
"Let me tell you a story.

It's about two brothers, two angels - well, one angel and one archangel - and a wizard. I know, I know. Who doesn't love a good crossover, right? Well, after doing my homework, I had a thought. Everything's better with Harry Potter.

So I added him into their story.

Of course, every writer knows that sometimes a story just takes a life of its own. So no, Gabriel never actually lived, and the Winchesters never had any owls in their precious Impala. Harry went on to marry Ginny Weasley after the Battle of Hogwarts and had three kids and his scar hadn't bothered him in nineteen years. You know the ending of that story.

And I know the ending of this one."

Metatron smiles calmly and types one last line into the script in front of him.


He takes the sheafs of paper, staples them together, and puts them on a shelf labeled "Crossover fics."

...yes, this really was how it had to end after the most recent Supernatural episode. -flops to the ground in anticipation of flames- I really enjoyed the ride and I hope you guys did, too! Hope to see you all in another fic!