An Earthborn Asgardian

This story is part of my request series All About Harry, do you want to make a request? Look at my bio page for info.

After the Battle of New York, Loki tries to escape. Thor asks him why he would try when he know he has lost. Reluctantly Loki tells him about Harry.

This is a Harry Potter, The Avengers Crossover. The main pairing is Harry/Loki. The story will explore how their relationship has shaped them, and how it will come to shape the universe.

As you very well know I don't own the plot or the characters that you recognize.

Part 1: The Revelation
Words: 3 897

The Tesseract had been stopped, Tony had managed to dispose of the nuke and make it out in time, the portal closing behind him. The battle was over and they had won. It should be a time of joy, but looking around at the devastation Thor felt weary. Since coming to Midgard he hadn't had as much as a moment of rest. Between battles, fighting with the people who were supposed to be his allies and worrying about his brother there had not been any time to relax.

Thinking about Loki only made his frown deepen. A highly unpleasant task waited now. He would have to face his brother and make certain that Loki was punished for his actions. Despite what had happened between them Thor still loved his brother and facing the hateful creature he had become was hardly something he looked forward to.

Together with the other members of the Avengers initiative he made his way to the top floor of Stark Tower where his brother had last been spotted, getting beaten by the Hulk. When they entered Loki was trying to crawl to his feet, using the low set of stairs that ran through the room as support. His breathing was laboured, his robes and armour were dust covered, his usually slicked-back hair was in disarray and a he had smudges of blood and bruises on his face. He looked like what he was; defeated.

Loki turned his face and noticed the six people standing over him, their expressions hard and their weapons raised. He gave a small, sardonic grin looking at Iron Man.

"I'll take that drink now, if it's all the same to you," he said, acknowledging that he had lost.

He was met by steely silence. They did not lower their weapons; not trusting the infamous trickster to not have another card up his sleeve, no matter how defeated he may appear. And one more card up his sleeve was exactly what he had. The image of Loki on the floor flickered and disappeared as if it had never been there.

"You will always fall for that no matter how many times I do it, won't you?" Loki's dry comment came from behind them.

Thor whirled around, Mjolnir raised, seeing his brother standing at the balcony. He looked just as haggard as the illusion, but he was smiling a bit wistfully at them. It was strange, if he had been able to sneak past them why would he call attention to himself?

"I understand that you have to bring me in, what I have done here today..." he trailed off. "But I can't allow you to do so." With that the self exiled Asgardian turned to run.

"Oh no, you don't," Tony muttered, jumping into the air, taking off after the fleeing Asgardian and the rest of them were quick to follow. The Hulk got to Loki first, grabbing him in his hand, holding him tight and making ready to take out the puny god once more, looking forward to squishing him into pulp.

"Thor!" Loki cried in a shrill tone, pleading for help, and before the Hulk could harm him further the God of Thunder placed a hand on the huge green creature's arm, stopping it from doing anything but growl at the man in his fist.

"You brought this upon yourself brother. You cannot flee from justice. You have lost today. Your army is gone, as is the sceptre and you no longer control the Tesseract. Why would you try to escape?"

"I made a promise," Loki said a in a barely audible voice, "and for all my shortcomings - yes I will admit that they are many," he added as he was given several glares, "I never break a promise unless I can help it. It was what brought me here in the first place."

"What do you speak of? You told me that you wished to rule Midgard as a king! You showed such ambitions long before that and now you speak of a promise? Who was this promise made to and in what purpose?"

Loki swallowed thickly. "Harry," was all he said.

"Who is this Harry you speak of?"

"I do not wish to speak about it, least of all with you." He managed to give a harsh sneer, despite the position he was in.

"Yeah that's great," Tony said dryly not impressed in the least. "However we don't much care about what you've promised anyone. You're not getting away, so I suppose you'll have to break your word. We beat you good. Admit to it."

Loki stared at Tony for a long moment, before he visibly deflated, hanging limply in the Hulk's hand. "Alright Mr. Stark, I yield."

"No more tricks?" asked Natasha, keeping the gun she had in the hand which wasn't holding the sceptre pointed at the dark-haired demigod.

"No more tricks."

"We'll see about that," Clint muttered, not about to trust the Asgardian. He, if any of the assembled heroes, hated the dark-haired god. He would never forgive Loki for what he had forced him to do, for how he had invaded his mind.

Loki smirked. "You really do have heart."

Clint scowled and tensed his bow a bit farther.

"And a sharp mind as well," Loki continued. "I promise that there will be no more tricks from me… today." He said this with empathise on today after a brief pause, not earning any trust. The trickster might have been smirking but then he cowered as the Hulk roared anew in his face, spittle flying.

"Then you'll follow my commands, you'll return with me to face the judgement of our father?"

"Hold on a sec right there. You're saying that you'll just whisk away with him?" Tony protested. "No, no, no. His crimes were against Earth and I'll be damned if he doesn't get sentenced by us."

Steve placed a hand on Tony's shoulder holding him off and facing Thor. "Will he be judged?"


"Will he have to answers for what he has done?"

"He will."

"Will his punishment be suitable for his crimes?"

"I will make certain that his sentence corresponds with his actions."

"Then I agree with you."

"Cap! You can't be serious!" Tony was not happy with this and he could see that Agent Barton was in agreement with him. "And I can't believe I'm saying this, but Fury will not stand for it!"

"Loki is of Asgard and he will face Asgardian justice."

"Right," Agent Romanoff intervened. "That can all be decided later. For now he's back in custody."

"Fine, we'll dump him off for Fury to handle. Then we're going for Shawarma. No excuses!"


It was decided that Thor would be allowed to bring his brother home. For that they needed the Tesseract, as the previous means of transportation, the Bifrost, remained unavailable. Over the two weeks it took to finalize everything Loki attempted to escape no less than five times. Each time he was stopped.

The day before they would depart Thor rushed into the cell where his brother was kept. Tony had just informed him that he and Steve had prevented another escape attempt. Thor was fed up with it. He needed answers and Loki was going to provide them, whether he wanted to or not.

"Why do you continue this farce?" Thor asked exasperated. "We both know that your powers are bond, and even were it not for the shackles, you still wouldn't be able to use them. Your magic is temporarily depleted, don't think that I do not recognize the signs; I've known you your whole life! There is no way you could run and yet you have continued to try. Tell me why!"

"Why do you care so much?" Loki sneered. "I am not your brother nor have I given you any reason to care about me over the last year. I am a criminal, a usurper, a trickster, a monster," he paused his tirade and added more softly, "a failure."

"No," Thor could feel his anger evaporating, "that is not true. I may not agree with what you've done, but no matter whom you were born to or what you do, you will always be my brother. We've grown up together, we've fought together, we've laughed and we've cried together. Such bonds are impossible to erase. I care about you. Can you not see that, Loki? Won't you tell me about Ha..?"

Loki snorted. "You claim to care and yet you fail to recall the name I told you, not that it surprises me. "

"Tell me, please," Thor pleaded gently.

Loki sighed, rubbing his wrists where the magic-inhibiting-shackled bound him. "Do you remember that magic used to be more common on Midgard then even in Asgard? Do you remember the stories mother… no," he shook his head lightly, "Frigga used to tell us about the great civilisation which magic enabled here on Earth? That they had communities which were grand enough to rival the greatest cities of Asgard?"

Thor was saddened that Loki wouldn't call Frigga mother. He had been able to accept that Odin had lost the right to be called father, but their mother had always treated them equally. Though it must have been her siding with the Allfather that made Loki take out his bitterness on her as well.

"I remember," he murmured, looking into his brothers eyes which were softer than he had seen them in a long time, perhaps ever. "Though I do not follow. What has this to do with anything? The magical population of Midgard is gone. It was gone before you and I ever set foot on this world. The wizards are gone and so are the descendants of the Asgardians who married them."

"Ah yes, the half Asgardians who weren't allowed to the realm of gods, lacking immortality as they were. It's appropriate that you should bring them up. You see they are not gone, just hidden."

Thor was surprised by this revelation, but he kept quiet, allowing his brother to continue.

"Just as people on Asgard shun me for having magic, not thinking me a proper warrior, so did the majority of the humans shunned the wizards. They burnt magic wielders at the stake simply for being what they were." Loki fell silent, looking down at his fingernails.

"I still do not understand what you're trying to tell me."

The dark-haired male sighed. It was not easy for him to speak like this, laying bare his emotions, but he realized that if he wanted to reach his goal this was what he'd have to do. "I saw myself in them. You were always away seeking honourable battle. Neither you, nor your parents nor your friends understood me. Nor did you care to."


"No! That is the truth!" Loki said harshly, the anger he'd felt for so long flaming up once more. "You were much too self-absorbed to see it. You did not notice me. I was but a convenience, there to get you out of trouble when the need be and then left to be forgotten." Loki thought about saying no more. He didn't want to tell the Odinson anything. He thought about his goal again and forced himself to calm. "Hearing the stories about the wizards of Midgard gave me hope," he continued, "but how was I to be friends with someone who would die while I just kept on living? What I did was that I created three objects. Three powerful objects that if united would have the potential of awakening the dormant Asgardian blood in a wizard. If they were ever united by one person I would be alerted and I would return to see if I thought the person was worthy of being a companion to me."

"That person you mentioned," Thor said, beginning to understand.

"Yes," Loki nodded in confirmation, "though it did not work out quite as I had planned. When I arrived seven years ago, as soon as I was alerted by the spells I had set, I found that the blood had already been woken. While I created the items I subconsciously added in them a key. To reawaken the immortal blood of… your people you had to have certain characteristics that I desired and valued. Harry possessed them all, that combined with the raw magical power in his core started a process which over five years changed him into a full-blooded Asgardian."

"That sounds, incredible. Why didn't you ever tell anyone?"

Loki snorted. "What was I supposed to say? That I had granted power to an unknown individual, to someone who belonged to a people which had been exiled before ever being welcomed on the world of their ancestors?"

"You should have let everyone know that wizards still existed. You should have revealed your experiment and Harry."

"I was young when I created the Hallows, yet another mistake of mine is what you all would say."

Thor shook his head but Loki did not see it. His eyes were glazed as he appeared to be seeing something far away. "And I just couldn't do that to Harry," he added in a soft whisper.

"You care about him, don't you?"

"Of course I do. He possesses all the qualities I valued; courage, strength, honesty, intelligence, cunning and kindness. You can't believe how much he has been through while still being so young. He is not ready for this new life that I ultimately cursed him with and until he is I could not allow anyone on Asgard to know of him."

Thor was surprised by Loki. His brother wasn't acting condescending, well not as he had learned to expect during their time on Earth. He had a soft gleam in his eyes, something Thor had only seen when Loki interacted with his pet as a child.

"There is more to this. You love him, don't you?"

Loki snapped his head up and stared fixedly at him, trying to read the blond man. "Don't judge me for that, Thor. Judge me for my stupid decisions, my ruthlessness and the lives I've taken, but don't you dare look down on me for loving him."

Thor was surprised at the revelation that Loki loved another male; for by the way he turned defensive he made it obvious that it was not brotherly love. Same sex relationships weren't largely accepted on Asgard. There was a lot of prejudice, although no one would say anything directly it would be frowned upon. It would not endear Loki to the people and his partner would have to face the same prejudice. He could understand wanting to protect the one you loved from that fate.

"I'm saddened that you think so little of me," Thor said and smiled a little. "I'm happy for you. Does he feel the same way?"

"I believe so, yes." The smile that accompanied those words was beautiful and it made Loki look like his younger self. For Thor it was like looking back in time to a simpler time, a happier time, a time he wished with all his heart could return. He knew that things could never go back to the way they had been, but perhaps things could turn for the better.

"Will you then tell me how all this madness came to be? After the battle you alluded that a promise you made to Harry lead you here."

"Yes. There were many reasons for my actions leading up to the events which would have been your coronation. I will admit that I was driven by ambition and jealousy. Odin always favoured you. He said that we were equal. Still actions weigh heavier than words. He told us that we were both born to be kings; still only one of us could take the throne. I should have seen it sooner. It was always going to be you."


"I could have lived with that, had he not awoken the aspiration in my heart, had he not said that it was a possibility. Then there was you; rash, self-absorbed and arrogant. A great warrior does not make a great ruler. In your pride you would have laid Asgard in ruins. In the end the deciding factor was Harry."

Thor frowned.

"I see what you are thinking, and I will say right away that in no way did Harry encourage me to do anything. He will most probably give me the same treatment as that stupid green creature did once he finds out. It was I who hoped that if I were to ascend to the throne I could shape Asgard into a place where he would be accepted, where we would be accepted. Ultimately all my plans were forgotten, overshadowed by the revelation of my parentage. I wasn't who I'd been led to believe. I was the son of monsters, not a prince of Asgard. I allowed the resentment I felt both for my birth father and the man I'd called father all my life consume me, leading us to the point where I let go of Gugnir, falling off the Bifrost. As I fell through the ether I remembered the promise I made to Harry. I had promised him that no matter what I would never abandon him, I would always return to him and I would never stop loving him."

"Oh, brother."

Silent tears were running down both their cheeks as they relived their memories, and neither of them bothered with trying to hide them. Loki had begun this confession with a hidden agenda, but even he, being the trickster and lie smith could not stop the emotions welling up as he thought about the man he had come to love.

"I fell through space for a long time. Time is a relative thing and I experienced an eternity of loneliness and self-hatred. I would have gone insane if I did not have my memories of Harry to remind me that there was still something worth living for. Out there I came in contact with an ancient entity of power. In my desperation to return to Midgard, to keep my promise to Harry I entered an agreement which I never should have. I was honour bound to do my part and I fear the consequences that will follow of my actions."

"What did you do, Loki?"

"You stopped me, so until they find another way to reach their goals, I will remain the only one in mortal peril. I will come back to Asgard with you without further struggle; I just ask that I be allowed to see Harry one more time."

"If he can come here I see no reason as to why not."

Loki smiled faintly. "Thank you."


"So what you are saying is that your brother, the asshole we had to bring down, did all of this because he is in love with an Englishman?" Tony refrained from gaping at the large blond god, hiding his incredulity behind sarcasm.

"I suppose you could see it that way."

"And you want to bring this very powerful wizard, turned god, here to talk with Loki? How is that not a bad idea?"

"Loki always keeps his promises and he said that he would come peacefully were he allowed to see Harry."

"Oh, that's all good then. Great. Well I guess a prisoner is allowed a last supper, why not hide the perfect escape tool in the burrito?"

"Burrito?" Thor echoed.

"Never mind that," Bruce said. All of the Avengers were gathered to discuss the latest development. "I'm not too sure about this either. To present an ally to Loki like that does not seem like the best idea to me."

"There you go! Dr. Banner is with me," Tony said smugly.

"What do we know of this man?" Steve asked. "What kind of person is he?"

"Sir?" Jarvis, Tony's AI suddenly interrupted the conversation.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"You asked me to hack into the security systems, surveying Loki's cell. Less than one minute ago every defence was bypassed by a man. Right now he is talking with Loki."

"What? Bring it up on the big screen."

They all watched the image that came to life. It showed the small, austere room in which the trickster was kept. Loki was seated on a cot and next to him sat another man. At first glance he looked a lot like Loki. He had black hair, pale skin, high cheekbones and a straight aristocratic nose.

Then you went on to notice the differences. The other man had bright green eyes, was marginally shorter and his face was not as long as Loki's. He wore completely normal clothes, dressed in a faded pair of blue jeans and a dark red hoodie. He looked completely ordinary, except for his handsome features and muscled frame.

The Avengers watched with avid interest as the two appeared to be talking, but they couldn't hear a word.

"Jarvis, sound please."

"There appears to be a malfunction with the audio. All systems are go and we are recording, but there is nothing to record."

"Huh." Tony frowned.

"Magic," Natasha supplied.

"Yeah, I get that, thank you Ms. Rushman," Tony grumbled, choosing to use the fake name Natasha had given him when she pretended to be a simple assistant.

"So shall we suppose that this is Harry?" Steve asked.

"I think we can be pretty sure of that, Cap. Jarvis, what can you find on this guy?"

"Searching. Name; Harry James Potter. Born; July 31st 1980 in London, England, to parents James and Lily Potter. Records show that he lived with his maternal Aunt in Surry from age one to seventeen. His school records stop the year he turned eleven. It says that he went to a boarding school in Scotland from then on. I can later find records of work with the British and American government, as well as the British army."

"Alright," Tony was trying not to sound impressed; he didn't want to like anyone who was involved with the mega douchebag, called Loki. "See what SHIELD's got on him."

"Harry James Potter, also known as the Boy-Who-Lived and The Chosen One."

"Chosen one? That's a tough title to live up to," Bruce mumbled.

"He is the world's now living most powerful wizard," the AI continued. "He defeated a dark wizard who was trying to take over the world and eradicate all of the non-magical population at age seventeen. Since then he has worked for the magical government, as both an ambassador and an agent. He is known to be honourable and brave. He is one of the wealthiest citizens of England, has the custody of his godson Edward Remus Lupin."

"Thank you, Jarvis," Tony mumbled and flicked through documents about Harry on a holographic pad. "Donations, fieldwork, oh and have you had a look at that!" Tony flicked up an image on the big screen, embedding it so that they could still see the two dark-haired men conversing in the cell. The image showed Fury and Harry together on the bridge of the Helicarrier, shaking hands. "So, what do you say to all that?" Tony asked after a few moments of silence.

"That matters could go either way from here," Captain America answered, "and we should not rely on hope to decide the outcome."

End Part 1

AN 23rd April 2013:

I originally posted this as part of my story series All About Harry back at the end of February, but as I'll make it into a multi chaptered story I've now posted it separately. Hope you liked it. Stay tuned for more.