AUTHOR'S NOTE: Don't jump down my throat! This is my first time writing anything for the Avengers but luckily it's a crossover so yeah.. don't judge too harshly.
Firstly, just a quick heads up! We're gonna dive right into my personal universe for this fic and say that everything that has happened up to the Avengers film has happened and everything after WON'T. And since I'm pretty shit with following timelines and time zones, I'm pulling the Wizarding War up to a few months before the Battle of New York. Deal? Good.
As for my OC whose face claim is Gemma Arterton, we'll learn more and more about her in the later chapters. You won't get all the details in this first chapter so don't say I didn't give enough about her because most of her story will be told when S.H.I.E.L.D actually obtains her.
Now that that's out of the way, enjoy!
"Harry Potter.. is dead!"
Eir Banning cringed at Ginny Weasley's scream of grief, the fiery redhead being held back by her father as she lunged forward. As she gripped her wand tight in hand, Voldemort silenced the entire Light side from their mutterings of denial about the Boy-Who-Lived's death and went on to gloat about his victory.
Eir stood on the front line of Deatheaters, she being the only one whose hood shadowed her face from those of the Light side, and waited with bated breath to see what would happen next. The war was supposed to be easy and quick but instead, the Light side put up a valiant effort which produced many casualties on both sides. While she could care less for those of the fallen Deatheaters, her heart ached for the children she once went to school with and the Professors who had taught her.
She had never wanted this. Becoming a Deatheater had been her parent's doing and if she had went against their wishes, the punishment would have been severe and Eir didn't have that strong of a will to face her parent's wrath.
So now, here she stood on the winning side as she faced the crestfallen expression of her friend from across the court yard. It felt like a Hippogriff sat on her chest when Hermione easily spotted her, her friend's body seeming to slump with not only grief but betrayal as well.
Voldemort continued on with his speech, offering a spot in his ranks to those on the Light side who stepped forward now, and Eir was surprised when Neville Longbottom limped forward. His speech was awe-inspiring, filling her with warmth and hope, and it was then that her path became clear. She was never meant to fight for the Dark side- never wanted to to begin with- and the moment Harry fell from Hagrid's arms and fired a spell at Voldemort's snake, she made up her mind then and there.
As the cowardly bunch of Deatheaters started to flee, Eir shrugged off her black cloak and much to her parent's surprise, she apparated away from them and their precious Dark Lord in favor of standing by her friend's side. Hermione had yelped in surprise before Ron tried tugging her behind him when he caught sight of Eir, but after quick ramblings of "it's not what it looks like" and "I promise to explain after this is over" in between of throwing up protego after protego to keep them safe from wayward spells, Hermione pulled away from Ron to pull Eir into a hug.
Eir fought, not only for her life, but the life of others as she helped the Light Side take down Voldemort's most loyal Deatheaters. It was during the fight between the Matriarch of the Weasley clan and Bellatrix Lestrange that Eir let her guard down only to wind up on the other side of her own Father's wand.
He had caught her from behind, having watched as she betrayed her own family for those they were working so hard to get rid of. When he saw her watching a duel between Bellatrix and the blood-traitor, he took his chance and cast crucio.
Eir awoke with a scream, scrambling to sit upright with her chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath. The bed sheet was wrapped around her legs, most likely from the thrashing in her sleep, and her bangs clung to her forehead with sweat as well as the hair escaping from her braid on the back of her neck. Glancing to the side, the glowing numbers of her clock read 7:23A and given the fact that her heart was still pounding against her ribcage, she wasn't going back to bed anytime soon.
With a sigh, she kicked off the suffocating sheet before swinging her legs over the side of her bed and padded her way into her bathroom. Dull brown eyes stared back at her the second the flipped the light switch on, pink lips tilting downward into a frown as Eir studied her reflection. Her skin tone had always been on the pale side- fair if Hermione had any say so- and the dark bags beneath her eyes appeared ever since her Mother told her about initiation for a female Deatheater. With that specific memory in mind, her gaze wandered down to her inner forearm where the faded Dark Mark would stay with her to forever remind her that she was weak and cowardly.
Nose crinkling in disgust at herself, Eir averted her gaze and was met with the splatter of pale freckles along her nose and cheeks when she caught her reflection. She quickly smoothed out her features, her freckles nearly disappearing when her face wasn't scrunched up. Yawning away what was rest of her sleep addled mind, Eir turned on the cold tap before soaking a wash cloth and ringing out the excess water to cool down her heated skin. The cloth went from cooling her face back to under the water faucet before being rung out again and then applied to the back of her neck. Pulling her long braid out of the way to rest hanging over her chest, she let the cold cloth sit there for a while before continuing on with her usual morning routine.
Eir glared as best she could at her kitchen window, a swarm of owls flying by her window as others swooped in to peck on said window- envelopes clutched in their talons and beaks. It had been six years since the Battle of Hogwarts, six years since she stood up in front of the Wizengamot for her trial which she was eventually cleared of all charges, and six years of receiving hate mail. Although, now the hate mail came on the battle's anniversary which just so happened to be today instead of coming in every other day.
Also, as if on cue, an insistent knocking sounded at her loft door though this usual occurrence was a welcomed one seeing as only two people knew where she lived, and one of those people was currently on magical house arrest so it could only be one other person.
Mustering up the brightest grin she could, Eir padded over to the door and opened up only to find Hermione Granger standing on the other side. Despite coming from a Pure-Blood family, Eir wasn't a fan of Voldemort's take on blood purity. If you had magic, you had magic- no ifs, ands, or buts. You were one of the same no matter if you were a pure-blood, half-blood, or muggleborn. And then going into Hogwart's only made her more stubborn when her childhood friend, Draco, started picking on Hermione because of her blood status as a muggleborn during their Second Year.
Draco hadn't been a fan of Eir befriending Hermione though when he told her parents who she was playing nice with and Eir got punished with several dark curses, he never tattled on her again and let her make her own decisions from then on. Though the older she got and the more her parents dragged her along to become one of Voldemort's finest, her friendship with Hermione became strained. Hermione had knew everything, every single one of Eir's fears about her parents making her do something she didn't want to but there was nothing they could do about it. She had even pleaded with Eir to go to Dumbledore so he could protect her but Eir had been too afraid to disobey.
Right before she and Draco started their Sixth Year at Hogwarts, both were branded with the Dark Mark and tasked with the mission of opening Hogwarts to the other Deatheaters. She had stood back and watched as Draco cried in front of Dumbledore before Snape stood in and killed their Headmaster right before her eyes. She had cried when Dumbledore fell only to be held back by Draco and taunted by Fenir. Everything after that horrific night went downhill- Eir witnessing the horrors of Voldemort's war path up until the final battle where she refused to go down as one of Voldemort's deatheaters and helped aid the Light side to their victory.
And now, at the ripe age of twenty-four, Eir attempted to fool Hermione into thinking that she was perfectly fine but they didn't call Hermione the brightest witch of their generation for nothing. The moment Hermione noticed Eir still in her pajamas, the darkness beneath her eyes still very prominent, and the half-arse grin she was being flashed- Hermione pushed her way inside Eir's loft with a frown and shut the door behind her.
"Night terrors?"
"And then some." Eir mumbles beneath her breath when she realizes Hermione isn't buying her charade and leads her friend to the kitchen, lamely gesturing to the window where the owls swooped by in hopes of delivering their mail.
Hermione sighed, unwinding the scarf from her neck and shrugging out of her outer coat before hanging it on the back of a chair. "You would think they'd stop after all these years." She muttered, walking over to the window and opening up to let the mayhem begin.
Eir cringed at every hoot and squawk the owls emitted as they dropped letters off on the table, Hermione feeding them owl treats before they swooped back out. "At least they don't send Howlers anymore." Eir decided to move about, preparing two mugs of tea for herself and Hermione. "You and Harry sending out that notice to every Auror and the newspapers helped out some."
"Yes, well, it's the least we could do after every memory and secret you gave up to help convict the captured Deatheaters."
Eir hummed, adding drops of honey to their drinks before picking them up and stumbling over to the table with her friend. "Careful, 'Mione, one would think I was a Deatheater no longer."
"Eir." Hermione groaned, nearly angry enough to slam the palms of her hands on the table. "You're not a deatheater. You were never a true deatheater to begin with!"
"Yes, well, I have the mark that says otherwise."
Hermione's gaze darts down to the faded mark, eyes narrowing as she waved her hand in Eir's direction. "You need to stop beating yourself up over that. We got your statements along with your memories. You. Are not. One of them."
Eir offered up a feeble grin as she felt her friend's magic wash over her arm, a glamour charm being cast to hide the reminder of her past. "Showoff." She scoffed as she sat down, picking up her mug of tea with both hands to take a sip.
Hermione finally smiled, picking up her own mug as she studied her friend. The war took it's toll on everyone, though not everyone had been put under the cruciatus curse by their own father and then proceeded to kill said parent when given the chance. Of course, it was all self defense but still. No-one should have that weight on their shoulders- least of all Eir.
Hermione had knew that the Wizarding World wouldn't be as forgiving as she and some others had been but she had hoped they would or at least learn to forgive, but apparently they hadn't if the hate mail was anything to go by. Eir's family had been the fifth richest family in the Wizarding World- a girl who had everything she ever wanted and needed but now, now she was subjected to a tiny loft and rarely ever left or changed out of her sleepwear.
"The Weasley's are having a dinner Halloween night." Hermione finally spoke up, steering conversation away from their past. "Molly said to extend the invite to you."
"Tell Molly I said thanks but no thanks." Eir ran her finger along the rim of her cup. "The last thing Harry needs on the anniversary of his parent's death is a tension filled dinner with an ex-deatheater."
"Don't Eir me, 'Mione." She grumbled. "Ron still hates me and even though George plays nice, we all know a small part of him will always consider me as someone who aided in his twin's death." Hermione's opened mouth snapped shut, her shoulders slumping with defeat. "I'll always be grateful to Arthur, Molly, and Ginny for giving me a second chance right away but I don't want to make it uncomfortable for everyone else."
Hermione sighed but nodded nonetheless. "I'll tell her you're busy then. I don't like lying to her but if that's what you want-"
"Actually," Eir cleared her throat, biting the bottom corner of her lip as she made eye contact with her friend. "-I have a honest excuse that you could use."
"Which is.."
"I'm leaving the country."
Hermione choked on her tea, setting her mug down gently as she got herself under control. "E-excuse me?!"
"Come on, Herms." Eir's eyes lit up momentarily in amusement before dulling once more. "You don't expect me to live like this for the rest of my life, do you?" She gestured to the pile of letters on her table as well as the occasional owl that flew in to drop off another one. "I think it's time for a change."
Hermione fidgeted in her seat, gaze darting from the table of letters to the birds and then to Eir herself before she sighed and sunk down in her seat. "Moving won't change a thing. The owls will always find you."
"Yes but it'll take a whole lot longer and when the owners see just how exhausted their bird is, hopefully they'll think twice before sending another."
"Where do you plan to go?"
"America seems like it'll keep me busy." Eir answered honestly with a shrug. "I need to get out again- do something with my life but in order to do that, I need a clean slate."
Hermione wanted to argue- to plead with her friend to stay but she knew that Eir needed this. "You'll keep in touch?"
"Of course." Eir agreed. "Besides, I need help apartment hunting and since you're my favorite muggleborn-"
"I'm the only muggleborn you talk to."
"-you can help me out so I know what I'm doing when I interact with the muggles."
Hermione grinned before she started to chuckle. "Schooling a pure-blood on everything muggle. This should be fun."
Well, up next is the city ;)
Just so you know, the first several chapters of this fic will be of Eir moving into the city, meeting Steve, and trying to familiarize herself in her new surroundings before we get to any action.
Just a fair warning, updates will come slow but not too slow. My laptop has been acting wonky and cutting off whenever it pleases but luckily, I have a good portion of this story already typed up. Updates will only be slow until I can finish writing the story and then they'll come more frequently. Good deal?