Chapter 4 Who Done It

AN: Thanks to my betas, alix33 and darrelldeam, for looking this over. Any mistakes are of course my own.

I would like to thank the very few people that reviewed and also those that favorited and followed my short story.


It was late at night when Gibbs finally got to the interrogation room. Jen was with him. The kid, Flint, was sitting with his father. They had forgone a lawyer for now. He didn't think they'd need one anyway.

"Marcus, can I call you Marcus?" The young man nodded his consent. "Sorry it's so late, but if we get this done now, then maybe you can get out of here. Marcus, I need you to tell me what happened. The only reason you are still here is your prints were on the gun and we need to understand why," Gibbs explained as he took his seat across from the two men.

"Well, I had a late detention with Professor Snape. He always makes us Slytherins do ours late so the other Houses don't know. I came into the office at 6:30, it was dark and smelled really bad," Marcus wrinkled his nose at that. "I saw the Professor laying on the floor and went to wake him, thinking someone stunned him. That's when I saw the blood and brains and knew he was dead. So I went to the Floo and hoped I could call out. I knew if I went to the Headmaster he would keep it in-house, so to speak. So I was really glad when my call went through." He hated the favoritism the Headmaster showed and didn't think the man would do anything to find out who the killer was, or if he did, he would sweep it under the carpet as he always did.

"You called the DMLE and what time did they come through?" Gibbs inquired, writing all of the info down. He would hand over the information on the Headmaster to Amelia, who was trying to build a case against the man.

"They came through about five minutes later. It was while I was waiting I saw the… gun?" —at Gibb's nod he continued— "on the floor and picked it up thinking it might be important. That was about the time the Headmaster came in. He told me to go back to my common room and forget what I saw. So I put the gun down and I headed out the door. Right when I was about to leave the room, I heard the Floo and Madam Bones started to yell at the Headmaster to drop his wand. Since my back was turned I don't know what he was doing. I turned around and Madam Bones had her wand pointed to the old man's head. She told me to stay, so I went back in and waited." Flint shrugged. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong.

"What happened after that?"

"Well, she asked me what happened and I told her the same as I told you. She sent me back to the common room and asked me to keep quiet for now. I didn't tell anyone what happened. I just started my homework and when we got the orders to go to the Great Hall. I did," Flint said with as much apathy as he could muster, not wanting to let them know just how shook-up he had been about seeing a dead body. Slytherins were stronger than that.

"Do you have any idea how the gun got back into Longbottom's trunk?" that was a mystery that hadn't been solved yet.

"No, sir, it was on the floor when I left. Madam Bones didn't seem to think it was important, so I shrugged it off."

"Okay, for now you're free to go," Gibbs told him then turned to his father. "I need to stress that he stays in the country. Maybe, it would be best if he went back to school, that way I know where to find him if I have more questions."

"Yes, that would be best," the senior Flint agreed, just glad to get out of this strange building. He took his son's arm and guided him out the door.

"Well that's one down and two more to go. I'll deal with Trelawney later. She needs another day to get detoxed," Gibbs said and Jen nodded her agreement. And the two parted ways and went home to sleep, the rest of the crew already was.

Later that morning a refreshed Gibbs went to visit Abby. "Hey, Abs, I need to know if there were any charms on the gun. Somehow it went from the floor of the Potion Master's office to the Longbottom kid's trunk," he said, after giving his favorite lab tech her Caf-Pow.

"That's weird, maybe there's a time delay homing charm on it. You know how kids are always losing things," she replied, quirking her head to the side. She put on her gloves and took the gun out of the evidence bag and took it to the magic room. After waving her wand over it a few times she turned to Gibbs with a smile, she loved it when she was right. "Yup, there's a charm that returns it to its box when it is not in the boy's possession for more than an hour. I don't know who cast the charm. It couldn't be the uncle, he's a squib. That doesn't mean he doesn't have wizarding friends though."

"Well, that's one mystery solved. I'll ask Neville about it later. Thanks, Abs," he said and nodded his good-bye and left for the office. DiNozzo and Todd were already busy at their computers. "What more do we have on the victim?" he asked, putting his coffee on the corner of his desk out of habit.

"Oh, this Snape guy was a real piece of work. Seems right before he was going to be sentenced to Azkaban for… get this, being a Death Eater, our favorite Headmaster stood up for him and claimed he was a spy for the Light," Tony said, after putting up a projection showing a picture of Snape at trial. "Those in charge of the trial simply took his word and let Snape walk." He shook his head at the injustice.

"Yeah, we searched his office and quarters and found a journal. This guy wrote down everything. Seems he took great pleasure in making kids afraid of him. Kinda negates the whole good guy theory. That and it took us hours just to get through the security charms," Kate said, picking up a folder with their findings.

"He also had a lot of borderline Dark objects in his possession," Tony finished off, handing a list of what they found to Gibbs.

"Did he write anything that would help us find out who killed him?" Gibbs asked as he grabbed his coffee. He already knew the deceased was a Death Eater, but it was good to have it on the report. "Also get that report to Amelia, if this guy had Dark stuff in the castle, the Headmaster had to know about it. She needs to know what was found."

"You got it, Boss," Tony said, picking up a mirror to make sure Bones was in her office.

"Well, there were some mentions of a love affair and the last couple of entries said he dreaded that the Dark Lord was near and he feared for his life. It also said he was keeping an eye on that professor that did a runner, ummm, Quirinus Quirrell," Kate said, reading her report. "There were notes on how much he hated the Headmaster for keeping him in the castle. He also was complaining about how they were protecting that stone we found. Seems it was all some elaborate test for some poor kid, Harry Potter, who our victim despised with a passion, something about having had to have dealt with bullying from the kid's father when they were in school. This guy was a real asshole, Boss." She put the folder down and turned her attention to Gibbs. "There was also something about an oath to keep the kid alive."

"What do we know about Quirrell?"

"Well, he is kind of a mystery. Professor Quirinus Quirrell born September 26, 1957, attended Hogwarts and in 1968 was sorted into Ravenclaw. We know he taught Muggle Studies two years ago. He went on vacation to 'get more experience' and came back to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Everyone we talked to said he wasn't the same. He used to be confident and really liked his job, but when he came back he was nervous and jumpy. He gave a story that he had been attacked by vampires," Tony read, having finished his call to Amelia. "We don't know where he took his little walkabout, we only know he didn't wear that turban when he left and was a changed man when he came back."

"Find out where he went and see if we can get some prints out of his office. If he was the Muggle Studies teacher, he'd know what a gun was and how to use it. He might be our unidentified man," Gibbs ordered.

"You got it, Boss," Tony said, getting his jacket and leaving the building to go first to the DMLE to drop off the report then to Hogwarts.

"Kate, did you get anything on the uncle yet?"

"Yeah, his prints are in the system. They're not the ones on the gun. I called him and talked to him about how Neville wound up with a gun. His story matches Neville's. The family thought the kid was a squib and would send him to the uncles for most of the year to learn how to live with non-magicals. When he finally did accidental magic, they stopped sending him. The uncle said he suspected abuse, but since the kid wasn't talking and there were no marks he couldn't do anything, which is why he taught Neville how to use a gun. He retired about five years after the war, but kept in contact with his buddies, or mates as he calls them, that's where he got the gun. One of his buddies knew he was going to give it to his nephew and scrounged it up for him."

"Call him back and ask him about the charm on the gun," Gibbs said, handing her the report Abby had given him on the charm.

"Yes, sir." And she turned to the phone to make the call.

Gibbs sat at his computer and thought about what to do next. The Trelawney woman was still detoxing and questioning her would be next to useless. He didn't have anyone else to question at the moment. So he brought up the reports and read through them for now.

A few hours later Todd broke the silence. "Gibbs, I found something," she said excitedly.

"What have you got?" Gibbs asked, looking up from Snape's journal. This guy was a bastard that was for sure. He found that the reason he was never mellow from the potions was because he was too guilty over the death of Lily Potter, the love of his life. That and he had orders from the Headmaster to treat the Gryffindors, especially Harry Potter, with malice. It was supposed to be a cover for his spying so that if the Dark Bastard came back he could claim his was depleting the Aurors of men. Gibbs felt it was too bad that Dumbledore wasn't attached to this crime; he would love to get a piece of that guy, but his reports to Amelia would have to suffice.

"That Quirrell guy is in the system. His prints are a match. Seems he was arrested by non-magicals in Albania last year. He came out of the forest and was spouting off on how he was possessed. They put him in jail for the night and shipped him off to a mental hospital. He escaped before he got there though, killed two of his guards. Then he ducked into the wizarding world and dropped off their radar," she read, proud of herself for finding this.

"Good work, Kate. Send that to Amelia and have her start a manhunt. He's still wanted for questioning in this case, but if he is killing non-magicals then she needs to know he is dangerous. Tell her the reason why he was picked up. That might be important."

"Yes, sir," she said and picked up the mirror to put through the call.

Tony walked in smiling. "I just got back from Hogwarts and that Quirrell guy went to Albania. Oh, and Abby says the prints are a match," he said smugly.

"A little late, DiNozzo, Kate already found his prints in the system," Gibbs smirked as that smug look dropped from his second in commands face.

"Oh," Tony said as he deflated. "Good work, Probie." And he returned to his desk and started his report. Kate looked up from her mirror, beamed at him and gave him a quick thumbs up before returning to her call.

After Kate disconnected Gibbs asked her, "Did you get a hold of the uncle?"

"Yeah, I asked him about the charm. Seems our youngest suspect has a habit of losing things, so the uncle had one of his wizard friends put the charm on. Said he didn't feel right not having it on there. Once the gun was back in the box, it was supposed to lock so no other kid but Neville could open it," she reported.

"Good work. I need to talk to the kid and let him know that we believe him. I hate to send him home though, but we can't keep him here. Maybe I can get him to talk about his home life. Did he say anything to you, DiNozzo?"

"No, Boss, he just listened to me tell my stories. He seemed to soak them up. He was in a better mood when I left. I gave him some non-fictional books to read," Tony said with a shrug. He had been hoping the kid would tell them something.

"Kate, call Amelia and see if she can come in for an interview. DiNozzo, call the grandmother back in and have her bring her lawyer," Gibbs ordered, grabbing up the phone to have Neville prepared for another meeting. After his call he went to talk to Jen, he really wanted to help this kid, but he couldn't step on any toes doing it. Jen knew more laws than he did.

Gibbs knocked on her door and entered without waiting. "Jen, I'm going to see if the Longbottom boy wants help getting away from his family. What do I need to do?" he asked as he paced in front of the desk.

"That's a tough one. You know his parents are in the long term ward at St. Mungo's right?"

"Yeah, it's in the report."

"His only other relatives, magical, are his grandmother and uncle. There is no way they'd let him go to a squib and magical Britain doesn't really have a Child Protection Department."

"Damn! So what can we do?" Gibbs said, running his hand through his hair and sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Well, as you know most of the families in this place are inbred, so there are a few cousins running around. The problem is that he is also related to families like the Malfoys and the Blacks. So if we try and take him away they might try and get custody and I don't have to tell you how messed up that would be. That quote 'the devil you know' can be true."

"Are they related to the Bones by any chance?" Maybe Amelia could take him in.

"Let me check," Jen answered and pulled an old worn book off the shelf behind her chair. She thumbed through it and found the page she was looking for. "If he is it is too distant," she said after a minute. "However, she can take him in as she is the Head of the DMLE, which is the closest thing they have to a CPS. It is in the laws that if she feels he is in danger, and with all this on him he might be, because he brought shame to the family name, she can take him in."

"I'll ask her when she gets here. Thanks, Jen," Gibbs said as he got up and left the office and returned to his desk to wait for all parties to show.

Amelia showed up ten minutes later. "Thanks for coming, Amelia, why don't we step into my office," Gibbs suggested, standing and heading for the elevator.

Madam Bones followed a confused look on her face. They got in and went down two floors when Gibbs stopped the elevator.

"I have a favor to ask and this is the only way not to be heard," he explained and when she nodded her understanding he continued. "I want to get the Longbottom kid away from his grandmother. I don't trust that she or her brother will take care of him. They might go as far as to hurt him, badly. The problem is he hasn't said anything about being abused, it's only a gut feeling on my part."

"So, if it turns out that he is abused, you want me to take him in? I don't know, Jethro, I have Susan to think of. Do you really think he is in danger? I won't leave him to Augusta if you truly believe that. But, we are going to have to get him to confess before I can do anything," Amelia replied, quickly thinking over the laws and everything she knew about the young man. As far as she knew Neville was a good kid, Susan said he was shy and just kept to himself mostly. It was quite a shock to everyone that he was involved in this case at all. Not a shock that he would use a Muggle weapon; just that he was such an unassuming figure.

"I'm going to do my best to get him to do just that. My gut feelings are hardly ever wrong. We're waiting on the grandmother and lawyer now. I asked Jen and she said you are the only one besides the Malfoys and the Blacks that can do this," Gibbs explained, shooting her earnest looks.

"Alright, Neville is a good boy, as far as I know, and if I can help I will." She nodded and Gibbs restarted the elevator and went back to the bull pen.

While they waited Gibbs had a question for the Head of the DMLE, "Amelia, who was the Animagus that was in the Gryffindor dorm?"

"You really opened a bottle of flubberworms with that one. It turns out he's a man thought dead and a hero. He was supposed to have been killed by Sirius Black, but when we questioned him we found out that the whole thing was staged. An innocent man has been in prison for almost ten years," Bones answered with a mixed look of sympathy and frustration. "Why do you ask?"

"He was in the same room with the gun, so I figured I should find out who he is. He might be related to the case," Gibbs explained with a shrug.

Amelia shook her head. "No, we questioned him on that and he doesn't know anything," she said with relief. She was glad that there was no more to be added to the Pettigrew case, it was bad enough as it is.

Gibbs nodded his thanks, also glad they didn't have to add another person to his case and went back to his reports. Five minutes later, he got a call that all parties were waiting for him in the interrogation room. Everyone joined him, wanting to see if Gibbs could help the kid. Even Jen came along to watch via the two way mirror, a file of paperwork in her arms, just in case.

Gibbs and Bones entered the room and took their seats across from Neville, his grandmother and Mr. Radcliff. "Neville, we believe you, but the problem is it's your gun that killed the professor. So we have to keep you here, or send you home, until we find out who actually killed the man. Do you understand?" Gibbs said in a soft voice and with gentle eyes.

"Yes, sir," Neville agreed as he nodded in understanding. "Can I stay here?" he asked, shooting a nervous look at his grandmother.

"You most certainly will not," Augusta snapped. "You have brought enough shame on this family. Making us think you were a squib and then using a Muggle weapon like one. You will come home and take your punishment like a man." She stood and towered over her quivering grandson, who turned his pleading eyes to the detective.

"Augusta Longbottom," yelled Amelia, standing so fast her chair flew out behind her, "you sit down this instant! What has gotten into you, woman? Can't you see your scaring your own grandchild, the last of your blood?"

"He is a disgrace to the family name, taking so long to do magic and using a gun for protection. Why, if we hadn't forced the magic out of him, we would have never known he had any at all," the old woman said spitefully.

"You," Gibbs said, pointing at Augusta, "sit down and shut up." The elder woman pursed her lips and complied. Amelia grabbed her chair up and dropped into it. "Neville, tell me about the time you did your first accidental magic," he ordered softly, turning his attention to the youngest in the room.

"My… my Uncle Algie" he started to stutter and then firmed his resolve, "kept trying to force the magic out of me, like Gran said. One time, when I was around five, he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier —I nearly drowned. While over for tea, one time when I was eight, Uncle Algie hung me out of an upstairs window by my ankles and accidentally dropped me when he was offered a meringue by Aunt Enid. Instead of getting hurt, I bounced safely down the garden and out into the road. Gran was so happy she cried and Uncle Algie got me a toad. Uncle Albert was happy and sad, he was sad because I couldn't go and see him anymore." His eyes teared remembering the kind uncle who never said a bad thing to him. How he missed the man.

Mr. Radcliff looked at Madam Longbottom in horror and then put his lawyer mask back on.

Amelia stood up and leaned over the table, getting right in Augusta's face. "You are a disgrace to your son's name. If you think for one minute that Frank would condone what you have done to his son, you are sadly mistaken. I knew Frank, he was one of my head Aurors, and he would hate you and never speak to you again. I hope that if he wakes up from his ailment that he shames you and kicks you and your despicable brother out of the family," she hissed and then turned a kind face to the cowering boy. "Neville, you can stay here or you can come home with me," she said softly, trying to calm down as to not scare the boy any more than he already was. She was delighted to see hope spring into his eyes.

Mr. Radcliff, as per his duty as a lawyer, stated, "You will need to get the proper paperwork for that. Plus, you will need more proof than the words of a child."

"We have it recorded, straight out of her own mouth, that she and her brother continuously tried to force the magic out of him. It is my right as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to take any child out of a dangerous home. However, I am sure I can retrieve the memories and that will be proof enough for the Wizengamot," Amelia countered as she sat back down, still glaring at the old woman across from her. She was thinking that she needed to get someone to collect the uncle as well.

"We'll keep Neville here, for now. He's in his own room and safe with a guard," Gibbs offered, and then looked up as Jen came into the room carrying the paperwork that needed to be filled out. He nodded his thanks and took the papers from her and handed them to Amelia.

It took fifteen minutes, and having Augusta Longbottom silenced and restrained, to complete everything. Neville had already been taken back to his room by DiNozzo and Todd. Amelia took the grandmother away as she returned to her office to complete the process. Mr. Radcliff followed, though he didn't look happy about it. He might just have to withdraw from the case.

The WCIS crew returned to the bullpen and started working on their case, feeling much more accomplished now that they got the kid away from his family. Now all they had to do is find out which of the two remaining suspects was the killer.

"Is Trelawney detoxed yet?" Gibbs asked, taking a drink of his fresh coffee.

"Yeah, Boss, the healers say she can be questioned," Tony answered, going through the messages left on his desk, then added, "She's a real nutcase though, doesn't want a lawyer and claims everything was meant to pass, according to her inner eye. Do they even have laws here for the mentally unstable?"

"Sort of," Jen answered, sitting on the edge of Tony's desk and facing the rest of the group. "They have laws about the Imperius Curse and its influence, but everything else is shady. I might be able to claim her mentally unstable and get her locked up in St. Mungo's, but she's a half-blood so many of the laws are against her. It does help that Professor Snape was a half-blood as well. If he had been a pure-blood then a lawyer's hands would have been tied. That and we don't know she's even guilty of anything except picking up a gun. We still haven't found that Quirrell guy. And my money is on someone who does a runner," she added with a raising of her hands, making a futile motion on the ridiculous laws this country had.

"Well, no time like the present. Let's go ask her, I want this case closed and the sooner the better. If she is innocent then we go after Quirrell. If she's not, then we leave Quirrell to Bones, unless she assigns him to us," Gibbs said as he finished off his coffee and gestured for everyone to follow.

DiNozzo, Kate and Jen stayed behind the mirror, while Gibbs went into the interrogation room. Trelawney was sitting at the table in her wispy dress and shawl. You could tell she had had a rough few days. Her freshly washed hair was limp and lanky, you could make out the bags under her eyes, magnified by her huge glasses, making her look like a demented bug. She was slumped in her chair and seemed to be having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Trelawney. Do you need a pepper-up?" Gibbs asked, taking the chair across from her and putting his ever present notepad on the table.

"They already gave me one, thank you," the woman replied and then she looked at the detective and said, "You should not feel guilty, it wasn't your fault." Her inner eye going straight to his guilt over the death of his wife and child, one of the few times she was right.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" Gibbs said, waving aside the non-sequitur. "That aside, I need you to tell me how your prints got on the gun that killed Severus Snape. Know that everything you say is being recorded and can be held against you."

She waved her hands in a vague manner, brushing aside his warning. "Ah, Severus, he was a bad man you understand? I tried to stay away from him, but the stars… oh, the stars… they kept telling me that he needed me. He would use me something awful…" she trailed off and gave a full body shudder. "I tried to stay away… but tea leaves and the crystal ball... So I would go to him and try to warn him that he was in danger. He never listened, you know? He always called me the vilest names. He did that, you know, called people names? I tried to warn him you see… I tried to warn everyone. May I have a glass of sherry?" Trelawney asked airily.

"No, until we know what happened that night, you have to stay sober. Tell me how your prints got on the gun," Gibbs ordered firmly. He hated working with drunks.

"I was meditating and my inner eye saw dark hair and blood… oh so much blood… I was scared, you see. Severus warned me that the next time I tried to help him, he would do me harm. But fate will not be denied. It must be taken seriously. So I went to his office. He was there pacing around complaining about one of the students… talking about how he was going to expel the brat. I sat in one of the students' chairs. There was a gun on the floor, so I picked it up. My ex-husband warned me about unattended guns. I waited to see if the man would calm down. Then he turned to me and saw me with a gun." Her eyes got impossibly large, reflecting the fear she was reliving.

Her voice became even more eerie as she continued. "He started shouting at me. He kept asking if I was going to take a shot at him. I denied it, of course. I kept the gun on the desk in plain sight, but he was like a man possessed. He continued to shout and yell all sorts of accusations. Then he started to come towards me. I lifted the gun and told him to stay back. And then… oh Fate is a cruel mistress… a calm came over me. I saw purple… and felt so free… like I was flying. A voice in my head told me to shoot the cruel man. I looked at Severus' face and he was scared. He kept his gaze over my shoulder, like there was someone there. I tried to turn my head, but that voice... the voice… oh, that sweet voice… kept telling me over and over to shoot poor dear Severus." And she stopped talking, her eyes wide, looking off into the distance.

"Ms. Trelawney, I need you to tell me what happened next," Gibbs practically whispered to the trance like woman.

"The voice, you see… I've always wanted to hear the voice… mother told me to listen to the voice in my head. I felt hands on mine. I fought it the best I could… but I've been waiting all my life to hear that voice. I pointed the gun at poor Severus, who seemed frozen in shock… the hands seemed to guide me. He was so, so scared… I wanted to drop the gun, you see, and save the poor man, but the voice… next thing I knew there was a loud bang and poor Severus was dead. I heard someone leave and figured it was the voice. I turned and only saw purple. I ran as fast as I could and went to my tower," Trelawney finished her broken tale. Her eyes then came into focus and she asked, "Can I please have a sherry, my nerves, you understand?"

"I'll see that someone takes you back to your room," Gibbs said instead of answering. He did give her a glass of water and then left the room shaking his head.

"Well, that sounds like the Imperius to me, Boss," Tony offered when Gibbs joined them.

"Yeah, it does, but it is so easy to fake. Unless we can get the memory or have her put under a truth potion I don't know if it will hold in court."

"Ah, but we are in Britain and they don't require that, many Death Eaters got off on the same charges, granted they bought their way out; however, it is now on the books as a valid claim. So I can use it," Jen said smugly.

"I still want to find this Quirrell and talk to him. But, if she is telling the truth and since his prints are the only ones left on the gun, he's probably our guy," Gibbs said heading to the elevator. "DiNozzo, get a healer in here and see if they can tell if she was held under the curse. Kate, call Amelia and let her know what we found. I'll put in the call to Hogwarts that they need a new Divination professor, either way this one is getting locked up. St. Mungo's or Azkaban, either one."

"You got it, Boss," came Tony's standard reply.

"Yes, sir," was Kate's rejoinder.

They separated at the bullpen and did what was assigned to them. Gibbs hated talking to Dumbledore. The man tried to get his professor free, but was harshly reminded that he had no hold on the WCIS and what they say was law. He hated talking on the Floo just as much; he was too old to be kneeling.

The Aurors found Quirrell a few hours later, dead in Knockturn Alley. His wand showed many dark curses, including the Imperius. Ducky said he also showed signs of possession and that's what killed him. This complicated the case even more, for if both were not under their own control then neither could be held responsible. It was Abby that finally cracked who possessed the DADA professor.

"What have you got for me, Abs?" Gibbs said as he walked into her lab a few days later, handing her a Caf-pow.

"Well, it took a while, but, I finally found out who, or what, was possessing your other dead guy. I had to talk to the wand maker, Ollivander, and let me tell you that man is creepy, but, he has a record of all magical signatures ever to be used in his shop, as required by the Ministry. And we got a hit on one Tom Riddle, also known as The Dark Lord Voldemort," she said in an unnerving voice, wiggling her fingers in the air. Then she giggled and showed her boss the report. "Seems this guy's not as dead as people think, since his signature is all over that Quirrell guy," she added triumphantly.

"Damn!" Gibbs cursed. This was just what he didn't need. "I've got to go talk to Jen. Thanks, Abs, as usual, you're the best." And he left the room and went to Jen's office. He knocked and entered. "Jen, call Amelia, I want her to hear this."

Jen picked up the mirror and put the call through. When Amelia appeared, Gibbs started without preamble. "Abby got a hit, it seems our mysterious possessor is none other than Tom Riddle, who you guys refer to as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or Voldemort," he said as he slumped wearily in his chair. He then looked at Jen and asked, "Can we even try a wraith?"

"I don't know. It's never been done before. You are going to have a hard time selling this to the Ministry I can tell you that right now," she answered and also slumped in her chair.

"Are you sure?" Amelia asked from the mirror, you could hear the unease in her voice. The war wasn't forgotten to the people here.

"Abby is hardly ever wrong," Gibbs said, defending his lab tech. "That and it was your wand-maker that confirmed it."

A more determined voice answered. "Give me what she found and I'll take it to the Unspeakables, until then get a trial for Trelawney and Quirrell and then sit on the rest of this case," the Head of the DMLE ordered, glad this team only answered to her. She would do what she could behind the scenes to find out more. She knew as well that the Ministry would balk at any mention of You-Know-Who still being around wraith or not.

"I don't like having unsolved cases on file," Gibbs objected as he sat up more in his chair and looked directly in the mirror.

"This will be solved sooner or later, but, if what you told me is true then it is out of your hands. Sit on it. That is an order," Amelia replied curtly.

"Yes, Ma'am" Gibbs answered angrily and he stormed out of the room.

In the end Neville went back to Hogwarts, feeling better and more confident. He never returned to the Longbottoms as they were declared unfit guardians. Amelia was granted custody. Dumbledore tried to gain control over the boy, but failed due to the happenings at his school. Neville's parents weren't cured until years after Augusta died. However, they were appalled at what she had done to their son and took great pleasure at booting Algie out of the family and bringing Albert back into it. Neville was an adult, but nevertheless happy that he had his parents back. They were thankful to the WCIS and Madam Bones for saving their child.

Peter Pettigrew was found guilty of being a Death Eater and sentenced to life in Azkaban. Sirius Black was freed and gained custody of his godson, Harry Potter, much to the dismay of Albus Dumbledore.

The School Board did a review and found Albus wanting and put him on a year's probation. He was fired the next year when the Basilisk was released (a case quickly solved by the WCIS) and an outside Headmaster was hired in his place. When questioned about what happened in the school, it was revealed that Dumbledore was planning on taking over the Wizarding world as a backstage puppet master. He was relieved of all of his titles, but since he never actually committed a crime, he wasn't incarcerated. He still had some political pull, but was thwarted by Sirius and the WCIS at almost every turn. There was much butting of heads, between those factions.

The WCIS continued training the British Aurors and gained a new probie, Timothy McGee, cousin to Auror McGee. He worked out well and was a good instructor to the trainees. Britain was now prepared if a war broke out. The WCIS formed a team of British detectives and now there was a night shift. They would stay in Britain until all their cases were solved, especially their first one.

Trelawney was found innocent of the murder, however, was remanded to St. Mungo's long term ward for the remainder of her life. She gave one more true prophecy, when Peter Pettigrew escaped Azkaban and fled to his Lord.

Quirrell was also found innocent, due to being possessed. If he hadn't been caught by the muggles in Albania then he might have been found guilty, but it was that report that confirmed it was not a consensual possession.

When Voldemort returned and war finally broke out, the Wizengamot declared Tom Riddle wanted for the murder of one Potions Master Severus Tobias Snape, after it was confirmed that the man was still alive. The WCIS fought hard and helped capture and interrogate many of the Death Eaters. They never caught Riddle; the man was just too good escaping. They always found where he was holing up, but he seemed to disappear the moment they'd get there.

The case was open until Voldemort was killed by Harry Potter in 1997, but he was found guilty posthumously.

Case Closed.


AN: and so ends 'The Dead Potions Master', believe it or not this was not the ending in my notes. But, hey it works. I hope you enjoyed this rewrite.

Thanks to everyone who recognized my work with your reviews, follows and favorites were appreciated. I knew when I started the rewrite that there would be little interest, even though it is one of my favorite tales, hence the updated version.

As with all my stories if you like it and think you can expand on it feel free, just drop me a link. I do have this one in the challenge forums, because I think it makes a great crossover plot.