After four days of chasing 42nd century slave merchant aliens all over the city, they arrived back at the Powell Estate covered head to foot in an acrid smelling orange goo that had quickly solidified and now cracked every time they moved. The Doctor had complained profusely about going back to the flat choosing to explain at great length all the reasons they should go back to the Tardis, alone, together, and explore all the different showers and baths it held. All this served to do was give him an aching erection thinking about it and Rose to shake her head and call him a 'randy teenager' for the second time that day. Caked in the orange slime Rose knocked on the door and left a sticky hand print. Jackie swung the door open and stared for just a moment before recognising her daughter under the mess.

"Oh look at you, come in, come in. The hot water's on, go and jump in the shower. Oh God what is that stuff? Oh look at your hoodie, that's brand new, ruined no doubt, no, no, no, don't you dare sit on my sofa…"

She grabbed the Doctor by the arm before he'd had a chance to defile her sofa and he sighed, standing in the middle of the living room looking decidedly out of place and slightly defeated.

"Mum, do you think you could try and wash this stuff for me? Only I don't think I've left anything left here for me to wear… "

"Well, your school uniform is still in there." Jackie seemed unaware of the reaction she got from the Doctor at this suggestion. His eyes widened and he nodded at Rose emphatically from behind her mothers head. "Oh don't worry love, I'll find you something." Jackie started rambling on, offering tea and dinner and local gossip in one long stream. She headed into the kitchen still chatting away. Rose giggled at the lasting look of hope on the Doctor's face as if he were waiting for the school uniform to appear and turned towards the bathroom.

"I'll just wait for you here shall I?" The Doctor whispered, looking at her pleadingly, his hands buried deep in his pockets.

"Err… " Rose had sneaked boyfriends in before but wasn't sure how her mother would react to her sharing a shower with an alien. "Well, I guess, you could… " She reached up to fiddle with her hair and was greeted with a clump of rock hard orange gunk. "I do need someone to help me wash my hair." She grinned. "MUM, WE'RE JUST GONNA JUMP IN THE SHOWER!" And before Jackie had a chance to complain or protest Rose pulled the Doctor into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. And locked it. Just in case.

It wasn't a particularly big bathroom and they had to squeeze past each other stripping off each item of ruined clothing. Rose had trouble with the clasp of her bra that seemed to have been fused together by the goo and the Doctors socks had become very attached to his feet. After about ten minutes of struggling they were finally naked, Rose opened the door and chucked out the pile of filthy clothes for her mum to wash and turned the shower up as hot as it would go. She jumped under the spray and sighed.

She had almost forgotten she had company as she turned her head this way and that, letting the searing water cover her body. When she opened her eyes the Doctor was watching her, a dark, smouldering look in his eyes, as though he were considering ravishing her to within an inch of her. She reached out and ran her wet hand through his sticky hair. He stepped into the shower behind her and found a soft pink sponge at his feet. Picking it up (resisting the urge to comment) he covered it in sweet smelling soap and lathered it up letting the bubbles fall down Rose's back.

He reached out and began washing her shoulders, down her back, over her arse, letting his hands fall lower and reaching between her legs. She moaned under the spray and pushed her back against him. He bought his hands round her hip and to her front. He covered her stomach and glided up to her breasts, here he dropped the sponge and used his hands and rather talented fingers to massage the soap into her skin. She was writhing against him now and she could feel his cock hard against her arse. She smiled and reached behind her, running her hand over his hip, then up over his arm. She placed her hands over his as he rubbed her breasts. Her head was rested on his shoulder and she felt him lean down and whisper in her ear. An endless trail of filthy suggestions and debauched fantasies and when his hand dropped from her breast to her clit and began to rub agonisingly slow circles over her she gasped out his name.

He lowered the other hand to the back of her thigh and spread her legs slightly. She could feel his cock against her pussy now and bent slightly to allow him better access, bracing herself against the shower wall.

"So what do you want for dinner then?"

Jackie's voice carried into the bathroom and Rose stood bolt upright and stepped away from the Doctor giggling. He stood open mouthed, his erection failing at the sound of Jackie's voice.

"Anything. Not bothered. Honest."

Rose looked at the Doctor, his wet hair flat against his scalp. She shook her head and reached for the shower control.

"No, no, not finished. Still very dirty… " his voice was low and he grabbed her hand, pulling her into him. She stood staring up into his face. His hands were wandering again, lower down her back, one finger sliding down the crack of her arse, lower, just brushing her pussy. She laughed.

"I can't. I'm sorry." She shook her head and reached up to kiss him. It was just too weird. She turned the shower off and stepped out into the cold of the room. She pulled on her thick fluffy robe that still lived in the flat and handed the Doctor a towel. He grabbed it irritably and pulled it around his waist. Didn't quite protect his modesty. She giggled again and opened the door just a crack. After checking the coast was clear she signalled for him to follow her and she led him into her room.