The smell of blood had lured us out. Though the sound of shouting and loud explosions had made us wary at first, we soon relised that they posed no threat to us, their movements slow and predictable. The humans gathered around us smelled perfectly edible, but for me there was one that smelled so much better then the rest. A strong, full, heady scent that drew me through the large crowd, dodging a number of curses and hexes that had gone slightly astray from there original target, leading me to the other side of the battle field were two people stood away from the majority of the other humans filling the field. They were staring at each other, tense but unawear of what was happening around the. The youngest of the two, the ones whos bloods call was so irresistable that at only a few feet away I couldnt control myself. Throwing caution to the wind I leapt forward, taking the young one by surprise. He was so surprised in fact, that he didn't put up a fight as I was expecting, just turned and looked into my eyes, which would have been turning to a deep red color. Not wasting any time, I moved so I was able to reach that perfect spot on his neck and bit, again the young one surprised me, there was no scream of unbearable pain, not even a whimper. Uncaring, I continued. The blood was heavenly, which was the only way to describe it.
As I drunk my fill, I realised that to let one taste so exceptional go, would be an abomination. As the blood flowing into my mouth started to slow, I released a special mixture of poison and my own blood into the bite that, in time would slowly start to change him. Licking the wound closed I stood and quickly made my way back, disappearing into the forest. But not before noticing the other man that the young one had been staring at so intently start to laugh, sending shivers down my spine, making me glad that I never slept.
Harry was tense, that was easy to see, but what most others wouldn't notice was that he didn't hold a single trace of fear. That was the first thing in this war that suprised me. But nothing was as shocking as when Harry looked almost peaceful when the vampire attacked, draining his blood to the last drop. I just couldn't comprehend why Harry Potter would look so happy and at peace, when I knew that a bite like that was almost worst then the most horrendous torture you could possibly think of. It was unheard of for someone to stay completely quite during such pain, let alone look happy at the fact at such a time as this, laying dying on the floor. And then it hit me, Potter wanted to die, wanted to die so much that it made even I wonder what would make some one that happy to just let death take them, no struggle, not even the smallests of protests and that realisation caused a shiver to run down my spine, not that I would ever admit that to anyone, not even myself.
Thinking that Potter was dead, and after an attack like that who wouldn't, I started to laugh manically, finding the whole situation highly amusing, turning to leave and find Dumbledore and finishing him off once and for all. The thought of the old bastard dead and out of my way leaving me free to take over the wizarding world almost brought a smile to my face, instead I decided to laugh manically yet again, until I felt a presence behind me. Turning I found Potter standing behind me, looking deathly pale but still standing there nontheless. A wand pointing in my direction, the next thing I saw was a green light shooting towards me and the whispered words "Avada Kedavra."
A/N: I would like to say a special thank you to Fanged-Tsuruya for motivating me and beta reading my story. With out her this story wouldn't have been finished for another couple of weeks, possibly even months. Please R&R, tell me what you think and if i should continue, it would mean alot to me, thank you.