Reviews for Two's Company
Zela3 chapter 7 . 12/30/2019
So I found this story today and read through it during breaks at work. Could barely put it down to be honest. I hope that you continue it soon since I would love to see what you have planned for this next! I have seen some stories where Harry goes to live in America with Bobby and the Winchester’s but not one where he gets adopted by Bobby and so this is an interesting unique idea that I hope you finish since I’m curious about the spells and potions that could help them. Also I am wondering if the creator of the colt might have been a wizard that stayed in America to fight the creatures and demons (would explain the unknown material in the guns but it’s really only a guess since I have no idea what you have planned for how Harry manages to help Dean and the rest...) anyway I hope that you update soon!
ChaoticMinds chapter 5 . 10/9/2019
Lmao, I love how Jude got revenge on Dean for Harry. xD I bet Sam was trying his best not to laugh, haha.
Vampyre Moon chapter 7 . 8/28/2019
This is awesome!
satoz chapter 7 . 7/7/2019
fudge. reread this and only now just realized it hasn't been updated in foreverreally enjoying this story. hope you one day get back to it 3
Gatogirl1 chapter 7 . 4/9/2019
Now this is just fun. Grumpy Bobby and how much he stands out vs the Dursley fake-cheerful. Thanks for writing!
Mukuro234 chapter 7 . 3/11/2019
Awesome. I love this
Guest chapter 5 . 2/24/2019
Good Owl! Hedwig would approve.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/24/2019
In defense of your "cliched Harry goes shopping" chapter, this was a lot of spectacular fun and very helpful in setting up the North American Wizarding worldbuilding. I loved it, it was delightful! Nothing so boring as trolling trough Diagon for the umpteenth time for generic everyday crap, and even the generic mundane mall trip was more of showing the character's interpretations and interactions than what exactly Harry was buying. You're good on all that front!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/24/2019
*gigglefit* The ending~!
Aw, how cute.

The store was fine, lovely. JCPenney's is a bit of a widespread staple, covers all the basic necessities, and to someone used to essentially zero funds to shop in regular stores, it can seem quite expensive. Compared to major high end designer crap, it's cheap but to those of us used to good quality low price stuff? Most of it is a little obnoxiously priced. I can totally see Bobby favoring Penney's over Walmart for clothes. Unlike his boys, he has a regular income, and Walmart might be cheap but it's also crap. One of the reasons the boys favor thrift shops over Walmart and similar places when they can. No need for their gear to wear out even faster than damage from hunting will do it. (I actually like some things I've found in Walmart, but it is indeed fairly low quality as to be expected for the prices.)
Wika0304 chapter 7 . 12/29/2018
please update, it's really interesting
the.interwebs chapter 7 . 9/8/2018
I love this! I’d love more, it’s so plausible and wonderful!
She Who Cannot Be Turned chapter 7 . 7/22/2018
I love what I’ve read so far and hope that maybe one day you’ll update again!

Also, as an aside, we Brit’s get a bloody tonne of injections as babies. And then more before starting primary at four. Including the tetanus. Which last for about ten years unless, you know, you have some horrific accident with a rusty implemebt of sorts. So when we turn fourteen we get an update. Those muggleborbs are actually more protected from disease than the pure bloods who undoubtedly have never had any injection for them. Lol. (Oh and polio injections ... or showing my age here, polio sugar cubes, are given as children as well...) The only injections we have in secondary are the tetanus update, meningitis and TB (though they did stop that for a while but I believe started up again. Also I believe for the last few years when girls reach twelve they have a jab to protect against cervical cancer as well... again, I’m old, that wasn’t a thing when I was in school. Heh). Just thought you might like to know! Random useless knowledge should be shared! XD

Thank you for sharing your fic! :D
KD0032 chapter 5 . 3/29/2018
Dude, it's official. I love Jude, I literally couldn't stop laughing.
Ren chapter 7 . 1/13/2018
Are there gonna be more of this? This is a really good story
wildtrance chapter 7 . 11/5/2017
I vote for Harry to read about the seals and going *blinks, rereads, leans back on his chair, "oh shit."
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