Hello, sorry about the corrupted chapter from before if you read it then. There is the fixed version, this is my first fanfic so I would appropriate your comments and reviews on my work as I am always looking to improve. Either way, lets get on with the story

The Japanese sun rose upon the quiet summer day, shining through a small window of the Midoriya household, where it woke up one young and excited boy who instantly lifted his head from the pillow when he remembered what day it was, it was his eighth birthday! Sure, it was kind of sad that he had no friends to come over today but that didn't matter a bit to Izuku as he hopped out of bed and rushed out through the living room and to the front door. Two wide emerald eyes staring at it, waiting for the piece of wood to open up and when it did, the young boy almost cheered for joy as his mother came in with an elderly couple and he hopped right into the older woman's arms for a nice, warm hug that only a grandma could give to her beloved grandchild.

"Oooh Izuku, I haven't seen you since Christmas. How is my favorite little hero doing these days?" Yahashi chuckled as she cuddled the young boy in her arms, gleefully holding the boy to her chest for a few moments before letting him down on the ground.

"Really good grandma, I got a perfect score on my last test!" The boy puffed out his chest proudly before the woman nodded, ushering the boy into the living room again as she continued to speak.

"Well of course you did, I know that brain of yours is something that no quirk can compare to in the end. So who else is coming over today? I know that Katsuki boy was almost inseparable from you just a few months ago."

At that question, Izuku's expression darkened some and he looked to the ground mumbling something to himself before he looked back up at his grandparents, hoping they wouldn't have the same reaction his former friend did.

"W-well... When it was clear I had no quirk...My friends started to pick on me, I really tried to being nice to them but they're so mean! Katsuki is the worst, always picking on me and saying I am worthless without a quirk"

"Well that's a load of bull honky, you don't need no powers my boy and if this boy says otherwise than he was not worth calling a friend in the first place" The gruff voice of Kashi Midoriya rang out as he pulled in his and his wife's bags into the living room with his quirk with a sigh. He then grinned at his grandson as he opened the bag and brought out a bright red and blue package, that was about a foot or more girth and five inches wide which drew the young man's attention.

"Is that my?" Izuku dashed up to the gift, looking at it from any angle he could before wondering what it could possibly be, it certainly wasn't any All Might thing or something similar to that.

"Yes my boy, it is your birthday gift, if no one else is comin over then I see no reason to keep this from you. Is that alright Inko? I know the boy will really love it when he sees what I got him." The smile was clear in the old man's eyes as he spied the boy looking at is present from all angles and when his daughter echoed her support the boy cheered and opened the present as soon as he could.

After discarding the paper, Izuku looked at what was left and raised an eyebrow at the cover where a man in Red and Blue spandex was swinging on some sort of rope while carrying a man in his arm. The top of it said "The sensational chronicles of the Amazing Spider-man! Vol 1." With a cautious look on his face, the boy lifted the book to reveal a Volume 2 underneath it and he turned to his grandpa.

"Um..Sorry but what is this? I... I have never heard of Spider-Man before. Is he a new hero or something like that?"

At the boy's question, Kashi chuckled some before sighing. "No my boy, that is a very old hero one that has lasted for over a thousand years at this point due to his tenacity and how the people of the world love his stories so. That is the kind of superhero story I used to read when I was your age. I just thought you would enjoy reading about some of my own inspiration and heroes. Spider-Man was essentially my All Might if you would."

With that affirmation, Izuku looked back to the book in his hand in reverence and sat down cautiously opening the first page to start enjoying his Grandfather's gift. Unaware of how much it would affect his life from then on.

This story picks up once again in the room of Izuku Midoriya, though it has changed quite a bit in a virtual 4 years, as some of the All Might posters and memorabilia the boy had was now gone in favor of those of his favorite fictional hero and his compatriots in the Marvel Universe. There would also be a large bookshelf containing a mish-mash of comic book collections, old movies based on said comic books and a huge collection of informational texts based around Spiders, Electromagnetism and Martial Arts. The boy himself, at the ripe age of 12 was currently hunched over a desk, messing around with some small electronics as he tried to recreate Peter Parker's web shooters best he could based on the images he saw online of them.

With a small misplacement of his tools, a spark was triggered in the thing causing almost all the fine tuned electronics to go off prematurely and subsequently, for them all to fail one after another. Holding in the frustration of yet another project failing here, Izuku got out his notebook labeled "Web Shooters" and flipped to the middle of his notebook, right on his next blank page like always and started to write down his notes, what had actually worked in that accident, what had failed and some hypothesis on why that would have happened before he sighed and turned back to his work in progress gadget, focusing on fixing and fine tuning the darn thing until it could actually work for him.

The boy had taken what his grandparents said to heart and well...He knew he would never be able to be a hero based on his quirkless status he knew that without any sort of stand out or superhuman ability he had no chance against the villains that were filling the world and nothing was just going to grant him those abilities out of the blue... So he would just have to make them himself, clinging to his dream never giving an inch of ground to his self doubts and fears. With one final adjustment of the shooters, this time making sure not to misplace his tools, Izuku lay back in his seat with a sigh. Resting for a few seconds before he put a waterproof casing around the more sensitive electronics and popped over to one of his desk drawers opening the compartment and taking out a small silver container and popped it right into a depression in his machine.

Strapping on his device, Izuku aimed his arm towards one of the few blank spots on his wall putting up his index and pinkie fingers to act as crosshairs before giving the trigger a small double tap. As his fingers fell on it the second time, it felt like time was slowing down to a crawl for Izuku, his heart pounding in his ears to see if this would work and to his amazement, a steady stream of water shot out of his home made web shooter and right onto the wall as planned and Izuku had to suppress the urge to just cry out with a glorious cheer seeing himself succeed in this instance though tears of joy did leak out from his eyes that he had to wipe away with his arm. He may not have been the natural genius that Peter was but... He was still able to recreate his most famous invention with his own hard work.

Immediately after his little test, Izuku took off his web shooter and took out the cartridge of water to throw it in the trash before he went to his notebook and started to write down everything he could, making sure he got all the specs and things he had done with the device down on paper so he could recreate it exactly without searching through his entire notebook, after he had done task the young man's eyes drifted towards his clock and realized it was reaching around ten thirty PM. Figuring that this was as good as any a time to go to bed. Izuku yawned and put away his notes, turned off the lamp light and headed to his plush bed, still smiling to himself about what he had just accomplished.