Poll: Should I pull Chopping and Changing and rewrite Chop and Change to make as a stand alone fic, or complete Chopping and Changing, no matter how long it takes me to do so? Vote Now!
Author has written 9 stories for Twilight. ATTENTION ALL READERS!!!: Chop and Change/ Chopping and Changing will be pulled from fan-fiction on January 19, 2018. Here is the link to the PDF files to download. https://m.facebook.com/groups/112973389063188 Reading and writing Fanfiction happened by chance. I can't remember how I stumbled upon my first story, but I do know it was all EPOV, canon, and continuation of Breaking Dawn, but regardless of the how or why, I'm glad I did. A few key points about my stories: Edward and Bella pairing. No cheating. Very little angst, if any. HEA no matter what, even if it doesn't seem like it is possible, it'll happen. Trust me. I love lemons, but I don't write JUST lemons. No plot no point. I try to stick to canon pairings and traits, but of course, I have a tendency to exaggerate or go totally OOC. Other than that, I stay as close as I can to the characters SM has created. If you have any questions, PM me. I answer all reviews. If I don't answer one review, and if you're a constant reviewer, guaranteed I'll answer the next one. Thanks for reading. Hope to see you soon. Awards: Ethics Be Damned has won Best Romance Complete Full Length Fic! Thank you so much for the people who voted for me. It means a lot!!! How you can stalk me: If you can also follow me on twitter @krazyk85: http://twitter.com/#!/krazyk85_ I usually spill to many secrets on twitter about my upcoming chapters. Someone needs to put a virtual muzzle on me. Follow my tumblr to see my pervy inspiration for Chop and Change's Chopward and Kidella: http:/// I have an author's page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001799831416 Also, check out my blog for Chocolate Brown & Leather Whips for cool stuff connected to the story http:/// KrAzYk85 |
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