This story was inspired by the fanfic "Befriending the Enemy". It such an adorable story with Izuku just being a cinnamon roll that he is. Anyway, I hope that you all will enjoy this. I don't own the anime or the characters.
Izuku Midoriya double check that he had everything with him. He was a bit nervous. Today from now on, he'll be living by himself. Although, living by oneself was a part of growing up. You can't always be depended on your parents forever. But even his mother was sadden to see her little baby leaving her to live on his own. Inko told him that if he changes his mind, he can still move back in with her. But Izuku didn't want to be a burden to his mother after all the years that she done for him.
"Izuku, honey, do have everything?" Izuku heard his mother outside of his soon to be old room. The sound of her voice clearly told that she'll miss him terribly. Honestly, Izuku himself didn't want to leave his mommy. He actually wanted to be with her forever. But that was selfish of him to actually to think such a thing. What kind of a son would forever be depended on his parents. To him at least, that was a very awful thing could do your own parents
"Yeah, Mom. I have everything," He said. He tried not to sound like he was crying. Deep down, he was. Leaving his beloved mother to live a new apartment by himself was something that he knew that it will happen one day. But he never imagine that will happen so soon. Izuku was still in Middle School and in the middle of his third year. But he felt that he should start getting already to be prepared for the adult world. Of course, most people would argue that going to live by yourself was a bit too much at his young age. But his mother trusted him.
Izuku went outside of his room, looking that his mother who had tears coming out of her eyes. Inko was not able to handle that her baby was finally living by himself. But she had to be strong for her son. She didn't want to Izuku guilty of leaving her. What kind of a mother would guilt trip her child into staying with her forever. But Inko was proud that her son had managed to find an apartment that he could afford to rent.
Both mother and son look at each other for a few moments. They both treated this moment like Izuku was living for forever despite that he'll be back next Sunday to eat dinner with her. But to them, it will feel like an enteral for them both.
"Izuku, promised me when you get to your new apartment, you will call me, ok, sweetie," Inko said, placing her hand on his cheek. This was it. It was time for mother and son to depart from each other.
Izuku nodded, "Don't worry, Mom. I'll be fine. I'll call you as soon as I got there," He said smiling.
Still, a mother can't stop worry for her child. Hoping that Izuku will get along with his neighbors despite him being quirkless. However, Inko knew that her son will be happy to where he'll be living at. According to some of her neighbors who adores her son, Izuku had always managed to make people around him love him once they get know him better. Inko even overheard from one neighbor saying that Izuku's new neighbors are lucky to have him when the rest of them are going to miss the boy.
"Now come on, baby. The movers will get there before you do," Inko said.
"Ok, Mom. And thank you for always taking care of me," Izuku said, trying not to cry before he leaves his old apartment. He really didn't want spend his last moments in this apartment crying like a baby.
Finally leaving his apartment, Izuku headed to where his new apartment was. The building was in Yokohama City. He could go to school when he takes the train. There was one thing that he was happy about leaving, the fact that Kacchan will still be in their neighborhood while he lives in a new city. This actually brought a smile to Izuku's face. No Kacchan to bully him when the latter angered the former. Kacchan didn't even know that Izuku was moving on his own. Izuku preferred to keep that way.
New apartment building
"Here it is," Izuku said. The building itself wasn't bad looking. It was affordable so that was good. Hoping to start fresh in his new neighborhood, Izuku wanted to make a good first impressing. Taking deep breathes, Izuku turn the doorknob around and open the door. Seeing that there was stairs to climb to the apartment complex. Walking up the stairs, Izuku wondered what kind of neighbors will be having. Although, according to the real estate agent, there were literally two people living there. There was also a bar there on the first floor. The apartment complex was above the bar. The landlord actually lived somewhere else do to some health issues.
Izuku hoped that his new landlord will get better soon. He would actually like to meet the man that letting someone like him live in his building. Soon the green haired boy came to the first floor. Seeing another steps stairs to climb, but he was actually curious to see the bar himself. But he was worried because he was underage. Izuku didn't want the bartender in trouble if he showed up.
He was about to head to the next case when he saw a much older boy standing there. He was quite tall, with ashy skin and scars over his left eye and on the right side of his mouth. His lips were chapped. His hair were blue and his eyes were red. In all and all, the older boy look like a villain. But Izuku wouldn't judged this person. He himself had already been discriminated for being quirkless. So, Izuku made a promised to himself to not judged others. He made this promise after meeting All Might. Which was not how he wanted to meet his long time hero.
But now he has to focus on the present. Taking a deep breath, Izuku smiled at the older boy in front of him. The older boy seem to be taken back when Izuku smiled at him, "Who are you?" The older boy said. He look surprise to see someone like him to be in this place.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'll be living here from now on," Izuku said. Hoping this mysterious person is one of his new neighbors.
The boy look at him for a good awhile before finally speaking, "You may call me Tomura Shigaraki for now," He said.
Izuku blinked surprised by his replied, but was happy to hear him said his name at least, "So, do you live here as well," Izuku said.
Tomura nodded, "Yeah. I live here with Kurogiri," He said.
"So, you're the new kid?" Tomura said. Which Izuku nodded with a blush on his face.
"Come now. The bar is open. Although, Kurogiri isn't here yet," Tomura said, opening the door to the bar. Izuku wasn't sure about this. He was still a middle scholar.
"Sorry, Shigaraki. I don't think that I'm allowed in the bar. I'm in middle school," Izuku said nervously.
"Don't worry about it. The bar doesn't have a rule to say what age you have to be to get in," The older boy said.
Izuku, feeling about more relaxed, followed his new neighbor into the bar. Tomura Shigaraki seem nice. He hope that they will get along with each other soon.
I hope you guys liked this. Please, tell me if the characters were ooc. Also, Izuku is quirkless in this story. He won't have One for All in this. As for U.A, I'm sure should I make my baby Izuku go there or just a regular high school. Let me know.