A/N: Chuck and Bela start their new life in DC, both realising that the day they'd waited so long for feels a little different to what they'd imagined. Also, sex in this chapter; should probably be noting that for most of the chapters now, but anyway… Please review!

"You're not coming?" Bela asks, Shaw taking her bag as she finishes buttoning up her shirt. They'd thankfully managed to arrive early, giving Bela a chance to change into the clothes Shaw had brought with him.

"I've got my own meetings," he sighs, pulling her against him.

She gasps as his hand slides down her shirt, moving her bra aside as his lips press against her neck. She moans, her hand covering his as he spins her around, her back flat against the door as his mouth meets hers.

"Come find me, the second you're done," he whispers, placing one more kiss against her lips before stepping back.

He helps straighten up her shirt before they make their way out of the bathroom, Chuck standing as he sees the two.

"Good luck," Shaw says, squeezing her hand before nodding at Chuck on his way past.

"Hey," she says, smiling at Chuck. "You ready?"

"Yeah," he nods, ignoring her flushed face. "First day... not nervous at all."

"Don't be nervous," she says, the two standing in front of the elevator. Her smile falters as she realises she'd forgotten Beckman's floor.

"What floor?" Chuck asks, glancing across at her and seeing the panic in her eyes. "Seriously, Bells?"

"Five," she nods, chewing on her lip. "No, not five."

She glances around, the elevator doors opening and an agent stepping off.

"Oh, ahh we're so sorry to bother you but you wouldn't happen to know what floor General Beckman is on? They told us at the front desk but we totally forgot," Chuck laughs, the man moving past the two. "You couldn't miss her, she's real little, lots of medals, red hair... nice, friendly conversation, that's good, I'm glad we did that."

"Don't take it personally," Bela says as they step into the elevator. "Everyone here has a massive stick up their butt."

She takes a chance, pressing a button that seemed familiar.

"So, uh, how is everyone back home?" Bela asks, leaning against the wall.

Chuck glances at her, wondering if she meant everyone or someone in particular.

"They're... they're good. I mean, Sarah's not talking to me, she thinks I killed the mole and-"

"Wait, what do you mean thinks?" Bela asks, Chuck mentally kicking himself at the slip up. "You did kill your target, right?"

"Yeah, of course," Chuck lies, quickly stepping out as the doors open. "Is this the right floor?"

Bela watches him for a moment, thinking over his comment before following.

"Yeah, this is it," she says, leading him to Beckman's office.

"How's it going?" Chuck asks, glancing around the room of agents. No one replies, each watching him in silence. "Super."

"Agent Tiernan, good to see you found some clothing," one of the secretaries smirks, Bela glowering down at her.

"Wow, you made friends quickly, huh?" Chuck jokes, and he quickly looks away as Bela turns to him. "Hi, my name is-"

"Have a seat, agents; the General knows you're here."

"Right, yeah, of course she knows we're here," Chuck says, following Bela across the room as she sits down.

"Argh," Chuck says, taking out his gun as he sits next to her. "Oh god, these things are incredibly uncomfortable, is there a particular place that you like to put this because I'm always having-oh right, yes."

Chuck laughs nervously as one of the agents leans across, guiding Chuck's hand to position the gun facing down.

"Nice," Bela smirks, glancing up as the General exits her office.

"Mister Bartowski, Miss Tiernan," the secretary calls, the two standing.

"Yeah," Chuck says, Beckman frowning at the gun in his hand.

"For God's sake, put that gun away," she says, turning to her office. "You're a spy now."

"Well that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, General," Chuck says, the two following her in.

"Agent Tiernan, good to see you again," she nods as they take a seat.

"Your first assignments just arrived; the CIA wants you in Rome right away."

"Uh, what? Excuse me, right away?" Chuck asks, glancing across at Bela.

"Mhmm, you will be posing as an independently wealthy young expatriate; that way your jet setting lifestyle and influential associates won't draw attention," she explains, handing him a folder. "It's where you'll be staying."

"Uh, wow," he says, Bela leaning over to look as well as Beckman readies another file.

"Obviously you will be afforded all the accoutrements that go with it; cars, clothes, a yearly stipend."

"Huh, what? Yearly? Yearly stipend?" he asks, Beckman ignoring him as she turns to Bela.

"Agent Tiernan, Agent Shaw has requested your assistance with the Ring operations here in Washington," she says, Bela letting out a small sigh of disappointment.

"You will be moving into this apartment with him," she says, handing Bela her own folder. "Given your current relationship, I assume this is fine?"

"Yes, ma'am," Bela nods, Chuck glancing across at her.

"This is all moving very, very fast, don't you think?" Chuck asks, Beckman frowning at him.

"The NSA has spent three years and countless millions of dollars helping the two of you reach your potential, there's nothing fast about it."

"I get that, I do General and I certainly don't want to come across as being ungrateful for the villa, or the car, or the stipend but-I'm just not sure that I am really ready to pack up and move somewhere to live this whole new life when I'm just starting to become comfortable with the life I'm living... right now, you know."

Bela feels her chest tightening as she takes in Chuck's words. She'd be staying in DC. With Shaw. What did that mean for Casey and her? What would that do to their future?

"What exactly did you think we were training you for, Mister Bartowski?" Beckman asks slowly.

"I don't really know what to say, General, I'm sorry-"

"Is not an option," Beckman says, standing. She sighs, before moving to his side. "I understand that the hand wringing, lip biting, poorly timed jokes and the second guessing are all part of your processes."

"Some jokes seemed to fit the situation," Bela shrugs.

"Here's what I'm offering," Beckman continues. "Take the week off, both of you. Anywhere you want, on us. But afterwards, I expect you back in Washington and ready to assemble your team, is that understood?"

"Hang on, um, back up a second, what do you mean by my team?" Chuck asks, Bela turning to face him.

"You don't think we were going to send you to Rome alone? You'll have your pick of our top agents, whoever you want."

Chuck slowly turns to Bela, a grin forming on his face as he turns back to the General.

"Take the week," she interrupts before they can speak. "Before you make any final decisions."

"Yes, General," they both nod, failing to keep the matching grins off their faces as they stand.

"I've never had to win a girl back, buddy," Chuck says, unpacking his shopping in Morgan and his apartment. "So I stopped by the store on the way here, and got Sarah a bunch of stuff; what do you think?"

Morgan stares at the amount of chocolate boxes and flowers in Chuck's arms, not saying a word.

"Am I over doing it? You think I'm overdoing it. I'm over doing it."

Chuck sets down everything, moving into the kitchen as Morgan slowly follows.

"Well… the chocolates are a nice touch, I guess, but I just don't think you need to buy her back if that makes any sense."

"I know, I know, you're right," Chuck says, throwing his hands up in the air. "I just… it just finally clicked for me, you know? Sarah is the most important thing; I mean what's the point in being a spy without her? I've got to win her back and I've only got a small window of opportunity to do it in before I leave for Rome."

Morgan's eyes widen at this, glancing over as Devon slips in the front door.

"Hey," Morgan waves, turning back to Chuck. "Did you just say you're gonna go to Rome?"

"Yeah, my new assignment starts there next week."

"Then you are still leaving, thank god," Devon says, the two staring at him confused. "I just fed Ellie some story about you working for Buy More Corporate; she won't go to Africa if you're still here."

"Well I'm not going anywhere without Sarah."

"Then let's get you two kids back together," Devon nods. "Shouldn't be too difficult, huh?"

"Are you kidding me?" Casey interrupts, everyone turning to him, puzzled as to where he came from.

"Casey do you-do you ever knock, or use the door?" Chuck asks, Casey glancing around the room. No Bela. She was still in Washington?

"Walker's not some geek who likes to talk about her feelings all day, she's a real spy."

"Oh. Oh really, is that so? Well I guess apparently you haven't heard, because you no longer work for the United States Government," Chuck begins, Morgan chuckling at this. "But I'm heading up my own undercover operation."

"In Rome," Morgan smirks.

"And I get to choose my own team."

"Really? Anyone?" Casey asks, staring at Chuck with interest. "Including a civilian with an extensive military background?"

"Take a number, Casey," Morgan interrupts. "Chuck, I speak fluent Italian… menu items, mostly. I'd be an invaluable asset."

"And you'd have Bela too, right?" Devon asks, Casey silently thanking him for bringing her into the conversation.

"Listen, guys, I gotta get Sarah back first, then we can start talking about a team."

"Well what are we waiting for fellas; let's help the guy get his girl back, c'mon!" Morgan encourages, all three nodding.

"Yeah, so Ellie and I can go to Africa!" Devon says.

"And I can get out of Burbank," Casey mutters, excited to work with Bela again, assuming she was going to Rome as well. He'd have to somehow get some Intel on her assignment out of Chuck later.

"And I can finally go see Rome," Morgan sighs happily. "Maybe meet a nice Italian girl. See the Vatican. Pay my respects to the Pope."

Chuck grins at everyone's plans as they all face him.

"What are you waiting for, lover boy?" Devon asks, Chuck nodding at him before grabbing his keys.

"Ma'am, Buy More delivery," Casey says, staring down at his clipboard as he waits for the customer to open their door. Why he'd got stuck with this job, he'll never know. He guessed the refrigerator was too big of a job for the snot-nosed nerds at the Buy More.

He didn't mind, really. He got to do some heavy lifting, and get out of that store for a while. Plus, if he got the job done quick enough he could check how Chuck went with Walker.

"Bring it through," the woman says, Casey tilting the trolley to get through the doorway, following where he thought she went. He sees her in the kitchen, her back towards him. "There is fine."

He looks around, seeing a space for the refrigerator and pushes it from the trolley, undoing the straps.

"Just need you to sign here," he says, dropping the clipboard to the floor as she turns to face him.

"Hello, John," Bela smiles, leaning back against the counter. He stares at her, his mind racing.

"You're back," he says, stating the obvious. She nods, taking a step towards him.

"I wanted to see you sooner, but Shaw is back, too," she sighs, shaking her head. "This seemed like the best way..."

"Couldn't have ordered something a little smaller?" he smirks, Bela glancing at the thin sheen of sweat covering him. He looked good, she noted, taking another step forward.

He catches her by the arm as she crosses his path, and she lets him pull her to stand in front of him. His hands slide around her back, down to her ass and he holds her there. His fingers squeezing lightly as he stares down at her face.

"What?" she asks.

"Nothing." He shakes his head, lost in thought. "Just looking."

She smiles up at him, and he tilts his head, his lips against hers as she slides her fingers through his belt loops.

She pulls his shirt out from his pants, digging her fingers into the muscle of his lower back as he leans in willingly.

Casey moans into her mouth as she unfastens his pants and works her hands under the material. She jerks down and his clothes fall to his knees, exposing him to the cool air in the room.

Bela reaches out and takes a hold of him, licking her lips as she drops to her knees, taking him into her mouth. He yelps her name and lays a steadying hand on her shoulder. She sucks with her lips and massages him with her tongue, feeling a deep satisfaction as he hums in pleasure.

She lets him fall from her mouth as his fingers comb through her hair.

"Your fucking mouth, Bells," he gasps, and she can't contain the grin that appears.

"C'mere," he whispers, and links their hands to help her stand. As soon as he removes his shirt she kisses him, works her tongue quickly into his mouth and unfastens the buttons on her own shirt, her bra soon joining the clothes on the floor.

His hands immediately cover her breasts, the rough skin grazing her nipples. He licks the corner of her mouth and chuckles when her breath hitches in surprise.

Bela won't let him distract her, regardless of how good his tongue feels. She grabs his hips and pulls him against her as she starts to shuffle backwards, careful to take small steps so he doesn't stumble with his pants around his knees.

Dipping his head, he nibbles her shoulder, his question warm against her skin.

"Where are we going?"
He doesn't interrupt their slow progress but simply follows where she leads.

"I have a plan. It involves the wall."

"I'm sure there's a perfectly nice bed here somewhere?" he laughingly protests.

"I don't care, John, I just need..." she pauses, grunts in approval as she flattens her back against the wall. "I just need to come," she says.

He immediately goes for the button on her pants, the sound of the zip cutting through their breathy pants. "Nice suit, by the way," he murmurs in her ear and flicks his tongue lightly on the lobe before trailing kisses down her neck.

Shoving him back, she bends down to slide off her shoes, kicking them away. She pulls her pants and underwear down, freeing one leg to perch on his hip as she grabs his arm to pull him closer.

His fingers are eager as they delve between her legs, his sighs ragged as he sets his thumb against her clit, rubbing it back and forth, teasing her until she gasps and thrusts her hips forward.

He slides one finger inside her, then another, and they work out a rhythm where she's riding his fingers. Bela bears down on his hand and shudders as her release takes over.

She takes a deep breath and opens her eyes to find him staring at her. His breath feathers across her lips and she catches his mouth in a bruising kiss, leaning into him forcefully. He sets his fingers along the curve of her jaw, drawing his knuckles down her throat with soothing strokes. His face remains close to hers, his calming breaths skimming her cheek.

He slowly breaks the kiss, positioning himself before pushing forward and up. Bela whimpers at the pressure from her body before it gives way and he sinks inside.

Casey sets one hand on the wall near her shoulder and the other catches at her hair before coming to rest on the back of her neck. He pulls her closer until their foreheads touch; they both groan as he sinks in further.

Bela combs her fingers through the hair at his nape as he covers her mouth with his and fucks her against the wall. She drops one arm down around his waist to grab his ass, the muscles clenching reflexively beneath her palm with each thrust.

She feels their wedding rings between them, hanging from the chain around his neck and biting into their skin as they move in tandem, hips connecting roughly as they push back and forth. Bela rocks her lower body forward and chokes out a laugh as Casey loses his rhythm.

"That funny, huh?" he grunts, and she gasps as he lifts her, his arms holding her up as her legs go around him, pressing him further against her.

She shakes her head, moaning as he fastens his pace.

Bela bites into his neck as she comes, digging the heels of her feet into his ass. She feels his breath hitch, his own moan breaking free as his body lurches as he comes for her.

He holds her up for a few more moments, the two of them regaining some composure before he sets her down, her bare feet making contact with the tiles of the floor.

"You should," he whispers, brushing her hair back out of her face. "Go to DC more often if that's the greeting I get on your return."

She laughs a little at this, Casey catching her smile falter slightly.

"What?" he asks, and she pushes him back a little as she picks up her underwear. He pulls his own up, fastening his belt before zipping his pants up.

"Chuck and I were given our assignments," she says quietly, pulling herself up to sit on the counter.

He tenses as he prepares for her to continue.

"Chuck's going to Rome," she smiles, but the happiness didn't reach her eyes, he noted. That must mean she wasn't excited to be going to Rome, too, or…

"And you?" he asks, moving to stand between her legs. He rests his hands on her thighs, waiting for her to answer.

"DC," she sighs, Casey confused at this. "Shaw wants to keep me by his side, I guess."

"Working on the Ring operations," he nods, understanding her disappointment. Chuck got to jet set around the world, and she was stuck being a desk jockey, with Shaw.

"Are you hungry?" she asks, Casey following her eyes across the room and noticing the take away containers set at the table. He nods, smirking as Bela pulls on his green Buy More shirt, smiling up at him as she walks past. He takes a seat at the table, Bela moving her chair beside him. Casey rests his hand on her knee as she drapes her legs across his lap.

"There's more," Bela says, swallowing her food as she stares up at him. "Chuck gets to put his own team together, choose which agents he wants."

She didn't need to know that Chuck had mentioned all of this previously. He didn't really care if she was telling him what he already knew; as long as she kept talking, about anything, he didn't care. He'd missed her voice.

"You and Walker," he nods, stating the obvious.

"If I can talk Shaw into letting me go," she says, Casey gently squeezing her knee.

"I have to admit, DC is a little more in my price range than Rome."

Bela looks up at him, startled.

"You-you'd really move for me?" she asks, Casey staring down, surprised at her question.

"Of course," he says, reaching across and taking her hand. "You're my wife."

She smiles, taking another bite of food as he releases her hand, returning to his own meal.

"Plus, Sarah is not on speaking terms with Chuck from what I hear," she says, Casey glancing across at her. "After his red test."

He nods, wishing he could tell her the truth. He doubted she'd tell anyone, but it would put her career in jeopardy if anyone ever found out she knew that he'd killed the mole instead of Chuck.

"It's what we've been training you both for," he shrugs, Bela watching him carefully. "I'm not sure what she expected."

"Casey, I didn't even believe he could do it," she says, folding her arms across her chest. "I still don't, but he did."

He remains silent, shoving a large amount of food in his mouth to give him a reason not to talk.

"Anyway, that's another reason we're back," she continues as he chews. "Chuck's here to win Sarah back, get her on his team. Otherwise she'll be joining Shaw and I guess me in DC."

"Wouldn't hold your breath on that ticket to Rome," he says, honestly. "Walker's had it big for your boy Chuck, for a while now, but in her eyes now he's different, he's changed. She might not be able to get past that."

"If I did go to Rome..." she says, pausing as she hesitates to ask the question.

"I'd wait for you," he says simply, knowing what she wanted to ask. "You're worth the wait, Bela. Besides, Chuck may find a use for me on his team."

She smiles, watching as he removes her legs from his lap before standing.

"Need my shirt, sweetheart," he says, pulling her to her feet as he helps pull it off. "How long are you in town for?"

"A week," she says, resting her hand against his arm. "I hear you'll have quite a busy delivery schedule during that time."

He chuckles, pulling her into his arms. He breathes her in, regretfully pulling away as he picks up his clipboard.

"Oh, here," she says, Casey watching her sign the delivery slip and laughing as he reads the comment card. "You were very helpful."

"I'll see you soon," he promises, Bela nodding as she watches him leave.

"Hey," Casey says, moving to Chuck's side as he enters the Buy More. "How'd it go with Walker?"

"Because she thinks I killed the mole, she believes I'm no longer the guy she fell in love with; I have to tell her the truth."

"What, that I killed him? Not gonna happen."

Casey shakes his head, glaring down at Chuck.

"Casey, you said it yourself, that guy was a traitor," Chuck rationalises.

"Yeah, well according to Beckman, so am I, I'm lucky she didn't put a bullet in my head," he whispers before clenching his teeth. "Get her back some other way."

"Well what the heck am I meant to tell Sarah?"

Casey shrugs.

"Tell her whatever you want, just not the truth," he says simply. "You like being a full-fledged spy, don't ya? You like that nice villa the CIA picked out for ya in Rome, hmm? You killed the mole, that's how it's gotta be."

The two continue to stand there as Morgan jogs over.

"Hey, how did it go?" he asks, excitedly.

"Crashed and burned," Casey says.

"Well, did you tell her how you feel?"

"Forget it," Chuck sighs, shaking his head. "She's leaving with Bela and Shaw in the morning, sorry guys it's over; I'm gonna go get some fresh air and figure out how I'm gonna tell Beckman I'm quitting."

Casey frowns at this. If Chuck gave up now, that meant less time with Bela before he'd have to figure out how to move to DC.

"Well, there goes our chance to ever get out of the Buy More," Casey says after realising Morgan was still by his side.

"Really, is that what they teach you in the Marine Corp, hmm?" Morgan scoffs. "To roll over and die?"

"This isn't exactly combat, Morgan."

"That's where you're wrong, Casey," he says. "Because love? Love is a battlefield."

"Are you excited for your first assignment?" Sarah asks, seated opposite Bela as they wait to order dinner.

"That's one word… that people use to describe things," Bela says slowly, Sarah rolling her eyes with amusement. "What?"

"This is what you wanted, right?" she asks, a little confused at her answer.

"Sure, I mean… I just-I guess I thought that Chuck and me would still be working together, as agents," she shrugs, letting out a small sigh. Sarah bristles at the mention of him, quickly taking a sip of water.

"Sorry I'm late," Shaw says, joining the two. Bela stands, resting her hand against his chest as he leans down and kisses her.

"It's fine, we haven't ordered," she smiles, Shaw taking a seat by her side.

"Walker," he nods, resting his arm on the back of Bela's chair.

"Shaw," she nods back before clearing her throat, standing up from the table. "Bathroom."

The two nod, Shaw waiting for her to leave before talking.

"I thought you and I were having dinner," he says, Bela letting out a sigh. "I mean it's not a problem, I'd just hoped-"

"She's ordering her dinner to go," she smiles, turning to him. "We had drinks together before coming here, so it's fine."

"Oh you did, did you?" he smirks, looking up as the waiter brings them a bottle of wine. "Then we won't be needing this?"

"We might," Bela protests, Shaw taking the bottle and pouring them both a glass.

"I'm sorry," Shaw apologises, setting the bottle on the table.

"What could you possibly be sorry for? This is amazing!" she smiles, resting her hand on his arm.

"It's just, I'm sorry that we haven't done this sooner."

"This is nice," she grins.

"No," he disagrees, pressing a kiss against her lips before pulling back. "It's perfect, being here with you."

He picks up his glass, Bela doing the same as they toast.

"To a new life, and fresh start," he says. "No Burbank, no baggage."

Bela's eyes widen as she sees Chuck over his shoulder, looking around the restaurant and pausing as he sees the two.

"Oh!" Bela gasps, knocking her fork on the floor. "Oh my gosh."

"Here," Shaw smiles, bending down to pick it up.

'Bathroom,' Bela mouths, Chuck watching her before nodding, giving her a thumbs up.

"Got it," Shaw says, wiping the fork with his napkin before placing it back by her hand.

"Thank you," she smiles, his hand covering hers.

He leans towards her again before being interrupted by the waiter returning.

"Sorry to disturb you, but Mister Shaw, you have a phone call."

Bela glances at him confused, Shaw shrugging before following him to the phone.

"Hey," Sarah smiles, Bela jumping as she sits down opposite her.

"Sarah!" she says, surprised to see her. She glances behind her, wondering where Chuck went.

"Are you okay?" she asks before looking over her shoulder. "Oh you've got to be kidding me."

"Is this seat taken?" Chuck asks.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asks as he sits beside Bela.

"I'm here for you," he says, Bela looking around, wanting to be anywhere else right now.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I want you to say that you'll come with me to Rome!" Chuck says, Bela taking a sip of wine as she turns to the two, deciding to just listen to the conversation taking place.

"Well, you know that I can't and you know why," Sarah says harshly, Bela frowning at her tone but remaining silent.

"Look, Sarah, I don't want to have to make a scene in front of all of these very nice people but I will literally do anything to change your mind."

"Well then tell me what really happened at the train tracks," Sarah growls, leaning forward. "If you didn't kill the mole, then who did?"

Bela frowns, watching Chuck think over his answer.

"Look, I don't want there to be any secrets or lies between us ever again, so please let me just have this one."

Sarah stares across the table at him, Bela cradling her glass as she slowly puts the pieces together.

"I promise I will never lie to you."

"Chuck," Bela says slowly, her eyes wide.

"Not now," he says, waving his hand at her as he keeps his eyes on Sarah. "I know that you think that I'm not that same guy that you met the first day at the Buy More, and you know what? You're right, okay? You're right."

"Chuck," Bela tries again, her hands shaking now as he continues to ignore her.

"The guy that I was back then hated himself for not knowing what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, or who he wanted to spend it with but now, finally now, I know."

"I want to be a spy," he smiles, staring across at Sarah. "And I want to be with you."

"What are you saying?" Sarah whispers.

"Sarah, I'm saying… that I…"

Bela and Sarah scream as Devon tackles Shaw, the two crashing through the window and showering the three in glass.

"Oh my god," Bela says, moving to Shaw's side as Chuck and Sarah stare down at Devon in disbelief.

"Next time, tackle the guy with the gun," Shaw says, Bela carefully helping him up.

"Buy More," Casey smirks, waiting for Bela to answer the door. He hadn't expected another 'delivery' so soon, not that he was complaining.

"Come in," she says, holding the door open for him, his good mood waning at her expression. She was pissed.

He clears his throat, setting down the microwave on the counter before turning to her. His head snaps to the side as she slaps him hard across the face.

"Jesus, Bela, what the hell was that for!?" he asks, grabbing her wrists in case she decided to strike him again.

"How could you not tell me!?" she yells, Casey holding her in place.

"Tell you what?" he asks, never feeling so confused before as he stares down into her eyes.

"It was you," she says simply, staring back up at him. "You killed the mole, not Chuck."

He slowly releases her wrists, her arms dropping to her side as she waits for him to say something, but his silence was the only confirmation she needed.

"Oh thank god," she whispers, wrapping her arms around his neck, his arms slowly moving around her. "Thank you, Casey."

She pulls back enough to meet his eyes, her hand moving to rest against his cheek as she presses a kiss against his lips before pulling back.

"Thank you so much."

He stares down at her, pulling her into his arms again and holding her tight. They stay like that for a few more moments, Casey's hand tracing small circles on her back, her eyes closed as her head rests on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I hit you," she whispers and he chuckles a little, the two separating.

He watches her move across the room, inspecting the microwave that she'd have no use for. This was becoming quite an expensive rendezvous, though he guessed it wasn't coming out of her pocket. The government did have its perks. He continues to watch her, the small smile disappearing as his mind returns to what he'd seen last night.

"So Shaw and you seem happy," he says, and she turns to face him, her face unreadable.

"I saw you at dinner last night," he explains. "I was in the van with-"

"Wait; hold up, there was a van? How many of you were there?" she asks, Casey pausing as he wonders how to approach the topic.

"Just, uh, just Chuck and me, and Devon of course, who you saw," he says before clearing his throat. "And Morgan."

"Oh, that's all?" she deadpans, expecting him to add Lester and Jeff in as well, but thankful that he didn't.

"The kid's just trying to win back Walker, you can't blame us for wanting to help," he says, and she narrows her eyes at him. "What?"

"Why are you suddenly so invested in Chuck's love life?" she asks slowly, folding her arms across her chest. "What's in it for you?"

"I told you, Chuck gets to choose his team, and if there's a spot on it for me then I'm in," he says, Bela nodding. "Question is, are you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, of course-"

"I know you have feelings for Shaw," he says, and she stiffens at this, watching as he moves to stand in front of her.

"I pushed you away, and into his arms," he continues, Bela starting to protest but he stops her. "I don't want to know what you've done with him, I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, it's all a cover."


"But I just want… I need to know," he says, hesitating as he stares into her eyes. "Do you still want to be with me? And tell me the truth here sweetheart, because if I up and move with you to DC just to watch you be with another man, I-"

She clamps her hand over his mouth, the surprise showing on his face as she smiles up at him.

"You are an idiot, John Casey," she laughs, removing her hand and replacing it with her lips. He rests a hand on her arm, keeping it there when they part.

"I'm an agent now," she says as she plays with the material of his shirt, amused at his obvious confusion. "I don't have nor do I need a handler. I can date whoever the hell I want."

He smirks as her hand travels south, his eyes sliding shut as she massages him through his pants.

"And I just so happen to be married to the only man I'll ever want or need," she whispers, Casey groaning as she removes her hand, stepping back.

"As soon as we're done with this mission, find out why the Ring targeted Shaw last night… as soon as it's finished, I'm going to Beckman, and we can finally stop hiding."

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asks, and he watches as she reaches towards him, her hand sliding under his shirt and lifting out the chain with their wedding bands attached.

She smiles, running her fingers over the ring she adored so much.

"Positive," she whispers, setting them back against his chest.

"Agent Shaw, we have just received Intel that the Ring agent who tried to capture you is the same man who removed a data drive from inside the mole's body," Beckman explains via the satellite link back at castle.

"The data was inside him?" Bela asks, gagging a little at the thought.

"He was in the process of digesting it when he was killed," she continues, watching Bela's face pale. "I'll spare you the gory details."

"At least he was dead, first," Shaw whispers to Bela, receiving a small smile from her as they continue to listen.

"We believe the stolen data drive contains highly sensitive case files; your new mission is to bring back those files."

"General, if I may… that's not good enough," he says, Bela and Sarah looking up in surprise at his comment.

"Excuse me, Agent Shaw, you have a better idea?" Beckman asks.

"The Ring agent we encountered didn't want to kill me, he wanted to take me to their Director," he explains. "If the Ring wants to take me, let them."

Bela opens her mouth to protest, Sarah standing and moving to her side.

"You're volunteering to be a double agent?" Beckman confirms.

"I'm volunteering to be a bullseye," he clarifies. "Paint a target on the Ring, from within. I can get close to the Director and track his location."

"And then what?"

"It's your call, General, but I'd suggest you launch an air strike," he says, Bela turning to Sarah before back to Shaw.

"Shouldn't we stop and ask what the Ring wants with you in the first place?" Sarah asks. "And why they want you alive?"

"It doesn't matter," he says, shaking his head. "We can decimate the Ring's command structure with a single mission."

"I see the merits, but you do recognise the danger."

"General, this is the moment I've been waiting for," Shaw says, Bela turning away as her eyes begin to water. "We've been waiting for. A singular opportunity; whatever the risk may be, I say it's worth it."

"Very good, make it work," Beckman nods before ending the call.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" Bela yells, getting up in Shaw's face.

"You're asking if I'd trade my life, for the man who killed my wife?" he asks calmly. "I would."

He rests his hands on her arms, gently moving her aside.

"Well what if I don't let you?" she asks, following him across the room.

"It's not your choice," he says, opening one of the storage shelves and taking out a Ring phone.

"This is Daniel Shaw," he says. "I believe you've been looking for me; I'm ready to come in."

He ends the call, turning to Bela and Sarah.

"It's done."

Sarah shakes her head, moving out of the room to give the two some privacy.

"Shaw, please, you're moving too fast, you're not thinking this through!" Bela pleads.

"Hey, you're a spy darling, time to start acting like it," he says, brushing her off.

"You don't have to do this! There's got to be another way!"

She follows him again, Shaw turning to her.

"This is the only way to be sure," he says softly, resting a hand on her arm. "I have to do this, I'm sorry."

She stares up at him with wide eyes, and he notices them beginning to water again. He moves his hands up to her face, leaning in and kissing her gently. Her own hands move to rest on his shoulders, Shaw sliding his down, encircling her waist and pulling her closer into him.

They're both unaware of Chuck walking in, his smile disappearing at the scene in front of him.

"What's that?" Bela asks quietly, Shaw pulling a flashing device out of his pocket.

"It's how you'll find me," he says. "This will give Beckman the coordinates for the air strike."

Shaw tilts his head back, swallowing the small piece of equipment dry.

"Wow," Chuck says, clearing his throat. The two turn to him, only just noticing him standing there. "You just-you just swallow that thing whole, huh? No water to wash it down."

Shaw glances down at Bela before moving past, stopping in front of him.

"Take care of her, Chuck," he says, resting a hand on his shoulder before grabbing his jacket, moving up the stairs.

Chuck watches him leave; turning to Bela he frowns at the tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Um… where's he going?" he asks slowly, Bela's lip quivering as she answers.

"Shaw is turning himself in to the Ring," she explains. "He's leading us to them. He's sacrificing himself, Chuck."

"Oh," he says, watching her try to hold herself together before sighing, pulling her into his arms as her body begins to shake with the force of her crying. He really did not like Shaw, but clearly Bela held some feelings for him, and he hated seeing her like this.

"Hey," Sarah says, giving Chuck a small smile as she joins the two.

"Hey," he says, Bela pulling away from him as she clears her throat.

"What are you doing?" Sarah asks, moving to Bela's side as she takes a seat at the laptop, hurriedly typing as Chuck watches them.

"I don't care what he says, I am not letting him go in alone," Bela mutters, not taking her eyes off the screen.

Chuck glances at the satellite tracking of Shaw, moving to type into the main computer.

"He's not going in alone," he says, locking down castle and trapping Sarah and Bela inside.

"Chuck! What are you doing, Shaw needs help!" Bela yells, jumping to her feet.

"I know he does," he nods, his eyes locking on to Sarah's. "And that's why I'm going in to bring him back."

"But the air strike is on its way, you're both gonna get killed!" Sarah says, shaking her head.

"Why are you helping him?" Bela asks.

"Because I know how much you care about him," he says, Bela's throat tightening at his words. He gives her a small smile before turning.

"Chuck!" Sarah calls, but he continues to leave.

Bela bangs her fist against the glass, letting out a small cry at the pain that shoots through her hand.

"You'll break your hand before you break that screen," Sarah says, looking around the room for any way out.

"What do you suggest then?" she snaps, letting out a sigh at the surprised look on Sarah's face. "I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"You've really fallen for the guy, haven't you?" she asks, turning to her.

"Oh geez, not you too," she says, shaking her head. "I think everyone just needs to move past the fact that Casey and I are no more!"

"That's it!" Sarah says turning and staring up at the surveillance cameras on the Buy More.

"What?" Bela asks, following her gaze. "Casey?"

She watches him on the screen for a moment before turning, seeing Sarah flicking two wires connecting to the Buy More together.

"What are you doing!?" she asks, turning back to the screen. "Are you… is that Morse code?"

"I hope so," she says, turning and seeing Casey making his way into castle.

"Hey," he says, rushing down the stairs.

"Oh, thank you, Casey," Sarah sighs, watching him turn off the lockdown. "I haven't used Morse code since basic training."

"I use it all the time to talk to my marine buddies, what's up?" he asks.

"Shaw gave himself up to the Director and Chuck locked us in here because he knew I would try and rescue him and Beckman's gonna bomb the location!" Bela says, typing into the computer to get Shaw's coordinates.

"Shaw dies an American hero," Casey shrugs, regretting that comment instantly at the look on Bela's face.

"Not if I can help it," she growls, locking on to Shaw's location. "Okay good, he's still on the move."

"Thank you, Casey," Sarah says, the two making their way out before she stops, turning back to him. "I'm sorry; we can't let you stay in here."

He sighs, hesitating as he leans over the computer.

"Now, Casey!" Bela snaps, Casey growling and following them out.

"Welcome, Daniel," the Director says, Shaw slowly walking towards him. "I've been waiting to meet you for a long time."

"If you want to kill me, get it over with."

"I don't want to kill you, Daniel… I want to educate you."

Shaw looks down as the Director raises a small platform next to him, a data drive sitting on top.

"What is this?" Shaw asks.

"A gift," he says. "The answer you've been seeking for all these years."

Shaw reaches over and picks it up, plugging it into the device and jumping as the screens surrounding him light up with videos of his wife.

"Your wife was quite beautiful," the Director says, Shaw turning to him.

"Where'd you get this?"

"We have lots of information on Eve, just watch Daniel," he says. "It's time you learnt the truth about your wife's murder."

"Thought you might like to see some surveillance footage from that night," he adds, Shaw turning back to the screens. Evelyn was being followed by a man, his back to the surveillance. She kneels down to pick something up, turning and facing him.

Shaw watches as Evelyn is shot, clenching his fists as the gunman turns around, revealing himself.

"NO!" Shaw screams, recognising Casey instantly.

"This must be so difficult for you," the Director gloats, Shaw spinning around and swinging his fist at him, his image flickering as Shaw realises he was in the room with a hologram. "You didn't think that I'd come here in person. I'll be in touch."

Shaw looks around, his body stiffening before falling to the floor unconscious as he's tasered.

"Can't you drive any faster!?" Bela yells, Sarah slapping her hand away from the wheel.

"I'm going as fast as I can, okay!" she snaps back, pulling the car up. They jump out, falling back as the B-2 releases the bomb onto the building.

Bela grabs Sarah's arm, the two watching the building erupt in flames.

"Oh my god, Chuck!" Sarah says standing as they see him, Shaw slung across his shoulders.

"Is he-" Bela starts, moving to his side. "Are you okay?"

"We're fine," he nods, his voice strained as he struggles under the weight. "A little help?"

"Oh course," Sarah nods, helping Chuck move Shaw into the car, Bela sliding in next to him.

Sarah stares up at him, relief written all over her face as she smiles across at him.

"We should get him to the hospital," Bela says, interrupting their moment and bringing them both back to the present.

"Yeah, uh, I'll meet you guys back at castle," Chuck says, nodding at Shaw's car. "I'm sure he'll want it back in one piece."

"Congratulations Agents Walker and Tiernan; we destroyed a Ring compound, hopefully eliminating some of their higher-ups and you managed to rescue Agent Shaw," Beckman nods proudly. "Once again your team has prevailed."

"We can't take any of the credit, General," Bela says, shaking her head.

"It was all Chuck, he saved Shaw by himself," Sarah adds, Chuck slowly walking into the room so as not to interrupt the debrief.

"Duly noted," Beckman nods. "Well, Agents, it's been a highly memorable three years in Burbank, I look forward to working face to face with you both in Washington. Have a safe flight."

Bela stiffens at this, Beckman ending the transmission and leaving the two standing there.

"How's Shaw doing?" Chuck asks, and they both turn to see him in the doorway.

"He's still unconscious but the doctor's say he'll make a full recovery," Bela smiles. "Thanks to you."

"Well, I mean, he would have done the same for me," Chuck shrugs, Sarah smiling across at him also.

Bela moves forward, squeezing Chuck's hand as she leans towards him.

"Come find me later, we need to talk," she whispers, making sure he met her eyes before she steps back, waving at Sarah as she leaves the two alone.

"Hey," Bela smiles, letting Casey into her apartment. He looks around, still bemused by the cardboard boxes she had scattered around the place. Though he understood her reasoning; she'd gone from living with him, and Sarah when they were fighting, and now to Shaw. No wonder she never settled in anywhere.

"How'd it all go?" he asks, following her into her bedroom. She takes a seat amongst the clothes, staring up at him.

"Great," she smiles, but it falters slightly as she continues. "I mean, Shaw's in hospital, but he's going to be okay."

"Good," he nods. "That's good."

"I, uh, I want to tell Chuck," Bela says quietly, meeting his eyes. "Before I tell Beckman about us, I want to tell him."

He nods, moving forward and pulling her to her feet.

"Do you want me here when you call her?" he asks, and she smiles, nodding.

"I think that would be best."

"Can you hold off on it for an hour? I just have to talk to Walker before she leaves," he says, Bela pursing her lips as she watches him.

"You're telling her what you did, aren't you?" she asks, Casey nodding. She smiles up at him, squeezing his hand before watching him leave.

"Knock, knock," Chuck says, nodding at Casey as he passes him. "Hey."

Bela quickly rushes over, knocking the wind out of him as she throws her arms around him.

"Wow, okay," he says, hugging her back. "You're welcome."

"What?" she asks, pulling back before shaking her head. "No, this isn't for Shaw. Casey told me."

"Told you what exactly? What did he tell you?" Chuck asks slowly, not wanting to say anything that could compromise his friend.

"You didn't kill the mole," she smiles, Chuck visibly relaxing. "I can't believe you didn't tell me."

"I couldn't-Casey swore me to secrecy!"

She nods, giving him another quick hug before turning back to her packing.

"Uh, so you're off to Washington?" he asks, Bela realising she was still keeping a secret from Chuck.

She turns back to him slowly, shaking her head.

"Not exactly," she says, leaning against the wall as she stares across at him. "Casey and I are back together, we-we have been for a while now."

The surprise showed on Chuck's face, his mouth opening several times to say something before he reconsiders, shutting it again.

"I'm calling Beckman soon, and letting her know of our relationship, our marriage," she continues. "And, assuming all goes well with Sarah and you, we'll be joining you in Rome."

"Yeah… that's not exactly happening, either," he says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh Chuck, Sarah will say yes, she'll be on the team," Bela says confidently. "Casey's gone to tell her what he did now; that you didn't kill the mole."

"He what?" he asks before shaking his head. "It still… it's not important, what I wanted to tell you is, Bells, we're leaving. I've asked Sarah to meet me at Union Station; and if she does… we're going off grid."

"You're running away together?" she asks, her eyes wide. "For real this time?"

"For real," he nods, Bela's arms enveloping him again as she buries her face in his chest. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you, too," she whispers, pulling back and wiping at her eyes. "Um, you'll keep in touch, yeah?"

"Of course," he promises, resting a hand against her cheek before taking a step back. "Tell Casey I said bye; and thank you."

"I'm sure he's well aware of how thankful you are for what he did," she smirks.

"No," he smiles, shaking his head. "Thank him, for taking care of you. Knowing that the two of you will be together, it makes leaving a lot easier. I know that you'll be safe."

Bela nods, smiling as she watches him move to the door.

"I love you, Bells," he says, pausing in the doorway as he looks back at her.

"I love you, too, Chuck," she whispers, wrapping her arms around herself as she watches him leave.

Bela finishes sorting through another pile of clothing, pursing her lips as she hears a car pull up outside; assuming it was Casey's she takes out her phone.

"General Beckman, please?" Bela asks, setting her phone down as she's placed on hold. She looks up, startled as Shaw rushes into the apartment, his eyes wild as they lock onto hers.

"Hey," he says, marching over to her. "Washington will have to wait; we have a trace on the Director. I have the details in the car, come on."

"Oh, uh, I need to call Chuck and Sarah," she says, Shaw shaking his head.

"There's no time, you can do it from the car," he says, grabbing her hand and pulling her from the room, Bela glancing back at her phone.

"Agents, we have an urgent situation," Beckman says, Sarah and Chuck standing in castle as they stare up at her image on the screen. Sarah had gotten the call to report to castle seconds before leaving to meet Chuck at the station.

"Our forensic team were able to recover this video from the wreckage of the Ring's bunker; the woman is Agent Eve Shaw, Daniel Shaw's deceased wife."

"Well this is all very touching, General, but what does it have to do with Casey?" Chuck asks, confused as to why the ex-agent was mentioned in the first place.

"Keep watching," Beckman orders, Chuck and Sarah exchanging confused looks before turning back to the footage. "The data drive the Ring recovered from the mole's body; we now believe it contained footage from the night of Agent Shaw's death."

"Oh my god, that's Casey," Sarah whispers, the two watching him shoot Shaw's wife.

"Casey killed his wife?" Chuck asks. "Did you know!?"

"I assure you; I had no knowledge that Agent Casey was responsible for Eve Shaw's death."

"If Shaw has seen this," he says, glancing across at Sarah again. "If the Ring played him this video… oh my god…"

"Where is Casey now?" Sarah asks, hearing him clear his throat behind her.

"General," he nods, moving to stand between Chuck and her.

"John Casey is to be held in protective custody until we ascertain Shaw's mental stability," Beckman explains, letting out a small sigh. "Who knows what effect seeing that video has had."

"Where's Bela?" Chuck asks slowly, turning to Casey. He frowns, shaking his head as Beckman interrupts.

"We believe she's with Agent Shaw," she says, confused as to why he'd ask about her. "She was ordered to report to castle, along with you both."

"She's not answering," Chuck says, staring down at his phone as it goes straight to voicemail.

"Agent Tiernan placed a call to me earlier this evening, when I answered there was no response," Beckman says, Casey trying to remain calm at this news.

If Bela had been telling her about their relationship, and Shaw found out… he wasn't so sure he was the one in danger, anymore.

"Do you have any idea where Shaw might have taken her?" he asks, Beckman shaking her head.

"No, neither Agent Shaw nor Agent Tiernan can be located… they're officially off grid."

"So what do we do?" Chuck asks before Casey can open his mouth.

"Nothing," she says, Casey growling at this. "Until we attain the whereabouts of either agent, you are to do as I have ordered and protect Mister Casey."


"That's an order, Agent Bartowski."

Chuck stares up at her helplessly as she ends the link, turning to Casey and Sarah in a panic.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I still don't have a signal," Bela sighs, glaring down at Shaw's phone as they speed down the highway. "Daniel, where are you taking us?"

He looks across at her for a moment before turning back to the road.

"To settle an old score," he says, Bela frowning at this, turning back to the phone. She sighs, setting down the useless device as she stares out the windscreen, annoyed that her conversation with Beckman was put on hold yet again.

A/N: Oh dear, poor Bela! And yes, I've changed this chapter a wee bit. It works better for what I have planned in the next one. Hope you liked it, please review!