Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, Charmed, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Twilight, Avengers, and Torchwood. What do you want to know? ME: Well I've been reading fanfiction since I was eleven years old and writing it since I was twelve. I lived in Europe for a while and fanfiction was my only source of entertainment. It even transformed me from a couch potato to a book worm. I'm currently a university student, studying Anthropology. I love visiting ruins and that's one of the reasons for my choice in major. I also like teaching so maybe I'll do something with that. My favorite TV shows are Supernatural, Warehouse 13, Charmed, Dexter and Dollhouse. Topher is awesome!!!! I like listening to music and reading. I love animals, especially my late dog and still alive cat.I believe everything happens for a reason and that you should prepare for the worst but hope for the best. FAVORITE PAIRINGS: HPSPN xovers: HPDW, HPCas, HPCrowley HP: HPDM, HPDG, HPBZ, HPSB, HPSS, HPLL, HPFG, HPFWGW Twi: ECBS, JWBS, BSEM, BSPL HPTwi xover: HPEC, HPJW, HPBS, HPPaul MY STORIES: Daddy Dean - HPSPN - complete Big Brother - HPSPN Snow Angel - Twilight Neutral - HPCharmed Mates - HPTwilight The Guardian - HPAvengers GENERAL DISCLAIMER: Just so you know, anything you recognize is not mine. Status Update: Neutral will probably not have a sequel for a while. I'm kind of going through a HPSPN writers block at the moment and thus am stuck in Big Brother. Not to mention I just started school again and need to get into the swing of things. Daddy Dean’s sequel is probably not going to be up for a while. I hate to do this to you guys; I know exactly what you’re going through. I wish I could write more, but…Maybe if you guys have some ideas, you could PM me and that might help kick start my writing again. Oh and check out Mates if you can, I promise that it’ll be rather tame in the relationship department. Just fyi, don't expect regular updates. I hope you all enjoy! |
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