, we work together. And no one gets away with hurting any of our own." Nat found it...weird that she was the one emphasizing on teamwork. She remembered what Carter told her when she joined Noble.
"I'm glad to have your skill set, but we're a team. That lone-wolf stuff stays behind. Clear?"
She remembered being a part of that team. Even now, some old habits never die, but her a duty soldier calls her to put the enemy in their place - as well as cooperate with the people she now is practically teammates with. Nat was snapped out of her thoughts when Makarov spoke to her.
"Natalie, while I think this plan of yours will work, I'd like you do something else for me."
The brunette turned her attention to him. "What would that be, sir?"
"Well, once we do storm Phantom, I was going to put both you and Erza in charge of our guys while I confront Jose. But as a precaution, I'd like you to shadow me in case any of those punks try to jump me."
"So you want Nat as a bodyguard?" Erza wondered.
"Makes sense. She can quickly strike down anyone that tries to lay their hands on the Master." Mirajane reasoned.
"I don't mind at all, Master." The super-soldier said.
Makarov nodded. "Good. Now that's settled, everyone ready up! We leave in an hour!"
All members of the guild cheered, those who were part of the counterattack took the time to prepare what they needed.
"Natsu, I need a word with you." Nat gestured. The pink-haired Dragon Slayer wondered what she wanted, but complied and followed the Spartan-III.
The brunette stood at a table as she placed down her current weapons, a DMR and two M6G Pistols, and some other ordinance.
"So, what do you need to tell me?" Natsu asked.
"Getting you armed, so to speak." Nat replied.
"How so?"
"Something special for you." Nat held two small capsules with an orange center. "These are Type-3 Antipersonnel/Antimaterial Incendiary grenades, and also go by 'firebombs' or 'flame grenades'."
The Dragon Slayer looked intrigued by the pyro-type grenades the brunette held. "Whoa. Those look neat and all, but what's so special about them?"
"The UNSC makes use a few types of incendiary explosives and similar weapons, but in recent years, the firebombs in my hand have been the most seen and used." Not like I can tell him that Space Monkeys made these things; barbarians, the lot of 'em Brutes. "Anyway, I'm giving these you Natsu so you have a backup power source."
"And that way he can have fire to eat on the go?"
"Precisely." Nat answered. "The inside is filled with incendiary gel that, when hitting a hard surface, can seriously burn and damage vehicles and infantry alike."
Happy, who just followed his pink-haired friend, looked at the explosives in awe. "That sounds impressive."
"But there's a catch for using these grenades, Natsu." Nat added.
"What would that be?" He asked.
"If the containers are broken, like say, shot, before you can properly throw them at something, then they won't set fire. They'll just cause a small explosion instead, which won't suffice if you desperately need some fire source."
"And if they get wet, they won't work either?" Happy asked.
"Well, it'll just get the cases wet. If you throw the grenades into water, you've just wasted good devices. And you're likely just plain stupid."
"So you're giving me just two of these firebombs?" Natsu questioned.
"If you need more, I'll give you some. But as a warning, use them wisely as I only got a limited supply. Unless I improvise and make more of my own, things like these are hard to come by. And I still can't contact my superiors in the UNSC, as you and some others already know."
The pinkette nodded understandingly and had a big smile. "Of course. I'll be sure to put these to good use."
"Even so, I got something else in case that option is out of the question." Before Natsu could ask what it is, Nat brought out a large weapon with a shark-like face smile painted on it. The pinkette noticed the little flame emitted from the end of the nozzle and had a big grin on his face.
"Is that what I think it is?" Nastu asked.
"Yup. Say hello to the M7057/Defoilant Projector; aka the M7597 flamethrower." Nat said.
"Wow. With these, you won't have to always look for other fires to eat to power you up!" Happy added.
"Happy, I want you to stay here with Mirajane and the others while we go and fight." Nat said.
"What? Why?!" The blue feline whined.
"I'm sure you'd like to help Natsu, and the rest of us as well, but I need you and the others staying behind to look out for any Phantom members that might still be in Magnolia. If you spot any, warn Mirajane and Lucy, copy?"
The floating cat reluctantly agreed. "Aye."
"Don't worry buddy! We'll deck those Phantom guys in no time!" Natsu said reassuringly.
"And I know you'll win against their Dragon Slayer!" Happy said, now with a change of mood.
Nat excused herself then took her leave, now wanting to take the opportunity to speak to the Master before going into battle yet again. She intended to, until someone got her attention.
"You know, you're doing the right thing by helping out these people."
That familiar voice made Nat spin around to see someone she thought was gone - Emile! He leaned against the wall, signature EVA helmet with a carved skull and all. The gung-ho Spartan-III nonchalantly inspected his kukri and sharpened it on one of his shoulder pads. While the brunette opened her mouth to say something, no words came out. Rather, it seemed like she was speaking through her mind.
"What?! But how..."
"How am I still alive? I was killed by that Zealot, but I took him down with me. Maybe I'm a ghost, or maybe you're just seeing things." He shrugged. "Just be sure to keep your head in the game. Don't wanna let those crazy bastards get the jump on you, all right?"
The brunette blinked twice and shook her head, not believing what's in front of her. Emile took her silence as a leeway to continue.
"Look. You may be in some other god-knows-where place, but that doesn't mean you lose your touch as a Spartan. I didn't read your profile, but hey, you've done well so far in a place like this."
Nat stood still, unsure if she should say anything, or just pretend this isn't happening. Is this where I'm supposed to hear some profound lecture or something? She wondered.
"Cut me some slack; Jorge is better at this kind of goody-goody talk, like with civvies and all that. Hell, Carter would have made a point already by now. What would I do if I were you? Well, I remember what Jun said after I asked him something as we finished up mopping Covenant on a nearby colony."
The hyper lethal girl raised an eyebrow, as if asking 'what would that be?'
"As stupid as it sounds, he said 'I kill the enemy, but do not hate them.'" 'Emile' said. "Interpret that how ya want, but don't forget where ya came from. So what if a lot of other people think you're a monster. You're still doing your job."
Nat wanted to say something, but for some reason couldn't. Instead, she continued to hear what else Noble Four had to say.
"Hey, don't let these wizards, or whatever the hell they call themselves, down. What happened to Noble wasn't your fault." The skull-faced Spartan then got up and was going to walk right out the door. "And I am sorry about Kat..."
The red and blue armored girl stared at floor as she registered the words in her head. She thought she was just seeing things, that a 'visit' from her old teammates to remind her of what she really is. And when she looked up, Emile was gone. Nat pinched the bridge of her nose as she sighed.
What the hell. Seriously, am I being haunted? She thought. In reality, what seemed like a few minutes to her was actually a few seconds.
"Hey, you all right?" Cana's voice snapped the taller brunette out of her thoughts. "You look spaced out."
"Yeah. Just...a lot on my mind." Nat replied.
"Ah, that's understandable. But hey, we'll be fine. You'll be coming with us."
The Spartan nodded. "Oh! Um, have you told anyone what...I told you...about me?"
Cana tilted her head. "Told anyone about- oh! That...nah. I'm keeping that secret between us. Gossip tends to spread fast around here, depending on who you tell and what ya gotta say. I may be a drunk, but I know to keep my mouth shut. And coming from someone like you, I respect your privacy, big girl."
"Much appreciated. That...means a lot."
Nat then remembered what she was going to do before... 'Emile' showed up. "Oh right, there's something else I need to take care of. Excuse me, Cana."
The card user nodded and let the super-soldier go to her destination.
Later...Oak Town, Northern Fiore Kingdom
Phantom Lord Guild
"Ha! Those fairies got their asses handed to 'em!" A Phantom Lord member said.
"That's not all." Another person said. "I hear Gajeel took out three of their wizards and got them hospitalized!"
"Now that is sweet!"
"Here's to those pathetic fairies!" The first man toasted.
"They're probably trembling in fear right now!"
"Ah great." The first man said. "I lost track of time."
"What, you meeting a girl?"
"Yup, it's my client." He laughed. "She doubled my reward when I threatened her."
"I could've tripled it."
"Uh huh." He waved as he headed towards the exit. "See ya, losers."
Just as he was going to open the door, it exploded in his face and sent him flying across the room. This attracted everyone else' attention.
"We are Fairy Tail!" Makarov shouted as he stood in front of a large group of Fairy Tail members, all ready to fight.
To start things off, Natalie ran through the middle and jumped high in the air, Gravity Hammer in her hands.
"Who the hell is that?!" One Phantom member yelled.
"What are they holding?"
"Wait, they're coming this way-"
And that person's sentence was cut off just as the Spartan-III landed and smashed her heavy melee weapon in the middle of a group of enemies. The shockwave sent some into the wall, tables, or other members. An unfortunate bunch of the Phantom wizards were somewhat still suspended in midair.
Nat held up an open hand then balled it into a fist, signalling her fellow Fairy Tail members to attack. These bastards are fair game now.
The rest of the Fairy Tail group complied and opened up their attacks on the vulnerable enemies. Nat took the opportunity to fall back and let her teammates in on the fight.
"You're not gonna get away!" One Phantom member yelled.
But before he could even get near the Spartan, Natsu dove right in and punched him, along with a bunch of the other dark guild members.
"Come on! Let's see what you got!" The fire-wielder exclaimed.
"Don't be so full of yourself!" A tough-looking wizard shouted. "Take them down!"
It was then that Nat started issuing orders. "Alzack! Bisca! Let's give covering fire! Elfman, Gray, Cana and Loke, take the right!" Wakaba, Macao, take some guys and cover the left!"
Alzack, Bisca, and the Spartan did their job and provided fire support from the rear. Whereas the others in front were able to get close and do some damage themselves.
One Phantom member yelled, "It's Makarov! Get him!"
The old man shouted in fury and grew to an unimaginable size, smashing several enemies with fists as big as cars.
"M-monster!" One guy gasped as he was knocked down.
"You bastards had it coming." Nat said as she shotgunned a Phantom member that was aiming a magic projectile at the Fairy Tail Master.
"Do not think human laws will protect you from my wrath! You dared to harm the children of this monster!" Makarov thundered.
"So Titania Erza is here." Gajeel observed from the support beam he was on. "But Gildarts, Laxus, and Mystogan aren't. They underestimate us. Wait...who the hell is that other armored girl?"
The Iron Dragon Slayer observed Nat kicking ass alongside her fellow Fairy Tail teammates. She was all over the place, taking out guys solo, as well as assisting friends here and there.
"This doesn't make sense. Where is Gajeel and the Element 4?" The Spartan-III wondered, gunning down a thug that tried to jump Erza as the redhead swung her sword amidst the crowd.
After Team Shadow Gear was admitted to Magnolia Hospital, Lucy paid Levy and her teammates a visit while they recover. The blonde became fast friends with Levy due to their similar interests in books. To see her best friend in such a state hurt Lucy's heart. After a while, the blonde left the hospital to let Levy and her team recover.
"I know I don't like fighting, but they didn't have to leave me behind." Lucy grumbled.
And all of a sudden, it started raining. "Huh? It's raining?" The blonde wondered.
"Drip, drip, drip." A fur-clad, blue-haired woman, Juvia, sang, as she slowly approached Lucy. "The rain goes wherever I am... drip, drip, drop."
Lucy tiled her head sideways. "Huh?"
"And what kind of girl are you?" The woman asked, opening an umbrella over herself.
"Seriously, huh?"
"I've enjoyed myself. I must go now." The bluenette intoned, passing by the blonde girl.
"Non, non, non." A creepy, sinister voice chuckled, causing Juvia to stop. And for whatever reason, the voice said 'non' several more times.
"Bonjour!" A green-haired main with a monocle over his right eye greeted, bursting out of the ground. "And a non in a three-tree-seven pattern!"
Lucy freaked out. "Oh geez, another weirdo?"
"The Mademoiselle over there is our precious target." The man pointed out, causing Juvia to turn to her.
"That so?" The bluenette muttered with a frown. "Thank you, Monsieur Sol."
What they were talking about confused Lucy.
"Ah, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself." The green-haired man said with a bow. "I am Monsieur Sol of the Element Four. And Juvia here is also of the Element Four; she is the Rain Woman. And we are from the superb Phantom Lord guild."
Lucy gritted her teeth, going for her Celestial Keys. "So you were the guys who hurt Levy and her team?"
"Ah, non, non, non. Hurting Miss Levy, as well as wrecking your guild, was all on sir Gajeel's part. Though, he...may have went a bit over-board." Sol said as he twirled his mustache.
Suddenly, Lucy was engulfed in a sphere of water. She struggled to get out, only able to get her head free.
"What's going on?!" The blonde exclaimed.
"You cannot escape my Water Lock." Juvia said.
"Water?" Lucy frowned. She thought of summoning Aquarius to help her out, but was going for the UNSC communicator Nat gave her, which was currently not on her ear, but held in place with her whip. Whether the Element Four wizards noticed the device or not, they just acquired their target regardless. The blonde passed out from lack of oxygen.
"Tres bien!" Sol exclaimed. "We got her!"
"Worry not." Juvia told the now unconscious form of Lucy. "I won't kill you. For it's our duty to bring you back... Miss Lucy Heartfilia."
What they didn't know was that the UNSC earpiece was still usable underwater...and that it could transmit Lucy's Identify Friend or Foe, or IFF, tag to be tracked by UNSC personnel.
Back to Noble Six's location...
Despite being in hostile territory, Nat and the others were faring well against their Phantom Lord foes. Being on the battlefield was where a Spartan felt most at home, so to speak. War is what they were trained for, and war is what they specialize in best. Here, it was no different. A rival guild not only sabotaged her own guild's building, but also harmed members and displayed the aftermath in public.
That warranted a punishment, and the super-soldier was more than happy to oblige.
Nat tackled one guy and chucked him into a group of others. She then 'requipped' a Jet Pack to get a higher vantage point, and see if anyone else needed a hand. The brunette flew to Natsu's position and punched down another guy. She then swept the feet off another Phantom member before Natsu promptly set him aflame and punched him away. Nat then headbutted another guy in front of her, then uppercut his buddy into the air. Before he hit the ground, he got encased in ice, courtesy of Gray, as Nat pulled out a Gravity Hammer and slammed the iced thug into more Phantom members. Nat then flew up and slammed her hammer on foes in front of Cana and Loke, who in turn used their respective magic to take out the guys behind the Spartan. Nodding her thanks, Nat then found herself back to back with Erza, almost like how they fought together during the Lullaby Incident.
"You holding up?" The brunette asked.
"I am. And with you jumping all over the place, it's certainly making it hard for them to even catch you." The redhead remarked.
"That's the idea. Now," Nat brought out a Plasma Repeater, the ammo toned down to non-lethal thanks to JACK. "How about mixing it up like last time?"
Erza smirked as she requipped two short swords into her hands. "Got a plan, or do you need my suggestion?"
"How about death from above? Just trust me." Nat held Erza by the waist when the former used her Jet Pack to get in the air. When high enough, the super-soldier threw Titania into the crowd of enemies, spinning with her blades and taking out a large number of them.
Nat also dived in, picking off any stragglers with her Plasma Repeater. She also kicked away anyone that got close to her, or Erza. The brunette then drew her combat knife and also made use of her blade, while firing her gun from the hip. Even without aiming, the plasma fire found their marks on the bad guys amongst the crowd.
A coupe of guys came at the soldier with blades of their own, but she easily disarmed them, by either swiping 'em away with her knife, or shooting her automatic weapon.
Erza then leaped over the Spartan, battle axe in hand, and slammed on the enemies. However, she didn't notice that one guy used his projectile magic to blast her weapon out of her hands. Several enemies were aiming to dog pile the redhead, but Nat wouldn't have any of that.
"Erza, catch!" The brunette threw her Gravity Hammer to Erza, who caught it in surprise. She stared at the large weapon the Spartan used several times before in awe, before quickly dispatching the incoming enemies with it. They were sent flying, which Nat took the opportunity to flip-kick some of them, while Erza used the blade end of the Hammer to send others in other directions.
"Thanks for the save." Erza said.
"Glad I could help." Nat replied. "Now, may I have my weapon back?"
The Titania stared at the Spartan before looking back at the heavy melee weapon in her hands. Imagine a kid being asked by their parent to give back something really cool after touching and/or using it. It's what's happening here.
"Erza, come on. I'll give you something else later."
Said redhead reluctantly gave back the Gravity Hammer. "I'll hold you to it." She then jumped back into the fray, requipping her standard broadsword.
I really hope she doesn't remember this, the Spartan thought.
Nat got her head back in the game as she aimed her Plasma Repeater at another bunch of Phantom enemies and fired. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Elfman a large group of enemies. The brunette fired her automatic weapon at the guys flanking the Take-Over wizard.
The guys looked around in surprise to see a nearly-seven-foot tall armored being come at them with a weird gun.
Nat kept firing her Plasma Repeater until it overheated, where she deliberately chucked it at one poor sap in the face. It left a burn mark, as well as knocked him out cold. She then used the guy as a springboard and grabbed her weapon in midair. Nat swapped the PR out for a Type-52 Pistol, aka the Brute Mauler.
"Who the heck is this?!" One Phantom wondered.
"Good point. If Erza's there, then what, is she a relative or something?" Another guy thought.
"Nice to see ya, Nat!" Elfman said.
"How're you holding up?" Nat asked as she shot a guy with her one-handed shotgun.
"Like a real man should!" He replied.
"Hold on. Her armor's red and blue?" One Phantom member wondered.
"Wait, you know who that is?" Another guy asked.
"A tall, female super-soldier in red and blue armor, who's said to be hyper lethal." A third person explained. "She's taken on large groups of enemies solo and come out unscathed. She helps those in need, but is ruthless to her foes. Her magic based on various weaponry she wields, almost like Titania, if better. That's Fairy Tail's Spartan, Weapons Master Archangel!"
Nat herself almost fell over. "I swear, what the hell are the people who come up with that BS thinking?"
Her heightened hearing suddenly picked up on someone chuckling from above the ongoing battle. Nat looked around to see if it was someone going to pounce her or a teammate. She eventually spotted an individual somehow hanging upside down from a ceiling support beam. Said individual had spiky, jet black hair and several piercings, as well as a fierce look on his face.
How have I not seen or heard him until now? She wondered.
Not one to take chances, Nat holstered her Brute Mauler and summoned a sleek, shotgun-shaped weapon with a large barrel and a counter on the left of the weapon. She is currently holding an M319 Individual Grenade Launcher, and aimed it high.
Aaaaaand... get down here, she thought as she fired her gun. The round was launched in an arc, but nearly found its mark on the wizard observing his surroundings like a bat.
"Whoa!" The guy got out of the way but was brought down to ground level.
"I take it you're Gajeel?" Nat asked.
"Well aren't you a wise girl?" Gajeel sneered. "I was going to drop down when your Master wasn't around, but now I guess I gotta get rid of you first."
The brunette glared at him, but decided not to drag this out any longer. She then called out, "Natsu! Here's your opponent!"
Gajeel stared at her for a moment before someone answered her call.
And on the scene came the pink-haired Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail himself, landing in between Nat and Gajeel.
"He's all yours!" Nat said.
"Hell yeah!" Natsu shouted as he engaged his rival Dragon Slayer.
Natalie didn't stick around as fire and iron clashed, getting back to fighting targets on her own. She stored away her grenade launcher and brought out her one Brute Mauler. Since it can shoot and melee, she only needed to wave it around and she nearly always found a target in this massive crowd. Nat kept track of her HUD, as well as kept her eyes open, so she didn't accidentally hit any of her teammates.
At some point, Makarov called out to certain people. "Erza, I leave you in charge! I will deal with Jose."
"Of course!" Erza said.
"Lieutenant, to me!" Makarov then called out.
A 'yes sir' was his response, as Nat made his way to him, storing away her Mauler and now holstering an Assault Rifle to her back.
"It's time we put these cretins in their place," Makaraov muttered as he made his way up the stairs.
Nat was going to follow suit, taking a glance back at the fighting behind her. "Erza, you got this end covered?"
"Count on it. Both of you be careful." The redhead said.
The Spartan nodded as she ascended the stairs behind the Fairy Tail Master, activating her Active Camouflage along the way.
"Jose!" Makarov yelled as he crushed all obstacles in his path, with the invisible super-soldier behind him. The Fairy Tail Master finally spots his target, sitting calmly in a room with a shadow covering his face underneath his witch-like hat.
"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Oh hello there, Makarov." Jose said with a grin. "It's been a while. It's been six years ago since our last meeting...I really went overboard when we drank back then."
"I'm not here to reminisce!" Makarov slammed a giant fist in front of him.
Jose sighed. "Oh my."
Nat then noticed something was off. First, there wasn't an enemy ping on her HUD where Jose should be. And when her Master hit the man in front of him, rather than dodging, Jose instead flickered like a hologram. That's a mirage?! She thought. The brunette immediately drew an Assault Rifle and looked around her for any traps.
"An image?" Makarov grunted. "Why don't you come out and fight!"
"Tsk tsk. A fight between us Wizard Saints would be catastrophic, wouldn't you say?" Jose taunted. "Besides, a more civilized confrontation would be more suitable."
"Where are you?" The smaller old man demanded. "Get out here and we'll settle this fair and square!"
The Phantom Lord Master simply grinned as a second image projected itself at his feet. And it was...
Lucy! Nat was shocked. She knew something was off, but to think this was a diversion? And what would they want with her?
The brunette turned off her speaker comm and tried to get a hold of Lucy. "Luce! Can you hear me? Where are you? What did they do to you?" As if in some response, the blonde wizard groaned and moved a little. The Spartan wasn't sure if Lucy still had her earpiece, or if it was crushed. "Damn." Nat then switched her comm channel over to her Huragok. "JACK, you read? Lock onto Lucy's IFF tag. This was a diversion; it now seems to be a hostage situation."
-I hear you. ...transmitting Ms. Heartfilia's location to your HUD.-
"Thanks." Nat then turned her attention back to the 'confrontation' in front of her.
Makarov gasped. "Jose! How dare you!"
Jose smiled even more as he brought out a dagger. Makarov charged forth in fear, and therefore, letting his guard down. A large individual stood behind the old man and was about to dish out something horrible.
"Dammit! My senses didn't even pick him up!" Makarov exclaimed. Fortunately, the Fairy Tail Master was not alone.
Natalie deactivated her camouflage and charged forward as she scooped Makarov into her arms and saw the, now sobbing, attacker.
"What's this?" Jose said in surprise at the new arrival.
Despite Nat's intervention, the tall individual did a palm thrust that pushed her and Makarov off the railings and back to the first floor.
"I'm... I'm... I'm so sad!" The attacker wailed. This man is one of the Element 4, Aria of the great Sky.
"I thought you'd want to confront me alone, Makarov. Guess you did play smart and have a bodyguard tag along. No matter, you will all perish. And it's not like we'd dare harm little Miss Heartfilia here. At least... not yet."
Aria's attack washed over the Spartan-III and the Master in her arms as they plunged for the first floor. While only a small portion of Nat's shields were affected, Makarov though...
"What the hell was that?" Nat muttered. "Master, are you alri-"
When she as going ask how he was doing, Makarov himself was in state of shock. W-what is this? I can't build up anything! He thought as he was held by the armored soldier.
"Sir?" Nat asked again. In spite of their predicament, she somehow could hear the bastard Jose continue to monologue.
"Surely you know who Lucy Heartfilia is. After six years, how could you not?" Jose sighed. "Ah well, it's no longer your concern."
"How sad!" Aria continued to cry. "Where does this sorrow come from? Is it the world grieving over losing a powerful wizard?"
To slow their descent, Nat brought out a Thruster Pack from her DSU. Even so, there was a small carter from her landing, the impact pushing anyone near them away.
"Nat?" Erza was the closest Fairy Tail member and was surprised by the other armored girl's drop. "What happened up there? Wait... M-master?!"
Makarov gasped for air. "My... magic power... most of it's been drained..."
"Aria's magic is to take away an opponent's magic power." Jose explained as he lifted Lucy's body up. "Or rather, making it 'void'. This...is our victory."
"Tch." Nat gritted her teeth. Spartans usually kept their emotions in check, but the Threes were more unstable compared to the Twos. Right now, Nat felt nothing but anger as she tried to rationally think of what to do next.
"What could have happened up there?" Alzack wondered.
"Gramps!" Natsu shouted as he ran to Makarov's side.
Making sure her speaker COMM is off, Nat contacted her Engineer again. "JACK, here's some instructions I need you to follow..."
While this was going on, the Phantom members were going to take advantage of Makarov's handicap.
"Haha! Look at that! Their Master's powerless!"
"Now's the perfect time to push these fairies back!"
And that was the last straw. Just as one punk was getting close to even lay a hand on Makarov, Nat reacted and socked the guy in the face before promptly kicking him into a far wall.
The Phantom members were stunned when the Spartan lashed out. And it didn't stop there.
"You will not lay a hand on our Master." Nat said darkly.
The closest enemy thugs near her cringed at her tone, others unsure of how to approach the super-soldier.
"Y-you don't scare us! Come on guys! Dog pile her!"
And just as that guy finished his sentence, Nat tackled him and sprinted into other Phantom punks. More and more enemies piled behind the one she was holding, before she brought out a Concussion Rifle and unloaded an entire clip of concussive grenades upon them. Nat noted the several red blips closing on around her and just traded out her Covenant weapon out for a grenade.
"Nat, move!" Loke exclaimed.
His warning presumably fell on deaf ears, as multiple Phantom guys just piled on her.
"Get off her!" Erza yelled, requipped a spear to get to her friend.
"Come on! We need to get her out!" Gray said, using his ice to knock away the incoming thugs.
"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu too rushed to the super-soldier's aid, flaming anyone in his way.
But despite Team Natsu's efforts, numbers were on the enemy's side. Yet, no one seemed to notice the small, glowing blue ball-like object go up in the air just as all this was going on. It then fell straight down onto one guy's back, with almost no one noticing the hissing it made.
Cana saw the Plasma Grenade sitting on top the Phantom dog pile, and immediately shouted a warning, "Erza, guys! That's a grenade!"
The three Team Natsu members looked back at her, then saw how close proximity they are to the explosive.
Gray reacted first, with "Ice Make: Shield!" The large makeshift ice barrier protected the trio from the engulfing blue light as it removed a large number of the thugs that attempted to hold down the Spartan. Then an armored fist came out and punched several more foes. Nat jumped out of the mess and went to her teammates.
"Mind if I use this, Gray?" Nat asked, referring to his ice shield.
"What for?" He asked.
The brunette didn't say anything as she summoned a TR/9 Antipersonnel Mine, aka Trip Mine, and mounted it onto the front of the shield. Nat then tapped the button on top of the mine before getting behind the shield and kicked it towards the enemy. The resulting explosion took out some more of the Phantom punks, the Spartan shielding her friends from the blast with Armor Lock.
"Wow. She knows how to improvise." Erza said in amazement.
"I'd hate to see her do that to a person." Gray murmured.
"Aye." Natsu meekly said.
"Archangel to all Fairy Tail units, fall back! I repeat, fall back immediately!"
Nat's military manner shocked some people, but those she was referring to got her message.
"You heard her! Retreat!" Erza,the first to react, ordered. "We can't defeat Jose without Master! Back to the guild, now!"
Elfman carried the injured Makarov, who looked around for the Spartan.
"Natalie... don't... go... overboard..." Makarov said in between breaths.
"Take it easy, Master. We'll get you out." Cana said.
"Aw, leaving so soon?" Gajeel taunted.
"How sad..." Aria murmured as he stood next to the Iron Dragon Slayer.
Suddenly, a fast moving blue ball flew in their direction, stuck to and destroyed the ceiling support they were standing on.
"Okay, who's the wise guy?!" Gajeel yelled.
His answer came in the form of two more blue balls headed his way.
"There's more where that came from." Nat muttered, holding her recently used gun. In her hands is a shoulder-mounted weapon, the Type-52 Guided Munitions Launcher/Explosive (T52 GML/E), aka the Plasma Launcher.
"Tch. She's a tough cookie. We did our part; now we gotta go." In an instant, Gajeel and Aria vanished into thin air, leaving the remaining Phantom Lord members to deal with the Fairy Tail attack group.
"All of you get going! I'll hold them off!" Nat said.
"Nat, that's insane!" Gray exclaimed.
"Go! We can't risk any more casualties." Nat then brought out a more lightweight flamethrower, with what appeared to be a circular fuel tank near its nozzle. A shark-like face was also painted on it, bearing some resemblance to its bigger counterparts.
"Say hello to my new toy: the Scorcher." The brunette let loose flames that acted as a barrier between her, the rest of the Fairy Tail group, and Phantom's members. Natsu was entranced by the fire, tempting to have a taste of it. The others were going to protest her to use a tactic indoors, but then remembered sometimes Salamander does similar actions, if on a daily basis.
"There's not much time, so I need you all to listen to me. Without Master Makarov, we're gonna have to make a full tactical retreat. Alzack, Bisca! You two keep giving our guys cover fire when needed!" Nat instructed.
"Got it!" The gun-using duo replied.
Nat then pointed at the Fire Dragon Slayer. "Natsu, you too. Help them give our guys cover fire. Literally. If any get close, light the bastards up."
The pinkette punched a fist into an open palm. "Gotcha."
"Cana, use this on the Master and any of our injured." Nat then handed the younger brunette a Regenerator unit. "You remember how to use it?"
"Yeah, tap the button on top. I remember." Cana said with a nod.
"Erza, there's something else I need you to do."
The redhead blinked. "What is it?"
The super-soldier brought out a data pad from her DSU and handed it to Erza. "Get a safe distance, and once you're in the clear, follow the on-screen instructions on that device. Don't read it out loud, just follow what it says. Please. It...it's very important."
Erza stared at the taller girl in shock. Was she begging? What could be so important at a time like this? Without giving much thought, the redhead made a decision, and nodded. "You can count on me, Natalie."
"Thank you. Now, let's get-" Her sentence was interrupted when a magic blast hit her in the back of her Recon helmet.
"That's what ya get for turning your back on us!" The guy who fired said.
Erza and the others were surprised by the sudden strike, but the fact that Nat shook it off was something else. There was a brief flash of gold that surrounded the Spartan before she turned around to confront their foes.
"Go," was all the brunette sternly said.
Cana knew the tone she was using, and after seeing the super-soldier's 'magic symbol' glow briefly on her back, she had an idea of what's to come.
"Guys, believe me when I say you don't wanna be in the middle of a firefight when she gets angry." Cana warned them.
Nastu, Gray, and Erza heard the card wizard's warning before, and had the common sense to follow it.
"You better come back to us in one piece!" Gray shouted before he turned.
"Kick their asses good!" Natsu exclaimed.
"You can count on us, Natalie." Erza said. The redhead was the last to get out the door, taking one last glance at the other armored girl before running to do the job she was given.
"Ha! Your pals actually ditched you. What can you do by yourself?" One Phantom thug questioned.
"Hey, if we can beat Archangel, no one else can stop us from taking out those fairies for good!" Another guy said.
"Let's get her!"
A shot rang out as one poor sap was sent onto the floor, clutching his bleeding shoulder and yelling in pain.
"The hell?!"
Nat held a DMR in her right hand, and now brought out an SMG for her left. Despite firing from the waist with the semi-auto gun, she was able to land precision shots on her opponents. And with an SMG loaded with magic rounds, she can do what she does best and deliver the pain.
"You clearly have no intention of showing mercy to my guild, let alone anyone that doesn't obey you. It's only natural I respond in kind." She muttered.
The rest of the Phantom members still in the building were now scared. They thought they could overwhelm this Titania-lookalike with numbers, but seeing her not hold back to use lethal force made them hesitate.
Energy coursed through the brunette as she prepped weapons to dish out punishment on these scum. The symbol glowed like a heartbeat before slowly dimming out, being visible to those with special sight. Nat holstered her current weapons and started walking towards her foes.
"Underestimating me was your biggest mistake." Noble Six unsheathed her energy wrist daggers. "And now, you will fall." With that, she charged with a battle cry.
"How can we just leave her like this?!" Gray exclaimed.
"I'm worried about her too Gray, but we have to trust Natalie." Erza said.
"Gajeel and the others left too, but what if the Element 4 shows up when she least expects 'em?"
"She'll kick their asses! What else do you think Nat would do?" Natsu said.
"You really want someone to answer that question?" Cana muttered.
"Even if a few get by her, we'll make sure they don't follow us back." Alzack said.
"That makes two of us." Bisca added.
Erza remembered the device Nat handed her and went off in another direction.
"Erza!" Said redhead glanced at the person who called her.
"If it's something really important that Natalie wants you to do, then you also better get back to us soon!" Natsu shouted.
Erza nodded. "Certainly." As the rest of the Fairy Tail group retreated back to the guild, Erza made her way to a forest. Looking at her surroundings, she made sure no one was around to eavesdrop on her.
"What could've been so urgent at a time like this," Erza wondered.
Looking at the device curiously, Erza remembered Nat's instructions and to follow whatever was said on it. The redhead noticed the screen had the UNSC emblem on it, as well as some kind of bird on a globe as part of it. It then said 'Tap screen to continue', and so she did.
The screen changed to say 'Access Granted; Clearance Give via Sierra-B312'; it then started as a letter directed for Erza herself.
How did she find the time to write up something like this? Erza thought. Still, it looks like an interesting device. This adds to the list of things I must ask Nat at some point.
If you're reading this, then it must mean I already mentioned it's urgent. Something else happened while we were fighting Phantom Lord."
As Erza read on, the information on the data pad really surprised her. The redhead couldn't help but shout, "They did what?!"
With her left wrist blade, Natalie struck down on the first guy in her sights, breaking his sword and sending him to the floor. She then slashed vertically, leaving a scar on the man's torso. Nat turned her sights to her right at another Phantom punk that had a knife in his hand. She charged and stabbed him in the chest with her other wrist blade, making the guy drop his knife. Miraculously, she missed any vital organs as she held him in the air before throwing him onto the ground.
~As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown~ [1]
Nat sheathed her energy wrist blades and this time went for dual SMGs. She squeezed the triggers, the bullets almost instantaneously finding their marks on her targets. Those who weren't riddled by bullets received an armored boot, elbow, or headbutt instead.
~All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves~
"How the hell is one girl causing us this much trouble?!" One guy with a star-like haircut exclaimed.
All the guy got was getting socked in the groin with the butt of an SMG, in which he reeled over in pain. That was followed up by a smack to the back the head and knocking his lights out, also courtesy of the butt of another SMG.
~All searching for the answers they don't even know~
Nat then stored away her current automatic weapons and brought back out her DMR with her right hand, whilst holding an AR with her left. She continued firing indiscriminately. While her AR was loaded with magic rounds, Nat's DMR still held live rounds; meaning those that were hit by the precision weapon were stuck with bullet wounds. Those she shot were mostly in the foot, kneecaps, shoulders, or arms.
~Give it to me~
The Spartan swapped her weapons again, this time bringing out a customized mini-gun JACK made for her: codenamed Vulcan. It was a shoulder-held weapon that looked more like a cannon, but it had the distinct barrels of a heavy machine gun. The UNSC logo was branded on one side of the gun, like most of the heavy weapons Nat has. While it reduces the user's speed, it didn't lack in firepower, that much was certain. Nat spun up the gun and let loose a stream bullets onto her foes from midair.
~Give it to me~
After a few seconds, Nat stored away the Vulcan and brought forth an Energy Sword and immediately activated it. She finished things off by slicing through the rest of the Phantom punks with her glowing blade. While she didn't actually kill them, the somewhat tone-downed plasma will leave permanent marks on the bad guys.
~You like it?~
She deactivated her blade and holstered it to her right thigh holster.
"Pathetic, the lot of you. Just like a bunch of sad, little Grunts." Nat muttered.
The sight of the rest of the Phantom members writhing in pain on the ground, some bleeding, others unconscious or foaming at the mouth, satiated her anger at the moment.
Elsewhere, Tenrou Island...
"ACHOO!" A Grunt Minor sneezed.
"Papaw, you okay?" Mavis asked.
"Me fine. Probably nothing." He replied.
The short time Papaw spent on the island made him scared for a while. So when Mavis introduced herself to him, he mostly ran around in a panic for a while. He couldn't comprehend the fact that he was the only Covenant on this particular planet, let alone he was talking to a magic ghost of the species the Covenant were exterminating. But eventually he did become friends with Mavis, even though she was the reason he was stranded on this 'backwater mud-ball', as his superiors might say.
The blonde wizard in question stared into the distance of the island, in the direction that Fiore is in.
"Something wrong?" Papaw asked.
"I feel as though something big is coming." Mavis said with a blank look on her face. "Did I tell you that I also brought someone else into this dimension?"
The Unggoy shook his head.
"Well, I also brought one more person. A 'Demon', as you would call her kind."
Papaw looked like he wanted to cry. A lot. And for his mommy. But at the moment, he just settled on fainting.
Mavis stared at the unconscious alien. "Oh my. I didn't know he had a bad experience with a Spartans. *sigh* I hope Nat doesn't overreact either when I introduce her to the little fella."
The First Master of Fairy Tail moved Papaw into some shade to avoid sunburn before resuming her thinking time. Mavis sincerely hoped that the Covenant, or any other threats from that universe, never came to hers at all. And while she felt bad for denying Nat a chance to fight back with her fellow soldiers, the blonde knew the hyper lethal brunette deserved a second chance to live.
A part of me knows Nat being her in Earth Land will have some repercussions, Mavis thought, but I trust her judgement. And I pray for her safety, and the guild's. I do not doubt she will do everything in her power to help Fairy Tail.
Like now where the guild is at war, even if Mavis doesn't know at the moment.
Back with the Spartan, she finished up taking out the rest of the Phantom guild that were still there. She got a good look at her handiwork, seeing her opponents not getting up anytime soon.
Hopefully they now know to never cross a Spartan or their friends, she thought. "If you ever come at Fairy Tail again, I will be sure to end your lives without remorse. And if any of you get out alive, tell your Master this: if Makarov doesn't kick his ass the next time they actually meet, I will."
As she was heading for the exit, Natalie noticed the Phantom Lord banner hanging above the door. She unholstered her Energy Sword and slices it off the wall. She stored away her plasma blade and held the enemy flag in her left hand. With that, Noble Six left the building and headed back towards her own guild.
"I hope everyone made it back okay." Nat thought out loud.
Phantom Lord HQ
"Huh?" Lucy wondered groggily. "Wh-where am I?" She looked around unsure of her surroundings, until she realized she's tied up.
A few moments later, she heard footsteps approaching. "Are you awake? Miss Lucy Heartfilia?"
"Huh? W-who are you?" Lucy asked.
"My name is Jose Porla, and I am the guild master of Phantom Lord." The man introduced himself.
"What do you want with me?"
"You are a captive of mine, now. And if you behave, I just might give you a better room to stay in."
The blonde wizard instantly shrieked when a bug crawled near her.
"See? You won't like it here." Jose chuckled.
"Tell me, why did you attack us?" Lucy demanded.
"Us? Oh, you must mean attacking your guild." The Phantom Lord master laughed. "Ah, that's just an extra on our part."
"What are you really after? Why kidnap me?"
"Our real goal was to capture you, but in the process, we wanted to teach Fairy Tail a lesson. Now we killed two birds with one stone. After all...you are the heiress of the Heartfilia family."
"W-what?" Lucy stuttered. So that means..."
"Your father is the one who hired us to get you back. Paid us a good amount of money, I might add."
"No...that can't be true. He wouldn't even..."
"It's obvious!" Jose pointed out. "Any parent would search the globe for their children that ran away!"
"No he wouldn't!" Lucy yelled. "He doesn't care about me. And I sure as hell am never going back to that house!"
Jose shrugged. "I'm afraid that's out of the question."
Lucy narrowed her ideas at the man before her. She then came up with an idea to get away from him. The blonde went for the old bathroom trick. Of course, Jose wasn't totally convinced and he merely pointed at a bucket already in the room. What didn't expect was that Lucy, albeit reluctantly, was actually going to use it.
And just when Jose had his back turned, Lucy struck. She kicked him hard in the groin and aimed to run out of the room. What she didn't expect was that she was in a dungeon sky high. Or technically, eight stories up.
Despite the pain he was in, Jose laughed at Lucy's predicament. He shakily stood up, displeased with the action that was done to him, and was about ready to make his hostage pay.
Not liking her choices, Lucy closed her eyes and jumped out the door. Jose also didn't expect that and screamed in surprise. And the pain for a minute ago came back and he was on the floor holding his family jewels, trying not to cry, mind you.
As she fell, Lucy prayed someone would come and catch her. Please, someone, anyone! I know your close...just don't be too late...
Before hitting the ground, an individual did arrive in the nick of time and save Lucy from a gruesome fate.
The blonde could feel the firm but gentle arms around her, protecting her and stopping her fall. The celestial wizard assumed it was Natsu, but after noticing it was someone armored, she thought otherwise. And when Lucy turned to see her savior, she was also in for a surprise.
Said redhead looked at her blonde teammate with a smile. "Hey. It's a good thing I caught you, huh?"
"W-wha? H-huh? How did you even find me?" Lucy questioned.
Erza first cut her friend free before bringing out a small rectangular device with the UNSC logo on it. The screen showed Lucy's location, indicated by her small face in a circle, as well as Nat's on a small map of Fiore.
Lucy stared at the data pad in Erza's hands. "So...my 'sister' sent you to rescue me?"
Erza shrugged. "The details were on this device when she gave it to me. She was going to send Natsu instead, but for some reason though it'd be good idea if it were me as well. And so...here we are."
The blonde processed the information given to her, surprised the Spartan planned all this. Lucy then slumped to the ground, her eyes getting watery with tears on the verge of falling.
Erza looked at the building Lucy was held in. "So, is this their headquarters, Lucy?" The redhead didn't receive an answer, and when she turned to her teammate, Erza saw her friend in a sad mood.
"Lucy, what's wrong?" The Titania asked.
"A-all this...*hic* *hic* ...happened because of me. It's all my fault." Lucy replied, now crying.
"What do you mean?"
"B-but despite all this, I still want to stay with the guild! I love Fairy Tail!" Lucy wailed.
Erza was unsure what to say to or do for her. "No one's making you leave the guild! I...I'm not sure what..." She trailed off, not sure what else to say.
The redhead stared at the Phantom building for a moment, before helping Lucy to her feet. "Let's go back to the others. I'm sure Natalie and everyone else is worried about you."
Lucy wiped away her tears and nodded. "Let's go."
Erza nodded as well, requipped her Black Wing Armor, and carried the blonde back to the guild.
The girls didn't stick around when Jose screamed in rage.
Hours later...
It was about sunset when Nat walked back to Magnolia and to the guild. She still held the Phantom Lord banner in her left hand, content with her personal victory against this enemy. Although technically, it was a loss for her guild.
Wouldn't be the first time something was lost, Nat grimly thought. She sighed and took decided now was a good time to actually breathe. The brunette tied the enemy banner to a pouch as she undid the magnet and other 'locks' on her helmet. With a hiss, she finally took it off her head and placed it under her right arm.
I was at least able to tell Makarov about JACK before we started our attack today. Worst comes to worst, she can install some security into the guild building. I just hope no one suspects anything, or that some smartass tries to steal what I have. Nat continued her trek back to Fairy Tail, until the sound of wings flapping caught her attention. That, and someone calling out her name.
"Natalie! Hey!"
Said brunette turned to see Erza, requipped in her Black Wing Armor, carrying Lucy bridal style land near her.
"Good to see you two are fine." Nat said. She did notice Lucy's eyes were somewhat puffy, but didn't inquire on it yet.
"What about you? Are you okay?" The blonde asked her 'sister'.
The brunette nodded. "I've had better days, but I'm alright." Nat then took out something from one of her pouches. "Look what I got."
Erza and Lucy were surprised to see the item in the Spartan's hands.
"I-is that Phantom Lord's guild banner?" Erza asked, now in her default Heart Kreuz armor.
"Affirmative. I more or less took care of the rest of them when you all left. Except for the Element 4 plus Gajeel, of course."
Lucy rolled her eyes in slight amusement. "Why am I not surprised."
"I'm, uh... sorry I didn't come rescue you myself." Nat turned her head away seemingly in shame.
Erza titled her head sideways. "Why would you be sorry? No one could've seen this coming."
"As the 'older sister'," Nat said with air quotes, "It's my responsibility to take care of the you, the 'younger sibling.'"
Lucy shook here head. "It's not your fault. You did what you had to do." She seemed to be on the brink of tears again. "It...it was my father that made all this happen..."
Nat looked at her with surprised eyes. "What?!"
"Lucy said Phantom Lord was hired by her father to bring her home." Erza said. "And getting back at us was more like a secondary objective, so they did both simultaneously."
"I suppose Mr. Heartfilia never got the memo us Fairy Tail wizards can be pretty stubborn." Nat whispered.
"I just don't want to leave the guild. I don't... I don't want to leave all you guys; because you're my friends!" Lucy exclaimed.
Erza and the Spartan looked at the blonde, knowing full well she meant every word of it.
"We know, Luce." Nat said.
"We will not let the enemy take you again." Erza reassured. "As for your father..."
Lucy raised a hand. "I'll take care of him. We just... I don't want to see anyone else get hurt because of me."
"I said it's alright for you to stay with us. Besides, the rich life you ran away from a year ago, as you told me, doesn't sit you. Going on adventures with us seems more appropriate." Erza said.
Lucy was a rich girl that ran away from home. ...and repercussions are only coming now? Nat rubbed the back of her head. "I'm...not exactly good with words. *sigh* Looking back from my perspective, I didn't think I would make it outside of a military life. Sure, some habits stuck with me, among other things, but I went from silent, hyper-lethal Lone Wolf, to a team player several times. I lost friends and loved ones before I came to Earth Land. And yet, despite the kind of hell war threw at me, I was given a second chance to live - by coming here."
The other two girls listened intently to the soldier's words.
"Lucy, you were the first friend I made when I came here. Then there's Natsu and Happy, but that's besides the point. You and I joined Fairy Tail together. And really...I'm fine with being your older sister figure. So...I guess what I'm saying is...I don't want to see you go. And I'm sure the rest of the guild would agree too." The brunette finished.
Lucy herself looked like she was going to cry again - but these were tears of joy instead. The blonde spread her arms and asked, "Then...could I get a hug from my big sis?"
Nat looked at Erza, then back to Lucy. Shrugging, the Spartan leaned down to return the gesture. "Sure."
The blonde wrapped her arms around the older girl's neck, careful not to lean against the hard armor. Lucy silently cried, as Nat gently pat her on the back. "It's alright. You're not alone." Green eyes went towards Erza, who looked on at the touching scene.
In a gesture of kindness, Nat raised her right arm and motioned the redhead over. "C'mon Erza. You deserve a hug too."
Surprised, Erza gladly joined the sisters in their group hug. The blonde and brunette let one arm free to wrap the other around the redhead.
"This...is rather nice," the Titania said.
"It is." Lucy said with a smile.
"Thank you Erza. For getting her out when I asked." Nat said.
"It's what friends are for. You did ask nicely in a somewhat subtle way."
"Crazy as the guild is, I'm happy to have joined." Lucy added.
Nat chuckled. "We're insane but not alone. That sounds good enough to me, girls."
After their little group hug, the trio went inside the guild and tell them what happened.
Days later...
Fairy Tail guild basement...
A few days have passed after the failed attack on Phantom. While several FT members were injured, everyone's morale went up high when Natalie returned unharmed, as did Erza and Lucy. Even here, it seems, a Spartan's presence can ignite courage in people.
At this time, Fairy Tail is gonna need it.
Despite the number of injured, everybody was pressing to prepare for the next fight.
In another part of the basement, Cana was doing her hardest to contact certain people. "Damn. I can't figure out where Mystogan is!"
"That's unfortunate." Mira sighed. "If Lucy is their target, they'll surely strike us again."
"And with many of us injured, we'd be in a tight spot." The brunette added.
"Master isn't badly wounded, but needs his rest. Mystogan is nowhere to be found. So...that leaves only you, Laxus..." Mira said to the face in the communication lacrima.
"You serious?"
"Please return! It's urgent!" Mira begged.
"Serves the old man right!" Laxus laughed. "Not my problem. Go ahead and take care of this yourselves!"
Unbeknownst to them, the conversation was also being heard by one more person, even if they didn't show their face.
"You bastard!" Cana shouted at him.
"Ain't that the truth? Gramps starts a fight, and look where that got the rest of us." Laxus observed.
"Lucy is being targeted!" Mira protested. "She's one of our newest members, remember?"
Laxus grinned. "Oh yeah, that cute blonde with the nice rack, right? I'll help out, if she becomes my girl. And another thing, tell the Old Man to retire and let me be the next Master!"
"I think I've heard enough."
The girls, plus Laxus, turned to see a very displeased Noble Six, without her helmet, look at the crystal lacrima in disgust.
"Oh. It's you." Laxus said dryly.
"How...long have you been there?" Cana asked.
"Long enough." Nat glared at Laxus' image. "You certainly have balls to not give a damn about your guild."
"What I do is none of your business." The blond male spat.
"You're right. Because you being here wouldn't have made a difference anyway, since you'd be too busy striking up your ego."
Laxus' eyes widened as he stared at the tall girl. "What did you say?!"
"You heard me right, asshole. It's one thing that you insult the Master, who is your flesh and blood. It's another that you think the rest of us are just fine as we are now, what with not many of us left to fight. If you were here, I probably would have used you as a meat shield." Or do anything just as bad after what he said about Lucy, she thought. If looks could kill, Nat's glare would be doing that by now.
Mira and Cana gaped at what the super-soldier said.
"So you think you're better than me?! Than most of the others here? Fine! Why don't you go play hero and get their asses out of the fire on this one!" Laxus yelled.
"I am going to do my job. And what you should do, let me put in a language you understand," Nat said as she unsheathed her combat knife. "Fuck. Off." Cana somehow saw Nat activate a switch on her knife before using it. The outline of the blade glowed a light blue as, in a swift motion, the Spartan swiped at the crystal ball, practically bisecting it and leaving a smoking mark. One half slid down and fell to the floor, breaking into more pieces.
Sobbing could be heard as Nat put away her blade. The brunette turned to see Mirajane in tears.
"How awful. I can't believe someone like him is even in Fairy Tail." Mira said.
"You were an S-Class Wizard once." Cana sighed. "But you can't help the way you are now."
She was what now? Nat wondered. She too sighed, and placed a hand on the barmaid's shoulder.
"It's alright Mira. We'll make it through this."
The white-haired girl wiped her tears away. "I sincerely believe that. And I don't doubt you'll fight hard along the rest of us."
The Spartan shrugged. "Spartans are a last line of defense. Wouldn't be a first, or last, time I do something like this." She turned her attention to Cana. "Still no word for backup?"
The younger brunette shook her head. "No so luck so far."
"Keep trying. I'm going to make preparations of my own." Nat then walked away and went to a table somewhat near Lucy.
"I know we still have Team Natsu and some others, but it seems as though all the responsibility is on her." Mira murmured.
"Come on, let's have faith in Natalie." Cana said. "She wouldn't let any of her friends down, no matter where she is."
The white-haired girl could only nod in agreement.
In another corner of the basement, Lucy sat on a barrel in a discouraged mood. She regretted to hear that her own father wanted her back and went to this much trouble to do so. Even so, Natsu and Gray tried cheering her up. The Celestial Wizard tried to keep a level-headed attitude, despite the casualties that the guild had sustained.
Meanwhile, Nat went back to a table she was using to check some of her guns and equipment. On a large table were some of the things at her disposal. And fortunately the guns were not loaded, and, as a precaution, have their safeties turned on.
Currently, there was a pair of M6G Pistols, a DMR, sniper rifle, shotgun, a pair of SMGs, the Vulcan, and Scorcher, and even a Brute Shot, Gravity Hammer, and a Focus Rifle lay along side the human weapons.
Nat heard footsteps approach her table and was surprised to see her 'little sister' look at her guns in curiosity.
"Hey. I didn't think you'd be interested in weapons like mine."
"Just taking a close look at some of them. They're heavier than I thought."
"That's the kind of feel when you hold a gun for the first time, but you get used to it when it's your job. How're you holding up?" Nat asked.
"A little anxious, but now I feel better." Lucy answered. "Cana wasn't kidding when she said you were armed to the teeth. So to speak."
"Better to be prepared and not need some of these than the other way around."
"That's a good way of thinking, even though most of your 'toys' look...barbaric." Gray noted, now joining the conversation.
"I like to think of it as having more things not being used against you or your friends." Nat remarked.
"Sounds good to me." Natsu added.
"Aye. She can wipe out an army with these things." Happy said.
The brunette looked over her teammates' shoulders. "Anyone seen Erza?"
"She's in the shower room, from what I heard." Bisca answered, who now just came back with Alzack after checking on Makarov.
"How's Makarov doing?" The Spartan asked.
The green-haired cowgirl sighed. "Porlyusica said it'll be a while before he recovers. But if you hadn't stepped in when you did, the Master's condition could've been worse."
"That kind of news is better than none." Nat noted.
"So that means Gramps is out of the fight." Natsu murmured.
"We cant just count him out just yet!" Gray said.
"The Master is a real man!" Elfman remarked. "He wouldn't go down so easily!"
"Still, we should brace ourselves for the worst." Lucy picked up one pistol and looked at it up close. "I almost always see you have one of these on you, Nat."
"Oh yeah, she did say those handguns of hers pack a punch." Bisca said. "Certainly doesn't look like any guns I've seen before."
"M6G Personal Defense Weapon System. Type: Magnum caliver pistol. Has a feed system of 7 rounds a magazine. Effective range is close to medium: around 50 meters. Ammunition type is 12.7mm x 40mm M225 Semi-Armor-Piercing High-Explosive/.50 Magnum Caliber Rounds. Has a feed system of 8 round magazines, with an effective range of close to medium, so 50 meters. Oh, and a rate of fire of about 240 rounds a minute." Nat recited, not taking her eyes off the Focus Rifle she was currently handling.
Bisca whistled at hearing the details of the handgun. The others weren't sure to make of it, but Lucy herself seemed more interested.
"Semi-Armor-Piercing? So, does this mean these bullets can punch through someone like Erza's armor." The blonde asked.
If she's not wearing the right defensive type, it'll blow her guts out, is more likely. "If you hit the right places, and so long as the enemy isn't too heavily armored, then yeah, it does work." Nat answered. Don't even get me started on the other guns...
Bisca then picked up a Battle Rifle and examined it. "This one seems really up my alley."
"I could lend you that, if you'd like."
The green-haired girl blinked. "Really?"
"BR55 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle. Entered service 4 years ago, actually. Type: bullpup battle rifle. Ammunition type being 9.5x40mm M634 Experimental High-Powered Semi-Armor-Piercing rounds. Feed system of 36-round magazines, and approximately 900 rounds per minute for rate of fire." Nat explained.
"Do you just memorize the specs of all your stuff or something?" Natsu asked.
"Are any of you even going to remember what I said?"
Gray shrugged. "Fair enough. It's not like you'd give us a manual or something without a catch."
Suddenly, the entire building shook, and continued to, as something big was coming.
"It's coming from outside!" Alzack shouted for everyone in the guild to hear.
Everyone scrambled to get upstairs to see what the commotion is about.
"We'll talk about this later." Nat told Bisca, the latter nodding as she went to join the others. Nat donned her helmet and quickly stored away all her weapons before heading outside.
"What the..." Someone stared up to see something gigantic. "What is that?"
Wakaba's jaw dropped. "Their guild building is walking..."
"Phantom?" Macao gasped. "They're coming to us?"
Nat saw what everyone else was gaping at. It was a gigantic six-legged walking version of Phantom Lord's guild building, coming right for them.
I don't know if that thing can stand against a Scarab, but it must have some sort of weak-point, Nat thought.
"I never imagined we would be attacked this way." Erza said, who stood in front of the crowd in only a towel.
Archangel turned to the redhead and could only shake her head. "For godsake Erza, put something on." Nat grumbled.
Inside the giant walking castle that is Phantom Lord HQ, Jose glared down at his enemies.
"Prepare our magical weapon: Jupiter!" He ordered.
A wall of the castle lowered as a long barrel slowly revealed itself, extending and pointing at its target: the crowd of Fairy Tail members outside the guild. Immediately, energy began to gather at its tip.
"Annihilate them!" Jose commanded.
"This is bad. Everyone, get down!" Erza yelled to her fellow wizards.
The redhead charged forward, her towel disappearing in a flash of light as she requipped very bulky armor. "I won't allow you to destroy our guild!" She yelled.
"Adamantine Armor?" Max exclaimed. "You're telling me she's gonna stop that attack?!"
"Even with the armor's defensive power..." Mab trailed off.
"Erza!" Natsu yelled, with Gray holding him back.
"You idiot, she's got this taken cared of!" Gray said.
I've got a bad feeling about this, Nat thought.
"Oh no..." Lucy murmured.
At that moment, the Jupiter Cannon opened fire, the beam aiming to wreak havoc upon anything, and anyone, in its path.
Everyone at Fairy Tail braced themselves for the worst. Some got their heads down, others covered for their friends...and Natalie got to work. She requipped two Bubble Shields into her hands, activating and throwing the objects in either direction. The UNSC equipment did their job and spawned hexagonal domes, protecting many of the Fairy Tail Wizards. Nat herself stood in front of Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Happy with Armor Lock, shielding them from Jupiter's blast.
As for Erza, she endured the main wrath of Phantom's weapon. The redhead combined the two shields on her arms, which created a large, aqua green, magic barrier. It halted Jupiter's attack, but the dark beam wasn't stopping anytime soon. Erza grunted as she stood her ground, but the barrier started to break down, and soon her armor started chipping away piece by piece. Finally, it could take no more, and Titania was sent flying into the Fairy Tail building, much of the Adamantine Armor destroyed. Even so, her effort wasn't in vain, as Jupiter didn't wipe anyone, or thing, out.
Natsu ran towards Erza, checking to see if she was okay. After collecting her Bubble Shields, and checking on the others, Nat joined the pinkette and deployed a Regen Unit. The green field emitted healed some of her wounds, but Erza cringed as she struggled to even sit up.
"Easy, easy." Nat said as she helped the redhead. She really took a hit for us. If they do it again...
"To whomever it was that had beaten almost all my men, as well as threatened me, what can you do now? First it was Makarov, and now Titania is out of the fight. You have no hope left." Jose said through a loudspeaker. "Give up Lucy Heartfilia immediately!"
"You're out of your mind!" Alzack yelled.
"No guild would ever sacrifice any of their members to the enemy!" Bisca added.
"Lucy is our friend!" Macao shouted.
"That's right!" Wakaba shouted. "You're not getting her, so get lost!"
"Give her to me this instant!" Jose said. "I will not ask a third time."
"I'd rather die than give up a comrade!" Erza screamed.
"Yeah!" The rest of the guild chorused.
"You can't change our answer no matter what!" Natsu exclaimed. "We'll smash you into the ground!"
"So be it!" Jose yelled with rage. "We will fire a much bigger and more destructive Jupiter blast! Tremble in fear for the next 15 minutes as you await your doom!"
"Fifteen minutes. Really?" Nat wondered.
"Damn!" Gray swore, kneeling over Erza, who slumped to the ground. "Stopping one attack took out Erza. How do we stop another?"
"Just give me five seconds, Gray. And get Erza inside for medical attention."
Said ice-wizard turned to see Natalie making her way towards the enemy. "Nat, what are you doing?"
Back in his control room, Jose could see the armored soldier taking a stance to where Erza previously was.
"Oh, that was the bodyguard Makarov had with him. What is he up to?" Jose wondered.
"Sir, that's Archangel, Fairy Tail's super-soldier! And she was the one who caused us much grief the other day!" One Phantom member said.
"'She'?" The Dark Guild Master raised an eyebrow. "How can one girl do that much damage? No matter. She will fall along the rest of her 'comrades'."
"Nat? I don't know what your standards for crazy are, but this...this is ridiculous!" Cana said.
"She's pulled through before. How can we doubt her now?" Macao asked.
"Yeah, well, we're gonna need a miracle at this point." Loke muttered.
Lucy could only stare and worry at what her sister was aiming to do. "Nat...please be careful."
The Spartan-III practically stood between Fairy Tail and death, and that was saying something. The brunette didn't say anything, only glaring at the walking guild as one of her heavy weapons materialized onto her back. She unholstered the nearly 39 in. long gun as it opened up its barrel cover. The color scheme is that of dark green, there was a thermal display attached to the side, and a metal bar on the back.
In Nat's hands is the most expensive small arm, as well as one of the only known directed energy weapons, known to be produced by the UNSC: the M6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle. Best known as the Spartan Laser.
It's also a good thing that Nat could rely on JACK to take care of her weapons. Since it's powered by a BA-53635/PLMD non-replaceable battery, there might be times where four or five shots from it wouldn't be enough; unless Nat brought a PP=16979/AM-Sh charger wherever she went to bring it to full power. With some modding, the Huragok made it so the Spartan Laser can now fire seven shots before depletion. And when she finds a quiet place to do so, Nat could recharge the gun faster with smaller devices the Engineer concocted to speed up the process.
"Whoa. What kind of weapon is that?" Lucy wondered.
"Knowing her, something horrible against the bad guys." Natsu said.
"Aye. We could use whatever else she's got up her sleeves." Happy added.
"What is she up to?" Jose inquired from his position.
Nat lined up her weapon, holding down the trigger as a harmless red laser sight projected on her target - the Jupiter Cannon itself.
"Holy crap she's gonna try and do it." Bisca said.
"Do what? What is she holding?" Alzack asked.
After charging for 2.5 seconds, Noble Six let loose a big red beam at the enemy. In actuality, that single laser is multiple, but smaller, charges of energy, sent downrange in rapid succession, giving the appearance of a continuous beam. Even so, the 26th century death machine punched through not only Jupiter's barrel, destroying it and the weapon entirely, but also went out the back of the walking guild. And it went on for quite a while, actually.
To say the result was satisfying would be an understatement.
The Spartan Laser's barrel smoked out, indicating it was cooling down. Nat still held the weapon in her hands, as she admired her latest handiwork. And for the first time in a while, she screamed at the top of her lungs. "If you want war, I will give you war!"
And frankly, everyone else' reaction to that is best summed up in two words: HOLY SHIT!
"That just happened," Lucy whispered. And in a louder voice she yelled, "Did that actually just happen?!"
"Okay, now THAT has broken the crazy meter." Cana gaped.
"What does she not have?" Macao wondered.
"Nat probably has more of those!" Alzack exclaimed.
"Or worse!" Bisca added. "But it works!"
"I never thought I'd see such a manlier weapon..." Elfman trailed off.
Natsu wasn't sure whether to look in awe or be deathly afraid. As for Happy...his jaw dropped, and then he passed out.
"Phantom was going to crush us in 15 minutes," Gray muttered. "And Nat just took out their Jupiter Cannon in 5 seconds. Just what is she?"
For Jose and Phantom Lord that just witnessed their own weapon get blown up, they too were surprised by such a counterattack.
"H-how...how does one little gun do that much damage?" An operator questioned.
"It friggin' blasted through the guild!" Another guy exclaimed.
"I need to change my pants..." One guy whined.
Jose himself gawked at the devastation caused by the Spartan. "T-that little brat...she was purposely holding back! Archangel could've annihilated us at any time! Oh, Makarov...to think you'd have one last little ace." He slammed a fist on a console. "Fine! I will give you a war if that's what you really want! You can perish at the hands of my army instead! Let's see you get out of that!"
"What do we do now sir?" A Phantom member asked.
"We go with Plan B." Jose answered. "But not just yet."
Despite another one of Natalie's 'victories', the danger doesn't stop coming. The guild members stared at the multitude of identical figures coming out of the Phantom Lord building.
Nat aimed her Laser again, not sure exactly what she was seeing. "Anyone know what those are?"
"Yeah, they're products of Jose's Shade Magic." Cana answered. "Ghost soldiers he personally created. If you hadn't taken out their cannon, we'd be in more trouble."
"Sheesh. How does Nat get those kinds of weapons?" Natsu inquired.
"Aye. There's lots of things we don't know about her." Happy murmured.
"But now what do we do?" Lucy asked.
"Make sure you stay safe, and that we stay alive." Nat replied.
"I'll take care of the first." Mirajane said. "Lucy, follow me."
"Where are we going?" Lucy wondered.
Loke watched as Mira knock out Lucy and put her on a Reedus-drawn carriage. "Please take her to the safe-house."
The white-haired barmaid watched him drive off, before sighing and transforming into Lucy. Or rather, change her head to look like the blonde's face. "I might not have any power to fight, but I will protect my friends. No matter what it takes!" She said to herself.
"Alright, then that leaves the rest of us to fight." Nat pondered, storing away her Spartan Laser. "We stop their army, as well as take out any other forces they have - before they finish us off."
"So do we take out their building?" Cana inquired.
"With what's happened so far, Jose himself must be here. If that's the case, then it's also logical for him to be guarded by his elite, the Element 4. Not to mention Gajeel would also be with them."
"And now that the cannon's gone, we have less to worry about so we can focus on fighting the rest of Phantom." Happy reasoned.
"Sounds good to me." Natsu said.
"Okay, Natsu, you and a few others get up that building and deal with the Element 4." Nat ordered.
"Let's do it!" The pinkette turned to his feline friend. "Happy?"
"Aye!" And they took off.
"Elfman, let's get going too!" Gray said.
"Aye aye." Elfman responded.
"And that means you, Loke, and I are going to strengthen our defenses here. I'm game." Cana said.
"So am I." Loke added.
"If I have too, I'll also get inside and help the others." Nat brought out an assault rifle and replaced the flashlight with the plasma-battery combat knife she used earlier. "But right now, we will stand our ground and hold the line." And I see no reason to hold back.
Happy flew his friend into the hole, made by Nat's Laser weapon, in the front of Phantom's building. He and Natsu could see scorch marks and broken equipment scattered across the room they entered in. Some of the lacrima that powered Jupiter was destroyed entirely.
"Wow. Natalie knows when to get serious." Happy observed.
"And so should we. Now that their big gun is out of commission, we just need to deal with the rest of their guys." Natsu said.
Coughing could be heard from a doorway, as a figure with black and white hair, wearing a ninja-like attire, and a mark across his face, made himself known.
"Geez...I thought we were going to finish off those fairies for good, then we lose Jupiter. What the hell could've done this?" The man wondered.
"Are you supposed to be a guard or something?" Natsu asked.
"What's it matter to you?"
"If you're gonna get in my way, I'll just smash you!" Natsu exclaimed as he ignited his hand to punch the figure.
Said figure grinned when Natsu suddenly changed direction and punched himself in the face.
"The hell?" Natsu wondered, as he lit up his hand to see if it worked. "What was that?"
"If you are going to get in the way, you will be sorry." The man sneered.
Max scowled as he shot some sand at the Shades. Sadly, his magic passed straight through them. Just as a the creatures were going to jump him, Cana threw some cards that embedded into the Shades and absorbed their magic power, dissolving them.
"We must protect our guild!" Cana told him. "These things are just puppets; they don't show emotions, whether they lose comrades or having their own guild destroyed. And we're not gonna lose to scum like that!"
"Well said." Nat said, as she continued to open fire on the Shades. And with the added fact that they weren't human, it gave the Spartan much more leeway to 'do her job'. Frankly, she cut loose and decimated the shadow enemies surrounding her and the guild.
Seeing an opportunity to test a theory, Nat holstered her makeshift bayonet AR and brought out her Scorcher.
"If they're entities of the dark, then let's see how they fare against this kind of light." She said to herself. And so Nat pulled the trigger, setting aflame the Shades around her. They were destroyed in the light and heat of the incoming fire.
Despite their efforts, Jose merely sent out more waves of Shades.
From the guild window, Mira (disguised as Lucy), frowned. Jupiter may be down, but we might be overwhelmed by numbers.
"So you're an enemy. Then all I gotta do is take you down!" Natsu shouted.
"I don't know if it was you that did this," The man was saying. "But I'll put an end to you first."
"Yeah, I wish it was my handiwork." Natsu muttered. "At least this isn't a waste of my time!" He charged again with a flaming fist.
Happy shook his head when the fist connected with Natsu's cheek instead.
The pinkette growled in frustration and roared out fire at the man this time - which suddenly changed direction and swirled around him instead.
"I am Totomaru of the Flame, master of the fire element." The person greeted. "All flames are controlled by me."
"Say what?"
"Whether it's the enemy's or nature, all flame is mine!" Totomaru said, launching himself forward.
"My flame belongs to me alone!" Natsu protested.
Totomaru smirked. "And this may turn out bad for you, Mr. Fire Wizard."
Happy was unsure what he could do at the moment. He could only watch as his companion fought this fire-using enemy. If anything, they didn't have to worry about a dangerous super-weapon firing up anytime soon.
"Blue Fire!" Totomaru shouted as he engulfed Natsu in blue flames.
"That's cold!" Natsu rubbed his arms to warm himself up. "Never eaten fire this cold before."
"So that's how it is." Totomaru observed. "I take it you're Fairy Tail's Fire Dragon Slayer? If so, then this means we're at a stalemate."
"Like that's gonna stop me! Have some of this!" Natsu grinned. "Fire Dragon's..."
Totomaru sighed, but braced himself, nonetheless.
"...Spit!" Natsu laughed as he spat right into Totomaru's eye.
"Goddammit! Are you out of your mind?!" The Phantom wizard exclaimed. "Eat this! Orange Fire!"
"What the hell!" Natsu exclaimed. "This friggin' stinks! My nose burns!"
"Hahaha!" Totomaru laughed. "That's smelly flame! How do you like that?"
And this kept going on for a while, ridiculous as it is.
Back outside, the fighting continued with neither side gaining an advantage. That is, until the Phantom guild started shifting.
"What's going on now?" Wakaba wondered.
The dark wizard guild stood up on its six legs, then went up on two in a human-like fashion. Suddenly, arms sprouted out of the sides and a helmeted head popped up from the roof.
"Coming here, one of the last things I'd ever expect to see were giant robots." Nat thought out loud.
With Natsu and his opponent, the room shifted horizontally when the guild transformed. And since that made it a moving 'vehicle,' Natsu got sick. Again.
"It's over for you!" Totmaru said. "This is our guild's most powerful weapon: the Super Magic Giant Phantom Mk. II!"
Natsu was going to retort, but he kept himself from hurling on the floor.
"Hahaha! You're kidding, right?" Totomaru burted into laughter. "He's got motion sickness! Now's my chance to turn this fight around!" He lifted his hands, bringing forth a multicolored flame. "Here's my ultimate magic...Rainbow Fire!"
All of a sudden, his arm got frozen, which then spread to the rest of his body. "Eh? W-what is this?!"
And then, a huge arm lifted the ice block Totomaru was in and hurled it into the sky. Which he then screamed in terror.
"That's a sad sight, Natsu. You know that?" Gray remarked.
"A man should be making vehicles sick! Not the other way around!" Elfman added.
Natsu then got back on his feet in an instant. "It finally stopped!"
"I'll see what's going on!" Happy said, flying back outside.
The gathered wizards watched as the now bipedal building raised a hand and began drawing a magical seal.
"You're kidding me." Cana gasped. "That thing's a wizard too?!"
Back inside Fairy Tail's guild hall, the Lucy-disguised Mirajane quivered in fear. "That's Abyss Break...that's a forbidden spell!"
Loke grit his teeth. "If it's that big...everything all the way to Kardia Cathedral will be obliterated!"
At hearing that, Nat brought out a Spartan Laser again. "I hope that thing doesn't have a barrier, otherwise I don't have any other ideas to take it down."
Happy rushed back inside with urgent news. "Guys! The building turned into a giant and is casting a spell that will destroy a large part of the town!"
The boys glanced nervously at each other before going off in three different directions.
"Then let's stop it!" Natsu said.
"We'll split up and find this walking guild's power source!" Gray added.
"What other crazy trick will they throw at us next!" Elfman thought out loud.
Happy shook his head. "I probably should've told 'em to get out so Nat could use her laser thingie again. Make this a little easier for us." He then took off in Natsu's direction.
Meanwhile, the situation outside hasn't changed much, aside from the fact that there's now a giant mechanical 'wizard' about to unleash a devastating attack upon not only Fairy Tail, but a portion of Magnolia as well. Now, everyone was fighting harder and giving everything they've got.
Noble Six was no exception.
While Nat holstered her Spartan Laser for the moment, she continued to lay waste to the Shades attack her and her teammates. And I don't need to feel sorry about what I do, she thought. The brunette shot and melee-d anything in her path that wasn't human, which she didn't need to think about.
Out of the corner of her eye, Nat notices Cana leaning against the guild wall, talking to Mira on the other side. Nat could also see Erza being rested on a table for the time being. With her enhanced hearing, Nat heard some of their conversation, such as Abyss Break activating in about 10 minutes. But then Mira's mood changed when Cana told her Elfman is also inside with Natsu and Gray.
"Is there something about Elfman we should worry about?" The Spartan wondered. She then made a quick call to JACK to lock down their apartment, as well as set up as many defenses as possible. Granted, Covenant Energy shielding is durable, but what Noble Six and her Huragok have hasn't been properly tested against very strong magics. Even so, the brunette would do what she can to prevent a massacre and any other possible damage done to the town.
All of sudden, the doors to the guild flung open with Mira-Lucy striding out, much to everyone's chagrin.
"What are you doing?!" Nat asked.
Instead of answering, Mirajane tried getting the enemy's attention, much to everyone's chagrin.
"You're after me, right?" She shouted. "Then stop attacking our guild right now!"
"Get lost, imposter!" Jose broadcasted. "We were already aware Lucy isn't here. No one would be foolish enough to let the target of an attack go on the front lines.
Mira started to tear up. H-how much more useless could I be?! She despaired.
"Don't worry." Nat said, putting hand on her shoulder. "I'm not sure what the whole story is, but Elfman will be fine."
The barmaid meekly nodded, now ridding her disguise. Just then, a large shadow loomed over the girls.
"Move!" Nat shoved Mirajane out of the way just as the building's hand flicked the soldier out of the way and then made a grab for Mira.
"Hmm." Jose frowned. "Trying to deceive us. Aren't you a bad girl. I believe it's time to punish you." The fingers started to tighten, squeezing the life out of Mirajane.
"Mira!" Cana yelled, unable to do anything.
"Let her go!" Natalie jumped back up and lunged ran towards the giant, a Gravity Hammer now in her hands.
"Keep her busy." Jose ordered his Shades. "She's the only real trouble at this point. But not for much longer."
The dark Master's soldiers grabbed at Nat, immobilizing her from rescuing her friend.
"Dammit!" The Spartan smashed away, but more kept jumping her.
"Nat! Hold on!" Cana threw more of her magic cards at the Shades.
Go ahead soldier. Try and give another miracle for your guild now, Jose thought.
"I will protect Fairy Tail with my life, like a real man!" Elfman declared as he sprinted down a hall. "Wait...what's up with this place?"
"Salut!" Sol greeted, twisting out of the ground. "Ah, Monsieur Elfman."
Said person scowled at the new threat.
"I am Sol of the Earth." The person bowed. "But you may call me Monsieur Sol."
"Good timing." Elfman muttered. "You could tell me how to stop this thing. Beast Arm: Black Bull!" His right arm changed in a shimmer, now in black and more muscle.
"Oh?" Sol grinned. "So it's just your right arm that transforms? Seems the info. was spot on...though, my head does contain details of just about almost every Fairy Tail wizard and their history."
"Almost?" Elfman raised an eyebrow.
"Tis nothing." Sol waved it off. "But anyway, you had a younger sister, did you not?" He broke off some chunks of the floor out and threw them at Eflman. "Rock Concert!"
Said wizard threw his arms up to shield himself from the debris.
"A few years back, you went through a full Take-Over and failed, resulting you in going on a rampage." Sol smirked. "And your little sister paid the price to stop you, am I right?"
Even with Elfman glaring at him, Sol just kept on blabbering. "And ever since the incident, you've been traumatized and have been unable to do a full Take-Over since."
"Beast Arm: Iron Bull!" Elfman's arm now changed to a metallic one. Sol dodged his strikes with ease as he twisted around the white-haired man's arm.
"Salut!" He commented, his face eerily close to Eflman's.
"Ugh, gross." Elfman noted as he pulled at the rubbery body. "Get the hell off me, freak!"
Sol twisted away and sent Elfman sprawling with a kick to the face. "Is it the finale already?"
This guy is stronger than he looks, Elfman thought. Guess I got not choice but to use it!
Magic began to swirl around him as his body began to change. But an image of Lisanna made Elfman think otherwise and didn't keep going with the transformation. Instead, he dropped to his knees in frustration.
"It's best not to attempt what you cannot achieve." Sol told him. "All that magic power wasted. Voila!" He followed up with a double kick to Elfman's stomach.
"As a show of me being a gentleman, I shall finish you off with my most powerful spell." Sol said gleefully. "Platre Sonata!"
Elfman then got smashed by a huge fist made of plaster and was knocked into a wall, breaking almost all of it. Upside down, his eyes widened to see Mirajane struggle to break free.
"Sis!" He got right back up.
"Oh?" Sol adjusted his monocle. "Well if it isn't your older sister, the famous Mirajane. Once feared as 'Demon Mirajane'. And it seems she's diminished her magical power. ...what a shame."
Elfman gaped at his older sibling in a horrible situation. "At the moment, she is being punished for deceiving us." Sol said to him. "She'll be smashed into paste anytime now."
"G-get out of here..." Mira begged, despite the pain she's receiving.
"Sis!" Elfman shouted. "Let her go!"
"Stop!" Mira waile, now seeing Sol smash Elfman's head into the ground. "Do what you want to me, but leave Elfman alone!"
"Will you suffer again? First it was your younger sister. And now, your older sister will be crushed in front of your eyes."
"Elfman!" Mira cried. "Please, just run!"
"Let them go!" A new voice yelled.
The sound of jets could be heard as a familiar figure flew onto the scene. Mira and Elfman were surprised, but certainly glad, to see backup. Whilst Sol was surprised and nervous at seeing a new threat.
"So, do you know anything about our super-soldier?" Elfman sneered at the Element Four member.
"Ha!" Nat swung her Gravity Hammer amongst a trio of Shades, struggling to be free from the shadows to rescue Mira.
"Target Lock On: Homing Shot!" And even from her position, Bisca provided some covering fire for the super-soldier, blasting away foes with her Magic Sniper Rifle.
"Guns Magic: Spark Shot!" Alzack too gave cover fire for the Spartan with his revolvers. The shots he just used electrified the shades and made them dissolve into thin air.
"Much appreciated!" Nat said, finishing off another Shade with a curbstomp.
Suddenly, several of the Shades came together into one giant, blob-like form. It almost looked like an evil version of a jellyfish, except with red, menacing eyes. Arms then sprouted out from all over its body as it started beating the Fairy Tail building to bits.
"What the hell?! We gotta stop that thing!" Macao exclaimed.
"Easier said than done." Wakaba remarked.
Nat grit her teeth in frustration. What is it that Phantom Lord won't do to destroy us?! Setting her thoughts aside, the Spartan brought out a Grenade Launcher and started firing at the large creature.
The explosives didn't do much, but the ones that did blow up in its 'face' irritated it. The Jellyfish Shade turned its attention to its aggressor and tried smashing the wizards underneath it.
"Move out of the way!" Cana shouted.
Everyone was able to steer clear of the incoming fists. One of the giant Shade's arms then grabs some debris fallen from the nearby building and slams it on the ground, scattering the Fairy Tail wizards even more.
"Someone take out that thing!" One guy yelled.
"With what? Insults?" Another guy retorted.
For god sake, Nat thought angrily. She swapped her current weapon out for a Battle Rifle and aimed at the eyes.
The Shade then used another arm to try and smash the enemies around it. It didn't actually hit any of its targets, but it still kept the people near it frightened and confused. The huge jellyfish-like entity then stabbed that arm into the ground, which dissolved into some of the original, smaller Shades.
"Oh that's just terrific." Bisca said dryly, now requipping a pair of machine guns.
"Let's take them out fast!" Alzack yelled.
I should've left a .50 out here for one of us to use, Nat thought. "I think it's about time we wrap this up."
Nat brought a load of fuel rod rounds into one hand and a Plasma Grenade in the other. She activated the grenade, attached it to the fuel rod pack, and chucked it at the Jellyfish Shade. One of its tentacles grabbed the makeshift bomb and absorbed it into its body. A few seconds later, a mix of green and blue light engulfed the giant Shade and annihilated it, leaving a small number of the Shades that once combined into it.
She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Macao shout, "Hey, watch your left!"
Nat turned to see another Shade claw at her, but she backed up too late as it swiped away her weapon. Another batch of them were all going to jump her, but someone else intervened.
"Purple Net!" Macao shouted, fire erupting from his hands and ensnaring the Shades before they could try anything. "Go! I got them!"
Nodding her thanks, Nat took off and dealt with the other shadow enemies in her vicinity. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bisca holding her own, until one Shade got behind her. Before Nat could yell a warning, the Shade lunged at the greenette, who turned around in time to shoot its head off. Just then, two more Shades tackled her from the left, making her drop her guns.
"Damn!" Bisca swore, now with empty hands as the Shades prepare to finish her.
"Here!" Nat then kicked her Battle Rifle on the ground towards the green-haired girl.
Bisca didn't hesitate to pick up the semi-auto weapon and headshot the Shade in front of her. The three-burst shot of blue bullets (since it was loaded with magic rounds) wiped out her target. Bisca opened fire on one Shade that was going to lunge at her. The other was taken out via the Spartan and her assault rifle.
The green-haired cowgirl marveled at the scoped weapon in her hands. "Fascinating..."
"Watch out!" Nat shouted.
Bisca raised the Battle Rifle again to fire at another Shade, which was intercepted by Alzack shooting it several times with his revolvers.
"Thanks for the save. Both of you." Bisca said.
"Don't mention it," says Alzack with a smile.
"I'm going after Mirajane. Here, use this to cover Bisca's six." Nat materialized and handed over an M90 shotgun to Alzack.
"Whoa. Nice shotgun." Alzack observed.
"The M90 Close Assault Weapon System; it's a pump-action shotgun that provides immense firepower. Effective range goes from 40 to 100 meters and has a feed system of 6 shells," Nat explained. "Here, take some." She handed the dark-haired gunman a few packs of shotgun shells.
"You're okay with us using these?" Bisca asked.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Nat replied. "Also, I apologize if my guns don't do fancy tricks like yours do."
"Don't worry about it." Alzack loaded the weapon in his hands and pumped it. "I'm sure they'll be very helpful."
"Cana, can you handle things here?"
Said brunette nodded. "You can count on me."
"Alright. I'll go assist the others inside that walking tin can." With that, the Spartan-III activated her Jet Pack and flew up to Mirajane's position.
"She never ceases to amaze, does she?" Macao wondered.
"Nope. Not at all." Cana replied.
"Elfman, I'll free your sister! Just take care of that bastard!" Nat ordered.
"Oh my. That soldier of yours is quite a wild card." Sol noted. "I know almost nothing about her."
"How about this." Nat holstered her Focus Rifle and let loose a stream of plasma. The beam narrowly missed the Phantom Lord wizard's head, but it did singe his hair.
"Oh non! Oh non! Oh non!" Sol panicked as he tried to cool down his now hot head. (no pun intended)
"Thanks!" Elfman said before getting back into the fight.
"Hold on, I gotcha." Nat stored away her Focus Rifle and activated an Energy Sword she had holstered. She dug the plasma blade into one the mechanical fingers and started slicing through like it were a blowtorch, loosening the grip on Mira.
"Thank you." The barmaid said, holding on to the Spartan as they walked on the robot's arm towards Elfman's position.
They arrived in time to see him actually pull off a successful full-body transformation.
Sol stared at his opponent in fear. "T-that's it...a...full Take-Over: Beast Soul?"
The girls were surprised by Elfman's new form, who now looked like a huge beast.
As for Sol, he wailed and braced himself for whatever blow Elfman was aiming to deal out now. The latter sent him flying, and kept striking Sol deeper into the floor.
"Elfman?" Mira asked softly.
Said person slowly turned away from Sol's still body and walked to the girls.
"Can you understand us?" Nat asked cautiously, standing in between the siblings in case something went wrong.
"I'm sorry, sis..." Elfman murmured.
Mira's eyes widened.
"You probably never wanted to see this form again, huh?" Elfman sighed. "It was because I lost control of it that Lisanna..."
"His sister gaped at him in awe. "You are in control..."
"Do you think that because you have backup you can beat me?" Sol shook a finger. "Non non non, you are mistaken!"
Before Sol could try anything, he was vaporized in a green haze. All that was left of him were the footprints of where he stood.
The Strauss siblings stared wide-eyed in shock at the space Sol once inhabited.
"Y-you killed him..." Mirajane murmured.
"I have an obligation as a soldier to eradicate those who dare harm the innocent." Nat said with neutral face behind her visor, now storing away her Fuel Rod Cannon. "Plus, any enemy that dares mock the dead deserves neither redemption nor forgiveness."
"I see..." Elfman muttered thoughtfully.
The Spartan looked away from the white-haired duo. "I know how you feel. I myself am a younger sibling."
The two wizards stared at the tall girl. "Wait, you are?" Mira inquired.
"I have- had an older brother."
"And you haven't heard from him?" Elfman asked.
Nat shook her head. "Ben is his name. Haven't seen him since I was little."
The Strauss siblings bowed their heads for a moment with sad looks in their eyes. "We're...sorry to hear that, Natalie." Mira spoke up.
"Don't worry about it. I'll look for him at some point." Nat whispered. Looking at Elfman in his new form before he reverted back, she let out a weak laugh. "And there's something I kind of find ironic..."
"What would that be?" Mira wondered.
"Back where I'm from, one of the things the enemies I've fought call us Spartans 'Demons'. I'm just a normal human that knows a little magic but can pull off lots of crazy stunts." Nat shrugged. "Yet, here I am in a land where I see people that can turn into actual demons. *sigh* Small world, I suppose."
The Strauss brother and sister looked at each other then back to the tall super-soldier.
"Your enemies actually call you 'Demons'?" Elfman wondered.
"Can any of you perform such magic?" Mira asked.
Nat shook her head. "No. UNSC soldiers that do use magic are primarily elemental types, or requip users similar to me and Erza."
"Can't imagine a demonic Spartan running around. I'm not sure if I'd call it manly, or just plain freaky." Elfman remarked.
Nat decided not to say more. If only you new about the real monsters we're fighting...
Mira looked up and noticed something. "Hey guys. The speed at which that thing is drawing the seal slowed down...I wonder why..."
"So that means..." Realization then hit the Spartan. "The Element Four are the giant's power! If we stop them, then the spell will be too."
The brunette noticed a friendly blip on her HUD's radar, one that was several floors down. "If you'll excuse me, there's something I need to check out."
Having seen what Nat did, Cana sighed in relief. "Looks like Mira's fine." The card wizard dropped to one knee in exhaustion.
A few feet away from her, Alzack and Bisca were holding their ground better this time. The duo used the Spartan's weaponry with excellent precision, Alzack taking pot shots at whatever got close, whilst Bisca picked off Shades at a distance.
Hm, they're pushing themselves really hard. Especially our new soldier... Macao thought with a smile. Seriously, what is it that makes Fairy Tail women so strong...
"Hey Happy, I got an idea!" Natsu told his winged friend, both going fast down a hallway. "If we take down Jose, this fight's over, right?"
"Jose's magic is as powerful as Master Makarov's!" Happy protested. "There's no way you can beat him, Natsu!"
"But the old man's not around." The pinkette remind him. "So if not me, then who?"
"Good point..." Happy mumbled. "The Master and Erza are out of action. But...now that I think about it, Natalie herself might actually kill Jose herself. If she hurries and gets in here, I mean."
Natsu cringed at the thought. "Well, our Spartan may not be here, but I am, buddy!"
"Aye!" Happy exclaimed. Huh...even though the Master and Erza have powerful magic, and Nat is a great soldier, there's just something about Natsu that gives folks hope...
When they ran into a wide room, a whirlwind suddenly appeared before them.
"How sad..." A voiced spoke up, the person appearing from the vortex. "When the wings of flame rot and fall off...all that's left is a dragon's corpse."
"He must be one of the Element 4!" Happy warned his friend.
"I am Aria of the Heavens." The male introduced himself. "And I have come to slay a dragon."
Gray frowned as he got a look at his surroundings. "Rain? Huh, the skies were clear a few minutes ago. Wonder what's up."
"Drip, drip, drop." A woman chanted as she slowly approached him. "Yes, it is I, Juvia of the Rain, and one of the Element Four. Drip, drip, drop."
"The Element Four..." Gray muttered.
"To think your guild could defeat two of our number..." Juvia wondered. "But Aria and I are not be underestimated."
"Hate to break it to ya, but regardless if you're a woman or child," Gray was saying to her, "I don't go easy on anyone that hurts my comrades."
One moment, Juvia stared at him with a straight face. The next, she blushed, turned around, and started walking away.
"Y-yes. I have lost this battle." She said. "Good day."
Gray's jaw dropped. "What the hell?!"
Juvia was unsure of what she was currently feeling. Am I...somehow afflicted by this man? This feeling in my chest...
"Hold it!" Gray shouted after her. "Tell me how to stop this crazy thing!"
He must be mine! Juvia thought as she faced Gray again with a burning resolve in her eyes. There is no turning back now!
"Water Lock!" She shouted, trapping Gray in a sphere of water.
The bluenette gasped when Gray struggled for air. "W-what do I do? He's in pain...I have to release him!"
Gray then froze the water and shattered it, despite injuring himself during the process.
He froze and shattered it... Juvia noted with shock. My heart...it is not ready for this!
"Ice Make: Lance!" Gray yelled, piercing her with multiple spears. His eyes widened as he watched her form change into water and reform, not showing any damage from the attack.
"The rain itself is what makes my body..." Juvia sighed. "Drip, drip, drop." Right then, he attacked me...of course, we are enemies! This is war...and I must show now weakness!
"Goodbye, sweet flower of love!" Juvia shouted. "Water Slicer!"
"The hell are you talking about?!" Gray exclaimed as he blocked the attack. "Ice Make: Battle Axe!" He swung, even as he saw that cutting through her body was useless. "Tch."
"It's impossible for you to stop me." Juvia said to him. "There's still a chance for you to leave and find safety."
Gray stared at her like she was crazy.
"Just bring Lucy here," she continued. "Do that, and I will tell our Master to leave you alone."
"Out of the question." Gray glared at her. "Both sides have done too much fighting to stop now. Besides, Lucy is our friend. I won't hand her over, even if I die!"
Juvia dropped the umbrella in her hand. Even if he dies...he dies...he dies...love...a love rival!
Gray backed up a bit when Juvia started to steam.
"I won't stand for this!" Juvia shouted. "I will never forgive Lucy!"
"Boiling water?" Gray wondered, seeing the rain get very hot. "And why is she mad at Lucy? What's her problem?"
"Ice ma-" Just as he was going to make another ice attack, a tendril of hot water smashed into him.
"Dammit!" Gray swore, just barely dodging another one. "It's fast. I can't even keep up!"
He ducked under a large wave launched at him. "I gotta buy myself some time...Ice Make: Shield!"
Another attack from the rain woman easily went through Gray's defense. "Oh no..."
"My jealousy is boiling!" Juvia declared.
"What are you talking about?!" Gray yelled. He was then engulfed in another attack. "It's really hot...my skin is burning!"
A geyser erupted underneath him and shot Gray high into the air. "Aw hell!" He swore. "If I could just fight back..." He then pushed his hands into the water and shouted, "Freeze!"
Juvia watched in shock as her geyser slowly froze over. "Impossible...my boiling water is freezing?! But not just that..."
Gray's smirked turned into face of horror as he noticed where he placed his hand - Juvia's frozen chest. ...wow, dude.
"No, I-" He tried to explain in a panicky tone.
"I'm so embarrassed." Juvia murmured, now blushing madly. "To be touched in my state..."
"I'm sorry!" Gray shouted quickly as the ice receded.
He let me out of the ice? Juvia was confused. He's so nice...but why?
"Hold it! Do-over!" Gray took a few steps back.
"No..." Juvia muttered. "I can't harm you..."
"You 'can't' harm me?" Gray frowned. "Are you saying you can't win?"
"I'm stronger than Lucy," Juvia said. "I can protect you..."
"Protect me?" Gray tilted his head sideways. "What are you..."
"I..." Juvia choked up. "I lo..."
"Hey, did the rain just get harder?" Gray thought out loud, seeing the water come down harder on both wizards. "Geez, it's so depressing..."
Juvia's eyes widened at his statement. He's just like them...
Gray hastily stepped back when Juvia started steaming again. "Uh..."
"You're just like them!" Juvia screamed, ash she blasted Gray with another jet of water. This time, he was trapped inside.
"Then I'll just freeze it again." Gray put out his hand to do just that, but nothing happened. "Wait...it's hotter than before?"
I don't need love, Juvia mentally told herself. I don't need it!
"I hope Juvia doesn't go on the field trip with us." A small kid sad, while another laughed.
"Yeah." That kid's friend said. "Whenever she's around, it really rains."
Juvia sighed as she sewed a smile onto a plain white doll. "Am I...a rain woman?"
"Why is it always raining?!" Bora of Prominence complained out loud. "I can't go fishing or camping with you! Please, let's...just break up."
End Flashback(s)
I'm one of the Element Four! Juiva thought. And a proud Phantom Lord wizard!
"I won't lose!" Gray shouted, this time actually freezing the water. "Especially not to Phantom!"
Juvia gasped as the rain turned to snow and hail. "W-what amazing magical power..."
"Ice Geyser!" A spiky block of ice shot out of the ground, freezing Juvia before it shattered and she fell defeated on the ground.
The bluenette stared at the sky in surprise. "I...lost?"
Gray asked her with a grin, "So, how do you feel now? Cool off yet?"
Juvia's eyes widened at the sight of clouds clearing away and the sun shining. "The rain...stopped?"
"Great! It's cleared up!" Gray said cheerfully.
This...is clear sky? Juvia wondered. So beautiful...
"Hey..." Gray said to her. "You up for another round?"
Hearts formed in Juvia's eyes - clearly she was getting the wrong idea - before she fainted on the ground.
"Wait. It's been more than ten minutes, and that spell hasn't even been completed yet!" Nab exclaimed.
A girl with glasses, Laki, noticed something. "Say, the giant's movements are slowing down."
"Natsu and everyone else must be doing everything in their power to stop it from the inside," Cana muttered. "Let's hope they pull through..."
"Gray!" Elfman called out.
"Elfman?" Gray looked at him, then to Mirajane. "Wait, Mira? What are you doing here?"
Elfman ignored his question. "Is this the third Element Four member?" The Strauss brother asked, seeing Juvia's unconscious form. Okay, that happy expression is kinda freaky.
"That means there's only one of them left." Mira told them. "We beat that person, we stop the giant. We can do this!"
Nastu panted as he glared at Aria.
"Impressive." Aria said. "You're still standing. Well aren't you something."
"Damn you!" Natsu shouted, charging with another punch.
Who is this guy? Happy wondered. The blue cat trembled behind a column as he watched the fight. I've never seen Nastu take a beating this bad in a fight!
"There's nothing you can do against my Airspace Magic." Aria said as he slammed the pinkette into an invisible wall.
His magic is invisible?! Happy thought. What do we do?
"Despite all that, you're still standing, Salamander." Aria pointed out. "Amazing."
"I... I can't just let you beat me..." Natsu growled. "I'm a wizard of Fairy Tail... and you've really ticked me off, you bastard!"
"Airspace: Zetsu." Aria said, sending Natsu back with several translucent blows.
He's too strong. Tears formed in Happy's eyes. "He must be the strongest of the Element 4..."
"There will always be someone stronger, young dragon." Aria told his foe, disappearing from sight before the boy's flames could reach him.
"It's over, Salamander." The dark wizard appeared behind Natsu. "Now share your Master's fate. Airspace: Metsu!"
"Natsu's eyes widened. "Dammit!"
"Your magic will be reduced to nothing!" Aria exclaimed.
Before his attack could connect, two armored fists slammed into Aria's face, sending him backwards, as well as breaking the spell on Natsu.
"Natalie and Erza!" Happy said, well, happily.
"Newcomers?" Aria wondered, holding his now sore face.
"Erza, is it alright for you to be moving in your condition?" Natsu asked.
The redhead ignored him. "So, was it this guy, Nat?"
"He's the one who hurt our Master." The brunette replied.
Aria grinned. "Ah, so Titania and Archangel are here to fight. It seems even I must take this seriously." He reached up and slowly peeled off his bandages. "Come at me, then."
"His eyes?" Gray questioned.
Mira nodded. "Yes. Aria of the Heavens always keeps his eyes covered. Apparently, it's the only means in which he can control his vast power."
"What the hell?" A shocked Elfman said.
"At any rate, if we run into Aria, we have to defeat them before he unveils his eyes!" Mira told the boys. "Doing so would mean we lose any hope of winning!"
"The magic array is lighting up!" Someone shouted.
"Is it actually done?"
"This is real bad!"
"After all this...this our end?!" Cana said.
Aria grinned even more as his eyes started glowing. "I just activated 'Zero', the airspace of death." He told his new foes. "It shall consume all life, leaving nothing in its wake."
"Magic that consumes life?" Erza yelled. "How do you bastards find it so easy to take away lives?!"
I only do it when there's no other option. Nat thought to herself. Or, if they actually have it coming.
"Now ladies, let us fight!" Aria announced. "I'd like to see if either or even both of you survive this airspace!"
Erza scowled as she unsheathed her blade and swung it at the airspace.
"What?" Aria wondered in surprise. His eyes widened more when he saw Natalie doing the same, except with a dual-pronged cobalt blade. "How are they slicing up the airspace?"
He flinched when the red and blue armored girl appeared in front of him.
"Don't forget, you asked for it." Nat muttered.
Aria's response was getting poked in both his eyes by Nat, making him cry out in pain. She then brought out her Pistol and shot the man in the foot, before promptly uppercutting him in the chin.
"Heaven's Wheel Armor!" While in midair, Erza took advantage of it and flew towards him. "Tenrin: Blumenblatt!"
Aria screamed in pain as he was struck. Just as he was going to hit the ground, Natalie followed up with a final strike from her Energy Sword.
That left the Element 4 member severely injured as he collapsed on the ground, bleeding out in several places.
"The Master couldn't have been beaten by the likes of you." Erza glared at the unconscious Aria.
"So ends another villain's story." Nat said to herself.
The brunette and redhead then bumped fists, or whatever the female equivalent of a brofist is.
Natsu and Happy gaped at the sight in front of them. They thought one of the armored girls alone was dangerous; but as a team, they truly were forces to be reckoned with.
The Fairy Tail wizards on the ground looked on in shock as the Abyss Break seal faded and robot began to break apart.
"They did it..." Cana and everyone else cheered at the victory in front of them. "You guys..."
Erza breathed heavily as she steadied herself with her sword. "It's over..."
Nat holstered her weapons and checked on her redhead teammate. "Yeah. Guess it is." Well, this part, anyway...
"Nice job, girls!" Natsu said with a smile.
"Aye!" Happy added.
"You have got to be kidding me," Jose muttered before exploding in rage. "The entire Element Four has been taken out by those Fairy Tail trash?!"
The Phantom wizards around him reeled back in fear of their Master's anger. "It must be some kind of mistake..."
"Where is Gajeel?" Jose demanded.
"We don't know, sir." One guy said.
"I'm right here, Master." A smug male voice announced, getting the attention of everyone in the room.
"Heh, so the Element Four were beaten by such garbage? Then they must be garbage themselves!" Gajeel laughed. "If things were getting this bad, I could've been on the front lines from the start."
The Iron Dragon Slayer walked in with an unconscious Lucy under his left arm, before dropping her before his Master. "By the way, I got you a present, sir."
"You got Lucy?" Jose wondered. "How?"
"Never underestimate a dragon slayer's nose."
"But... Gajeel..." A Phantom wizard was going to say something.
"Is she even still alive?" Another person asked.
Gajeel thought about it for a moment before delivering a swift kick to the blonde's stomach. Lucy coughed up some blood and went into coughing fit.
"See? She's still breathing." The dark-haired wizard said. "Though, that blimp that was protecting her is probably dead by now..."
Jose smirked. "That's why I'm glad to have you around, Gajeel."
Loke went to check on Lucy to see if she made it to the Fairy Tail safe-house. What he saw instead was a trail of destruction, and a battered Reedus on the floor.
"Hey! Reedus, wake up!" Loke said.
Said man groaned in pain as he tried to face his guild-mate.
"Where's Lucy? What happened to you?" Loke asked.
"P-pardon...I..." Reedus sniffled. "...I couldn't protect her..." Before Loke arrived, he drew a quick sketch of a sleeping Lucy on a notepad that laid near him.
"So they took her?" Loke question.
Reedus started to burst into tears, apologizing for failing to do his job.
This isn't good, Loke thought, gritting his teeth. I had a feeling this would happen, but I was afraid to be anywhere near you.
"Goddammit." Loke himself was about to break down. "I'm so pitiful..."
"To all Fairy Tail members still out there." Jose said, broadcasting again. "Lucy Heartfilia has been captured. Which means the first of our goals has been achieved." He moved to let the sounds of Lucy struggling be heard throughout the battlefield.
"Stop it!" Mira covered her ears.
Natsu, Gray, and Elfman were among the many that grit their teeth in anger at hearing one of the friends get hurt.
"Do you hear that? With that, there's only one thing left to do." He said with a grin.
Suddenly, a new variation of Shades poured out of the massive robot. "How's this for finishing a war, Archangel? To slaughter the lot of you!" Jose finished as he started laughing maniacally.
The enhanced Shades now were more evil-looking, with robes crackling like flames, and were going to assault their foes with powerful bare-handed moves. One of them got close to Cana as she desperately put her arms up in defense.
The Dark Guild Master cut off communications as he then gave orders to Gajeel. "Watch our prisoner. I will personally deal with the other intruders in the guild. No more miracles can save them now."
Just as he was going to do that, the once-walking guild shook again.
"The hell was that?" Gajeel wondered.
Someone who's going to make you all pay, Lucy thought to herself.
Outside, a bright red beam was shot out of the top of the Phantom guild building, which was followed by a loud, if frustrated, female cry.
Even the Shades paused to witness and hear this.
Cana stared at the bright red light that suddenly erupted and could only say, "Oooooh...crap."
Erza, Natsu, and Happy looked on in surprise at the Spartan's outburst.
"When I get my hands on any of those bastards..." Nat mumbled other threats she aimed to do, including, but not limited to, beating the enemies to death with their own skulls.
Try not to think too hard on that one, folks.
"Nat, I think you should calm down." Happy said worriedly.
"She's not the only one who's ready to blow their gasket." Natsu said.
"Natalie..." Erza said weakly. "Please...if you truly care about Lucy...about the rest of us..."
"Erza?" Natsu asked, holding up the redhead.
"Natsu, you too. The both of you can unleashed your inner powers and overcome our enemy."
The pinkette and flying cat looked at Erza in surprise.
"Even I know...you can surpass me. Go, now!" Titania shouted.
Mechanical sounds can be heard as Nat stored away her Spartan Laser and requipped a Plasma Rifle and a DMR and holstered them. "You can count on it." She then took off as she brought out a Gravity Hammer and followed Lucy's IFF tag displayed on her HUD, with Natsu and Happy following close behind her.
For Lucy at the moment, the blonde was bolted up against a wall by her wrists. And just for the hell of it, Gajeel is making use of her for target practice.
"Ha! A close one. Nearly hit her that time." Gajeel said with a grin.
The other Phantom members with him were uncomfortable with what he was doing. "Wait...Gajeel...if you hit her for real..."
"Hey! I'm bored!" The spiky long-haired wizard retorted. He twirled another knife in his hand. "Just a little closer, anyway..."
"Seriously!" One guy said. "You gotta stop, man!"
Gajeel's response was to headbutt, and shut up, that person. "Oh pipe down. I don't give an ass of who she is. Princess or not, I don't care if she lives or dies."
"W-w-wait!" Another Phantom member stuttered. "If she dies for real, then we're in big trouble!"
"Meh." Gajeel waved dismissively. "I'll just pin the blame on you guys."
"You're serious?!"
The enemy dragon slayer cackled. "It's all 'cause she's some dude's rich kid that those Fairy Tail losers are trying so hard."
Lucy herself couldn't help but smirk a little. "Heh."
"You say something, blondie?" Gajeel questioned.
"You're as dumb as you look." Lucy said. "What I said was that you're so pitiful I wanna cry!"
"Well... don't you have balls to talk like that in your condition." Gajeel then threw another knife, this narrowly missing Lucy's right side of her head.
The other Phantom cronies cringed at the close call.
"Any other brave words you wanna say?" Gajeel taunted.
Lucy shivered in fear, but kept a brave face. "Yeah. You're going to pay if anything else bad happens to me. Fairy Tail won't let you get away with this. That's just who they are." The blonde raised her head with confidence. "For remains of your short lives, you'll tremble in fear of the world's most frightening guild."
Gajeel smiled with glee. "Heh. Wanna test that theory?"
"Go ahead and try." Lucy added. "I know at least one person who will personally hunt you down and make you all pay!"
One of the guys behind Gajeel winced at the statement. The others too were too scared to think of such a person, as they might loose their 'hostage' at that moment.
"Fine." Gajeel got out another knife and chucked it at her.
"Hey wait!" One bystander said.
Suddenly, a large explosion erupted from the ground in between Lucy and Gajeel, and from it leaped two familiar faces.
"Natalie! Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed.
Both individuals stood side by side in front of the blonde rescue-e, looking livid and glaring at Gajeel and the other Phantom members behind him.
"Oh joy, I knew I smelled someone familiar." Gajeel said. "Let's see how strong your armor really is!" Gajeel lunged at Nat, who held an arm up to stop whatever attack he was going to do.
Instead, the Iron Dragon Slayer bit her right arm guard, surprising the Spartan and her allies.
"What the heck is he doing?!" Lucy shouted.
"Hey! My friend isn't food, you jerk!" Natsu yelled.
"Aye! Not food!" Happy added.
In response to Gajeel's unexpected move, Nat kneed the enemy Dragon Slayer in the groin, causing him to double over in pain - right as the Spartan-III side kicked him into a wall.
"Ugh... that... that friggin' hurts..." Gajeel groaned as he painfully got back on his feet. "W-what is that... suit of yours... made of?"
"You don't need to know." Nat answered nonchalantly. She looked at her arm, relieved to see no damage, or teeth marks, were left on it. Good, I don't want to see how powerful Gajeel would get if he got a good chunk of MJOLNIR to sample.
"Hey. Isn't that... Archangel?" A Phantom guy said.
"Wait. She's the one who took out most of our guild days ago!" Another person exclaimed.
"And she's the one who's going to wipe the rest of you out." Nat muttered as she held up her Plasma Rifle. "Natsu, let's light 'em up."
The pinkette pounded his fists together. "With pleasure. Fire Dragon's Roar!"
A hail of fire and (controlled) plasma took out several of the Phantom wizards. Gajeel barely got out of the way in time as the other Phantom punks were set aflame or 'zapped' by blue bolts of plasma.
The brunette then turned around and helped her blonde sister get out of her constraints. Even Happy went and lent a hand.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." Nat said.
"Don't worry. I'm just glad you guys showed up when you did." The blonde told her.
"Hold on, we'll get you out." Happy was able to remove the bolt holding Lucy's right wrist.
Nat took out the left one with ease and helped her little sister up. "Easy there, we got you." The brunette brought out a Regen Unit, the green field healing most of Lucy's wounds. "Hold onto it. You'll need it more than I will." The blonde nodded as she took the green device.
"You're not getting away that easily!" Gajeel roared. "Iron Dragon's Club!"
The Spartan-III reacted faster and pushed Lucy out of danger before dodging the incoming iron club. It embedded itself in the wall where Lucy previously was, before Gajeel retracted his arm.
"Hm, so you're as tough and fast as they say." Gajeel cracked his knuckles. "So, is it gonna be you or Salamander that I put down first?"
Nat glared down at the Iron Dragon Slayer. I could just put out a flash-bang and end him quickly. But... She sighed. ...I did promise Natsu to let him take care of Gajeel. Besides, Lucy's back in our hands. Her safety, and survival, is top priority.
"Natsu. Take this punk down," Nat ordered.
Said pinkette grinned with glee. "Don't mind if do."
"Lucy, Happy, on me. We're outta here."
"Aye." "Gotcha." Were her responses.
"Here I come!" Natsu charged at Gajeel, getting right in front of him and delivering a vicious right hook. It was then followed up by a second punch that sent the Phantom Dragon Slayer airborne.
"Whoa. I've never seen Natsu like that before." Lucy observed.
"Me neither. It's like he's a different person." Happy added.
"Back in the hole, guys. Happy, give Lucy a lift. I got my own 'wings'." Nat told them.
The blue feline grabbed onto the blonde, expanded his wings, and flew back down where they entered. Just as Nat was going to follow suit, she gave a quick glance back at Natsu, seeing him engage Gajeel.
Show him what our guild can do, Nat thought. She dropped down onto the next floor and requipped her Jet Pack, also taking flight behind Happy.
"Is that really okay? Having your own pals ditch ya?" Gajeel taunted.
"As long as they're safe, I don't have to hold back." Natsu shot back. "Besides, they believe in me. And I'm not about to let them down!"
"Wanna test that?" Gajeel chuckled as iron scales formed on his arm. "Here ya go!" He shouted, hitting Natsu with his metal-covered hand and sending him flying.
Scales made of solid steel, Natsu thought. They're making his attacks twice as destructive!
Natsu grunted as he smashed a fiery fist into Gajeel's face, which was met with only pain to his hand.
Defense too?! "Time for something else..." Natsu muttered.
"Iron Dragon's..."
"Fire Dragon's..."
The two attacks collided, the force of them sending the unconscious bodies of the other Phantom cronies flying.
"Looks like the difference between our power is becoming clear...Salamander." Gajeel exited the smoke with a grin. "Even if your fire can burn your foes to ashes, they got nothing against steel. But in my case, my breath of iron blades seems to be doing their job of slicing you up badly."
Natsu growled. "Really? You forget that dragon flames can incinerate anything. If you're gonna hold back, I'll smash you to pieces, Gajeel." The pinkette then told him, "It's time we stop measuring each others' strengths,' cause playtime is over."
"There ain't enough room in the sky for two dragons!" Gajeel smirked. "Salamander Natsu...I'll strike you down!"
Outside, yelling could be heard as several Shade-operated rams smashed into the Fairy Tail guild hall.
"No!" Wakaba shouted as the walls fell apart. "Our guild...it's..."
Another ram hit the building, followed by several more.
"It can't end like this!" Cana wailed. "It just can't!"
Similar cries could be heard across the crowd as the guild hall began to quake.
Some time later, Gray, Elfman, and Mirajane caught up to Erza. The trio were surprised to see the redhead, but also that Aria had been defeated. Granted, Erza, in her condition, admitted Nat gave her assistance, but all were relieved the Element Four had been dealt with.
That is, until Jose himself showed up.
The dark Master easily took out Gray and Elfman, the boys now laying limp on the ground.
Erza launched herself at the enemy boss, requipping mid-step into her Black Wing Armor, to slash at him. Jose merely dodged, grabbed her leg, and tossed her into a nearby wall.
"It's you..." Jose observed. "I believe you were the one who got hit by Jupiter. Quite amazing that you still have the strength to stand."
"My friends give me strength." Erza shot back. "Regardless of what happens to me, I'll gladly fight for the ones I love."
"I would've also believed it if it were you that destroyed Jupiter." The enemy leader sighed. "I really should've taken into account that you had a wild card like that 'Spartan'."
"From what I've seen, Natalie is among our strongest." Erza added. "She, like the rest of us, won't go down without a fight."
"Oh come now, Titania, no need to be so modest." Jose said. "Your own magic is praiseworthy. And I doubt there are any others like you, let alone any more in Makarov's guild."
Suddenly, the sound of jets could be heard coming down a hallway. Jose looked around for the noise, while it registered to Erza that only one individual she knew would use such a thing.
And out of nowhere..."Lucy Kick!" Coming right onto the scene was Lucy, who was flying thanks to Happy, and sent a simple kick at Jose's face. He staggered forward and was in for another surprise when he righted himself. It was then followed up by a shoulder tackle, courtesy of Noble Six right behind them.
"Gah!" Jose screamed as he was sent flying into a wall.
"You three..." Erza said in disbelief. "Lucy, you're alright!"
"Erza! Should you be even be wa- oh no, Mira! Gray! Elfman!" Lucy exclaimed, seeing the unconscious forms of the other wizards.
"They're just knocked out. Don't worry." Erza reassured her.
"You escaped again?!" Jose exclaimed. He got himself up, feeling pain in one side from the unexpected attack.
"Aye! We're right here!" Happy said.
"I think it's becoming a habit for me to rescue you." Nat told Lucy.
"Guess it is." The blonde noted. "Is it a problem for you?"
"Nope. I don't mind at all."
Jose growled. "Why does nothing ever go according to plan?!"
The sound of clicking was heard as Nat trained a laser-sighted SMG on Jose. The red dot briefly intrigued the man, having not seen such a thing before.
"Here. I'll let you play with something while I'm busy." Jose said. With the raise of his right hand, he conjured up a large amount of ghosts which were forming into a large humanoid form. The resulting figure was one that hunched over and looked demonic and reptilian, sporting several spikes across its torso and back, as well as menacing red eyes.
Nat's eyes widened at the sight, seeing how it somehow eerily looked like a Covenant Elite, minus the tail and other features. But still, the sight of the tall shadow that reminded her of a foe she fought before made her heart beat fast and stop like a deer at headlights. She almost took it for the saurian alien and nearly dropped her weapon.
"What's the matter? Losing your will to fight now that you finally face me?" Jose taunted.
The lumbering Shade made its way towards Natalie, the others looking on in horror that she isn't budging.
"We have to do something!" Lucy exclaimed.
"I'm not gonna fly over there!" Happy said, crossing his paws in an 'x' fashion.
Snapping out of her trance and holstering her automatic weapon, Nat glared up at the shadowy monstrosity with one thought - murder it with extreme prejudice.
The brunette unsheathed her combat knife and charged. Likewise, the Lizard Shade did the same, aiming to swipe its claws at her. Nat ducked under one strike, before kicking it in the back of its right leg. As it went on one knee, the brunette took advantage of that opening. She then plunged the blade into the creature's neck, before pushing further in just as she activated the plasma battery, and decapitated it in a SWOOSH! The body fell back, its head dissipating into nothingness before even reaching the ground, as the rest of its body did the same.
Erza, Lucy, and Happy were awestruck, and somewhat terrified, at actually seeing the Spartan kill something in a brutal fashion. Granted, Nat had told them she had taken lives before, but didn't specify how.
Nat's probably even worse than Erza! Happy mentally said.
Is she really willing to go that far? Lucy wondered.
Whatever training was given to the Spartans, I'm sure glad she's on our side, Erza thought.
Jose was shocked at the efficiency she did in neutralizing the Shade. In spite of it, he kept a brave face, even as the Spartan stared him down with two weapons drawn. Nat held a M6G Pistol in her right hand, her left being the knife hand and under the gun. It was a smart tactic the super-soldier, and other UNSC soldiers, have adapted, as they can quickly jab and stab with one hand whilst shooting with the other.
"Y-you've only been victorious against small fry! I'll simply overwhelm you with numbers!" Jose shouted, before raising a hands summoning two more of those reptilian Shades. Unlike before, this duo sported blades as arms, and bull-like horns on their heads.
"And now for a little insurance," Jose murmured, conjuring a batch of the enhanced Shades that appeared and engaged the Fairy Tail guild outside. He pointed for his soldiers to engage the Spartan, and they followed.
"That's enough!" Erza shouted, jumping at the dark wizard with her sword.
"Don't think I haven't forgotten you." Jose then moves his left hand in an arc before him, engulfing the area Erza was in in an explosion.
"Erza!" Lucy shouted.
Breathing heavily, said redhead steadied herself with her blade. "I...I'm fine...j-just stay back, Lucy..."
As for Nat, she engaged the group of Shades coming at her with killer intent. Likewise, she showed no ounce of mercy and struck them down with precision. She shotgunned one of the lizard Shades in the head, and then in the torso, making sure it stayed down. Nat then jumped on the other large Shade's back and snapped its neck, before tearing it off and chucking it at the other smaller Shades.
And then, the Spartan wondered, Why isn't Jose making a beeline for Lucy already? He could've tried to kidnap her again. Are we that much of a threat to him? Or is his anger driving him?
Noble Six grunted as she jumped back from another swipe by a Shade. She knew that by the end of this day, one side was coming out victorious - and the other will be indiscriminately crushed.
Back with Natsu, he kept on trading blows with Gajeel. At one point, the force of their blows created a shockwave that sent debris, as well as the the unconscious bodies of the other Phantom wizards in the room, flying. If anyone stuck around to watch, or we're knocked out, the way the Dragon Slayers were pummeling each other would be equivalent to a tennis match.
Gajeel frowned as he dodged a flaming kick, in which he responded with an elbow strike to his opponent's chin. The pinkette flipped in midair and landed a vicious uppercut onto the iron-eater. Both shouted as they kept punching the crap out of each other.
Natsu reeled back after Gajeel headbutted him. Natsu countered with a fist to Gajeel's forehead, both fighters then stumbling back from the blows they just traded. Natsu was bleeding in several places, whereas Gajeel had cracks in his armor.
Natsu's jaw dropped when Gajeel ripped a part of the floor up and chomped on it. "Hey! No fair!" The pinkette exclaimed. "How come you get to eat at a time like this?!"
The Iron Dragon Slayer smirked as he launched another move. "Iron Dragon's Club!"
Suddenly, several lightning-fast attacks struck Natsu and sent him flying. Gajeel followed up with a brutal right hook and a knee to the gut.
This is bad, Natsu thought. I... I better stay focused...
"Guess this is it." Gajeel said. "You're no longer useful. Out of my site, you trash!" He yelled as he smashed Natsu through a wall. The pinkette slumped over the debris in defeat.
"Take a good look at what you've been protecting." Gajeel pointed at the now crumbling building that was the Fairy Tail guild.
"Whoa! This place is huge!" Said a younger Natsu. "This is a place where wizards come and meet up?"
"That's right. It's called Fairy Tail." Answered Makarov, from back then.
"'Fairy Tail'?" Natsu inquired.
"Hm, no one knows if fairies have tails or not. It's not like anyone can tell ya if fairies are real!"
Natsu continued to gaze up at the guild building in awe.
"Which is why it'll be a mystery forever." Makarov continued. "That meaning is infused within this guild's walls."
"I'm Erza. Pleased to meet you." An armor-clad redheaded girl introduced herself.
"Who do you think you are?" A younger Gray questioned.
"Gray! Put on your clothes!" Cana exclaimed at the raven-haired boy.
"So, what do you think?" Makarov smirked. "You like here?"
"Yeah!" Natsu said happily. "I'd like to be a member here!"
End Flashback(s)
Seeing his home - their home - falling apart, his comrades crying their hearts out at the destruction, despite his battered state...Natsu got back up. The pinkette wobbled towards Gajeel, breathing heavily as he did so.
I...I can't give up. Not now... the pinkette thought exhaustively. I seriously...need some fire to eat...
"Dude, your guild's in ruins. And you've lost." Gajeel then backhanded Natsu into a wall.
The fire-user just got up again, even as he coughed up blood. The Iron Dragon Slayer continued to pummel him.
"Just go down, and stay down, Salamander!" Gajeel shouted. "You were warned. I don't know how to pull punches, and I might end up actually killin' ya. Gee hee hee!"
As Phantom's Dragon Slayer continued to bare on Natsu with beatings, the fire-user thought of an idea.
"Tch, I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner..." Natsu muttered.
"Huh? You say something, dead weight?" Gajeel leered. "Eh, not like it matters. Iron Dragon's Sword!" His right arm then transformed into a large, jagged steel blade. The spikes on it revved up and the whole weapon now looked like a chainsaw. Gajeel then lunged at Natsu, intending to slice him in half.
At the last second, Natsu dodged to the right and put as much distance as possible between him and his foe.
Gajeel grunted as he turned around to finish Natsu off, but he was surprised to see the pinkette take something out of his coat.
"Whatever it is, it won't save you now, Salamander!" Gajeel shouted.
"A friend gave me this." Natsu then slammed the Incendiary Grenade on the ground in front of him, the explosive doing its job and creating flames upon impact. "And I'm not gonna waste it!" He started sucking up the flames, enjoying every bit of it. Just as he threw it on the ground, in an instant all the fire was gone.
Natsu rubbed his belly in satisfaction. "Huh. I'm gonna have to thank Natalie later for these military-grade flames." They seem kinda...off, somehow. Ah well...
"Now I'm all fired up!" Natsu glared at Gajeel, pumped and ready to strike back at the enemy wizard.
"The hell?!" Gajeel stared at him, shocked to see the pinkette get a second wind. "Iron Dragon's Roar!"
Natsu countered with his powered-up flames. "For all the people you've hurt...how many more lives are you gonna harm till you're satisfied?!"
"T-this can't be..." Gajeel struggled to hold his ground. "How can trash like you be able to do this?!"
"You dirt-bags destroyed our guild." Natsu stated. "Time to repay the favor! Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist!" He roared, unleashing a flurry of fiery blows at anything within reach.
The Fire Dragon Slayer's latest attack not only knocked out Gajeel, but also wrecked a good part of the Phantom Lord building they were in, causing a majority of it to fall apart.
Natsu smirked as the Phantom Lord building started collapsing and pieces of it fell into the water below. "Now we're even!"
He then fell over in exhaustion.
Jose chuckled. "Those dragons sure know how to go on a rampage."
Erza panted, much of her Black Wing armor was cracked. "I'm guessing you never anticipated Natsu's magic doing damage on such a scale like this."
On the sidelines, Lucy and Happy (but mostly Lucy) were able to get unconscious forms of Mira, Gray, and Elfman out of danger. The blonde kept using the Regen Unit that Nat gave her, which gradually healed their wounds.
Everyone is fighting because of me. I can't just sit here and do nothing, Lucy thought. I'm going to help too! She then realized her Celestial Keys weren't with her. And there was only one that she luckily had, and recently acquired. The blonde wizard decided to use it anyway and shouted, "Open! Gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!"
"Hello." The newly arrived spirit greeted. "Pleased to meet you."
Nat took a quick glance in Lucy's direction and almost paused to stare at the... supposed celestial spirit the blonde just summoned. All the Spartan saw was a guy. In a horse suit. Holding a bow and arrow.
"Oh. My god." Nat muttered, before requipping an assault rifle and got back to fighting.
"Good! You're here!" Lucy exclaimed. Her face was indistinguishable between relief or shock. It was just...freaky.
"Is that a guy in a horse-suit?!" Happy yelled.
"Okay, can we please save the details for later? We could use some help!" The blonde wizard said.
"How may I be of service?" Sagittarius asked.
"I need you to provide covering fire for my friends!" Lucy pointed in Erza's direction, then to Nat. "Can you do that?"
The horse-man...spirit...guy nodded. "That, I can do." He readied his bow and arrow, and first took aim in the Spartan's direction.
Sagittarius lined up 3 arrows and aimed at several of the smaller Shades. They dissipated into dust, catching the attention of their buddies. It was the distraction Nat needed, as she dual wielded her AR and SMG and opened fire on their backs. The brunette waved her thanks to the blonde and her newly acquired spirit, the latter saluting in return.
I need to make every shot count, the brunette thought. Nat tripped one Shade and plunged her knife into it, sealing its fate. Without looking, she shot another one that attempted to flank her. The Spartan kept count of every bullet she used.
Both of the lizardmen Shades that Jose summoned charged at her, but the brunette quickly dodged at the last second. She tripped one before promptly shooting it in the head.
This reminded her of the situation she was in before she left Reach. Being surrounded by multiple enemies that want to kill her and seemingly no way out.
No, this is different, the Spartan said mentally. There weren't any aliens here; just power-hungry maniacs and other freaks. Nat knew the stakes, and knew losing is not an option.
Watch your back, keep an eye out for anything... Spartan Time was in effect for Noble Six as she weaved through the attacks the Shades threw at her.
Nat struck when an opportunity presented itself. She made sure Lucy wasn't going to be jumped, and in turn, the blonde called out targets for Sagittarius to do the same. The archer spirit then fired several arrows at Jose, who narrowly dodged as Erza kept striking him with her sword.
And as she turned around...
At this point, Jose had enough of not getting anywhere, and pointlessly throwing Shades and small dark magic attacks at his opponents.
"That's it!" He shouted. "Enough playtime! You will all either submit, or you! Will! Perish!"
"Not a chance!" Erza shouted.
"Yeah! We're not going down without a fight!" Lucy added.
"Screw you," Natalie muttered. She then requipped a Gravity Hammer and chucked it in the dark wizard's direction.
While Jose barely got out of the way, it embedded in the wall next to him, and Erza took the chance to use it against the foes in front of her.
"I'll remember this!" The redhead shouted as she got back on the offensive, now with her Black Wing Armor's sword and the alien melee weapon.
Titania struck back, first with the Jiralhanae hammer; its shockwaves pushed Jose further away and decimated the Shades he put up as decoys.
"Tch." These girls are becoming quite the pests. Jose thought. I should've taken Heartfilia and left, maybe even let this place come down on their heads!
Jose then pointed his index fingers in Erza and Lucy's direction, dark energy forming on the tips as he fired at them like bullets.
Erza growled as she flew up to evade the oncoming beams.
Lucy was about to grab Happy and dodge, but saw Sagittarius noticed too late, having fired another arrow to help out Nat.
"Force Gate Closure!" Lucy yelled.
In a flash of light, the celestial spirit closed his eyes and muttered an apology before vanishing. Forcing gate closures was a new feat Lucy picked up on Galuna island when an enemy wizard was going to use Taurus against her. At the least second, Lucy removed the bull from battle without harming him. Such a feat is considered remarkable among celestial wizards.
There! Jose saw a gap between Lucy and her armored friends and hoped to isolate the blonde from her protectors. The dark master moved his hand in an arc before him, engulfing the area in an explosion following the same pattern as his hand.
"Lucy! Look out!" Nat exclaimed. The blonde wouldn't be able to dodge in time, but Nat was close enough to shove her sister out of harm's way. She pushed herself to run fast and do so - but Jose's attack blasted the brunette away, as well as knocking off her helmet. She also dropped her pistol, which landed a few feet away from Lucy's position.
Time slowed down as Lucy turned around in time to see Nat's shocked expression and being pushed away from her.
"Natalie!" Lucy shrieked.
The Spartan-III tumbled back a few times and when she finally stopped, lost consciousness. Her Recon helmet rolled and stopped near Happy, the little blue cat shocked to see a powerful fighter go down.
Shields Failing...
Dropping to 25%...15%...10%...
Seek medical attention and technician assistance...
...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-.. .-...-...-
-Reclaimer, do you read? Spartan! Please respond!-
JACK was unsure of what to do. On one of the monitors in the apartment, it flashed several warnings and malfunctions from Nat's MJOLNIR suit, and what briefly looked like her IFF pinging as KIA. She couldn't go out, not without risking her existence to the rest of Earth Land, if even to help her fellow dimension traveler out.
-Natalie, is everything alright? What is happening? I am getting several alerts.-
There was only static from the other end, and a little chatter from Lucy's comm, but still nothing from the brunette.
-Please respond. ...you are alarming me.- The Huragok could only stare the screen, hoping that the Reclaimer she called a friend was alright and would fix this mess.
"Ha ha ha! Even your mighty Spartan has fallen!" Jose laughed. "What hope do you trash have now?"
Lucy and Happy stared at the fallen form of Noble Six, Erza also doing the same. The redhead grit her teeth, and charged the dark wizard with Gravity Hammer and sword in her hands.
"You will pay!" The female knight shouted.
Erza once more came at Jose, now with more fury in her eyes. She held her Black Winger Armor's sword in her right as offense, whilst using the Gravity Hammer to deflect most of Jose's attacks, as well as maintain a bit of distance.
"That's one more obstacle out of the way," Jose noted, now turning his attention back to Erza. "And you will be another."
"Do you want to know why I didn't simply kill Makarov?" Jose asked them. "It was to show him despair. When he wakes up, he'll see his guild and his beloved comrades are gone! Heh heh...the sorrow he will feel..."
He raised his hand and began focusing magical energy. "It sickens me to see people like you in Makarov's guild!"
Erza screamed as she was blasted with another round of dark energy.
"I will kill that man only after I make him know despair and sorrow!" He yelled insanely. " I cannot simply kill him! I must make him suffer all the way to the end!"
"That's pathetic." Erza spat.
"Phantom Lord was always the number one guild in Fiore." Jose explained. "In the entire country, our magic was unsurpassed, our members' skills top notch, and our funding unending! But then, in just a few short years, Fairy Tail came to power. Erza. Laxus. Mystogan. Gildarts... those names even reached my home town. Not only is Salamander known across the entire country, but apparently even that accursed Spartan of yours is also famous!"
"Before I knew it, those two guilds, Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail, came to represent this country's strength." Jose sneered. "I just couldn't stand it... Fairy Tail, which had started out as a goddamned crapsack of a guild, be our equal?!"
The girls and Happy were disgusted. "You're telling us you started all this because of some petty jealousy?" Lucy shouted.
"That's not it." Jose shook his head. "We just wish to make it undeniably obvious who is truly superior here!" He announced, blasting the redhead with another attack.
She batted it away with the hammer and tried to get in close. Before she did, Jose put a hand out and conjured more ghosts, this time grabbing Erza before she could attack him. Now she struggled to hold her melee weapons as Jose squeezed her with a purple hold.
"Erza!" Lucy and Happy shouted.
"That guild has been getting on my nerves for a long time." He told her. "But the trigger for it was a small, trivial matter. We received a request to retrieve the young heiress of the Heartfilia consortium, Lucy Heartfilia."
Lucy looked at the ground in shame. Happy clenched his paws in anger and glared at the dark wizard.
"It sickened me!" Jose roared, slamming Erza into a wall. "The daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Fiore had joined Fairy Tail? How much power did you have to gain before you were satisfied? If you had free access to the Heartfilia fortune, then your power would have truly exceeded our own! And that was the one thing I couldn't let slide!"
Despite her pain, Erza grinned. "It's sad how hung up you are on being the best, and all that crap... but your information network is truly pathetic..."
Jose scowled. "What?"
"I chose to run away from home, you creep!" Lucy shouted.
Erza continued, "It never crossed our minds to use her for her money...how could she..."
The redhead chuckled. "She lives in an apartment that she rents out for a measly 70,000 jewels, in order to save money... just like the rest of us, she works hard on jobs... she fights with us, laughs with us, and cries with us... and you're telling me she was the trigger of this war? Lucy, the heiress of the Heartfilia family, who after a year is finally wanted by her father? A flower cannot choose where it blooms... and a child cannot choose their own parents."
"Lucy even has a loving sister that would do anything for her and our friends!" Happy added.
"Correct. So just what the hell do you know about her?!" Erza spat.
Lucy started to tear up at the kind words her friends were saying. "You guys..."
A sister?! I wasn't aware Jude Heartfilia had another daughter! She's probably adopted or something... Jose thought.
"I guess I'll find out." Jose acquiesced. "I'm not going to hand her over just for the measly payment we got offered. I'm going to hold her here until they have no money left. My goal is the entire Heartfilia fortune!"
"You're just going to use me to extort cash out of my dad...until his pockets are empty?" Lucy said in disbelief.
"How...how can someone be so cruel..." Happy wondered, with tears in his eyes.
"Damn you!" Erza screamed as she struggled to break free.
"Now do you surrender, Ms. Heartfilia?"
The blonde shook with fear, unsure of what to do. Her eyes then glanced at the M6G Pistol Nat dropped and gingerly picked it up and aimed it at the dark Wizard Saint.
Jose's eyes widened slightly at the action, but decided to call out her bluff.
"Come now, Miss Heartfilia. Just put that down. There's no way you would be able to shoot me and get away with your life, let alone all your friends."
"Stop hurting our friends! They don't deserve to suffer like this!" Happy shouted.
"Here's a better idea." Lucy said before pointing the UNSC weapon at her head. "Would you rather see me do this?"
Jose narrowed his eyes at the blonde. "You wouldn't actually take your life, would you?"
I'm not even sure if this gun still has bullets left in it, she thought. Lucy hesitated to pull the trigger, but refused to let him get the better of her. "If you don't want to send me back to my dad in a body bag, then leave Fairy Tail alone!"
"Now, now young lady. Let's not be rash here." Jose told her.
"If I'm dead, you can't exploit my dad as much as you want. Do you want to take that chance?" Lucy stated.
"Lucy, don't pull the trigger on yourself! Please! Everyone in Fairy Tail doesn't want to see you go, especially not like this!" Happy said next to her.
The blonde in question hesitated, her hand trembling as she tried to keep her hold on the gun.
"Lucy...only you can choose what to do..." Erza choked out. "I can only hope you make the right decision. But I agree with Happy. We don't want to lose a friend like you."
Unbeknownst to Jose and the others, something within future soldier was beginning to awaken. His recent wave of attacks pushed the Spartan-III back and knocked her out. Thinking he had won, the madman went on with his evil monologue and proceeded to torture the other Fairy Tail members before him. Little did he know, Jose was going to regret those actions very soon.
Despite the flood of warnings and errors into her HUD, the hyper lethal brunette was not awake to see what they read. What seemed like an eternity to Nat, she was lost in her dream world; in an empty world of darkness. One moment, she remembered pushing Lucy out of harm's way. The next...nothingness. The brunette thought back to the people she lost before arriving in Earth Land, as if to look for an answer.
Where were they? I looked through the blinding darkness with hopeful eyes.
No. They're gone. I don't know about Jun, but the rest are gone. I know...
Wait. I see two other people. Who are they? Both of them look to be at least my height. Oh...I remember those two. They were actually my best friends.
Where are mom and dad? What about big brother? Is he here?
I try calling out to them, but no answer. I just want to hear somebody...anybody...please. I don't want to be alone. Not anymore...
And things will never be the same.
Suddenly, a voice spoke. Nat didn't really hear, but rather, she could somehow feel it. Unknown vibrations rumbled through her body, with the words forming in her mind.
"I know we're losing. I want to know if we've lost."
"We...we haven't lost. The Covenant's not here. But...but the guild...we're giving it our all. Almost all of us..."
"Is this really the girl I went through Basic with? The one I fell in love with? Come on, I thought you were better than that!"
Suddenly, an image of the Spartan she loved appeared before Natalie.
"Kat? Is that you? No...no this can't be right..."
"What, me kicking the bucket too soon is too much shock for you? Lots of human beings have died, UNSC and otherwise. Do you still blame yourself wishing it were you that got hit instead, right?"
"Wait...how...where am I?"
"You are not dead. Yet. If you're just going to give in, then all your effort until now was for naught. You dying now would waste Mavis' chance she gave you to live again."
"H-how do you know? This...this has all got to be in my head."
"I am sorry, though. I should've known better when we were heading down to the bunker. I miss you, Natalie. And I still love you. Keep on fighting; if not for yourself, then for others. Do it for Fairy Tail. For humanity, where we come from and here. For the family you lost. For the family you now have. And...for me. Please?"
"...you have no idea how much I miss and love you too." Noble Six was on the brink of tears again. And yet, she held it all in.
"I wish for you to not only move on, but find happiness again. I know you will. You always pull through."
A few moments passed, nothing but silence for the Spartan-III as she contemplated what is happening. All of a sudden, the dark void around her started shining in a bright, white light. And now, a new voice spoke to her.
"Your time is not yet over, young one. You have much to live for."
While Nat still couldn't see through the bright light, she was able to make out a magnificent sight.
"Okay, now I don't know who that is. Mom? Is that you? Wait...no. But that face...it's so...beautiful."
"Your coming here was unexpected, but saved you from imminent danger in our universe. You've sworn to continue to uphold the duty you live by, despite being cut off from your people."
"I did, didn't I? ...wait a minute, who are you?"
"You may be the only soldier here, but that does not mean you are alone. You have friends. You have family. You...are not alone, child."
*sigh* "Guess I'm not gonna get the answers I want now. But I sure as hell am not giving up on Fairy Tail."
"Good. Now, there is something within you that will help you in future endeavors that can be unlocked now. While it is not what I wanted to let you have so soon, what I have in mind will be shown to you when the time is right."
"What are you- y'know what...I'll just...ask another time." Nat couldn't help but mentally pinch the bridge of her nose. "...so, how is this process gonna work?"
"Your inner potential will slowly come to light little by little. Relying on it for everything will not save you from the worst challenges that come your way."
"Wouldn't be the first time I'd have to improvise..." *sigh* "Alright. Do it."
"Now come, Reclaimer. Prepare."
For a while, the HUD in Nat's helmet kept blinking with warnings and other malfunctions. But suddenly, something else flashed across her screen, something in an...alien language. If Nat were awake, she'd assume it were Covenant text. But what's different is that the Covenant language is makes a large use of equilateral triangles and a single dash-like shape that serves as a period; what was flashing red in the Spartan's HUD was a series of symbols and glyphs going in a horizontal line.
Then suddenly, those symbols and glyphs translated into English across Nat's screen.
Identity Confirmed...RECLAIMER
Initiating A****OID Protocol in 3...2...1...
The blue energy that surged through the Spartan-III's body had done so again. Natalie's SMG laid next to her hand when she fell earlier. A little blue shock coursed through a finger briefly, before her hand stirred and tightened into a fist. It reached out towards and the weapon as Nat willed it and her AR to be stored away. As the super-soldier got up, a wave of energy emitted from her and washed over everyone else in the room. While not having any effect on anyone, all those still conscious noticed the Spartan back on her feet.
"What's this?" Jose wondered.
Erza, still in Jose's grasp, could barely turn her head around and see what was happening, but she heard Lucy and Happy gasp.
"Wha...what's going on?" The redhead asked.
"I can't believe it..." Lucy said, now resting her arm to her side, with the M6G pistol still in her hand.
"Aye." Happy added absentmindedly.
Natalie slowly stood up, and glared the dark wizard Master's direction. Her eyes burned with fury and a renewed will to fight.
"Ah? So you got something else up your sleeves?" Jose said with mild surprise.
It was then that he realized the soldier glaring at him with angry, blue-highlighted eyes, and her hands clenched into fists.
"Not that it matters, but you'd likely be safer with your helmet on." The dark Master observed. "Or are you just 'brave enough' to face me head-on again?"
The brunette said nothing as she slowly walked towards him, before sprinting at her target.
"What is she doing?" Lucy wondered.
Nat requipped a Thruster Pack and quickly closed the distance between herself and Jose. The brunette then lashed out with a snap kick to his groin.
Jose's eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets, not expecting the red and blue armored girl to attack like Lucy did. He winced in pain, thus letting go of Erza, who was immediately caught by Nat before hitting the ground. The brunette then brought the redhead back to Lucy and Happy's position.
"Are you okay?" Nat asked.
"Y-yes..." Erza answered. "But...where did that power come from?"
The Spartan stared her curiously. "What are you talking about?"
"Uh, Nat..." The brunette turned to Lucy who was pointing at her face - or more precisely, her eyes. "Your eyes... are kinda..."
"They're glowing blue for some reason." Happy finished.
The brunette blinked. She then picked up her Recon helmet and looked at her reflection in the visor. "Huh. That's new," Nat noted.
I'll have to ask JACK later about this, the brunette thought. Or...this is what that...person was telling me about. Never mind that for now...
"You mean you've never done this before, Nat?" Lucy asked.
Said Spartan shook her head. "Your guess is as good as mine."
For the second time this week, Jose was on the floor from getting hit in the family jewels. While it still hurt, he was mad that the situation was not in his favor. And he aimed to change that...after the pain went away.
A moment of silence passed, neither side really doing anything.
"Is he...dead?" Erza asked.
"I think you broke him, Nat." Lucy noted.
"Wait, just give it a minute." The Spartan said.
"...maybe he needs to use the bathroom?" Happy inquired.
"At a time like this?!"
"..." Nat gestured the others to stay put as she cautiously approached the dark Wizard Saint.
"You think you're so clever, don't you?" Jose growled. He then painfully got back on his feet. "Have a taste of this!" He motioned his hands in arcs, with explosions following up on the movements.
Nat took a quick look behind her at her Fairy Tail companions. She took note of the unconscious forms of the Strauss siblings plus Gray behind Erza, Lucy, and Happy, and knew what to do next.
Here's hoping it'll be big enough to cover all of us, the Spartan thought. As she turned her attention back in front of her, Nat brought out a Bubble Shield and activated it. The hexagonal dome protected her and the others inside it.
While Lucy had seen her sister use the little device a few times, Erza and Happy took the moment to marvel at such technology. The shield then died down as Jose halted onslaught. He observed the group, waiting for them to make a move. All he saw was Natalie picking up an egg-shaped device and getting into a fighting stance.
"And how do you plan to hit me from there?" The dark wizard taunted.
No words were spoken as Noble Six requipped a rocket launcher and fired both rockets at her foe in an instant.
Jose barely missed the first one, but the second rocket hit the ground near him and sent him back several feet.
~God, I want to dream again~ [2]
She then followed up with a Fuel Rod Cannon, emptying the entire clip at Jose. When time came to reload, Nat instead activated the failsafe on it for it to self-destruct, attached a Plasma Grenade to it, and then tossed it at her opponent. Jose screamed as a green and blue explosion sent him fling into a wall.
~Take me where I've never been~
In a flash of blue light, Nat materialized a Plasma Launcher in her hands, replacing her previous weapon, and kept her aim on the dark wizard. She held the trigger to to full charge, meaning she'll launch four large explosive plasma grenade-like bolts. The fast-moving explosives surrounded Jose before detonating all around him.
~I want to go there~
Second to last for the coup de grâce, Nat brought out her Spartan Laser yet again.
Jose's eyes widened at the sight of the deadly weapon aimed at him. "Y-you would use something like that?!"
The girls plus Happy had an idea of what would happen next, and just kept watching the Spartan in action.
"Well I won't go down so easily! Dead Wave!" Jose shouted.
The dark beam destroyed much of ground in its path, with it seemingly going to do so to Nat.
Said brunette raised her weapon and aimed down the sights, a small laser sighted on the target.
~This time I'm not scared~
For the third time that day, a Spartan Laser's power was displayed and seen by many, as it blasted through Phantom Lord's guild yet again. And the hole it made this time seemed somewhat bigger than the previous two.
~Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable~
Jose yelled in frustration, sending another Dead Wave at the super-soldier. Nat holstered her heavy laser weapon and equipped an Energy Sword again. Activating the dual-prong cobalt blade, she instinctively took a stance, placing her left foot farther from her right. And with her left hand, which is over her left foot, is out as if using it as a targeting reticule.
"Sis! Don't be crazy! Move!" Lucy yelled.
"Dodge to the side or use a different weapon, quick!" Erza added.
Happy, meanwhile, gnawed on his nails- er, claws, in a fast, nervous pace.
The Spartan still stood her ground in calm confidence, fully aware of what is before her. As if responding to her will, the DSU channeled power from Nat's personal energy shield to the plasma sword in her hands. There was a golden flash of her shields being depleted, but now her blade gave off a bigger shape than before.
~No one can touch me~
As the Dead Wave got closer, Natalie raised the Energy Sword over head and delivered a vertical strike, bisecting the attack and splitting it in two directions around her. The divided dark beam exploded harmlessly against the walls behind the Fairy Tail members, leaving much debris and dust in their wake, and Noble Six unharmed.
~Nothing can stop me~
Jose gawked at his attack being stopped in such a manner.
The girls, plus Happy, were awestruck to see the Spartan pull something unbelievable like that. And it didn't stop there. Natalie sprinted towards Jose, and before he could do anything, she delivered an upwards swipe at him. The dark wizard yelled out in pain as he fell on his back.
Seeing her foe immobile, as well as scared out of his wits, the Spartan aimed to finish the job. Nat dragged the Energy Sword across the ground, leaving a smoking trail as she made her way towards the injured dark guild Master. Unbeknownst to her, or the others, the Forerunner runes engraved on the Covenant weapon glowed in sync with the symbol on Nat's back.
"W-what are you doing?" Jose stuttered.
"My job." Nat replied.
He trembled in fear as the tall soldier slowly walked to him. "Oh god no. Please, don't do this!"
"God can't save you. No one can." Nat said in a calm, dark tone.
Jose tried to get away, now fearing for his life that the soldier in front of him will end him without remorse.
"Y-you would dare take my a life?! Isn't such an act against your guild's rules?" Jose desperately asked, hoping to stall her a little longer.
Erza tried to get up and stop Nat from doing something too drastic, but her wounds, and Lucy, hindered her movements. The blonde too was shocked the Spartan not only withstood attacks from one of the Ten Wizard Saints, but that Nat was actually going to kill one.
Lucy also noticed peculiar, almost invisible outlines on the Spartan's back.
Are those...wings? Lucy wondered. Is it her true power as a Spartan? The blonde then noticed Jose gathering dark magic in his left hand, to get the surprise on Nat.
The brunette reared her arm back, ready to land a finishing blow on the dark wizard. "Vete al diablo, you bastard."
Just as the dark Master was going to use a surprise attack, it was cut short when a gun shot rang out. A bullet went past Nat and hit Jose in his left shoulder.
All eyes turned to see Lucy holding the pistol in her hand, having saved the Spartan from a sneak attack.
The blonde gave the sidearm a glance before sheepishly smiling at the brunette. "Heh heh, guess it, uh, had one more bullet left in it."
Erza and Happy gawked at the blonde, not only surprised to see her have good aim, be it dumb luck or actual accuracy, but that she would've actually offed herself - or miss Jose entirely - a few minutes ago.
Natalie couldn't help but whistle at her blonde sister's action.
Jose howled in pain, now from a bullet wound as well as the gash on his chest from the Energy Sword. Noble Six quickly turned her attention back to him and aimed to finish the job.
"That will be enough, Lieutenant."
All those in the room paused and looked to see who had spoken. Jose was in more shock, while the Fairy Tail members were relieved to see who it was. Much to everyone's surprise was the arrival of Master Makarov himself.
"You have spilled so much blood here..." A new voice observed angrily. "The blood of children. Thanks to pitiful parents, a child was forced to suffer pain and shed tears... and that goes for more than one child. This has gone far enough..."
"Master!" Erza, Lucy, and Happy said...well, happily.
"Sir?" Nat asked.
"It is time this all came to an end." Makarov declared.
"You wish to cause a catastrophe?" Jose forced out a dry laugh.
Makarov glared at him. "If it proves necessary for my guild!"
Porlyusica looked up at the sky and sighed. The trees, the earth, and the atmosphere... they are all afraid...
"This is why humanity is such a foolish race!" She yelled, kicking a crate over. "A race of simple-minded fools who see fighting as the only solution to everything!"
"And that idiot Makarov!" She kept on rambling, as she kick an apple away. "If you want to die, then go ahead!" Her eyes widened as a black-clad figure caught the apple she kicked. "Mystogan..."
"May I?" He asked.
"I see..." She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. "It seemed strange that Makarov recovered so quickly. You're the one who gathered all of his magic power together, aren't you?"
"A giant has made his move." Mystogan observed, munching on the apple calmly. "The war will soon come to an end."
"I don't like to make remarks that endorse the fighting of humans against each other." Porlyusica sighed. "But you're one of Makarov's comrades. You should join him and involve yourself in the conflict somehow."
A wind suddenly blew across the clearing. Porlyusica's eyes widened as a large number of flags, all bearing the same symbol, drifted into the clearing.
Phantom Lord's flags? Porlyusica was shocked. Don't tell me he took out all of their branches by himself?
"This warm feeling..." Gray mumbled, as he and Elfman woke up . "This magic feels almost nostalgic..."
"You should all leave this place at once." Makarov ordered them.
"Why are you here?"
"We should do as he says." Erza glared at Jose as she and the others were leaving.
"Now that you are here, I see no reason to deal with these...weaklings." Jose watched as Erza helped Mira escape.
"Weaklings? Look in a mirror and tell me who's the weakling now, Jose." Makarov said.
Nat paused and was going to turn around and shoot the villain, but remembered the given order.
"You heard him, folks. We're leaving." Nat picked up her helmet and put it back on as she escorted her guild-mates out of the room, and the building.
"If we stay here, we'll only distract Master!" Erza sighed. "We should just leave it to him."
"If I weren't in such a state, you would be very sorry right now, Makarov."
"It has been six long years since was last faced each other like this." Jose continued as Erza and the others fled. "Who would have guessed that Fairy Tail would become so powerful during that time? Mind you, it's just a pile of rubble now."
"A guild is not a physical building!" Makarov corrected him, drawing a constellation-like figure in the air. "It is the members who truly matter!"
"This is exhilarating, though." Jose smirked. "For two of the Ten Wizard Saints to fight like this in order to determine who is superior... how exciting."
"I must thank you for all your efforts, children." Makarov sighed as his drawing began to glow. "You have done well. Take pride in being a part of Fairy Tail!"
Clouds began to swirl in the sky above the Phantom Lord building. The Fairy Tail wizards watched as lighting began to strike around it and the earth and sea alike began to shake.
"Impressive." Makarov intoned, calmly blocking a magic blast. "So much power at your age. You certainly have earned your title of Wizard Saint."
The old man sighed. "Had you chosen to use that power for good, you would have become a role model for the younger generation. Instead, because of what you've done you will be remembered as an example of how wizards should not act."
Jose sneered. "Are you preaching at me?"
"As per a Fairy Tail custom, I shall give you till the count of three." Makarov grew to the size of a house. "Kneel."
"Hmmm?" Jose raised an eyebrow.
"I was wondering what nonsense you were going to spout, but asking me to kneel?" Jose laughed. "You cannot be serious!"
"You want me to kneel before you, to acknowledge you as the strongest guild in the kingdom?" Jose was livid. "Stop fooling around. In combat, we are equal! No, more than that... I am stronger!"
"You are the one who should be kneeling before me!" Jose roared. "Now die! Crumble to pieces and vanish from history, Fairy Tail!"
"That's enough." Makarov slammed his palms together as light erupted around him. "I invoke... Fairy Law!"
Light burst out of the Phantom Lord building, engulfing the army of Shades, the fighting Fairy Tail wizards, and the ruined guild hall. The fighters watched in awe as the Shades dissolved.
"The Shades... they're disappearing?"
"How come we aren't affected?"
"This light... is friendly?"
"It's Fairy Law." Erza informed them. "It's a sacred light that only targets darkness. Only those the caster considers his enemies are affected by it! It's a magic that is considered to be a legendary spell!"
Lucy stared at the light emanating from the ruins of Phantom's ruined guild. "Wow...that's really something." She thought out loud.
Makarov watched as Jose vainly tried shielding his eyes, his jaw slack and his entire form a faded white color. "Never come near Fairy Tail again!"
The man sighed and headed towards the exit. "You've done so much damage, the council is bound to notice us. We should deal with this now."
Our master was beaten! How sad... Aria thought as he sneaked up behind Makarov. Once again, he's left himself wide open...
Before Makarov could punch him away, however, a silenced magic bullet whizzed passed the Third Master and hit its target. Aria was knocked out on his back behind the Fairy Tail Master in shock. Makarov was mildly surprised but smirked and didn't dwell on it.
Without looking back, he said to Aria, "This battle is over. If you want to continue fighting, every last one of you will be eradicated without a trace afterwards. Now leave and take Jose with you!" And I just know she will be more than happy to oblige. I oughta thank her later...
Cheering erupted as Happy dropped Lucy off in the crowd. "We won!"
"We defeated Phantom!"
Erza frowned. "Where's Natsu?" She asked the blue cat.
"Oh! I checked on him and he said he had something to do."
Gray frowned. "Like what?"
"Hey." Natsu rasped weakly. "Gajeel... can you hear me?"
"Fine be that way..." Natsu chuckled. "It hurts to talk, so... I'll get to the point. Your Dragon Slayer magic... where did you learn it?"
The pinkette only got silence.
"Hey, it's the first time I met someone using the same magic as me!" Natsu exclaimed. "You could at least tell me..."
"Metalicana..." Gajeel growled. "The Iron Dragon Metalicana..."
Natsu dragged himself forward. "So you did learn from a dragon!"
Gajeel looked up sharply. "You too?"
"Where is Metalicana now?" Natsu demanded.
"I dunno." Gajeel grunted. "He disappeared. Metalicana suddenly vanished one day... without even saying anything."
Natsu's eyes widened.
"He was such a selfish bastard..."
"That wasn't on July 7th in the year 777, was it?"
Gajeel turned towards him. "Do you know where Metalicana is?"
"No." Natsu shook his head. "The one I'm looking for is the Fire Dragon Igneel."
"Seven years ago, year 777..." Gajeel mused. "On July 7th... two dragons disappeared?"
"What's with all the sevens?"
"The hell does it have to do with dragons and us?!"
"I don't know. That's just one of things that popped into my head first."
"Whatever." Gajeel scoffed, slowly limping away. "It's got nothing to do with me."
Natsu nodded. "If you're leaving, you best get outta here quick."
"This is our guild!" Gajeel exclaimed furiously. "You get out!"
"If you find out something about Igneel, let me know." Natsu told him ."We're both Dragon Slayers, after all."
"Are you kidding me?" Gajeel roared. "Next time I see you, you're dead! Just you wait!"
"Yeah, yeah." Natsu waved a hand dismissively. "Sheesh, what a rough guy."
"It got trashed pretty bad." Makarov sighed, looking at the ruined building.
"Yes sir." Nat acknowledged, with Lucy leaning on her for support.
"Hey!" A new voice called. The girls looked up to see Levy, Jet, Droy, and Reedus approaching, all with various injuries. "We heard what happened. Even you did well, Lucy!"
"It was a victory all of us participated in." Jet announced.
"Even though our guild got trashed." Droy laughed. "We can rebuild it easily."
"Oui!" Reedus bowed. "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more use." He grinned. "But you were in good hands after all, Lucy."
"Guys, I..." The blonde wasn't sure what to say, knowing all this because of her, but thankful all her friends were fine.
"Lucy." Makarov started. "You probably already know this, but it needs to be said anyway. Though we may not fully share in each other's happiness and sadness, we can do so to some extent."
The gathered wizards smiled as they watched him talk.
"That is what it means to be a guild." Makarov explained. "One person's happiness becomes everyone's happiness. One person's anger becomes everyone's anger. And one person's tears become everyone's tears."
"You don't have to feel any guilt over what happened." He continued. "So hold your head high with pride, because you are a valued member of the Fairy Tail family. You, and our Spartan."
Lucy looked up to her brunette sister figure and smiled. "So it all worked out, didn't it Natalie?"
"This conflict is over, all of us still alive, and we can start to rebuild. Together." The Spartan nodded. "Yeah. I guess it all worked out."
"Here, I forgot to give this back." Lucy handed the M6G pistol from earlier, which Nat was thankful for. The blonde then got a pat on the shoulder from her.
"Gotta say, you're a good shot." She then removed her helmet and let it drop to the ground as she spread her arms. "I'm glad to call you sister."
Lucy couldn't help but let out tears of happiness, not just from the kind words of Master Makarov and everyone else in the guild, but the person she joined Fairy Tail with and older sibling figure. Nat leaned down so she could give the blonde a hug, the latter doing so without hesitation. It was a sight the rest of Fairy Tail found touching, and they all smiled and didn't ruin the moment. Even Happy.
Noble Six looked up at the sky, her younger sister still in her arms, and content that another battle - or guild war as this were - is over. At least I can keep doing what I do best, she thought. And for the people I care about.
Unknown Location...
Time. Much has passed since my passing...my kind's age had passed. The many millennia that followed was a process of recovery for the rest of the galaxy. Or at least, in locations affected by the Halo Array. I am glad that the specimens preserved on the Ark will flourish once again. There is so much potential in the many species that we have encountered.
Especially in humanity, who fought with bravery and determination, if savagely. Whom fought the Flood and were only trying to survive. Whom we've devolved "closer to the animals they once were," as my husband put it. And for what? So we can uphold the Mantle? That belief...that very one...
"Guardianship for all living things lies with those whose evolution is most complete. The Mantle of Responsibility shelters all."
And so it goes. But our belief in the Mantle sealed our fate. Our protectorates were weakened, and bred dependence and sloth. Our so-called Guardianship stripped those we would keep safe of any capacity for self-defense. Billions were lost to the parasite when we drew our line, when we were making our final stand. But one thing is for sure.
The time of the Forerunners has passed, and it is time we passed on our role to our...successors.
I've become aware that a young warrior was sent to one of the 'other' worlds. The dormant power within her will slowly awaken, and she will come to see that her role is not over. The other Reclaimer, her male counterpart, will too become part of the grand scheme I have conducted. He will see what legacy was left of the Forerunners, of the trials and obstacles we have faced so they may thrive now. Fate has not been fair to either warriors, or their species entirely, but they have endured thus far. I have no doubts that both will see the truth at some point, and that I will meet them when need be.
After all, the 'true' Age of Reclamation is upon us. And those who oppose - are hopeless to stop it.
[1] Lyrics from "Sons of Plunder" by Disturbed
[2] Lyrics from "Unbreakable" by Fireflight
And so ends chapter 7. I'll wrap up the things for good by next chapter (sorta), but other than that, another story arc is over!
Can't believe I published this fanfic over a year ago. Thank you all who stayed along for the ride and your support. There will be indeed more to come. And for this week, happy anniversary to Halo 4!
Oh, guess who was talking at the end. Must be simple to most of you. I probably got the dialogue wrong as it might not match how the character speaks, but it seemed close enough. Maybe at least one of you is probably wondering where is that power Noble Six is getting. Well, John-117 may/may not have something similar, and it may/may not be unveiled when said Spartan appears in this story. Sorry, can't say any more, but this is not where I give my Spartan superpowers. Just...no. Not where I wanted to go. Y'know what, I don't I even know what I'm thinking anymore. And I feel as though some scenes were kinda dragged out, or unnecessary, and I apologize if I wrote 'em like so.
I also introduced some new toys for Noble Six to use. Yes, some are homages, or my take, on similar guns from Gears of War, just to clarify. Yes, the Lancer assault rifle will be worked into this...somehow.
On another note, I now know when I will add in the Master Chief. Since the FT movie is supposedly set after the timeskip, I believe I can work John into the story somehow. After that adventure is over, so starts the road to Halo 4. Sound good?
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have plans to bring in the Arbiter. For one thing, having multiple Spartans around would kinda be...trouble enough. And second, I'm waiting until Mortal Didacta, the third 'Kilo-Five Trilogy' novel by Karen Traviss, is released in January 2014 so I know what Thel 'Vadam does about the Sangheili Civil War on his homeworld. Oh wait, I just remembered there'll be an upcoming Halo comic called Escalation (supposedly Post-Halo 4) that'll show the Arbiter in diplomatic talks with a high-ranking Brute Chieftan with the UNSC Infinity as an escort, so we'll see how that goes too. If Thel does live, I'll await and see how Spartan Ops Season 2 (if it does happen) goes, as well as whatever 343 Industries plans to bring to the table for Halo 5. Or other games in the Reclaimer Trilogy/Saga.
What I found to be interesting is that in an interview (or blog post, one of those things) earlier this year, Frank O'Connor himself stated that "Halo 5 will still be a darker game in comparison to the previous titles in the saga." So, that's all we know about that next chapter in John's new trilogy. And it's got me curious as to how 'dark' it'll actually get. As in, the Chief will lose more friends? There's more aliens threatening than the Covenant (there usually is)? The Didact returns with some new superweapon? Or...the coming of another ancient enemy of the Forerunners? Depending on what 343i does bring with Halo 5, it may/may not affect this story's direction in the distant future.
Well, both PS4 and Xbox One are out. I personally haven't gotten either console yet. One thing that did catch my eye on the Microsoft side: there's gonna be a live-action Halo TV series, written and executive produced by Steven Spielburg. So...yay nor nay? I say since we won't be getting a Halo movie anytime soon (or ever), this might just work. Cross your fingers, folks.
Oh wait, HALO 5 HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED! Well, sorta. 343 Industries has shown what Halo will look like on Xbox One at this year's E3. But still, we got to see the Chief again! And supposedly, he comes across a Forerunner War Sphinx. Joy. I'm not sure if I should even get myself a copy of Spartan Assault.
So, what else is there for me to say...um...oh right. Next chapter is where Noble Six and Erza finally fight. Happy? *sigh* I just know I'm somehow gonna mess that up. And after that will be the Tower of Heaven arc. Possibly. Spoiler for next time: Nat gets 'First Strike'. ;)
If you're DC fan, by all means, check out Young Justice. It had a good run. And Man of Steel was one hell of a movie. Nice to see Superman can make a comeback on the big screen. And I might just get Batman: Arkham Origins whenever a GOTY is announced. I learned my lesson after the first 2 games. Speaking of Batman, he's gonna be in the Man of Steel sequel. ...holy crap.
So what else have I been up to? Here's a list:
-Gears of War: Judgment
-Bioshock Infinite
-Devil May Cry 1-4 (will get to DmC...I dunno)
-Tomb Raider (reboot)
-Resident Evil: Revelations
I also got to see Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World on their respective opening days. Both were enjoyable films in their own ways, despite letdowns in some areas.
Oh, for those that like One Piece, I can tell ya, Film Z will be worth your time. Speaking of anime, watching the last episode of Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), which I might add was sad, has actually motivated me to get this out ASAP. SnK had a good anime run (no 2nd season greenlit yet), but it sure as hell is an awesome series and I'll continue to follow it through its manga source. Mikasa's now added to my list of favorite characters ever. ...of all time. ...dammit. Also, I really support Ymir x Krista. Because love.
Ah! RWBY is also awesome! It kinda reminds me of Black Rock Shooter, but I honestly liked the first few episodes. And Red vs Blue is also back! Go Rooster Teeth! :D
Some of you might've noticed a while ago we got 3 chapters of FT manga each in 2 weeks in a row. I was going to update this story during that time, but IDK what came over me. After reading one of those chapters, here's another scene that would be put into this story in the future:
Zeref: It shall be a one-sided massacre. None will be spared from my wrath...
Mavis: Fairy Tail will stop you. The only one who will be massacred...is you...
Zeref: You honestly believe that? That your guild has a chance to stand against the oncoming darkness that will envelop the land?
Mavis: Yes. I do.
Zeref: Then you are gravely mistaken.
Mavis: *shakes head* Wrong again. Fairy Tail will not stand alone against dangers in their way. You probably already know I can stretch into the unknown for help as well.
Zeref: ...how desperate are you? To call upon forces from the great boundaries beyond our own to assist you with your problems?
Mavis: Perhaps you have made me very desperate. And you shall regret for having done so.
Zeref: Oh? And dare I ask, how would that go?
Mavis: I assure you, when the time comes, she might be the one to put you down. And if not...then I'm sure he will be more than happy to oblige.
Guess that's it. When will the next update come? Dunno, but I'll try and not make it a horrible one.
SPOILERS: Minerva's also back, but now as part of the Succubus Eye guild. Dammit. Depending on how she gets in Team Natsu's way this time around, I'll just let Noble Six actually kill her. Now I'm also thinking of ways I can save Ultear. Unless you folks would rather just let what canon did to her be.
And now there are Devil Slayers in the Fairy Tail canon. Why am I not surprised. Who wants to see these new breed of Slayers can stand against the 'Demons' of the UNSC? Or rather, how the Demons of Tartaros fare against said UNSC Demons. Since the servants of Zeref declare war on humanity in Earth Land, I doubt Noble Six, and likely the Chief, will just sit by and let it happen. Funny enough, I was gonna do a story arc in the future about a demon invasion - seems Mashima beat me to the punch. But hey, that won't stop me from 'mixing things up a little'. Maybe it'll get to a point where I can even have the Arbiter, the rest of Blue Team, and/or the UNSC Infinity (maybe not) come in and help.
Or y'know, build giant robots to beat the crap out of the bad guys. Just because. ...naaaaaaaah. But since Fairy Tail, and maybe the rest of Earth Land, are soon gonna face non-human enemies hellbent on destruction and carnage, I'm sure the Spartans will be glad to return the favor and give Tartaros a hell-load of lead, pain, sorrow, misery, & F*CK YOUs - not necessarily in that order.
Till then, have a nice day.
"We knew the world would not be the same. Few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered... the... line from the... Hindu Scripture. Vishnu takes on his multi-armed form and says: 'Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.'"