![]() Author has written 7 stories for Twilight, Harry Potter, and Queer as Folk. The pseudonym 'hidingfromsomeone' came about when I was posting very PG rated stories under another account, however, that ship has now sailed and you can be safe in the knowledge that all of my stories are now pretty much exclusively MA rated. I couldn't do any of this without a woman known as greeneyedgirly; she's more than a beta when it comes to Born to be Mine, she's an editor. And a fucking fantastic one at that. We're such good friends and surely the main reason why I hang around this fandom, no one else in my life can make me descend into uncontrolable giggles like she can! I know some writers name drop their beta as often as possible and hold it sort of like a badge of honour- having a 'big name author' working on their story. I'm probably descending into sentimentality now, but I wouldn't change her for the world. WALK AWAY (update 24th September 2011) I've had a couple of people email me about this, so I thought I'd make the information public. Thank you to everyone who has expressed an interest in the book version of Walk Away; yes, it has been published. When I decided to pull the novel from I also promised myself that I wouldn't try to sell this book to the readers who were given it for free only last year. It doesn't seem fair somehow. So, if you would like to know more, please feel free to get in touch. I'd love to hear from you and I'm happy to point you in the direction of where you can find the book if you would like to buy it. Unfortunately I won't be making public the title or publisher because, like I said, I really don't feel comfortable doing so. I hope that's okay with everyone and that my decision makes sense to you all. BORN TO BE MINE (update 3rd March 2013) Born to be Mine is now available via Dropbox - you don't need an account, just click this link and you can either read it online or download it from the site. https:///s/c0north9wq6bpvm/Born.pdf I hope you enjoy! TWILIGHT FANFICS (update 31st March 2012) You may have noticed that all my TwiFics apart from This Mortal Life have been taken down. Right now I can't help but feel much other than anger and resentment towards this community... it wasn't that long ago that we had a really good thing going on. Now due to the hubris and arrogance of one or two people on both sides of the 'pulled to publish' debate things are turning nasty and I see this as my chance to bow out (somewhat) gracefully. If I have any legacy at all in this community, I want This Mortal Life to be what people remember me for. Which is somewhat ironic, really, since that was the first multi-chaptered fic I wrote. Thank you again and again and again to all the people who have supported me over the past couple of years. Stay classy, San Diego. |