Reviews for Out of the Shadows
Guest chapter 38 . 10/10
I’ve loved this story so much and the end of it I cried.
B53 chapter 38 . 10/4
This story was so good. I remember reading it back in the day. Absolutely loved reading it again.
PkScholar chapter 38 . 5/26
I enjoyed this fic a lot. In some ways it felt like a Canon rehash, but there was enough of a difference that I felt it was still genuine and believable. The characterization was realistic and of course the plot was really exciting and fast paced. Overall great, thanks for writing
MrsPotterDrEw chapter 38 . 5/5
Absolutely loved this fic.
UnknownVoid25 chapter 38 . 4/21
Pretty cool story
anjiepotter chapter 38 . 6/18/2019
happy tears, dears... i loved it
19Shorty chapter 11 . 6/5/2019
This is a great story
Kerrion chapter 37 . 5/11/2019
Great another story with the author claiming Snape was some great hero . No he bloody wasn’t he was a petty hateful , monster who was obsessed with a dead woman , who betrayed his so called friend to his master and then tried to beg to only save her caring nothing about her son and husband and if that wasn’t enough he was awful to the son of the woman he claimed he loved because he couldn’t let go of his petty grudge of a dead man and took it out on his son . He was no hero . He was no victim James Potter was a kid he was no saint but neither was Snape but James Potter saves his life and Snape repayed him by selling him and his family out by giving his master the prophecy , lily would’ve been alive to raised her son if it wasn’t for bloody Snape . He was just as much of a bully in school as he claimed James was he hated James because James got lily and he wanted her . He hated Harry on site he bullied him for years and even when he was dying he was still selfish wanting to see the eyes of the woman he got killed he still couldn’t see Harry all he saw when he looked in Harry’s eyes was lily it wasn’t sweet it was sick , he was no damn hero .
mirrorkinomoto chapter 5 . 4/5/2019
finally harry knows the truth can't wait for him to take revenge
mirrorkinomoto chapter 4 . 4/5/2019
yeah now harry you have hermione you can trust so open up to her more
mirrorkinomoto chapter 3 . 4/5/2019
cool they escaped together now wonder what gonna happen next
mirrorkinomoto chapter 2 . 4/5/2019
seems that she will escape next chapter from what harry did
mirrorkinomoto chapter 1 . 4/5/2019
poor harry ;; interesting start :)
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2018
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