Reviews for Anomalous Effect
sugoijack9 chapter 20 . 6/15
This is beautiful and sad for our human race to this fanfic.
sugoijack9 chapter 19 . 6/15
This must be how humans in the ancient past as well portrayed visitors from outer space that we made them god for their intervention.
sugoijack9 chapter 18 . 6/15
Indoctrination! Oh boi!
sugoijack9 chapter 17 . 6/15
Basically you f*ck*d the code of reality, it messes you back.
sugoijack9 chapter 16 . 6/15
Meh, I like this Stalkers compared to Elderly speeches xD
sugoijack9 chapter 14 . 6/14
Feel the wrath of the Zone!
sugoijack9 chapter 13 . 6/14
How does this Salarian b*tch know much about the humans?!
Is it the Monolith!? DAMN!
sugoijack9 chapter 10 . 6/14
Humanity need to ascend to godhood to become one with the Zone and evolved to no longer bound!
sugoijack9 chapter 9 . 6/14
Holy sh*t.
This alternate mass effect reality is even worse than other fanfics I've read.
Worse considering the galaxy is in hell itself.
I need to drink Vodka!
sugoijack9 chapter 8 . 6/14
So the Reapers attacked humanity earlier on but repelled by them and the Zones.
sugoijack9 chapter 5 . 6/13
In a sense, the Monolith hostile action against humanity is to make humans as ascended to gods. No matter how many it has killed, it would put humanity to preserved and transcend beyond mortal means.
Mankind at this stage still unwilling to make themselves beyond humans and that's why still shackle to the Sarcophagi. The Zones are nothing but the manifestation of human insanity and wonders. This is why they don't understand about it because they don't see the truth.
sugoijack9 chapter 3 . 6/13
I would be stupefied if the evolved Psychic humans put down by mere Turians and Batarian scums.
sugoijack9 chapter 2 . 6/13
It would be fascinating if the humans into their Long Sleep should at least created a Dreamworld where they inhabit and where Zones from the subconscious mind won't able to manifest as well. This could act an alternate form of reality where they won't needed to experienced the hellish survival in the Zones in the physical world.
sugoijack9 chapter 1 . 6/13
I'm surprised the Caliphate wasn't put on trial and killed for his actions for his extermination on the whole African ethnics as a whole and worse than what Hitler did.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/1/2019
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