Hello, everyone. The name is Ronin or Alex as I like to call myself.
This story was greatly influenced by another fic called Code Geass- A Brave New World. My utmost respect to the author, his story is very interesting and one of my favs in here.
So, this story will be following my own OC (my avatar, to be exact) put suddenly put into the world of Code Geass. I know this was done before and I will try to make this story stand out from others that I can promise you.
The events are set about three weeks before the Saitama massacre. Without further due, have a nice reading.
Throughout his life, Alex had been in a few tight situations. He had his fair share of tussles for a 20-year old Russian student of linguistic faculty, despite the fact that he wasn`t much of a party person or even had a normal social life. He wasn`t a nerd, no, but he had a lot of interests in his life: English, history, anime, video games, books, military strategies and a lot more. Hell, even he couldn`t keep up sometimes with his interests, always finding something that could spark his curiosity. For an example, at one point he wasn`t interested in English at all, but when he was 11th Grade, he was already twice champion in English contest of his home city and represented it in Federal level contest, getting in top 10 twice. When he became a student, his English gotten to the point when he could freely understand the differences in dialects and often not even bother with using a dictionary, intuitionally understanding what others speak. For a 3-year student that was very useful. However, this wasn`t helping him at all in his current situation.
Right now, Alex sat in a steel chair, in the dark room illuminated by one lamp over his head. His hands were tied up behind him, meaning that he was in some deep trouble. And the worst part: Alex had no goddamned idea where in the Hell he was. All he could recall from the most recent events was that he ended up in some kind of poor district or ally, like a ghetto, but he could swear that there was none in Ulyanovsk, or even in Russia itself. After that he was quickly apprehended by some kinds of police or military and brought here, probably because they`ve suspected him of something. Details and most of it still was a blur, but in one thing Alex was fairly certain.
Somehow, he was no longer in Russia.
Why? Because from what he could hear those guards speaking in English language, with the mix of American and dialects. From what he could understand in his stunned condition and after receiving a few hard hits in his stomach and in face, they suspected that he was a terrorist and was probably working on some guy they called Zero. While Alex himself didn`t knew even a thing about him, he had a pretty good feeling that those guys didn`t cared and so probably just decided to bring him here.
Alex nuzzled in his seat a little. Mostly, he felt a strong confusion, mixed with fear. Of course, he was scarred as shit, but he also wanted to know what is going here. He only hoped to receive those answers soon. And also to survive whatever was coming to him.
Soon a door opened up, revealing three figures coming in. Alex couldn`t see them in detail, but he did see that one of those figures was a woman and the other two men. They wore some kind of glorified military uniform, with woman having a white cape as well. Alex suspected that she was in charge here, seeing how she looked and that her uniform had more golden features then the others. He suspected what was coming to so he braced himself for the interrogation.
Seconds later, a tall man with glaces and black ponytail started asking questions.
"Your name." He asked in demanding tone.
Alex knew that if he doesn't comply, then he would be in a world of pain.
Without a moment of hesitation, he answered.
"Alexander Vladislavovich Kostin." Alex gave them his full name in English.
That response must`ve confused the trio as he saw how they were glancing to one another. They weren`t expecting to hear that answer and Alex dared to make a note in his mind that they were obviously in confusion now. However, he decided not to push their buttons, fearing that this may provoke them.
After a minute, another man, scarred and tall spoke up.
"What`s that name? Where are you from?" Alex heard some irritation in the man`s voice. "Answer now and if we sense that you are pulling some kind of trick, you`ll have a lot of trouble."
Alex figured this one out already.
"It`s a Russian name, sir." Alex responded in calm voice, trying not to give away his fear. "I`m a Russian student from the city of Ulyanovsk, located in Russian Federation on the river Volga, sir."
"Russian Federation?" Alex`s first interrogator questioned him "Is that some kind of a joke or are you one of those Russian insurgents?"
That took Alex aback a little. He wasn`t sure what to make of it and tried to give the best answer he could think of.
"I`m sorry, sir, but I`m speaking truth." Alex tried to defend himself. "You can check it. Your men with me also took my bag with my laptop and my notes. My ID was there too and…"
"Shut up, filth!" A giant slammed his hands against the table, scaring the youth even more than he was. "Answer on this question: are you Zero?"
"N-no, I don`t even know who in the hell that guy is!" Alex responded in shout. "C-can you at least tell me where the hell I`m right now?!"
Then the woman decided to speak.
"Don`t you already know that?"
Alex took his breath and answered.
"No, I have no idea."
Then the ponytail guy and a giant looked at each other before the latter spoke up.
"Is he making fun of us? What is that "Russian Federation" and "Ulyanovsk" anyway?"
"I think it`s one of Euro Britannian cities." Ponytail guy suspected before turning to Alex again. "Tell us: do you know who this is?" He pointed at the woman standing before Alex.
Alex took a closer look at her. She certainly looked not like other women he saw: purple hair, royal stature and a luxury look. Kostin felt that she was somebody really important, probably above those two other men. He decided not to hesitate with the answer and spoke up.
"I`m sorry, but I have no idea who is she." Alex answered. "And, could you please answer my initial question, please?"
The trio again exchanged looks before the scarred man spoke up.
"You are in Tokyo Settlement, Area 11, if didn`t knew it already."
Alex irked an eyebrow, trying to understand what he just heard. He knew that Tokyo was the capital of Japan, but he never heard anything about some kind of "Area 11". That sounded really weird.
"Tokyo? As if, capital of Japan?" Alex questioned. "Okay, but how come you speak English while we are in Japan?"
That question must`ve annoyed the scarred man as he frowned and answered Alex`s question in irritated manner.
"Are making you making us fools?" He asked Alex. "Area 11, formally Japan, is an official colony of Holy Britannian Empire. And this is Princess Cornelia, Second Princess to the Imperial Thrown and the Viceroy of this Area. So stop fooling around and start giving us answers. Do you work with Zero and what connects you two?"
Alex`s eyes widened at this whole flow of new information, which he tried to process as fast as he could, but simply failed to do so. He simply couldn`t believe what he was hearing. It was like some kind of weird dream or a nightmare. Occupied Japan? Britannian Empire? What the hell was going on here?!
"Listen, I have no damn idea what are you talking about! All I know is that last night I was staying late in the library, getting ready for the exams with my laptop and notes. I know that I dozed off and the next thing I see are the swamps and your men literally grabbing me and pulling in the van." Alex took a breather. "And no, I don`t know what this Zero is, where the hell I`m or what in fucking world is going on!"
After that rant Alex was expecting anything, feeling that he must`ve stepped out of his line this time. He was mentally preparing himself to face anything that they may inflict on him, but what came next surprised him the most. The trio simply left the room, leaving Alex chained up in the chair all alone again.
On the other side of the interrogation room, Princess Cornelia and her trusted advisers, Lord Guilford and General Darlton were now deciding what to do with this man. Cornelia was the first to ask her advisors.
"So what do you think of that story?" Cornelia looked directly at the two.
Guilford and Darlton exchanged the looks before the first gave his opinion on the matter.
"M`lady, all I can say is that either he is an excellent actor or he is telling the truth." Guilford gave his opinion. "And I tend to agree with the latter due to the fact that what he said is already confirmed."
"Hm? How is that?" Cornelia rose an eyebrow.
"He mentioned that he had a bag with him. I had a look at it and it`s containments." Guilford informed her Highness. "His notes are written in Russian language and his laptop contains a lot of strange information, some of which doesn`t makes sense at all, but if we consider a possibility that this man there is… not from our world, then…"
"Don't be ridiculous, Guilford." Darlton snored. "Aren`t you tired already of those insane theories about multiple dimensions and other crazy stuff?"
Guilford only calmly adjusted his glaces, looking directly in the eye of his superior. In Cornelia`s inner circle, Guilford was known to be fascinated with theories of different universes. It was his hobby of reading fictional literature about it while off duty. Some found this hobby to be simply silly or even plain stupid, like Darlton. Cornelia, on the other hand, actually approved her knight having some kind of hobby and wasn`t as skeptical about it as her other advisor.
Guilford, after finally adjusting his glaces, continued.
"In any case, I`ve had a team to run some test on this." Knight took in hands Alex`s laptop. "They`ve confirmed, that everything in it is not viral and indeed doesn`t belong to any known company. This thing is clearly out of our world, like his bag, notes and his choice of garments. Besides, that look of suppressed fear and confusion is already enough to draw conclusions."
"Than what do you suppose we do with him, Guilford?" Cornelia asked.
"If your Highness allows me, I would like to have a final confirmation to my theory." Guilford put down the laptop and took form the table injection of truth serum. "If Alexander confirms all he said under this, then after that I believe we could find a use to him. That is, if you…"
"Do it." Cornelia granted her permission. "I myself eager to get to the bottom of this."
Guilford nodded and went back in the room. Alex looked up to his guest and immediately noticed that it was the ponytail man. He visibly calmed down, seeing as this man was far calmer and was willing to listen to him. The interrogator began talking.
"Mr. Alex." Guilford came closer to the prisoner, making sure that he saw the injection in his hand. "What I hold in my hand is truth serum. It will be active only for thirty minutes and afterwards you won`t remember anything."
"Why are you telling me this?" Alex asked, not understanding what that meant.
"Unlike General Darlton there, I find your story to be believable." Guilford informed him. "However, in order to prove that you really are telling truth, I have to use this. If you really are telling the truth, than I`m willing to help you."
"And if I`m lying, than I`m screwed, right?" Alex deduced where that led. "Okay, do this."
Guilford gave the student a final nod, before he injected serum in his neck. Afterwards Alex felt how his entire body became rather numb and he was no longer in control of his actions, but he could vaguely see all that he was doing. Cornelia`s Knight, in the meantime, put aside the empty shot, took a seat near the prisoner and started giving him questions.
"Alright, let`s begin."
Thirty minutes later.
Alex`s consciousness had finally been regained and he was a gain in control of his actions. He had no memory or whatsoever about his blackout, but he was pretty sure that he was questioned through and through by his captive. He only hoped that he had found his truth satisfactory enough, because he wished to live and he was really hoping on receiving help here.
He looked up to his interrogator and waited for the verdict. Guilford sighed and spoke.
"Well, Mr. Alex." He began. "You can relax. Truth serum confirmed all that you`ve said earlier and what was in your notes and in your laptop." After saying that Guilford undid the chuckles behind Alex`s back and allowed his hands to be free. "I believe that this is no longer needed."
"Спасибо Господи. (Thank god.)" Alex sighed relieved. "Then, how can you help me, sir…"
"The name is Gilbert Guilford, I`m a Personal Knight of Third Princess Cornelia." Guilford introduced himself. "Princess Cornelia is currently serves as the Viceroy of Area 11 here and we a currently tracking down the man named Zero, who had assassinated the previous Viceroy of this Area."
Alex nodded in understanding. Now at least he had a general idea of who this Zero person was and understood why he was detained by those militaries. If had been the governor of his own country and was looking for the dangerous criminal, he would probably order to detain all suspects for the interrogation too.
"Because of that you`ve had been apprehended and brought here, as you`ve guessed." Guilford continued. "Unfortunately, I can`t help to get back in your world, that I can`t."
"I`ve had a feeling that this wasn`t the option." Alex murmured. "So, what is your offer, milord?"
Guilford sighed, before giving the full explanation of his proposal.
"Mr. Alex, while it is not in my power to send you back in your world, I can offer you a place in this world." Guilford said. "Princess Cornelia agreed to give the place in her Royal Guard in the rank of Lieutenant. This will provide us with perfect excuse to keep you at our close range and for you it will be the safest place to be. May I ask, do you have at least basic knowledge of military affairs?"
"That depends, sir." Alex titled his head. "I can understand and analyze the combat information if necessary and, if needed, can quickly learn all that is required."
"Well, in any case, we will put in supportive area first." Guilford explained. "You will be handling paperwork and minor affairs under the command of Sub-Viceroy, Princess Euphemia."
"Is she her Highness`s sister?"
"Indeed." Guilford confirmed. "However, in order to secure your position in our military as well as to prevent any unnecessary complications, we will have to create a complete new persona, Mr. Alex. Princess Cornelia and I are capable of doing so, but all of that will be useless, unless you are willing to keep up the identity you are given."
"In other words, I`ll have to become a complete new person." Alex deduced. "If I don`t, than there will be trouble for all of us."
"Exactly." Guilford nodded. "You can still have all your belongings, but please refrain from showing them to anybody else without our permission. You can also choose your new name, place of birth and etc."
Alex thought about what Guilford was offering. The thought of not being able to get back was just destroying. He was now trapped in a whole new world, unknown to him and he had no way out. He was alone here, with nobody to help him or support. All his life, his parents, friends and family, his study and more… All of that was now lost to him. All he had left now are his laptop, notebooks, MP3 and some other useless stuff that he barely used. He was in an alien world, but he was alive.
His life in his world may`ve been over, but he had a chance to begin a new one here. And not from the bottom, but in a position from which he would be able to adapt, to grow as a person. Of course, it did meant that Alexander Vladislavovich Kostin would have be left in the past, but not his characteristics. Names change, but persons who bare them don`t. Alex would still be himself, just under a brand new name, leading a brand new life. But what was his life in the past world? He was a linguistic student in the best university of his city, which was quite something. However, he always felt as if he was leading an empty life, life that wasn`t meant for him. Lectures, exams, student life… All of that seemed quite distant for Alex. His mind was like a whirlwind, never stopping in pursue of new knowledge. He studied not only English, but also military history, diplomatic affairs, political history and the concepts of reign and much more. With his bag of knowledge, Alex may`ve became a diplomat or a politician, but now he had the chance to use his current knowledge for good now. He could do something good right now. It may`ve been idealistic, but it still held the truth in it. All he had to do is to agree. And considering that he basically had no other options to choose…
After a long minute of thinking, Alex looked Guilford directly in the eye and gave his answer.
"I accept your offer, sir." Alex said. "However, there are some details I would like to discuss right now, if you don`t mind?"
"I`m listening."
"First of all, I would like to have the access to the libraries and all books in them at any given time." Alex announced his first request. "I would like to get accustomed with your world as soon as possible and learning its history would speed up this process tremendously."
"Fair enough." Guilford agreed. "I`ll take care of that. What else that you wish to know?"
"Where would I remain while serving under Her Highness`s?"
"You`ll be set in the guest rooms in Viceroy Palace. From there you will be serving."
"Alright, sir." Alex rose up. "I honestly don`t know if I`ll be of much assistance to you and Their Highnesses, but you can be sure that`ll try my best not let you down, sir."
Guilford smiled at the attitude of Alexander. Despite all this confusion and shock of being pulled out of his world, he was already determined to make the best form his position and pay back for the provided opportunity. Cornelia`s knight rose up and offered a handshake which Alex gladly accepted.
"Welcome into the Britannia, Alexander." Guilford smiled to him.
"Thank you, milord." Alex answered back. "If you don`t mind, sir, can we leave this place now?"
Guilford only chuckled at that one and led the way out of the room. Once out of there, Alex met face to face with his other interrogators and his current new employer: Princess Cornelia. Before anybody could say a word, he bowed respectfully before the Viceroy, surprising both her and Darlton.
"Your Highness." Alex spoke humbly. "I`m in your debt for giving me this opportunity. I`m at your service." Alex regained his position.
Darlton smirked crossing his hands.
"Huh, not too bad." He commented. "You sure know how to make a good impression."
Cornelia only smiled at that, pleased that this young man was so willing to serve, even though he was out of his water. That kind of determination she found to be honorable and respectful. She had a feeling that Alex might surprise her in the future.
"I accept your services, lieutenant." Cornelia said in royal voice. "Now, how shall we address you from this point?"
Alex thought about a little. Judging from the fact that all of their names had a British origin and that their accents were also of that kind, it would make a lot more sense for him to bare a name of the same origin as they are. His English was close to theirs and if were to spend enough time with them, he would only improve. With that in mind, he carefully came up with the fitting new name for himself.
"If your Highness doesn`t mind, I would like to be known as Alexander Grayson, Your Highness"
Cornelia only nodded, accepting the choice of her new subordinate.
And so the story of Alexander Kostin was over, but the story of Alexander Grayson only began.
Alright, some information for you people about my character. Most of it is based on me personally.
Height: 1.85 meters/6,07feet.
Weight: 87 kilo.
Hair style and color: Raven black short cut hair.
Eye color: emerald green.
Okay, I think that should be enough for you to get the basic idea. Also, the name of my character is my own. Like, that really is my own name and I can understand if it`s a bit strange to pronounce, but that`s how it is.
So, I`ve just began my journey in the world of Code Geass. Also, before drawing the conclusion for this chapter, I would like to see your suggestions about: 1. Pairings and 2. The general changes you would like to happen in the main story. I`m opened for the suggestions and questions, so feel free to leave them in review section.
With that said, See ya tomorrow!