Hello readers!

Yes, you are seeing this correctly: a Neon Genesis Evangelion / Pokémon crossover. Crazy, right?

Just a head's up before you start reading: this isn't a retelling of the original NGE storyline with Pokémon sprinkled throughout. I wanted to make an alternate universe where the beloved characters of NGE live in a world inhabited by those classic Pocket Monsters. All you really need to like this story is a general understanding of Pokémon (ex. which one is which) and the personalities of the NGE characters (which I assume you already have, if you're reading this). I'll try not to go OOC, but a few characters may have a slightly different personality, like Rei. OC's are a possibility, though I only have one set in stone for an appearance. Well, that's if you could even consider him an OC... I'll leave it up to you guys to decide when he debuts.

Oh, and I don't own NGE or Pokémon; those belong to Gainax, Hideki Anno, Game Freak, Nintendo, etc. I wish that I did, but oh well...

I'll shut up now, so I hope you enjoy NGE: The Pokémon Raising Project!

The Unova Region, seventeen years ago.

The storm of the century had hit land, sending the waves of the ocean crashing into the rocky outcrops of Undella Bay. A black sky lit up by constant lightning poured down sleeting rain onto the earth, the stinging drops carried by hurricane-like winds. Trees on the cliff sides were uprooted from their base, falling into the smashing currents below never to see the light of day again. The powerful force of nature had scared away all the native wildlife for miles; only the bravest or most foolish individuals would dare stay near these waters.

Rocking back and forth in the deadly waters was an iron giant, a fully armored skipper boat whose captain was on a mission. A long steel cable had been dropped into the waves quite some time ago as the submersible on the other end searched through the ancient Abyssal Ruins below the sea. The captain, a middle aged man with gleaming glasses, stared expectantly at the monitor waiting for some response.

Suddenly a red blip appeared. The man's eyes widened, and he quickly turned to the few men in the cabin with him. "Pull them up! They found something! Go, go!"

The captain rushed outside into the wind and rain behind his men, shielding his face from the powerful showers. He watched as the small submersible was lifted out of the water by a crane. The pilot kicked open the bubble like door and leapt down to the surface of the skipper, holding something close to his chest.

"Is that…?" the man asked, his mouth hanging open in amazement.

"It is, Commander," the pilot said, proudly handing over the object, "We've finally found it."

His superior looked down at the strange looking artifact and smiled.

"And now… We can change the world."

"Shinji darling, breakfast!"

The boy opened his eyes at the sound of his mother's voice, rubbing the morning sand from them. Bright sunlight was shining through his window basking his bed in a heavenly light. The smell of fresh morning food wafted into his open room, an odor strong enough to lift the 14 year-old from his bed. He slid his legs over the side and fell into his slippers. Nice and cool, he thought with a smile, just how they should be.

Shinji Ikari wasn't used to smiling. All his life, he had encountered things that fell into the categories of heart-breaking and down-right unlucky. His father had mysteriously vanished only a few years after his birth, leaving his mother Yui to care for their son all by her lonesome at the small farm they called home. Shinji had never met the man, and felt nothing towards his existence. An appropriate emotion; how could one feel for someone they've never seen?

And then there was the incident last year, on this very day, that fell perfectly into the unlucky category. Shinji had stayed up the whole night before, full of excitement and unable to fall asleep. Of course, he overslept the next morning, and had missed out on the opportunity every child wished to have:

To receive their very first Pokémon.

Like every other child in the world, owning a Pokémon was the coolest thing possible. Many envisioned themselves becoming Gym Leaders, members of the Elite Four, or even as legendary as the icon of mystery himself, Red. But Shinji didn't want any of the fame or glory; all he wanted was a friend and companion to call his very own.

The age of 12 was when a child could receive their first Pokémon, as defined by the Global Trainers Union (the GTU, for short). However, the local town Professor, Ritsuko Akagi, believed that was too young an age, and stated she would only give Pokémon to a child of the age 14 or older. Last year, she had made a special exception for Shinji, being friends with his mother and all, and gave him an ultimatum: "Be at my lab on time, or you won't get your Pokémon." It was really more a test of responsibility than an ultimatum, but Shinji still failed miserably. This year, however, would be different. There was still a time to beat (the lab would close at 11 AM), but Shinji knew he could get there on time. Sure, he was still incredibly tired, but nothing breakfast and a shower couldn't remove…

Hearing the sounds of Pokémon, Shinji opened his bedside window and looked outside. It was a perfect view of their backyard; his mother's Miltank trio was grazing on the fresh green grass as a sole Tauros bull watched over their paddock. A flock of Pidgey sat on one side of the squared fence nestled together, but were soon scared away as the Tauros let out a bellow. Shinji couldn't help but smirk; the bovine Pokémon was just as extremely territorial as always.

"Shinji!" his mother called again from below, "You don't want to be late again this year! Hurry up!"

"Coming, mother!"

After quickly fixing his hair, Shinji rushed down the steps into the kitchen. His mom was sitting at the dining table with a cup of tea and a book. At her feet sat a Stoutland, which sat up as soon as it saw the young Ikari. The shaggy pet was the first Pokémon Yui had ever owned, having raised it since it was a Lilipup, and it had played with Shinji since he was a baby.

"Morning, buddy!" Shinji said, kneeling down to pet the dog-like Pokémon. His mother watched him with a smile.

"So, are you ready for today, Shinji?" Yui asked happily as he son sat down across from her at the table.

"Of course," the boy answered, "I just hope I make it in time this year, before Professor Akagi runs out of Pokémon."

"Oh, I wouldn't be too worried. After all the children that came last year, I'm pretty sure she has quite a few more Pokémon this time around. Do you know which one you'll choose?"

Shinji pondered for a moment. "Honestly, it doesn't really matter to me. I just want one of my very own."

"What, no favorites?" Yui raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well… Torchic is kinda cool…"

"A Fire type? Hmm… I always thought you'd go for a Grass type, like Bulbasaur."

"Why's that?"

"Well, Grass types remind me of you. They're calm, quiet, peaceful… most of the time, that is. Fire types are unpredictable and dangerous; they usually need someone as hot-blooded as them for a partner."

"Like Asuka?"

Shinji couldn't have helped but bring up the fiery redhead from down the street as his mother described Fire types. Unpredictable and dangerous fit Asuka Langely Soryu to a T. For as long as he'd known her, which was about most of his life, Soryu had been a pleasant thorn in his side: a total bitch at times, but a cute one at that. She had helped him in many a fight, often standing up to older boys who picked on him, but usually beat on him herself in the end. Shinji didn't think of himself as a masochist, but her fists hurt good… they still hurt like hell, but he didn't mind them. He knew underneath the abuse, Asuka meant well (not that she'd ever say it to his face, that is).

Yui laughed. "Yes, just like Asuka. Now eat your breakfast, Shinji, before it gets cold."

After quickly eating his breakfast, Shinji rushed back upstairs and into the shower, thinking about how his life was going to change today. As the water fell down on him, he closed his eyes as he drifted into an imaginary world of his future, with his soon to be first Pokémon…

"Shinji! Shinji!"

"Gah!" Shinji sat up in a panic as the loud yelling voice of his mother echoed in the bathroom, bouncing off the shower walls. He stood up, breathing heavily when he heard something that he so desperately wished he hadn't.

"You're going to be late!"

"OH CRAP!" He couldn't believe it: he had actually fallen asleep in the shower! But for how long?

"Hurry up!" his mother yelled, "You only have ten minutes before Prof. Akagi shuts her doors!"


In a blur, the drenched and naked Shinji dashed out of the bathroom past his mother and into his room, a trail of water following behind him. After throwing on some random clothes (that surprisingly matched), the boy ran down the stairs, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Don't forget you backpack!" his mother called down to him from the second floor, "I put everything you'll need in it!"

"I'll come back for it!" Shinji responded as he went out the door, leaving his mom in the house alone. Yui stood at the open door and watched her son run off down the street. Her Stoutland trudged up beside her and gave a low bark.

"Yeah," Yui said, "I knew he'd be late somehow, too."

Shinji's house was located just outside of Merganser Town, a small community in a wooded area. A short, winding forest path connected the two locations, and took about ten minutes to walk. At the speed Ikari was running at, he'd finish it in at least five, giving him another five minutes to reach Prof. Akagi's lab in the center of town. As he ran through the woods, wild Pokémon were just beginning in their daily activities. A troop of monkey-like Aipoms swung from the branches above, while Deerlings and Sawsbucks foraged through the underbrush, their coats and antlers in their flowery Spring forms. Shinji almost tripped over a Sandshrew that had burrowed itself into the dirt road, jumping over the Ground type as it lifted itself up from a nap.

"Almost there!" Shinji panted as Merganser Town came into view. The town gate, a large marble sculpture of two Dragonair arching towards each other, was open and awaiting Shinji's entrance. The boy didn't even pause to admire the impressive artistry as he made a bee line down Main Street, straight towards Prof. Akagi's lab.

"I can see it!" Shinji grinned as the building came into view, "I'm gonna make it!"

"Yo there, Prof!" a familiar voice called up from ahead, "What took ya so long? Sleep in again?"

"Not now, guys…" Shinji groaned as he saw his friends Toji Suzuhara and Kensuke Aida standing at the street side ahead. The due were dressed in their usual getup; a black track jacket for Toji and a white shirt and glasses for Aida. However, Shinji noticed something different about them: each had a single Pokéball hanging from their waist.

"Wherddya think yer goin?!" Toji yelled as Ikari ran past, waving his fist at him, "We was gonna show ya our Pokémon , ya jerk!"

"Sorry guys, can't stop! Have to get mine before the lab closes!"

"Wha- Ha-ha-ha!" Suzhuhara burst into a laugh, "Ya hear dat, Kensuke? Da Prof slept in again!"

"Can't catch a break huh, Ikari?" Kensuke snickered.

Shinji didn't even stop to respond, not that they deserved it. He just kept sprinting towards Prof. Akagi's lab, closing in fast. He narrowly missed colliding with a woman and her newly groomed Matron-trim Furfrou before stumbling through the automatic lab doors of his destination.

Catching his breath, Shinji looked around the lab, taking in all the electronic dashboards and computers lining the walls. The many desks were covered in papers and books of research data in some sort of collected chaos. In the back corner of the room lay a Liepard, curled up in a large cat bed. The slender Dark-type opened its one eye when it sensed Shinji watching it, but quickly closed it when it didn't sense a threat.

"Why, hello there, Shinji!" a happy voice said, "It's nice to see you made it this year!"

Shinji looked to see a blonde haired woman dressed in a lab coat and blue sweater standing across the room with hands folded behind her back, smiling at him. He recognized her immediately as Professor Ritsuko Akagi, having met her on numerous occasions at his mother's house parties. Before Shinji could answer, he noticed that there was someone else there, standing by Prof. Akagi, someone else he recognized.

Recognized too well, that is.

Her back was turned to him, her face covered by her long, red hair. She was wearing her favorite yellow dress, which right now revealed a great portion of her long legs as she bent over looking at something. She stood up straight in a flash as the name "Shinji" finally went through her ears.

"Well, well, well," the girl sneered, turning her face towards Ikari with hands on her hips, "Baka Shinji's late again! Did mommy forget to wake you up?"

"A-Asuka," Shinji stammered, "I don't know what you're talking about. I am on time… right?" He looked to Prof. Akagi desperately.

"Well," the blonde said, looking at her watch, "You've got about a minute to spare, so I'd say you are."

"Not that it matters," Asuka smirked, stepping to the side. She gestured to a round metallic table, with spherical dips arranged in a circle, "Because the Professor is all out of Pokémon!"

"Wh-what…" Shinji's expression plummeted as he looked at the empty table, "Y-you can't be… oh, no…" He fell to his knees, his fists shaking. "I knew this would happen… I knew it!"

"Oh, Shinji," Prof. Akagi knelt down by the boy, placing a tender hand on his shoulder, "There's no need to be sad… Sure, I'm all out of Pokémon for you to choose from, but that doesn't mean there isn't one I can't give to you…"

"H-huh?" Ikari looked up at the Professor, confused, "What do you mean, give me?"

"What are you, stupid?" Asuka rolled her eyes, "She means that she has one set aside for you. God, sometimes I can't comprehend your idiocracy, you… W-wait, what?!"

Prof. Akagi smiled at the girl, then to Shinji. "I had a feeling Shinji here might be late again, so I made sure to have a special Pokémon reserved just for him. One that I think he would just love to have."

"B-but," Soryu looked at the Pokéball in her hand, "I thought I got the last one? …Because, you know, you saved the best for last? Right?"

"Don't worry, you're Pokémon is special too." Ritsuko stood up and walked towards her desk, "Think of Shinji getting the last one as, well… a safety net for him."

"… By the way, Asuka," Shinji said, back on his feet, "What Pokémon did you choose?"

"Hmph," Asuka closed her eyes with a smug smile, "The smartest, cutest and best one, of course. Just like me!" She tossed her Pokéball into the air, the sphere opening with a bright white light. "Come on out, Torchic!"

Shinji watched in amazement as a small, orange bird formed from the light on the lab floor. Its beady black eyes studied him for a moment before it scuttled over to its proud owner a few feet away and jumped into her arms.

"Isn't it the greatest Pokémon you've ever seen?" Asuka gloated, shoving the Torchic straight into Shinji's face, "This little guy's gonna help me become the greatest trainer of all time! Not that I'm not already, but still, you're looking at the future Avia Region Champion, Baka Shinji! Aren't you jealous?"

Shinji rolled his eyes, patting the Fire-type Pokémon on the head. "Not really. I don't want to become Champion, Asuka. I just want to make friends." Disgusted, the redhead yanked her Pokémon away from Ikari and pulled it to her chest, squeezing the eyeballs from its head in a tight hug.

"Of course, only you can say something so stupid, Baka Shinji… You're such a wimp!"

"Now Asuka," Prof. Akagi was returning towards the two with a Pokéball in hand, "Just because Shinji doesn't want to be a dedicated Pokémon trainer, it doesn't make him a wimp. He'd just rather bond with Pokémon in a different way, that's all." The blonde smiled and turned to Shinji, holding out her hand. "Here you are, Shinji. Your Pokémon's waiting for you."

'My Pokémon…' Ikari nervously reached out towards the Pokéball before his eyes, his hands shaking from excitement. He couldn't believe this was happening! But the big question remained: what kind of Pokémon was it?

Asuka watched him anxiously; she was just as curious as to what Pokémon was inside the sphere as Shinji was. 'As long as it isn't a Water-type,' she thought, 'Or Rock or Ground for that matter… I can't let him douse my flames… That'd be so embarrassing, I'd just die…'

"Well, Shinji," Prof. Akagi urged the boy, who was staring at the Pokéball in his hands, "Why don't you say hello to your Pokémon?"

"O-okay," Ikari looked at the sphere one last time before tossing it into the air. "Come on out… my Pokémon!"

The Pokéball cracked open, just as Asuka's had, and a creature began forming in the white light. This one had the shape of a small bipedal canine, with round floppy ears and a big head. The Pokémon landed with a Superman pose, one fist planted on the floor and head up. It was mostly blue, with grey arms and legs. A pair of big, red eyes focused on Shinji, its new owner.

"A Riolu!" Ikari shouted in glee, "Oh my God, I – I can't believe it!"

Asuka let out a sigh of relief as the boy rushed over to his new Pokémon. Fire and Fighting were neutral type matchups now, but she knew very well that when Riolu evolved it would gain Steel typing, giving her a big advantage. Still, deep down Asuka was glad to see Shinji this happy; she never saw enough of his stupid smile.

"Well," the red head smirked, "Now we know who's got the better Pokémon. Isn't that right, Baka Shinji?"

Shinji ignored her bragging as he hoisted his Riolu into the air with a big grin. "Hey buddy. My name's Shinji. We're gonna have a lot of fun, you and me. Just you wait."

The Riolu smiled and nodded, then placed its hand on Ikari's forehead. A strange sensation began to flow through Shinji's body, as if the Pokémon was synchronizing with him.

"Wh-what's he doing, Professor?" the boy asked, his eyes locked with Riolu's. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't avert his gaze from the Pokémon.

"Riolu is the Emanation Pokémon," Ritsuko explained, "It and its evolved form, Lucario the Aura Pokémon, are tied closely with the emotions and thoughts of humans and Pokémon alike. Yours here is reading your own aura, Shinji, so he can detect your presence from anywhere. He's devoting himself to you, Shinji; you'll be partners for life from this day on."

'For… life?' Shinji thought. To his surprise, Riolu nodded slightly; had the Pokémon heard his thought? 'Did you… read my mind, Riolu?'


"GAH!" the sudden voice in Shinji's head caused him to jump. Asuka gave him a look of complete and utter confusion.

"Uhh, Baka Shinji… What the hell was that?"

"I- I heard his voice!" Ikari squeaked, pointing at the innocent Riolu, its head tilted to the side, "In my head! He spoke to me, Askua!"

Silence, then laughter. The red head fell to the ground in tears, trying to catch her breath. Her Torchic squirmed out from under her, having been squashed by her falling body. "Oh my God! I can't believe it! He's finally lost his mind!"

"I wouldn't be so quick to judge, Askua," Prof. Akagi interrupted, "Trainers with Riolu and Lucario have reported intense mental communication over time, usually after many years of partnership. But for Shinji to make this claim now, so soon… I'm genuinely surprised."

Slowly, Shinji looked back at Riolu. The Pokémon stood smirking at him with folded arms. 'Do my abilities frighten you, Baka-Shinji?'

'No, they don't- wait, what did you call me?!'

'Baka Shinji. Is that not a term of endearment?'

'No; that's just Askua's stupid nickname for me.'

'But does she not care for you?'

"Yeah… but not like that. I don't think so, at least. I don't really know, honestly.'

'Ah, I see. You humans are very odd creatures, Shinji.'

'I guess your right about that…'

"Hey!" Soryu interrupted the mental conversation, jabbing her finger into the back of Shinji's neck, "What're you two conversing about?! It better not be me!"

Shinji sighed, rolling his eyes. "Even if we were, it's not like you could stop us."

"Oh, so that's what you think. Well then, allow me to take control of your mind… through my fists!"

The redhead pounced on Shinji, wailing on his body with her hands and feet. The poor boy didn't stand a chance; he was a helpless deer, ambushed from nowhere by a ferocious tigress. Shinji's pleas to stop soon turned into laughs as a smile spread across his face; he was actually enjoying this! Asuka seemed to be playing along, a sadistic grin forming as she slapped Ikari around. Prof. Akagi couldn't help but laugh at the two children, thrashing about on her floor. Riolu and Torchic, however, were greatly confused at the scene, trading puzzled glances with each other as their owners flailed about. No one even noticed the two figures walking into the lab, a Pokéball at each of their waists.

"Well, if it ain't da married couple!" Toji Suzhuhara proclaimed as he and Kensuke walked onto the scene, "Havin' anudda lover's quarrel, eh, Prof?"

"More like a brawl, if you ask me," Aida added, "But shouldn't you two be using your Pokémon to fight each other with now? It only makes sense, if you ask me…"

Askua stood up, and shoved her finger into Toji and Kensuke's chests. "Why would I sully my precious Pokémon's reputation by battling Baka Shinji? You two really are that stupid."

"Is dat so?" Toji smirked, "If we're dat stupid, I bet you an' the Prof could wipe da floor wit us in a Pokémon battle, right?"

"Team up? With Baka Shinji? In your dreams."

Riolu shot a wary glance at Shinji. 'Do her words not bother you?'

'Eh, I'm used to it.' Ikari shrugged.

As Asuka turned her back to the boys, Aida gave Toji a quick wink; he knew just how to get these two to battle together.

"Oh well, Toji," the geeky boy shrugged, his voice loud and slow, "I guess Asuka's just afraid of losing to a couple of nobody's like us. What a shame- ACK!"

Losing: Asuka hated the word, in all its forms. Nobody called her a loser.


Seething, she held a death grip on Aida's shirt color, her eyes covered in a sinister shadow. "You want a battle… you got it."

Victorious, Toji and Kensuke gave each other a low fist bump where Soryu couldn't see. "Now dat's more like it," Suzuhara said, Pokéball in hand, "How 'bout we do dis here an' now?"

This sent Prof. Akagi into a panic. She was not prepared for a Pokémon battle, let alone a Double battle, to erupt inside her lab where all her years of research could be put in danger. "Whoa now, you guys! How about you all take this outside so there isn't too much collateral damage."

"Eh, fine with me," Toji shrugged, "Doesn't matta where we battle, though, 'cause me an' Kensuke'll still whoop deir asses!"

Soryu looked at her Torchic, and then at Shinji; the boy actually looked more nervous than the Pokémon did! "I hope you two are ready, because you're about to have your first Pokémon battle! …Oh, and if we lose, Baka Shinji," Asuka knelt down in front of Shinji, an evil smile on her face, "You won't be laughing the next time I pummel you."

Ikari gulped, and looked at Riolu, who smiled confidently at him. 'Do not worry, Shinji. We will win.'

'But I'm not ready for this yet! I never wanted to battle in the first place!'

'Life has its many turns, Shinji. Just trust in me, and we will succeed.'

'…I hope you're right, Riolu…'

Next Stage:

The First Battle!

Shinji and Asuka vs. Toji and Kensuke!