Author has written 8 stories for Bleach, Infinite Stratos/IS<インフィニット・ストラトス>, Accel World/アクセル・ワールド, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, and RWBY.
Challenge Corner
Should you feel like writing a story, yet are unable to start one due to a lack of ideas, I will post some here for you to try.
A series of one shots for a pairing of each girl with Negi. The specifics of each are up to you
1) One chapter may NOT be a continuation of any previous chapter.
2) Each chapter may be as long as you want, I don't care.
3) Any pairing is fine, as long as it is not a yoai. Anything else, go for it, but no yaoi.
4) You may branch off a chapter as another entity, another story, but pay attention to rule one.
Otherwise, go as you like! Send me a link if you do, I would be interested.
Ichigo goes to Shinto Teito for collage and stumbles into the Sekirei Plan when he finds out that he has a special power: He can reactivate deactivated Sekirei.
1) Ichigo joins in with Akitsu being his first sekirei
2) Ichigo will make a honest effort to save any Sekirei he can from bad Ashikabis.
3) Minika and Higa has to be his enemies. The others are up to you
Tales of the Abyss/Bleach
What would happen if Ichigo, from far in the past by at least a millennium or two, was summoned by the Duke Fabre to protect his son after the first kidnapping?
1) Ichigo has to be from the past, watching over the world as it changed from how it was to how it is now from the Soul Society
2) Has to take place after the Wandenreich attacked
3) Ichigo comes in soon after Asch was replicated and replaced, so Ichigo has to raise him and does so in a way that Luke has more manners. Kinda like his changed self but without the nihilistic acts.
IMPORTANT: All of my polls are not to have you influence my story, but to see what you guys would like. The ending of any poll will not constitute as what will happen. You have been warned!