Disclaimer: I own nothing...NOTHING.

A/N: So after ages of panning and thinking and deciding on my reviewers from B.A.T I wrote this story. It is a fem!Harry with Wong boy who lived all rolled in one while crossing over into the Charmed world. You like? Hit the review button and tell me! Any who adios mein Copains.

P.S. As for age. She is in the same year as the character Cedric Diggory in the actual story

Chapter 1 - Leave you behind.

Halloween. 14 years ago.

Scarlett Potter sat on the floor entertaining her 1-year-old brother while her parents where away at a meeting for the order. Daniel was giggling as Scarlett changed her hair colour into several wacky styles. Scarlett potter was a metamorphagus. She got the gene from her great-grandmother on her father's side. Her parents were so happy when she began to how signs soon after her birth switching from James's brown eyes to Lilly's green ones. When Daniels eyes began to close she stopped and settled on the 'safe' form that her parents chose. Her hair was black and unruly like her fathers but her eyes were emerald-green like her mothers.

"Good night Danny" She whispered to her younger brother. She looked around the room hoping to find Wormy and ask him to take Danny to his cot. She hissed when she couldn't find him. She disliked the squat man for no clear reason other than he felt 'icky'. Carefully she cradled Daniel to her chest and walked to the nursery and placed him in his cot.

Outside the potter's cottage in Godrics Hollow stood a cloaked man with a quivering squat man next to him.

"And the parents" An unnatural voice hissed.

"A meeting at the order" The squat man replied in a wheezing voice.

"Good. leave Wormtail"

"M-master" he began before Lord Voldemort hissed and waved his wand sending the squat man flying a few feet landing in a heap. He squealed and apparated away. Lord Voldemort started walking towards the house. He pointed his wand to the door pleased to find no wards in his way. The door flew off its hinges.

Upstairs Scarlett jumped at the loud noise. Danny thankfully remained asleep. She crept to the nursery door and opened it a crack and jumped back inf right when a nose-less snake-like face greeted her vision. She slammed the door shut and tried to drag the drawers to block it. But the door flew in sending splinters of wood flying int he room.

"Foolish child!" the man spat" You dare attempt to defy me? The great Lord Voldemort!" Saying nothing she backed up until her back hit the crib. She prayed that her daddy would come rushing in and save her like he did in all of his stories.

"So these are the great Potter spawn? Hmm. Well I'll start with the oldest then shall I" He hissed before raising his wand and pointing it at Scarlett's head. She trembled slightly but refused to move her eyes away from his red ones. "AVADA KEDEVRA!" He screamed. As the green light flew towards her a green shield appeared from nowhere. Bright burning light filled her vision and she knew no more.

Seventeen year old Scarlett Potter shot up from her bed drenched in sweat. Her hair was matted to her forehead. The vision of that night never ceased to chill her. She walked to her en suite and ran the tap filling her palms and splashing water on her face. After she had passed out her parents had rushed in to find her three-year old self passed out and her one year old brother crying in his crib a gash on his cheek. Dumbledore walked in and studied the wound and declared it to be a curse scar and declared,in his words, 'that without a doubt Daniel is the chosen one'. Scarlett remained passed out.

Since then she was the forgotten one. By everyone. She accepted the wizarding world they couldn't see past the savior but the wont that stung the worst and continued to sting to this day was her parents. Her birthday and her brothers were the day after each others. His on the 30th hers on the 31st of July. And yet past her fourth birthday she melted away from the scene. Instead of enduring her bothers parties filled with boisterous kids and suck ups she hid in the library learning about magic and the world around her. She learned control of her abilities and mastered them early. Too early according to her one and only companion. Sirius Black.

He never forgot his 'Pups' birthday. Even after he was banished from the mansion he continued to owl her presents and letters. He helped her through her first relationship (a guy Chuck from Ravenclaw who shan't be spoken of) and helped her with school supplies. He never forgot her. He was her Godfather. No matter how many tantrums Daniel threw or how much tears he cried he always put her first.

She cast a tempus charm,while internally squealing at her ability to do magic outside school, and saw that it was 7:45. she walked to the wardrobe and pulled out skin-tight leather trousers and a white tank top (All courtesy of Sirius and her sixteenth birthday) and paused at her bedroom mirror. She fingered her plain black hair and focused. She watched as her hair changed from plain black to having dark blue that eventually faded to white tips starting midway down her hair. Smiling at her Ravenclaw pride she walked out of her room and walked to the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen she saw Lilly (she had forsaken the use of mum,dad or any variation of the word when she was 9) hunched over the cooker. If there was one thing house elves didn't do in the potter estate it was cook. Her brother,the brat who lived, saw with his overweight friend Ron Weasley. They sat talking while huddled over a map that James had given for him for his 11th birthday as a Hogwarts present and his broom for his 'making it gryffindoor' Present. Needless to say she didn't get either.

Her brother looked up with his 'I art holier than thou' face while Ron openly ogled her. She walked towards the fruit bowl and snagged an apple and a banana. Her brother sneered and said "Think dressing like that is gonna get you out of my shadow" He guffawed and Ron snickered. Instead of ignoring it like she usually did she turned and sniped back

"Think you'll hit puberty by 25" Lilly chose this precise moment to turn back round.

"Scarlett! Don't talk to your brother like that" She scolded while placing two plate full of bacon and sausage.

"Whatever" She muttered the James walked in following the smell of cooking.

"Whoa! There is no way on earth you're going out with your hair like that" He snapped looking at her Ravenclaw themed hair.

"Whatever" She muttered yet again before walking out of the kitchen.

"Excuse me young lady! We are your parents and you will treat us with respect! Change your hair back at once" Lilly demanded.

"What are you gonna do about it...Lilly" She said before walking back up the stairs ignoring the leer that Ron was giving her. Lilly visibly flinched at the use of her first name but sighed and walked back into the kitchen where her favorite child sat.

Scarlett slammed her door shut. How DARE THEY! She screamed thought. They didn't remember her birthday but seemed to remember her stupid stuck up arse of a brothers! Then a tapping on the door got her attention. It was a Gringotts owl. She opened it and the tawny owl hopped in her bed post and held out its leg. After feeding it a treat it flew away leaving a bemused Scarlett. Breaking the official bank seal she slid out the aged parchment and read.

Dear Miss Potter,

On reaching your full magical maturity we here at Gringotts have received some interesting news. You have now received a large magical and monetary inheritance. We here would like you to come down with a confident to receive look forward to meeting you.


Head Goblin.

She folded the letter up and summoned a bag form the top of her wardrobe. After casting a few charms (Weightless,Bottomless etc) She shrunk and placed each and every item within it. She didn't care what this inheritance was. Today was the day she left the Potters for good. She pulled on Sirius's old leather jacket she walked out of her room and down the stairs. On her way down she saw Ron follow her greedily with his eyes. Trying hard to not look repulsed she walked to the front door. As she reached for the handle Lilly's voice sound behind her.

"And where do you think you're going"


"And where is out"

"None of your business" She snapped.

"Don't you dare speak to your mother in that tone" James said standing next to his wife.

"Or what James? you'll ground me. Hate to break it to you but I'm a little to old to be grounded" She said coldly.

"What" Lilly asked confused and looking at her husband as was he.

"Jeez do I need to spell it out for you? I'm seventeen. Yep the big One Seven. You have no say in what I do or where I go so see ya" With that she slammed the door shut behind her and walked outside the wards and apparated.

She landed with a thud on the floor outside the bank. "Never could stick the landing could ya pup"

"Shut it Mutt" She said back. A bark like laugh sounded behind her and she was hauled to her feet. Sirius black took in the sight of his seventeen year old god-daughter. From her skin-tight leather trousers to her blue-black hair. He smiled warmly at her before he grunted as he was assaulted by the blue-black menace.

"Careful Scar...I'm getting old" He joked

"Ah yes time for you to hand in your playboy lifestyle for a pipe corduroys and a pipe" She before rushing into the bank laughing as she did.

He shook his head fondly at her. It didn't seem right that she was ignored in favor of her brother when, in his opinion, she should be the favorite. sure she wasn't exactly studious but sh still second in the school for her newts and her owls. And her magical ability was second to none even by the standards of the supposed by who lived. He broke from his musings and walked into the bank.

"You took your time. Maybe we should ask a witch scout troupe to help you cross the roads safely" She deadpanned.

"Cheek!" He said as she stuck out her tongue. They stopped joking when he goblin stepped up to the lectern.

"Welcome to Gringotts how may we help you"

"I was sent a letter requesting my appearance" Scarlett said handing over the letter. The goblin nodded and motioned for them to follow.

They came to an office and the goblin ushered them inside.

"Master Griphook Lord Black and Miss Potter are here to see you" before rushing back out, Scarlett wondered how he knew their names but figure that as Sirius was Lord black it got you certain things like being recognized on sight.

"Ah yes. Miss Potter and I presume Lord Black is your confident"

"He is Master Griphook"

"Please. It's just Griphook" He said showing sharp teeth.

"As you wish. Then can I ask you to call me Scarlett"

"As you wish. Now you reached your magical maturity recently and this has presented itself to us in the form of a rather peculiar inheritance"

"To whom am I to have inheritance from"

"Most of them the required amount of money when a witch comes of age in a family from the Potter vaults and you have also been named the heir to the Ancient house of black by Lord Black here" She nodded. Sirius mentioned something like that to her a few years back that when she was of age she would be named heir to the Black family.

"But the most peculiar thing has occurred"


"What do you know of your heritage particularly the Wiccan side"

"Err I know on my fathers side there was...Supposedly a wizard squib who turned out to be a Wiccan witch. He was apparently the last of their kind though. Why"

"Because you have been named their heir"

"But..that's impossible" Wizarding magic and Wiccan magics don't mix in one body...That's why no-one else in the Potter family could be one"

"And yet..It states clearly here that should you accept this inheritance you will be the first living being to house both magics" Griphook stated.

"Wait..Didn't Merlin house both magics"

"He did and according to this you're set to receive his Wiccan powers" The goblin said.

"Wait..What!" She exclaimed "I'll have same powers as Merlin! The Merlin!"

"Yes" The goblin said calmly. Scarlett astounded collapsed into the nearest chair and stared blankly at the wall "Is she okay" He asked looking at Sirius.

"Oh yeah...She'll be fine now about her inheritance what does she have to do to claim it" This seemed to snap her out of the trance. "Oh she needs to simply say the words I, Scarlett Rose Potter do hereby accept my heritage So mote it be"

"Okay and I can do that anywhere" She asked after grimacing at her full name.

"Yes..But I would advise doing it now as the magic will take a few hours to fully settle in" He advised.

"You can do it in a minute Griphook about the other thing that we came here for"

"Other thing what other thing" Scarlett asked her curiosity coming off in waves.

"Indeed Mr Black. It seems that upon young Mr Potters 14th birthday he was named the full heir to the Potter family and Miss Potter here was subsequently disowned. This was over seen and advised by Albus Dumbledore" Scarlett hissed at the name. Another reason to hate the manipulative old goat The goblin merely continued cutting short her internal rant " As this is the case I see no reason for your proposal to not go into effect" Griphook replied pulling out a stack of papers.

"What proposal? Sirius what's going on!" She asked as Sirius smirked and signed the paper wincing as he did. The quill drew out his blood as the ink without marking his flesh though. The paper flashed slightly as did Scarlett making her more frantic. "Sirius what the hell is going on" She asked frustrated at him.

"Well as everything is in order I bid you good day Mr black and Scarlett...Black" The Goblin said ushering them out. Then it hit her. Once again Sirius was attacked by the blue-black menace. "OH MY GOD! You rock Siri!" She squealed.

"I know I do you didn't need to say it" He joked

"So you're my dad now" She asked.

"Yep kiddo I'm your dad" He said seriously for once. She smiled and he could have sworn he saw tears in her eyes. But then she stopped because if there was one thing that Scarlet pot..No black didn't do was cry.

"So are we going to Grimauld place"

"Nope sorry kiddo but I got somewhere better in mind" He said.

"Where" She asked eagerly.

"Well there's an old black manor up in San Fransisco that I've been meaning to check out I figure if it's decent enough we could go live there. You'd have to go to school for a year but I don't see that being a problem little miss genius"

"I'm not a genius" She blushing slightly as her hair turned pink.

"Scar..You were reading second ear books at 4..I think it's safe to say you're genius" He said "Anyway we gotta get back to Grimauld place so you can do the inheritance thingy and get same wicked cool powers and then you can cook for me"

"Are you kidding me..You're thirty something and you still can't cook anything besides toast and even then you burn it even with magic. You're the adult why should I cook"

"But scaaaar! No-one makes brownies like you!" He said adding puppy dog eyes. She stood still int he middle of Diagon alley glaring at him while he continued his puppy dog look. Eventually she caved and sighed "Fine" He cheered as he did he caught her muttering under her breath about "Stupid immature puppy dog looking gits". She watched him amusement as he ran ahead eager to get home to taste her cooking.

She laughed at his antics and reflected about how the day had gone. She had lost a family but gained a dad. Lost her inheritance but gained new magic. All in all. Not a bad day. She hoped it made Albus Dumbledore sweat. She hated the man with a passion. As she watched Sirius get shouted at by an elderly witch she thought to herself.

San Fransisco watch out!

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