A/N: I had the whole story entirely outlined and mostly all written. I knew exactly what was supposed to happen but… they say "write what you know" and, to be completely honest, I don't know sex like this. There are huge gaps in what I wrote (beyond these last 9) that I just don't know how to fill in. And I'm at a point where I don't want to anymore. I lost interest.
I think I'm throwing in the towel and officially giving up. Since I have it mostly done, that's kind of mean, so I will at least tell you that lots of great sex was had during their one night. Bella's unexpected bedroom prowess combined with her genuine desire for more than just Edward's body and fame (he's the lead singer/guitarist of a band with Emmett and Jasper – that was never really explained but alluded to, both in previous chapters and in the bits and pieces of what would have been proceeding chapters) eventually has the intended effect she was going for and Edward abandons his self-control. The story continued, bouncing back to the present, with a quick bout of self-doubt and uncertainty that is assuaged when, in his sleep, Edward pulls her close and sighs contentedly. She's cool with having her one night.
There was also a plan for a non-drabble EPOV epilogue. I was looking forward to that but never got beyond a vague outline. I really liked this Edward though. Dude was hot. And actually really quite sweet. Turns out, in a very fic-cliché move, his feelings for her were more than she anticipated all along. Duh. LOL. I'm sad you never got to know him.
Thanks for reading what I had and for supporting me while I had my mojo. Sorry if I let you down.