Reviews for Fearful Symmetry
Cassie chapter 7 . 4/15
I know it's been a year and a half since you've updated this, but I keep hopefully checking back because this remains my favourite Reylo story ever - your writing style and characterization stand out to me, and the plot as well!

I would love to see more SassyForceGhost Luke, and see what Rey gets up to after leaving. I have this image in my head of Rey spying on the undoubtedly chaotic First Order-Naboo/Resistance-Naboo negotiations and getting caught, either by the resistance or the First Order.

Anyway, I hope all is well with you, and I would like to humbly ask once more for an update! Please?
fireelfmaiden1 chapter 7 . 3/13
great job.
FourShot411 chapter 7 . 1/28
I know it's been a LONG time, but I hope you continue this story! It's great!
Catulla chapter 7 . 1/18
Omg such a great story! Where will she go?
Ben chapter 7 . 8/19/2019
Are you going to finish the story or do you want to leave it unfinished. The story is too good to not give it a proper end.
Shiirael chapter 7 . 12/20/2018
This story is sooooo good! I absolutely love your characterizations, and I love the plot so far! This is exactly what I wish we might see in Ep IX... but I doubt it, because authors like you write much more believable, rational, multidimensional characters. Even as you’ve still managed to stay very in-character with their canon counterparts. Ohh I hope you keep writing this story!
pattysue5 chapter 7 . 11/18/2018
This story is sooo well written! It's honestly one of the best fics I've read. I could imagine this being the script for the beginning of Episode IX. Please, please continue.
giraffelove92 chapter 7 . 11/18/2018
Is Rey going to meet him on Naboo? Or is that too predictable?

I'm enamored of this story. Please, please continue. I can't wait to see what you have in store next.


Giraffe :)
GeminiDollFace chapter 7 . 11/5/2018
Hollzama chapter 7 . 10/30/2018
I'm so glad I randomly checked to see if this was updated! I'm glad you have not left the story behind. I truly enjoy the way you write and how mature and strong both Rey and Kylo are written. You capture all the characters perfectly and I can hear their "movie voices" speak your dialogue. Cannot wait to read more! Thank you for not abandoning this one!
ItsPopi chapter 7 . 10/3/2018
Your work is truly amazing ! The characters and environment is very realistic and faithful to the films! On a french reader/writer perspective, it’s very rare to see such effective work! I loved reading it and hope to see more of it! Thank you
Nerevar chapter 7 . 10/1/2018
This is AMAZING! Your writing is fantastic. I found myself so enthralled and I actually felt like I was there, living through some of the scenes. Your Ben and Rey dynamic is just perfect and true to character.

As a fellow fic writer who has had trouble posting chapters consistently, I know how it goes. But I truly hope that you update again soon!
vanna glass chapter 7 . 9/26/2018
I am so incredibly happy... How beautiful. How perfect. This could be canon. The characters are so true and honest and right. You are showing them perfectly. I am so happy! If episode 9 doesnt end happily, i will dismiss it and believe that this is the true episode 9
ToughSpirit chapter 7 . 9/26/2018
This was a really deep and great chapter. Love the convo between Rey and Leia. Also love the convo between Kylo and Luke.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/26/2018
Thank you!
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