Author has written 9 stories for Bleach, Pokémon, Transformers, RWBY, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Transformers/Beast Wars, and Evangelion. Hello. Not much to put here, really. Any story that is not complete or updated for over 1 year was abandoned a long time ago. Many of them are from my high school years and are poorly written. Not up to my current standards, but I will leave them up as a sign of progress. If you are reading/have read Bleach: Know Your Sacrifice and would like extra context for the story, I have left a link to a summary of the light novel series Can't Fear Your Own World that will clear details up not present in the canon of the Bleach manga. Tite Kubo oversaw the writing of the light novels, so it is up to you whether you consider them officially canon to the timeline like I do. There is no official English translation available until July 2020 with the physical release, so Know Your Sacrifice may be slightly inaccurate to the official translation after its publication. |