Reviews for The Journey of the Guardian
FoxShotgaming chapter 14 . 8/23
Will ash still get gibble and gligar
TheCrazedValkyrie chapter 18 . 8/9
Imagine if someone called Butch B*tch
PokeKing chapter 27 . 8/6
Wasn't expecting that you would separate the Eon siblings like that but guess that now Latias will be stronger then her brother since Cynthia is a more experienced and stronger trainer.
PokeLord chapter 19 . 8/4
But can't be denied that Tracy do provide them with crucial info during their travels, disappointed that Ash didn't get the Crystal Onix and instead got that pokemon from Team rocket..
PokeLord chapter 17 . 8/4
I always laughs when I remember that Ash and Misty were just a mean to a end for Tracy and they didn't even cared at least in canon.
PokeLord chapter 16 . 8/4
After how close his match with Steven was I knew Ash would lose to Cynthia and was honesty expecting that her Gabite would evolve same with Riolu but maybe you want to make it a special moment for their evolution.
PokeLord chapter 14 . 8/4
Is this version of Charizard a shiny one or the same as canon?
PokeLord chapter 12 . 8/4
It was a cool movie adaptation though was disappointed that you made the starter clones strong only because Mewtwo was cheating using his powers when both movies proved they were simply superior to the original ones.
mattywilkss chapter 5 . 7/21
yep...rewrite. almost everything that wasn't copied over from your original story so far has been copied over from canon. you're not rewriting your story, you're just adding scenes from canon to it.
Aurastar Warrior chapter 1 . 7/9
lower level guardians turn to crystal higher level erase their surrounding existence, the explosion depending on their level. A level 77 will wipe out talk worlds forever or at least until god rebuilds it
InfinityMask chapter 15 . 7/8
Maybe Oak is aura guardians too?
InfinityMask chapter 14 . 7/8
Is Ash father actually Samuel Oak son too?
InfinityMask chapter 12 . 7/8
You know what? I think Ash nearly death(or death?) by overuse of Aura is more make sense than turning into stone. Lol.

I wonder would his eyes give something?
Guest chapter 27 . 5/25
This is great please continue
Guest chapter 20 . 5/23
need to work on your battles, a lot. There's really no feeling behind them and you cant tell them apart from a nintendo games. You cant tell the difference betwen a novice, an expert or a master, so they all came out as bland.
Thats not even talking about proper character development and plot. Its good that you want to advance the plot and the like, but as reader we end up not really caring about the story. Even Ash's aura feels like a useless gimmick
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