Author has written 13 stories for Phantom of the Opera, V for Vendetta, Legion, Alice, 2009, Doctor Who, Star Trek: 2009, Sherlock, and Star Wars. I've been writing fanfic for nearly two decades now. I warn in advance -- I'm quite long winded. But if you're looking for involved stories...look no further! I write in several different fandoms -- V for Vendetta (V/OFC), Doctor Who (Doctor/Rose), BBC Sherlock (Sherlolly), Legion (Gabiel/OFC) & Star Trek Into Darkness (Khan/OFC). No matter which stories/series I post, I can pretty much guarantee that I will follow these two commandments: There shall be angst. There shall be a happy ending. |
16magnolias (10) ChristineX (14) dansemacabre (14) Elixir.BB (49) kally77 (8) | Kates (13) Madrigal (14) Midasgirl (11) Rene Austen (9) Romannia (2) | Wandering Child (6) Xaraphis (3) Zeech (36) |