Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A sequel to my story: Will He Remember Me?... If you want to understand anything that's going on in this story, you HAVE TO read that one first. Like legit, shut your eyes and hop right over there before I spoil it for you.

And for those of you that have already, this is for everyone who asked... and those of you who didn't but wished it anyways... I so know you did. ;)

... But only a taste for now... *MUWHAHAHAH*

She was dead. She had killed herself. He didn't know how he knew exactly, but he knew.






"What's wrong with him?!" A petite vampiress shrieked from the corner of the room where she was clutching her partially torn arm.

"What's going on? What's he doing to us?" A hulking male moaned, desperately holding a blonde beauty to his side as their bodies spasmed with each new wave of agony.

"What's he thinking?" The paternal head of the house demanded rather distractedly from his protective stance in front of his cowering mate. His question was directed towards a crouching, bronzed haired figure who was tearing at his head in obvious pain.

"I don't know!" The younger vampire yelled helplessly over the roaring chaos. "He keeps repeating the word gone." He yanked harder at his messy strands. "So dark... make it stop," he whimpered. "It hurts."

"Gone? What's gone?" The petite vampiress screeched again, taking a hesitant step towards the snarling vampire, her damaged arm lying limply at her side while the other was raised in a placating gesture.

"Alice..." A voice at her back warned.

"He's my husband, Carlisle," she replied in a hesitant, yet assured voice.

The roaring stopped and eyes, the whites of them almost eclipsed by a soul-clenching black, met her own terrified topaz.

"Not yours," he snarled, in a deep, guttural tone none of them had ever heard from him before. The utterly feral qualities of it were enough to send shivers down the spines of every single vampire in the room. "NEVER yours."

The family caught the emphasis on the first word, but didn't understand it and, because they were all facing Alice's back, none of them were able to see the guilt momentarily replace the fear in her eyes.

"Jasper... I don't..." she stammered, then flinched back when he took a threatening step towards her. Cowering, she clamped her eyes shut, preparing herself for the blow she was certain was coming. The sound of breaking glass met her ears instead, and her eyes flew open immediately, catching the tail end of Jasper jumping through the window and darting into the trees lining their property.

The second he disappeared, Alice literally felt her visions fray, as every one involving Jasper grew blurry, almost as if she was witnessing them through dirty glasses.

For the first time in her long life, Alice felt fear.

But in that moment, like the rest of the family, she remained silent.


He was shirtless. His sweater, torn to ribbons from the grasping branches he'd sped thorough, had been ripped off ages ago. Venom ran down his chest from the marks he had clawed over his own heart, the pain of them doing little to hide the agony he was still feeling.

As he flitted through the forest, felling trees in his wake, the small bit of Jasper that remained conscious in that moment, realized belatedly he had made the wrong choice.



The fire had lasted for three days, helped along by the gasoline that had fueled it. The two vampires had remained there, silent, until the last flames petered out. The male knew then it was time.

Now, kneeled in front of a proud oak, yards away from ground littered with angry, black scorch marks, a broken vampire kept his promise to a girl.

Digging deeply into the soil at the base of the tree, he dropped the small, golden object into the hole. He paused midway through covering it with a harsh sob.

A gentle, feminine hand found its way to his shoulder and he clutched at it desperately. "I miss her, Char," he choked out.

"I know, sweetheart," she murmured softly.

"We only had her for a day, but I want her back."

"I do to," she agreed, raising the hand that had been rubbing his shoulder to run soothingly through his hair.

Peter finished covering the hole, making sure to pack the dirt tightly. He began placing various stones in a rough pattern over the flattened ground. When they final stone was laid, into what now resembled a heart shape, he stood and wiped his hands on his worn jeans.

Looking off into the horizon, the sky alight with the swirl of gold, pinks and oranges of a beautiful sunset, Peter prayed for the first and only time as a vampire, while the memory of his softly spoken plea, floated away on a serene breeze.

"I want her back."


At Phoenix Medical, eight months and twenty four days later, a harsh cry rent the still air. Eventually it quieted to a melodic coo as a large, tan and slightly callused hand gently caressed the brown tuft of hair growing on the head of their newborn daughter.

A proud father whispered gruffly to his exhausted, but radiant wife, "What do you wanna call her?"

A dreamy smile split the woman's face as she took in the image of father and daughter. "I've always liked the name Isabella," she replied thoughtfully.

The man nodded, running a finger down his daughter's cheek while stoically ignoring the tears gathered in his eyes. "Isabella," he repeated. A grin tugged at his lip as he thought of his Nan. She had been a lovable old kook who, by the time he had reached 'breeding age' (her words exactly) made him swear he would name his first born after her... boy or girl (kook remember?) She may have been dead for almost ten years now, but he had never forgotten his promise. He realized his beloved Nan's name would pair perfectly with this moniker.

"Welcome to the world, Isabella Marie Swan," he whispered.

Warm, wizened chocolate eyes opened for the first time. A life begun anew.

A/N2: Yes, just for the record, I know that babies eyes are usually blue when they're born (I do research things... occasionally) But I also read some stories where people have swore their children were born with brown eyes, green eyes, hazel... you get the point... and it wouldn't have been as significant if I didn't make them this color. Just pretend you're one of them mmkay?... please?