Greetings peoples of the interwebs and Happy Halloween.

As this is the last day of October that means November is right around the corner and for we writers that means its challenge time, National Novel writing month. Every day in the month of November aspiring writers are challenged to write their novels in one month. For us fanfic writers it goes a little differently, we challenge each other to write a new chapter every day and post it.

Having done this last year I can tell you, not as easy as it sounds.

However, just as last year, I am taking up the challenge. This year instead of a series of one shots (see last years "Not a crapalogue") I will be attempting a semi cohesive narrative.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Luna are dragged into a D&D like world and must fight to survive, thrive, and win, while learning how to do all those things as they go. Much fun to be had.

As with last year and the nature of the challenge each chapter will be written and posted in a single day so highest quality is unfortunately not guaranteed. Editing will be minimal and mostly involve the excessive rape of the spell checker.

If you're a nitpicker and feel the need to pick, cool, go right ahead. It won't change anything as time really won't allow it but if things turn out well I could very easily see myself going back to this one and expanding upon it while giving it a proper edit.

What'cha think of that?

As always comments are welcome, flames as well, (they help to keep us warm at night).

To all those who followed me last year and through my minor foray after that, glad to see you again.

For those just tuning in, welcome, hope you enjoy the ride.

Love you all, see you on the 1st.