
Summary: Harry is an intelligent boy, he doesn't take the Wizarding World at face value. Learning more about this strange world before September 1st has left Harry giving an Oscar winning performance to keep the Headmaster happy. Too bad the Headmaster is blinded by his power, otherwise he would've known more about the last Potter heir...like the fact he has two older brothers. Ah, not to mention Sirius Black has him engaged already. HP/GW x-over Slight Dumbes Bashing

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Gundam Wing.

Ages (this chapter):

Harry- 11

Gundam Boys – 12

Year: AC 192 [August]

Chapter One: Catch me as I fall

Eleven year-old Harry Potter read through his Potions textbook in his small room at Number 4 Privet Drive. The potions all sounded interesting, except the ingredients sounded dangerous. The abused boy sat the book down and frowned twirling a pen in his hand. He was an intelligent boy, he knew that he had to hide his intelligence from his relatives. This new world that had opened to him was suspicious by itself. At least to him, he was left to be raised by muggles, who complained about how much money they spent on him, yet he had a vault full of money. Why didn't he know about his money before? His uncle usually received mail from his bank, did the goblins not do that?

Was there more money possibly meant for him in that bank? Hedwig, his first birthday gift since his parent's death, butted her head against the cage door. Harry stood up and walked quietly to the white owl. He hadn't even known when his birthday was until the teacher told him in primary school.

"What do you think Hedwig? It's weird I'm going to a world where I'm famous because I didn't die." The owl nipped his finger after he opened the cage. "I should know more about that world, right? Why didn't Hagrid give me books on the Wizarding World's customs and laws?" The green eyed wizard walked over to his bed, his owl clutching onto his arm.

Hedwig flew off the Boy-Who-Live and landed on parchment. Harry blinked and then grinned at the owl. "Of course, I'll see if I can mail order stuff. I mean its normal to do it here, so the Wizarding world has to have something similar. The name of the bookstore was Flourish and Blotts, right?" Hedwig stared at Harry piercingly before tilting her head. Harry took that as a yes. "Let's see Hedwig, what could I possibly need? A book on customs, laws, jobs of course...maybe see if there's a book on potion ingredients? Yes, oh yeah, books on Wizarding history, as well." Hedwig's golden eyes watched as Harry wrote a letter to the Wizarding bookstore requesting titles and costs. The owl landed on the bedpost and leaned down nudging the Gringotts vault key.

Harry's green-eyes flickered over to the key just as he finished the short letter to Flourish and Blotts. "Up for delivering two letters girl?" The owl glared at him as if saying 'What do you think?' Harry grinned at that, "Alright girl, I'm going to write one to Griphook. Maybe he can tell me more about my vault and whether or not I have more accounts."

The owl nipped Harry's finger affectionately after he tied the two letters to her legs. "Gringotts first, alright girl? Try to come back at night. I don't want Uncle Vernon to be angry with me." The owl flew out of the open window in the dead of the night. Harry watched as his owl disappeared into the night, before sighing and quietly moving towards his trunk. Picking up his wand, Harry smiled softly at the warm feeling emitting from the wand. He planned to learn more about this Wizarding World and his role in it.

Somehow, he knew that the strange world was going to be very troublesome.

/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-Somewhere else-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

An old man frowned as he watched a 12 year-old boy go through a training simulation. The boy was determined. Oz would regret destroying the last place the boy called home. Operation Meteor was the last thing the Professor wanted to go through with. However, if the boy was smart enough...

The Barton Foundation would never find out the truth. All the Professor would need to do is get the boy away from L2 with the gundam.

/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- Else where-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

"Hey no-name!" A man in his early 20s called out to a preteen with a uni-bang and dark green-eyes. The preteen had no name, he had no memories before he joined the mercenaries when he was 4. Without a word, the no-name preteen let Trowa sling an arm around him showing him a picture. The kid listened impassively as the man told him about his sister and niece.

An old scientist glanced over at the preteen before returning his attention to Trowa Barton. The blond was destined to carryout Operation Meteor in a few years. Doctor S had no intention of carrying through with the original Operation and if he was correct in his assumptions, neither were the other scientists. Why kill two billion people in revenge?

Doctor S problem would be convincing Trowa to change his mind. If he didn't well, Doctor S glanced over at the no-name child being held by the blond. The no-name was training with Trowa for a reason.

No-name glanced over at the Doctor noticing that the old man with the odd nose was staring at him.


Silver: Ah, so my first GW/HP x-over starts...My writing style will change slightly after the 7th or 8th chapter (I would know because I've written that far already) Trowa [No-name] is obviously Harry's oldest brother...what of the second one? [It may or may not be 02] Review and tell me what you think so far...