Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Marvel, their zombie counterparts or BtVS series
Xander vs the Marvel Zombies
Chapter 1
Willow agreed with Buffy that Xander needed to be kept from Angelus so they researched a spell to send Xander into a place of safety. They had found a universe of hero's so they thought he would be happy there until they could summon him back, after all what could go wrong in a universe of heroes they thought, right?
Xander was resting in bed when he felt the magic in the air, a portal opening up to grab him, as it pulled him into it he screamed, "What the hell is going on?!!!" as his world went black.
Xander woke up in a building with a red headed woman looking down at him he smiled, "Hey, are you an angel ma'am?" Xander said.
"Nope, my name is Mary Jane Watson and you're in New York City, but I think you dropped in at a bad time. Right now the Avengers have gone completely nuts and are attacking and devouring people." Mary Jane said with the terror showing in her voice and her eyes.
When an older woman came and brought Xander a peanut butter and jam sandwich they turned on the T.V, she introduced herself as May Parker. Xander watched with horrible curiosity at the costumed heroes on the television hunting and devouring people and the first words out of his mouth was, "Oh, you got to be FUCKING kidding me." Just noticing the shocked looks on the ladies faces he quickly apologized for his language when he realized they were looking at a figure behind him.
"Peter," Mary Jane screamed "what's going on out there? It looks like the Avengers went insane," she said.
"I don't know MJ," Peter said, "when I went to ask what they were doing Colonel America bit me," he said.
May excused herself to get some anti-bacterial soap for her nephew as Xander quickly realized the red and blue guy was infected, only a matter of time before he started to chow down on everyone in sight. He went to the kitchen and looked for something heavy and found a hunting rifle, he wondered why a super hero needed a gun, 'but hey don't look gift horses in the mouth,' he thought.
When he heard Mary Jane scream, "Peter!!!" Xander rushed out and, thanks to his soldier remnants from Halloween, took aim and shot the spider zombie in the head with the gun, he got a heavy Iron skillet and, while Spiderman was trying to get up, Xander used the iron skillet and smashed the zombies head in.
Mary Jane looked at the young man who just saved her from her husband and had conflicting emotions, she was happy to be alive and kinda angry at the young man who had killed her husband, 'but he was a zombie so maybe he was already dead' she thought, but right now was not the time to be angry, they had to get away from the city and she thought 'Xander should come with us as he didn't know anyone.'
"Xander," she called out, "I think we should get outta here," Mary Jane said with the panic evident in her voice. "If more of the heroes and villains get infected they are gonna look for more humans, and unfortunately we count as food."
"Your right Mary Jane, we have to get to a safe place. Is there any place you might think is safe?" Xander said as he started to channel the soldier, "Also ma'am, I am sorry for what happened to your husband."
Mary Jane face darkened for a bit at the mention of her now, truly, dead husband when May Parker spoke up, "young man, I know my Peter; he would not have wanted to live as one of those creatures. I love him, but he would have welcomed death rather than be one of them." she said with conviction in her voice, "now lets get out of here." she said.
As they got out of the apartment Xander and his new friends heard a voice "Parker, are you here, we are hungry and you could feed us for awhile," the voice said.
Xander turned around and saw a figure completely in black and staring at him and the two ladies like they were lunch and in a horrible way they were, its teeth were rotten and it moved towards him quickly,
"What the hell is that!?" Xander screamed.
"That would be one of my husbands arch enemies," Mary Jane said, "his name is Venom; he has super powers similar to what my husband possessed. It's mostly from the alien symbiote he wears, my husband wore it too and so he knows my husband's secret identity. Figures he would come for Peter first, he hates my husband with a passion so he would definitely want to eat my husband first," Mary Jane said.
Xander looked at the creature and said, "Well sorry to tell you man that Spiderman is already dead, he was infected and he tried to munch on his wife and aunt so we had to take him down."
"What!?" the creature roared, "Only we were allowed to kill Parker. Now you have to die for taking our pleasure away." Venom screamed.
"Well then, with that attitude your gonna have go boom," Xander said, "I mean, didn't you go into therapy for this obsession with another man." he laughed, "Maybe you should have just asked him out."
Mary Jane, in spite of the situation, fell down laughing, "Xander, that must be the reason, he had plenty of opportunities to kill Peter over the years and he never took them." she said with tears in her eyes.
"We aren't gay," the symbiote screamed with rage.
Xander looked at the zombie and said, "Nothing wrong with being gay," he said with a smile, "I know people who are gay, but then again you aren't people anymore are you?"
Venom ran towards the young human with every intention of ripping him apart, when he felt a metal tube in his mouth and Xander looking at him with a smirk on his face, Venom realized what was in his mouth and heard a click of a trigger.
Xander looked at the mess that blowing apart the zombie's head had made and muttered to himself, "at least vampires went poof but no, zombies had to be messy." He hadn't noticed the zombie's suit leaving the zombie's body.
The symbiote had already decided that Eddie Brock, due to him actually being a walking corpse, was unsuitable as a host, it looked like the most suitable host was the boy who had defended Parker's family. It made the decision to merge with him and maybe, they could both survive this, it thought as it leapt on the boy.
Xander started to scream as the symbiote began to envelop him when he heard it talking to him, 'Don't resist, together we could survive,' it said, 'and be able to defend your new friends.'
Its progress in the blending was stopped as it found itself stopped by a large hairy creature and a human warrior.
The creature laughed a bit and said, 'well, welcome to Xander's mind. I am a primal Hyena spirit and this a soldier who lives here as well, the boy, in my opinion, gets possessed too many times, and now that we have introduced ourselves, who the hell are you?' The hyena said with calmness in its voice.
'I am a symbiotic lifeform that blends with other life forms, I was the partner of the creature that tried to attack and devour your host when your host killed him. I needed a new host and he was the most suitable host, I thought we could survive better together in this crisis.'
'Well,' the hyena said, 'you can blend with him as long as you don't hurt him or try to control him, he really hates that,' the hyena laughed, 'and let him make the decisions, though you or we can certainly give him suggestions but he has a excellent mind for tactics. He usually makes good choices on his own,' the hyena said. 'Do we have an agreement symbiote?'
The symbiote considered for just a minute and said, 'yes we do.'
The hyena smiled and said, 'now all you gotta do now is convincing the boy of your intentions.'
'Very well,' the symbiote said it had said and repeated its offer of help to the boy.
'Yes, I guess we might as well,' Xander said to the symbiote, 'but I refuse to refer myself as we, you got that?' Xander said.
Mary Jane watched the symbiote merge with Xander and as it completed the merger she got worried, 'what if he wanted to kill us now because we were Peter's wife and aunt,' she thought.
Xander noticed Mary Jane's expression of concern and said, "Don't worry, me and Gooey made a deal, you guys are safe from me," Xander said, "but now we gotta find somewhere safe."
"Well," May said, "there's the 4 Freedoms Plaza, it's the home of the Fantastic 4. If any place would be safe, it would be the Fantastic 4's base," she said.
"Sounds like a plan," Xander said, "well ladies, shall we get going."
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Poll questions: Who do you think Xander should end up with, romantically, in the story?
Should Xander keep the symbiote?
What other people should Xander meet and/or kill… er ah re-kill?