Hello and welcome to chapter seven of The Mighty Izuku! This chapter is the start of the USJ! Before the chapter begins I would like to thank everyone who has reviewed, favorited, or followed this story! It is a big motivator to write and it makes my day.

One thing I'd like to address is I've been getting a lot of reviews about the first couple of chapters and how they aren't as good as the later chapters. Quite frankly I agree, I've been planning on doing some more serious rewrites to the first few chapters once the USJ arc is done. I sort of rushed through them because I really wanted to get to the later parts and that's just not fair to those chapter or to you readers. So don't hesitate to leave critique, I want to improve as a writer and those critiques help.

Now without further ado here is chapter 7!

With the Battle Trials over and All Might gone the students were left to get changed and head home alone. The way to the locker room was filled with excited retellings of the fights. Not to mention complements to each others' performances.

Izuku talked amongst his peers. Something he still amazed he could do. It really was more fun interacting with others when that interaction included something other than being insulted.

Once changed Izuku met up with Mina, who was standing around with two other students. "There you are Midori!" Mina yelled, waving her arms in the air and jumping to get his attention. They were in a mostly empty hallway.

"Hey, sorry for taking so long." Izuku said as he walked up to the group. "The armour was harder to get out of than expected."

"No problem my super strong, alien love interest!" Mina said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Let me introduce you to these guys!" With a dramatic swing of her arms Mina began pointing out the students she was with. "This here is my horn buddy Kirishima." Kirishima was a tall, well muscled redhead with pointed teeth and a friendly smile. "And this is my new friend Toru!" Toru was well invisible so all Izuku could see was her clothes.

"Nice to meet you both, my name is Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said with a bow.

"Yo dude it's nice to meet you too!" Kirishima said loudly. "Your match was totally manly bro!"

"Yeah! You both really stood out in your match." Toru added.

"Thank you both. Your matches were amazing too!" Izuku said back with a slight blush.

With introductions done the group began to make their way out of the building. Their discussion as they walked centered around getting to know one another since only Mina knew anyone in the group for longer than a day. Izuku learned a good deal about his new friends on the way to the train station. Like the fact Toru liked to arcades and was quite competitive, especially with DDR*. Or that Kirishima spent most of his time working out and when not doing that he liked to watch action movies.

Of course it wasn't just Kirishima and Toru sharing with the group. Mina talked about her interest in old horror movies. Alien being her favorite. She also admitted to being trained in dancing. That surprised everyone.

Even Izuku shared some of his hobbies before they reached the train station. He mostly talked about his love of preQuirk stuff, especially movies. His hero watching hobby he didn't talk about as much. It was kinda embarrassing.

Soon enough the group of newly made friends had lived in different areas. Except Mina and Kirishima who lived close to one another. This left Izuku by himself on the train ride home.

Line Break

The next day found Izuku outside the gates of U.A. being swarmed by reporters. They were all loudly asking what All Might was like as a teacher. They were very pushy. Well within his personal space.

Despite his many strides in becoming more sociable Izuku froze up. He had no idea how to handle being crowded. So he just stood there nervously gripping Mjolnir in a death grip.

Luckily for him Iida arrived not long after Izuku had. Iida began talking to the reporters in his stern robot voice. This allowed Izuku to slip past without notice. Though sadly for the rest of the students trying to get through the reporters quickly grew bored of Iida's answers. His answers having little to nothing to actually do with All Might.

Eventually Eraserhead did come out and he told the reporters off. It didn't get them to leave but it allowed the students to get through. As the last of the students had passed one of the reporters tried to rush through the gate tripping the perimeter defense system. The gate slammed shut, knocking the reporter on their but, as a wall was raised all around the school campus.

Thanks to the delay caused by the reporters Izuku was one of the first students to arrive. The only others currently in class were Yaoyoruzo, who was sat in the front row nearest the door. She seemed to radiate a prim and proper vibe despite doing nothing but sitting at her desk. Tokoyami who was leaning against the back wall seemingly contemplating something. And finally there was Todoroki who sat in the back corner looking out the window. He was just sorta staring off into the distance.

Izuku nodded in greeting to the others before making his way to his seat. Or at least that was his plan. Before he made it to his seat Mina slammed open the door looking out of breath.

"Traitor!" Mina yelled, pointing at Izuku accusingly. "You left me to the vultures!" With that Mina puffed out her cheeks and glared at Izuku. Thankfully the glare had no heat.

"It was everyone for themselves." Izuku said after a moment. "Your sacrifice was was greatly appreciated." Izuku really hoped he read the situation right. Friendly human to human interaction wasn't his strong suit.

"This will have consequences!" Mina fired back, stomping to add emphasis. It was all sorts of dramatic.

The drama was ruined by a herd of students, freshly freed from the journalists deadly grasps, entering the room. Most were too eager to get to their seat to care that they just ruined Mina's dramatic posing. But not all! Some people could appreciate the art of being dramatic.

With the moment ruined Mina's shoulders slumped and she trudged her way to her desk. "You win this round universe."

Izuku also found his way to his desk. As he sat down a more tired than normal looking Aizawa arrived. "Good, you're all in your seats."

"I watched over the footage from your battle trails. I want a review on how you think you did along with what you could have done differently, it'll be due next monday. It must be at least three pages, double spaced with one inch margins." Aizawa said once he was at his desk. His tired eyes surveyed the now groaning students before he spoke again. "That being said today you all will need to pick a class president."

"That's a normal school thing!" Some of the students cheered. Though that was mostly drowned out by other students yelling to be picked.

"I don't care how you decide just have it done by first period. And don't wake me up." Aizawa said with absolutely no enthusiasm in his voice. Then he crawled into his sleeping bag and presumably went to sleep.

The class descended into anarchy almost immediately. People were yelling over each other with random pitches thrown out for why so and so should be picked as class president. It was madness.

"Silence!" Iida yelled, standing up from his desk. "We can not simply speak over each other to decide. No! We should decide democratically with a vote."

The room went quiet, Iida had a very loud voice. The class seemed to think about what he'd said.

"How could we vote for people we've only known for two days? Everyone would just vote for themselves." Came the calm voice of Asui, the frog like girl.

"Yes so whoever manages to get the most votes will be someone who has already shown leadership qualities." Iida answered back.

It seemed most of the class agreed and so they voted. Izuku was tempted to vote for himself but ultimately thought that seemed selfish. He considered voting for Yaoyoruzo since she was clearly intelligent and good at making plans. But then Izuku went with Mina. She was charismatic and good at reading people. Those qualities seemed ideal for a class president.

Once all the votes were collected by Iida he tallied them up on the board. He tallied them because Aizawa was still asleep. Once the tally was complete Yaoyoruzo was found to be the winner with four votes. Mina came in second with three making her the vice president. Everyone else had either one or zero votes. Surprisingly Izuku had gotten a vote.

With the decision made Yaoyoruzo woke up Aizawa, a task no one else wanted. The teacher woke up with a sigh, "So you've picked then?"

Yaoyoruzo nodded and said, "Yes sir, I was voted president and Ashido vice president."

Homeroom was over soon after that and the day progressed much like a normal school. At least until lunch.

At lunch Izuku sat at a table with Mina, Tour, Kirishima, Jiro, and Yaoyoruzo. Yaoyoruzo, or Yaomomo as Mina immediately took to calling her, was there to talk with Mina about their new responsibilities. It wasn't going well on that end.

"I'm kinda hype! Who even voted for me though?" Mina asked, bouncing in place.

"I voted for you, you are the manliest person in class no doubt!" Kirishima cheered also bouncing in place. Those two had too much energy.

"I also voted for you." Izuku admitted. "I remembered how well you predicted Ojiro and Sato's decisions in class and thought that those people skills would be perfect for the job."

"Oh you guys!" Mina squealed. "Now I kinda feel bad about voting for myself. I didn't really think too hard about it either."

"No need to feel bad about it." Izuku said. "I think most everyone voted for themselves."

"I must admit that I too voted for myself." Yaomomo sadi dabbing her mouth with a napkin. "And like you I too am surprised I got so many votes."

As she said that the rest of the table remembered her reaction to getting voted in. Her whole face lit up both from surprise and obvious glee and she had radiated an aura of sparkly joy. It was adorable.

"Well, I voted for you." Jiro said with a faint blush on her cheeks. " You won your trial on your own and are scary smart. You seem pretty hardcore."

Hearing that Yaomomo looked really happy. "Thank you, I'll try to live up to your expectations."

Watching the interaction between the two brought a gleam to Mina's eye. Someone had a crush and so it was her job to help romance bloom! For some reason Jiro felt a chill go down her spine.

Sadly the conversation and plans matchmaking were brought to a sudden halt when a loud siren began to blare. "Emergency Alert Level 3. Emergency Alert Level 3." Came an automated voice over the speakers.

"What is that?" Izuku shouted.

"A passing second year student heard the question and answered. "That means someone has broken through the Perimeter Barrier! That's never happened before."

The students in the lunchroom rapidly became a mob trying to rush out. Izuku and his group were pulled into the mob and pushed along with it as it moved. Soon they were seperated and Izuku found himself being crushed against the wall only ten feet from the door into the hallway.

With a great heave Izuku pushed himself away from the wall and stood firm. This was getting ridiculous, people were probably getting hurt in the panic. Deciding to put a stop to it as best he could Izuku jumped into the air, willing it to gather around his feet to keep him standing above the heads of the mob. He hadn't perfected the technique yet so he stumbled a bit but it worked.

Raising Mjolnir Izuku let loose a blast of thunder! The noise shook the windows around the building and left a ringing in the ears of nearby students. But it worked. Channeling his inner reserves of courage Izuku bellowed "Stop this foolishness! You are U.A. Students so act like it. Now help your fellows off the ground and calmly leave!" His voice had been filled with the strength of lightning and thunder and the student's were compelled to obey.

Izuku let himself fall to the ground as the students parted for him. Without the madness of the mob Izuku was able to find Mina and the others. Poor Toru had been unnoticed by the frightened Students and had gotten roughed up a little because of it.

Line Break

The day soon returned to normal and it was revealed that it had been the reporters breaking in that triggered the alarm, not villains. And thanks to Recovery Girl, no one was hurt too badly by the end of the day. So the day ended and a new one began.

The press was absent at the gate the next morning, having been chased off by U.A. staff after the break in. Home room was missing any of its usual tension since Aizawa slept through it. And the regular classes were unremarkable.

As was becoming the norm Intro to Heroics broke the normalcy of the day. Instead of All Might their teacher was Aizawa, that was unusual enough. That he then announced they were going on a field trip sent the class into a frenzy.

Once they settled down and changed into their costumes class 1A found themselves on a bus being driven by Aizawa to an unknown location.

Izuku was sitting next to Mina and behind Kirishima and Toru near the back of the bus. Mina and Toru were having a heated discussion with Kirishima. They were firm believers in the wonders of neon while Kirishima passionately argued the superiority of more earthy tones. So far Izuku had contributed all one sentence in favor of green. Luckily someone came and freed him from his friends weirdness.

"Hello, my name is Tsuyu Asui. I tend to say what's on my mind." Greeted the frog like girl known as Tsuyu. She was sitting across the isle from Izuku.

"Nice to meet you Asui. My name's Izuku Midoriya." Izuku greeted back.

"Please, call me Tsu." Asui, or Tsu, said before placing her index finger near her mouth. "Your Quirk is kinda similar to All Might's."

"I don't think there too similar but I appreciate you saying so." Izuku said fighting down a small blush. That was a pretty big compliment after all.

Kirishima overheard Tsu's observation and decided to add his thoughts, defending the honor of rusted red could wait. "I can kinda see it! You are crazy strong and stuff."

"Yeah, it's a super flashy Quirk! I'm kinda jealous." Toru added.

"Bro I get that! He's got, like, my Quirk and twenty others, it's almost unfair." Came the voice of Kaminari from two seats back, in the very back of the bus.

"T-that's not true at all! You use electricity and can even tap into radio waves. I can only summon lightning." Izuku quickly said, flailing his arms around nervously.

"Both of you have super flashy Quirks. That's great for being a Hero! All I got is Hardening and that's way too plain." Kirishima said, ending in a more subdued voice.

"My Naval Laser is both flashy and powerful! Perfecto for heroics, no?" Aoyama cheered as sparkles formed around his body.

"Of course if we're talkin' about people with pro level Quirks I think Todoroki and Yaoyoruzu take the cake. They were super scary during their battles." Said Sero who was sitting next to Kaminari.

It was at this point Izuku realized the whole bus was now listening to their conversation.

"True, I could definitely see Momo rising quickly in popularity." Tsu said while looking towards the now blushing Momo. "She's got a real cheerful, upbeat energy to her that everyone can't help but like."

"For sure. Not to mention those traps were genius." Jiro said from her place in the middle of the bus by Tokoyami.

"T-thank you both." Momo said as she fought to keep her composure despite the blush trying to take over her face. She had never had the chance to interact with peers and when she did they tended to focus on her family or looks. This felt a lot more natural. "You were both very impressive during your trials. I have no doubt you'll both make wonderful heroes."

Jiro most certainly didn't blush. Nope. You can't prove anything.

Tsu did blush. She wouldn't deny blushing when a cute girl compliments her.

"Alright we're here." Aizawa yelled from the driver's seat. He was annoyed. Couldn't these kids stumble into a highschool romance somewhere else? Or at least not in his class?

The students quickly filed out of the bus. Sadly for Iida class 1A left the bus as disorganized as they entered it. Which is to say very disorganized.

Aizawa corralled the students into a semi-organized line before leading them into a large domed building. The outside of the building was huge. Like massive.

The doors into the building were also huge and made of metal. Despite their size they glided open silently when the class approached.

And boy did the inside take their breath away! It was massive and open, letting them see nearly the whole building. They were standing on a raised entrance that lead down a stairway to a central clearing. Around the clearing were paths leading to various disasters, for lack of a better term. All around the building there were simulated natural disasters, U.A. really goes all out.

"Welcome to my rescue training facility, I call it the Unforeseen Situation Joint or USJ!" Came a soft spoken voice from the stairs leading down to the central plaza. The voice belonged to Thirteen, who was wearing their hero costume. Thirteen wore a large astronaut suit designed to help chanel their Quirk, Blackhole.

"Oh my god it's Thirteen! They're my favorite hero!" Ochako cheered while jumping in place. There were practically stars in her eyes.

"Hello everyone, I'm glad you could make it today." Thirteen said as they finished walking up the stairs and stood in front of the students.

Aizawa walked up to the rescue hero and had a quick whispered conversation. With a nod Thirteen stepped forward and addressed the students. " Before we begin I'd like to say one thing. Wait no two, or actually three." Thirteen paused a moment while holding up three fingers.

"Ok, so I'd like to talk to you about some important things. No need for exact numbers. As you all may know my Quirk is called Blackhole. It destroys any matter sucked into it. It is perfect for a rescue Quirk, able to clear rubble in moments."

Thirteen paused for a moment allowing the students to discuss amongst themselves how their own Quirks could be used to rescue people. Then Thirteen continued, "It's also easily able to kill if I'm not careful." That brought the whispers to a halt. "Always remember that. It's not just about beating villains and flashy moves, at the end of the day Heroes are there to rescue others."

"During Aizawa's test you learned how to use your Quirk, in All Might's you learned how to fight with it, and now in mine you'll learn how to use your Quirk to help others! Thank you for listening." Thirteen ended with a slight bow.

Some of the students, Ochako, clapped.

Before anything else could happen a purple mist appeared in the central plaza. From the mist a hand wearing a white glove shot out, grasping at the air. Then the mist expanded.

From the mist stepped several people. First was the man whose hand had first reached out from the mist. He was lanky with blue hair. He wore all black and had gloved hands, disembodied hands holding onto him. There was one on each bicep, shoulder, and one of his face.

The second person was more of a monster. It was as tall as All Might and just a buff. It had dark purple skin, a golden beak, and eyes that bulged out of its head. But the most frightening thing was it's exposed brain and thousand yard stare.

The final person was seemingly made of the purple mist that brought the others. It stood beside the hand man as they surveyed the building.

Both Thirteen and Aizawa reacted to the sudden arrival by placing themselves in between the students and the villains. Aizawa lowered his goggles and readied his scarf before addressing Thirteen. "Get the students out of here! I'll hold them off. Kaminari you try and contact the school."

"I-I can't it's jammed!" Kaminari yelled as he tried adjusting his headpiece to no avail.

"Right, let's go students." Thirteen said as they began backing up towards the students. Keeping their eyes on the villains as more and more began to appear through the mist until the central plaza was filled with a mob of villains.

"But sensei, you're fighting style is geared towards short one-on-one fights. Let us help!" Izuku shouted, pushing himself to the front of the crowd of students.

"You all are still students, only a week into your first year. There's no way I'd let you fight real villains, now hurry up and go." Aizawa said as he crouched and prepared to jump. "Besides you can't be a Pro if you're a one trick pony." With that he launched himself forward.

Aizawa arrived so quickly to the central plaza that it was as though he jumped completely past the stairs. Despite the massive amount of villains Aizawa didn't hesitate to charge the mob head first. Cancelling Quirk after Quirk and delivering devastating attack after attack.

Thirteen began leading the students back towards the door in a hurry. Before they made it halfway a swirl of purple mist appeared in front of them. The mist took the form of a man who proceeded to speak. "Sorry to so rudely appear here without invitation but we are the League of Villains and we are here to kill All Might."

"My name is Kurogiri. May I ask where All Might is, our schedule said he would be here."

"Kids stay back!" Thirteen yelled as they started to uncap their gloves fingers to use their Quirk.

Before Thirteen could both Bakugou and Kirishima charged forward to attack. Kurogiri seemed unbothered by the fact both attacks hit his mist like body. Said purple mist simply expanded and engulfed the two teens.

"I suppose you are hero course students so underestimating you isn't a good idea." Kurogiri hummed to himself before expanding his mist even further out.

Most of the students were quickly wrapped in the mist. Only those closest to Thirteen were saved thanks to Thirteen's Quirk. Those that weren't disappeared from the entrance and where scattered around the USJ.

Line Break

Izuku found himself suddenly falling towards a large body of water. The disorientating feeling of teleporting combined with the sudden fall meant he didn't have time to use Mjolnir to fly before he crashed into the artificial lake. Once in the water Izuku's armor caused problems as it quickly dragged him down to the depths of the lake.

Izuku could make out the forms of several people in the water. Presumably villains with water based Quirks. One such villain with a shark Quirk noticed him.

The villain began a headlong charge towards Izuku, intent on chomping him in half. Before the villain could reach Izuku a green blur slammed into their side. That blur turned out to be Tsu.

Izuku realized it was Tsu when a long tongue wrapped around his waist and pulled him out of the water. Thanks to Tsu prowess in water they quickly managed to reach a sinking ship that was in the center of the lake. Well it was a fake sinking ship, luckily it was currently not sinking.

"Thank you Tsu." Izuku wheezed out in between coughing fits. He might have swallowed a fish. Were there fish in the lake?

"Of course." Tsu said in her mostly deadpan voice. It wasn't that she was calm because she wasn't, that's just how her voice sounded.

Neither Izuku nor Tsu knew what to do next. They were surrounded by villains, their classmates were in danger, and it was very likely that no help was coming. Before panic could really start to set in a harpoon made of bone struck Izuku in the side. That harpoon crumpled against Izuku's skin.

The harpoon did shake Izuku out of his thoughts though. It reminded him not only how powerful he was but how much danger everyone else was in. He straightened his shoulders and tightened his grip on Mjolnir. "We can't stay here, we need to get back with the others and figure out what to do."

"We need to get off this boat first, ribbit." Tsu said.

"I think I have a plan." Izuku said looking into Tsu's eyes. "They don't know our Quirks, I doubt they know the first thing about us. So let's use that to our advantage! But I'm going to need you to trust me. When I say 'now' jump up to me, ok?"

Tsu nodded and so Izuku began to spin Mjolnir. Slowly he rose into the air, as he rose the villains began to launch attack after attack at him. It had little effect.

Outside the USJ building dark clouds began to gather. Thunder crashed overhead and once Izuku yelled, "Now!" A massive bolt of lightning tour through the sky illuminating the surrounding city like like the sun. As the bolt fell Tsu jumped with all the power in her frog like legs.

The lightning tour through the domed roof and slammed into Mjolnir. As it connected with the hammer brought the mighty weapon down in a mighty arc. Lightning flew from the hammer and struck the water. The water became alive with the undiluted power of the sky. Soon none of the villains remained awake.

In the end only Izuku and Tsu remained. The both of them hovering in the air above the now silent water.

Watching the water the two felt safe in assuming the villains were all out. So Izuku began to fly them to the central plaza. He chose the plaza because he could see Aizawa pinned to the ground by the monster with the exposed brain.

It only took a second for Izuku to arrive and throw Mjolnir at the creature forcing his teacher to the ground. The impact knocked the creature away from Aizawa

"What?!" The villain covered in hands yelled. He began scratching his neck as he searched for the person who attacked his Nomu. He quickly found Izuku, who was hovering in the air alone. "A student? I guess Nomu will get a warm up before All Might shows up. In fact this might be the perfect way to damage his pride before he even shows up. Nomu kill him." The command was said in the same casual way one might use to order fast food.

Izuku didn't have time to react before the Nomu barreled into him. It had speed like All Might's and it's punch was strong like All Might's. So strong it knocked Izuku out of the air and into the concrete. He didn't stop there sadly, no the force of the punch caused him to plow a line through the ground.

As the creature charged forward Izuku called Mjolnir. The hammer sped it's way to it's wielder far faster than the Nomu could move and so Mjolnir slammed into the creatures back. The Nomu was knocked down as Mjolnir continued moving.

This allowed Izuku to grab hold of Mjolnir and pull himself out of the trench of concrete. As the Nomu got up to continue it's charge Izuku met it with a strike from his hammer. It had no effect. At all.

"That won't work. Nomu is genetically engineered to match All Might at one hundred percent! You've got no chance kid." The hand villain shouted manically.

Izuku didn't have time to respond as he began taking punch after punch from the Nomu. The beast's punches hurt but they were nothing compared to Bakugou's 'games' pre-Mjolnir so Izuku endured. He couldn't counter Nomu's speed but he could endure.

The Nomu suddenly drew itself back for a powerful attack and in that moment Izuku acted. Izuku launched Mjolnir forward. The hammer sailed past the side of the Nomu. Instead it was heading straight for Handy.

Handy wouldn't have been able to move in time thanks to Mjolnir's speed but the Nomu appeared in front of him. Once again Mjolnir slammed into the creature and pushed it back. Not as far as before though.

Izuku summoned Mjolnir back and launched it once more at Handy. This tactic worked as the Nomu was forced to stay and defend it's master. But then Handy made his own move.

Handy charged from behind Nomu right as Izuku threw Mjolnir. Izuku tried to summon Mjolnir back or change it's trajectory but the villain got there first. His hand stretched out as he grabbed Izuku's arm.

Pain. Immediately pain overloaded everything else in Izuku's mind. His arm was beginning to decay away. Layer by layer.

It was pure will that allowed Izuku to raise his right hand and punch the villain. He punched him hard. Really hard.

The villain actually flew back several feet. Most likely with a broken jaw. The hand on his face flew farther off into the distance having taken the majority of the blow. Undoubtedly saving him from worse injuries. The hand villain attempted to say something, reaching out towards the disembodied hand as it flew away but his jaw wouldn't comply.

Izuku's attack on the hand villain seemed to send the Nomu into a berserker like rage. It charged Izuku and began raining blow after blow down on Izuku. As the rain of fist continued with Izuku unable to concentrate enough to summon Mjolnir the Nomu finally drew blood.