Hi. So…it's been awhile, huh? Yeah. I won't bore anyone with excuses aside from; when life hits, it hits hard. I've been getting reviews relatively consistently for almost three years now and that blows my mind. Seriously, you guys are really something special and I mean that in the best way possible.

Here's what I'm thinking: I think I want to start this up again, and try to finish up what I've left hanging for way too long. If that is something you would want. If everyone is so done with this series, then by all means, I totally get that. I've been out of the fanfiction world for a bit, and so obviously my writing won't be the exact same as it was when I started back in 2012 or even my last update in 2013. Hopefully, it will have gotten better, or my education system has failed me. (I live in America, so fingers crossed)

Another thing, I'm in college now and that comes with its own host of time commitments; so I don't know how long it will take me to get on a consistent schedule. If you want more, awesome! Please let me know. If not, I feel you. It's been a loooooong time.

If anyone clicks on this at all, I will be a little surprised to be honest so any feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you all so much for the lovely and inspiring words over the years, whether you meant them that way or not! These stories have a little place in my heart and they weren't ever forgotten, just more than a little neglected.