![]() Author has written 56 stories for Dragon Ball Z, StarCraft, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Buffy X-overs, Supernatural, X-overs, Angel, Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Criminal Minds, Book of Amber, Twilight, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Short Circuit, Fable, TV Commercials, Dragonriders of Pern series, Lost Boys, Stargate: Atlantis, Vampire: The Masquerade, Grimm, Originals, Legends of Tomorrow, and Diablo. Hey, thanks for stopping by. I mostly write in Harry Potter, Buffy the vampire slayer and Supernatural. I recently got into Supernatural and now I'm hooked! Watched seasons 1-5 in the space of two weeks, now I'm stuck waiting a whole week just to watch one episode! It sucks! Favorite Supernatural scene: Sam: There a lot of Slash. Dean: *Blank look* Sam: Sam slash Dean. As in together. Dean: *looks disgusted* They know we're brothers right? Sam: That's kinda the point. Dean: Dude! That's just wrong! Not an exact quote. But sums up my opinion of Wincest perfectly. FYI it's the incest part that I don't like, if the boys are unrelated in the story I'm fine with it. ;) Things I will never read or write: Wincest. Gender bending. (This includes stories that have characters as the opposite sex from the start. I.e, femharry's or such like.) OCs as major characters. I love any fic to do with vampires, werewolves, de-ageing or time travel. Except if they contain any of the above, or hated characters as main characters. Favourite characters in Harry Potter: Harry Snape Draco Luna Tom Riddle Jr (Pre-Voldemort) Least favourite characters in Harry Potter: Ginny Ron Dumbledore Favourite Characters in Buffy/Angel: Xander Spike (Souless) Anya Tara Doyle Cordelia Faith Least favourite characters in Buffy: Dawn Angel (soul) Ben Wesley (pre season 3 of Angel) Favourite characters in Supernatural: Dean Sam Castiel Azazel (Under used in fan fiction) Gabriel Least favourite characters in Supernatural: Meg Anna Jo Andy Just a fair note, I use canon as a guideline in my writing. So if you like fics to stick to canon look else where, as I'm not afraid to mix up canon, especially in my crossovers, nothing is safe. (Except for genders and sexuality.) One thing that has always confused me, why do people alert stories that are one shots even when it is stated from the start that it's a one shot? It's just plane dumb, if you ask me. Looking forward to seeing your reviews! SSG |